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Rouge 3 Charlatan

Tabaxi CN

17 +8 30

20 20


+5 +9

● +7

20 ● ● +7
Rapier +7 1d8+5 Pierce

Dagger +7 1d4+5 Pierce

Shortbow +7 1d6+5 Pierce

12 A tabaxi with dark grey fur stands

with a certian air of confidence.
Sneak Attack: +2d6 Damage Covered in his leather armor he
never seems anxious even when
+0 surrounded by over a dozen
enimies. His eyes are difficult to see
11 ●
+2 as he keeps them mostly shut in an
attempt to make him hard to read
and to give a more jovial look to his
face. When he speeks his deep
+2 voice has a gentle but stern tone to it
but keeps it light enough to sound

15 +6
almost optomistic in his words. But
despit his nice and confident
● ●

deminer he is no less deadly and

exact in combat
+3 +5

16 ●

Light armor Weapons: Simple False Identity, Expertise,

Weapons, Hand Crossbows, Thieves' Cant, Sneak Attack,
Longswords, Rapiers, Cunning Action, Swashbuckler,
Shortswords, Thieves' Tools, Fancy Footwork, Rakish
Duisguise Kit, Forgery Kit Audacity, Cat's Talent, Cat's
Common Sylvan Claws (1d4), Feline Agility,
45 6ft 140lbs
Nix Red Dark Grey Fur

Always swift from a young age his speed

couldn't imagine his inability to move fast
and free when he was made a prisoner,
not in bindings but in mind. Forced to
become an assassin he grew strong and
cold far too quickly for his master to
foresee. Still young though his master
sent him to kill a family when all his other
targets where all just single politcal
targets, plus guards. He killed everyone
with deadly percision, all but a small girl.
When he went to kill her a voice asked to
stop and against his will his body froze in
place for an instant and then he left. 10
years later now only 25 with is master
dead, killed by another political rival, he
walks free. Until aproached young
woman claiming the tabaxi killed her
parents attacked. In self defense he had
no choice but to kill her but before he
never felt anything in the act of killing this
time he could only feel the pain of the act
as if skewered himself. After the act he Studded Leather Armor, 2
hears a familiar voice but couldn't decern Rapiers, Shortbow, 20
its words. Since that day he's taken Arrows, 2 Daggers, Thieve's
various jobs but with one stipulation, "no Tools, Backpack, 1,000 Ball
children", but despite that he still killed Bearings, 10ft of string, Bell,
many people and their children after the 5 Candles, Crowbar,
come of age and came for him in Hammer, 10 Pitons, Hooded
revenge, and every time they die and he
hears that voice that now he can only
Lantern, 2 Flasks of Oil, 5
somehow tell is called Nix, but who that 100 Days Rations, Tinderbox,
is he can't tell Waterskin, 50ft Hempen
Rope, Thieves' Tools,
Disguise Kit, Forgery Kit

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