Perfect Tense Worksheet

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1. you have ………. that movie many times.

(kamu telah selesai melihat film tersebut beberapa kali)
a. seen
b. see
c. saw
d. seeing
e. is see
2. I ………. see him.
(aku tidak melihatnya)
a. hasn’t
b. wasn’t
c. haven't
d. weren’t
e. isn’t
3. steven has ………. a new book.
(steven telah selesai menulis sebuah buku baru)
a. write
b. written
c. writing
d. is write
e. writes
4. have you ………. him before ?
(apakah kamu pernah melihatnya dulu ?)
a. see
b. saw
c. seeing
d. seen
e. is see
5. I ………. here since last week.
(aku telah berada disini sejak minggu lalu)
a. have
b. has
c. has been
d. had
e. have been
6. I’ve ………. him for 5 years.
(aku telah kenal dengannya sudah 5 tahun)
a. know
b. knew
c. known
d. is know
e. knowing
7. I………. seen that movie twenty times.
(aku telah melihat film tersebut selama 20 kali)
a. has
b. have
c. had
d. is
e. are
8. I think I have ………. him once more.
(aku berpikir bahwa aku telah melihatnya sekali lagi)
a. meet
b. met
c. meeting
d. is meet
e. meets
9. there ………. many earthquakes in California.
(disana telah terjadi banyak gempa bumi di California)
a. has been
b. had been
c. is
d. have been
e. was
10. people ………. traveled to the moon.
(orang-orang telah menjelajah bulan)
a. is
b. am
c. are
d. had
e. have
11. people have not ………. to mars.
(orang-orang tidak menjelajah ke mars)
a. traveling
b. travel
c. traveled
d. traveler
e. travelers
12. ………. you read the book yet ?
(apakah kamu telah membaca buku tersebut ?)
a. have
b. had
c. has
d. is
e. was
13. nobody has ever ………. that mountain.
(tidak ada seorang pun yang telah mendaki gunung itu)
a. climb
b. climbing
c. is climb
d. climbed
e. was climbed
14. there ………. a war in the united states.
(disana telah ada peperangan di amerika serikat)
a. have been
b. had been
c. is
d. are
e. has been
15. I ………. been to france.
(aku pernah ke perancis)
a. has
b. have
c. had
d. is
e. was
16. I ………. been to England for three times.
(aku telah pergi ke inggris selama 3 kali)
a. has
b. have
c. had
e. is
e. was
17. I have ………. been to south korea.
(aku tidak pernah ke korea selatan)
a. always
b. often
c. never
d. usually
e. rarely
18. I think I have ………. that movie before.
(aku berpikir bahwa aku telah melihat film tersebut sebelumnya)
a. seen
b. saw
c. see
d. seeing
e. is see
19. he ……….never traveled by train.
(dia tidak pernah menjelajah menggunakan kereta)
a. have
b. had
c. has
d. is
e. was
20. john has ………. two foreign languages.
(john telah belajar 2 bahasa asing)
a. study
b. studying
c. student
d. studied
e. is study
21. you have ………. since the last time I saw you.
(kamu telah tumbuh dewasa sejak terakhir kali aku melihatmu)
a. grew
b. grow
c. growing
d. is grow
e. grown
22. the government ………. become more interested in arts education.
(pemerintah telah menjadi lebih tertarik di pendidikan seni)
a. have
b. has
c. had
d. was
e. were
23. Japanese has ………. one of the most popular courses at the university since the
asian program was established.
Bahasa jepang menjadi salah satu mata pelajaran yang terpopuler di universitas sejak
program asia didirikan)
a. becoming
b. becomes
c. become
d. is becomes
e. are becomes
24. my English ………. really improved since I moved to Australia.
(bahasa inggrisku menjadi berkembang sejak aku pindah ke Australia)
a. has
b. had
c. have
d. was
e. were
25. man has ………. on the moon.
(manusia telah berjalan di atas bulan)
a. walk
b. walking
c. walks
d. walked
e. is walk
26. our son ………. learned how to read.
(anak lelakiku telah belajar bagaimana caranya untuk membaca)
a. has
b. had
c. have
d. was
e. were
27. doctors have ………. many deadly disease.
(dokter telah melindungi dari banyak penyakit mematikan)
a. cure
b. cures
c. is cure
d. cured
e. was cured
28. scientists ………. split the atom.
(para peneliti telah menemukan atom)
a. has
b. had
c. is
d. was
e. have
29. james has not ………. his homework yet.
(james tidak selesai mengerjakan pekerjaan rumahnya)
a. finish
b. finished
c. finishing
d. is finish
e. was finished
30. susan ………. mastered Japanese, but she can communicate.
(susan tidak pakar dalam bahasa jepang, tetapi dia dapat berkomunikasi dengan bahasa
a. isn’t
b. aren’t
c. hadn’t
d. hasn’t
e. wasn’t

PAST PERFECT TENSE had          English before you moved to new York.

(kamu telah selesai belajar di inggris sebelum kamu pindah ke new York)
a. study
b. studied
c. studying
d. student
e. will study
2. I’d         him.
(aku telahmelihatnya)
a. saw
b. see
c. seen
d. has see
e. will see
3. you         done it.
(kamu belumselesai dengan hal tersebut)
a. hadn’t
b. hasn’t
c. isn’t
d. wasn’t
e. won’t
4.        we finished it ?
(apakah kita akan menyelesaikannya?)
a. had
b. has
c. have
d. was
e. will
5. they’d         it.
(mereka telah memakannya)
a. eat
b. eats
c. eating
d. eaten
e. is eating
6. he         gone.
(dia telah menghilang)
a. have
b. has
c. was
d. will
e. had
7. I         to London.
(aku tidak pergi ke London)
a. hadn’t been
b. hasn’t been
c. isn’t
d. wasn’t
e. weren’t
8. when I         him I noticed that he had had a haircut.
(ketika aku melihatnya aku memperhatikan bahwa dia telah memotong rambutnya)
a. see
b. saw
c. is see
d. will see
e. was saw
9. he told me         to London.
(dia memberitahuku bahwa dia telah di London)
a. has been
b. is
c. was
d. are
e. had been
10. I had never        such a beautiful beach before I went to ulheu-lheu.
(aku tidak pernah melihat pantai indah sebelumnya ketika aku pergi ke ulheu-lheu)
a. saw
b. seen
c. see
d. is see
e. will see
11. I did not have any money because I       lost my wallet.
(aku tidak memiliki banyak uang karena aku telah kehilangan dompetku)
a. have
b. has
c. was
d. wil
e. had
12. tony        istambul so well because he had visited the city several times.
(mereka tahu istambul dengan baik karena dia telah mengunjungi kota tersebut selama
beberapa kali)
a. knew
b. known
d. is know
e. will know
13.        susan ever studied thai before she moved to Thailand ?
(apakah susan pernah belajar bahasa Thailand sebelumnya sebelum dia pindah ke Thailand ?)
a. have
b. has
c. had
d. is
e. was
14. she only             the movie because she had read the book.
(dia hanya mengetahui tentang film tersebut karena dia telah membaca bukunya)
a. understand
b. understanding
c. is understand
d. understood
e. was understand
15. kiara        never been to an opera before last night.
(kiara tidak pernah datang ke opera tersebut sebelum tengah malam)
a. has
b. have
c. is
d. will
e. had
16. we were not able to get a hotel room because we had not           in advance.
(kami tidak menemukan hotel karena kami tidak memesan kamar dengan cepat)
a. booking
b. book
c. booked
d. is book
e. will book
17.         you ever visited france before you trip in 2006 ?
(apakah kamu pernah mengunjungi prancis sebelum melakukan perjalananmu di tahun
2006 ?)
a. had
b. has
c. have
d. was
e. will
18.  she had         her Japanese relatives once in 1993 before she moved in with them in
(dia telah mengunjungi saudara jepangnya pertama kali di tahun 1993 sebelum dia pindah
dengan mereka di tahun 1996)
a. visit
b. visiting
c. visits
d. visited
e. is visit
19. she had never          a bear before she moved to Alaska.
(dia tidak pernah terlihat beruang sebelumnya sebelum dia pindah ke Alaska)
a. see
b. saw
c. is see
d. was see
e. seen
20. George         repaired many cars before he received his mechanic’s license.
(George telah memperbaiki mobil sebelum dia mendapatkan lisensi dari montir)
a. had
b. have
c. has
d. was
e. will
21. marisa had         downtown yesterday.
(marisa telah berjalan ke desa kemarin)
a. walk
b. walks
c. walked
d. walking
e. is walk
22. I had         for eight hours last night.
(aku telah tertidur selama delapan jam kemarin malam)
a. sleep
b. sleeps
c. sleeping
d. slept
e. is sleep
23. I        visited the art museum.
(aku telah mengunjungi museum seni)
a. had
b. have
c. has
d. was
e. will
24. bob had         and he got the job.
(bob telah lulus dan dia kemudian mendapatkan pekerjaannya)
a. graduates
b. graduate
c. graduating
d. graduated
e. is graduate
25. he had         to the hospital to visit his friend.
(dia telah pergi ke rumah sakit untuk mengunjungi temannya)
a. go
b. gone
c. went
d. goes
e. is go
26. they        done their homework.
(mereka telah selesai mengerjakan pekerjaan rumahnya)
a. had
b. has
c. have
d. is
e. was
27. we had        to him for fifteen or twenty minutes.
(kami telah berbicara dengannya selama 15 sampai 20 menit)
a. spoke
b. speak
c. speaks
d. spoken
e. is speak
28.  she had       the duck.
(dia memberi makan bebeknya)
a. feed
b. feeding
c. is feed
d. feed
e. fed
29. I         taken a short nap under a tree.
(aku telah mengambil sedikit istirahat di bawah pohon)
a. had
b. has
c. is
e. will
30. we had         a romantic books.
(kami telah membaca buku-buku romantic)
a. reads
b. reading
c. read
d. is read
e. was read


1. you             perfected your English by the time you come back from Australia.
(kamu akan sudah memiliki kemampuan bahasa inggris yang sempurna setelah kamu kembali
dari Australia)
a. was
b. has been
c. will have
d. will has
e. will be
2. the movie will have            by the time we get there.
(film tersebut akan dimulai ketika kita sudah sampai disini)
a. started
b. start
c. starting
d. starts
e. is start
3. the movie will already have            by the time we get home.
(film tersebut telah dimulai sejak kita pergi dari rumah)
a. start
b. started
c. starting
d. starts
e. will start
4.               you have finished it by the time I come back ?
(apakah kamu telah menyelesaikan tepat waktu sebelum aku datang ?)
a. was
b. will
c. when
d. is
e. by next November, I will have           my promotion.
(pada akhir November, aku akan menerima promosiku)
a. receive
b. receiving
c. receives
d. received
e. will receive
6. by the time he gets home, she is           have cleaned the entire house.
(sejak dia pulang ke rumah, dia akan membersihkan gudang)
a. going to
b. gone
c. go
d. went
e. goes
7. I          not going to have finished this test by 3 o’clock.
(aku akan selesai mengerjakan test ini tepat pukul 3)
a. are
b. is
c. am
d. was
d. will
8.          she have learned enough Chinese to communicate before she moves to Beijing ?
(apakah dia cukup memiliki kemampuan berbahasa china untuk berkomunikasi ketika dia
nanti pindah ke Beijing ?)
a. was
b. is
c. are
d. will
9. sam is probably going to have             the proposal by the time he leaves this
(sam akan pergi untuk melengkapi proposalnya siang ini)
a. complete
b. completed
c. completes
d. is complete
e. will complete
10. by the time I finish this course, I will have         ten tests.
(sejak aku menyelesaikan ujianku, aku telah mengambil 10 tes)
a. take
b. takes
c. taking
d. taken
e. is take
11. how many countries are you         have visited by the time you turn 50 ?
(berapa banyak Negara yang telah kamu kunjungi ketika umurmu telah mencapai 50 tahun ?)
a. going to
b. went
c. go
d. gone
e. goes
12. I will          in London for six months by the time I leave.
(aku akan berada di London selama 6 bulan sejak aku pergi)
a. has
b. have
c. has been
d. was
e. have been
13. by Monday, susan is           have had my book for a week.
(sejak senin, susan akan meminjam bukuku selama beberapa minggu)
a. gone
b. going to
c. went
d. goes
e. go
14. I am going to see a movie when I          finished my homework.
(aku akan melihat film ketika aku sudah menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumahku)
a. have
b. has
c. is
d. will
e. was
15. you will only have          a few words.
(kamu akan hanya belajar beberapa buah kata saja)
a. learn
b. learned
c. learning
d. learns
e. is learn
16. you        only going to have learned a few words.
(kamu hanya akan belajar beberapa buah kata saja)
a. is
b. am
c. are
d. has
e. have
17. they         have completed the project before the deadline.
(mereka akan memiliki project yang telah selesai sebelum deadline)
a. will
b. was
c. is
d. am
e. are
18.  they are           have completed the project before the deadline.
( mereka telah menyelesaikan project mereka sebelum deadline)
a. gone
b. going to
c. go
d. goes
e. went
19. we are not          .
(dia tidak akan berhenti)
a. stop
b. stops
c. stopped
d. is stop
e. was stop
20.  he             make telephone call to her brother that study in Yogyakarta
( dia akan telah menelpon saudaranya yang sedang bersekolah di Yogyakarta ).
a. will has
b. will have
c. going to
d. has
e. have
21. she will have         the eraser to erase false rejoinder
( dia akan telah  mengambil penghapus untuk menghapus jawabannya yang salah ).
a. put
b. is put
c. was put
d. has put
e. have put
22. I will have need a little advice from my father
( aku akan telah membutuhkan sedikit saran dari ayahku ).
a. will
b. will has
c. will have
d. was
e. is
23.  he          have been in my boarding house next week.
( dia akan telah berada di kos saya minggu depan ).
a. will
b. is
c. am
d. are
e. was
24.  he will         his coat when he go to the his friend’s party.
( dia akan telah menggantung bajunya ketika dia datang ke pesta temannya )
a. hang
b. hung
c. is hang
d. was hung
e. have hung
25.  I         have bought a few apples at the market.
( aku akan telah membeli beberapa apel di pasar )
a. is
b. am
c. are
d. was
e. will
26.  my friend will have         from gajah mada university by the end of this month.
( teman saya akan telah lulus dari universitas gajah mada pada akhir bulan ini )
a. graduated
b. graduate
c. graduates
d. is graduate
e. was graduate
27.  we will have        a few song at the party.
( kami akan telah menyanyikan sedikit lagu di pesta tersebut )
a. sing
b. sang
c. sung
d. is sing
e. was sing
28.  I will        finished my report before the meeting begins tomorrow.
( saya akan telah menyelesaikan laporan saya sebelum rapat/ pertemuan besok dimulai)
a. have
b. has
c. was
d. had
e. is
29.  by next year, I       have been here for study.
( tahun depan, aku akan belajar disini )
a. will
b. is
c. am
d. has
e. have
30. the book will       been on your table by next month.
( buku itu akan berada di mejamu bulan depan )
a. has
b. have
c. had
d. was
e. is

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