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Name:___________________ Date:_____________ Period: _________

Plate Tectonics Consultation

S6E5. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to show how Earth’s surface is
f. Construct an explanation of how the movement of lithospheric plates, called plate tectonics,
can cause major geologic events such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. (Clarification
statement: Include convergent, divergent, and transform boundaries.)

A very well established and wealthy corporation is looking to expand their business by adding an
office on another continent and have chosen YOU as their consulting geologist! The company
has narrowed down its search to three locations; South Africa, coastal Japan, or Egypt. They
are counting on you to determine which location would be the safest option based on your
knowledge of plate tectonics, and natural disasters! Gather information using notes from class,
and online resources provided to determine which location you think would be the safest, then
using that information design a diagram supporting your decision! Think creatively and use what
we have discussed in class to guide you!
1. What type plate boundary (If any) is the potential office building
location on? Convergent, Divergent, Transform. Hint: use the
diagram above to help find your answer.

a. South African: __________

b. Japan: ________

c. Egypt: _________

2. What are the geological hazards that are common for each type of
plate boundary? Use this space to explain why these hazards are
more common on one plate boundary compared to another.

a. Convergent:

b. Divergent:

c. Transform:
3. Using internet resources provided, make note of the types of
hazards that are common for each location. Also make note of the
frequency of the types of natural hazards to compare with the other
Use this to find the types of natural disasters:

Use this to make note of the number of known significant earthquakes, and volcanic
eruptions in each country. (Click on the link, click on All our Charts on Natural
Disasters, then click on number of known significant earthquakes or number of
known significant volcanic eruptions.):

Use the space below to make notes for each locations:

a. South African:

b. Japan:

c. Egypt:
4. Now that you have collected your data, which location do you think the
corporation should choose? Use what you know about plate tectonics, and
the new information you have researched to explain why you made your
decision (Your response should be at least one paragraph)


5. Finally, it is time to convince the corporation that your decision is the best
one for their new office. Design a diagram that briefly explains your
knowledge on plate tectonics, and the reasoning behind your location choice.
You can use words, illustrations, or a combination of both to demonstrate
your position in a creative manner. You may use the space below or you
may request a blank sheet of paper.
Rubric: Plate Tectonics Consultation
Above and beyond (25 Meets criteria (15-20 Approaching Does not meet criteria
points) points) criteria (10-14 (0-5 points)
Claim Students explanation The explanation the The student’s The student makes
for their chosen student chose is claim is difficult to little effort to support
(#’s 4 & 5)
location is justified justified and follow. Many their claim. The
and is supported by supported by ideas are not location chosen is not
data. Student shows generalized data. properly supported by data and
they are The evidence used is explained. There is the claim is unclear.
knowledgeable on all given but not very evidence but is not There is no data used
things relating to plate specific. The claim used to fully to support their
tectonics. The claim is is clear. support their position.
clear and informative. claim.
Plate Student shows A brief display of The plate Provides little to no
understanding of the understanding is boundaries are proof of the processes
3 plate boundaries as provided where the identified, but are of plate tectonics, nor
(# 2) well as the relative 3 plate boundaries not discussed, nor is there connections
motions of the plates are explained, but explained. Plate made between plate
at those boundaries not in great detail. tectonics is only tectonics and the
briefly mentioned assignment
Hazards Impact of local Hazards are Hazards are Hazards are not

(# 3) hazards are clearly clearly identified identified with identified, and there
identified and a and connected to very few are no connections
clear connection is the plate boundary connections made between plate
made between the involved. There made between boundaries, hazards,
countries, the plate are many plate and the assigned
boundaries, and connections made boundaries, and countries.
hazards between hazards countries
and plate associated with
boundaries them.
Diagram Student makes a Student creates a Student makes The diagram is not
point to showcase creative diagram an effort to engaging, and the
his/her knowledge in to demonstrate showcase their information is
(#5) a creative format that
their knowledge knowledge unorganized and
is engaging to others
of plate tectonics. using creative unclear.
and also informative.
The diagram is measures. The
The diagram is clear
engaging. diagram has the
and well designed
information, but
is unorganized
and may be

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