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Tennis Elbow Exercise

Wrist Extensor Stretch

 Tennis elbow exercise to stretch the muscles which attach to the painful tendon.
 The forearm can be rotated inwards to increase the stretch.
 The stretch can be held for 20 seconds and repeated up to 5 times.

Partner Tennis Elbow Stretch

One of the best tennis elbow exercises to stretch the muscles involved but does need assistance
from a partner or therapist.

 The arm should be out to the side, and rotated inwards (downwards). The wrist is then flexed
(bent) to increase the stretch.
 This stretch is more easily done with a partner to help. Hold the position for 30 seconds and
repeat 5 times. Aim to stretch at least 3 times a day.

Neural Stretch
A tennis elbow exercise to help stretch the nerves and tissues which may be restricting the nerves.

 Pain in the elbow may be contributed to by tension in the neck. This neural stretch may be
beneficial in helping to release tension, especially in conjunction with sports massage.
 Hold neural stretches initially for a maximum of 5 seconds and only do so if this is
comfortable. If there is any pain or tingling in the arm or hand then stop immediately. Gradually
progress the duration of the stretch up to 10 seconds.

Tennis Elbow Strengthening Exercises

Tennis elbow exercises to strengthen the muscles around the elbow should only be performed pain
free. It is better to wait a bit longer to introduce strength exercises than to begin them too soon and
make the injury worse. Tennis elbow is an over use injury and over doing the strengthening
exercises is very likely to cause the injury to return.

Isometric Wrist Extension

 The best way of contracting the muscles isometrically (or statically - no movement) is to get a
partner to resist your movement, or use your other hand or an object such as a table to resist
 Position the arm with the forearm and palm facing downwards and supported if possible.
 Attempt to extend the wrist by lifting it back as if trying to point the fingers to the ceiling.
 Maintain the contraction for 5 seconds. Rest and repeat 10-15 times.
 There should not be any movement at the wrist joint.
Finger Extension

 A subtle tennis elbow exercise which again targets the muscles that attach to the painful
area on the elbow.
 Bring all your fingertips together as if making a 'beak shape'.
 Place a rubber band over your fingers, holding the tips together.
 Move your fingers away from each other against the resistance of the band.
 Repeat this 10-20 times.

Dynamic Wrist Extension

 When the above tennis elbow exercises can be completed comfortably without pain then you
can move on to dynamic exercises.
 This may be from 5 days onwards. Do not rush. If the injury becomes painful take a step
 Dynamic exercises can be performed using a light weight (about 1 kg). Move the wrist from
flexion to extension.
 Start with 1 set of 10 repetitions daily and build up gradually up to 3 sets of 20 repetitions.
 The same exercise can be performed using a resistance band.
 Rest your forearm on your knee, pinning one end of the band under your foot.
 Wrap the other end around your hand.
 Start with the wrist in a flexed position (pointing down to the floor) and the band pulled
 Extend your wrist, keeping the forearm still.
 Slowly return back to the start position and repeat 10-15 times.
 Gradually increase the number of repetitions you perform.

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