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Landscape Ecology vol. 10 no.

3 pp 133-142 (1995)
SPB Academic Publishing by, Amsterdam

Some general principles of landscape and regional ecology

Richard T.T. Forman

Harvard Universit y, Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA

Keywords: aggregate-with-outliers, grain size, indispensable pattern, land mosaic, landscape change,
landscape ecology, metapopulation dynamics, mosaic sequence, patch-corridor-matrix, patch
shape, principle, regional ecology


A dozen general principles of landscape and regional ecology are delineated to stimulate their evaluation,
refinement, and usage. Brief background material and a few references provide entrées into the subjects. The
principles are presented in four groups: landscapes and regions; patches and corridors; mosaics; and applica-
tions. Most appear useful in solving a wide range of environmental and societal land-use issues.

Introduction Forman and Godron (1986) identified emerging

general principles that highlighted how different
The objective of this article is to outline certain the field was from ecosystem ecology, biogeogra-
general principles in the ecology of land mosaics. I phy, and physical geography: (1) landscape struc-
expect that such a list will stimulate discussion, ture and function; (2) biotic diversity; (3) species
refinement, replacement, additions, hypotheses, flow; (4) nutrient redistribution; (5) energy flow;
research, and further understanding. It should also (6) landscape change; and (7) landscape stability.
help elucidate foundations that underpin a wide Risser (1987) pinpointed both major areas and
range of applications. Landscape and regional ecol- chal- lenges, in describing the state of the field: (1)
ogy provides spatial solutions useful in addressing heter- ogeneity and disturbance; (2) structure and
all of society’s land-use objectives. func- tion; (3) stability and change; (4) nutrient
The term, landscape ecology, appeared a half redistri- bution; and (5) hierarchical organization.
century ago (Troll 1939, 1968; Schreiber 1990). Turner (1989) usefully summarized progress in
However, as a field with a body of theory and most of the preceding areas. The principles listed
appli- cations, it has coalesced and mushroomed in in the present article reflect developments in
the past decade.
several of the pre- ceding areas, as well as newer
Previous lists of principles have been presented
conceptual areas and syntheses.
or suggested. Risser et al. (1984), with members of Broad principles do not develop overnight. Gen-
the 1983 Allerton Park Workshop, focused on
erally they have roots in ‘first principles’ or back-
areas that unite ecology and landscape
ground theory, and also are supported by a reason-
able amount of empirical evidence. First principles,
(1) spatial pattern and ecological process; (2)
such as evolution and laws of thermodynamics, are
spatial and temporal scales; (3) heterogeneity
fine-scale or reductionist statements of human
effect on fluxes and disturbance; (4) changing
knowledge that are highly robust. Where large
patterns; and
(5) a framework for natural resource management.

complex objects render experimentation difficult, study or environmental issue, one makes the terms
e.g., in geology, astronomy, and physics, great ad- operational, usually by stating assumptions and as-
vances are made by linking observable phenomena signing scales for quantitative measurement. In ad-
to existing first principles. dition, mathematical descriptions of the principles
This approach should play an important role in can be developed, which may be useful in identify-
understanding landscapes and regions. Thus mass ing hypotheses to be tested.
flow principles, gravity and rheotaxis, central place The dozen principles are organized into four
theory, counter current principle, and form and categories: landscapes and regions; patches and
function principles all contribute to the ecology of corridors; mosaics; and applications. The world-
land mosaics. Some of the preceding are actually wide literature and evidence for the principles is
second- or intermediate-level principles based on analyzed in depth by Forman (1995). In the follow-
background fine-scaletheory. Models, such as frac- ing list a brief elaboration and a few references for
tal, percolation, network, and graph theory, are each principle provide some perspective and an
simplifications of complex systems to enhance un- entrée into the literature.
derstanding. They may or may not be empirically
supported and robust, but they often provide high-
ly useful insight that may lead to principles and ap-
Landscapes and regions
The attributes or tests of a principle represent a
1. Landscape and region
time-honored and endless discussion. Six attributes
seem especially relevant to me. A general
A mix of local ecosystem or land use types is re-
peated over the land forming a landscape, which is
(1) integrates diverse areas of knowledge; (2) ad-
the basic element in a region at the next broader
dresses significant questions; (3) has broad
scale composed of a non-repetitive, high-contrast,
applica- bility, though exceptions usually exist; (4)
coarse-grained pattern of landscapes.
has predictive ability; (5) is founded in theory,
The landscape and region are two scales, both at
which in turn has considerable supporting
the ‘human scale’. They are land mosaics. Mosaics
evidence; and (6) has some direct supporting
are evident at all scales from submicroscopic to the
evidence. All of the general principles presented
planet and universe. All mosaics are composed of
satisfy all or most of these tests.
spatial elements. Those at the landscape scale are
Some of the principles are familiar to all in the
commonly called landscape elements, and those at
field, while others result from newer syntheses.
the regional scale are landscapes (Forman and
None of the general principles presented is a ‘law’,
Godron 1986; Forman 1995). Just as full under-
such as for conservation of matter, where no excep-
standing of a liver or a town requires information
tions are expected. However, I suggest that each
from both broader and finer scales, understanding
principle correctly holds for the bulk of the cases in-
a landscape requires information on the broader
volved, e.g. , more than 95% of the time. Although
region and on the finer-scale local ecosystem5.
parts of all the principles stated are falsifiable, this
The boundary between landscapes is easily
is a minor consideration compared with providing
deter- mined by recording the landscape elements
enhanced understanding, which often includes
present along transects or in randomly or regularly
many additional important and pioneering ad-
dis- tributed plots. For example, a line of plots
vances. Furthermore, though the core of landscape
across an agricultural landscape might contain
and regional ecology is science, the field explicitly
cornfields, beanfields, hedgerows, farmsteads,
embraces and integrates other slices of knowledge.
farm roads, woodlots, paved tarmac roads, stream
The principles stated below are conceptual and
corridors, and some rarer ecosystems or land uses.
often include relative terms, such as large or small,
Each plot contains most of these types, although
fine- or coarse-grain, and distinct or gradual
the percen- tages of individual elements may vary
boundary. In applying a principle to a particular
from plot to plot. Eventually the line encounters 2. Patch-corridor—matrfx
the first of a sequence of plots with quite a
different composition of spatial elements, say, The arrangement or structural pattern of patches,
residential neighborhoods, schools, ballfields, corridors, and a matrix that constitute a landscape
shopping areas, streets, cemeteries, small parks, is a major determinant of functional flows and
and some rarer types. This is a suburban landscape. movements through the landscape, and of changes
Relative to the diameter of ecosystem and land in its pattern and process over time.
use patches, boundaries separating patches are usu- Every point in a landscape is either within a
ally but not always abrupt, due to patterns of sub- patch, a corridor, or a background matrix, and this
strate patchiness, natural disturbance, and human holds in any land mosaic, including forested, dry,
activity. Relative to the diameter of landscapes (i.e. cultivated, and suburban. This simple model pro-
, kilometers, 10’s or 100’s of kilometers), vides a handle for analysis and comparison, plus
boundaries separating them are similarly distinct, the potential for detecting general patterns and
as commonly seen in images of regions from principles (Lovejoy et al. 1984; Harris 1984;
space. This is mainly due to geomorphology and Fahrig and Merriam 1985; Forman and Godron
human activity. Eco- logical conditions differ in 1986; Kozova et al. 1986; Saunders et al. 1987;
the center and edge of a landscape (Angelstam Hansen and di Castri 1992).
1992; Martinsson et al. 1993; Liu et al. 1994). The This is also effectively a spatial language with
boundary between landscapes is evident from the familiar dictionary terms, which enhances commu-
contrasting composition of spa- tial elements in the nication among several disciplines and decision
plots, and can be precisely deli- neated at this scale makers (Forman 1979; Baudry and Burel 1984;
using various statistical analyses (Mueller- Froment and Wildmann 1987; Schreiber 1988;
Dombois and Ellenberg 1974; Greig- Smith 1983; Harms and Opdam 1990; Ruzicka and Miklos
Forman and Godron 1986). The least distinct 1990; Haber 1990). For instance, patches vary from
boundaries are where land uses, such as residential large to small, elongated to round, and convoluted
areas, are somewhat independent of geo- to smooth. Corridors vary from wide to narrow,
morphology. high to low connectivity, and meandering to
A region is a broad geographical area with a straight. And a matrix is extensive to limited, con-
com- mon macroclimate and sphere of human tinuous to perforated, and aggregated to dispersed.
activity and interest (Koppen 1931; Isard 1975; FOrm or structure, f.e. , what we see today, was
Foin 1976; Burke et al. 1991). It is tied together produced by flows yesterday (Watt 1947; Forman
relatively tight- ly by transportation, and Godron 1986). Yet a linkage or feedback be-
communication, and culture, as in the idea of tween structure and function is evident. Not only
regionalism, but often is extremely diverse do flows create structure, but structure determines
ecologically. flows and movements. Finally, movement and
The typically distinct boundary of landscapes, flows also change the land mosaic over time, much
plus the sharp difference in appearance or pre- like turning a kaleidoscope to produce different
dominant land uses of adjacent landscapes, provide
a high contrast pattern to a region. Moreover,
regions tend to have a coarse-grained pattern, be-
Patches and corridors
cause most of their area is usually composed of
large landscapes. The repetitive nature of spatial
3. Large natural-vegetation patches
elements within a landscape means that, for ex-
ample, certain agricultural or forested landscapes
These are the only structures in a landscape that
in different regions may appear quite similar to one
protect aquffers and interconnected stream net-
another. In contrast, no repeated pattern of land- works, sustafn viable populations of most interior
scapes characterizes a region, so each region tends
to be spatially quite distinctive.
species, provide core habitat and escape cover for tive to flows in the landscape, i.e. , the orientation
most large-home-range vertebrates, and permit angle, is a key to several ecological phenomena
near-natural disturbance regimes. (Forman and Godron 1986; Turner 1987;
Large natural-vegetation patches serve many Skidmore 1987; Brandle et al. 1988; Gutzwiller
major ecological roles and provide many benefits and Anderson 1992). These include wind and
in a landscape, including those highlighted above water flows, which sculpt patch shapes, produce
(Forman 1995). Consequently a landscape without distinct areas of tur- bulence, and cause soil
large patches is eviscerated, picked to the bone. A erosion. The orientation of wooded patches has
landscape with only large patches of natural also been linked to the proba- bility of their use by
vegeta- tion misses few values. On the other hand, migrating birds (Gutzwiller and Anderson 1987,
small natural-vegetation patches serve as stepping 1992).
stones for species dispersal or recolonization,
protect scattered rare species or small habitats,
provide heterogeneity in the matrix, and habitat for
5. Interactions among ecosystems
an oc- casional small-patch-restricted species. In
effect, small patches provide different benefits than
All ecosystems in a landscape are interrelated,
large patches, and should be thought of as a
with movement or flow rate of objects dropping
supplement to, but not a replacement for, large
sharply with distance, but more gradually for
species inter- actions between ecosystems of the
We may hypothesize that an optimum landscape
same type.
has large patches of natural vegetation, supple-
A first ‘law’ of geography states that everything
mented with small patches scattered throughout the
is interrelated, but near objects are more related
matrix. Alternatively, most of the small-patch
than distant objects. Examples of interactions
functions can be provided by small corridors in the
among nearby ecosystems or land uses are numer-
ous and familiar (Swingland and Greenwood 1983;
Saunders et al. 1987; Senft et al. 1987; Shaver et
al. 1991; Saunders and Hobbs 1991; Noss 1993).
4. Patch shape
From ecosystem science we learn that energy
and mineral nutrients flow from one object to
To accomplish several key functions, an ecologi-
another within, or between, ecosystems. From
cally optimum patch shape usually has a large
behavioral science, because certain habitats are
core with some curvilinear boundaries and narrow
more suitable than others for a species, many
lobes, and depends on orientation angle relatfve to
locomotion-driven movements are directional,
surrounding flows.
toward patches of the same type. Combining these
A compact or rounded form is effective in con-
principles with the geography law provides this
serving internal resources, by minimizing the ex-
spatial-flow principle (Forman 1987, 1995), useful
posed perimeter to outside effects (Harris and
for example, in es- timating which ecosystems of
Kangas 1979). But patches affect, and are affected
the mosaic to focus on in planning and
by, manifold ecological processes in a landscape
(Forman 1995). Interactions with adjacent eco-
systems, e.g. , for multihabitat species or to escape
from predators, are enhanced by curvilinear
boundaries. Interactions with more distant por- 6. Metapopulatfon dynamics
tions of the landscape are enhanced with narrow
lobes, e.g. , to increase recolonization rate follow- For subpopulations on separate patches, the local
ing local extinction in the patch, or for species to extinction rate decreases with greater habitat
disperse to other patches. quali- ty or patch size, and recolonization
The orientation of the long axis of a patch rela- increases with corridors, stepping stones, a
suitable matrix habi- tat, or short inter-patch
A metapopulation is a population consisting of
spatially-separate subpopulations that are con-
nected by the dispersal of individuals (Wilson aries separating spatial elements are locations
1975; Fritz 1979; Merriam 1988; Opdam 1991; where objects usually slow down (or in some cases
Hanski 1991). Metapopulation dynamics is of acceler- ate) (Swingland and Greenwood 1983;
special importance, because subpopulations may Forman and Godron 1986; Brandle et al. 1988;
drop to zero (local extinctions), especially in small Forman and Moore 1992). Hence, boundary-
isolated patches. If each subpopulation dropped to crossing frequen- cy, i.e. , the number of
zero, this would mean extinction of the whole boundaries per unit length of route, appears to be a
metapopu- lation. However, because individuals useful measure of re- sistance.
sometimes move between subpopulations, two
In several landscape areas studied in The
results occur. First, the local extinction rate (the
Nether- lands, resistance to species movement
number of spe- cies disappearing from a patch per
increases as the percent of area deforested
unit time) is lowered. Second, when local
increases (Harms and Opdam 1990; Knaapen et af.
extinction does take place, recolonization of
1992). In built areas (more or less continuous lots
individuals may reestablish a new subpopulation at
containing buildings) butterfly movement is most
the site. Consequently, with extinctions followed
inhibited, and move- ment of forest birds least
by colonizations the metapop- ulation as a whole
inhibited. However, in rural areas bird movement
persists. The local (subpopula- tion) scale may be
is most inhibited, and large mammals least
highly unstable, while the broad (metapopulation)
affected. Highway and rivers canal corridors are
scale exhibits more stability.
serious barriers to bird move- ment, and least
Extinction rate and colonization rate must be
inhibitory to large mammals.
related both to patch attributes and the surround-
Certain landscape elements are more suitable,
ing pattern (Opdam 1991). Extinction rate tends to
and others less suitable, to movements and flows
be high in small patches and in low-quality
(Forman 1995). In addition, corridors can act to
patches. Extinction rate also increases with higher
channel or enhance flow, or act as barriers or filters
environ- mental variability (den Boer 1981; Karr
inhibiting spread. Finally, highly-heterogeneous
1982), such that a population widely fluctuating in
areas have a high probability of containing unsuit-
size is more prone to extinction. Recolonization is
able elements, thus requiring a high boundary-
enhanced by spatial patterns such as corridors,
crossing frequency and/or a convoluted route.
networks, a row of stepping stones, and a cluster of
Therefore, we expect heterogeneous fine-grained
small patches. Some evidence exists that
areas to have a high resistance.
recolonization correlates with the area of woodland
surrounding a patch (van Noorden 1986), and with
the average distance to other patches occupied by 8. Grain size
the species (Verboom et al. 1991; Opdam 1991).
A coarse-grained landscape containing fine-
grafned areas fs Optimum to provide for large-
patch eco- logical benefits, multihabitat species
7. Landscape resistance including humans, and a breadth of environmental
resources and conditions.
The arrangement of spatial elements, especially The grain size of a landscape mosaic is
barriers, conduf“ts, and highly- measured as the average diameter or area of all
heterogeneousareas, determines the rest“:Stance patches present (Forman and Godron 1986; Norton
to flow or movement of species, energy, material, and Lord 1990; Wiens 1990; Angelstam 1992;
and disturbance over a landscape. Wiens et al. 1993; Forman 1995). A coarse-grained
Landscape resistance is described as the effect land- scape with only large patches may provide
of spatial pattern impeding the rate of flow of large natural-vegetation patches for aquifer
objects, such as species and materials. For protection and specialist interior species, large built
example, bound- areas for industrial specialization, and so forth.
Coarse grain
is moderately monotonous, that is, although land- Perforation is the process of making holes in an
scape diversity is high (being in a farmland is very object such as a habitat or land type (e.g. ,
different than in a city), site diversity is low dispersed houses or fires in a forest). Dissection is
(moving from one site or point to the adjacent the carving up or subdividing of an area using
point in almost all cases involves no change in land equal-width lines
use). Ex- cept near boundaries, movement is costly {e.g. , by roads or powerlines). Fragmentation is
(consider- able distance required) for multihabitat the breaking of an object into pieces (that are often
species, widely and unevenly separated). Shrinkage is the
i.e. , those that use two or more habitats. decrease in size of objects, and attrition is their dis-
In contrast, a fine-grained landscape has pre- appearance.
dominantly generalist species, since specialists re- These five spatial processes overlap through
quiring a large patch of one land use cannot sur- the period of land transformation. They also are
vive. A fine-grained landscape is monotonous usu- ally ordered in their importance, with
(every portion is about the same), although site perforation and dissection both peaking in
diversity is high (each adjacent point is a different relative importance at the outset. Fragmentation
land use). Species that survive need only move and shrinkage pre- dominate in the middle
short distances. phases, and attrition peaks near the end.
Some variables such as air and water quality These spatial processes all increase habitat loss
tend to be low in a fine-grained landscape, because and isolation. However, average patch size de-
pol- lution sources may be widely distributed creases in the first four processes, and typically in-
through- out the land. Indeed, the overall resource creases upon attrition, because small patches are
base is truncated and narrower, due to the absence most likely to disappear. Connectivity across an
of specialized resources in large patches. area in continuous corridors or matrix typically
A medium-grained landscape misses the large- decreases with dissection and fragmentation. The
patch benefits and offers no other advantages. In total boundary length between original and new
short, all of the preceding benefits, and few short- land types increases in the first three processes, and
comings, are provided by a coarse-grained land- decreases with shrinkage and attrition. In short,
scape that contains some fine-grained areas. each spatial process has a highly distinctive effect
on spatial pattern, and consequently on ecological
processes, in a changing landscape.
9. Landscape change

Land is transformed by several spatial processes 10. Mosaic sequence

overlapping in order, including perforation, frag-
mentation and attritfon, whfch increase habitat Land is transformed from more- to less-suitable
loss and fsolation, but otherwise cause very habitat in a small number ofbasic mosaic
different effects on spatfal pattern and ecological sequences, the ecologically best being in
process. progressive parallel strips from an edge, though
Habitat fragmentation is but a phase in a broader modifications of this pattern lead to an
sequence of spatial processes transforming land by ’ecologically optimum’sequence. Diverse
natural or human causes from one type to another. mechanisms from logging and subur- banization
Other spatial processes in landscape change or to wildfire and desertification transform land from
transformation are equally prominent and ecologi- one type to another. Each land trans- formation is
cally significant (van der Zande et al. 1980; Harris effectively a mosaic sequence, f.e. , a series of
1984; Pickett and White 1985; Wilcove et al. spatial patterns over time (Franklin and Forman
1986; Peterken and Allison 1989; Saunders and 1987; Forman 1995). Five sequences are
Hobbs 1991; Forman and Collinge 1995; Forman widespread. (1) Edge: a new-land-type spreads
1995). In fact, some ecologically-interesting land unidirectionally in more or less parallel strips from
transfor- mations have no fragmentation at all. an edge. (2) Corridor: a new corridor bisects the
initial-land-type at the outset, and expands outward themselves. In the mid-transformation phase, the
on opposite sides. (3) Nucleus: spread from a thickening jaws covered with scattered bits hold a
single nucleus within the landscape proceeds
few large separated chunks. In the late transforma-
radially, and leaves a shrinking ring of the initial-
tion phase the huge jaws covered with bits hold a
single large chunk. At the end the bits disappear.
(4) Nuclei: growth from a few nuclei produces
This may represent an ‘ecologically optimum’ land
new- land-type areas expanding radially toward
one an- other. (5) Dispersed: widely dispersing
new patches rapidly eliminates large patches of the
initial-land- type, produces a temporary network of
the initial- land-type, and prevents the emergence
of large patches of the new-land-type until near the
end. 11. A ggregate-with-outliers
Mosaic sequences can be analyzed for many
changing spatial attributes, such as patch size and Land containing humans is best arranged ecologi-
boundary length (Richter 1984; Wiens et al. 1986; cally by aggregating land uses, yet maintaining
O’Neill et al. 1988; Turner 1989; Odum and small patches and corrfdors of nature throughout
Turner 1990; Forman 1995). The five sequences developed areas, as well as outliers of human
can then be compared based on a wide range of activi- ty spatially arranged along major
ecological characteristics known to correlate with boundaries.
the spatial attributes (Forman and Godron 1986; Seven, mainly landscape-ecological attributes
Ambuel and Temple 1983; Franklin and Forman are incorporated into or solved by this spatial
1987; Brandle et a/. 1988; Noss 1993). Here we principle or model (Forman 1995; Forman and
assume the initial- land-type is more ecologically Collinge 1995): (a) large patches of natural
suitable than the new type. Then the mosaic vegetation;
sequences are compared to determine which retains (b) grain size; (c) risk spreading; (d) genetic diver-
the ecologically best ar- rangement of initial-land- sity; (e) boundary zone; (f) small patches of natural
type for the longest period. vegetation; and (g) corridors. An example will
Based on the ecological characteristics correlated illus- trate the principle.
with the spatial attributes, the ‘edge’ mosaic se- Start with a coarse-grained landscape with only
quence is considered ecologically the best of the large patches or areas of the major land uses
five transformation sequences. It has no present, e.g. , natural-vegetation, agricultural, and
perforation, dissection, or fragmentation. It is best built areas. Scatter small patches (and corridors) of
for the large- patch attributes, and good for natural vegetation over the agricultural and built
connectivity. Yet, shortcomings of the ‘edge’ areas to provide bits of heterogeneous nature over
sequence include no ‘risk spreading’, a progressive these developed areas, to protect dispersed rare
narrowing of the remnant initial-type until it is spe- cies and small habitats, and to provide
only a strip, and an extensive area of new-land- stepping stones for species movement. Add major
type without small patches and corridors. corridors connecting the large natural-vegetation
A theoretical mosaic sequence (labelled with a patches to facilitate movement of patch-interior
‘jaws and chunks’ metaphor) overcomes these species. Add small patches of agriculture near the
shortcomings (Forman 1995; Forman and Collinge boundaries be- tween natural-vegetation and built
1995). Draw an isolated square landscape of initial- areas. Also with increasing distance from the large
land-type, where L-shaped or wide-open ‘jaws’ of agricultural areas, make the small farm-patches
new-land-type will progressively move from upper
further apart from one another. Then distribute
to left to lower right. Early in land transformation
small built patches (towns, villages, houses) in
the jaws appear to grip a huge ‘chunk’ of initial-
exactly the same manner; near boundaries between
land-type, and ‘bits’ of initial-land-type (small
natural-vege- tation and agricultural areas, and
patches and corridors) are scattered over the jaws
increasingly iso- lated with distance from large
built areas. This dis-

tribution of small patches of all types enhances the of several individual patterns. The second is a fine-
development of genetic diversity, and provides risk scale pattern, i.e. , the irregular, curvy, mosaic-like,
spreading against severe disturbance. The bound- aggregated, and complex nature of nature. Its eco-
ary zones between large patches, especially around logical benefits are surprisingly little documented,
junctions (convergency points) of three land-use but probably cannot be otherwise replicated.
types, are fine-grained areas within a coarse-
grained landscape. These fine-grained corridor and
junc- tion areas are effective for multihabitat Conclusion
The aggregate-with-outliers model for land plan-
The objective of this article is to identify general
ning thus has numerous ecological benefits
principles largely emerging from a decade of work
(McHarg 1969; Forman and Godron 1986;
in landscape ecology to understand the ecology of
Franklin and Forman 1987; Turner 1989; Hansen
land mosaics or large spatially-heterogeneous
et al. 1992). In addition, a range of direct benefits
areas. The objective is also to stimulate evaluation,
to humans is suggested by this spatial approach.
discussion, and additional work to further solidify
These include an exceptionally wide range of
the conceptual foundations.
locations for urban dwellers to hermits, fine-scale
Presenting a dozen principles is somewhat ar-
areas where jobs, homes and shops are close
bitrary; some number between ten and twenty
together, efficient transportation connecting built
seems appropriate today. A higher number means
areas, large patches for resource harvest or
adding principles whose significance or applica-
extraction, and high visual diversity. The principle
bility is narrower or more limited in scope.
appears applicable in any landscape, from dry to
Alterna- tively it means adding ones with less
forest, and from agriculture to suburb.
supporting evi- dence. Other scholars in the field
would articulate a different list, and the preceding
list will change in the years ahead as new questions
J2. Indispensable patterns
are posed and ad- ditional evidence accumulates.
Finally, these principles should be applicable for
Top-priorit y patterns for protection, wf//t TO
any environmental or societalland-use objective. In
known substitute for their ecological beneffts, are
a probabilistic or uncertain world, principles
a few large natural-vegetation patches, wfde
should be applied intelligently, not blindly, to
vegetat- ed corridors protecting water courses,
solving our land use problems. They are useful in
connectivit y for movement of key species among
growing wood, protecting species, locating houses,
large patches, and small patches and corridors
pro- tecting soil, enhancing game, protecting water
providing heter- ogeneous bits of nature
re- sources, providing recreation, locating roads,
throughout developed areas.
and creating sustainable environments. Each
The background and references for most of these
objective is accomplished more effectively, and for
have been introduced in the preceding pages. The
a longer time frame, using a healthy dose of
indispensables should be essential foundations in
landscape and regional ecology principles.
any land plan, since they accomplish major
ecologi- cal or human objectives, and no other
practical mechanism is known to accomplish them
(Forman 1995; Forman and Collinge 1995). Other
patterns appear to simply be efficient or optimal
I very much appreciate Michael W. Binford for his
solutions to difficult land planning problems. As
perceptive contributions to this article, as well as
evidence ac- cumulates, two additional patterns
Bruce T. Milne and Thomas R. Crow for signifi-
may be consid- ered indispensables in the future.
cant reviews of the manuscript.
One is the aggre- gate-with-outliers pattern, which
is an integration

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