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the exercise trials were rare. In some exercise therapy may have a beneficial smoking3 are also important, as is the
diseases, such as osteoarthritis, pain effect on the long term progression of optimal medication.
symptoms may also be reduced. Most specific diseases.1 However, there is a Br J Sports Med 2006;40:3–4.
RCTs are too short to document disease need for RCTs with long term follow doi: 10.1136/bjsm.2005.021717
progression. Studies on patients with ups, including documentation, of such
coronary heart disease,4 as well as outcomes as survival rate, rate of hospi- Correspondence to: Dr Kujala, Department of
Health Sciences, University of Jyvaskyla, PO
studies on patients with heart failure,5 tal admission, and healthcare costs. Box 35, Jyvaskyla, Finland; urho.kujala@sport.
show that exercise groups have a some-
what reduced all-cause mortality. The CLINICAL PRESCRIPTION OF
clinically very significant findings Accepted 1 August 2005
include that exercise therapy has bene- Doctors prescribing exercise therapy have Competing interests: none declared
ficial effects on all metabolic syndrome to know the basics of exercise physiology
components and is highly beneficial for and training principles. Also, tailoring of a
patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.1 6 programme depends on the disease and REFERENCES
its stage, the baseline fitness level of the 1 Kujala UM. Evidence for exercise therapy in the
treatment of chronic disease based on at least
STUDY QUALITY IS IMPORTANT patient, and the goals of the programme three randomized controlled trials: summary of
Before the results are considered, the set together with the patient. published systematic reviews. Scand J Med Sci
methodological quality of the individual The available RCTs include a large Sports 2004;14:339–45.
2 Kesäniemi YA, Danforth E, Jensen MD, et al.
RCTs should be critically analysed.7 8 variety of effective training programmes. Dose-response issues concerning physical activity
Biased results from poorly designed Most patients seem to benefit from low and health: an evidence-based symposium. Med
and reported trials can mislead decision to moderate intensity aerobic exercise. Sci Sports Exerc 2001;33:S351–8.
3 Kujala UM, Kaprio J, Koskenvuo M. Modifiable
making. It should be taken into account Detailed conclusions on the dose- risk factors as predictors of all-cause-mortality:
that exercise trials cannot usually be response of exercise therapy in the the roles of genetics and childhood environment.
properly blinded, which may lessen the treatment of specific diseases cannot be Am J Epidemiol 2002;156:985–93.
4 Taylor RS, Brown A, Ebrahim S, et al.
reliability of the results. In addition to drawn from the available RCTs. We have Exercise-based rehabilitation for patients with
other quality criteria, we have to keep in to remember that the beneficial results of coronary heart disease: systematic review and
mind that generalisability may be a exercise therapies for patients with meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
problem as some RCTs include patients chronic disease shown by RCTs are based Am J Med 2004;116:682–92.
5 Smart N, Marwick TH. Exercise training for
that are not representative of the gen- on carefully planned and followed exer- patients with heart failure: a systematic review of
eral population of patients with regard cise interventions in patients whose factors that improve mortality and morbidity.
to age and coexisting diseases. This is clinical status has first been examined Am J Med 2004;116:693–706.
6 Boule NG, Haddad E, Kenny GP, et al. Effect of
typically seen in RCTs on coronary heart to take into account possible risks. exercise on glycemic control and body mass in
disease and heart failure. Unlike the prevention of disease in young type 2 diabetes mellitus. A meta-analysis of
The fact that most trials are of short healthy people, the therapeutic range of controlled clinical trials. JAMA
duration means that some benefits, physical activity for patients with chronic 7 Altman DG, Schulz KF, Moher D, et al. The
such as increases in physical fitness, disease may be limited. In exercise revised CONSORT statement for reporting
are reached within weeks or months. therapy, long term adherence is a general randomized trials: explanation and elaboration.
Ann Intern Med 2001;134:663–94.
However, specific RCTs are usually too problem. Exercise consultations face to 8 Van Tulder M, Furlan A, Bombardier C, et al.
short to provide conclusive evidence on face or by telephone can be used to Updated method guidelines for systematic reviews
the effects of exercise therapy on the maintain high physical activity levels.9 in the Cochrane Collaboration Back Review
Group. Spine 2003;28:1290–9.
true progression of disease. RCTs on the Also, whereas we look for evidence of the 9 Kirk A, Mutrie N, MacIntyre P, et al. Increasing
effects of exercise on lipid risk factors, benefits of exercise therapy from RCTs physical activity in people with type 2 diabetes.
blood pressure levels, and glucose specifically investigating the effects of Diabetes Care 2003;26:1186–92.
homoeostasis,6 as well as sporadic long exercise, in clinical work we have to bear 10 Leon AS, Sanchez OA. Response of blood lipids
to exercise alone or combined with dietary
term follow ups of disease progres- in mind that correction of other modifi- intervention. Med Sci Sports Exerc
sion,4 5 support the conclusion that able risk factors such as diet10 and 2001;33:S502–15.

Gene therapy The transfer of genetic material into

....................................................................................... cells can be undertaken in many ways,
most commonly using a viral vector. For

Gene therapy in sport this, viruses are genetically engineered

to remove infectious potential while
retaining the capacity to carry a ther-
R J Trent, I E Alexander apeutic gene(s) into selected target cells.
The inserted sequences can encode a
missing or mutant product as might
The potential benefits of gene therapy for sports injuries are occur in the case of cancer, or alterna-
tively could be used to inhibit a foreign
counterbalanced by the potential for gene doping protein as would be found in HIV
infection. Viral vectors have been

uman gene therapy involves the missing or mutant genes could be derived from a number of different
insertion of DNA (or RNA) into replaced or repaired. Today, gene ther- viruses. Some, such as the adenovirus,
somatic cells to produce a ther- apy has broader applications, with trials are associated with relatively mild
apeutic effect. Gene therapy was first covering many clinical problems includ- human infections, whereas others are
envisaged as an approach to treating ing genetic diseases, cancer, infections associated with more serious disease, for
genetic disorders. In this scenario, such as HIV, and degenerative diseases. example HIV. Certain viral properties

Table 1 Human gene therapy studies with potential application to sport with the potential for harm to be passed
on to an athlete’s children.
Model Status Today, the risks for gene doping are
Muscular dystrophy Using animals with muscular dystrophy caused by mutations in the dystrophin
much greater than the taking of tradi-
gene, it is possible with gene therapy to inject into muscle a functional tional chemical products. Those
dystrophin gene. The effects observed include a reduction in contraction involved in sport should be sufficiently
induced injury, and an increase in muscle bulk. informed of the risks, as well as likely
Muscular atrophy The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in the United
future benefits of gene therapy. As the
States has shown that space travel can produce skeletal muscle atrophy.
Experimental studies are now underway to determine the preventive effects of technology improves, many of the com-
IGF1 in a retroviral vector given regularly by intramuscular injection.5 plications may be avoided, and so
Rheumatoid arthritis Phase I studies show little toxicity when inflammatory molecules such as ongoing assessment of the potential for
interleukin 1 are inhibited by intra-articular injection of gene therapy gene doping will be necessary. Detecting
gene doping cheats will be possible
using the standard assays as well as
through the identification of gene vec-
tors or their products. The bypassing of
various metabolic pathways through the
are particularly useful for gene therapy, future time be used to treat sporting insertion of genes may lead to changes
such as the capacity to permanently injuries (table 1). in gene expression profiles, and this
integrate introduced genetic sequences may open up another approach to
into the host cell genome. detecting gene doping.
Apart from viruses, there are numer- Sports men and women and sporting Br J Sports Med 2006;40:4–5.
ous physicochemical methods for intro- administrators faced with the prospect doi: 10.1136/bjsm.2005.021709
ducing DNA (or RNA) into somatic cells. of drug cheating and blood doping now
The most relevant in the context of sport ......................
need to consider gene doping.7 Although
involves direct injection of DNA that has Authors’ affiliations
therapeutic benefit from gene therapy is
been formulated with a chemical carrier R J Trent, Department of Molecular and
difficult to achieve, gene doping is Clinical Genetics, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
for more efficient uptake by cells. None paradoxically more feasible because a in the Central Clinical School, University of
of the physicochemical approaches has very large output from the introduced Sydney, NSW, Australia
been successful in human trials, as the gene may not be required, and the I E Alexander, Gene Therapy Research Unit,
levels of gene transfer achieved are desired effect need only be short term. The Children’s Hospital, Westmead and
insufficient for therapeutic benefit. Regular injections at the time of sport- Children’s Medical Research Institute, Sydney,
The results in gene therapy have ing events may suffice. Gene doping is NSW, Australia
generally been disappointing despite further simplified as it would not be
over 1000 clinical trials since 1990.1 necessary to have the transferred gene Correspondence to: Professor Trent,
Only two diseases have been success- Department of Molecular and Clinical Genetics,
regulated so that its output corresponds Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in the Central
fully treated by gene therapy. Both are to specific cellular requirements as Clinical School, University of Sydney, NSW
forms of severe combined immunodefi- might be the case for treating disease. 2050, Australia;
ciency, SCID-X1 and ADA-deficiency.2 3 Genes of relevance to doping such as Competing interests: none declared
Unfortunately, success has come at a growth hormone, insulin-like growth
cost, with three of 18 infants with SCID- factor I, and erythropoietin have been
X1 treated developing leukaemia. This cloned, and so are readily available. REFERENCES
has now been shown to have been They could be used as an alternative 1 Gene therapy clinical trials worldwide. http://
caused by insertional mutagenesis, way to produce a range of performance (accessed 19
which had previously been considered enhancing agents. The risks of taking Oct 2005).
2 Cavazzana-Calvo M, Hacein-Bey S, de Saint
a remote theoretical risk associated with these substances in the form of tradi- Basile G, et al. Gene therapy of human severe
the integrating gene transfer technology tional chemicals are known, and so combined immunodeficiency (SCID)-X1 disease.
used. decisions about risk versus benefit are Science 2000;288:669–72.
3 Aiuti A, Vai S, Mortellaro A, et al. Immune
At present, there are three limitations straightforward. The same cannot be reconstitution in ADA-SCID after PBL gene therapy
to gene therapy: (a) gene transfer said for gene doping, as there continue and discontinuation of enzyme replacement. Nat
technologies are not efficient enough to be many unknowns in this form of Med 2002;8:423–5.
4 DelloRusso C, Scott JM, Hartigan-O’Connor D, et
for most applications; (b) therapeuti- cellular intervention. Effects cannot be al. Functional correction of adult mdx mouse
cally useful integrating gene transfer predicted, and so the sportsperson tak- muscle using gutted adenoviral vectors expressing
technologies carry unresolved risks; (c) ing this route for cheating does not have full-length dystrophin. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA
there remains an inadequate under- control of the product. Random integra- 5 NASA Exploration Systems Mission Directorate
standing of the biology of therapeuti- tion of vector sequences, for example, Education Outreach.
cally relevant target cell populations. could produce complications such as currentResearch/currentResearchFlight/
acute leukaemia or other forms of geneTherapy.htm (accessed 19 Oct 2005).
6 Evans CH, Robbins PD, Ghivizzani SC, et al.
cancer. Finally, unlike taking a drug, Gene transfer to human joints: progress toward a
GENE THERAPY AND SPORTING gene transfer is not easy to reverse, and gene therapy of arthritis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA
INJURIES so any untoward effects may be long 2005;102:8698–703.
7 Haisma HJ. Gene doping: a report from the
There are a number of models illustrat- term. There is also a small risk of Netherlands Centre for Doping Affairs. http://
ing how gene therapy may at some inadvertent gene transfer to germ cells (accessed 19 Oct 2005).

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