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Influence of Social Networks on Team Performance

By harnessing the power of collective intelligence, humans can make thoughtful solutions to
their problems at this age of connectivity. Humans are wired to work in a team since the dawn of
civilization. Social networks will play a vital role to make team-works easier in this era.
Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram are thought to be distractions.
However, when used properly, social media will keep employees engaged, happy and productive
in their work.
Social network platforms like Facebook Workplace, Discord, Slack are already used in many
work-related projects. Not only professionals but also students use these platforms to work on a
project report or presentation.
Social media messaging offers a familiar interface to easily exchange documents related to work
which is easy and time-efficient. Social networking platforms may even substitute email services
in upcoming years. Who knows!
Despite restricting the use of social media, people are using them in their work time. So,
organizations can encourage their employees to use social media for business purposes. Co-
workers can use social media to strengthen their relationship. They can also reach a larger
audience through social platforms.
People need some kind of recognition to improve in their work. Recognition for good work
release dopamine in our brain which makes us proud and creates feelings of pleasure. Social
media creates a great platform to praise co-workers for their work and create a positive
competitive work environment.
Encouraging social network use might not seem like the best way to improve teamwork. But the
appropriate use of it can make the difference clearer. By thinking out of the box, you may find
your team more engaged and efficient.

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