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Journal of Sustainable Mining

e-ISSN 2300-3960 | p-ISSN 2300-1364 JOURNAL HOMEPAGE


The online version of the Journal of Sustainable Mining is the primary, reference version of the journal

Martyka J. (2014). Supervisors competence and safety level in coal mines.

Journal of Sustainable Mining, 13(3), 26–35. doi:10.7424/jsm140305


Received: 12 May 2014 Revised: 19 August 2014 Published online: 8 October 2014


Joanna Martyka*
Social and Economic Research Department, Central Mining Institute (Katowice, Poland)
Corresponding author: jomartyka@gig.katowice.pl, tel. +48 508 070 816, fax: +48 32 259 65 33

Both, theorists and practitioners of management emphasize that staff competence increasingly influences the proper opera-
Purpose tion of modern enterprises. This is significant not only when acquiring satisfactory work efficiency, but in connection to the
required level of safety.
The aim of the research presented in this article is to determine essential issues in the area of underground coal mines super-
visors (middle level managers) with regard to the safety level in coal mines. The research methods include survey, PAPI
Methods technique (Paper-and-Pencil-Interviewing) and a questionnaire. Supervisors from three mines participated in the research.
The sample test was conducted deliberately, using a proportional scheme including the position in the supervisory depart-
ment and the department type.
Analysis of the results allowed for the evaluation of the twelve sub-categories of supervisors competence and knowledge
level and their impact on the effectiveness of the maintenance of security. Moreover, the correlation between the determined
level of separate competence sub-categories and their influence on the level of safety enabled the prioritization of the level of
a lack of competence in reference to proper work safety maintenance.
The knowledge acquired on supervisors competence is to be applied to the prevention programme as a part of the following
programme: "Methods of diagnosis and reduction programme of adverse effects related to the underground use of technical
means..." (PBS, NCBiR No 1519/2012).
The theoretical section of the article includes the original definition and competence model, as well as a model of compe-
tence impact on the safety level in an enterprise. The approach to the research problem is also valuable – the issues of under-
ground coal mines supervisors competence have been for the first time directly connected with the underground safety level.
competence, safety, supervisors

1. PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE – MEANING, cy of his work in different professional situations. In the aca-
TYPES OF COMPETENCE demic sphere, the concept is ambiguous or even in definitional
The growth in popularity of the concept of competence chaos. The thesis is confirmed by a multitude of definitions that
started in 1973, when McClelland published an article enti- differ not only in degree of detail, but also – creating methodo-
tled Testing for Competence Rather than for Intelligence that logical difficulties – the content of substantive findings.
focused on the predominant role of competence over intelli- As a consequence, the following question should be asked:
gence and knowledge in achieving professional success. The what is professional competence? The analysis of the defini-
author, without precisely defining the term competence, drew tions and concepts presented in specialist literature indicates
attention to the fact that knowledge and intelligence tests as the existence of a great diversity of views concerning this sub-
well as certificates do not allow for the accurate prediction of ject. There can be various understanding of this term: the sum
careers. According to his approach, the author pointed to the of components (Juchnowicz, 2002), a set of a person’s charac-
need to define the criteria for satisfactory performance and teristics (Whiddett & Hollyforde, 2003), a set of dispositions in
expressed an the view that "in order to determine who will be the specified range (Filipowicz, 2004, 2008), a capability
a good police officer, we need to find out what a good police (Thierry, Sauret, & Monod, 1994), an ability (Denst-Sadura,
officer does" (McClelland, 1973, p. 7). 2013), generally sustainable qualities of a man (Pocztowski,
Currently, the term professional competence is used com- 2003), a set of behaviors (Levy-Leboyer, 2007) or the potential
monly in everyday language and is intuitively understood as of an individual (Męczkowska, 2003; Boyatzis, 1982 – quote
a set of an employee’s characteristics that determine the efficien- after Juchnowicz, 2002; Armstrong, 2005).

© Central Mining Institute 2014

Journal of Sustainable Mining (2014) 13(3), 26–35 27

In addition; what elements is the concept of professional Thus, competence can be defined as a multiplicative
competence comprised of? Components such as knowledge function of subjective human capabilities in the field of
and skills are the only ones that are not doubted (Czarnecki, efficient, effective and safe performance of tasks and the
2006). The others are characterized by great diversity. The motivation to make full use of these opportunities in the
following are frequently mentioned – amongst others: an workplace, where the capacity and motivation are con-
attitude (Filipowicz, 2004; Thierry, Sauret, & Monod, 1994), sidered in the context of its role as a professional and
motivation (Whiddett & Hollyforde, 2003; Juchnowicz, physical characteristics and organizational environment
2002), personality traits (Whiddett & Hollyforde, 2003; Levy- (Fig. 2).
-Leboyer, 2007), as well as: self-esteem associated with the The classification of competence has adopted division into
functioning of the group (Whiddett & Hollyforde, 2003), three categories: professional, social and personal.
abilities (Denst-Sadura, 2013) ambitions, core values, ways
of performance (Rostowski, 2004), typical behavior, ways of Work environment
reasoning (Levy-Leboyer, 2007), perceptions of oneself,
social roles (Juchnowicz, 2002). Subjective
Classifications of competence presented in the specialist abilities Motivation
literature have a similar range of diversity, covering both professional and social readiness for a particular
their categories and sub-categories or types, and often con- knowledge and skills action
personality traits, emotion-
tains dozens to even hundreds of items. Examples of the al intelligence
above mentioned categories are:
 the division of competence: professional, social, personal Physical
and managerial presented in the publication entitled "Uni- Organisational
versal competency model. User’s Manual", prepared by Social
the Management Observatory Foundation in cooperation
Fig. 2. Competence model (own elaboration)
with the Competency Institute,
 two categories of competence identified by the G. Fili-
The function used in the definition and described as multi-
powicz (2004) – base, including: cognitive, social, perso-
plicative, means that in order to achieve the desired result
nal, as well as executive: business, corporate and mana-
(professional behavior) it is necessary to simultaneously
gerial type,
demonstrate the necessary opportunities and symptoms of
 three categories mentioned by M. Armstrong (2005)
motivation to engage in behavior which guarantees a certain
– general and specific, threshold and performance, and dif-
level of performance. Thus, a person characterized by a high
capacity, but without motivation strong enough, will not
 three categories identified by T. Rostowski (2004): key,
behave in a desired way, and simultaneously, strong motiva-
specific functions and a specific role,
tion not supported by adequate capacity will not allow for the
 two categories defined by J. Kubicka-Daab (2001): func- achievement of high efficiency.
tional and behavioral,
Two terms included in the definition require further com-
 two subsets of competence: general, including managerial ment: motivation and subjective capabilities. The first is an
and technical, determined by Rothwell, Hohne, and King internal process conditioning the unit to strive to achieve the
(2000), objective (Reykowski, 1978). In other words, it is man’s state
 four categories adopted by T.P. Czapla (2012): leadership, of readiness for a particular action. The second term, subjec-
general, technical and personality traits. tive capabilities, is the characteristics of an individual, taking
Theorists and researchers dealing with the issue of profes- into account his or her desirable properties due to the imple-
sional competence, however, agree on the need to include the mentation of company objectives and bench tasks, including:
subject’s behavioral aspect. This fact leads to the conclusion knowledge and expertise, specialist/professional skills, social
that the determinants of behavior undertaken in the work- skills, emotional intelligence and personality traits.
place need deeper analysis, being a multiplicative function of Is it possible to draw up a detailed list of the types of compe-
ability (organizational and symptoms) and motivation tences to guarantee success in a given position in an enterprise?
(Martyka, 2013). This assertion results from the social model It seems to be a relatively difficult task, because the number of
of human functioning by A. Bandura (2007), recognizing the types of high competence at an individual level cannot decide by
triad of mutual (two-way) causality between: features of an the level of professionalism, but their appropriate configuration
individual, characteristics of the environment and behavior consisting of a specific set of types of competences to a level
(Fig. 1). appropriate to the task and the conditions under which it is im-
plemented influence the level of professionalism. This set will
Work environment allow a synergistic effect to be obtained and consequently will
enable a high level of performance.


Features of The belief that competence significantly influences the

Behavior state of safety in an enterprise is common. The obvious ele-
an individual
ments of competence are the hardest to demonstrate and
Fig. 1. Social model of human functioning by A. Bandura (2007) prove. This may be the reason for the lack of research that
Journal of Sustainable Mining (2014) 13(3), 26–35 28

would show a direct relationship between different configura- effects highlighted in the definition of the components of
tion categories, or types of competence of a safe operation. professional competence at a safety level. It was assumed that
The following figure (Fig. 3) shows a theoretical model of the this impact will be visible on at least three levels of action.

Level 1
Personality General and expert Lack of decision errors
traits knowledge in management

Safe working
Level 2
Social Lack of errors during conditions
skills knowledge performing tasks
Safe tasks
Level 3
Emotional Professional Lack of performance
intelligence knowledge errors
and skills


Fig. 3. Theoretical model of the effects highlighted in the definition of the competence components of safety level in an enterprise (own elboration)

Level 1 which determines the strength of motivation for

General knowledge of the mechanisms governing reality achievements and sets out a strategy for undertaken
with the expertise that allows the right decision to be made in activities (Studenski, 1996; Nosal, 1993).
a new, challenging or vague situation. Knowledge in this area
is essential for the development of new procedures and rules 3. THE EFFECT OF COMPETENCE ON THE SAFETY
of conduct, which increase the safety level (none or rare LEVEL ACCORDING TO UNDERGROUND COAL
errors in management decisions – hidden errors). MINES SUPERVISORS
Level 2 The diagnosis of technical risk activation in underground
The professional knowledge, including performance coal mines (Work subcontracted, 2011) showed that one of
standards that condition the elimination (restriction) of errors the main reasons for the difficulties of supervisors in the
resulting from the inadequate assessment of the task situation, implementation of its activities affecting the safety situation
including risk assessment (none or rare decision errors during is an insufficient level of competence. Moreover, it is noted
performance). and highlighted not only by the supervisors themselves, but
also observed by their subordinates. At the same time the
Level 3 supervisors pointed to the shortcomings of workers’ (blue
Professional knowledge and skills that ensure the efficient collar) competence as the cause of error regulations and
and effective implementation of standard tasks – well-known knowingly assumed risk.
in a particular situation; imply a lack or limitation of active The level of underground coal mines employees’ compe-
faults (executive), determining the safety of the workplace. tence can therefore be considered as one of the essential de-
Additional conditions affecting professionalism in each of terminants of the safety situation which causes issues, both
the levels of action are: for supervisors and workers.
1. Motivation – determines the willingness to use general 3.1. Purpose and scope of the research
knowledge, professional knowledge and professional
skills. In addition, it determines the development of The aim of the research presented in this article is to de-
knowledge and skills. termine essential issues in the area of underground coal mines
2. Social skills with emotional intelligence – imply good supervisors with regard to the safety level in coal mines.
communication, cooperation, lack of conflicts, etc., This objective has been divided into three specific objec-
which together constitute a good working atmosphere tives, i.e.:
(no or rare errors caused by unfavorable social a) to determine the level of individual competence sub-
environment of the workplace, including stress, -categories of supervisors (higher, middle and lower le-
frustration). vel)1,
3. Personality traits – a study of the extended features of b) to recognize the degree of influence of each competence
personality characteristics of the situation shown, for sub-category on undertaken actions in relation to the
example, the relationship of conduct safety level with: maintenance of safety,
activation and sensitivity determining the need for c) to link the current level of individual competence sub-
stimulation (Strelau, 1985), the level of anxiety, -categories of supervisors with their degree of impact on
understood as a relatively stable personality trait the maintenance of the safety level.
(Ratajczak, 1992; Reykowski, 1979), the style of The following aspects were included in the list of sub-
cognitive control determining the specific way of -competences relevant to the position held in a supervisory
perceiving the world and influencing the perception of
the risks and, consequently, the size of the risk accepted 1
In Polish coal mines underground supervisors is divided on three
by an individual (Strelau, 1985), and level of aspiration, levels: higher, middle, lower.
Journal of Sustainable Mining (2014) 13(3), 26–35 29

department in coal mines (after consulting the experts from was one of the elements of extensive research on organiza-
KW SA and specialists from three mines): tional and competence influence on safety conditions. The
1. Professional knowledge necessary for the proper execu- completion of the prepared questionnaires by the respondents
tion of tasks required a considerable amount of time and work. Therefore,
2. General knowledge of safety and safety management it was assumed that the sample should be selected in a targe-
3. Knowledge of regulations, procedures and instructions in ted manner in the proportionate schema, taking into account
the field of occupational safety the position held and type of department (mining, preparatory
4. Knowledge and understanding of documentation and works and electrical power and mechanical systems). Conse-
changes in documentation quently, the study included 30 supervisory workers from
5. Professional skills (technical and other tasks related to three selected mines – a total of 90 people.
implementation) The study of middle and lower level supervisors was car-
6. Analytical and conceptual skills (decision making, prob- ried out during training sessions organized in the Central
lem solving, proper assessment of the situation – the Mining Institute in September 2013 – in four groups of 18
ability to see the interrelationships between the various people. The course discussed several issues providing the
factors of the situation so that the measures taken are ef- basic knowledge of social determinants of work safety. The
fective and safe) chosen form enabled the provision of detailed instructions
7. Organizational skills (efficiency, planning, division of and explanation of the problems. The higher level supervisors
labor, delegation, coordination) fill out the questionnaire alone.
8. Interpersonal skills (ability to work with people, under-
standing their motivation, etc.) 3.4. Results
9. The ability to transfer knowledge and instruction to sub- These studies involved 89 supervisors, including 12 higher
ordinate workers – comprehensible formulation of level supervisors, 39 – middle level supervisors and 38 lower
thoughts and oral and written orders level supervisors. Respondents were employees from three
10. Commitment (motivation)
departments: exploitation (31 workers), electrical power and
11. Personality traits: readiness to change, accountability,
mechanical systems (27 workers) and preparatory (26 wor-
kers). Five respondents did not provide information about
3.2. Research methodology their department.
Analysis of the research results made it possible to recog-
The method, technique and research tool
nize the opinions of supervisors in the scope of:
The study used a survey, considered the best available
1) the current level of individual competence sub-categories
method for collecting original data for describing a popula-
for higher, middle and lower level supervisors,
tion too large to be observed directly, the PAPI technique
2) the degree of influence of each competence sub-category
(Paper-and-Pencil-Interviewing) is a survey technique.
on the safety level.
A traditional method used for surveying that involves re-
spondents filling out a physical paper questionnaire that had Due to the lack of the possibility to present the results of
been administered by an interviewer. the whole empirical material, the article is limited to the
There research included a questionnaire that covered presentation of the most relevant issues due to the adopted
predetermined sub-categories of competence. Respondents objective which is an indication of the problem areas, i.e.
assessed the level of the sub-categories in higher, middle and those sub-competences of supervisors where the level is low
lower level supervisors on a scale from 1 – very low, to and average and it significantly impacts the safety situation.
5 – very high, as well as the degree of influence of each sub- The three tables contain the following data:
-category on the safety level: 1 – no impact, 2 – negligible 1. The percentage of respondents assessing the influence of
impact, 3 – significant impact. In addition, respondents de- the individual competence sub-category on safety as sig-
cided on the range of required knowledge that should in- nificant – table 1.
crease on every supervisors level, and the necessary skills 2. The percentage of respondents assessing the individual
required for improvement. competence sub-category as not higher than average
A preliminary version of the research tool was subjected to (very low, low and average) – table 2.
verification in pilot studies, attended by experts from the 3. The importance of the problem determined according to
Central Mining Institute, the KOMAG Mining Institute, the following course of action – table 3.
Kompania Węglowa SA, departmental coordinators of three
mines, as well as supervisors of mines from different mining Assessment of the problem in the area of competence:
companies. This part of the pilot studies was carried out du- A. The percentage of respondents assessing the specific
ring training sessions and workshops organized in the Central competence sub-category as not higher than average
Mining Institute. The study involved 23 supervisors. Expert (very low, low and average).
and specialist opinions were obtained primarily using the Percentage Level of competence Color code
technique of brainstorming during meetings or consultations. up to 20% 1 (very high) yellow
over 40% 2 (high) yellow
3.3. Sample selection, organization and execution
over 40 to 60% 3 (average) green
of the research
over 60 to 80% 4 (low) red
The decision regarding the selection of the sample, resul- over 80 to 100% 5 (very low) red
ted from the nature of the planned research. Recognition of B. The percentage of respondents confirming the influence
the competence level of underground coal mines supervisors of an individual competence sub-category on the safety.
Journal of Sustainable Mining (2014) 13(3), 26–35 30

Percentage Level of influence Color code Table 1. Evaluation of the impact of individual sub-categories competence
up to 20% 1 (very low) yellow on the safety level – according to the position held (N = 89)
Percentage of respondents assessing the
over 20 to 40% 2 (low) yellow influence of an individual competence
over 40 to 60% 3 (average) green sub-category on the safety as significant,
Sub-categories of supervisors competence depending on the position held
over 60 to 80% 4 (high) red high-level mid-level low-level
over 80 to 100% 5 (very high) red supervisor supervisor supervisor
C. Scale of the problem – assessment of a matrix of the A. Professional knowledge necessary for the
76.4% 73.0% 65.2%
proper execution of tasks
level of each sub-category and its impact on the safety B. General knowledge of safety and safety
69.7% 68.5% 61.8%
level (values from 1 to 25). management
blue: marginal problem C. Knowledge of regulations, procedures
67.4% 61.8% 55.1%
and instructions in the field of occupational safety
yellow: perceptible/noticeable problem D. Knowledge and understanding of the documen-
57.3% 52.8% 52.8%
green: significant problem tation and changes in documentation
red: key issue E. The ability to transfer knowledge and instruction
62.9% 65.2% 61.8%
to subordinate workers
F. Professional skills (technical and other tasks
Effect 59.6% 61.8% 62.9%
related to the implementation)
Frequency 1 2 3 4 5 G. Analytical and conceptual skills (decision
1 1 2 3 4 5 making, problem solving, proper assessment of the
situation – the ability to see the interrelationships 70.8% 62.9% 57.3%
2 2 4 6 8 10 between the various factors of the situation, so that
3 3 6 9 12 15 the measures taken are effective and safe)
4 4 8 12 16 20 H. Organizational skills (efficiency, planning,
67.4% 62.9% 55.1%
division of labor, delegation, coordination)
5 5 10 15 20 25 I. Interpersonal skills (ability to work with people,
56.2% 51.7% 52.8%
understanding their motivation, etc.)
3.5. Supervisors competence and safety level J. Readiness for changes – the ability to introduce
41.6% 48.3% 47.7%
new solutions
Each of the twelve sub-categories of competence was as- K. Involvement in the implementation of tasks 49.4% 46.6% 44.9%
sessed by supervisors in terms of the impact on the mainte- L. Responsibility, consistency 57.3% 60.7% 50.6%
nance of the safety level in underground mines – by deter- 4th and 5th degrees of influence are marked in red. This means that over 60% of
respondents rated the impact of the sub-categories of competence on the
mining whether the impact is significant, negligible, or, ge- safety level as significant. The 3rd degree of influence is marked in green –
nerally, it does not occur. the influence of the sub-category of competence on the safety level was rated
The percentage indicating a lack of influence of individual significant by more than 40 to 60% of the respondents.
sub-competences of supervisors at all levels (higher, middle, The value of variance for the impact assessment of each
lower) on the safety level ranged from 3.4 to 15.7%, while sub-category of competence of the middle level supervisors
the percentage of those recognizing the impact as negligible to maintain the safety level, ranges from 0.3384 to 0.4596.
– ranged from 18.0 to 47.2%. The sub-categories of compe- The largest concerns the L sub-category (accountability,
tence of supervisors at each level that are characterized by the consistency), while the smallest – the C sub-category
lack of impact on the safety situation and negligible impact (knowledge of the rules, procedures and instructions in the
– according to the responders – are: openness to change and field of safety at work) and F (professional skills), and for
interpersonal skills. lower level supervisors the value of the variance is between
The types of competence that have a significant impact on 0.3384 (sub-category B – general knowledge in the field of
the safety level (from 60.7 to 76.4% of responses) and re- safety and safety management) to 0.4333 (L – accountability,
quired for each level of supervisors include: professional consistency).
knowledge necessary for the proper execution of tasks, ge- Underground coal mines supervisors also assessed the le-
neral knowledge of safety and safety management, and the vel of each sub-category of their own competence on the
ability to transfer knowledge and instruction to subordinate scale: very low, low, average, high and very high. Data cov-
employees. Higher and middle level supervisors should addi- ering the assessment of very low to average (total percentage)
tionally possess the following skills: analytical and conceptu- is included in Table 2.
al skills (decision making, problem solving, proper assess- The results show that none of the sub-categories of compe-
ment of the situation) and organizational skills (efficiency, tence of higher, middle and lower level supervisors were
planning, division of labour, delegation, coordination), as ranked as very low or low (level 4 and 5). In contrast, the
well as good knowledge of the rules, procedures and instruc- results of the analysis suggest that the competence of lower
tions in the field of safety. For the middle and lower level level supervisors were rated, relatively, quite negatively.
supervisors essential professional skills (technical and other Each of the twelve sub-categories was ranked at level 3,
skills related to the implementation) are essential, moreover, which means that it was assessed at most between an average
competence is significant for the middle level supervisors. of 40% to 60% of the respondents. Moreover, three sub-
The figures are presented in Table 1. -categories of competence were ranked as very low or low
The largest difference in responses – on the effect of indi- (about 20%): professional skills, analytical and conceptual
vidual sub-categories of competence of supervisors to main- skills, and professional knowledge. Only two sub-categories
tain a higher level of safety – was recorded for the L sub- within the low and very low range exceeded 10% (openness
-category – accountability, consistency (SD2 = 0.5429) and to change and commitment to a task).
J – openness to change (SD2 = 0.5120), while the smallest The competence of higher and middle level supervisors in
was for the A sub-category – the professional knowledge comparison with the lower level supervisors is ranked as higher
necessary for the proper execution of tasks (SD2 = 0.2674). – the level 3 concerns only seven of the sub-categories.
Journal of Sustainable Mining (2014) 13(3), 26–35 31

Table 2. Scale of problems in the area of competence of each sub-category The value of variance for the assessment of each of the
– according to the position held (N = 89) competence sub-categories of middle level supervisors ranges
Scale of the problem degree of from 0.3899 to 0.5784. The highest concerns the J sub-
influence of x competence level
Sub-categories of supervisors competence
high-level mid-level low-level -category (openess to change), while the lowest – the D
supervisor supervisor supervisor sub-category (knowledge of documentation and changes in
A. Professional knowledge necessary documentation), and for lower level supervisors the value of
32.6% 37.1% 48.3%
for the proper execution of tasks
B. General knowledge of safety and safety
the variance is from 0.4629 (B sub-category – general
36.0% 39.3% 49.4% knowledge in the field of safety and safety management) to
C. Knowledge of regulations, procedures and
33.7% 47.2% 50.6% 0.7249 (G – analytical and conceptual skills).
instructions in the field of occupational safety
D. Knowledge and understanding of the
The results of studies carried out in three coal mines, in to-
40.4% 52.8% 52.8% tal, – as presented in Table 3 – suggest that the key problems
documentation and changes in documentation
E. The ability to transfer knowledge and instruc- in the area of supervisors competence include:
tion to subordinate workers – comprehensible
formulation of thoughts and oral and written
50.6% 40.4% 53.9%  supervisors of each level – the ability to transfer
orders knowledge and instructions to subordinate workers – com-
F. Professional skills (technical and other related prehensible formulation of thoughts and oral and written
38.2% 41.6% 51.7%
to the implementation) orders,
G. Analytical and conceptual skills 47.2% 47.2% 56.2%
H. Organizational skills (efficiency, planning,  higher and middle level supervisors – analytical and con-
38.2% 34.8% 50.6%
division of labour, delegation, coordination) ceptual skills (decision making, problem solving, proper
I. Interpersonal skills (ability to work with people, assessment of the situation – the ability to see the interrela-
55.1% 41.6% 55.1%
understanding their motivation, etc.)
J. Readiness for changes – the ability to tionships between various factors of a situation so that the
60.7% 46.1% 53.9%
introduce new solutions measures taken are effective and safe),
K. Involvement in the implementation of tasks 44.9% 33.7% 43.8%  higher and lower level supervisors, abovementioned and
L. Responsibility, consistency 40.4% 28.1% 46.1%
th th
The 4 and 5 levels of competence are marked in red (over 60% of re-
readiness for changes,
spondents assessed the level of this particular sub-category as average at  middle level supervisors, above mentioned: knowledge of
best). The 3rd level is marked in green (more than 40 to 60% of respondents regulations, procedures and instructions in the field of oc-
ranked the sub-category of competence as average at best). cupational safety,
 lower level supervisors, abovementioned: the professional
The sub-categories of middle level supervisors were as- knowledge necessary for the proper execution of tasks,
sessed as average in most cases (over 45%): knowledge and general knowledge of safety and safety management, pro-
understanding of documentation and changes in documenta- fessional skills (technical and other tasks related to the im-
tion (52.8%), knowledge of the rules, procedures and instruc- plementation), commitment to the task.
tions in the field of safety at work (47.2%), analytical and
conceptual skills (47.2%), and openness to change (46.1%). Table 3. Importance level of the problems in the area of competence of each sub-
-category – according to position held (N = 89)
The percentage of very low and low did not exceed 10% for
Scale of a problem degree of
any of the established sub-categories of competence for mid- influence of x competence level
dle level supervisors. Sub-categories of supervisors competence
high-level mid-level low-level
The most critically rated sub-categories of competence of supervisor supervisor supervisor
A. Professional knowledge necessary
higher level supervisors are: openness to change (60.7% rated for the proper execution of tasks
8 8 12
average at best), interpersonal skills (55.1%) and the ability B. General knowledge of safety and safety
8 8 12
to transfer knowledge and instructions to subordinate em- management
ployees (50.6%). Moreover, three sub-categories were as- C. Knowledge of regulations, procedures and
8 12 9
instructions in the field of occupational safety
sesses as very low and low by a high percentage of the re- D. Knowledge and understanding of documentation
9 9 9
sponders: interpersonal skills (15.7%) and personality traits, and changes in documentation
i.e., openness to change (19.1%), and accountability and E. The ability to transfer knowledge and instruction
to subordinate workers – comprehensible formula- 12 12 12
consistency (18.0%). tion of thoughts and oral and written orders
As a conclusion of the results presented in this paper it F. Professional skills (technical and other related
6 9 12
should be emphasized that each level of supervisors received to the implementation)
G. Analytical and conceptual skills 12 12 9
relatively low ratings (not more then average in the 40–60%
H. Organizational skills (efficiency, planning,
of respondents) in five of the sub-categories of competence: 8 8 9
division of labor, delegation, coordination)
knowledge (knowledge and understanding of documentation I. Interpersonal skills (ability to work with people,
9 9 9
and changes in documentation), personality traits (openness understanding their motivation, etc.)
J. Readiness for changes – the ability to introduce
to change), and three types of skills (interpersonal, analytical, 12 9 12
new solutions
conceptual, and the transfer of knowledge and instructions to K. Involvement in the implementation of tasks 9 6 12
subordinate employees). L. Responsibility, consistency 9 6 9
The color red indicates the key issues, and green – significant.
The largest difference in the ratings of the individual sub-
-categories of competence for higher level supervisors was The data presented in Table 3 shows that the biggest gaps
recorded for the L sub-category – accountability and con- in competence that can be described as key problems relate to
sistency (SD2 = 1.1890) and the J sub-category – openness to lower level supervisors, as they were noticed in six of the
change (SD2 = 0.9592), while the smallest was recorded for sub-categories of competence. Such gaps were recognized in
the A sub-category – professional knowledge necessary for three sub-categories in the case of middle and higher level
the proper execution of tasks (SD2 = 0.4794). supervisors. Furthermore, it should be emphasized that the
Journal of Sustainable Mining (2014) 13(3), 26–35 32

lack of competence (the key issue) pointed out in all three The ability to properly assess the situation x x x
levels of supervisors refer to the categories that are essential The ability to coordinate the work x x
The ability to manage time using the knowledge of
for each level of supervision, because of the efficiency and x x
the time required to perform a commissioned work
effectiveness of the implementation of the tasks, as well as The ability to solve problems x x
the maintenance of safety (higher and middle level – analyti- The ability to motivate staff x x
cal and conceptual skills, the ability to transfer knowledge The ability to designate employees career path
and instruction; lower level – professional skills, professional and advise in this regard
The ability to manage a department x
knowledge, knowledge and the ability to communicate in- The ability to think ahead x
structions and motivation). The ability to manage the team x
In terms of gaps in knowledge and skills the research did The ability to predict and draw conclusions x
not indicate such a broad range of study material as had been The ability to plan the division of responsibilities x
expected in the context of the deficiencies identified in va- The ability to coordinate the work of a team x
The ability to select the right people to perform
rious sub-categories of competence. Respondents answering x
specific work
the question about the skills and knowledge that should be The ability to supervise ongoing works x
increased too frequently copied the content of sub-categories The ability to coordinate the work of a team x
listed in the questionnaire. Gathered interviewees are shown C. Interpersonal communication 1 2 3
in Table 4. The ability to provide comprehensive information x x x
The ability to transfer knowledge x x x
Table 4. The knowledge and skills that are required to increase according to Faster transmission of information x x
supervisors Listening skills x
High-level Mid-level Low-level The ability to discuss a problem x
Deficiencies in respect to the competence supervisor supervisor supervisor The ability to explain the reason of a task x
KNOWLEDGE 1 2 3 The ability to establish good contact with subordi-
Knowledge of machines and the equipment’s x
x x x
maintenance manual The ability to communicate with superiors x
Knowledge of principles of electrical equipment The ability to establish a dialogue with subordi-
x x x
operation nates
Knowledge of work technology x x D. Other interpersonal skills 1 2 3
Knowledge of the operation, maintenance, repair, The ability to cooperate (with superiors, subordi-
x x x x x
troubleshooting and servicing of mining equipment nates, colleagues)
Better knowledge of the parameters of machines The ability to cope with stressful situations
and devices operating in the region to allow x x x x
– stress mitigation
appropriate selection of spare parts The ability to optimize the use of the experience
Knowledge of procedure in case of failure x x x
and skills of the crew
Knowledge of work carried out in the department x The ability to reach a compromise x
Knowledge of work undertaken in other depart- The ability to give commendation for properly
x x
ments (in addition to own) conducted work
Knowledge of the layout of the machinery in The ability to reward – not only to punish x
excavations The ability to deal with people x
Knowledge of the latest technology x The ability to resolve conflicts x
Knowledge of performance methods of particularly The ability to give orders x
dangerous tasks The ability to shape positive relationships in the
Knowledge of electrical power and mechanical x
x team
equipment The ability to enforce implementation of official
Knowledge of technical parameters of transport x
x orders
Knowledge of motivation (ways to motivate Commitment to a task x x x
employees) High stress tolerance x x
Psychological knowledge in the field of coopera- Manners x
tion Responsibility, consistency x
Knowledge of risks and ways of solving them x Conscientiousness, self-discipline, firmness,
Knowledge and understanding of documentation fairness, x
(technical projects) Efficiency
Knowledge of the general provisions concerning Readiness for suggestions of employees
x x
supervisory competence in coal mines (experienced ones)
SKILLS Flexibility x
A. Professional/specialist 1 2 3 The list used the results of research conducted in the State Mining Authority
The ability to perform mining operations in com- in December 2013.
x x x
pliance with mining regulations
The ability to solve practical engineering problems x x The information in Table 4 allows for the types of compe-
The ability to accelerate the use of the technical tence for which the deficiencies relate to each position in the
supervisory department to be determined:
Technical Skills x
The sbility to conduct bench trainings x  professional knowledge of the maintenance manual of
The ability to predict the occurrence of a fault in machinery and equipment,
a device  professional skills: the ability to carry out work in accor-
The ability to apply theoretical knowledge in
x dance with mining regulations,
B. Leadership/management 1 2 3  administration/management: the ability to make fast deci-
The ability to make fast decisions x x x sions, the ability to plan and organize work, the ability to
The ability to plan and organize work x x x properly assess the situation,
Journal of Sustainable Mining (2014) 13(3), 26–35 33

 interpersonal communication: the ability to provide com- dents rated two sub-categories of at most average, in three
prehensive information concerning the entrusted tasks, the mines (level 4, 5), which, given the nature of the work and
ability to transfer knowledge, the present danger may be insufficient. This applies to pro-
 interpersonal skills: the ability to cooperate (with super- fessional knowledge necessary for the proper execution of
iors, subordinates, colleagues), tasks and knowledge, regulations, procedures and instructions
 motivation and personality traits: commitment. in the field of safety. Such assessment concerned the follo-
wing five sub-categories in two mines in lower level supervi-
It should be emphasized that according to Table 4 a num- sors: general knowledge of safety and security management,
ber of issues related to interpersonal skills relate to higher knowledge and understanding of the documentation and
level supervisors. This is significantly higher than recorded changes in the documentation, the ability to transfer
for other positions in this department. knowledge and instruction subordinate employees, profes-
The diversity of problems related to supervisors compe- sional skills (technical and other related execution of the
tence of the three mines. tasks), analytical and conceptual skills.
Although the sample test size does not allow for the draw- Deficiencies in competence of higher level supervisors
ing of too far-reaching conclusions for individual mines, it is were revealed in the sub-category of interpersonal skills as
worth mentioning – but with great caution – that they differ well as one of the types of personality competence – readi-
in terms of the problems in the area of competence. Table 5 ness for changes. These categories were assessed at most as
presents this issue and contains the following data: average by more than 60% respondents of the two mines. It is
1) the scale of the problem; the categories of competence for worth emphasizing that one coal mine was not assessed at the
which the problem has been defined by supervisors – in highest rating in the category of analytical and conceptual
accordance with the conducted study – as a key in the skills and the ability to transfer knowledge in higher level
three mines (marked in red); this implies that the matrix supervisors.
of the importance of a given category of competence Shortages of skills and knowledge of transferring instruc-
reached from 10 to 25 points (scale = assessment of com- tions, knowledge and understanding of the documentation
petence – high percentage of the average ratings of at and changes in documents are not of the strongest compe-
most x impact – high interest on the effect as significant), tences in the case of middle level supervisors. These two
2) red indicates competence categories assessed at the 4th and categories of competence were rated by more than 60% of
5th level in three mines, therefore – according to the above respondents as average, at best, in one mine.
mentioned actions – more than 60% of supervisors has In relation to the issues discussed herein, it should be sta-
concluded that they are average at best. ted that the basis for determining the directions for the im-
Table 5. Assessment of the competence of supervisors and the impact of each provement of supervisors should be the assessment of the
category on the safety level competence of each level of supervisors made in the subject
Number of mines Number of enterprise, taking into account not only the identification of
where the mines where sub-categories of competence, but also their types.
problem was categories of
Sub-categories of supervisors competence
rated as the key competence are
problem on 4th or 5th level 4. CONCLUSION
A. Professional knowledge necessary for the proper Currently, the perfect employee according to an employer
2 1 3 3
execution of tasks
B. General knowledge of safety and safety
is not only highly qualified and certified, but an employee
2 1 2 2 who has adequate competence within his professional role.
C. Knowledge of regulations, procedures Thus, competence is more than just knowledge and skills.
1 1 3 3
and instructions in the field of occupational safety
D. Knowledge and understanding of documentation
Usually, it is also associated with motivation, social skills,
1 1 2 1 2 personality traits and emotional intelligence. These additional
and changes in documentation
E. The ability to transfer knowledge and instruction features and abilities determine the full use of the potential of
to subordinate workers – comprehensible 2 1 3 1 1 2 the qualifications.
formulation of thoughts and oral and written orders
F. Professional skills Another issue which is also essential, in addition to the
1 2 2 2
(technical and other related to the implementation) problems of mining efficiency and effectiveness, is obtaining
G. Analytical and conceptual skills (decision and maintaining work safety. Chapter 2 demonstrates that the
making, problem solving, proper assessment of the
situation – the ability to see the interrelationships 3 2 2 1 2 impact of competence is marked on three levels: general
between the various factors of the situation, so that knowledge in connection with expertise influencing the re-
the measures taken are effective and safe) duction or even elimination of errors in management and
H. Organizational skills (efficiency, planning,
2 1 1 1 decisions; professional knowledge reducing errors in deci-
division of labor, delegation, coordination)
I. Interpersonal skills (ability to work with people, sion-task situations; and skills conditioning the lack of errors
2 2 2 1
understanding their motivation, etc.) in regulations. The full potential of an individual is, however,
J. Readiness for changes – the ability to introduce
new solutions
2 2 determined by their ability to cooperate, communicate effi-
K. Involvement in the implementation of tasks ciently, judge fairly and make decisions, their empathy, asser-
L. Responsibility, consistency tiveness and resistance to stress, etc. Thus, it can be assumed
Blank cells indicate that any of the three mines issue has not been evaluated that the combination of high qualifications with desirable
as a key.
personality traits, social skills and motivation to use one’s
Relatively, the highest number of objections concerned the own abilities, results in professionalism, which entails the
competence of lower level supervisors. Over 60% respon- development of safe working conditions and safe operation.
Journal of Sustainable Mining (2014) 13(3), 26–35 34

Underground coal mines supervisors recognize the rela- Among the information included in the competence gaps,
tionship between competence and safety, and that the size of a number of issues related to interpersonal skills in higher
the impact of individual sub-categories of competence on the level supervisors is particularly noteworthy – it is significant-
safety level relates to the position held. The research results ly higher than for other positions.
also enabled the determination of a set of core competences It is essential to add, that the competence of supervisors is
necessary at all levels: professional knowledge necessary for a significant influencing factor on the level of safety in un-
the proper execution of tasks, general knowledge of safety derground coal mines – according to the interested parties. At
and security management and the ability to transfer the same time, competence levels in many sub-categories is
knowledge and instruction to subordinate employees – the not satisfactory for supervisors, which allows cautious opti-
comprehensible formulation of thoughts and orders. Higher mism about their supplementation or improvement.
and middle level supervisors should – according to their own
professional group – have: analytical and conceptual skills
Source of funding: project entitled "Methods of diagnosis and
(decision making, problem solving, proper assessment of the
reduction programme of adverse effects related to the under-
situation – the ability to see the interrelationships between the
ground use of technical means – organisational solutions
different factors of the situation) and organizational skills
aimed at risk reduction in the social subsystem". PBS 2012–
(efficiency, planning, division of labour, delegation, coordi-
2014. NCBiR Decision No. 1519/2012 and "The risk reduc-
nation), as well as good knowledge of the rules, procedures
tion in the social subsystem of coal mines" project 0959/
and instructions in the field of safety.
RUS/T02/2010/10, dated 20th Aug 2010.
The assessment formulated by the respondents relating to
The author wishes to express her gratitude to Prof. David
the individual sub-categories of supervisors competence in
Cliff, Prof. Marek Szczepański and Dr. Alexandra Thomas
connection with a fixed level of impact on the safety level
who supported this paper with comprehensive comments and
authorizes the presentation of the key issues in the area of
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