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USF Elementary Education Management Routine Plan (Fall 2020)

Name: Addison Thistle

Grade Level: 2nd Date of Routine: 11/4/2020

Plan Content
What FEAPs and/or Standards 2a. Organizes, allocates, and manages the resources of time, space, and attention- I will allot 2-3 minutes for
relate to this lesson? Which the children put their masks and lining up in order to arrive on time to music.
FEAPs are you planning to 2b. Manages individual and class behaviors through a well-planned management system
demonstrate during the 2c. Conveys high expectations to all students- I will demonstrate this by positively reinforcing students that
enactment of this routine and are behaving appropriately throughout the routine
explain how you plan to
demonstrate them.
Objectives-Management Students will be able to line up in a straight line for specials making sure to wear a mask and abide to the
Routine school’s hallway expectations.
What is your expected outcome
for this routine?
Assessment-How will you know I will know the class has met these objectives when students line up when instructed, walk quietly and
if students have met your respectfully through the hallway and arrive successfully at our destination
objectives? What will you see?
What will you hear?
What background knowledge is  The students are expected to listen for instruction as the lesson comes to an end
necessary for a student to  Before starting this process, I will make sure to remind students of my expectations for them. I will
successfully complete this reiterate the importance of wearing our masks correctly as well as remind them that we are to be
task? You might include these quiet walking in the hall out of respect to other classes. After the students are in a line, I will also
questions during your CT mention that hands are to be kept to themselves and that we need to remember to stop at our
interview about the routine. checkpoints along the way.
 What classroom  When instructed, students are expected to grab their masks, and then line up and wait for
rules/expectations are instruction from the teacher to start walking
aligned with this task?  In order to uphold Covid-19 procedures, the students will keep their masks on and follow the one-
 What procedures are in place way hallway rule
to help students in meeting  The main procedure that will be put into place to ensure a successful process is checkpoints. There
the rules/expectations? are several places in which the students are expected to stop and wait for the teacher’s word to
 What rules/expectations or continue. These checkpoints are in place to ensure that the class stays together and that each
procedures might you go over student is practicing appropriate behaviors for this routine such as staying quiet and wearing masks
with students before correctly.
engaging in this task?
USF Elementary Education Management Routine Plan (Fall 2020)
Name: Addison Thistle

Grade Level: 2nd Date of Routine: 11/4/2020

Task Implementation
Step-by-Step Plan: This is the Time Who is
longest section of your 5 minutes responsible 1. I will begin by announcing “Alright guys I want you to clean up your
lesson/action plan (What (Teacher or areas and push in your chairs. From there I will state “Once you
exactly do you plan to do and say? Students)? have all organized your areas and pushed in your chairs, you may
Be thorough. You might refer to line up nicely at the door. There should be no racing or pushing
field notes you have collected Step 1 (2 Students are while lining up, I want to see everyone on their best behavior today.
while observing your CT enacting minutes) responsible for Let’s go ahead and put our masks back on.”
this routine to help you plan for cleaning areas 2. Then I will announce, “Once everyone is quiet and facing forward,
your enactment of the routine. and lining up we can begin walking. When we come to the end of the walkway,
appropriately we will stop and make sure all of our friends are together and
Be sure to address all of the staying quiet. Remember we are being quiet and respectful in the
following: Step 2 Teacher is hallway. We again are not racing, and we are keeping our hands to
 How will you review and/or (30 responsible for ourselves”
model the classroom seconds) stating 3. We will walk to the first checkpoint and students will stop and wait
rules/expectations? expectations, for me to walk to the front of the line. While I am heading to the
 What will you as the teacher Students are front of the line, I am observing and ensuring each student is
do and say during the responsible for following directions and maintaining appropriate hallway etiquette.
routine? behaving and Giving positive verbal reinforcements such as “I love how nice you
 What teacher talk will you following all are walking right now!” for good behavior. If students are not
use? What will the students directions during meeting expectations, at the next checkpoint I will kindly announce
do and say? What will it look this time something like “Alright guys we are just going to wait until
like and sound like if students everyone is following directions”
are meeting your Step 3 (3 Teacher 4. I will also give specific praise to students I see behaving
expectations? minutes) responsible for appropriately in order to encourage other students to behave
 How will you respond to providing verbal similarly. If I see a misbehaving student that is in proximity to a
students who do not meet encouragements behaving student, I may say something like “Wow guys look at how
your expectations? and correcting awesome Betsy is walking in line!”
behavior, 5. If there is a student that is misbehaving even after the positive
students are praise, I will use proximity control and stand near this student to
responsible for encourage appropriate behavior. If the inappropriate behavior
exhibiting continues even after this, I will ask the student to switch places with
appropriate another student in hopes to separate them from possible
USF Elementary Education Management Routine Plan (Fall 2020)
Name: Addison Thistle

Grade Level: 2nd Date of Routine: 11/4/2020

hallway behavior distractions.

6. I will continuously speak to the students in a respectful way to
attempt full cooperation from the students
7. Once we arrive at the music room, I will leave them by saying
“thank you all so much for walking quietly and being on your best
behavior! Have a fantastic time in music and I will see you guys

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