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Sem. Renzel Joseph T. Baroña Rev. Fr. Elmer D.

AB II - St. Maximilian Kolbe The Life and Works of Rizal


Expectations somehow meet the unexpected ones. We expect something but may arrive
in nothing; we desire something big but may result in something small; we crave for a happy-go-
lucky living but may lead us to mishaps. Indeed, going beyond the bounds of expectation
wounds us in deep, which may leave scars behind at the end. Scenarios like these bring us back
to the old clock of the Spanish regime in the Philippines.
The memoirs of this past are not worthy of remembrance because of great trepidation.
Unfortunately, it worsened the worst, arrived at the storm, and met the bed of blood. Dr. Jose
Rizal was even one of the witnesses of the roar of terror. There were immense dishonesty and
corruption among government officials; Racial discrimination to the Filipinos was at a high
temperature; Inequality in the rights and needs of the people met the out-of-the-blue possibility;
merciless punishments were at hand to those who became disobedient to the wrong ethics of the
rules and regulations. To weather the storm, Rizal, the hero amid the horror, came to the point of
writing his renowned works: Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo.
Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo grasped a scene amid the darkest moments of
what went before. But before reaching completion, these significant masterpieces of his
underwent a tough road of processes. It took a cost to publish his works because these needed a
large amount of money; these required the demands and mandates of the authority. Because of
this, he almost lost the blaze of hope and met the pain of anxiety and depression. Fortunately, a
myriad of chances and opportunities became his motivation to put his labors to accomplishment.
Despite the long-way encounter to success, he managed what was manageable, he achieved what
was achievable, and he accomplished what was accomplishable at a standstill.
Placing these works of genius into attainment was not a mere child’s play. Rizal
purposefully wrote these novels to have a glimpse of the reality at that time; to give realizations
that this reality should not happen again for the generations to come. Thus, he wanted us to know
that there is an importance that every Filipino should know beyond the walls of limitation; there
is a contribution that can contribute to the welfare of our motherland; there is a development that
can develop the necessities and desires of the nation.
Dr. Jose Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo are seeds of importance that
grow beautifully in the lives of the Filipinos because it gives us the driving force to stand on our
ground of who we are and what we are. It seems to be challenging and takes caution to the wind,
especially when we look at the past. Filipinos suffered the hardships and adversities that almost
withered the optimism in them. Because of this optimism, they remained brave and courageous
at all costs. Even though a few came across slavery to death, they still enkindled the fire for the
common good of all. If they have sacrificed their lives for us without a grumble, nothing is
impossible to do the same thing. If we do what is right, not any single failure will pull us back.
The masterworks of his essentially contribute to making the engine of our native soil run
effectively. The undisputable contribution that meets the expectation is no other than love. As far
as is concerned, love makes all things possible, repairs the unrepaired, and is an instrument of
benevolence. At this point, a series of conflicts, oppressions, and misfortunes are still on the
horizon. Hence, there is a need for the antidote of love. If love is not in its position, hatred takes
over; if love is away from home, destruction lives in it; if this virtue disappears at sight, vice
comes into view. It is a piece that makes a whole, but we tend to miss it. Although we face many
trials, love still finds a way to keep the Filipino spirit alive.
Development takes gradual means to make sure everything goes well. To run into
possibility, Rizal’s fruits of effort and determination share the light. In this sense, one thing to
develop is a life of unity. Unity terminates isolation, abolishes fear and hatred, and heals the
wounds of pain and suffering. Freedom is authentically in expression when there is unity.
Criminality lessens its gravity when unity bounds even more. Good governance becomes not just
a dream but a reality when this virtue is in attendance. But because of continuing pride and
malice, the process may have a long run to the finish line. Harsh may it be, our nation still hopes
for a silver lining in a cloud, a new beginning, and a brighter future.
The reality of the past proved itself damaging in the records of history. It had put the lives
of our fellow Filipinos and our country at stake. Despite what happened before, there are lessons
and realizations that we should nurture and treasure beyond what we imagine. If accomplished
with the heart, change is there for the better. Dr. Jose Rizal craved a peaceful and harmonious
life, but the actuality was against his craving. He had gone the brutality of the Spaniards that led
him to death. Even if he met this kind of destiny, his memories remain in our hearts and minds.
Indeed, his legacies will live long to infinity and beyond.

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