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Include vocabulary learnt in this unit and underline it

Score 4 → 1 pt. 3 → 0.75 pt. 2 → 0.5 pt. 1 → 0.25 pt.

Grammar Essay demonstrates Essay demonstrates Essay doesn’t Essay doesn’t
variety and variety in structures demonstrate any demonstrate any
complexity in used but not much variety and variety and
structures used and complexity. Essay complexity in complexity in
no grammatical might have a few structures used. Some structures used. Basic
mistakes. grammatical mistakes. grammatical mistakes grammatical mistakes.
or basic grammar.
Vocabulary Essay includes a wide Essay includes Essay has a narrow Essay has an
range and appropriate appropriate use of range of vocabulary extremely limited
use of vocabulary, all vocabulary and might used. Words are range of vocabulary,
words correctly have a few spelling correctly spelled or and has spelling
spelled. mistakes. only has few mistakes. mistakes.
Text / Paragraph Ideas within essay are Ideas within essay are Ideas within essay are Ideas within essay are
Building clearly organized and clearly organized but poorly linked. Essay poorly linked. Essay
according to format. the format isn’t demonstrates demonstrates
Essay is written with completely incoherent structure incoherent structure
clear and correct use appropriate. Essay has but is written with and has many
of punctuation and some incorrect clear and correct use incorrect punctuation
text markers. punctuation errors of punctuation and errors and use of text
and use of text text markers. markers.
Maturity Essay’s topic is Essay’s topic is Essay’s topic is Essay’s topic is
handled and outlined handled and outlined handled handled poorly, with
well and analyzed well and analyzed inconsistently. Some many gaps of
thoroughly. Ideas are thoroughly. Ideas are ideas are well- judgment. Ideas are
well-reasoned and well-reasoned, but reasoned while others outlined and analyzed
demonstrate a could be more original are not. Overall, essay poorly, leading to
creative perspective. or creative. is very inconsistent much confusion. Essay
with its rationality and demonstrates no
demonstrates little creativity.
In this Essay, I’m going to describe a person who has influenced me a lot, my sister. She taught
me to cheat, but also to have fun with my family. She helps me every time, even if I don’t need

My sister, Anna, is of short height. She is almost twenty years old but sometimes people think
she is seventeen or even younger. She is slim and has a long and wavy hair. My sister’s face is
smiley and friendly looking. She has small brown eyes, when she looks at you its kind a scare
you. Anna likes to wear trendy clothes, big and black boots and two pearl earrings, which add
to her friendly appearance, but don’t trust the appearances…

My sister is an incredibly annoying person who bother

everyone she knows well. But when she has to study, Anna is
bright as a button. She buckles down with every university
exam and off-the-cuff suspend some of them. She gets very
nervous easily. She’s sporty girl, she plays basketball and
loves doing any type of sport, in this photo, she is
flabbergasted because she has managed to surf a wave.

In conclusion, my sister is one of the most important people in my life, maybe the most
important. I believe that she has contributed really greatly to my lifestyle, studding habits and
having fun in my life. She’s a great sister.

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