Pop Rehearsal Report 10

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The Pirates of Rehearsal Report

Penzance 10/15/19

Rehearsal Start: 6:15pm Costumes:

Rehearsal Break: 7:11pm Rehearsal Resume: 7:16pm • Can the pirates have sports/war paint on during Cat-Like
Tread to end of show? Black lines under the eyes and the
Rehearsal Break: 8:31pm Rehearsal Resume: 8:41pm like.
Rehearsal End: 9:53pm • Alex Freeman has volunteered to have the Reagan tattoo.

Rehearsal Notes: Lights:

• Frederic and Mabel
• Blocked libretto pages 37-49 will be here during
• Stumbled through libretto pages 18-49 “All is Prepared” and
“Stay Frederic Stay”.
Can they get lights
just on them and dark
everywhere else?

• Can Ruth get a bag with duct tape, band-aids, a phone
charger, extension cords, and some rope?
• We need 2 more flashlights (and some batteries once we
get closer to tech)
• Are the flashlights in the props closet show flashlights?
Or are they stand-ins?

• Thank you for the platform and grass.

Fittings: Sound:
• Nothing, thank you. • Nothing, thank you.

Music & Choreography: Misc.:

• Nothing, thank you. • Nothing, thank you.

Today’s Schedule: Tomorrow’s Schedule:

• 6:15-6:45: Frederic, Mabel • 6:00-10:00: All Called (except Sergeant, Police)
• 6:45-7:15: Sergeant, Police Ensemble
• 7:15-10:00: All Called

Allison Darlene
Stage Manager

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