A56 - The Best and Worst Thing About Being A Teenager

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Teenage is the transitional stage of physical and psychological development of a person’s

life which falls under the age between 13 and 19 years. This is the most enchanted part of
a person’s life. Teenagers enjoy their freedom, unlike any other age group. They aren’t
burdened by responsibilities like adults. The biggest responsibility they get is to learn
how to drive a car or get an A/A+ on the exams.
The changes teenagers go through can be stressful. Because everyone’s life is different.
How a person remembers their teenage depends on how they have acted upon the pros
and cons of being a teenager. Like children, teenagers don’t need to ask their parents to
take them somewhere. They can go with their friends. At the same time, teenagers are
blamed for their wrongdoings. When they were a child they could get away with
murders! Say goodbye to those days now!
The best thing about being a teenager is that they are dependent on their parents.
Teenagers also receive pocket money from their parents which they can spend however
they want. Either it’s going on a tour with friends or going to a party to have fun, they
can spend their pocket money however they want. They also enjoy great physical health.
They can run, jump, take part in sports or go to a hike whatever they want. That freedom
is not something you can enjoy in your adulthood.
With every good comes some bad. Nowadays, teenagers are getting into all sorts of
trouble with marijuana, drugs, and alcohol. Thirty years ago, drugs weren’t something
that you could talk about or see daily. So, they feel much pressure when parents don’t
understand them and react wrongly. Teenagers also feel much pressure in their studies.
The world economy is not quite in shape. So, teenagers feel peer pressure to do good in
their studies. Otherwise, they wouldn’t get a good job. Many think that adulthood is the
hardest part of life. But I think they are wrong. The transition from kid to adulthood is
much harder.
The worst thing about a teenager’s life is a misunderstanding with parents. Parents need
to take care that their child is in good company and they aren’t stressing themselves out.
In conclusion, teenagers must make smart decisions in their teenage. Because whatever
they do as a teenager will decide how they will be in their adulthood.

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