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1. What does Absolute Ruler mean?

a ruler who is sure of their power

A ruler who is involved in all aspects of government and public life
someone who has to answer to a separate government body
a ruler who is absolute

2. What is divine right?

The right to rule was given to the monarch by God
a Birth right
soldiers for hire
a monarch for hire
3. Who built the Palace of Versailles?
Louis XIII
Henry IV
Louis XIV
Ivan IV
4. Who strengthened the French monarchy during the reign of
Louis XIII?
5. Who was overthrown in the Glorious Revolution?
Louis XIV
Charles I
James II
William and Mary
6. What religion was King James II?
7. Who took the throne during the Glorious Revolution?
Louis XIV
Charles I
James II
William and Mary
8. When Oliver Cromwell defeated Charles I in the English Civil
War, the King of England was ________.
executed by chopping off his head with an axe
drawn and quartered
9. In the Glorious Revolution, William and Mary signed the
_________, which forever limited the power of English kings and
allowed Parliament to grow in power since they represented the
English Bill of Rights
Declaration of Independence
Articles of Confederation
10. Who was the English Civil war a struggle between?
England and France
Parliament (power of the people) and the monarch
English citizens and Louis XIV
Parliament and France
11. He was the King of Spain that created the Spanish Armada
Charles V
Philip II
Louis XIV
Henry II
12. Henry of France protected Protestants in his country with
which of the following? 
the Act of Surpemacy
The Peace of Westphalia
the Edict of Nantes
13. Which economic theory would have been employed by the
absolute monarchs of Europe?
14. Which group was granted religious freedom by the issuing of
the Edict of Nantes? 
15. The belief that monarchs receive their authority from God and
are answerable only to God is known as--
Divine Right
Dynastic Cycle
Papal Authority
16. A dictator is similar to an absolute monarchy, in that in both
forms of government, the leaders
obtain their authority through elections
are limited by a written constitution 
first establish their rule through the use of force
exercise supreme power over others
17. Which is a basic characteristic of an absolute monarchy?
All power is held by a king or queen
There is an elected legislature
People's liberties are guaranteed in a written constitution 
There are many political parties
18. "Kings sit upon God's throne and rule according to God's
This statement would most likely have been make by a person
who believed in:
19. French King that ruled for 72 years and built Versailles.
Charles V
Philip II
Louis XIV
Frederick II
20. He was the King of Spain that created the Spanish Armada
Charles V
Philip II
Louis XIV
Henry II
21. Who was the Glorious Revolution against?
Louis XIV 
Oliver Cromwell
William and Mary
James II and his followers
22. What was England like when Oliver Cromwell was Lord
0mg IT W@ s0 @M@Z!NG!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everyone Died
Strict religious laws, “No fun zone”

It was a normal town

It was a normal town
23. What was the name of the supporters of Parliament known
Roundheads and New Model army
Royalists and Knights
Cavaleirs and Puritans
Soldiers and King
24. What was the result of the Glorious Revolution?
King dies
William and Mary don't go to England
England is a constitutional monarchy
25. Why did they not want James II as ruler?
They were afraid that he would make England catholic.

They were afraid that he would not make England Catholic

They were hoping that he wouldn't drop out
They hoped his HEAD WOULD BE CHOPPED OFF!!!🗡
26. What was the Restoration?
When Charles II retakes the throne
When James II takes the throne
When Oliver Cromwell dies and joy is brought back to England
When kings die and someone is put back in their place
27. Tripled the size of Prussia
Joseph II
Frederick II
Catherine II
28. The "terrible"
Ivan IV
Frederick II
Louis III
Catherine II
29. CZAR
Ivan IV
Frederick II
Joseph II
Louis XIV
30. Visited Europe and brought back western ideas, culture,
economics, fashion, politics
Ivan IV
Peter I
Joseph II
Frederick II
31. Expanded territory and added the warm water port - Baltic -
Earned him title the "GREAT"
Louis XIV
Peter I
Ivan IV
32. _______ was the King of Prussia who focused on military
strength so that Prussia could lead the way to a unified Germany.
He created a military culture in Germany which sends help to
America to win the America Revolution, but eventually makes
Germany so scary that it helps start World War I and World War
Frederick the Great
Alexander the Great
Peter the Great
Napoleon Bonaparte
33. French Fashions, Poetry, Composed Music, Played the Flute,
Social Reforms of No Torture of Prisoners and Religious
Joseph II
Catherine II
Frederick II

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