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Stephanie Preston, student midwife
◦ A client presents to your office at 26 weeks gestation. A discussion is

had with the client about the importance of screening for gestational

diabetes mellitus and their individual risk factors. The client determines

that they would like to undergo screening but aren’t sure which

method they would like to use. They have some concerns about

ingesting the standard 50 mg glucose drink since they don’t consume

a lot of sugar on a daily basis.

◦ P: This would pertain to all pregnant clients between
24-28 weeks gestation. Screening for gestational
diabetes is recommended for all pregnant people
during this time frame so a choice of screening
method or to decline entirely is a decision to be ◦ What are the options
made by all pregnant people who have sought care.
screening for gestational
◦ I/E: The main intervention we are considering is a
50mg 1 hour glucose tolerance test. We would like to diabetes mellitus, which is
screen for gestational diabetes using this or another
screening option. most effective and what is
◦ C: The comparison is comparing various screening the difference in efficacy
methods such as postprandial blood glucose, and 1
and 2 step glucose tolerance tests or various other between the most effective
alternatives. and the alternatives?
◦ O: Outcome is determining the most effective
method for screening for gestational diabetes and
the difference between the most effective method
and the alternatives.
◦ Keywords used ◦ The search strategy I used was to use
◦ Gestational diabetes mellitus screening the keywords above and the
◦ Postprandial GDM screening restricted year range to search for
◦ Alternative GMD screening studies. I reviewed the abstract and
title of the studies for key words that
◦ Search was limited to the last 5 years
talked about comparing different
◦ Databases used were styles of screening and their efficacy
◦ PubMed full search as well as the type of study that it was,
◦ Google scholar looking for systematic reviews,
◦ OVID randomized control trials, and meta-
analysis. All of the studies I chose were
easily found in the first few search
Appraise – Article #1
Farrar, D., Duley, L., Dowswell, T., Lawlor, DA. (2017) Different strategies for diagnosing gestational diabetes to improve maternal and
infant health. Chochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2017, 8(CD007122) DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD007122.pub4

◦ This article is relevant because firstly it ◦ This study is a high-quality and valid
looked at several main comparisons of study. This systematic review only
different methods of screenings which is selected randomized studies, they were
the main thing I am looking at to selective on which studies met their
determine if one method of screening is criteria, they had authors independently
superior to another and if alternatives review the studies and then discuss their
are accurate for screening. The second findings, and they looked into both long
reason this article is relevant is because it and short term outcomes as well as the
also highlights what research is missing health of both the birthing person and
and still needs to be done to make a the fetus.
solid evidence based recommendation.
Appraise – Article #2
Donovan, L., Hartling, L., Mulse, M., Guthrie, A., Vandermeer, B., & Dryden, D. (May 2013) Screening tests for gestational diabetes: a systematic review for the
U.S. preventive services task force. Annals of Internal Medicine 2013 (159,2) 115-122.

◦ This study is relevant because firstly is This study is high quality and valid. This
reviews screening test options for study also used authors working
gestational diabetes and their test independently to review the studies and
characteristics and secondly because then come together to compare
it reviews and compares to the 50mg findings, they search for studies in a
glucose challenge test which is the wide variety of databases to find as
current standard in North America. many as possible, they extracted data
themselves to compare the outcomes,
and they only used prospective studies
so the testing could be more
Appraise – Article #3
Balaji Bhavadharini, B., Mahalakshmi, M., Maheswari, K., Kalaiyarasi, G., Anjana, R., Deepa, M., … , Mohan, V. (2015). Use of capillary
blood glucose for screening for gestational diabetes mellitus in resource-constrained settings. Acta Dibetologica (53) 91-
97. doi: 10.1007/s00592-015-0761-9

◦ This study is relevant because it ◦ This study has a sufficient sample size to
compares one method that the other detect differences, their methods were
studies did not compare which is to use precise in ensuring that small details
a capillary blood glucose measurement were matching and done the same way
in comparison to a venous blood for each client, they gave detailed
glucose screen to determine if it is as information on cut off values and
accurate. A second reason this test is different methods used to give more
relevant is because it speaks to areas of detailed information, and it was done as
low resource which often clients seeking her perspective study so that all methods
our care want to choose the cheapest could be standardized. Each client did
option possible to avoid further lab both methods of screening to
expenses. accurately compare which test
Apply and Assess
◦ I will recommend screening to my clients. Based on the information in these studies I would not feel
confident recommending some alternative methods such as the capillary blood glucose screening
unless they insisted on not receiving the drink. I also feel like there has to be more research out there
somewhere on postprandial at home glucose monitoring and in theory that is the method I like the most.
It doesn’t force my clients to ingest a large amount to sugar especially if they aren’t eating that much on
a regular basis to begin with and it is less invasive for the client, but the research that I found for this
portfolio did not support using that method unless just strictly used to weed out low risk and then take
others for further screening. Based on the research found the 2 step method that is currently standard in
north America is the method I would recommend due to its cost effectiveness and ease of availability.
◦ The tool I will use is to monitor the incidence of GDM in my practice and the method of screening that
was used as well as the treatment offered if it is diagnosed. I will also periodically review studies and new
research for better and more effective screening methods

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