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The 5 Most Important Parenting Tips for Toddlers

As soon as a child begins to walk, parents seem pretty anxious and find it hard to control the
energy level of their little monster who wants to discover the world in no time. A toddler can
turn the house upside down because the unstoppable soul inside the cutest little body would
like to try something new and adventurous every day. Therefore some parents mark the
toddler parenting as the hardest thing they could ever do and eagerly look for parenting tips
however on the positive side this is the most beautiful period of a child’s life as he or she begins
to learn and explore the world, the world outside parent’s warm and protective lap, so parents
before learning anything should learn to encourage their toddlers in order to help them
uncover the world actively. If you are also one of the parents who wish to make the most of
their child’s toddlerhood, here are some great parenting tips for toddlers.

1. Engage Your Child in Fun Activities

You must know what excites your child the most when it comes to playing and toys. To make
sure your crockery stays in place and your lipstick does not paint the wall, you have to provide
the sufficient play stuff for your toddler. For this purpose you don’t necessarily have to buy
expensive toys every other day, rather you can create some with the things that are easily
available, for example fill a plate with sugar and ask your child to draw patterns on it. You can
also make the child learn different letters and numbers through this technique and you can also
add food color in the sugar as colors attracts toddlers like nothing else. Plenty of such activities
are available on internet so do your homework and initiate learning with fun.

2. Learn to Absorb a Toddler’s NO

Children have different patterns of development and they can’t possibly learn good manners
overnight. Toddlerhood makes a child very self-centered and this is something that happens
with almost every single child so when a child says ‘NO’, don’t think of him or her as an
undisciplined or spoiled one. Toddlers love their autonomy and your strictness or discouraging
attitude can make them shy, introvert, anxious, or a poor decision maker. You can resolve this
conflict by helping your child to be independent by offering different choices to strengthen their
sense of power. For instance ask them what they want to wear, what game would they like to
play today, or give options like choose between pasta and sandwiches. Soon you will not only
see a decrease in number of ‘NOs’ but will also enjoy a sense of friendship between you and
your toddler.

3. Make Your Toddler Your Assistant

Toddlers like to do everything by themselves as it satisfies their need to take decisions and to
be autonomous. Rather than screaming on your child for breaking your favorite plate, you can
replace fragile utensils with plastic or paper ones as crockery can be replaced but a toddler’s
broken self-esteem can never be repaired. So first make your place a little more child-friendly
by placing low level shelves, accessible drawers, dustbins in the corners, stools near sinks, then
ask the child to help you in easier house chores like putting the garbage in the bin etc.

4. Spend Quality Time with Your Child

Toddlers look up to their parents for every single step therefore you should be available for
your child. Making money and providing for your family is very important but for a child your
presence is something that’s more important and researches have shown that parents who
spend more time with their kids raise confident and intelligent beings. Try to converse with
your toddler about daily routine or activities, listen to his or her stories, and satisfy the queries
patiently. Play with them, read them bed time stories, and they will wake up as stronger
humans every morning.

5. Develop Insight in Them

Toddlerhood is also the preschool time of a child after which your child will go to school and
learn new things. These things can be positive like social skills as well as negative like prejudices
so it’s better to develop age appropriate insight in them before sending them to face the world.
Ask a child questions about what he or she feels about one’s own self and what are his
perceptions about other people and if you come across racist comments, teach your child the

Each and every child is very unique and only parents can understand the needs of their
toddlers. Tailor the toddler parenting tips, that we just shared with you, according to your
child’s day-to-day demands and give this world a happy healthy human being.

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