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1. The trade routes that developed with the return of political stability along the East-West
Axis connecting Europe to Asia is called Silk Route/Silk Road. This route went along the
northern borders of China, India, and Persia and ended up in modern-day Turkey and the
Mediterranean Sea. These routes were about 6400km in length. A round trip journey
taken from China to Rome took two years in ancient times. This road got its’ name from
Chinese silk. It is a highly valued commodity that was transported along these trade
networks. An increase in political stability and advances in technology caused an increase
in trade through silk routes.

2. Besides silk, the Chinese exported bronze ornaments, paper, rice, teas, salt, sugar,
porcelain, and spices. They imported goods like cotton, ivory, wool, silver, and gold.
They also imported horses, precious stones & jewels, grape seeds, camels, and military

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