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As Recorded by THE MANHATTAN ZR.


SangIn Berkeley
A Nightingale Square
SATB a cappella

That cer-tain l- r: r* BL r- r L r _ the night we there


That cer-tain night the night we met there was

That cer-tain night,- the night

tr L. l l -c ^r l ri 8
That cer-tain night,- l wc ilre[

* i n d i c a t e st h a t m e l o d y i s u n d e r o n e o r m o r e h a r m o n y p a r t s . M a k e s u r e t h a t m e l o d y p r e d o m i n a t e s .

C o p y r i g h t 1 9 4 0 R e n e w e db y T h e P e t e rM a u r i c eM u s i cC o . L t d . L o n d o n , E n g l a n d .
T h i s a r r a n g e m e nC t o p y r i g h t 1 9 8 5 b y T h e P e t e rM a u r i c eM u s i cC o . L t d .
S o l eS e l l i n gA g e n t - S h a p i r o ,B e r n s t e i n& C o . , I n c . . N e w Y o r k , N e w Y o r k
InternationaC l o p y r i g h tS e c u r e d A l l R i g h t sR e s e r v e d
mag- lc a-broad in the there were an- gels

a-broad - in the there were an- gels

mag- lc a-broad - in the t h e r ew e r e an- gels din- ing

a-broad there were an- gels din- itg

night-in-gale sang
'l.y Square.-
at the Ritz and a

at the Ritz night- in-gale- sang in Berk- Square.-

at the Ritz night- in-gale sang Berk- Square.-

at the Ritz night- in-gale sang Berk- Square.-


may be oer-fect-hl

\---l \---l

may be rieht. but I'm oer-fect{v

may be wrong,- wil- ling

may be wrong,_ per-fect 1y- wil- ling

A N i g h t i n g a l eS a n g- - - S A T B
that when kissed and said good-bye

that when said good-bye

when kissed and said good-bye

and said good-bye

night-in-gale sang Berk - Square

-._=___:_ f:)-.'
night-in-gale sang in Berk- 'ley Square. oo

night-in-gale sang Berk-

night- in-gale sang Berk- 'ley

(opt. solo)

-) -C'

The moon that lin- gered- o- ver Lon-don town,r_ poor plz-zled moon--

A N i g h t i n g a l eS a n g- - - S A T B
a frown, oh how could he know we two were so

oh how could he know we two were so

oh how could he know we two were so in love! _

whole darn world seemed uo-side

tne streets of town

up-sidedown, _ streets of town - were

up-side streets_ ot- town _were

up-side down,_ streets- of - town -were

paved with stars a ro-man-tlc ^c

F- i-

^t F^:.

paved- with stars was such a ro-man-tlc {^:-

paved- with stars was such a ro-man-tic

A N i g h t i n g a l eS a n g- - - S A T B
as we kissed and said good- bye a night-in-ga1esang Berkrley Square.

as we kissed and said good- bve night-in-galesang Berk-'ley Square.

as we kissed and said good- bye night-in-gale sang Berk-'ley Square.

kissed and said good- bye night- in-galesang in Berk -'ley Square.

night-in-ga1e sang, night-in-gale sang, were

night-in-gale sang, night- in-gaie- sang,_


night-in-gale sang, night-in-gale- sang,_ streets of

night-in-gale sang, night-in-ga1e streets of town

paved with stars it was such - ' fair

a ro-man-tlc af-

paved with stars it was such - a ro-man-tic af- fair

such - a ro-man-tic ^f

such - a ro-man-tic fair
A N i g h t i n g a l eS a n g- - - S A T B
we kissed and said good-bye- sang Berk-.:ley

as- we-kissed and said good-bye- a night-in-gale sang Berk-'ley

kissed and said good-bye- night-in-gale sang Berk-'ley


we kissed and said good-bye - a night-in-gale sang Berk-'ley

sang ln Belk -
'l.y Square.
A /:\

Berk - 'l.y Square.

night-in-gale sang

night-in-gale sang Berk - 'l"y Square.

,ti /:\

night-in-gale sang in Berk - 'ley Square.

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