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Activity ID Activity Name Original Start Finish 2011 2012

Duration Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep t
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87
000 Project kick off 0 09-Feb-11 Project kick off


E01D-020 Issue main plate MOL 14 09-Feb-11 21-Feb-11 Issue main plate MOL
E01D-010 Design calculations 14 09-Feb-11 21-Feb-11 Design calculations
E01D-030 Issue GA drawings 14 09-Feb-11 21-Feb-11 Issue GA drawings
E01D-040 Obtain approval (Design calculations & Issue GA ... 18 22-Feb-11 09-Mar-11 Obtain approval (Design calculations & Issue GA drawings) from TR.
E01D-050 Submission of ENG. drawing 113 28-Mar-11 10-Jul-11 Submission of ENG. drawing
E01D-060 Issue construction drawings 38 11-Jul-11 14-Aug-11 Issue construction drawings
E01Q-550 Submision QA/QC Documents 113 11-Jul-11 23-Oct-11 Submision QA/QC Documents
P00-010 Issue plate material POs 15 02-Mar-11 15-Mar-11 Issue plate material POs
P00-030 Issue other material POs 75 20-Apr-11 28-Jun-11 Issue other material POs
P00-040 Other material delivery 175 24-Jul-11 02-Jan-12 Other material delivery
P00-020 Plate material delivery 38 15-Aug-... 18-Sep-11 Plate material delivery
F01-010 Pre Inspection Meeting 0 01-Jan-... Pre Inspection Meeting
F01-020 Sketsh plates fabrication 19 01-Jan-12 17-Jan-12 Sketsh plates fabrication
F01-030 Shell plates fabrication 31 01-Jan-12 29-Jan-12 Shell plates fabrication
F01-060 Painting Shop 56 18-Jan-12 10-Mar-12 Painting Shop
F01-040 Prefabricated nozzles fabrication 13 30-Jan-12 09-Feb-12 Prefabricated nozzles fabrication
F01-050 Access/Misc. fabrication 25 11-Feb-12 04-Mar-12 Access/Misc. fabrication
F01-070 Platformes /Grating /Handrails galvanization 19 22-Feb-12 10-Mar-12 Platformes /Grating /Handrails galvanization
M01-020 Delivery Steel Materials To Site 38 24-Jan-12 27-Feb-12 Delivery Steel Materials To Site
M01-010 Start site mobilization 0 15-Mar-... Start site mobilization
M01-030 Complete site demobilization 0 26-Jul-12* Complete site demobilization
C001 Foundation hand over for Diesel Tank X12-D-0001 0 01-Apr-... Foundation hand over for Diesel Tank X12-D-0001
C101 Handing over of Diesel Tank X12-D-0001 0 21-Jul-12* Handing over of Diesel Tank X12-D-0001
STO TANK (17.7m Dia X 20m H ) 105 01-Apr-12 14-Jul-12 QUENCH WATER STORGE TANK (17.7m Dia X 20m H )
ERECTION 68 01-Apr-12 07-Jun-12 ERECTION
TANK BOTTOM 37 01-Apr-12 07-May-12 TANK BOTTOM
Annular Plate 4 01-Apr-12 04-Apr-12 Annular Plate
C01EB1-010 Erection / fit up of annular plate 3 01-Apr-12 02-Apr-12 Erection / fit up of annular plate
C01EB1-020 Welding of annular plate 3 03-Apr-12 04-Apr-12 Welding of annular plate
Sketch Plate 35 03-Apr-12 07-May-12 Sketch Plate
C01EB2-010 Erection / fit up of drain sump 1 03-Apr-12 03-Apr-12 Erection / fit up of drain sump
C01EB2-020 Erection / fit up of bottom plate 5 05-Apr-12 09-Apr-12 Erection / fit up of bottom plate
C01EB2-030 Welding of bottom plate 8 10-Apr-12 16-Apr-12 Welding of bottom plate
C01EB2-040 Welding of drain sump 3 17-Apr-12 18-Apr-12 Welding of drain sump
C01EB2-050 Fit up bottom to annular 1 06-May... 06-May-12 Fit up bottom to annular
C01EB2-060 Welding bottom to annular 1 07-May... 07-May-12 Welding bottom to annular
TANK SHELL 62 05-Apr-12 05-Jun-12 TANK SHELL
1st Shell Cource 31 05-Apr-12 05-May-12 1st Shell Cource
C01ES1-010 Erection / orient / fit up of prefabricated manholes 1 05-Apr-12 05-Apr-12 Erection / orient / fit up of prefabricated manholes
C01ES1-020 Erection / orient / fit up of prefabricated nozzles 1 07-Apr-12 07-Apr-12 Erection / orient / fit up of prefabricated nozzles
C01ES1-030 Erection / fit up of 1st shell plates 1 08-Apr-12 08-Apr-12 Erection / fit up of 1st shell plates
C01ES1-040 Welding vertical 1st shell joints 3 09-Apr-12 10-Apr-12 Welding vertical 1st shell joints
C01ES1-050 Fit up annular to shell 1 02-May... 02-May-12 Fit up annular to shell
C01ES1-060 Welding annular to shell 3 03-May... 05-May-12 Welding annular to shell
2nd Shell Cource 7 11-Apr-12 17-Apr-12 2nd Shell Cource
C01ES2-010 Erection / fit up of 2nd shell plates 1 11-Apr-12 11-Apr-12 Erection / fit up of 2nd shell plates
C01ES2-020 Welding vertical 2nd shell joints 3 12-Apr-12 14-Apr-12 Welding vertical 2nd shell joints
C01ES2-030 Fit up for 1st Circumferential joint 1 15-Apr-12 15-Apr-12 Fit up for 1st Circumferential joint
C01ES2-040 Welding of 1st Circumferential joint 3 16-Apr-12 17-Apr-12 Welding of 1st Circumferential joint
3rd Shell Cource 7 18-Apr-12 24-Apr-12 3rd Shell Cource
C01ES3-010 Erection / fit up of 3rd shell plates 1 18-Apr-12 18-Apr-12 Erection / fit up of 3rd shell plates
C01ES3-020 Welding vertical 3rd shell joints 3 19-Apr-12 21-Apr-12 Welding vertical 3rd shell joints
C01ES3-030 Fit up for 2nd Circumferential joint 1 22-Apr-12 22-Apr-12 Fit up for 2nd Circumferential joint
C01ES3-040 Welding of 2nd Circumferential joint 3 23-Apr-12 24-Apr-12 Welding of 2nd Circumferential joint
4th Shell Cource 7 25-Apr-12 01-May-12 4th Shell Cource
C01ES4-010 Erection / fit up of 4th shell plates 1 25-Apr-12 25-Apr-12 Erection / fit up of 4th shell plates
C01ES4-020 Welding vertical 4th shell joints 3 26-Apr-12 28-Apr-12 Welding vertical 4th shell joints
C01ES4-030 Fit up for 3rd Circumferential joint 1 29-Apr-12 29-Apr-12 Fit up for 3rd Circumferential joint
C01ES4-040 Welding of 3rd Circumferential joint 3 30-Apr-12 01-May-12 Welding of 3rd Circumferential joint
5th Shell Cource 7 02-May... 08-May-12 5th Shell Cource
C01ES5-010 Erection / fit up of 5th shell plates 1 02-May... 02-May-12 Erection / fit up of 5th shell plates
C01ES5-020 Welding vertical 5th shell joints 2 03-May... 05-May-12 Welding vertical 5th shell joints
C01ES5-030 Fit up for 4th Circumferential joint 1 05-May... 06-May-12 Fit up for 4th Circumferential joint
C01ES5-040 Welding of 4th Circumferential joint 3 06-May... 08-May-12 Welding of 4th Circumferential joint
6th Shell Cource 7 08-May... 14-May-12 6th Shell Cource
C01ES6-010 Erection / fit up of 6th shell plates 1 08-May... 09-May-12 Erection / fit up of 6th shell plates
C01ES6-020 Welding vertical 6th shell joints 2 09-May... 10-May-12 Welding vertical 6th shell joints
C01ES6-030 Fit up for 5th Circumferential joint 1 12-May... 12-May-12 Fit up for 5th Circumferential joint
C01ES6-040 Welding of 5th Circumferential joint 3 13-May... 14-May-12 Welding of 5th Circumferential joint
7th Shell Cource 6 15-May... 20-May-12 7th Shell Cource
C01ES7-010 Erection / fit up of 7th shell plates 1 15-May... 15-May-12 Erection / fit up of 7th shell plates
C01ES7-020 Welding vertical 7th shell joints 2 16-May... 17-May-12 Welding vertical 7th shell joints
C01ES7-030 Fit up for 6th Circumferential joint 1 17-May... 19-May-12 Fit up for 6th Circumferential joint
C01ES7-040 Welding of 6th Circumferential joint 2 19-May... 20-May-12 Welding of 6th Circumferential joint
Wind Girder 7 21-May... 27-May-12 Wind Girder
C01ESW-020 Erection / fit up of wind girder 4 21-May... 23-May-12 Erection / fit up of wind girder
C01ESW-030 Welding of wind girder 4 24-May... 27-May-12 Welding of wind girder
8th Shell Cource 6 21-May... 26-May-12 8th Shell Cource
C01ES8-010 Erection / fit up of 8th shell plates 1 21-May... 21-May-12 Erection / fit up of 8th shell plates
C01ES8-020 Welding vertical 8th shell joints 2 22-May... 23-May-12 Welding vertical 8th shell joints
C01ES8-030 Fit up for 7th Circumferential joint 1 23-May... 24-May-12 Fit up for 7th Circumferential joint
C01ES8-040 Welding of 7th Circumferential joint 2 24-May... 26-May-12 Welding of 7th Circumferential joint
9th Shell Cource 5 27-May... 31-May-12 9th Shell Cource
C01ES9-010 Erection / fit up of 9th shell plates 1 27-May... 27-May-12 Erection / fit up of 9th shell plates
C01ES9-020 Welding vertical of 9th shell joints 2 28-May... 29-May-12 Welding vertical of 9th shell joints
C01ES9-030 Fit up for 8th Circumferential joint 1 29-May... 30-May-12 Fit up for 8th Circumferential joint
C01ES9-040 Welding of 8th Circumferential joint 2 30-May... 31-May-12 Welding of 8th Circumferential joint
Carb Angle 6 31-May... 05-Jun-12 Carb Angle
C01ESC-010 carb angle assembly 1 31-May... 02-Jun-12 carb angle assembly
C01ESC-020 Erection / fit up of carb angle to shell 3 02-Jun-12 03-Jun-12 Erection / fit up of carb angle to shell
C01ESC-030 Welding of carb angle to shell internal / external 3 04-Jun-12 05-Jun-12 Welding of carb angle to shell internal / external
Drip Ring 5 08-May... 12-May-12 Drip Ring
C01EAD-010 Erection / fit up of drip ring 3 08-May... 09-May-12 Erection / fit up of drip ring
C01EAD-020 Welding of drip ring 3 10-May... 12-May-12 Welding of drip ring
Shell Accessories 32 06-May... 06-Jun-12 Shell Accessories
Misc. 1 02-Jun-12 02-Jun-12 Misc.
C01EAS-420 Pipe supports 1 02-Jun-12 02-Jun-12 Pipe supports
C01EAS-430 Earthing lug/Name plate 1 02-Jun-12 02-Jun-12 Earthing lug/Name plate
C01EAS-410 Cathodic protection supports 1 02-Jun-12 02-Jun-12 Cathodic protection supports
Stairway 4 31-May... 03-Jun-12 Stairway
Activity ID Activity Name Original Start Finish 2011 2012
Duration Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep t
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87
C01EAS-210 Preparation of Stairway 1 31-May... 31-May-12 Preparation of Stairway
C01EAS-220 Erection/welding of supports 1 31-May... 31-May-12 Erection/welding of supports
C01EAS-230 Erection/welding of stringer/platform/brackets 1 02-Jun-12 02-Jun-12 Erection/welding of stringer/platform/brackets
C01EAS-250 Erection of handrail 1 03-Jun-12 03-Jun-12 Erection of handrail
C01EAS-240 Erection of grating 1 03-Jun-12 03-Jun-12 Erection of grating
Shell Appurtenance
Appurtena 32 06-May... 06-Jun-12 Shell Appurtenance
C01EAS-010 Marking / inspection of site installation nozzles (dr... 1 06-May... 06-May-12 Marking / inspection of site installation nozzles (drain, P.T.)
C01EAS-020 Cutting / grinding / installation of site installation no... 1 07-May... 07-May-12 Cutting / grinding / installation of site installation nozzles
C01EAS-030 Marking / inspection of sampling nozzels 1 02-Jun-12 02-Jun-12 Marking / inspection of sampling nozzels
C01EAS-040 Cutting / grinding / installation of sampling nozzels 1 03-Jun-12 03-Jun-12 Cutting / grinding / installation of sampling nozzels
C01EAS-050 Installation of internal shell nozzles pipining 1 05-Jun-12 05-Jun-12 Installation of internal shell nozzles pipining
C01EAS-060 Erection of manholes covers 1 06-Jun-12 06-Jun-12 Erection of manholes covers
C01EC-010 Shell internal cleaning 4 03-Jun-12 05-Jun-12 Shell internal cleaning
C01EC-020 Shell external cleaning 3 04-Jun-12 05-Jun-12 Shell external cleaning
C01EC-040 Temorary blind flanges 1 07-Jun-12 07-Jun-12 Temorary blind flanges
C01EC-050 Temporary piping and hydrotest connections 1 07-Jun-12 07-Jun-12 Temporary piping and hydrotest connections
HYDRO TEST 16 10-Jun-12 25-Jun-12 HYDRO TEST
C01H-010 Filling water 10 10-Jun-12 18-Jun-12 Filling water
C01H-020 Draining water 5 20-Jun-12 24-Jun-12 Draining water
C01H-030 Washing and cleaning 1 25-Jun-12 25-Jun-12 Washing and cleaning
PAINTING 15 26-Jun-12 10-Jul-12 PAINTING
C01P1-010 Stripe Coat of extenal shell 3 26-Jun-12 27-Jun-12 Stripe Coat of extenal shell
C01P1-020 1st top coat of internal shell (APCS-4) 3 28-Jun-12 30-Jun-12 1st top coat of internal shell (APCS-4)
C01P1-030 2nd top coat of internal shell (APCS-4) 3 01-Jul-12 02-Jul-12 2nd top coat of internal shell (APCS-4)
C01P1-040 Final inspection and touch up 1 03-Jul-12 03-Jul-12 Final inspection and touch up
C01P1-050 Blasting & primer coat of bottom & 600 mm from s... 3 04-Jul-12 05-Jul-12 Blasting & primer coat of bottom & 600 mm from shell (ASCS-2A)
C01P1-060 Intermediate coat of bottom & 600 mm from shell (... 1 07-Jul-12 07-Jul-12 Intermediate coat of bottom & 600 mm from shell (ASCS-2A)
C01P1-070 Top coat of bottom & 600 mm from shell (ASCS-2A) 1 08-Jul-12 08-Jul-12 Top coat of bottom & 600 mm from shell (ASCS-2A)
C01P1-080 Final inspection and touch up 1 09-Jul-12 09-Jul-12 Final inspection and touch up
C01P2-020 Stripe Coat of extenal shell 4 03-Jul-12 05-Jul-12 Stripe Coat of extenal shell
C01P2-040 1st top coat of external shell (APCS-4) 2 07-Jul-12 08-Jul-12 1st top coat of external shell (APCS-4)
C01P2-060 2nd top coat of external shell (APCS-4) 2 08-Jul-12 09-Jul-12 2nd top coat of external shell (APCS-4)
C01P2-080 Final inspection and touch up 1 10-Jul-12 10-Jul-12 Final inspection and touch up
C01V-010 Tank calibration 3 11-Jul-12 12-Jul-12 Tank calibration
C01V-020 Installation of Instrumentations 3 11-Jul-12 12-Jul-12 Installation of Instrumentations
C01V-030 Cleaning and box up 1 14-Jul-12 14-Jul-12 Cleaning and box up
C01V-040 Submit punch list 1 14-Jul-12 14-Jul-12 Submit punch list

Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Summary Page 2 of 2 Date Revision Checked Approved
22-Jan-11 rev.00 Amir Hegazy Amir Hegazy
Remaining Work Milestone
21-Feb-11 rev.01 A. Abu Taimah

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