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Washington State University Sample Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Candidate: Yessica Cancino Date: TBD

Grade/Subject: 2nd Writing Estimated Time for Lesson: 45 Minutes

Lesson Title/Focus: Closing Sentences

Materials, Resources, and Technology used in this Lesson:

Materials/Resource Topic and transition sentence from the past lessons. Worksheets that I provide,
s markers, pencils, poster.
Technology Projector

Central Focus of Learning Segment (Summary statement of the overarching learning outcomes
associated with learning standards and learning objectives).
The purpose behind this lesson is to continue teaching students how to write and complete a good
paragraph. The students will gain strategies and skills to help them understand and execute how to properly
write a closing sentence for the paragraph.

State Learning Standard(s): (Please select 1 or 2 Learning Standards from content areas)
Describe the overall structure of a story, including describing how the beginning introduces the story and the
ending concludes the action.

Learning Targets (Objectives) and Assessments:

Learning Targets: Write the objectives in Assessments: Describe the assessment(s) that will be
student friendly language. used to measure the learning targets. Include rubrics if
SWBAT… combine ideas to create their final Formative: Students will work with a partner and restate
response. a phrase and turning it into a concluding sentence.
SWBAT… use what they learned to identify Formative: Students will work alone on marking parts of
the main structure of a paragraph and the paragraph with the right color.
properly use the strategy taught.
SWBAT… understand what idea is meant for Formative: Students will work alone on finish a
the closing sentence. paragraph and rephrasing and turning it into a concluding
Examine your learning targets. How will you provide opportunities for language development for
students? Include: Academic vocabulary, Language function, Discourse, & Syntax

Students’ Prior Knowledge or Experiences with the content of this lesson:

Students will have a strong prior knowledge. They will know how to use descriptive language in
writing, know how to properly place punctuation and capitalization. They will also have been introduced to
transition words and topic sentences.

Sequence of Learning Activities: (beginning, middle and end - include revisiting the learning target)
 Include short descriptions of what the students will be doing (application), placed alongside
corresponding teacher actions & minutes. Include major statements (such as definitions or
directions, as needed). Include major questions the teacher will ask. Include a motivational intro &
strong conclusion.

Sequence of Learning Activities:

Minutes What will the teacher be doing? What will the student be doing?
*WSU Pullman working lesson plan template (updated 1/03/2020)
Intro: The teacher will introduce the lesson - Students will be sitting in their desk
by asking three questions that are written on and raising their hands to answer.
a poster paper. They will ask “What is a - Look at the poster board if they need
concluding sentence?”, after discussing the to reference it.
teacher will write “the concluding sentence is
usually the last sentence in a paragraph.”
Then they will ask “What does it do?”, they
can answer with “It restates the main idea of
your paragraph.” Finally, they will ask, “How
do I write one?” and they can answer with
“Restate the main idea of the paragraph by
different words.” This post will be hung in the
Modeling: “We have been learning how to The students will be watching the teacher
write a good paragraph. We learned how to and listen to their examples.
make a topic sentence and transition words,
now all we have left is closing sentence.
These can also be called as restatement
sentences.” The teacher will introduce a
sentence and then demonstrate how to
restates it and turn it into the concluding
sentence. They will do this at least two
An example: “There are many things I love
about basketball”
The concluding/ restate: “That is why
basketball is the best.”
Guided Practice: Ask the students for help The students will be raising their hands and
on the next two prompts. Read the original answering the questions, showing that they
sentence and then have the students help comprehend the strategy.
restate the sentence.
Partner work: teacher will walk around and Students will be working with an elbow
observe the students, making sure they partner and restating sentence with the help
understand. of one another.
Independent Work: Teach will be walking Students will be working on the working with
around to help those students that are prompts on their own.
struggling and to encourage students.
Closing: After the students are done then Students will have the chance to share with
some can volunteer to read theirs to the the class what they came up with.
classroom. Now we should know how to
write a good paragraph with a topic
sentence, transition words and the closing

Answer the Questions:

How will you differentiate instruction and outcomes to meet needs of students?
In our classroom we have two students with IEP 1-ADHD behavioral & 1-SLD in writing), and one
student who is ELL.
In this mini lesson the students will go from listening to the teacher, to working with a partner, to
working alone. This is beneficial for the student with ADHD because we as a class with not remain on one
topic or activity for long which is helpful to maintain a longer attention span. Working with a partner can also
help the students regain their attention and focus on the main topic. Once it is time to work alone then they
are allow to go to their quite spot, it needed.

*WSU Pullman working lesson plan template (updated 1/03/2020)

As for the ELL and IEP in writing students, they will have more time to complete their
worksheets. Working with a partner will also help them because the other student can help fuel their
thinking. Doing it with a partner can be used as another example for the students to follow.

What are your supporting theories/principles? (Why are you doing what you are doing?)
The gradual release strategy is very present in this lesson. The teacher demonstrates what is
expected and thinks out loud to help the spark interest in the students. Then the teacher is still doing
prompts with the students but this time they help answer the questions. Once the students seem to
understand what is expect then they, with a partner, work on a worksheet without the teacher guiding. After
a few tries, it is time for the students to work individually on some prompts and show what they learned.

How will you provide opportunities for student voice? (Student self-assessment/metacognition
related to the learning target)
Students have the opportunity for student voice when they restate their prompts. The phrases that
the teacher provides will have to do with subject that children might find interesting and when they restate
the prompts then then are able to change the phrase in anyway way they want, using their own words.

Example of a prompt-

Name:_________________________________________ Date:____________________

Topic sentence: Pepperoni pizza is the best type of food in the world.

Concluding sentence: _______________________________________________________


*WSU Pullman working lesson plan template (updated 1/03/2020)

Washington State University Sample Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Candidate: Yessica Cancino Date: TBD

Grade/Subject: 2nd Writing Estimated Time for Lesson: 45 Minutes

Lesson Title/Focus: Plan Your Story / Creating story maps

Materials, Resources, and Technology used in this Lesson:

Materials/Resource Pencil, short stories, story map worksheets
Technology Projector

Central Focus of Learning Segment (Summary statement of the overarching learning outcomes
associated with learning standards and learning objectives).
The purpose of this lesson is to introduce a new strategy for students to construct their own story and
to understand that there is a structure to every story. Since in the previous lesson we have talked about
grammar, topic, transition, and closing sentences, we are now ready to complete a short paragraph story.

State Learning Standard(s): (Please select 1 or 2 Learning Standards from content areas)
Write informative/explanatory texts in which they introduce a topic, use facts and definitions to develop
points, and provide a concluding statement or section.
With guidance and support from adults and peers, focus on a topic and strengthen writing as needed by
revising and editing.
Describe the overall structure of a story, including describing how the beginning introduces the story and the
ending concludes the action.

Learning Targets (Objectives) and Assessments:

Learning Targets: Write the objectives in Assessments: Describe the assessment(s) that will be
student friendly language. used to measure the learning targets. Include rubrics if
SWBAT… write a topic sentence followed by Formative: Students will compose a short story by using
transition words and ending with a conclusion the story map strategy.
SWBAT… explain the structure and steps that Formative: Students will work with their peers to better
are involved into creating a proper paragraph understand the instructions and inspire creativity.
SWBAT… understand that there are three Formative: Students will get a copy of the story map work
main parts to a story sheet and a short story then they will decided what they
thing are parts of the story.
Examine your learning targets. How will you provide opportunities for language development for
students? Include: Academic vocabulary, Language function, Discourse, & Syntax

Students’ Prior Knowledge or Experiences with the content of this lesson:

By this time, students will already be introduced to the difference between an adjective, noun and
verb, and have worked on their capitalization skills. Students were also introduced into knowing how to
make a topic, transition, and closing sentence. The are now ready to make a short paragraph using this

Sequence of Learning Activities: (beginning, middle and end - include revisiting the learning target)
*WSU Pullman working lesson plan template (updated 1/03/2020)
 Include short descriptions of what the students will be doing (application), placed alongside
corresponding teacher actions & minutes. Include major statements (such as definitions or
directions, as needed). Include major questions the teacher will ask. Include a motivational intro &
strong conclusion.

Sequence of Learning Activities:

Minutes What will the teacher be doing? What will the student be doing?
Intro: Students will be sitting in they desk during
The lesson with start with the teacher the intro.
saying, “Hello class, since we have been
learning how to make a short story, I think
it’s finally time for us to make our own!”
“You guys will have the opportunity to write
your very own story about anything you
want. It can be a story about what you like,
animals, or even superheroes.”

Modeling: Students will now be moved the carpet in

Before writing their own story we, as a class, front of the poster paper.
we’ll bond ideas and create a classroom They will listen for the first part and then
story. But first we’ll read a short story and participate by discussing our options.
take it apart according to the parts of a
paragraph so that they can see how it can
be separated. I will read a short story and
have the strategy work sheet sections
written on poster paper. Once we are done
reading it then I will after myself questions
and find the topic sentence, then I will ask
myself questions again but let them answer
this time.
They can use this a reference.

Guided Practice: Students will be sitting on carpet discussing

I will introduce the worksheet and the their ideas about the story we will make and
strategy that goes with it. First, we’ll have a they will also discuss what parts of the story
vote on the topic they want to write about. correspond with the correct sections.
They step by step, together, we will decide
what we want our topic sentence to be, as
well as the other parts.
We will determine who are the characters,
the setting and then the beginning, middle,
and ending or a story.

Independent Work: Students now go back to their desk to work

Now that they have returned to their desk, it independently and by using their graphic
is time for them to create their own story. organizer they make their own story.
They will start by talking to an elbow partner
about what they ideas and topics.
Then they will use the graphic organizer or
the story map to introduce the characters
and setting first.
After that, then they will start with the parts
of their stories.

*WSU Pullman working lesson plan template (updated 1/03/2020)

During this time walk around and throughout
ideas to the classroom if you see some
students struggling on deciding who they
want as they characters or settings.

Closing: Students will be finishing up their stories and

We will wrap up this lesson by sharing some turning them in to their row box.
students to share they stories they wrote.
Let them know that it is okay if not everyone
shares because all of these stories will be
hung up on our special board for everyone
to see how great they did.

Answer the Questions:

How will you differentiate instruction and outcomes to meet needs of students?
In our classroom we have two students with IEP 1-ADHD behavioral & 1-SLD in writing), and one
student who is ELL.
Students will be moving from the carpet to their desk, this helps the student with ADHD so they do
not have to remain still in one place. Another thing that is beneficial for the students with ADHD is that they
will be using graphic organizer so it can help them organize they thoughts.
Having the teacher show some example on how to complete this task with help the ELL and SLD in
writing students. They examples will also be hung up so they can look at it for reference. While we are
writing the story on the carpet the teacher will be drawing small pictures that go with the steps and those
pictures will also be on the worksheet so they can visually see what they are doing. Having the students talk
with their elbow partner about they topic ideas will help the students gain inspiration and ideas if needed.

What are your supporting theories/principles? (Why are you doing what you are doing?)
In this lesson we are using multiple theories. We are using bloom’s taxonomy and the gradual
release strategy. Students are using graphic organizers so they can visually see and understand how
stories can be sectioned. This goes with bloom’s theory because the students need to remember how to
use the story map and understand it, so they are able to apply what they have learns and ultimately create
their stories.
We are also using the gradual release strategy because the teacher starts off by modeling and the
students watching and continue the steps until the students are working individually.

How will you provide opportunities for student voice? (Student self-assessment/metacognition
related to the learning target)
The students will be making and creating their own stories, they also have the opportunity to choose
they own topic. This shows student voice because they are deciding what they want to write about by using
they imagination. If they need narrower instruction that I can casually suggest some writing options but
essentially it will be from their own creativity.

*WSU Pullman working lesson plan template (updated 1/03/2020)


Worksheet: file:///C:/Users/yessi/Downloads/FREEBIEStoryMapSettingCharactersBeginningMiddleEnd.pdf

*WSU Pullman working lesson plan template (updated 1/03/2020)

This lesson will be introducing closing sentence and the common core standard that
resonate is CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.2.5; Describe the overall structure of a story, including
describing how the beginning introduces the story and the ending concludes the action. In our
classroom we have two students with IEP 1-ADHD behavioral & 1-SLD in writing), and one
student who is ELL. Within this mini lesson the students will go from listening to the teacher, to
working with a partner, to working alone. This is beneficial for the student with ADHD because
we as a class with not remain on one topic or activity for long which is helpful to maintain a
longer attention span. Working with a partner can also help the students regain their attention
and focus on the main topic. Once it is time to work alone then they are allowed to go to their
quite spot, it needed. As for the ELL and IEP in writing students, they will have more time to
complete their worksheets. Working with a partner will also help them because the other
student can help fuel their thinking. Doing it with a partner can be used as another example for
the students to follow. For this lesson we will be using the gradual release strategy. The
teacher demonstrates what is expected and thinks out loud to help the spark interest in the
students. Then the teacher is still doing prompts with the students but this time they help
answer the questions. Once the students seem to understand what is expect then they, with a
partner, work on a worksheet without the teacher guiding. After a few tries, it is time for the
students to work individually on some prompts and show what they learned. Two areas in
which we can see cooperative learning is in the guided practice and independent work. For the
guided practice, we are asking the students to help complete a question as a class and in the
independent work, students can talk about their starting ideas with their elbow partners. As for
the performance assessments, we will have the students work on their worksheet and turn it in.
they will also have the opportunity to share with the class what they came up with and what
they learned.

In this lesson we will be introducing a new strategy to plan our their stories but using story
maps. The common core standards that go with this lesson are: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.2.2:
Write informative/explanatory texts in which they introduce a topic, use facts and definitions to
develop points, and provide a concluding statement or section. And CSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.2.5:
With guidance and support from adults and peers, focus on a topic and strengthen writing as
needed by revising and editing. The final one is CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.2.5: Describe the
overall structure of a story, including describing how the beginning introduces the story and the
ending concludes the action. Given that we have two students with IEP 1-ADHD behavioral & 1-
SLD in writing), and one student who is ELL. Ways that we will differentiate instruction is that we
will have students will be moving from the carpet to their desk, this helps the student with ADHD so
they do not have to remain still in one place. Another thing that is beneficial for the students with
ADHD is that they will be using graphic organizer so it can help them organize they thoughts. We
will also be having the teacher show some example on how to complete this task with help the ELL
and SLD in writing students. They examples will also be hung up so they can look at it for
reference. While we are writing the story on the carpet the teacher will be drawing small pictures
that go with the steps and those pictures will also be on the worksheet so they can visually see
what they are doing. Having the students talk with their elbow partner about the topic ideas will
help the students gain inspiration and ideas if needed. As for theories we did use the bloom’s
taxonomy and the gradual release strategy. Students are using graphic organizers so they can

*WSU Pullman working lesson plan template (updated 1/03/2020)

visually see and understand how stories can be sectioned. This goes with bloom’s theory because
the students need to remember how to use the story map and understand it, so they can apply
what they have learns and ultimately create their stories. Two areas where we have cooperative
learning again is in the guided practice and in their independent work. Together as a class we will
be working on writing a topic sentence and the other parts that are included in a story. Then the
students will be at their desk where they can share with their elbow partner their main idea and
characters. As for performance assessments we will have the students turn in their stories, some
will be sharing to the class and all will be hung on our sharing board.

*WSU Pullman working lesson plan template (updated 1/03/2020)

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