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Course No: EEE 402 Group No: 02

Course Name: Control System I Laboratory Student No: 1306134

Experiment No: 03

Experiment Name:
a) Equivalency of block diagram

b) System stability and effect of pole location

Date of Performance: 10-10-2017 Name: AZIM UDDIN

Date of Submission : 17-10-2017 Level: 4 Term: 1

Department: EEE

Section: C

Partners’ Student No:


Part-A: Equivalency of block diagram
1. Blocks in cascade:
Equivalent transfer function = s+3/s^3+10s^2+29s+20
Simulink Model

From Cascaded Blocks

From Equivalent Circuit

2. Blocks in Parallel:
the equivalent transfer function = (s^3+10s^2+34s+37)/ ( s^3+10s^2+29s+20)
Simulink Model
From Parallel Blocks

From Equivalent Circuit

3. Negative Feedback:
the equivalent transfer function = (s^3+10s^2+34s+37)/ ( s^3+10s^2+29s+20)
Simulink Model

From Feedback

From Equivalent Circuit

4. Moving Blocks Left and Right
Simulink Model

From time scope we get following curve for both of the system
5. Equivalency
We can find equivalency in the systems of parallel, cascade, negative feedback
and moving blocks system. We can see slightly variance in rise time only.
cascade Equivalent Parallel Equivalent Negative Equivalent Moving Moving
transfer transfer feedback transfer left right
function function function
of cascade of parallel of

Rise time 2.188 2.18 2.231 2.221 6.638 6.644 6.647 6.644

Amplitude 148.5 148.5 841.5 841.5 1.320 1.320 1.320 1.320

Part-B: System stability and effect of pole location

If the closed-loop system poles are in the left half of the plane and hence have a
negative real part, the system is stable. To be more precise, Stable systems have
closed-loop transfer functions with poles only in the left half-plane. Unstable
systems have closed-loop transfer functions with at least one pole in the right
half-plane and/or poles of multiplicity greater than 1 on the imaginary axis.
Marginally stable systems have closed-loop transfer functions with only imaginary
axis poles of multiplicity 1 and poles in the left half-plane.

1. Transfer function= (k)/(s^3+4s^2+4s+k)

For different values of k we find different step response
For k= 1 response is overdamped
For k<16 like k=12 response is underdamped

For k=16 response is undamped

For k>16 like k=26 system response become unstable

2. Gain goes to a saturate value for over damped and under damped
system. Oscillatory for undamped system an increasing for unstable


In this experiment we have learnt about block diagram and different step
response of the system. In the first part we have learnt about equivalent
transfer functions, moving block without changing the response, negative
In the 2nd part we have seen hoe responses vary as the variation of poles, how
a stable system becomes unstable

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