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New Delhi/METRO/GURUGRAM n Vol. XVIII No. 16 APRIL 21, 2019




n The derailed coaches of the Howrah-New Delhi Poorva Express. At least 14 people were injured
when 12 coaches of the train jumped tracks near Kanpur early on Saturday. >>P11 PTI

Congress moves its war

room to Lodhi Estate
Saubhadra Chatterji

NEWDELHI: In this poll battle, the

Congress party has a new war
The operational nerve centre
of the largest opposition party
shifted to a small bungalow in
its traditional war room, 15,
Gurdwara Rakabganj Road
(GRR), which it has used for the
past 15 years.
meetings related to strategy,
campaign and data analysis.
Every day at 4pm, senior leaders n The new war room hosts almost all important meetings related to
such as Ahmed Patel, Anand strategy, campaign, and data analysis. AMAL KS/HT PHOTO

RSS asks BJP to shift

ram Ramesh, Praveen Chakrav-
arthy and Sam Pitroda go into a
huddle at this bungalow to take
stock of the situation and the
The bungalow belongs to
focus to local issues
unionminister,PChidambaram. Smriti Kak Ramachandran having worked too well, the RSS
It doesn’t have a big, formal n has stepped up efforts to garner
receptioncounterbutoffersvisi- supportfortheBJP.Accordingto
tors rooms, conference facilities NEWDELHI: As the Bharatiya Jan- a senior functionary, the Sangh
and ample parking space. ata Party (BJP) prepares for the had for the first time started a
On Saturday, some construc- remainingfivephasesofthegen- campaign where, instead of
tion work was going on at the eral election, its ideological par- directlycampaigningfortheBJP,
building where, people familiar ent Rashtriya Swayamsevak itsfootsoldiersreachedouttothe
with the matter say, some of the Sangh (RSS) has asked candi- masses and urged them to vote.
bedrooms have been converted dates to focus on local concerns, “Theturnoutafterthefirsttwo
into makeshift office spaces. as issues like the Balakot strike phases has not been very differ-
Thepartyleadersshiftedtheir and the overall popularity of the ent from the corresponding pha-
operational base from the well- government have “limited trac- sesin2014.TheSanghwaseyeing
publicised 15 GRR property this tionontheground”,accordingto a 100% voter turnout, because
year in search of a more private people aware of developments. morepeoplevotingwouldmeana
place, away from media glare. With its experiment of moti- bettershotfortheBJPatwinning
Theplace,tucked awayin a leafy vating people to come out and with a majority. But that has not
corner of Lutyens Delhi, also vote — informally known as happened,” said the functionary
CONTINUED ON P 6 “third party campaign” — not quoted above. ››P13

CISF proposes to buy paintball

guns to improve shooting skills
Anvit Srivastava
ACCORDING TO A of their shooters and do away
SENIOR OFFICER, ANY drillsinwhichcommandosprac-
NEWDELHI: TheDelhiMetrounitof
the Central Industrial Security
COMMANDO HIT BY A tise positions with unloaded
Force(CISF)hasmadea proposal PAINTBALL WILL LEAVE The move comes after a com-
to buy paintball guns for target THE MOCK DRILL AND BE mitteewasformedtoadvancethe
practice during mock drills,an CISF’s urban warfare tech-
officer privy to details of the pro- REQUIRED TO REFINE niques.
posal said on Saturday. THEIR COMBAT SKILLS Jitender Rana, senior com-
The proposal was sent last mandant,CISF,said,“Atpresent,
monthbytheCISF’sDelhiMetro guarded by the CISF. we cannotshootreal bullets dur-
RailCorporation(DMRC) unitin According to a senior officer, ing mock drills as it will spark
Shastri Park to the CISF head- anycommandohitbyapaintball panic.Wehaveexcelledtheclose
quarters. Once cleared, the pro- will leave the mock drill and be combat technique, but with
posal will be sent to the ministry required to refine their armed paintball guns we will get a clear
of home affairs for approval. All combatskills.Seniorofficerssaid picture of how good our men are
Metro stations in Delhi are this will help them filter the best at shooting.” ››P3

The election commission has Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD)’s Tejashwi The scrutiny of Congress presi-
asked the producers of a web Prasad Yadav missed ally Rahul dent Rahul Gandhi’s nomination
series based on PM Narendra Gandhi’s rally in Supaul, Bihar, on papers from UP’s Amethi has
Modi’s life to stop its online Saturday, the Congress president’s been put on hold after four
streaming and remove all content third in the state and the third missed independent candidates raised
related to it until further orders. by Tejashwi, prompting opponents to objections over his name, nation-
Eros Now, the producers of the claim that all was not well within the ality and educational qualifica-
series, has been asked to file a Grand Alliance. The Congress is tions. The returning officer of
compliance report. The poll contesting nine of the 40 Lok Sabha Amethi said on Saturday that
watchdog said the series has the seats in the state and the RJD 20, with Gandhi had been asked to reply
potential to disturb the level the other alliance partners fielding to the objections by April 22 after
playing field. ››P13 candidates in the rest. ››P10 his lawyer sought time. ››P13



htthissunday SUNDAY, APRIL 21, 2019



As a mediation process is under way in the Ayodhya dispute, the city’s residents
recall how neighbours helped fill the breach between two communities




They’re reviewing toys, making ice
cream and letting us into the daily life
of the urban tween. With millions
tuning in, India’s youngest vloggers
are learning to generate hits, deal with
the perks and perils of fame

As the English Premier League sees its most
absorbing title race since 2011-12, it's a good
idea for fans to immerse themselves in
Michael Cox’s The Mixer: The Story of Premier
League Tactics... writes Soumya Bhattacharya
in his fortnightly column this week


The On-Road A Heart In AGENDA
Conference Room The Highlands Nora
One visit to Scotland’s Fatehi
hauntingly beautiful Actress and
Aberdeenshire is all it takes to dancer
fall in love with the country “The sexiest
dance form?
The V-Class is the I think belly
most luxurious MPV dancing!”
you can buy and is
aimed at those who
like to travel in a
group, but in style Hormazd Sorabjee

metro@weekend htworld htsport

How internet killed Heiress pleads guilty Shiva Thapa makes
Delhi’s poll bazaar in sex cult case winning start
Traders and manufacturers in Clare Bronfman, heiress to the Shiva Thapa (60kg) moved a step
Sadar Bazaar, which has been Seagram liquor fortune, closer to adding a record fourth
supplying election merchandise to pleaded guilty to her role in a medal at the Asian Boxing Cham-
political parties and candidates all secretive society of women sex pionships, entering the pre-quar-
over the country for decades, say slaves. The guilty plea on two terfinals of the continental event
they have not seen a slump like counts — conspiracy to conceal with a thrilling 4-1 win over South
this before. And they blame it on and harbour illegal aliens for Korea’s Kim Wonho in Bangkok on
mobile internet. They say the financial gain and fraudulent Saturday. Thapa is now only two
trend of online campaigning use of identification — allows wins away from a medal to add to
reached a crescendo in 2019, with Bronfman to avoid a trial in the the gold, bronze and silver he had
contestants relying more on case set to open won in the 2013, 2015 and 2017
digital platforms.
May 7. →P19 editions.
Today is
21st April, 2019 IN FOUR METROS
l 15 -Shaban 1440 Delhi
SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY l Vaishakha, Krishna
36°c I 21°c
Paksha, 2
Mainly Clear sky Mainly Clear sky Mainly Clear sky
l Samvat 2076 Mumbai
Sunset: Sunday at 34°c I 23°c
06:50 p.m.
Sunrise: Monday at Kolkata
05:50 a.m.
35°c I 20°c 36°c I 22°c 38°c I 21°c Moonrise: Monday at 35°c I 26°c
09:55 p.m. Chennai
• • Moonset: Tuesday at
08:46 a.m.
37°c I 30°c



New Delhi/METRO/GURUGRAM n Vol. XVIII No. 16 n Price ₹6.00/with Hindustan ₹ 9.50 n 86 Pages. Area specific pages extra. GURUGRAM APRIL 21, 2019



>>htworld p19

Sexualharassmentcase FOREIGN SECY TO

Nyay will remonetise the
ISSUE DURING Indian economy: Rahul
Sutirtho Patranobis
and Rezaul H Laskar Shashi Shekhar
DENIAL Charges part of conspiracy to ‘deactivate’ highest judicial office, says Gogoi n n

Ashok Bagriya BEIJING/NEWDELHI: India’s foreign NEWDELHI: The Congress’s mini- secretary Vijay Gokhale will mum income guarantee

hold talks with top Chinese offi- scheme, Nyuntam Aay Yojana
NEW DELHI :Chief Justice of India cials, including foreign minister (NYAY), will remonetise the
RanjanGogoirespondedtochar- THE WHAT THE CHIEF JUSTICE SAID UNCHARTED TERRITORY WangYi,nextweekonkeyissues Indian economy by boosting
gesofsexualharassmentlevelled CHARGE n Attempt is being made to undermine the
n Sexual harassment is a cognizable
such as coordinating the posi- demand and manufacturing, the
againsthimbyaformerstafferin Alleged independence of judiciary by levelling tions of the two sides at interna- party’s president Rahul Gandhi
hisofficebyconveninganurgent allegations of sexual harassment against offence, which means police are tional forums and the listing of has said.
workplace obliged to register an FIR on
hearing of the matter in the sexual the Chief Justice of India JeM chief Masood Azhar. Gandhi,48, said the Congress
learning of the allegations. But, as
Supreme CourtonSaturdaybya harassment n There is a bigger force behind this. They Officials who spoke on condi- spent the last few months dis-
per a 1991 top court ruling, no
three-judge bench headed by want to deactivate the office of the Chief criminal case can be registered tion of anonymity described cussing ways to “restart the
him, and spoke for 18 minutes Termination of Justice of India because I am Gokhale’s two-day visit to Bei- economy”.
employment of against a serving judge unless the
defending himself. hearing sensitive matters CJI is consulted. It is unclear what jing beginning on Sunday as part “The NYAY scheme will

› ›
AvisiblyemotionalGogoisaid complainant, next week of regular diplomatic consulta- remonetise the Indian economy.
some of her happens if allegation is against CJI
the charges — unprecedented in n Nobody can catch me on tions. However, he is visiting The way petrol is provided to an
so far as they have been levelled
money. People have to find
n An in-house mechanism also exists
days ahead of the second Belt engine, the NYAY scheme will
Wherever there is On one hand Mr
members to respond to such cases. The CJI
against the top judge of the high- something and they have
found this
forms a three-judge panel, which and Road Forum, which India jumpstart the entire economy. pain in India, it is the Modi talks about
est court in the land — were an Victimisation by conducts an in-camera probe into will skip because of concerns With this, the poor will get
attemptbyabiggerforceto“deac- filing a “false n All employees of the the allegations. In this case too, over territorial sovereignty money, demand will increase, nature of the Congress to nationalism. On the other,
tivate the office of the Chief Jus- related to the China-Pakistan manufacturing will increase
tice of India because sensitive
and frivolous”
Supreme Court are
treated respectfully
there is no clarity on what happens
if the CJI has been accused ››P11 Economic Corridor (CPEC). and the youth will get employ-
resolve it. This is our he allows a Rafale fighter
matters are being heard by the complaint by me Gokhale will have a series of ment,” Gandhi said in an inter- thinking. This is the vote aircraft worth ₹526 cr to
court next week”. meetings on April 22, including view with Hindustan, a sister
The court has taken suo motu with vice foreign minister Kong publication of the Hindustan bank of the Congress be bought for ₹1,600 cr
(a Latin phrase meaning on its mattersnextweek.Independence a call and give an institutional The letter from the woman Xuanyou, and state councillor Times.

own motion) cognisance of the ofjudiciaryisunderveryserious response. ” refers to incidents that allegedly Wang Yi. Gandhi said Prime Minister
matter, and it will now be heard threat, it is pathetic,” said Gogoi
during the hearing that lasted 23
SN Singh, former dean of the
law faculty at Delhi University,
took place in his home office,
where she was posted for some
Indian officials sought to play
down the significance of the tim-
Narendra Modi could go to jail if
allegations of corruption in the
In a way, the Modi government destroyed the
by the two other judges who
heardthe issueon Saturday, jus- minutes. added: “Everytimeanallegation time. ing of the visit, saying it had been Rafale fighter jet deal were purchasing power of the people. If we do not give
tices Arun Mishra and Sanjiv He added that he will “con- of sexual harassment is made Itmentions effortstoallegedly scheduled some time back. ››P11 investigated. “The documents
Khanna. tinue to act without fear and against a judge, they say judici- target her family, including her that The Hindu newspaper has impetus to the purchasing power, and do not restart the
The order issued on Saturday decide whatever cases I have to ary is in danger. How is the inde- husband, a head constable in published clearly show that economy of India, how will the country move forward?
restraint in its coverage of the
decide. Nobody can stop me.”
Opinion was divided on the
pendenceofjudiciaryin danger?
Delhi Police, who has been sus-
mustread Narendra Modi bypassed the
negotiation team and directly
RAHUL GANDHI, Congress president
case;itwassignedonlybyMishra CJI’s reaction. inquirymustbemadeinthemat- was first appointed to a job in the worked out the details with Das-
and Khanna and not by CJI SenioradvocateSanjayHegde ter.” Supreme Court under the CJI’s
J&K HIGHWAY sault. He could go to jail on the ing power” and that one of the his party stands for everyone
Gogoi, indicating he had techni- said: “Judgesspeakonlythrough On Friday, April 19, a former discretionary quota and then RESTRICTIONS basis of these documents alone,” Congress’s first tasks if it wins and has universal appeal.
cally recused himself from the
case. It wasn’t immediately
their judgment, when there is an
attack on a judge of this nature,
woman staffer associated with
the office of the CJI, wrote to 22
removed a few months later.It
RELAXED Gandhi said.
The Congress president said
the elections will be to “jump-
start the economy”.
“I don’t agree. This is your
view that these are vote banks.
known when the matter will be there was no other recourse Supreme Court judges that aroundvariousdepartmentsand Restrictions on civilian traffic unemployment, the agrarian Gandhi also dismissed the The Congress is the party of all
on the Jammu-Srinagar
heard next. except to answer from the bench “there has been sexual harass- subsequently fired. crisis, and corruption were the age-old characterisation of and it helps everyone. Demone-
Highway (NH-44), imposed
“Thereisabiggerforcebehind itself. The CJI has made his per- ment and consequent victimiza- HindustanTimeshasseenher biggest election issues in 2019, caste-based vote banks, which tisation and GST hit small busi-
after the Pulwama terror
this. They want to deactivate the sonal position clear by denying tion of the woman and her fam- letter but cannot authenticate attack in February, have been adding that the National Demo- has resulted in the election nessmen, and these were
officeoftheChiefJusticeofIndia alltheallegations.Thereafter,he ily” by the CJI, according to the any of the allegations made in it. relaxed. ››P10
cratic Alliance (NDA) govern- strategy of social engineering CONTINUED ON P 6
because I am hearing sensitive hasleftittotheinstitutiontotake letter. CONTINUED ON P 7 ment had destroyed “purchas- that many parties use, and said FULL INTERVIEW ››P10

ND Tiwari son’s EC notice to Pragya AAP says Cong

wife among five delaying alliance,
under scanner for saying her curse rejected its own
HT Correspondent
got Karkare killed seat-sharing deal
NEWDELHI: The wife of Rohit She- Shruti Tomar HT Correspondent
khar Tiwari — the son of former n n
UttarPradesh chiefminister ND
Tiwari— who is believedto have BHOPAL: The district election offi- NEWDELHI: The Aam Aadmi Party
beenmurderedearlierthisweek, cer of Bhopal has found a viola- (AAP) on Saturday criticised the
is among five people who were tion of the model of conduct in Congress for “delaying” and
insidethehouseatthetimeofthe remarksmadebyBharatiyaJan- “backtracking” on a possible
incident and are now under the ata Party (BJP) candidate alliance with it for the ongoing
police’s scanner. Shekhar was Pragya Thakur against former Lok Sabha elections even as it
found dead on Tuesday and the Mumbai anti-terror squad chief urged the party to reconsider its
report of an autopsy on Friday Hemant Karkare, Madhya Pra- proposed seat-sharing pact.
saidthereweresignsthathedied desh’s chief electoral officer n Pragya Thakur On Saturday, the AAP called a
ofasphyxiation,leadingpoliceto (CEO) VL Kantha Rao said on press conference, saying it
open a murder investigation. Saturday. 2008 Malegaon blasts case that would announce its “final deci-
On Saturday, Shekhar’s wife “Show-cause notices for viola- was investigated by Karkare, sion” on the alliance. However,
Apoorvaandhishalf-brotherSid- tion of the model code of conduct who died in the 26/11 terror by the end of the press briefing,
dharth were questioned by have been served to Pragya Tha- attacks in Mumbai. Thakur, who senior party leader and Delhi
police, who are working on sev- kur and the organiser of the pro- is out on bail, said on Friday that deputy chief minister Manish
eralanglesand“strangecircum- gramme where she made this she suffered abuse, harassment Sisodia said, “Even though there
stances” to determine what took remark. Action will considered and insults from the late police is no official offer from the Con-
placeatthevictim’sDefenceCol- against them after their replies.” officer. gress on a fresh seat-sharing
onyresidenceonMondaynight– Rao said. CONTINUED ON P 6 pact for Delhi and Chandigarh
theapproximatetimethemurder Thakur is an accused in the RELATED REPORT ››P10 alone, we will see if anything of
took place according to the that sort comes our way. Allian-
autopsy. ces cannot happen at press con-
“It is important to question all
those who were present in the
mustread ferences.”
When asked about the 4-3 seat-
house because there are many sharing proposal from the Con-
strange facts. The autopsy says BCCI FINES RAHUL, PANDYA ₹20 LAKH gress in Delhi, Sisodia said that
Shekhar was murdered around BCCI’s ombudsman fined Hardik Pandya and KL Rahul ~20 lakh each for giving three seats to the Con-
midnight on Monday. He was their sexist comments on a TV show aired in January. The duo will face no gress in the national capital
found unconscious at around further action, clearing their participation in the World Cup. “I have no would mean “giving three seats
4pm on Tuesday. The air condi- hesitation in observing that the remarks made by the player, even by his to the BJP”, adding that a Delhi-
tioner of the room was switched own admissions, did offend sensitivities,” the ombudsman said. ››P21 specific deal would not attract
on all this while. Also, nobody his party. ››P3
tried to wake him up for 16-17
hours while he lay dead in his A I M I N G H I G H A N D LO N G
circumstances are strange,” a
gations said, asking not to be
From small towns to big league: UP
boys steal the show at javelin c’ship
Two members of Navneet Singh
gold medallist Neeraj
Chopra, will be representing
India at the ongoing Asian
gang that uprooted NEWDELHI: They may start
with DIY javelins fashioned
Athletics Championships in
Doha, and is a serious con-

ATMs arrested out of wild bamboo, but the

future stars of the sport in
India are coming out of Uttar
tender. His father Ramash-
ray, who was a state level
athlete, introduced the sport
NEWDELHI: With the arrest of two Pradesh. in the 1980s to his village,
men, police on Saturday claimed The state dominated the Hingutar Garh, near Vara-
to have busted a gang of thieves recent national javelin nasi.
from Mewat in Haryana that championships in Sonipat, Rohit Yadav, from Dab-
stole ATMs. According to police, Haryana. They won gold and hiya village, who set a
the gang would either cut open silver in both the U-10 and national record in the U-18
the ATM using gas cutters or U-18 boys’ group, and silver competition with a throw
uproot the machines by tying it and bronze in U-16. Four of that is also this year’s best in
to a vehicle. In two months, the the final 12 throwers in the Asia, is a perfect case of the
gang had targeted at least 50 senior men’s group too uncut diamond. His first les-
ATMs in Haryana and Delhi- belonged to UP. sons were with a bamboo jav-
NCR. Shivpal Singh, India’s sec- elin, fashioned from wild
The two men have been identi- ond best thrower after Asian bamboo growing near his
fied as 25-year-old Ajeez and and Commonwealth Games home. ››P20 n Rohit Yadav. BURHAAN KINU/HT
23-year-old Saddam. HTC



APRIL 21, 2019

> P 04

In two incidents,
Fatherofjuvenileaccused miscreants break
into cars, steal
ispressuringme:Judge laptops and cash
HT Correspondent
SCHOOL MURDER JJB magistrate writes to district judge; father denies claim n

GURUGRAM: In two separate inci-

Leena Dhankhar dents, unidentified persons stole
n three laptops, ATM cards and
THE ISSUE cash worth over ₹3 lakh by
GURUGRAM: The principal magis- breaking into two cars Friday,
trate of the Juvenile Justice n On April 11, the JJB magistrate police said, adding that the vehi-
Board, Manglesh Kumar passed an order to shift the cles were parked along with
juvenile accused to Place of
Choubey, has informed the dis- other cars in Sector 27 and Golf n According to officials, all MCG offices, community centres, sewage treatment plants and water boosting
Safety in Madhuban, Karnal, as
trict and sessions judge that the Course Road at the time of the stations can be utilised by private firms for setting up their infrastructure or advertising. HT FILE
he had turned 18 on April 3
father of a teenager — accused of incidents.

MCG opens buildings for

n Later in the day, the accused’s
killing an eight-year-old boy at a According to police, the
father filed an application,
private schoolin Bhondsiin 2017 thieves allegedly smashed the
stating that as per Section 95 of
— is trying to influence him and rear windows of these cars in the
the JJ Act, the board has to see
recentlyevenapproachedhimto the best interest of the child, early hours of Friday and in the

pvt ads, mobile towers

withdraw his order to shift his and before transferring him afternoon and fled with the lap-
son from a Faridabad observa- from a place to another, the top bags kept on the rear seats of
tionhometoaKarnalinstitution. board has to see that the child the vehicles. After preliminary
Statingthis,Choubeypasseda is kept at a place near his investigation, cases of theft were
reference order on April 12, a residence registered at the Sector 29 and
copy of which is with HT. In the n On April 12, the accused’s father DLF Phase 1 police stations. Kartik Kumar terraces and rooftops lie vacant and stamp duty were the main
order, he wrote some advocates submitted an application to the One of the victims, Vikrant n in all MCG buildings, officials reason for lesser collection.
hadcometomeethimearlierthat JJB and the sessions court, Verma, a resident of Najafgarh realised its potential for erecting In the 2017-18 fiscal, MCG had
day. Since he was busy and there seeking a stay on the transfer in Delhi, told police that he, GURUGRAM: The Municipal Cor- mobile towers. He further said collected ₹342.24 crore in prop-
is no facility in the board to meet n Copies of the reference order, which was sent to the district and n A hearing on Saturday was along with his friends, had gone poration of Gurugram (MCG) the central government has erty tax — the highest ever fiscal
apanelofadvocates,hewentout- sessions judge, Gurugram, are with the victim’s father and the adjourned till May 4. to have lunch at one of the malls has formulated a policy as per recently given licences to collection. In comparison, MCG
side the office to see if there was accused’s father as well. HT ARCHIVES near Bristol Chowk Friday after- which all civic body structures numerous private companies for was able to net only ₹196 crore
any problem. He saw a few of noon. “Verma had parked the can now be used by private com- establishing electric vehicle through property tax in 2018-19.
advocatesalongwiththefatherof car in an unattended parking lot panies for establishing adver- recharge units. TheHaryanagovernmenthad
the juvenile accused. was threatening [sic],” the refer- or welfare of the child. I have filedanapplicationstatingthatas when unidentified men allegedly tisement billboards, setting up “Private companies are on the also deposited ₹845.11 crore
“I was astonished to see that ence order stated. requested not to shift my son per Section 95 of the JJ Act, the broke the glass windows and fled electric vehicle charging sta- lookout for vacant spaces in cen- stamp duty with the MCG in
they were trying to influence me Copiesoftheorder,whichwas from here,” he said Saturday. board has to see the best interest with the laptops. When he tions and erecting mobile tow- trally located parts of each city 2017-18 fiscal, in 2018-19 fiscal
tochangemyorderbyexercising sent to the district and sessions Sushil Tekriwal, counsel for of the child, and before transfer- returned after an hour, he found ers, officials said Saturday. for setting up electric vehicle they only received ₹382.40 crore
power under Section 104 of the judge, Gurugram, are with the the father of the murdered boy, ring him from a place to another, the glass of the rear windows of According to officials, all recharge units. Since the exist- from them. MCG officials said
Juvenile Justice (Care and Pro- victim’sfather andthe accused’s said the warning, intimidating theboardhastoseethatthechild both the cars broken. His friend MCG offices (sub-divisional offi- ing MCG buildings have a lot of that around ₹ 300 crore of stamp
tection of Children) Act, 2015. father as well. andmenacingattackonajudicial is kept at a place nearby his resi- had also left her wallet and lap- ces, joint commissioner offices), vacant spaces next to them and duty from the government was
They were pressuring me not to The accused’s father, how- officerisanunpardonablefelony dence.Italsoseeksconsideration top on the rear seat,” said Karan community centres, sewage are also located in central parts, still awaited, but had not been
shift the juvenile to the place of ever, denied the allegations and and a criminal case under strict- for safety of the juvenile. Goyal, assistant commissioner treatment plants, water boosting it will be ideal for private compa- transferred by the time 2018-19
safety Madhuban, from the said he had gone to collect a copy estprovisionsoflawshallhaveto On April 12, the accused’s of police (DLF). stations, can be utilised by pri- nies to set up the facility. Hence, fiscal ended. The sum is yet to be
Observation Home, Faridabad. of the transfer order and not to be registered against all culprits father submitted an application In the other incident, a Sector vate firms for these purposes. the policy has been accordingly received, said officials.
Theywerebentupontoinfluence influence the principal magis- immediately. “The juvenile sus- totheJJBandthesessionscourt, 27 resident’s bag was stolen from MCG commissioner Yashpal constituted for incorporating To boost its revenue, last
me to recall the order dated trate in any way. pect is accused of committing a seeking a stay on the transfer. the rear seat of his car, parked Yadav said the aim behind this this feature,” he said. month, MCG officials said that
11.04.2019 on the ground that the “Ineverhadathreateningtone ‘heinous’crimeandhisfatherhas The board, in its reply on the opposite his house. move is to boost MCG’s revenue With the MCG garnering only they have started formulating a
Board has ample powers to while speaking to the principal been interfering in the court’s sameday,saidtheyaresurprised “I had parked my car outside collection through leasing their ₹868.41 crore as receipts for the policy for regularising banquet
amend its own orders. When the magistrate.Thisisabaselessalle- proceeding since he was appre- to see this application as he is not my house and there were around structures. “These ventures will 2018-19 fiscal, — less than half of halls which would help the civic
undersignedrefusedtoaccedeto gation. The special home is nei- hended by the CBI,” he said. the first or the only juvenile who 10 more cars parked on the not affect day-to-day operations its previous fiscal collection of body get ₹120 crore in licence
their unlawful demand and thersafenorsecureformyson,as On April 11, Choubey had was being shifted. The order fur- stretch. When I woke up in the of the MCG in any capacity, and ₹1657.41 crore — the civic body fees. The policy will be intro-
requested them to approach the there are many litigation cases passed an order to shift the juve- ther stated that neither the juve- morning, I noticed the window will only help boost MCG’s cash has been looking at various duced after the Lok Sabha polls.
state government to designate a pendingwithregardtothesafety nile accused to Place of Safety in nile nor his parents can success- glass broken and looked my bag, reserves. We have a lot of build- modes to boost its revenue in Besides, the MCG is also
place of safety of their choice at and protection of juvenile there. Madhuban, Karnal — a special fully pray for special treatment which was missing,” said Adu- ings across the city, and the pol- 2019-2020 for which it has esti- exploring the possibility of leas-
the place nearer to the house of Transferring him there will home for boys aged 16-18 years on any ground. The sessions tiya Satyam. icy has been introduced to utilise mated a receipt of ₹2,605.13 crore. ing out its vacant plots for com-
the accused or to challenge the cause immense mental pain and accused of heinous crimes — as courtstayedthetransferorderon The act is captured on a CCTV its potential for commercial tie- During the budget meeting in mercial ventures . The move will
order, they went away but the agony to us. The transfer to a far hehadturned18onApril3.Later April12.AhearingSaturdaywas camera and a copy of the footage ups,” Yadav said. February,MCGofficials hadsaid increase its cash reserves and
tone of the father of the juvenile offplaceisnotevenintheinterest in the day, the accused’s father adjourned till May 4. was handed over to police. Hemaintained thatsincemost poor collection of property tax, also safeguard its properties.

Exhaustion, nose bleed on rise due to heat: Doctors HT Correspondent rains in the second week of the salt in our bodies which is the Doctors advised avoiding
n month brought the maximum cause of unconsciousness and exposure to direct sunlight
temperature down to 30 degrees exhaustion. Make sure you have between 11 am and 3 pm. They
GURUGRAM: With the rising tem- Celsius. enough fluids throughout the said people should wear light-
peratures, the number of heat- However, the day tempera- day to maintain the level of coloured clothes as they won’t
related diseases is also increas- tures are expected to touch 40 salts.” absorb heat.
ing, doctors in the city said. degrees Celsius around April 23. Dr Amitabha Ghosh, physi- However, doctors said they
The Civil Hospital in Civil Private hospitals, too, have cian at Columbia Asia Hospital, haven’t received cases of heat
Lines attended to around 1,000 seen cases of heat strokes and a said he has seen a rise in mild strokes — a more extreme mani-
patients with complaints of diz- rise in the number of people forms of heat illnesses such as festation of heat exhaustion that
ziness, lightheadedness, heat coming in with nose bleeds. heat exhaustion and heat happens if your body tempera-
exhaustions, among other heat- “Over the last 15 days, I have cramps over the last 10 days. ture rises to 40 degrees Celsius
induced illnesses this month, attended to more than 10 “These are a result of prolonged or higher — yet. Symptoms of a
doctors said. During the same patients complaining of nose exposure to high temperature heat stroke include throbbing
n Doctors advised avoiding exposure to direct sunlight period last year, the hospital bleeds. Before April, there were along with dehydration and headache, dizziness, nausea,
between 11am and 3pm. HT FILE had treated close to 700 such hardly any such cases,” said Dr physical exertion,” he said. rapid breathing, muscle weak-
patients. Rajnish Kumar, neurologist at Ghosh said when feeling sick ness among others.
SAVE YOURSELF FROM THE SUN The hospital staff said many Paras Hospital. during the season, one should They further said that cases
n Drink lots of water clothes diet cases of abdominal pain due to A dry, hot weather tends to avoid painkillers and only drink of heat stroke start coming in
and juices to keep n Include large n Avoid all kinds of the heat have also been reported dry out nasal membranes and lots of water and have a bal- when the temperature rises
yourself hydrated quantities of fruits oily foods in the last 15-20 days. can lead to formation of crusts anced diet. “There’s a high above 42 degrees Celsius, and
n Wear light-col- and leafy vegeta- n Alcohol is dehy- The maximum temperature that bleed when picked, he said, chance that taking painkillers advised people to not exert
oured, cotton bles in your regular drating; avoid it had crossed 38 degrees Celsius adding, “During the summer in the heat could lead to some themselves in the coming few
in the first week of April. The season, we sweat more and lose kidney damage,” he said. days. n IMD scientists predict the maximum temperature to touch 40
degrees Celsius around Tuesday. HT FILE

Day temperature
up, likely to rise to
36 degrees today
HT Correspondent
GURUGRAM: The maximum tem-
perature on Saturday rose to 35
degrees Celsius from 32 degrees RECORDED AT 138
Celsius on Friday, and according (MODERATE),
to the India Meteorological
Department (IMD) officials, is ACCORDING TO THE
expected to rise further to touch CENTRAL POLLUTION
37 degrees Celsius on Sunday.
However, Saturday’s day tem-
perature was still two degrees
below the normal for this time of The minimum temperature is
the year. expected to rise to 21 degrees Cel-
IMD scientists predict the sius on Sunday, and touch 25
maximum temperature to touch degrees Celsius around Wednes-
40 degrees Celsius around Tues- day, IMD officials said.
day. “The next four to five days The air quality index in Guru-
will see mainly clear skies and a gram on Saturday was recorded
rise in the maximum tempera- at 138 (moderate), according to
ture. Strong, warm surface the Central Pollution Control
winds are expected to blow from Board’s (CPCB AQI monitor at
Monday,” said an IMD spokes- Vikas Sadan in Sector 11. Fri-
person. day’s AQI too was moderate with
The day temperature on Tues- a reading of 148. According to air
day and Wednesday had fallen to quality experts in the city, the
around 29 degrees Celsius from AQI is expected to worsen in the
38 degrees Celsius on Monday coming days due to meteorologi-
due to light rains and strong cal factors such as low wind
winds the city received as a speed. The level of particulate
result of an active western dis- matter (PM) 2.5 was recorded at
turbance. 91 ug/m3 on Saturday.
On Saturday, the minimum On a scale of 0-500, AQI value
temperaturewasrecordedat19.2 between 401 and 500 is consid-
degrees Celsius, a degree less ered to be ‘severe’ level of pollu-
from Friday’s minimum temper- tion. According to the Central
ature.Saturday’s minimumtem- Pollution Control Board (CPCB),
perature was two degrees below such high levels of pollution can
the normal temperature for this affect healthy people and seri-
time of the year, according to the ously affect patients with lung
IMD scientists. and heart ailments.



APRIL 21, 2019 hindustantimes gurugram 03

Suspect attempts
Congressdelayingalliance,saysAAP to escape police
custody, caught
LAST TRY AAP members have postponed
filing their nominations till Monday in a last- Raes Ahmad of BSP HT Correspondent

ditch attempt to forge alliance with Congress

his party. The deputy CM also
files his nomination GURUGRAM: An attempt by a
27-year-old man — who was
arrested for theft — to flee from
said that an alliance in Haryana, HT Correspondent supremo Mayawati had directed the police custody was foiled by
election Delhi and Chandigarh would n him to work from Gurugram and the police on Friday morning.
2019 have been sealed had the Con- focus on Mewat, which was in Following the incident, the
gress not “backtracked” on its GURUGRAM: Bahujan Samaj direneedofsupport. Ahmadalso police commissioner asked
“own offer” of 7-2-1 (7 Congress, Party’s (BSP) candidate Raes said that the party would work teams to remain alert while tak-
HT Correspondent 2 JJP and 1 AAP) for Haryana. Ahmad on Saturday filed his towards improving brotherhood ing the accused to the hospital or
n “Yesterday after detailed dis- nomination papers with return- and bridging gaps within the the court, said the police.
cussions, we somehow con- ing officer Amit Khatri at the society. According to the police, Monu
NEWDELHI: The Aam Aadmi Party vinced our alliance partner in Mini Secretariat. Ahmad’s elder brother Abdul Kumar Yadav, a native of Baliya
(AAP) Saturday criticised the Haryana, the JJP, to agree to the Ahmad, 58, hails from Budaun Malik had earlier contested on in Uttar Pradesh, was arrested
Congress for “delaying” and new pact. Jannayak Janta Party district in Uttar Pradesh and will the Faridabad seat on a BSP on April 14 by Shivaji Nagar
“backtracking” on a possible (JJP) chief Dushyant Chautala be contesting for the Gurgaon ticket in the Lok Sabha elections police team due to his alleged
alliance with it for the ongoing even agreed to that, but then the Lok Sabha seat for the first time. of 2004. In 2014, BSP ranked involvement in a theft. He along
Lok Sabha elections even as it Congress backtracked again on He said overall development and behind the Bharatiya Janata with his two accomplices had
urged the party to reconsider its Friday night, saying there is no creation of jobs would be impor- Party, the Congress, Indian stolen dress materials and gar-
proposd seat-sharing pact. possibility of formation of any tant election issues for the party National Lok Dal(INLD), and the ments from a shop in Old Guru-
On Saturday morning, the alliance anywhere except in the district. “Our focus will be Aam Aadmi Party(AAP). gram. They were arrested by the
AAP called a press conference Delhi,” he said. on promoting inclusive develop- On Saturday, two other candi- crime team, said the police.
saying it would announce its The AAP leaders said that ment and creation of more jobs. dates filed their nomination. On Friday morning, around
“final decision” on the “Lok while the Congress proposed Unemployment has been pla- Sarwan Kumar from the Social- 5.20am, Yadav had requested the
Sabha elections alliance”. 6-3-1 seat sharing formula to the guing the region, and the ruling ist Unity Centre of India (Com- policemen to let him use the toi-
However, by the end of the AAP in Haryana where six seats party has done anything to alle- munist) filed his candidature. So let. Constable Deepak Kumar
press briefing senior party would be for Congress, three for n On Monday, AAP candidates would file their nominations along with South Delhi candidate Raghav viate it,” he said. did Virender, 58, as an independ- took him to the rooftop toilet of
leader and Delhi deputy chief JJP and one seat for itself, the Chadha, North-East Delhi candidate Dilip Pandey and New Delhi candidate Brijesh Goyal. HT PHOTO Ahmad informed that party ent candidate. the DLF Phase-4 crime branch
minister Manish Sisodia said, JJP had initially proposed 4-4-2 office as the ground floor toilet
“Even though there is no official
offer from the Congress on a
fresh seat-sharing pact for Delhi
with four seats for Congress,
four for JJP and two seats for
AAP. The JJP offer was out-
Ajay Yadav, Inderjit Singh hit campaign trail in Ggm was blocked. The police said as
there was no space in Shivaji
Nagar police custody, the
and Chandigarh alone, we will rightly rejected by the Congress, accused had to be shifted to the
HT Correspondent
see if anything of that sort comes
our way. Alliances cannot hap-
they said.
Congress’s Delhi unit chief PC n
On Saturday, Yadav went to
over two dozen villages in Bad-
come to defeat the communal
and divisive forces. “The BJP
WHILE YADAV TOURED premises of the crime branch.
Taking advantage of the dark,
pen at a press conferences.” Chacko, however, said the talks shahpur and also opened an elec- has failed to create jobs; it has BADSHAHPUR, RAO the accused jumped from the
He did not comment further
when asked about reports that a
of the alliance with AAP had
always been about Delhi only.
GURUGRAM: Election campaign-
ing in Gurugram was kicked off
tion office in Farrukhnagar, said
Congress leaders. Yadav was
destroyed the economy through
demonetisation and the hasty
INDERJIT SINGH VISITED rooftop. But the constable
jumped and caught hold of him.
fresh 5-2 seat-sharing pact in On Friday, senior party leader by both the candidates of the accompanied bysenior Congress implementation of Goods and VILLAGES IN PATAUDI “The constable caught hold of
Delhi (5 AAP and 2 Congress) Gopal Rai had said that the AAP Congress and the Bharatiya Jan- leaders, former minister Rao Services Tax(GST),” he said. his legs. Although the accused
was being discussed between the postponed the nomination of its ata Part(BJP), who hit the cam- Dharampal, Pradeep Zaildar, Rao Inderjit Singh went to a Ahirwal had also ended under tried to hit Kumar, he did not
two parties. candidates in a last ditch effort to paign trail to reach out to the Begraj Yadav during his visit to number of villages in Farrukh- the government and a number of leave his grip and raised an
When asked about the 4-3 seat- form an alliance with the Con- masses. the villages of Mubarikpur, nagar and cited the development infrastructure and development alarm following which other
sharing proposal from the Con- gress. “On Monday, AAP candi- While Captain (retd) Ajay Sadhrana, Kaliawas, Iqbalpur, work done by the BJP govern- works have been completed in police personnel reached the
gress in Delhi, Sisodia said that dates would file their nomina- Yadav of the Congress went to Dhankote, Garhi, Chandu, Bud- ment both in the state and at the n Capt (retd) Ajay Yadav during south Haryana and Gurgaon. He spot.Kumarsufferedminor inju-
giving three seats to the Con- tions along with South Delhi can- villages in Badshahpur assem- hera, Makdola, Dhanwapur, Centre. Singh said that Prime election campaign. HT PHOTO visited Jhanjrola Kheda, Sultan- ries and was given first aid,” said
gress in the national capital didate Raghav Chadha, North bly constituency, the sitting BJP Basai and Khedki Majra, among Minister Narendra Modi had pur, Mubarakpur, Mohammad- Shamsher Singh, ACP (crime).
would mean “giving three seats East Delhi candidate Dilip Pan- member of Parliament(MP) Rao others. raised India’s stature in the ensured a strong, combative pur, Khentawas, Saidpur, Patli, Senior officials congratulated
to the BJP”, adding that a Delhi- dey and New Delhi candidate Inderjit Singh toured the villages Interacting with the villagers, international community of stand against terror. Singh also Hajipur and Garhi, among oth- Kumar for his bravery and said
specific deal would not attract Brijesh Goyal,” Rai said. of his stronghold of Pataudi. Yadav said that the time has nations and it was he who said that discrimination against ers. he would soon be awarded.

CISF wants paintball guns to sharpen combat skills SHRI MATA VAISHNO DEVI UNIVERSITY
(A State University recognized under Section 2 (f) & 12 (B) of UGC Act of 1956)
Anvit Srivastava also be efficient enough to
For Details Visit:
ensure every bullet fired in a
NO CHILD’S PLAY real-time terror situation, takes
University is Ranked Among Top 100 Engineering & Management Institutions & Among Top
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NEWDELHI: The Delhi Metro unit n Paintball guns are used down the enemy. Whichever M.Tech. (Energy Systems),
of the Central Industrial Secu- across the world to practice commando will be hit with a M.Sc. (Physics), M.Sc. (Mathematics)
rity Force (CISF), one of the urban warfare paintball will be required to M.Sc. (Biotechnology) With specialization in Genetics.
M.A. (English), M.A. (Philosophy)
country’s premier paramilitary n During mock drills, any refine their skills at close armed Ph.D. - offered in various schools of University
forces, has made a proposal to commando hit with by combat. This will also help us SMVDUEE-2019
buy paintball guns for target paintball will leave the identify the best shooters in our SMVDU Entrance Examination 2019 will be conducted for admission to the various UG, PG
practice during mock drills, an mock drill and be required force with the best real-time & Integrated programs as per schedule below:
to refine their armed Last Date for filling Application Form Date of Exam
officer privy to details of the pro- response,” the senior comman- 6th May 2019 for B.Tech, MBA & 5 Year Integrated M.Sc. (Economics) 11th May 2019
posal said on Saturday. combat skills dant said. ADMISSION NOTICE 2019-20 10th June 2019 for M.Tech., M.Sc. , M.A. 15th June 2019
The proposal was sent last n This will help CISF to filter Rana said paintball guns are Applications are invited for Admission to the following 5th July 2019 for Ph.D. 10th July 2019
month by the CISF’s Delhi out the best of their used across the world to prac- programs for Academic Session 2019-20: Online Applications can be filled at till the last date mentioned.
shooters and do away with Undergraduate Programs For details regarding eligibility, scholarships etc. download Admission Brochure-2019-20 &
Metro Rail Corporation tice urban warfare. “Initially, B.Tech. (Computer Sc. & Engineering);
conventional security mock SMVDUEE 2019 Information Brochure, from University Website
(DMRC) unit in Shastri Park to we have requested to buy 30 to 50 B.Tech. (Electronics & Comm. Engineering); SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE
the CISF headquarters. Once drills in which commandos paintball guns. “The approval is B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering);
For B.Tech.: AIR (CRL) in JEE (Main) 2019 examination Rank Up to 30,000 Full Tuition Fee
only practice positions with B.Tech. (Civil Engineering);
cleared, the proposal will be pending,” he added. waiver for first 05 semesters. Above 30,000 & Up to 50,000 Full Tuition Fee waiver for first 04
B.Tech. (Electrical Engineering);
unloaded weapons. Admission to B.Tech. through SMVDUEE 2019 OR Direct semesters. Above 50,000 & Up to 1,00,000 Full Tuition Fee waiver for first 03 semesters.
sent to the ministry of home n CISF personnel take part in a mock drill at a Metro station.The Delhi The Delhi Metro is one of the For B.Arch.: AIR (CRL) in JEE (Main) 2019 examination
Counseling based on Rank in JEE Main 2019
affairs for approval. All Metro Metro unit of the CISF has made a proposal to buy paintball guns hypersensitive installations B. Architecture. Rank Up to 500 Full Tuition Fee waiver for first 05 semesters. Above 500 & Up to 1,500 Full
stations in Delhi are guarded by for target practice during mock drills. PARVEEN KUMAR/HT that the CISF secures in the Admission through Direct Counseling based on Rank in JEE Tuition Fee waiver for first 04 semesters. Above 1,500 & Up to 3,000 Full Tuition Fee waiver for
Main 2019 OR NATA 2019 first 03 semesters
the CISF. nique, but with paintball guns National Capital. Every year, For MBA: percentile in MAT/CMAT
Integrated Program
According to a senior officer, ventional security mock drills mandant, CISF, confirmed the we will get a clear picture of how intelligence agencies issue a 5 Years Integrated M.Sc.(Economics) after 10+2 Above 90 Full Tuition Fee waiver for 1 year & 50% Tuition Fee waiver for 2 Year 85 to 90 Full
any commando hit with by in which commandos only prac- initiative. He said the motive is good our men are at shooting,” series of alerts related to the Postgraduate Programs Tuition Fee waiver for 1 year 80 to 85 50% Tuition Fee waiver for 1st Year. (For other scholarships
Master of Business Administration (MBA) – visit website)
paintball will leave the mock tice positions with unloaded to check the skills of the com- Rana said. security of Metro stations, after Admission through MAT/CMAT also. Toll Free No.: 1800-180-7133, Cell: 7051673488,
drill and be required to refine weapons. The move came after a mandos in urban warfare. “At He added that the Delhi which the security of the Metro M.Tech. (Computer Sc. & Engg.; Electronics & Comm. Engg.; Landline: 01991-285524 Extension: 2212, E-mail:
their armed combat skills. committee was formed to present, we cannot shoot real Metro’s has a small built-up is increased from time to time. Manufacturing & Automation) – Admission through CCMT- Sd/-
2019 also. No. SMVDU/AA/19/90 dated: 16/04/2019 Registrar
Senior officers said this will advance the CISF’s urban war- bullets during mock drills as it area. “Our men need to be Apart from DMRC, the
help them filter the best of their fare techniques. will spark panic. We have skilled to make sure they are not CISF also guards the airport
shooters and do away with con- Jitender Rana, senior com- excelled the close combat tech- hit by enemy bullets. They must and government offices.


Hospitality in the time of a mishap BY INEBRIATED
THE GIFT OF KINDNESS Although shaken by a devastating neighbourhood fire, the
residents of Kadipur did not forget to show their generosity towards the reporter VIHAR SIGNAL
Kartik Kumar 02 hindustantimes site, I noticed that senior police offi- HT Correspondent
n gram
gurug cials were being given chairs by their n
kers ware
staff, although they were being
GURUGRAM : On April 15, a Monday injured are said
arranged by the residents of the GURUGRAM: A 25-year-old man
FIVE HURT Two of the , having
morning, I drove to a firecracker to be in a critical conditionburn injuries
suffered more than 80% les.
crackers onto andfromvehic ,
adjoining houses. suffered severe injuries after an
Onetinshedat thewarehouse

warehouse in the Kadipur industrial Even as I stood in the sun, expect- inebriated man allegedly
Kartik Kumar
with fire- which was stacked as
people died and The fire
GURUGRAM: Two gutted completely.
injured after a spreadtotheroom
five more were caught thoughdidnot heshed,acorridor
firecracker warehouse areaon

area, where, hours earlier, a blaze ing by no means a similar treatment thrashed and punched him in his
ontherightoft all of
fireinKadipur industrial rooms in the left,
two and three
Sundaynight. Oftheinjured, firecrackers and
more than 80% which stored
are critical with while the cement
percent burn injuries Singhsaid the warehouse
of danger, the a No Objection
remaining are out licensed and had

had claimed the lives of two persons as the one received by the police, face and hit his car during a road
evening. eexplo-
police said on Monday Certificate (NOC)fromth
arrested the
The police have department in Faridabad,
and his sives investiga-
owner of the warehousewith cul- valid till 2022. He said
son, and charged
them matter are ongoing.
gto tions in the Lucky
pablehomicidenotamountin The warehouse,

and injured five others. bystanders from a nearby house gave rage incident in Udyog Vihar on
to culpable Dealer, is
murder and attempt Kataria Fire Works
as sections of market in
homicide, as well located in ‘patakha’
area and has
the Explosives Act. Kadipur industrial
Accordingtothepolice,thefire several firecracker
9.30pm, when
broke out around in the in the vicinity.

The lanes leading to the establish- me a chair to sit along with a bottle of Saturday morning, said the
batches of firecrackers The police have arrested
presence of highly
rat Bhushan Kataria, the owner
snow sprays were
being loaded as well as his
of the warehouse, being loa
at the site. aint snow sprays were
on to a mini truck sonAmit,basedonthecompl highly inflammable
- persons, in the presence of YOGENDRA KU
SumerSingh,deputycommis of one of the injured batches of firecrackers
t round 9 30pm when

ment were completely uneven and lit-

li (west) said l A se of culpable k
h mineral water. Even though I tried to police.
tered with potholes, making it a reject their offer politely, one of them Krinesh Jangra, son of a sen-
daunting task for small vehicles to n Kartik Kumar reported on the Kadipur said, “If you don’t sit and hydrate ior leader of Rashtriya Sahara
pass through. I somehow managed to warehouse fire on April 16. yourself, you will faint or have a heat Party and a resident of Dunda-
navigate my way through them. How- stroke.” He then forced a bottle into hera, was at a traffic signal in
ever, my next task was to find a safe me struggling to get a picture of the my hand. Surprised, I could only Udyog Vihar around 10.30am in
spot to park my car. spot with my mobile, members of the respond with a “Thank you”. his Honda car, when a speeding
I finally settled on a vacant spot family opened their home to me and The cycle of kind gestures being Ertiga car allegedly hit his vehi-
adjoining an eatery, the only estab- offered me not just a place where I extended to me by local residents cle from the behind and started
lishment in the locality that was open could get good angles but also food finally came to a close, as I returned honking.
at that hour. Despite the fact that my and refreshments. to my car after obtaining all the According to the police, the
car practically blocked the front view When I was searching for possible details for my story. The owner of the accused then intercepted Jan-
of his shop, possibly affecting its gaps in the main gate of the ware- eatery saw me walking towards my gra’s car and started abusing
prospects of attracting clients, the house, through which I could get a car and invited me inside his shop for him. The victim, who was at the
owner of the outlet was unexpectedly picture, one of the residents of an water, breakfast and tea, all “free of wheel, was travelling with his
kind regarding my request to park adjacent two-storey building, who cost”. father. When the victim objected
and allowed me to leave my vehicle was standing on his terrace at that Although I declined his offer and and asked the reason for his
there. However, along with time, spotted me and gestured me to proceeded to open the door of the car, abuse, the accused picked up a
that permission, he, like come upstairs. he rushed out and handed me a bottle stone lying at the spot and hit
many other residents I I climbed up the steps to the terrace of aerated beverage, chilled in the him in the face and on his head.
met later in the day, where, despite the fact that the man’s fridge, while continuing to persuade The police said he suffered inju-
gave me his own ver- young sons were taking a bath in the me to come into his establishment. ries. Meanwhile, the accused
sion of events that open and his wife was laying out Reluctant to appear as being too rude, fled from the spot,” said Sham-
seemed to be partly ingredients to make pickles in the I finally gave in and wrapped up my sher Singh, assistant commis-
true and partially exag- sun, he allowed me to remain at the trip with a brief conversation with sioner of police (crime).
gerated. establishment for several minutes, the shop owner. Singh also said, “The accused
I received a even asking me if I would like some I then made my way back to the tried to snatch the victim’s
similar water to drink or something to eat. office, with a whole host of new phone. When he resisted, he
kind of The invitation turned out to be for- details in my notebook, and a mind pushed him down on the road
hospital- tunate in more ways than one, giving that, touched by the hospitality of the and even tried to run over him.”
ity from a me a better glimpse of the site and locals, was forced into wondering The victim screamed for help
family also helping me to gain an insight into whether the so-called “urban” con- and some passersby rushed to
residing what might have caused the blaze. cepts of “privacy” and the “personal his rescue. The victim later
opposite After clicking pictures from the space” needed a rethink. called his friends, who took him
the ware- terrace, I ventured back towards the to a hospital. He complained to
house. site, where, by that point, reporters Kartik Kumar is a reporter with the Gurugram the police in the evening. A case
Upon were being allowed into the vicinity. bureau. He covers MCG, Traffic, Fire and Sports under relevant sections was reg-
noticing As I waited there and examined the for the newspaper. istered at the Udyog Vihar police
station, said the police.



04 gurugram hindustantimes S U NDAY H INDU STAN TIM E S ,N EW D ELHI/GURUGRAM
APRIL 21, 2019


n Sohna is located 25 kilometres from Gurugram and is developing at a fast pace

due to real estate expansion off Gurugram. PARVEEN KUMAR/HT PHOTOS

› The city needs infra and

leaders must be held
accountable if they fail to
provide governance. Transport
connectivity, unemployment,
governance are some areas
where the govt is lacking.
who retired from a private job

› Sohna needs to be better

connected to Gurugram in
terms of transport. The govt
should create better infra and
also work on efficient delivery
mechanisms to root out
RAJ A KHARI (50), property dealer

ASPIRE FOR A BETTER LIVING Residents want Sohna to be
developed as a satellite town of Gurugram; seek more jobs,
improved healthcare facilities and better support for farmers
Pavneet Singh Chadha 550 votes compared to Hussain’s 28,925
Rao Inderjit Singh, currently of the BJP, and INLD’s Zakir Hussain have faced off thrice, with Singh emerging
as the victor on all the occasions. Hussain ran Singh close in Sohna, when Singh contested on a Cong ticket
› Several works were
completed in the past five
years in the village.
Streetlights have become votes in Sohna. The total voter base of SOHNA VOTER DATA GURGAON 2014 LOK SABHA RESULTS
functional, RO plant for water

Sohna, at the time, was considerably Male Female Total votes

Sohna assembly segment
GURUGRAM :Located at a distance of over
25 kilometres from the Millennium
lower — at 83,765.
Ram Kanwar, a political analyst and Party Candidates Total votes
in Gurgaon
was built and the community
City, Sohna changes character as one former professor, Haryana Agricul- 119,456 102,960 Rao Inderjit centre is being renovated.
drives past the high-rise corporate offi- tural University, Hissar, said that the BJP
Singh (sitting MP)
64,165 644,780 MAMTA DAGAR, sarpanch, Alipur
ces, half-built condominiums and sev- BJP is likely to emerge as the number
eral private educational institutions one party in Sohna. “The incumbent Zakir
46,849 370,058
that adorn the sides of the Sohna Road. government appears to retain support Total electors
As one approaches the main town, among its voter base — Rajputs, Gujjars
the buildings, which have come up over and Yadavs — in Sohna. Although the 222,416 BSP
15,816 65,009
the last decade, give way to vast open INLD has given the BJP competition in
spaces and old tombs. the constituency, the split within INLD 257 Polling stations Cong.
8,712 133,713
(including 12 auxiliary polling stations) Dharampal
The road that leads up to the main this year means that there appears a
town offers a clear picture of its past, of possibility that some of the Muslim *Data as on April 8, 2019 Yogendra
villages still trying to keep pace with votes, traditionally a vote bank of the
AAP Yadav 3,650 79,452
urbanisation while holding on to their INLD, may switch over to the Con-
rich historical past. Several tombs and gress,” said Kanwar.

mosques, built during the Lodhi era, lie In the villages and towns that HT MAIN ISSUES FACED BY RESIDENTS
abandoned even as vast lands are rap-
idly being acquired for corporate offices
visited, voters voiced their concerns
about transport connectivity, lack of
My vote will be for BJP.
as Sohna aspires to become a satellite higher educational institutions, jobs, AMENITIES TIONAL INSTITUTIONS LACK OF TRANSPORT In the past five years, he
town of Gurugram. access to healthcare facilities and
A massive old fort wall on a hill, on drinking water. However, despite these Residents said that access to clean drinking Residents said that students have to commute Residents said the frequency of buses between
has taken the country forward
the outskirts of the city, looms over the
town, a reminder of the town’s histori-
shortcomings, the support for the
incumbent government appeared
water, electricity and proper waste disposal
mechanisms are lacking in the constituency.
daily to Gurugram, Faridabad and PalwalW to
study, as Sohna lacks government colleges and
Gurugram and Sohna should be increased due to
the large number of people commuting daily for
in terms of development
cal legacy. strong, especially, in the aftermath of Although the situation has improved in the last
five years, a lot remains to be done, they said.
higher educational institutions funded by the
government. People said they could not afford to
work. The connectivity of public transport
system with internal villages remains weak.
and now, India ranks as one
HT, in the build-up to the polls on the recent air strikes by India in
May 12, paid a visit to Sohna, among the response to the Pulwana terror attack.
In some villages, two to three hours of power pay the tuition fee of private colleges set up in Residents said they use shared autos, but these of the superpowers.
cuts are common, said villagers the constituency remain an expensive alternative to buses
nine assembly constituencies of the A small detour from the Sohna Road, P KHATTANA (23), parking attendant
Gurgaon parliamentary seat, to assess over six kilometres from the main town,
the political legacy of Sohna and ascer- leads to Daula village after an arduous
tain the mood of the voters. journey on cramped and dusty roads. A tion connectivity and lack of higher those present at the chaupal were unan- of the armed forces though. “The gov- Twenty-three-year-old Prince Khat-
In the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, the dozen elderly men are engrossed in a education institutions. imous in their support for the incum- ernment has worked in providing civic tana, a first-time voter and a resident of
incumbent member of Parliament (MP), game of cards, the village’s favourite “The mobile networks are extremely bent government ahead of the upcom- amenities. However, one grouse is that Sohna, works as a parking attendant in
Rao Inderjit Singh, contesting on a activity to kill time in the day, on a com- poor. The government has laid down ing Lok Sabha elections. “The current I am yet to receive the arrears of one Gurugram. “I commute daily between
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) ticket, munity plot (chaupal), which has been wires and set up routers across the vil- government has given a proper reply to rank one pension (OROP) scheme. The Sohna and Gurugram. Earlier, I used to
had garnered the highest votes in Sohna christened ‘Gullu ka Nehra’. Vijay lage, but the connectivity remains poor. Pakistan on terrorism by conducting ex-servicemen have been protesting but take a bus but the frequency of buses is
constituency — getting 64,165 votes out Singh or Gullu, a villager informs, is a The only spot where one can get net- airstrikes and exacting revenge for the the government does not pay heed to limited, especially at night. There is a
of the 141,681 polled votes, a vote share social worker who owns the land. work is near the temple, perhaps due to Pulwama attack. Desh ko power de di them,” said Devi. lack of cheap transport options to com-
of 45%. Sohna had accounted for over Daula was among five model villages some divine intervention. I have to walk (the country has been empowered). Eight kilometres from Alipur, at the mute. The shared auto rickshaws are
10% of Inderjit’s total votes in nine adopted by former President Pranab a few metres every time the phone When it comes to delivery mechanisms, post office in the main Sohna city, a expensive. I had to purchase a second-
assembly constituencies of Gurgaon. Mukherjee under the Smart Gram rings,” said Shishupal Singh, a retired it was earlier difficult to get an LPG cyl- group of senior citizens stand, disgrun- hand motorcycle to commute,” said
He was closely followed by Indian project in July 2016. The objective was government official. inder and the system had gaps. Now, tled, in a disjointed queue, waiting for Khattana.
National Lok Dal (INLD) candidate, to set up basic infrastructure, informa- Singh said that the village had been there is no middleman. The level of cor- their monthly pension. The internet at He said that he would vote for the BJP
Zakir Hussain, who polled 46,849 votes tion and communication systems to transformed after realtors and develop- ruption has gone down,” said Sukhpal the post office has been down for several government, as he believed that PM
(33% of the total). The remaining votes improve governance and provide better ers purchased land to construct offices Singh, a farmer. hours and some of the older women are Modi is a strong leader and the other
were shared between candidates of the services, livelihood and economic oper- and residential projects along the Rakesh Singh, an ex-serviceman, squatting near a banyan tree in the parties have failed to put out a strong
Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP), Congress, ations. Sohna Road over the last decade. The also expressed his support for the BJP office complex, waiting for the ‘net’ to candidate.
Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and independ- Gullu said, “This is where all the region, he said, witnessed exponential and said PM Modi has given a befitting become operational. About a kilometre from Alipur, in
ents. important discussions take place in the growth in the past decade with circle reply to Pakistan. “He was the architect Sixty-five-year-old Satish Chand Ghamroj village, which is dominated by
In the past 15 years, the Gurgaon Lok village and all the disputes are settled.” rates of village properties rising, but of surgical strikes across the Line of said, “I have been coming here for the Rajputs, residents said that irrespective
Sabha constituency has been a fight The village has three schools, pukka said that the construction boom and Control (LOC) in 2016 and now, we have past three days to collect my pension of the candidate or the work done by the
between Rao Inderjit Singh and Zakir roads and gets electricity throughout urbanisation is yet to translate into conducted airstrikes deep inside the but the internet has been down. This incumbent government in the past five
Hussain, with Inderjit claiming a hat- the day, unlike earlier, says Gullu. A jobs. “The youth of the village commute territory of Pakistan. He has done in delay takes place almost every month. years, their vote would go to the BJP.
trick of victories and Hussain finishing major concern among villagers, mostly to far-off places such as Gurugram, Far- five years what previous governments When the internet is functional, there is Param Chauhan, 42, a milk supplier,
as a runner-up thrice. landowning farmers and ex-service- idabad and Palwal to study and to get failed to do. Now, Pakistan will think a power cut. All this talk of ‘Digital said, “My family and I have been voting
In 2009, when Inderjit had contested men, is the lack of access to quality jobs. The town has some private educa- twice before attacking us,” said Singh. India’ is a lofty idea here.” for the BJP for decades. The candidate
on a Congress ticket, he had polled 27, healthcare, jobs, poor telecommunica- tional institutions, but not everyone In the adjacent Alipur village, sev- Outside the post office, a herd of stray does not matter. It is about supporting
can afford to pay high fees. The govern- eral farmers, beneficiaries of the PM cattle is feeding on the garbage strewn an ideology. BJP has worked for the
ment should set up a polytechnic college KISAN yojna, which was announced in across the road leading to the main nation and initiated several develop-
to help create jobs in Sohna. Moreover, the 2019 interim budget, praised the gov- bazaar. Residents said that the city mental schemes. No major scams have
it is not safe for women to travel to far- ernment. Under the scheme, small and lacks a proper waste disposal mecha- taken place under this government. It
off places,” said Singh. marginal farmers cultivating crops on nism and farmers often leave their cat- will take time for things to change at the
Ompal Singh, a retired ex-service- up to two hectares (five acres) of land, tle on the main roads during the day. ground level.”
man, said that in the past five years, the get direct income support of ₹2,000 per Notwithstanding the support from Umar Mohammad, a property dealer,
situation had significantly improved as quarter from the government. farmers, members of the trader commu- however, said that the BJP’s work, in
the village was getting “bijli” and “There are issues when it comes to nity said that concerns persist. terms of development and governance,
“paani” full time. “However, the village healthcare and cleanliness in the vil- Nand Kishore, 35, a trader, said, “The has been disappointing and that he
lacks access to basic healthcare servi- lage. But the government has provided government made tall promises in the would vote for change. “The govern-
ces. There is a health centre, but the subsidies for inputs. The power situa- last election, but the reality on the ment had promised ‘achhe din’, but that
doctor and the nurse visit only once a tion has improved considerably and at ground has not changed. Sanitation was just a gimmick. Traders suffered
week. It remains locked on other days. present, we get power for at least six remains a major problem. Swachh Bha- during the period following demoneti-
We have to go to the government hospi- hours a day. If it can be raised to 12 rat is merely a slogan. In the past five sation and also due to the hasty imple-
tal, which is understaffed, and most of hours daily, it would be enough to till years, no politician from any party has mentation of the Goods and Services
the patients are referred to the Civil one acre in a day. The situation is at visited us to address our concerns.” Tax (GST). Unemployment has
Hospital in Gurugram for treatment,” least better than it ever was earlier,” He, however, rued a lack of a credible increased by a big margin. The govern-
said Ompal Singh. said Ishwar Singh, a farmer, who has alternative to the current government. ment has failed to create jobs,” said
An Ayushman Bharat kiosk at Sohna been staying here for four decades. At least 10 buses are stationed at the Mohammad, adding that he travels to
Civil Hospital has been set up for those Bather Devi, a widow of an army offi- bus stand in the centre of the city, wait- Sohna for work daily from Nuh, which
eligible to get registered. cer who served in the 1971 war, said that ing to ferry passengers to Gurugram, is also among the nine constituencies
n Residents of Daula village said they want more jobs created in their village. Despite the evident shortcomings, the government had ignored the needs Nuh, Ballabgarh and Faridabad. that make up the Gurgaon seat.





06 gurugram hindustantimes S U NDAY H IN DUSTAN TI ME S,N EW D E LHI/ GURUGRAM
A PRIL 21 , 20 1 9

thecrosswords frompageone
CRYPTIC CLUES PUZZLE 15272 © Gemini Crosswords 2012 All rights reserved Congress moves for the first United Progressive
Alliance (UPA) government.
Gandhi is confident that the
party will do well in Tamil
1,600 crore and it will not even
be manufactured in the country.
ACROSS its war room to Nadu, Bihar, even Uttar Pra- Can this behaviour be national- a team of doctors at All India
1 He argues that a large animal swallows a
small one (7) Lodhi Estate EC notice to desh. “The success of our coali-
tion in Tamil Nadu will wipe out
istic?” InstituteofMedicalSciencessaid
the 39-year-old was smothered

5His victims lose heart (5)
Unconnected sound or ring perhaps (7,6) allows much-needed additional
Pragya for everybody. I believe that the
Congress will win all the seats
ND Tiwari son’s with a pillow. He was found on
Social occasion for a tripper (5)
Time of day for getting level (7)
space for the party’s expanding
poll network.
remark on there. The alliance in Bihar will
also bring great results. In Uttar
wife among five taken to Max Super Specialty
Hospital where he was declared
11Strong and healthy - or alternatively
bankrupt (6)
War rooms are important for
Karkare Pradesh, we are fighting sepa-
rately but still the Congress will
under scanner dead.
Shekhar, an advocate, had
12 This ring is impressive (6) dedicated control room for elec- She said he died because she win seats. That’s why we have Shekhar’s mother Ujjwala fought a legal battle with ND
15 They beat up rum and eggs, perhaps (7)
tions, which have become com- cursed him: “Maine kaha, tera sent Priyanka ji (Priyanka Gan- Devi Sharma, who returned to Tiwari to prove that he was the
17 Clergyman provides transport after six (5)
plexandverytech-heavyaffairs. sarvnash hoga” {I said, may you dhi) and Scindia ji (Jyotiraditya the capital on Friday night along late veteran politician’s biologi-
19 Induce to become religious? (4,2,7)
The BJP, too,hasa sophisticated perish.} The remarks invited Scindia) to UP.” with Apoorva after the family cal son. In 2014, a paternity test
20 Not well, being worn out (5)
21 Put right - a slipping bandage? (7)
centralwarroom inDelhi. Many severe criticism from political Gandhi said that to fund the wentto Haridwarfor the funeral decided the case in Shekhar’s
ofthecandidatesalsoprefertoset leaders and the Indian Police party’s big idea for the election, ceremony,saidrelationsbetween favour, following which the
DOWN up their own war or control Service Association. The BJP NYAY, a scheme that promises the couple had been strained, three-time Uttar Pradesh chief
1 Five hundred study with anxiety (5) rooms in their constituencies. distanced itself from Thakur’s poor households Rs 72,000 a news agency PTI reported. minister publicly accepted him
2 Cases of eviction? (3,3,7)
QUICK CLUES The white bungalow, the peo- statement. On Friday evening, year, no taxes will be raised and ShekharandApoorvamarried as his son.
3 Catty female (7) ACROSS DOWN ple familiar with the matter Thakur offered an apology and the middle class won’t have to in 2018, Shekhar’s father-in-law The case is being investigated
4 Be a shade embarrassed? (6) 1 Young tree (7) 1 Up to now (2,3) added, doesn’t have the state-of- saidherremarkswereprompted bear the brunt of funding this toldPTI.“Mydaughtercannotdo bythecrimebranchofthepolice.
5 Agree to strike? (5) 5 Pounce suddenly (5) 2 Essential ingredient (4,3,6) the-art facilities such as biomet- by the pain she had experienced scheme. somethinglikethis.WhenIgotto
6 Firm plan for retirement? (7,6) 8 Temporarily (3,3,7) 3 Brutal (7)
7 The pleasure the Turkish take in a 9 Kingdom (5) 4 Wide-open (6)
ric entry and other electronic
gadgetry,whichthe oldwarroom
during her incarceration.
On Wednesday, Thakur
The Congress president
repeated his allegation that PM
know about his death, I came
10 Tell story of (7) 5 Precipitous (5)
sweet (7)
Takes a walk - in the rose garden? (7)
11 Gnawing (6) 6 Superfluity (13) enjoyed in its corporate-style set joined the BJP and hours later Modi was doing things to bene- matter and soon we will know A NEWS AGENCY HER
13 Not well enough to carry any weight? (7)
12 Brusque (6)
15 Shuffling gait (7)
Tolerant (7)
Harshly grating (7)
was namedtheparty’scandidate
for the Bhopal Lok Sabha seat.
fit his “industrialist friends”
and on corruption in the Rafale
how he died.”
It connects similar pressure points (6)
A record number of contestants in the
17 To jog (5)
19 As a result of (2,11)
Lavish meal (7)
Superficial appearance (6)
tohavehigherdailyfootfalls.The She faces Congress’s Digvijaya deal. The Congress has main- news agency that her son was UPSET OVER HIS
field (5) 20 Rainwater channel (5) 16 Bowlegged (5) new place is access-controlled Singh in the contest. tained that the new deal struck apparently upset over his politi- POLITICAL CAREER
18 Cuts down the sail area - and knots (5) 21 Withdraw under attack (7) 18 Upright in posture (5) andonlyafewleadersholdmeet- CEO Kantha Rao said he had by the NDA government, which cal career, according to the PTI.
ings here,” said a Congress func- taken cognizance of the matter replaced tan old deal negotiated
tionary. and asked Bhopal district collec- by the Congress-led United Pro-
FRIDAY’S SOLUTIONS (15271) htsudoku The utility of 15 GRR is not tor Sudam Khade to submit a gressive Alliance (UPA), entails
fully overfor the party. The Con- report on it. “The violation was buying the fighter jets at a ANTIM ARDAS
gress’s social media cell is still found as any candidate can’t higher price. The government
housed at that property and abuse and use any objectionable has denied this. The Supreme
manypoliticalmeetingscontinue language against any particular Court also said in a judgment
to takeplace inthe oldwarroom. person or religion that could that it doesn’t see the need for a
Congresschief,RahulGandhi, affect peace and communal har- court-monitored probe into the
andgeneral secretary,Priyanka mony. Similarly, no aspect of deal and that it is convinced due
Gandhi, however,are yetto visit private life, not connected with process was followed, but is
thenewwarroom.RahulGandhi the public activities, of the lead- now hearing a review petition
wasaninfrequentvisitortoGRR. ers or workers of other parties on this.
“Meetings with him are usually shall be criticised,” said Khade Commenting on one of the
held at his office or at the party in a notice to Thakur and Vikas BJP’s core campaign planks,
headquarters,”saidaseniorCon- Virani, BJP district president, nationalism, Gandhi said those
gress leaderwhospokeoncondi- organiser of the programme. talking of nationalism don’t
tion of anonymity. Pragya Thakur said she answer serious questions. “In
Theparty hasalsotaken some would reply to the notice. “I have the last five years, what has the
QUICK space in a Talkatora Road prop- already apologised for my com- Modi government done for the DR. HARMIT SINGH
erty for routine work but none of ments. However, it was my per- youth, farmers, the poor labou- Left us for his heavenly abode on 18th April 2019
the senior leaders go there. sonal pain which I expressed,” rers? A Rafale plane worth Rs
The Gurdwara Rakabganj she said. 526 crore will be bought for Rs
Roadwarroom wassetupbefore Prayer Meeting will be held on Sunday,

Fill in all the squares in the DIFFICULTY

the 2004 election and a lot of
recent electoral history is
Nyay will 21st April 2019 at Gurudwara Shri
Rakabganj Sahib, Hall No. 1 New Delhi from 4 to 5pm
grid so that each row,
column and each of the 9X9
squares contains all the
LEVEL attachedtotheproperty.Ramesh
and Salman Khurshid used to
remonetise the Deeply mourned by:
digits from 1 to 9. write the party manifesto and
Indian Mrs. Sunila Singh
Rupika & Manbir Sawhney
Jaspreet & Payal Singh
Nasib & Pavitar Kaur
Karan, Karina, Nanki


galow. It also played host to the
extensive process of Congress
economy: Rahul Harpreet & Ravleen Singh
Bawa Family & All Relatives
Alayna & Naisha
M: 9811024608
THE SOLUTION AND MANY MORE PUZZLES and Left leaders writing their opposed by the Congress. When
common minimum programme the farmers are in trouble, the
Congress is the first to come and
stand by them. Wherever there

Man arrested for hiring 2 contract killers is pain in India, it is the nature
of the Congress to resolve it.
This is the thinking that is the
vote bank of the Congress. For
In Loving Memory of
HT Correspondent Police identified the arrested tion,policehadarrestedfourmen thereforedecidedtotakerevenge us, every Hindustani is the mir-
n man as Rajender Kale, who hails and apprehended a juvenile on and sought help of two of his ror of the Congress ideology,”
from Dausa in Rajasthan, who March14fortheirroleinthemur- friends, whom he promised ₹5 he said. We cannot see you, you are
NEW DELHI: The police on Friday used to live in Delhi’s Sangam der. However, Rajender Kale, lakh,” the DCP said. Over the years, the Congress always with us in our hearts,
we miss you dear father.
arrestedamanwhohadhiredtwo Vihar. The police said Kale has whohadhiredoneofthemenand Naik said, the two men then has become a fringe player in The Shield of the house.
contract killers to get a financer previously beeninvolved incase the juvenile, to kill Chawla, gave contract to Kale, who fur- some states in the country, but Fondly remembered by:
killed, because of his friends had of murder in Ambedkar Nagar, remained on the run. therhiredtwobuddingcriminals Munish & Sonia Sachdeva
taken a loan of ₹52 lakh from the and was out on bail when the “During interrogation, Kale Dinesh and a minor boy from (Son & Daughter-in-law). 43/42, West Punjabi Bagh,
financierinFebruary2018.Police murder took place. told us that one Manjot Singh of Ambedkar Nagar. “On Feb 8, New Delhi. Mob: 9899012000, 9999968079.
said that the man had paid the According to the police, on Malviya Nagar took a loan of ₹52 2018,Dineshand the juvenile fol-
killers, one of them a juvenile, February 8, 2018, a 47-year-old lakhsfromSanjayChawla.How- lowed Chawla from the office to In Loving Memory of
₹35,000each.Thecontractkillers financer, Sanjay Chawla, was ever, because he was unable to his residence and stabbed him Advertisements Rates Smt. Swadesh Kumari
were arrested a month after the shot dead near his house in Mal- pay the interest, Chawla alleg- when he was metres away from Effective May 10, 2018
murder. viya Nagar. During investiga- edly used to insult him. Singh, his house,” the officer said.
Rohit Sharma : 9910207577, 011-66561245 / 1389 Fondly Remembered on 24th
Death Anniversary by
Telebooking : 1800-103-1800 Luna & Sartaj Bhambri
RATES (Daughter in Law & Son),
PUBLICATIONS (All rates are in per sq.cms.) Grand children, Daughters
(B/W & Colour) & Family
HT Delhi (Metro Run) 725/-
HT Delhi (Full Run) 835/-
Smt. Prakash Wati Luthra
HH Delhi (Full Run) 250/-
W/o Late B.R. Luthra
HT Delhi (Metro Run) + HH - Delhi (Full Run) 850/-
HT + HH - Delhi (Full Run) 950/-
Mint Delhi 250/- Your absence is felt deep in
our Heart. It is now 12 years
HT Delhi (Metro Run) + Mint Delhi 750/- since you left us. Our Life
HT Delhi (Full Run) + Mint Delhi 860/- has become empty and
*HT - Hindustan Times, HH - Hindustan Hindi + GST as applicable Meaningless without you.
We love and miss you very
The above rates are applicable for advertisement sizes of up to 320 sq.cms. much. From Luthra Family Super Properties
Placement of these advertisements will be on specified pages only. Width of 9717445161.
obituary will be 4 cm or multiplethereof. *Conditions Apply



APRIL 21, 2019 gurugram/delhi 07

Celebratory firing Body of man with J H A J JA R C H E AT I N G C A S E

Court adjourns
throat slit found in
injures 1 in Rohini northwest Delhi matter till April 24
HT Correspondent Press Trust of India
THE INCIDENT TOOK n Associated News International 3thisyear,NaveenKumarlodged
PLACE AROUND 9 PM IN n acomplaintatTilakNagarpolice
NEWDELHI:A 12-year-old boy was
critically injured after being
his throat slit was found near NEW DELHI: The Patiala House
station against a woman for
shot in the head during a wed- THE BOY WAS STANDING bushes in northwest Delhi’s CourtonSaturdayadjournedtill In the First Information
ding procession in Rohini on IN THE BALCONY OF HIS AzadpurareaonSaturday,police April24hearinginthebailmatter Report, Kumar had alleged that
Saturday night. said. ofa womanwhowas arrestedfor the woman in 2017 demanded Rs
The child remained under THIRD-FLOOR HOUSE TO Police were informed around cheatingamanhailingfromHar- 10 lakhs from him in lieu of get-
observation till late on Satur- WATCH A WEDDING 7.55amabout the unknown body yana’s Jhajjar district of ₹50,000 ting him a job of a process server
day, even as the police made lying near railway line at Azad- in lieu of getting him a job at the or class IV employ at the top Some of the major projects developed and displayed by students

efforts to trace the accused. pur flyover, they said. Supreme Court. court. and faculty on Saturday included a foldable bed for “bed-ridden”
The incident took place On reaching the spot, police The matter is being investi- After the complaint paid the patients, a height-adjustable wheelchair, a staircase climbing aide
around 9 pm in Rithala area under treatment and critical,” found his throat slit by a sharp gated by the Crime Branch. first installment of the total for disabled people and foldable bicycle. HT PHOTO
when the boy was standing in said a senior police officer who edged weapon. In view of the matter, the amount,thecouplefledandlater
the balcony of his third-floor
house to watch a wedding pro-
cession that was passing by on
the street outside.
is not authorised to speak to the
The hospital staff, on realis-
ing that the child has a gun shot
a probe initiated, a senior police
officer said.
The body is yet to be identified
Investigating Officer Mukesh
ropolitan Magistrate Manish
Khurana to “cancel” the bail
threatened to implicate him in a
false case if he demanded his
money back.
On March 10, the woman was
IIT-D wows with
“One of the relatives from
groom’s side opened fire during
the procession. The bullet hit
the child in his head. As he col-
injury, called up the police.
Senior police officers arrived
at the spot and the suspect who
had fired the gunshot was iden-
and has been preserved in the
that efforts are being made to
identify it.
granted to the accused in the
“interest of justice”.
It came after the complainant
arrested and a case was regis-
tered against the accused under
the section 420/506 and 120 B of
the Indian Penal Code (IPC).
innovations on
Open House Day
lapsed, bleeding profusely, his tified. Police are also scanning was being threatened by the She was later sent to the judi-
family members raised the “Efforts to trace the man have through profiles of missing per- accused and her associates. cial custody and thereafter
alarm and the child was rushed been launched. A case of sonsatthelocalpolicestationsto ChiefMetropolitanMagistrate released on bail on March 12 on
to Baba Saheb Ambedkar Hospi- attempt to murder and arms act identifythebody.Ifnotidentified Manish Khurana adjourned the the orderofMetropolitan Magis-
tal. From there he was referred has been registered,” the police within72hours,thepost-mortem matterastheapplicationwasnot trate Sumeet Anand of Patiala Fareeha Iftikhar 100 schools of Delhi-NCR, was a
to a private hospital where he is officer said. will be conducted, they said. served to the accused. On March House Court. n technology to “remote-control”
the nervous system.
NEWDELHI: From security system “The technology can be appli-

the complainant in the case and
47-yr-old wanted in 18-year-old killed that detects changes in pressure
to ring an alarm, to a device that
cation in case if the lowerbody of
a person is paralysed by some
in road mishap in again, the IIT-Delhi showcased neuron diseases but the brain in
case against CJI
the lady and the hearing in the
matter is today in the Patiala
year-old murder outer Delhi
around 60 innovations by its stu-
dents and faculty on Saturday.
Naga Jayant, an M Tech stu-
can send signals from the brain
using EEG (Electroencephalog-

heard by CJI
CJI Gogoi said in court on Sat-
ing against her husband and her
brother-in-law also,” observed
CJI Gogoi.
case arrested: Cops Press Trust of India
dent and a co-inventor of the
security system, said users can
activate the system using their
mobile phones.“Users can fix
raphy) to stimulate the muscle
andcanhelpinitiatesome move-
ment in the limbs like lifting and
twisting an arm or leg a little and
Press Trust of India
urday that the former staffer,
who made allegations against
An application for cancella-
tion of bail of the former staffer n
THE SUSPECT WAS NEW DELHI: An 18-year-old man-
died and two of his friends sus-
on valuables such as gadgets,
clenching fists,” said Tapan K
Nayan, an assistant professor at
him,has“acriminalbackground says that she was arrested on ACCUSED OF KILLING tained injuries in a road acci- vehicles andjewellery. Ifthereis IIT-D’s school of biological
and has two FIRs against her”.
FIR is short for first information
on March 11 and released on bail
NEW DELHI: A man who had been
SANJAY CHAWLA (47), A dent in outer Delhi on
Saturday morning, the police
any pressure built on them, the
burglar alarm will start beeping
Some of the other major pro-
report. on March 12. murdercasewasheld,policesaid RESIDENT OF MALVIYA said. immediately and the user will jects developed by students and
The hearing began with the CJI Gogoi has seven more on Saturday. NAGAR, IN FEBRUARY 8 The deceased was identified also get a message on her or his facultyincludedafoldablebedfor
CJIsummarisingtheallegations moths of service left and retires The suspect, Rajender, a resi- as Himanshu (18), the injured as mobile phone,” “bed-ridden” patients, a height-
made against him in the letter on November 17, 2019. dentofSangamVihar,wascarry- LAST YEAR, DEPUTY Sahib (21) and Jayant (18), they With the “intelligent vehicle adjustable wheelchair, a stair-
(which also has a sworn under- After the hearing, the bench ing a reward of ₹ 50,000 on his COMMISSIONER OF said, adding that the other vehi- monitoring system”, developed case climbing aide for disabled
taking), and also published on refrained from passing any judi- arrest, they said. cle involved in the bypostgraduatestudentsAnshu- people and foldable bicycle.
Saturdaymorning infouronline cial orders but said, “We leave it He was accused of killing San-
POLICE (CRIME) RAM accident has not yet been identi- man Singh and Pardhi IIT-DdirectorVRamgopalRao
publications. to the wisdom of the media to jayChawla(47),aresidentofMal- GOPAL NAIK SAID fied. Chandan, any monitoring body on Saturday said that the insti-
Hesaid: “Ireceivedcommuni- showrestraint,actresponsiblyas viya Nagar, in February 8 last “At around 5:40am, an acci- can detect drivers who use the tute is focusing on developing
cation from four online publica- is expected from them and year, Deputy Commissioner of interest, Chawla repeatedly dent occurred on Jwalaheri mobile phones while on technologies having some social
tions, Caravan, Leaflet, Scroll accordingly decide what should Police (crime) Ram Gopal Naik insulted him and he decided to Market Chowk Road. At the the move. impact.Hehasalsoannouncedto
and Wire wanting to know of my orshouldnotbepublishedaswild said. take revenge. spot, a damaged Honda City car “It is based on Global System introduce “professors of prac-
responseontheallegations.They and scandalous allegations During investigation, it was Therefore, he hatched a con- was found,” a senior police offi- for Mobile (GSM) communica- tice” initiative at the institute.
gave me less than 12 hours to undermineandirreparablydam- revealed that the deceased was a spiracy with Rajender and Rohit cer said. tiontechnology.Ifit’sinstalledin “The IIT-D senate has already
respond. A response was sent to age the reputation and negate financerandusedtoprovideloan Thakurandhepromisedtopay₹5 The three injured persons a vehicle it will automatically approved the programme under
these publications by the Secre- independence of the judiciary. against interest on monthly lakh, police said. were rushed to a hospital in a send signals to the authorised which experts from the indus-
tary General denying the allega- Wewould,therefore,atthisjunc- basis, Naik said. Further,theygavecontractto police van, but Himanshu was person whenever the driver is tries having more than 10-years
tions.” ture leave it to the media to take Thereafter,threemen—Man- Rajender and he hired Dinesh later declared dead there, he usingthephonewhilethevehicle ofexperiencewillbeencouraged
Rebutting the allegations, the off such material which is unde- jot Singh, Dinesh, Vickey and andthejuvenile.Onthedayofthe said. in motion,” said Singh. tocomeandteachstudentsatthe
CJIsaid,“Iwillnotstooploweven sirable.” Rohit Thakur — were arrested incident,Dineshandthejuvenile Subsequently, a case was reg- Among the other innovations institute.Theywillbeparticipat-
to deny this allegation. What while one juvenile was appre- followed Chawala from office to istered at Paschim Vihar east put up on display during the ing in researches as well. Most
troubles me is that after 20 years
AFTER THE HEARING, hended on March 14, 2018, the
DCP said.
residence and later stabbed him,
police added.
was and a probe was initiated,
police said.
event, its 15th Open House Day
attended by 5,000 students from
importantly they will not need
any PhD for this,” he said.
of ₹6 lakh, 80 thousand and ₹40 THE BENCH REFRAINED However, the main accused,
lakh in provident fund. When I
was an advocate I had more. No
FROM PASSING ANY Rajender,wasabsconding,police
onecancatchmeonmoney.They JUDICIAL ORDERS BUT He was arrested following a
have to look for something else. SAID, “WE LEAVE IT TO tip-off on Friday from near
Even my peon has more money Tuglakabad Fort, the DCP said.
than me.” THE WISDOM OF THE During interrogation, it was
Brushingasidetheallegations, MEDIA TO SHOW revealed that Manjot Singh took
headded: “Thisemployeewasin a loan of ₹52 lakh from Chawla.
my home office for a month-and-
RESTRAINT...” Whenhewasunabletopaythe
a-half. Theallegation pertains to
an incident on October 11 and 12,
2018, when my personal private
secretary made a report of inap-
propriate behaviour by the
staff(er) and forwarded it to the
registry. Thereafter she was
point of time, unsolicited phone
band of the lady seeking help
from the CJI to put her back into
service, which were reported to
the Delhi Police.”
ground. There are two FIRs
against her. One was against her
when she entered service under
section 324 (Voluntarily causing
hurt by dangerous weapons or
means) and 506 (criminal intimi-
negotiating a deal for employ-
ment in the Supreme Court for a
against a claim of ₹10 lakh. She
was arrested in this FIR and was
releaseshehasbeenthreatening Check out today’s HT City

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APRIL 21, 2019

Far from the chaos of urban life

from the hustle and bustle of
the city, this condo give its
residents the opportunity to
enjoy the beauty of nature
without compromising on the
conveniences of modern life

Sonali Verma

GURUGRAM: ResidentsofAlphaCorpGur-
gaonOne, a condominium spread over
dusty, chaotic city behind when they
fountains and the sight of vertical gar-
dens at the entrance of the condo.
You can hear the birds singing in the
a resident said, adding the quiet is why
senior citizens such as him enjoy the
The condominium was built around a
pied. Most residents travel a good dis-
tance to work every day, but don’t mind
transport, we have pre-booked shuttles
And once you get on the highway, it
commutes to MG Road, which is around
16 kilometres from the condominium.
The area, which is still developing
slowly, has a market at a walking dis-
tance, schools for all age groups and a
movie theatre. Inside GurgaonOne, a
n The condominium was built around a year ago and is partially occupied at present. PARVEEN KUMAR/HT PHOTOS WHAT’S UNIQUE Residents said
that the quality
dominium in October last year, said
of life in the
there’s plenty to do inside GurgaonOne
Dwarka condominium is
and he doesn’t need to step out.
expressway quite different
The condominium has a swimming
of that in the
pool and a trainer
GURUGRAM main city. It is
ALTHOUGH RESIDENTS teaches people of all
ages. Skating classes Sector Delhi
green, serene
and almost
HAVE TO TRAVEL LONG for children are also 85 Gurgaon
35 everything is
DISTANCES TO WORK held daily. Recently,
taekwondo training
available within
EVERY DAY, THEY DO Sector 500 metres of
wasgiventochildren. Sector 84 Sector the condo.
NOT MIND, SINCE THEY GurgaonOne has a 82 76
yoga room with a
HAVE ACCESS TO view of well-mani- GurgaonOne
PRE-BOOKED cured lawns, a gym-
nasium, a squash
SHUTTLES court, a basketball CONDO CARD
court,andindoorand The residents’
outdoor badminton courts. All the eight
12.5 acres
Area of the condominium
Residents said thanks to the presence of was formed
last year. It
also feels better than the quality in the 750 residents has seven
members and
main city.
meets once a
Residents here use a mobile applica-
tion to keepa tabon theirelectricity con- 668 n (From top)
Inside month.
sumption.Theycanusethesameapplica- 2, 3 and 4 BHK apartments GurgaonOne, a
tion to enter details of visitors and pro- small grocery
vide entry. A residents’ emergency
management team has been tasked with
~70 lakh
Starting cost of a flat
and vegetables
shop and a
fire management and elevator manage- parlour take
ment, among other tasks. Trainings on care of daily ACTIVITIES
quently. Blood donation camps and
~17,000 onwards
Monthly rental charge
needs and
health camps are a regular feature. The The condo also
condominium has vast underground has well-
parking, but space for guest parking is
available in front of each tower. Apart-
~2.50 per sq ft
Maintenance charges
lawns for all the
ments are connected with an intercom active souls of
tors from the gate by the security staff.
Apps: Society Connect, which helps
Events at GurgaonOne are held at the
residents pay bills, manage visitors
open-air amphitheatre and include
games for the children, food stalls, danc-
ing and singing. Holi is a three-day-long
dancing every day, said residents. societysuperstars
Every morning, a flag hoisting cere-
mony takes place at the condominium. AKANCSHA SOOD SONICA SOOD
The security staff, along with a few resi-
dentsofthetowers,hoistthenationalflag Akancsha Sood moved to the Sonica Sood, vice-president of the
diligently, and take it down before retir- condominium four months ago, RWA, actively takes care of the
and has been involved in reducing horticulture at GurgaonOne. “The
ing for the day.
the use of plastic and other green aim is to create a green commu-
The condominium hasrecentlytaken
initiatives since then. She started nity,” she said, adding that she has
anumberofstepstogogreen.Segregation by putting up posters that asked been planting a variety of trees at
ofwastebeganrecently,andtrainingsare residents to reduce the use of different locations. The interest in
beingconductedbytheresidents’welfare plastic. “I asked the shop owners to horticulture comes from a love for
association(RWA)tosensitiseresidents. n Yoga classes
cut down plastic bags and they trees and the environment, she take place in the
Recycled water is used for horticulture, skating and swimming. Ther morning. In evenings, children learn
have been keeping paper and cloth said. Residents of the condo said e is also a gym in the cond
and also in the flushing lines. Gurga- o. PARVEEN KUMAR/HT
bags since then,” she said, adding she came up with the idea of
onOne has 15 water harvesting pits, that her aim is to start composting creating shapes on the grass lawns
which replenish the groundwater. in the condo on a large-scale. to beatify the place.

Digital health tools boost traditional services but cannot replace them: WHO guidelines
tions use evidence to identify Organisation South East Asia tial for many others uses,” Dr introducing electronic medical healthworkerdecision-support of digital health devices, who world leader, as in the case of
howtoolsthatusesmartphones, Region(SEARO),ofwhichIndia Khetrapal Singh said. records, which should help andeducation,contentanddigi- need to generate more evidence genericdrugs.Asitsetsouttodo
tabletsandcomputerscanmake is a part. Among the initiatives that improve continuity of care for tal tracking of patients’ health to show their products improve so, the WHO guidelines will
health systems more efficient, Several countries, including haveworkedaredigitaltoolsfor people with long term health status, improving governance, on established healthcare prac- point the direction. In a rapidly
responsive and resilient to India, have integrated digital training and public health com- conditions,” said Dr Khetrapal and digital support for vaccina- tices. emerging and expanding field,
resource constraints. technologies into public health municationsuchastextremind- Singh. tions, birth and death notifica- “They come at a time when WHO will also need to fre-
SANCHITA SHARMA “Safe and secure digital systems to improve outreach erstopregnantwomentoattend TheBeHe@lthyBeMobileisa tions for support; gaps in the several applications of innova- quently update and revise the
health technologies can signifi- andfillgapsintraditionalhealth antenatal care appointments, joint WHO-International Tele- available evidence make it diffi- tive digital technologies are guidelines to keep pace with the
The first international guide- cantly improve the quality, services. reminderstogetchildrenvacci- communications Union initia- cult to assess whether tools are claiming to transform the out- innovationsandevidence,”said
linesforprioritising,integrating accessibility and sustainability “There are many good exam- nated, and decision-support tivethatassistsnationalgovern- effective in every context. reach,effectivenessandafforda- Dr Reddy.
and regulating digital health of health services. New digital ples from the region. India’s tools to guide health workers mentstodevelopmHealthservi- “The WHO sounds a mixed bility ofhealthcare. While there It’s imperative to ensure
tools,releasedthisweek,under- health technologies can help electronic vaccine intelligence provide care. ces to prevent and manage non- note of welcome and caution, isgreatpromiseofsuchbenefits, patient safety, privacy, tracea-
line the benefits of 10 digital connect health professionals to network—eVJN—isproviding “Othercountriesintheregion communicablediseases,suchas justasLouisPasteuradvisedhis especially in primary health bility, accountability and secu-
approaches to improve public patientsin hard-to-reach areas, thecountry’simmunisationpro- (SEARO), which is home to 26% heart disease, diabetes and can- research fellows, ‘keep your care, disease surveillance, rity.
healthandessentialservicesbut improve detection, diagnosis grammewithreal-timeinforma- of the world’s population, are cers,andtheirriskfactors,such enthusiasm but let strict verifi- patient tracking, counselling, “This is a very fast-moving
warn that technology cannot and treatment of health prob- tiononvaccinestocksandflows increasingly using SMS messa- as high blood pressure and high cation be its constant compan- telemedicine and supply chain area.Totakegreatestadvantage
and should not replace tradi- lems,andsupportmanagement throughasimplemobileapplica- ges, voice messaging and other blood glucose. ion’,” said Dr K Srinath Reddy, management, the performance ofthepotentialofdigitaltechnol-
tional health services. and monitoring ofpublic health tion. India has also launched a digital tools to provide large- Digital technology adds president, Public Health Foun- of new technologies needs to be ogies, people must be confident
With51%oftheworld’spopu- programmes so decision-mak- path-breakingintegratedhealth scale prevention services for value,butitisnotasilverbullet, dation of India. carefully evaluated,” said Dr that information is secure and
lation having access to broad- ers know whethertheir policies information platform, a coun- non communicable diseases to warns the WHO guidelines. The guidelines are primarily Reddy. confidential. With that assur-
bandinternetservice,theWorld are working,” said Dr Poonam try-wideinformationsystemfor people at all levels of literacy Whilethereissomeevidenceon meantforpublichealthdelivery, “India is emerging as a cruci- ance, the benefits stand to be
Health Organization’s (WHO) Khetrapal Singh, regional managing disease outbreaks in through the BeHe@lthyBeMo- the effectiveness of telemedi- itcanalsoserveasaplaybookfor ble of innovation in digital tech- immense,” said Dr Khetrapal
guidelines on digital interven- director of the World Health thefirstinstancebutwithpoten- bileInitiative.Countriesarealso cine, commodity management, developers and manufacturers nologies and can become the Singh.



APRIL 21, 2019 hindustantimes gurugram/delhi 09

How the net killed

Delhi’s poll bazaar
LOSING GROUND Sadar Bazaar, which once supplied election merchandise to India’s
political parties, is witnessing a slump like never before. And traders blame it on the internet.
Manoj Sharma has been supplying election merchan- cannot hide his pique for what he calls
n dise to political parties and candidates “election planners”.
all over the country for decades, say they “Earlier, we used to have wedding
NEWDELHI: Mohammed Chaman , a short, have not seen a slump like this before. planners and now we have these election
soft-spoken merchant of election mer- And they blame it on the mobile internet. planners. They have managed to con-
chandise in Delhi’s Sadar Bazaar, is The trend of online campaigning, vince our customers that the mobile
miffed at the way the general elections which started during the 2014 general phone, and not the merchandise, is the
are going for him. elections, they say, has reached a cre- tool to take their messages to the voters,”
“ I have not sold anything since morn- scendo in 2019 , with contestants relying says Malik, sitting in his first-floor office
ing;Idon’t know who will eventually win more on digital platforms to reach out to whose walls are festooned with flags of
or lose, but I am certainly a loser. My their voters than the traditional meth- various political parties. n Once, political parties made a beeline to Sadar Bazaar for all their election needs, but no more. AMAL KS/HT PHOTO
business is down by half this time,” says ods like public speeches, road shows, According to an estimate by the indus-
Chaman, sitting in his shop overflowing door- to- door campaigns, killing their try body Assocham, there were around my office to ensure we complete their state for political parties and candidates are crammed with election merchan-
with stacks of scarves, caps, t-shirts, decades-old business. 150 ‘political consultants’, big and small, orders in time,” says Malik. during the current elections.” dise.
bands, watches featuring slogans and They are not exaggerating — India in 2014. Industry insiders peg their cur- He points to several sewing machines But Bagri admits that digital cam- “In the 1980s, we used to sell only caps,
symbols of various political parties. now has 450 million smartphones own- rent number at 400, and their stated and workers, sitting idle among stacks of paigning has led to what he calls an ‘emo- badges and flags; then came stickers,
“This smartphone has killed my busi- ers against 155 million during the previ- ‘expertise’ lies in helping political par- unsold flags. “They have gone silent tional detachment’ between the candi- wrist bands, paper masks, pens, purse,
ness,” he says, pulling out a phone from ous general elections in 2014, according ties and candidates meet technological now,” he says. The party workers and date and their constituents. “A bond is ribbons; now we also sell water bottles,
his pocket. “Earlier, the contestants had to Counterpoint Research, a research and social media challenges. volunteers who came to buy merchan- developed when a politician goes to per- phone covers, pen drives, diaries with
merchandise rooms at their offices, now and analysis company. And experts say Malik , who, on an average, made dise from them, Malik says, are now sonally meet his or her voters,” says messages and symbols of political par-
they have war rooms where tech-savvy the online advertising expenditure by about 3 crore flags during every general busy creating and running WhatsApp Bagri. ties, to keep up with the times,” says
youngsters run their campaign on lap- political parties is likely to double to 400 election in the past, says his business is accounts.This new method of campaign- “The smartphone, which people use Gupta, adding, “ But most contestants
tops. They do not seem to need us any- to 500 crore this Lok Sabha election. down by 75 per cent this year. ing, he says ruefully, has not only both for information and entertainment, have now outsourced their campaign to
more.” Abdul Malik, whose firm Bharat “In the 2009 general elections, I had deprived the festival of democracy of its has emerged as a very potent campaign- political consultants, who do not believe
Chaman, who runs Aaroma Enter- Handloom Cloth House, better known as employed 100 people, now I have only 10. colour, but has also led to a disconnect ing tool, a perfect delivery mechanism in merchandise.” No wonder then,
prises, is not the only one whose busi- Gaffar Bhai Jhandewale, has been sup- We used to work through the night dur- between voters and candidates. for customized political messaging in Gupta is now trying to reinvent his firm.
ness has taken a nosedive — traders and plying flags to political parties and can- ing the elections and still could not meet “In the past, politicians and part India,” says Apar Gupta, executive “I have asked my son to explore if we too
manufacturers in Sadar Bazaar, which didates all over the country since 1954 the demand. Many top politicians visited workers went door to door, canvassing director, Internet Freedom Foundation can become campaign planners.”
for votes with folded hands. They would ( IFF), a Delhi- based non-government The shock of the slump in business is
personally meet men, women and chil- organisation that works in the sphere of being felt not just in Sadar Bazaar, but in
dren, pin badges on their shirts and offer digital rights. “ But yes, political parties other part of Delhi, too. There are thou-
ELECTION WOES them flags. They no longer do all of this, need to strike a balance between sands of families in east Delhi localities
n Traders of election merchandise in and so do not need our merchandise,” on-ground and digital campaign.” such as Seelampur, Bhajanpura, Nand
Sadar Bazaar say their business is says Malik. “Now, there is no personal Sadar Baaar traders say that the busi- Nagri, Sonia Vihar, Welcome Colony for
down by 75 per cent, thanks to online chemistry left between voters and candi- ness used to be so good in the past that whom elections brought an opportunity
campaigning by political parties dates. Even voters do not like to wear during the general elections, about 200 to earn decent money.
n The general elections in the past, badges and bands of any political parties, traders from other states came and “We sew flags, and caps, etc. In the
they say, provided temporary except those of BSP who like to assert rented shops for a few months in the past, the work started six months before
employment to 2 lakh people their caste and political identity.” market to sell election merchandise. the elections and we worked day and
n Thousands of workers from Haryana, Political consultants say their clients Now, hardly 25 shops are left. night and made about ₹2- 3 lakhs. But
Punjab and UP flocked to east Delhi have realised that election merchandise “And they too are looking for alterna- now, there isno work, ” says Mohammed
localities to work in small sewing is out of fashion and a sheer waste of time tive business opportunities,” says Anil Iliyas, who lives in Janta Colony in
units operating out of the houses. and money. “They can get 1,000 likes for Gupta, one of the biggest merchandise Shahdara.
Most have not got work this time a few hundred rupees on Facebook, dealers in Sadar Bazaar, and the presi- Every general election, Illiyas, says,
n India now has 450 million smart- imagine how much time and money it dent of All India Election Material Man- about 50, 000 workers in Haryana, Pun-
phone owners as against 155 million would take to personally reach out to ufacturer and Traders Association. jab and UP flocked to these east Delhi
in 2014, says Counterpoint Research 1,000 households,” says Vivek Bagri, Gupta, a stout man who looks more like localities to work during elections. The
n Experts say that online advertising who runs Lead Tech, a political consult- a politician in his impeccable white traders say, the general elections pro-
expenditure by political parties is ancy firm in Gurgaon. “Besides, digital kurta and pyjama, has been in the busi- vided temporary employment to 2 lakh
likely to double to ₹400 to ₹500 crore campaigning has a lot of room for crea- ness since 1979. It is afternoon, and he is in the capital. “ We have never sided with
this Lok Sabha election tivity in terms of design and messaging. sitting on a cushion on the floor watch- any political party, and sold merchan-
n Anil Gupta’s shop in Sadar Bazaar, which has been in business since 1979. Traders say that once Since 2014, our business has gone up ten ing TV along with half a dozen staff in his dise of all. But now they have ditched us,
there were 200 such shops. Now there are hardly 25. AMAL KS/HT PHOTO times. We are working in almost every big air-conditioned shop whose shelves ” says Chaman.

Yeejle ÒeefleYetefle cegêCeeue³e : veeefMekeÀ jes[

Corrigendum No.1 (Yeejle ÒeefleYetefle cegêCe leLee cegêe efvecee&Ce efveiece efueefceìs[ keÀer FkeÀeF&)
Yeejle mejkeÀej kesÀ HetCe& mJeeefcelJeeOeerve CIN: U22213DL2006GOI144763
E-Tender Notice No.72 for 2018-2019 iueesyeue efveefJeoe (GLOBAL TENDER NOTICE)
Reference :- This Office e-Tender Notice No.O.No./PW/AD/E-Tender/1482/2019, Dated 28/02/2019 ceneÒeyebOekeÀ YeeÒeceg efvecveefueefKele efveefJeoe kesÀ efueS iueesyeue efveefJeoe
Published Read As (DeeF&meeryeer) Deecebef$ele keÀjles nQ: 1) Òee@ke̳etjceWì Dee@HeÀ jerFveHeÀesmex[ ìer³ej
DeB[ Jee@ìj jsefmemeìbì HesHej Fve jerue efJe[dLe Dee@HeÀ 41 mesceer 150 peerSmeSce
1) E-Tender download Period :- Dated 06/03/2019 E-Tender download Period :- Dated (efveefJeoe meb. 6000012920)
(10.00 AM) to 20/04/2019 (6.00 PM) 20/04/2019 (6.01 PM) to 30/05/2019 (6.00 PM) Kegueer efveefJeoe (OPEN TENDER NOTICE)
ceneÒeyebOekeÀ YeeÒeceg efvecveefueefKele efveefJeoe kesÀ efueS Kegueer efveefJeoe
2) Pre-bid Meeting :- Dated 02/04/2019 Office of Pre-bid Meeting :- Dated 08/05/2019 Office of (Svemeeryeer) Deecebef$ele keÀjles nQ: 1) ne³eeEjie Dee@HeÀ cewveHeeJej meefJe&mesme
the Chief Engineer, P.W.Region, Konkan, the Chief Engineer, P.W.Region, Konkan, HeÀe@j cewveìseEveie DeeF&ìer FveÖeÀemì^keÌ®ej (efveefJeoe mebK³ee. 6000012843)
2) meer.S.Sce.meer. HeÀesj OCE 7300 Vario Strem MICR efÒebìj (efveefJeoe
Mumbai at 3.30 PM. Mumbai at 3.30 PM. mebK³ee. 6000012866) 3) mHes³ej Heeìd&me HeÀe@j ye´oj ceskeÀ efjJeme& Sb[
FbìjueeWkeÀ mìeref®ebie ceMeerve (efveefJeoe mebK³ee. 6000012959)
3) E-Tender Opening Date :- Dated E-Tender Opening Date :- Dated efJemle=le peevekeÀejer kesÀ efueS ke=ÀHe³ee nceejer JesyemeeFì
24/04/2019 (3.00 PM) 04/06/2019 (3.00 PM) osKeW. keÀesF& mebMeesOeve / Megef×He$ekeÀ kesÀJeue JesyemeeFì Hej ner ÒekeÀeefMele keÀer peeSieer.
nmlee/- GHeÒeyebOekeÀ (lekeÀveerkeÀer Òe®eeueve) ¬eÀ³e ÒeYeejer
Request to see other changes to this site of the Govt. of Maharashtra.
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DGIPR/2019/2020/64 Dist.Raigad.

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APRIL 21, 2019

POLL NARRATIVE Congress chief says mood of people favours This is not right for India’s Will Priyanka Gandhi contest in
unity. To eliminate this feeling the Lok Sabha election?
change; lists major failures of Bharatiya Janata Party govt, including and to tell every Indian in the Let’s see. Let there be some sus-
south that your voice will be pense for now!
unemployment, rural distress, alleged corruption in Rafale deal heard and you are also an
important part of this country, You have been regularly been seen
you are also India, that is why I performing puja or going to reli-
HINDUSTANINTERVIEW am contesting from Wayanad,
in the south of India.
gious places. Do you perform puja
in your private life?

ongress president Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, In Delhi, too, talks of coalition con- My work is my biggest worship.
Rahul Gandhi is confi- Chhattisgarh, Punjab and Kar- tinued for a long time. What hap- If you have to take the oath for the The work I do and the path of
dent that the grand old nataka, we gave loan waivers in pened after that? post of Prime Minister, what will my life are also an important
party will do much 72 hours. The third issue is cor- We said clearly that in Delhi we be the first three things that you form of worship for me. That’s
better in the ongoing ruption which is all around us, are ready to form an alliance will do. also a part of our Indian culture.
Lok Sabha elections than esti- especially corruption in the with the Aam Aadmi Party to Firstly, the decision on the post If a person or a community
mated by media surveys. In an Rafale deal where the trail of defeat the BJP. There was also a of the Prime Minister depends invites me to their place of wor-
interview with Shashi She- corruption leads directly to Mr consensus on the four-three for- on the people of India. The pub- ship or house, I would definitely
khar, editor of Hindustan, a Modi’s doorstep. mula. But I do not know why lic will decide. But, my priori- like to go. I respect and under-
sister publication of the Hindu- they changed their mind. Now ties are to put the Indian econ- stand their religious senti-
stan Times, Gandhi said the After the Gujarat elections, the they talk about Haryana, talk omy back on track, end the pain ments. This is the path of India.
mood of the people clearly Congress has gained some about Punjab, talk about Goa, of farmers and workers,
favoured change and listed the ground… do you think the expecta- too. It is their decision to not employment for the youth and The Congress had reduced
major failures of the Bharatiya tions of good results from Con- form an alliance in Delhi. We pave the way to the future. strength in Parliament but from
Janata Party (BJP)-led govern- gress have increased? have offered them four seats in Today, the future does not seem the beginning, it was vocal against
ment, including rising unem- The performance of the Con- Delhi because we want to defeat bright to the youth of India. We the government. Now, it looks like
ployment, rural distress and gress is going to be much better the BJP. have to create a new path for it is increasingly becoming a per-
alleged corruption in the Rafale than what media surveys are our youth. A new vision. sonal battle between Narendra
deal. The coalition Congress showing. This is not fully visi- Today, I was in Surat for five Modi and you. Do you agree?
has formed in Tamil Nadu will ble in newspapers and TV chan- hours. I stopped the car at one VIRENDRA SINGH GOSAIN/HT FILE Why is it that Pakistan comes up I had hugged him in front of
“wipe out everybody,” Gandhi nels because we know that the place and many daily-wagers as a political issue in every Indian everyone in Parliament. You go
said, and the alliance in Bihar BJP government puts pressure came to us in search of work. Like- government destroyed the pur- Commission chief, or the stake- tion of Congress governments election? Sometimes, it is said that through all my speeches and
will “bring great results.” He on media through its various wise, traders are very disap- chasing power of the people. If holder of any institution run- in these states, we waived the former PM Manmohan Singh met see, I never make any personal
also said Gujarat, the home agencies and uses the govern- pointed with GST. When I asked we do not give impetus to that ning the country. RBI, Planning loans of farmers. Now they say Pakistani ambassador. Some- attacks. I speak with affection. I
state of Prime Minister Naren- ment’s advertising funds to “who are you voting for”, they purchasing power, and do not Commission, Supreme Court — from where will get the annual times you are accused. don’t talk about his family. I
dra Modi and BJP president control the narrative. remembered “Gujarati pride.” Will restart the economy of India, Mr Modi has insulted them all. ₹72,000 for five crore families? I Do you remember what Mr never say anything about his
Amit Shah, would give a “huge you be able to encash this discon- how will the country move for- In fact, for the first time in the tell you, we will get it out of the Modi said in the 2014 election? father or mother or his wife.
majority” to the Congress in the You have not been in power for a tent in the Lok Sabha ward? We have spent the last history of the country, Supreme pockets of the handful of indus- He made four major promises. I respect the Prime Minister,
Lok Sabha polls. Edited long time in the country’s largest elections? many months on planning how Court judges were forced to trialist friends of Mr Modi. Nei- One, that he will deposit ₹15 but he should speak the truth.
excerpts: states such as UP, Bihar, Tamil Remember one thing. Gujarat we will re-start the Indian econ- seek justice from the people of ther will we burden the middle lakh in every bank account. He claims to be a chowkidar,
Nadu, etc. It has had an impact on was considered the BJP-RSS omy. Our flagship Nyay scheme the country. Today the Chief class nor will we take money Two, he will give jobs to two but on the other hand gives
You are on election tours across the organisation. Will it be difficult stronghold but in the assembly [Nyuntam Aay Yojana men- Justice of the Supreme Court from them and we will not raise crore youth every year. ₹30,000 crore to Anil Ambani in
the country. How do you feel about to get better results there? elections in Gujarat, BJP tioned in the manifeso], will has spoken out against the pres- income tax. The Nyay scheme Three, farmers will get 50% the Rafale deal, what else can be
it? What kind of results will the The success of our coalition in almost collapsed. This was play a big role in this. sure being exerted on the judi- will remonetise the Indian profit over their cost of produc- said (of it) but (that it’s) theft?
Congress get? Tamil Nadu will wipe out every- despite the fact that Narendra cial system. Our institutions economy. The way petrol is pro- tion. Four, ₹80 lakh crore worth It’s not my personal battle. I am
Positive results will come body. I believe that the Con- Modi and Amit Shah had used There is an allegation that all insti- are critical to the survival of vided to an engine, the Nyay of black money would be only carrying out my responsi-
because the country is disap- gress will win all the seats all their strength there. Do you tutions have broken down in a our democracy. scheme will ‘jump-start’ the brought back to India within bilities for the country.
pointed with the BJP and wants there. The alliance in Bihar will know what kind of pressure way. When one talks to those from entire economy. With this, the 100 days. He failed to deliver on [The government and Anil
change. also bring great results. In Uttar was exerted in Surat? How the the BJP, they start giving old What do you consider the three poor will get money, demand these four promises and that’s Ambani’s Reliance Group have
Pradesh, we are fighting sepa- income tax department and examples. As a leader of the new failures of Narendra Modi? will increase, manufacturing the reason why he is trying to denied allegations of any
If you talk about numbers? rately but the Congress will win government agencies were mis- century, what will you do for the Unemployment, the destruc- will increase and the youth will divert issues. On the other wrongdoing in the Rafale deal.]
Instead of numbers, look at the seats. That’s why we have sent used? Gujarat’s results will be a restoration of impartiality and tion of Indian economy, demon- get employment. hand, we have promised to
mood of the public. The atmos- Priyanka ji and Scindia ji to UP. surprise. Gujarat is going to prestige of these institutions? etisation and Gabbar Singh deposit ₹72,000 every year in the You had hugged Narendra Modi
phere of change is clearly visi- In Bihar, our state incharge, give a huge majority to the Con- India’s strength is its institu- Tax. You are also contesting from Way- bank accounts of the poorest of once but did you ever see any such
ble. There are three reasons. Shakti Singh Gohil, has done gress party in this Lok Sabha tions that make the govern- anad. But Smriti Irani says you the poor. That’s ₹ 3.6 lakh over feeling for you in him?
First, unemployment is at its some good work. election. ment accountable and You have tried to change the politi- have gone looking for a safe seat. 5 years. No. It looks like he has personal
peak, the youth are restless, but Demonetisation, the Gabbar strengthen democracy. Our cal narrative through Nyay. The Amethi is my ‘karmabhoomi’. I Secondly, we will fill up all animosity against me. But I
Narendra Modi is not even talk- You did not form a coalition in Singh Tax, and Narendra institutions have a special government faces fund con- contest from Amethi, and will government jobs to create new don’t have any personal ani-
ing about employment. For the Uttar Pradesh. People thought you Modi’s policies benefited people place, they are respected. Nar- straints today, how will you imple- continue to do so. I want to send employment opportunities for mosity or hate towards him.
Congress, the youth and would form one. like Anil Ambani, Nirav Modi endra Modi has tried to weaken ment it? a clear message to my brothers youth. We will have a separate My fight is on ideological
employment are a priority. Sec- In Uttar Pradesh, the SP-BSP and Mehul Choksi, but this democracy by weakening the We have always kept our prom- and sisters in south India. budget for our farmers. grounds. I am fighting against
ond, agriculture and farmers decided not to form a coalition. emphasis on benefitting crony various institutions of our ise. We spoke of a farm loan When you go to south India, Thirdly, we will empower the his ideology. I neither have any
are in trouble but Mr Modi However, we wanted all of us to capitalist friends of Mr Modi, country. waiver in Madhya Pradesh, whether it is Kerala, Tamil people of India to fight against anger nor any vengeance
seems oblivious to this fight together. I respect their has jammed the engine of Hin- On the contrary, the Con- Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Pun- Nadu, Puducherry, Goa, Kar- corruption. It will begin with against Modi.
problem. decision. We respect Mayawati dustan’s economy. That’s why gress’s nature is to strengthen jab and Karnataka. Mr Modi nataka, Telangana or Andhra the Rafale probe. Narendra But he has anger and the
You are aware of our record ji and Akhilesh ji. We are fight- you met with a lot of unem- the institutions and through said there is no money for loan Pradesh, everywhere one Modi has nothing left to say need for revenge. When he
when it comes to protecting the ing alone but I’m certain we will ployed workers in Surat. The them our democracy. You ask waivers. strong feeling is prevalent, that about his poll promises so he is meets me in public, he often
interests of our farmers. In get good results. truth is that, in a way, the Modi the RBI chief, the Planning Within 48 hours of the forma- their voice is not being heard. trying to divert attention. looks away. That’s his style.

National Highway-44 ban Tejashwi skips



partially lifted in J&K Rahul rally again

HT Correspondent
CIVILIAN MOVEMENT firstphaseofthethree-phasepoll-
inginSouthKashmir’sAnantnag HT Correspondent
BETWEEN SRINAGAR on April 23. The LS seat,which n
DELHI/SRINAGAR: Restrictions on
civilian traffic on the Jammu-
AND BARAMULLA ON has been without a representa-
tive in Parliament since 2016. PATNA/SUPAUL: TheRashtriyaJan-
Srinagar Highway – NH-44 – NH-44 WILL BE LIMITED The J&K police and the CRPF ata Dal (RJD)’s Tejashwi Prasad
imposed after the Pulwama sui- TO SUNDAY FROM APRIL will guard the hypersensitive Yadav,leaderoftheoppositionin
cide attack which killed 40 sol- polling booths, which are most the Bihar assembly, missed ally
diers in February, has been 22. THERE WILL BE NO vulnerable in the region, senior Rahul Gandhi’s rally in Supaul,
relaxed, the J&K government BAN ON WEDNESDAY officialssaidrequestinganonym- Bihar,onSaturday,theCongress
said in a statement. ity.Ninetypercentofthe900poll- president’s third in the state and
On February 14, 40 soldiers of ing booths in the constituency the third missed by Tejashwi, n Tejashwi Prasad Yadav HT FILE
theCentralReservePoliceForce two weeks, it said. have been declared hypersensi- prompting opponents to claim
were killed when an explosive- “Complete review of restric- tive. Separate teams headed by that all was not well within the ces within GA nor is there is any
laden vehicle rammed into their tions on the highway would be senior police officers have been Mahagatbandhan,orGrandAlli- threat to GA unity,” said the n Senior Congress leader Jyotiraditya Scindia with his wife Priyadarshini during a public meeting
convoy. On March 30, another done after the last phase of elec- formed to tackle stone pelters. ance (GA). party’s state spokesperson, Mri- after filing his nomination papers at Gandhi Maidan in Shivpuri, Madhya Pradesh on Saturday.
attempt to target a convoy failed. tions on May 6 to examine the The army will be pressed into Tejashwi has previously tunjay Tiwary. Tejashwi told Priyadarshini said that her husband will win by a huge margin of votes. MUJEEB FARUQUI/HT PHOTO
Following this, on April 7, the need for continuing with them,” “night and area domination missed Gandhi’s rallies in Gaya journalistsinPatna “Iwillattend
movement of civilian traffic the statement said, but efforts,” the officials said. andKatihar.TheCongress,RJD, other rallies of Rahul Gandhi.”
alongthehighwaywasrestricted added,“The restrictions will be PDPleader Mehbooba Mufti RashtriyaLokSamtaParty,Hin- The Congress echoed that.
istration rolled back the restric-
modifications will be made as
was elected to the Lok Sabha in
2014 from Anantnag, but she
resigned after becoming chief
dustani Awam Morcha and
Vikassheel Insan Party are part
“Tejashwi had a pre-planned
goes to the polls on April 23, to
Akhilesh accuses Modi backs Pragya
tions partially, from two days to
ular with the local population,
2016 following assembly elec-
ing nine of the 40 LS seats in the
state and the RJD 20 with the
canvass for Vikassheel Insaan
Party candidate Mukesh Sahni, uncle Shivpal of despite Oppn furore
added that these will further be
reviewed after the last phase of
polling is over on May 6. An offi-
importantly the security forces
weren’t either keen on continu-
ing with the restrictions,” a sen-
tions. The security situation in
South Kashmir forced the Elec-
tion Commission to defer a
other partners fielding candi-
dates in the rest.
BJP-led National Democratic
said the Congress’s Bihar
incharge Shakti Singh Gohil.
colluding with BJP HT Correspondent attacksasmartyrs.Congressand
cial statement said, “Therestric- iorMinistryofHomeofficialwho by-election and the seat has Alliance (NDA) leaders high- Still,thesignificanceofSupaul FIROZABAD: SamajwadiParty(SP) n Nationalist Congress Party
tion on civilian movement did not want to be named said remainedvacantsince.Inspector lighted Yadav’s conspicuous beingthevenueofthelatestGan- presidentAkhileshYadavonSat- demanded an apology.
betweenSrinagarandBaramulla explainingthereasonbehindthe GeneralofPoliceSPPaniand top absence at Gandhi’s rallies and dhi rally missed by Yadav hasn’t urday accused his uncle Shivpal NEWDELHI: Afiercepoliticalbattle Following the furore, Thakur
on National Highway-44 would move. officialsonSaturdayheldameet- said the alliance was coming been lost on analysts. The local Yadav, withouttakinghis name, ragedonthecontroversialnomi- reportedly apologised for her
now be limited only to Sunday “The tourist season begins ing with officers who will be apart. “There is no unity in GA. unit of the RJD has openly of being in collusion with the nationofMalegaonblastaccused remarks, but on Saturday
with effect from April 22. There from May. In addition, the J&K deployed on the ground on Tues- Theallianceleadersareavoiding opposed Congress’s sitting MP Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Pragya Thakur as the Bharatiya demandedanapologyfromthose
would be no prohibition on civil- government will move back to day. eachotherandskippingralliesby RanjeetRanjanandhasnotcam- Akhilesh, however, denied JanataParty’sBhopalcandidate, who“torturedherfornineyears”
ian traffic on Wednesday.” Srinagar – the summer Capital “The first and second phase of topleaders,”saidUnionminister paigned for her. Ranjan’s hus- thathehadexpelledShivpalfrom assaffronpartyledbyPrimeMin- while speaking to reporters.
The restrictions, however, fromMay,”asecondseniorMHA polls, which remained almost andBJP’sPatnaSahibcandidate, band and the sitting MP from the party. He claimed his uncle ister Narendra Modi rallied However,PrimeMinisterNar-
would continue between Srina- official said indicating more violence-free, has given us confi- Ravi Shankar Prasad. Madhepura,RajeshRanjanalias had got him expelled from the behind the decision to field her, endra Modi defended Thakur’s
gar and Udhampur on National relaxation in the coming days. dence but the election in Anant- “That there are a lot of inner Pappu Yadav, has gone on to file party. evenasleadersacrosstheopposi- candidatureinaTVinterviewon
Highway-44 as earlier. Even on Earlier this week, HT had nag will be a big challenge,’’ said contradictions in GA was appar- hisnominationpapersfromMad- Akhilesh was addressing a tion have questioned the move. Friday.Hehitoutatcriticsasking
thedaysofrestrictions—Sunday reported about the government a senior police officer. ent from the fact that Tejashwi hepura as an independent after rallyinMakhanpurinsupportof On Friday, Thakur said that why she could not contest when
andWednesday—betweenSrin- reconsidering the restriction on BaramullaandSrinagarinthe has been skipping Rahul Gan- GA turned down his request to Akshay Yadav, the sitting MP theformerMumbaiAnti-Terror- therewereothercandidateswho
agar and Udhampur and on Sun- civilian traffic. KashmirvalleyvotedonApril11 dhi’smeetings,”said ChiragPas- field him. Veteran socialist and son of SP general secretary istSquadchiefHemantKarkare, were out on bail.
daybetweenBaramullaandSrin- and 18. On the recommendation wan of the Lok Janshakti Party, Sharad Yadav is the RJD’s offi- Ram Gopal Yadav. Akshay faces who died in action during the “People who have been con-
agar, the local administration SECURITY MEASURES of the Police, the Election Com- another NDA constituent. cial nominee for the seat. The hisuncleShivpal,whoiscontest- Mumbai terror attacks on 26 victed by the court, some are
would continue to facilitate the FOR ANANTNAG missionhasreducedtheduration BoththeRJDandtheCongress RJD is apprehensive that Pappu ing as a Pragatisheel Samajwadi November2008,hadtorturedher. going to meet them in jail, or
movement of civilian traffic as Between 30,000 and 40,000 secu- of polling, which will begin at 7 sought to downplay Tejashwi’s Yadav might spoil Sharad Party (PSP) candidate. She added that the top cop and when they go to the hospital. Do
has been happening in the last rity forces will be in place for the am and conclude at 4 pm. absence. “There are no differen- Yadav’s victory chances. BSPchiefMayawatiandRash- died after she cursed him. such people have the right to
triyaLokDalpresidentAjitSingh Pragya Thakur is among the preach? Secondly, if the Amethi
alsoaddressedtherally.Allthree seven accused in the 2008 Male- candidate is out on bail, no
pollbriefs parties have tied up in Uttar Pra-
gaon blast case in which six peo-
ple were killed and over 100
debate. If the Rae Bareli candi-
date is out on bail, no debate. But
I am scared, nobody knows Poll commission notice to Situation in Bengal like in Four police observers Congress seeks removal of “Conspiraciesarebeinghatched injured on September 29. Kark- if the Bhopal candidate is out on
what Modi will do: Pawar Sidhu over Bihar remarks Bihar 15 yrs ago: EC appointed for Tripura polling Rae Bareli collector against us andfalsehood is being are was heading the probe and bail,toraiseastormonthis.How
spreadthatwehaveexpelledhim Pragya Thakur was arrested as willthissustain?”thePrimeMin-
MUMBAI: NCP chief Sharad Pawar NEW DELHI: The Election Commis- KOLKATA: Election Commission AGARTALA: The EC appointed four LUCKNOW: The state Congress on (Shivpal) from the Samajwadi the motorcycle used in the blast istersaid,referringtoRahulGan-
said Saturday that he was “terribly sion (EC) on Saturday issued a special observer Ajay V Nayak central police observers to hold the Saturday urged the EC to remove Partyandhaveinsultedhim.Itis wasregisteredinhername.Tha- dhi and Sonia Gandhi, who are
afraid” as to what PM Narendra notice to Congress leader Navjot Saturday said the situation in West third phase of polling in the Tripura Rae Bareli district magistrate Neha
totallyfalse...”saidAkhilesh.“In kur,whohasbeenchargedunder currently on bail in a case of
Modi, who once called Pawar his Singh Sidhu over his reported Bengal was similar to what it was East LS seat, where election was Sharma who, it alleged, was
fact, it was he (Shivpal) who con- the Unlawful Activities(Preven- alleged misappropriation per-
mentor in politics, would do next. appeal to Muslims in Bihar to vote in Bihar around 10 to 15 years ago deferred to April 23, citing an playing a partisan role and work-
Pawar was addressing a campaign en-bloc to defeat the Bharatiya and had lead to voters’ demand for “unconducive security situation”, ing as an agent of BJP candidate vinced Neta ji (Mulayam Singh tion) Act, is out on bail after nine taining to the National Herald
rally at Daund in Baramati LS seat Janata Party. The poll panel has deployment of central forces in the an official said here on Saturday. Dinesh Pratap Singh. In a memo- Yadav) to expel me and other years in jail. Her comments case.
from where his daughter Supriya given Sidhu 24 hours to reply to its Lok Sabha elections. The TMC The EC appointed three central randum to CEO L Venkateshwarlu , party leaders (Ram Gopal received widespread censure Madhya Pradesh Chief Elect-
Sule is seeking re-election. “Modi notice, which has found the demanded his removal, claiming police observers and a special senior Congress leaders said there Yadav),”healleged.“Therewere from leaders, including Uddhav oral Office sources said a com-
says he came into politics holding remarks to be in contravention of that Nayak has allegiance to the central police observer to oversee was no possibility of holding a free meetings between him (Shivpal) Thackeray, chief of Shiv Sena, a plaint has been received against
my finger. But now I am terribly the model code of conduct that RSS and the BJP. Meanwhile, as per the use of security forces in polling and fair election here as the DM and BJP on the sly, for which he BJP ally. The party’s state unit Thakur for her comments on
afraid, because what this man will bars making an appeal for votes EC orders, Malda SP Arnab Ghosh in the mountainous tribal reserved had failed to discharge her duty in wasawardedbytheUPchiefmin- toodistanceditselffromherreac- Karkare. The matter is under
do, nobody knows,” he said along religious lines. will be replaced with Ajoy Prasad. parliamentary constituency. an impartial manner. ister with a bungalow... ,” he tions,sayingthatitconsideredall enquiry, they said.
alleged. HTC those who died in the 26/11 (With PTI inputs)



APRIL 21, 2019 11

KEY PARLEYS Visit comes ahead of Belt and Road Forum, which India will skip over CPEC
Sutirtho Patranobis and efforts to designate Masood
Rezaul H Laskar Azhar at the UN’s Islamic State n The general manager of North Central Railway has ordered an
n and al-Qaeda Sanctions Com- inquiry into the derailment of the Howrah-Delhi Poorva Express ANI
mittee, too, has emerged as an
BEIJING/NEWDELHI:India’s foreign
secretary, Vijay Gokhale, will
hold talks with top Chinese offi-
irritant in ties.
Gokhale is expected to con-
vey India’s concerns on this
At least 14 injured as
Poorva Exp derails
cials, including foreign minis- issue to Kong.
ter, Wang Yi, next week on key Kong has played an impor-
issues such as coordinating the tant role in bilateral consulta-
positions of the two sides at tions in recent years, and had
international forums and the visited Pakistan in March in the HT Correspondent railway safety, A K Jain.
listing of Jaish-e-Mohammed aftermath of tensions following n He said a special train com-
chief, Masood Azhar. the February 14 Pulwama sui- prising 14 coaches left for New
Officials, who spoke on condi- cide attack that killed 40 Indian KANPUR: Twelve coaches of the Delhi around 5.45 am with 900
tion of anonymity, described Central Reserve Police Force Howrah-Delhi Poorva Express passengers of Poorva Express.
Gokhale’s two-day visit to Bei- personnel. jumped the tracks about 20 kms Another train with 10 coaches
jing beginning on Sunday as In December, Kong had from Kanpur past the interven- left around 7.50 am with the
part of regular diplomatic con- visited India to review diplo- ing midnight of Friday and Sat- remaining passengers. Follow-
sultations. matic ties in the wake of the urday, jolting passengers out of ing the derailment, the routes of
However, he is visiting days n India has renewed its demand for JeM chief Masood Azhar to be Wuhan summit. India inciden- sleep and flinging some off their five down trains and nine up
ahead of the second Belt and designated a global terrorist since the Feb 14 Pulwama attack , for tally has sent one of its frontline berths, and causing injuries to at trains were diverted, while some
Road Forum, which India will which his group claimed responsibility. WASEEM ANDRABI/ HT FILE warships, INS Kolkata, to join least 14 people. inter-city trains were cancelled.
skip because of concerns over the 70th anniversary of the Peo- Kanpur senior superintend- However, prompt action by the
territorial sovereignty related dra Modi and President Xi Jin- tion of the forum in 2017. ple’s Liberation Army Navy at ent of police (SSP) Anant Deo railway authorities and the dis-
to the China-Pakistan Economic ping at Wuhan, Gokhale is India has repeatedly Qingdao in east China. Hu said the 14 passengers had suf- trict administration ensured
Corridor (CPEC). expected to discuss the coordi- expressed concerns about the Shisheng, a Beijing-based South fered bone fractures as the train, that the track was ready for rail
Gokhale, who earlier served nating of India’s and China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), Asia expert, said there are sev- headed to Delhi, veered off the traffic to resume by 6.15 AM. On
as the envoy to Beijing, will have positions on key global issues at largely because of CPEC, which eral issues for the two sides to tracks near Rooma railway sta- a trial basis, a goods train and
a series of meetings on April 22, forums such as the G20 Summit passes through Pakistan-occu- discuss. “I thought of the second tion in Kanpur Nagar district later, a passenger train passed
including with vice foreign min- to be held in Tokyo in June, peo- pied Kashmir, and the uneven BRF summit. Maybe, the Indian around 12.50 am on Saturday. through the track, the release
ister, Kong Xuanyou, and state ple familiar with developments playing field created by China side wants to reduce China’s Eleven others with minor inju- from the railways read.
councillor and foreign minister, said. for Xi’s flagship connectivity misconceptions. Although New ries were discharged after first- The injured were first rushed
Wang Yi. Xi is expected to meet the project. For Beijing, India’s Delhi is reluctant to send official aid. There were no deaths, North toKanshiRamTraumaCentrein
Indian officials sought to play Indian prime minister on the snub is a diplomatic irritant. delegations to the second BRF, Central Railways chief spokes- Kanpur, where they were
down the significance of the tim- sidelines of the G20 Summit. The Briefing the media on the forum the cooperation between the two man Gaurav Bansal said. referred to the LLR Hospital. Sat-
ing of the visit, saying the trip Chinese side is also keenly look- on Friday, foreign minister countries on regional integra- Four of the 12 derailed Linke endraKumar,anemployeeofthe
had been scheduled quite some ing forward to the second Wang had said: “One of our dif- tion and governance can still be Hofmann Busch (LHB) coaches pantry car, said the passengers
time back. informal summit, which will be ferences is how to look at the pushed forward,” said Hu, overturned, North Central Rail- were jolted awake as the train
“The foreign secretary visits held in India some time after the BRI. The Indian side has its con- director of the Institute of South way public relations officer Amit coaches went off the tracks.
other countries as part of our general election gets over in cerns. “We understand that and and Southeast Asian and Ocea- Malviya said. Uttar Pradesh chief minister
regular consultations. He was May. that is why we have stated nia Studies at the China Insti- According to preliminary Yogi Adityanath has directed the
recently in Washington and Beijing is currently prepar- clearly on many occasions that tutes of Contemporary Interna- investigations, the derailment officials to extend all possible
Moscow. He will be visiting Ber- ing to host the three-day Belt the BRI, including the CPEC, is tional Relations. was possibly caused by a fault in help to the injured and ensure
lin after Beijing,” said an official and Road Forum from April 25, only an economic initiative and Azhar will be discussed too, the coupling but investigators that proper medical treatment
who asked not to be identified. which will be attended by nearly does not target any third coun- Hu said. “That’s another possi- have not ruled out sabotage. was provided to them.
In addition to talks aimed at 40 heads of state and govern- try, and they have nothing to do bility because the technical The general manager of North The railways have paid an
maintaining momentum in ment. India and Bhutan are with the sovereign and territo- block will end by May. Discus- Central Railway, Rajiv Chaud- ex-gratia of ~5,000 to passengers
bilateral ties in the wake of last among the countries that will rial disputes left from history sions could also include how to hary, said an inquiry had been with simple injuries and ~ 25,000
year’s informal summit not attend the forum. New Delhi between any two countries.” coordinate positions during the ordered, which would be con- to those with serious injuries.
between Prime Minister Naren- had also boycotted the first edi- China’s repeated blocking of G20 Summit in Tokyo,” he said. ducted by the commissioner of (With inputs from Agencies)

Sexual harassment cases relating
NEW DELHI: A Delhi court on
Saturday dismissed the bail plea
to SC judges in legal grey area
Ashok Bagriya & Bhadra Sinha managingjudicialtribunals,”the
of the alleged defence agent, n panel had concluded.
Sushen Mohan Gupta while
directing that he be produced in NEW DELHI :Allegations of sexual
THE COURSE OF ACTION Nomatterhowhighthejudges
are, they are definitely not to be
the court on Monday in connec- harassment against the sitting WHAT NEXT KEY CASES NEXT WEEK treatedas immunefromcharges n Abhinandan Varthaman
tion to the AgustaWestland scam.
Chief Justice of India (CJI) have n With the SC taking suo motu n Criminal contempt plea against ofsexualharassmentofwomenat
Special Judge Arvind Kumar
refused to grant relief to Gupta,
who was arrested by the Enforce-
once again put the spotlight on
the lack of a mechanism in the
cognizance of the allegation
against the CJI, it is now a
judicial matter and will be
Congress president Rahul
Gandhi for attributing observa-
tions to SC in the Rafale case
charge is made and proved, the
two jurists had said in their
ment Directorate alleging that
Gupta had in his possession some
payment details in the ₹3,600
of sexual misconduct against
serving judges.
heard by a bench
n The bench, comprising justices
n A plea by producers of a biopic
on PM Narendra Modi challeng-
SN Singh, former dean of the TRANSFERRED
crore purchase deals of Agusta-
Westland VVIP choppers.
Headed by a sitting woman
judge, the Gender Sensitization
and Sexual Harassment of
Arun Mishra and Sanjiv Khanna,
will decide on the next steps
n Chief justice Gogoi will continue
ing an embargo on its release
till elections are held
n A petition seeking cancellation
law faculty at Delhi University,
harassment committee must be
Three houses, seven shops
gutted in J&K’s Kishtwar
Women Committee of the
Supreme Court inquires into
to hear the cases that are under
benches that he is a part of
of polls in Tamil Nadu alleging
corruption in campaigning
JAMMU: Three houses and seven
shops were gutted in a fire in the against employees of the court any judge from the Supreme HT Correspondent
Kishtwar district of Jammu and registry.Thereisnoclarity,how- Court.SeniormembersoftheBar n
Kashmir but there was no report ever,onamechanismtodealwith Nariman and the late PP Rao charged a retired SC judge with should be asked to enquire into
of any loss of life, officials said cases of alleged misconduct by —called for devising a mecha- seeking sexual favours. How- such a complaint.” NEW DELHI: Wing Commander
Saturday. The fire and emergency sitting judges. nismtoprovideredressaltothose ever, the top court has taken no Advocate Vrinda Grover said Abhinandan Varthaman, cap-
services personnel managed to Asperthecurrentprocess,any who levelled sexual harassment stepstoincludetherecommenda- theformerjuniorcourtassistant tured and briefly held by Paki-
put off the blaze after several inquiry against a sitting judge allegationsagainstsittingjudges. tionsintheregulationsnorhasit who has levelled allegations stan after his MiG-21 jet was
hours of operation, they said, can only happen under the AbenchheadedbythethenCJIP made the disciplinary proceed- againstCJIGogoihasaskedfora shot down during an aerial
adding the cause of the fire was Judges Enquiry Act that man- Sathasivam had nominated the ings by the sexual harassment special inquiry committee com- engagement over the Line of
not known immediately. datesthatonlytheCJIcanconsti- two to suggest measures on how committee transparent, despite prising retired SC judges to Control on February 27, has
Teenager dies after being tute a probe panel. Any action to to deal with complaints of such this being a common grievance. inquire into her accusations. been transferred out of Jammu
gang-raped in Jharkhand remove the judge concerned can natureagainstsittingandretired Thetwoalsoopinedthatinces- “TheSCinternalcomplaintcom- and Kashmir for security rea-
onlybeinitiatedifthepanelfinds judges. Present CJI Gogoi was a sant sexual harassment of mittee comprises members sons, a defence ministry official
DHANBAD: A teenaged girl died him or her guilty. The report is part of that bench. women at workplace, if estab- including sitting judges who are said on Saturday.
hours after being allegedly raped then forwarded to the CJI, who BothfoundflawswiththeGen- lished,wouldamountto“proved all junior to the CJI. The basic Varthaman has been shifted
by at least five persons, who were
sendstherecommendationtothe derSensitizationandSexualHar- misbehavior”whichwouldserve ruleof anydisciplinary proceed- from Srinagar airbase, to
members of a marriage party, in a
President. assment of Women at the as a grounds for the removal of a ing is thatinquiry should be con- “another frontline fighter
village in Dhanbad district of
Jharkhand, police said Saturday. The Constitution allows a SupremeCourtofIndia (Preven- judge. ducted by person superior to the base”, the senior defence minis-
All the five, including two minors, judge to be removed only by an tion, Prohibition and Redressal) “The shield of irremovability defendant. A Special Inquiry try official, who didn’t want to
have been apprehended, they orderofthePresidentbasedonan Regulations as they did not from office would not protect Committee would provide a be named, said without giving
said. The victim’s father said she impeachment motion passed by extendorapplytoeithersittingor themifachargeofsexualharass- forum for a fair and impartial details. “Security considera-
was rushed to hospital soon after both Houses of Parliament. retired judges of the apex court. ment at work place were proved enquiry and would also protect tions prompted the transfer,”
she came home, narrated the In 2014,a panelof two eminent The regulations were framed against retired judges of the the independence of the Judici- the official said. Security agen-
ordeal and fainted. She died in the jurists — senior advocates Fali only after a law intern in 2013 SupremeCourtortheHighCourt ary,” she said. cies had indicated that Vartha-
hospital, he added. man could be targeted by Paki-
stan-based Jaish-e-Mohammed
Cornerstone laid for first
Hindu temple in Abu Dhabi
ABU DHABI: The historic founda-
4 detained in NIA UN lists Bhopal gas tragedy among (JeM), the group that claimed
responsibility for the February
14 suicide attack in Pulwama
tion stone-laying ceremony of the
first traditional Hindu temple in raids in Hyderabad worst industrial accidents of century that killed 40 Indian troops and
triggered a tense standoff
Abu Dhabi was performed on
Saturday in the presence of
officials from India and the United
and Maharashtra Press Trust of India
between the two countries. The
Indian Air Force (IAF), how-
ever, described Varthaman’s
Arab Emirates as well as thou- HYDERABAD:The NIA on Saturday transfer to another airbase as
sands of members of the commu- carried out searches at four pla- UNITED NATIONS: The 1984 Bhopal “routine”. Varthaman, flying a
nity. Indian Ambassador Navdeep ces in Hyderabad and Maharas- gas tragedy which killed thou- vintage Russian-origin MiG-21
Suri attended the event in the
tra’s Wardha and detained four sands of people is among the jet, was part of the complement
presence of over 2,500 Indians
people for questioning in con- world’s “major industrial acci- of combat aircraft that took on
from the UAE and across the
world, according to Gulf News. nection with its investigation dents” of the 20th century, a UN incoming Pakistan Air Force
into the Abu Dhabi Islamic State reporthassaid,warningthat2.78 jets on February 27. A day ear-
Jet workers meet Jaitley, module case, officials said. millionworkersdiefromoccupa- lier, IAF combat jets had struck
urge salary payment According to a senior NIA offi- tional accidents and work-re- a JeM training camp at Balakot
cial related to the probe, the lated diseases each year. in Pakistan’s Khyber-Pakh-
NEW DELHI: Senior executives of
grounded Jet Airways met the agency carried out searches at ThereportreleasedbytheUN tunkhwa province. Varthaman
Union finance minister Arun early in the morning on the out- labour agency International was taken prisoner by Pakistani
Jaitley on Friday and requested skirts of Hyderabad and took Labour Organization (ILO) said n Methyl isocyanate gas, released from the Union Carbide plant, forces after his jet was shot
him to direct the banks to release three persons into custody for in 1984, at least 30 tons of methyl affected over 600,000 workers and nearby inhabitants. HT FILE down along the LoC.
at least one month’s salary. Jet questioning. isocyanate gas, which was
has not paid salaries of a large
number of its employees for the
The searches came after infor-
mation from three youths
pesticide plant in the Madhya
listed in the report are the Cher-
nobyl and Fukushima nuclear
last three months. They also arrested in August last year for Pradesh capital, affected more tems,” it said. The report titled disasters as well as the Rana FROM SRINAGAR
appealed to expedite the bidding
process for Jet’s stake sale and
alleged links with the IS, the offi-
cial said, adding it was found that
inhabitants. “The government
‘The Safety and Health at the
Heart of the Future of Work —
Plaza building collapse. In the
ensure transparency in the a person from Hyderabad was in figures estimate that there have Building on 100 years of experi- oneoffournuclearreactorsatthe FRONTLINE FIGHTER
procedure. Jaitley assured them
that he would look into all issues
touch with Mohammed Abdul- been 15,000 deaths as a result of ence’ said the Bhopal disaster Chernobyl power station in BASE”, SAID A
lah Basith and Mohammed thedisasterovertheyears.Toxic was among the world’s “major Ukraine exploded, releasing at
raised by the employees, saidNa- Abdul Qhadeer, who were materialremainsandthousands industrial accidents after 1919”. least 100 times more radiation SENIOR DEFENCE
tional Aviator’s Guild vice presi-
dent Captain Asim Valiani.
among the three. Both are cur- of survivors and their descend- Among the other nine major thantheatombombsdroppedon MINISTRY OFFICIAL
rently lodged in jail. IANS ants have suffered from respira- industrial disasters after 1919 Nagasaki and Hiroshima.


APRIL 21, 2019



CAMPUS STIR After the 2015 strike, administration says things are
getting better; students say they are being targeted for raising questions
Dhamini Ratnam current general secretary of the
n FSA, says many students who
participated in later protests

une 12, 2015, began like
any other day at the
MAHARASHTRA have been sent disciplinary
notes, some have not been sent
Film and Television Mumbai on foreign exchange pro-
Institute of India in grammes and have had their
Pune, a leafy campus PUNE scholarship cancelled. “They
that was once the site of one of don’t want us to protest.”
the country’s first studios, and “Alldisciplineissuesinvolv- n Film and Television Institute of India students protest against television actor-turned-politician Gajendra Chauhan when he had assumed
where, even today, a wide arte- ing students are addressed by charge as the chairperson of the institute in Mumbai on January 7, 2016. Things haven’t been the same since then. HT FILE
rial road leads off to a lake built the Proctor’s office. Whileminor
for a film set in the 1940s. The rule violations are overlooked, to continue with their courses “We’re all there to learn to affiliationsarrivedatthecampus seemeddisproportionate,suchas
news spread as the students filed serious indiscipline issues are onlyafteryear-endassessments; make films, irrespective of our to express solidarity. This for instance, the arrests. “This
into the canteen: anew chairper- dealtwithfirmly.Inthelastthree andin2010,afteradraftreportby backgrounds and political included Nitish Rane, a member wasalawandordersituation.Isit
son of the governing council had 26 days. years, even the courts of law a consultancy firm suggested a beliefs. In that sense, our strike of the Legislative Assembly in not heavy that a student stays in
beenappointedafter15months.It The job of the chairman is to get stoodbyFTIIwhenstudentswho public-private partnership and wasn’t coloured by an existing Maharashtra,RahulGandhi,the ahostelfor8-10years,doesn’tpay
wasGajendraChauhan,anactor workdone,nottakeclasses.What were punished took legal short-term courses to increase political thought. The strike was current president of the Indian fees…onwhosemoneyishestay-
best known for his role as ideology have I imposed?” asks recourse. As for international revenue of the institute. aquestiontothosewhowantedto National Congress, and Yogen- ing?” he replied.
Yudhishtir,theoldestofthePan- Chauhan, when Hindustan exchange programmes, it is but The main demand of the strik- imposetheirskewedunderstand- dra Yadav of Swaraj Party. Per- A 2017 Comptroller and Audi-
dava brothers, in Mahabharata, Times spoke to him. “How can natural that only the best stu- ing students in 2015 was to roll ing of politics, society, cinema formers, filmmakers and musi- tor General of India report
a televised serial that aired on you ask for my removal even dentswillbesentoverseastorep- back the appointment of Chau- and arts,” he said. cians visited. GBMs were held pointed out that non completion
Doordarshan from 1988 to 1990. beforeseeingwhatIcando?Even resentapremierinstitutionsuch han and five FTII Society mem- almost each night to discuss the ofcoursesbystudentsledtoaloss
The decision to protest this today students message me on as FTII. The institute cannot bers nominated by the govern- A SEASON wayforward—opinionsoftendif- of ₹11.83 crore to the exchequer.
appointmentwasprettyimmedi- Facebook saying, ‘Sir we miss incentivisethosewithahistoryof ment under the category of“Per- OF PROTESTS fered,andconsensuswassought. However, Chauhan’s conflation
ate, recalls Harishankar Nachi- you’.” inappropriate conduct,” said sons of Eminence”. The Society In January 2015, students from Nearlyamonthintothestrike, of an administrative issue —
muthu, the then president of the Kainthola. consists of personalities and Jadavpur university in West agroupofstudents,facultymem- delayed batches are also the
FTII Students’ Association LIFE POST 2015 alumniconnectedwithfilm,tele- Bengal went on a strike on bers and alumni met Arun Jait- result of inadequate infrastruc-
(FSA). But even he couldn’t pre- During the 2016 admissions, stu- A HISTORY OF STRIKING vision as well as ex-officio mem- account of a cover up of a sexual ley, the then I&B minister, who ture like studios, missing or
dict the nation-wide impact that dents were asked to sign affida- TheFilmInstituteofIndiawasset bers, all of whom are nominated harassmentcase—thevicechan- refused to roll back Chauhan’s faultyequipment,saystudents—
the strike, which lasted 139 days vits promising, among other up by the government of India in by the government. cellor eventually resigned. appointment. with slapping criminal charges
and saw criminal charges things, good conduct. Robin Joy 1960 under the Ministry of Infor- Some of the society members Shortly after the FTII strike “The main demand was that a onagroupofprotestingstudents,
slappedon35students,including (28) was one of them. The former mation and Broadcasting. It was appointed included Narendra ended in September, Hyderabad dueprocessbeputinplacesothat is precisely the sort of adminis-
him, would have. FSA president also points out a re-designatedafterthetelevision Pathak, the former president of Central University erupted over no government can put its ideol- trative heavy-handedness that
“[His appointment] was change in the academic council. wingwasaddedin1974.Theinsti- Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Pari- the suicide of Rohith Vemula, a ogyintorunningoftheinstitute,” the students were striking
clearly part of a larger agenda of Sincethe1970s,twostudentbody tute is governed by a governing shad,andAnaghaGhaisas,adoc- Dalit student. Around the same said Urs, who was part of that against in the first place.
saffronization of education — representativeshavebeenvoting council, headed by the chairper- umentary filmmaker known for time,studentsfromDelhiUniver- group. National Award winning
encouraging mediocrity,install- members and participated in all son, who is also the president of her short film, Shri Narendra sity had started protesting the In August 2015, when the then alumnus Paresh Kamdar says a
ing a puppet who would let the discussions.However,since2016 the FTII Society. The academic Modi — Gatha Asamanya Net- University Grant Commission’s FTII director, Prashant Path- shift in perspective is needed.
government do what it wanted, therehasbeenapartialroll-back policies are formulated by the rutva (Tale of Extraordinary decision to scrap fellowships to rabe, decided to carry out the “All along, students have been
pushingthroughacertainnarra- — “for the first time, student academiccouncil, while matters Leadership). M.Phil and PhD students who assessment of the 2008 batch seen as a law and order problem,
tive of history,” says Nachimu- members are not allowed to par- involving finance are controlled Likethestrikesoftheprevious hadn’tclearedtheNationalEligi- despite several diploma films every time they raise a question
thu, now 31 and an assistant ticipate in discussions on a num- by the standing finance commit- decades,thisonetoowasstudent- bility Test. being incomplete, the students on academics or management.
director in Chennai. But Chau- berofissueswhichdirectlyaffect tee. led,drivenbytheirwishtohavea Simultaneously, filmmakers, surrounded him in his office, So,thestrategyofoppositionisto
han’s filmography and links to them, including syllabus, fees In other words, after his sayintheireducation.Yet,Vikas artists and writers began to demandinganexplanation.Later breaktheresolveofthestudents.
the BharatiyaJanata Party —he and discipline,” he said. appointment,thebuckstoppedat Urs, a 34-year-old cinematogra- returntheirgovernmentawards. that night, the police arrested a Thisisn’ttherightway.Students
became a member in 2004 — FTIIdirectorBhupendraKain- Chauhan. pher based out of Goa, and one of Former FTII chairperson Saeed few students from the campus, need freedom to question. To
didn’t bother Nachimuthu and thola admits that the students’ FTII’s culture of striking is a the leaders of the 2015 strike, Mirza,whoreturnedhisNational based on a complaint filed by challengetheexistingorderisan
the students who congregated “participationindeliberationsis widely known — in the early points out that the FTII is not Award told HT at the time, that Pathrabe—thecasecontinuesto important aspect of art.”
that night for a General Body restrictedtoonlycertainissues,” 1980s, on the lack of faculty; in politicalthewayothercampuses the protest started by the insti- this day. ForNachimuthunow,partici-
Meeting (GBM), so much as the but clarifies that the “meeting 1995, following Mahesh Bhatt’s are. He attributes this to the tute’s students had become a pating the democratic process is
absence of Chauhan’s engage- agendacontinuestobecirculated appointment as chairperson, fee absence of organizations like movement against“intolerance, WAY FORWARD a way of taking forward the
ment with serious cinema and to them, and their written com- hikes and converting several ABVP or Students Federation of divisiveness and hate.” HT asked Chauhan whether in resistance. “Last time, I didn’t
film academia. ments are obtained and dis- threeyearcoursestotwo;in2000, IndiaorNationalStudentsUnion Partofwhatmadethe2015FTII hindsight,thepunitivemeasures vote. I thought it didn’t matter
“Twenty-three major works I cussed.” on the introduction of a system ofIndia,allofwhichareaffiliated strike unique was its catholic undertaken by the administra- whocametopower.Nowthathas
got done in one year, one month, Rajarshi Majumdar (25), the wherestudentswouldbeallowed to national political parties. nature—politiciansfromacross tion during his chairmanship changed.”

Why meteorological department’s MISSILE DESTROYER LAUNCHED

monsoon forecast is often inaccurate
Jayashree Nandi

NEWDELHI: The India Meteorolog-

ical Department’s southwest
monsoon forecasts provide criti-
› No natural
phenomenon can
be predicted accurately;
it’s even more difficult
cal information to at least 700
million people in India who when climate change
depend, directly or indirectly, on
agriculture for a livelihood. Yet, causes aberrations
the predictions are, quite often, DS PAI, senior scientist at IMD, Pune
far from accurate. The reason: a
very high variability in rainfall
patterns. vant anymore because of climate
To be sure, the error margin change-related unpredictability
for monsoon forecasts has in weather phenomena. n The Navy launches guided n Imphal is the third in Project 15B n The ships, packed with state-of-
declined, from 7.94% between “The dynamical model IMD missile destroyer ‘Imphal’ at vessels. Earlier ones launched are the-art weapons and sensors, will
1995 and 2006 to 5.95% between uses, called global coupled fore- Mumbai’s Mazagon Dock ‘Visakhapatnam ship’ (2015) and be commissioned into the Indian
2007 and 2018. Even so, over the casting system, is something Shipbuilders on Saturday. ANI ‘Murmagoa’ (2016). Navy from 2021 onwards.
last 11 years, the actual rainfall n Farmers depend on rain forecasts during the June-September they have started forecasting
matched the forecast only half monsoon season to decide on what crops to sow. AFP FILE with only in the last couple of
the time. years.
And the predictions are not
likely to get any better. Uncer-
tainties associated with climate
of earth sciences.
“No natural phenomenon can
be predicted accurately; it’s even
forecast failure without any
warning,” said Akshay Deoras, a
PhD researcher at the depart-
It is as good (or as bad) as any
in the world. This will hopefully
replace the SEFS one day
Barcoding raw materials used
in drugs to become mandatory
change mean that even the more difficult when climate ment of meteorology, University because under climate change,
dynamic global models used to change causes aberrations,” said of Reading, UK. the old statistical relationships
predict monsoon rainfall and DS Pai, senior scientist at IMD, ElNinois aweather phenome- (that SEFS is based on) may no

distribution cannot significantly Pune. non associated sometimes with longerhold,” said Krishna Achu-
improve the accuracy of the fore-
casts, experts said.
The seasonal forecasting of
the southwest monsoon, which
drought in the subcontinent. El
Niño-Southern Oscillation, also
taRao, climate scientist at the Rhythma Kaul Barcoding will help agreed to the proposal for API
Centre for Atmospheric Scien- n barcoding and recommended it
In 2007, for example, IMD had waters more than half of India’s known as ENSO, is a periodic ces (CAS) at Indian Institute of determine whether to the ministry, which should
forecast “below normal” rainfall crops and accounts for three- fluctuation in sea surface tem- Technology- Delhi. NEWDELHI: The Union health min- soon notify it,” he added.
of 93% of the long-period average fourths of its annual rainfall, has perature and the air pressure of The large uncertainty of istry will make it mandatory for supplies are coming from The health ministry had ear-
(LPA), but the rainfall India
actually received was “above
been done with the help of statis-
tical and dynamicalmodelssince
the overlying atmosphere
(Southern Oscillation) across
global models in predicting the all active pharmaceutical registered firms, especially lier unsuccessfully contem-
impact of climate change on the ingredient (API) packages to plated using barcodes on antibi-
normal” at 106%. 2017. the equatorial Pacific Ocean, monsoon has led a team from the be barcoded to detect spurious while dealing with firms in otic packs to check antibiotic
In 2009, IMD again predicted Before that year, the forecasts according to the US National Indian Institute of Tropical drugs and monitor imported misuse.
below normal rainfall of 93% of were based only on statistical Oceanic and Atmospheric Meteorology (IITM) to develop and indigenously produced other nations from where Barcodes are machine-reada-
the LPA, but the actual rainfall
was only 78%, which belongs to
models. Farmers depend on the
forecasts of rainfall during the
“A dynamical model is more
an IITM Earth System Model
(IITM-ESM) that will be used for
raw materials used to manufac-
ture medicines.
raw materials are sourced ble representations of data that’s
descriptive of the material con-
“deficient” or drought category. June-September monsoon to complicated to deal with. Some seasonal monsoon forecasts. It APIs are critical components tained in a particular packaging.
In 2016, IMD predicted “excess” decide on what crops to sow. of the issues faced by such mod- will also contribute to the Inter- that make drug formulations Pharmacists have welcomed
rainfall, which in actuality “The dynamic models are els in simulating the southwest governmental Panel on Climate potent against disease. There are have QR coding on labels of APIs the API barcoding move.
turned out to be average. very high resolution mathemati- monsoon include biases in rain- Change’s (IPCC) sixth Assess- about 2,500 APIs that are used to to trace their origin and move- “Barcoding is a better way of
Last year, too, the IMD was off cal models that show weather fall over India compared to the ment Report on how the world is create hundreds of thousands of ment from API manufacturers to checking distribution of mate-
the mark, having predicted 97% phenomenon in every part of the observations, improper simula- beingaffected by climate change, drug formulations. drug manufacturers through a rial supply. The move should
of LPA when the country globe with a 3D picture of atmos- tion of important features of the to be released in 2020. “Raw material is usually sup- system of networking. work as an efficient quality-con-
received rainfall that was 91% of pheric and ocean phenomenon. monsoon circulation and The IITM model projections plied in bulk and its authenticity “The department sometimes trol measure,” said Sandeep
the LPA, the average for 50 We are using both dynamic and improper representation of rela- have indicated that there has affects the final product. After gets complaints about false Nangia, president, Retailers and
years. statistical models now but we tionships between sea surface been a weakening of the Indian the barcoding rule is imple- labelling, when what is men- Distributors Chemist Associa-
IMD couldn’t have forecast will soon replace it with only the temperature and monsoon rain- monsoon in recent decades, lead- mented, the misuse of names and tioned on the label is not the tion in Delhi.
that rainfall will be below nor- dynamic model,” said Pai. fall. In addition, models have ing to an overall decrease in rain- brands and sale of counterfeit ingredient inside the pack, or the The health ministry also sub-
mal in 2018, said M Rajeevan, sec- “A statistical model is easy to constraints in capturing the fall. drugs should come down signifi- ingredient is not from the com- mitted an affidavit to the Delhi
retary, ministry of earth scien- deal with as you assume past changing nature of predictors This trend has been supported cantly,” said Dr S Eswara Reddy, pany mentioned on the label. high court this week, saying that
ces, because “we didn’t foresee relationship between rainfall due to climate change - for exam- by long-term monsoon data from drugs controller general of India “Barcoding will help deter- experts from DTAB and the
the massive rainfall deficiency and various atmospheric and ple, region of maximum heating the IMD, but the model also (DCGI). mine whether the supplies are drugs consultative committee
that the northeastern states oceanic predictors to hold good in the Pacific Ocean associated shows that in future there will be On April 2, the drug and tech- coming from the registered com- were being consulted to make it
would face. this year. As such relationships with the El Niño events,” Deoras a perceptible enhancement in nical advisory board (DTAB) of pany, especially while dealing mandatory for manufacturers to
For the first time ever, north- keep on changing with time, for added. overall monsoon rainfall as well the government recommended with companies in other coun- recall and destroy expired medi-
east India received less than 80% example when there is El Niño- Climate scientists say that the as increase in extreme weather that provisions be included in tries from where raw materials cines and vaccines, which are
of LPA.” Southern Oscillation, there is statistical ensemble forecasting events like floods and droughts the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, are sourced,” Reddy said. sometimes repackaged and
IMD is an arm of the ministry always a chance of witnessing a system (SEFS) may not be rele- associated with climate change. 1945, to make it mandatory to “The DTAB has already resold.


APRIL 21, 2019 nation 13

Poll watchdog
RSStoBJPcandidates: stops streaming of
Modi web series
Focusonthelocalissues HT Correspondent

NEWDELHI: Amidtheongoinggen-
STRATEGY Advises party to improve oratory skills, use crowd-pullers, infuse energy in rallies eral elections, the Election Com-

mission has asked the producers
Smriti Kak Ramachandran
The RSS has asked of a web series based on Prime
Minister Narendra Modi’s life,
candidates to focus n Congress general secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra interacts with a Modi: Journey of a Common
NEWDELHI: As the BharatiyaJan- child in Kannur on Saturday. HT PHOTO Man,tostopits online streaming
ata Party (BJP) prepares for the on local concerns, as and remove allcontentrelated to
eral election, its ideological par-
issues like the Balakot air it until further orders.
The commission also asked
ent Rashtriya Swayamsevak
Sangh (RSS) has asked candi-
dates to focus on local concerns,
as issues like the Balakot air
strikes (against Pakistan)
and the overall popularity
of the government
Rahul is in your Eros Now, the producers of the
Acting on a complaint for-
warded toit bythechief electoral
of the government have “limited
traction on the ground”, accord-
ing to people aware of develop-
have ‘limited traction on
the ground’.
hands: Priyanka officerofDelhi,thepoll watchdog
disturb the level playing field at
election time and was in contra-
ments. RSS FUNCTIONARY HT Correspondent inherfirstpoliticalrallyinsouth vention of the model code of con-
The Sangh has also asked the n In 2014, the Sangh’s foot soldiers urged people to vote the last n India. Priyanka Gandhi also duct in force since the poll sched-
party and its candidates to general elections. PRATHAM GOKHALE/HT FILE listedthepersonalqualitiesofher ule was announced on March 10.
“infuse more energy into cam- These include the Sekhawati THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Campaign- brother. “He is a black belt (in Thecommission referredtoits
paigns and rallies”, they said on a 100% voter turnout, because BJPwinmorevotes.Ahighturn- region in Rajasthan where Jat- ingfor herbrother andCongress Aikido). Also a trained pilot. An April 10 order that barred the
condition of anonymity. morepeoplevotingwouldmeana out, it had said, would widen the Rajput caste equations are testy, president,RahulGandhi,inWay- ace diver and mountaineer. He screening of any biopic subserv-
With its experiment of moti- bettershotfortheBJPatwinning difference in vote share between and in Madhya Pradesh where anad, the party’s general secre- doesn’tlikeanypublicity.Iknow ing the purpose of any political
vating people to come out and with a majority. But that has not the BJP and other parties. theuppercastecommunitiesare tary, Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, he won’t like what I am saying,” entity or individual, which has
vote — informally known as happened,” said the functionary However, the Sangh has now reportedly unhappy with the said on Saturday that the former she said, adding that Rahul Gan- the potential to disturb the level
“third party campaign” — not quoted above. asked candidates to focus on BJP. has been wrongly portrayed by dhiisalsowell-versedintheepics playing field during elections.
having worked too well, the RSS The RSS pracharaks also issues that resonate locally. The 2019 polls are crucial for opponents for at least a decade, and puranas, even as she ques- Taking noteof the fact thatthe
has stepped up efforts to garner reached out to the private sector Daily meetings are being held the RSS since it feels it has been but that he was still man enough tionedwhetherthecustodiansof web series showcases the differ-
support for the BJP. to help with creating awareness between pracharaks (workers) targetedmorebyopposition par- to go to the other side of parlia- the country have such in-depth entphasesofPMModi’slife,from
Accordingtoaseniorfunction- on participating in the electoral and candidates. ties than the Bharatiya Janata ment to hug the man who had knowledge in them. his childhood to becoming a
ary, the Sangh had for the first process, and through their point “The Sangh feels that, apart Party. called his mother names and Priyanka Gandhi spoke of the national leader, the EC, in its
time started a campaign where, persons, target groups such as fromPrimeMinister[Narendra] “The Sangh has benefitted insulted his late father. losses her family has suffered, order, said, “...In view of the
instead of directly campaigning doctors,academicsandlawyers. Modi and [BJP president] Amit from the BJP being in power in Shewasspeakingatameeting starting from her grandmother admittedfactsandmaterialavail-
for the BJP, its foot soldiers In the first phase, the voter Shah,theBJPdoesnothavepow- statessuchasMP—notonlywas at Mananthawady, Wayanad. Indira Gandhi, who was assassi- able on record, this web series
reached out to the masses and turnout was 69.45%, slightly erful speakers. So, candidates its ideology the basis for many Priyanka Gandhi was refer- nated.“Indirajiwaslikeamother being an original web series on
urged them to vote. The idea was lower than the 69.7% in 2014. In havebeenaskedtoimprovetheir policies, it also grew stronger ring to the incident in the Lok to us. When I was 12 she was NarendraModi,thePrimeMinis-
to build momentum in favour of thesecondphase,theturnoutwas oratoryskillsandusecrowd-pull- organizationally. But since the Sabha last year when the Con- assassinated in our home. Our ter and a political leader and a
theBJP,whichisseekingre-elec- 69.19%, marginally up from ers such as Uttar Pradesh chief Congress is back in power [in gress president walked over to smallfamilyoffourwasboundby prospective candidate inthecur-
tionattheCentre,insubtleways. 66.52% in the previous election. minister Yogi Adityanath,” said MP], it is already facing the heat. thetreasurybenchesandhugged the love of our parents. Seven rent general elections to the Lok
“Theturnoutafterthefirsttwo HT had earlier reported that a second functionary. So, it is imperative for the Sangh a bemused Prime Minister Nar- yearslaterwhenmybrotherwas Sabha, cannot be exhibited.”
phases has not been very differ- aftertheSangh’sannualmeeting TheSanghhasalsoearmarked to see a friendly party in the seat endra Modi after delivering a studying in Harvard, our father OnMonday,thepollwatchdog
ent from the corresponding pha- in Gwalior, it had set a target of areasonwhichitwillfocusforthe ofpower[attheCentre],”thefirst hard-hitting speech criticising (Rajiv Gandhi) was also killed. will convey its decision on the
sesin2014.TheSanghwaseyeing 100% voter turnout to help the upcoming phases of polling. functionary said. the NDA government. Despite thesepersonallosses,he screeningoftheModibiopictothe
In an emotionally-charged never nursedanyangertowards Supreme Court in a sealed
speech she said her brother has anyone,” she said, adding that envelop.

been personally +attacked for she is entrusting her brother to


many years. “They have sought the hands of people of Wayanad.
One more worker of our RALLY TRACKER Modi had raised to portray a character of him LikeRahul,PriyankaGandhi,
party has been killed in which is very far from truth. As too, spared the Left and attacked SAID THE SERIES HAS
hopes of people by children, we shared moments of the BJP. The Left parties were THE POTENTIAL TO
Narendra Modi
Purulia…Har atyachar ka nyay Amit Shah
promising to deposit devastation and loss together. upsetwithRahulGandhi’scandi-
Despite heavy losses, he never daturefromWayanad,hissecond
hoga (justice will be done for Nitin Gadkari ₹15 lakh in their account. nursed anger towards anyone. I constituency besides Amethi in PLAYING FIELD AT
am here to seek votes for my UP, and said it would dilute the
every atrocity)... Ab Rahul Gandhi I knew it cannot be done. brotherandbestfriend,”shesaid secular vote. ELECTION TIME
Priyanka Gandhi
nyay hoga (justice Rampur
Nyay scheme will act like
Uttar Pradesh
will be served now)
Prime Minister Etah
Uttar Supaul
Mamata Banerjee

petrol for the Indian
economy No new tax for Nyay: Manmohan
West Bengal RAHUL GANDHI, Congress chief

Pradesh Bilaspur Bihar

Indo Asian News Service every year to the poorest 20% of ther help in fiscal discipline. It
He(Modi) knows that he Chhattisgarh population, wouldnot entail any has been conceptualised after
The promises of

new tax on the middle class. muchthoughtandconsultations

will lose the elections Forbesganj
Bihar ‘achche din’ by the NEWDELHI: Former Prime Minis- He said that the Congress is withexperts,”ManmohanSingh
and that is why his face has Aurangabad Bhilai ter Manmohan Singh on Satur- committedtofiscaldisciplineand said.
Maharashtra Chhattisgarh South Dinajpur
BJP have proved to be day said that Nyay scheme of the Nyay would cost between 1.2% Speaking at a rally in Tamil
turned pale. He is now Shivamogga Congress will usher in an era of and 1.5% of the Gross Domestic Nadu last week, Prime Minister
West Bengal as hollow as the ones minimum income guarantee in Product (GDP) at its peak. NarendraModihadattackedthe
suffering from
given by the earlier India,endpovertyandrestartthe “Our nearly $3-trillion econ- scheme, saying, “They are now
‘haratanka’ (phobia Wayanad
economic engine which has omy has the fiscal capacity to saying‘ab hoganyay’,now there
Congress governments “come to a stop” under the absorb this expenditure. There will be justice…This means that
of losing polls) Kerala
present government. will be no need for any new taxes they have admitted that they did
MAMATA BANERJEE, Pathanamthitta at the Centre... Inastatement,Singh saidthat on the middle class to finance injustice for 60 years.”
West Bengal CM Kerala MAYAWATI, BSP chief implementation of Nyay, which Nyay. The economic stimulus Singhwasthefinanceminister
aimstoprovide₹72,000perfamily that Nyay will provide will fur- of the country from 1991-96.

PARTIES MEAN Wayanad hopes for better days Scrutiny of Rahul’s
In Wayanad, the Congress presi-
nomination deferred
dentislockedinathree-cornered HT Correspondent Inhispetition,Lalallegedthat
SLAVERY: JAITLEY WAYANAD: First-time voter Var-
sha John, a 23-year-old working
n Gandhi furnished false informa-
HT Correspondent in a technology firm in Benga- JanataParty-ledNationalDemo- NEWDELHI: The scrutiny of Con- cations.HeclaimedthatGandhi,
n luru, is on leavevisitingher fam- cratic Alliance’s Thushar Vella- gress president Rahul Gandhi’s in his election affidavit dated
ily in Wayanad. After the Con- pally. nomination papers from Uttar 03.04.2004 in Form No. 26, dis-
NEWDELHI: FinanceministerArun gress announced on March 31 Both his opponents often ask Pradesh’s Amethi has been put closed that he cleared the CBSE
Jaitley on Saturday said the that party president Rahul Gan- voters whether they want on hold after four independent SeniorSecondaryexaminationin
“present generation of dynast” dhiwillalsocontestWayanad,in another election in six months. candidates raised objections on 1989 and M.Phil in Development
hasbecomealiabilityfortheCon- additiontoAmethi,Johnmadeit “It is a time-pass for Rahul Gan- threecounts:hisname,national- EconomicsfromTrinityCollege,
gress party and expressed hope a point toextendherleaveto cast dhi. Don’t go by his empty prom- ity and educational qualifica- Cambridge University, in 1995.
that aspirational India would her vote on April 23. ises,”Vellapallytoldworkers on tions. The returning officer of “…Subsequently, the candi-
reject caste-based and dynastic “Idon’thaveanypoliticalaffil- Thursday citinghis track record Amethi said on Saturday that date in his election affidavits
partiesduringgeneralelections. iation.ButRahul’sentryhaselec- n Wayanad, from where Congress chief Rahul Gandhi is contesting, is inAmethi.Suneerhasaskedvot- Gandhihadbeenaskedtoreplyto dated 03.04.2009 and 11.04.2014
In a blog post titled, ‘Will 2019 trified the scene. I think it is the one of the most backward districts of Kerala. PTI ers to elect a candidate who can theobjectionsbyApril22afterhis disclosed different educational
Witness the Dynasty as a Liabil- best thing ever to happen to the devote all of his time to the con- lawyersoughtsometime.Amethi qualifications...,” the petition
ity on the Congress Party?’ Jait- backwarddistrict,”shesayswith Most of the educated young- crippledKeralalastyear.Onecan stituency. “His candidature is a goes to the polls on May 6. said. Lal raised questions about
ley wrote, “If the Congress’s a chuckle. sters eventually move to neigh- still sees the scars left by the dis- historic blunder. He came here TheCongresshasslammedthe Gandhi’snationalityonthebasis
dynast has only an ability to Johnisnotaloneinhopingthat bouringstateslike Karnataka or aster: hills scooped out by the only twice. After election he will independent candidate, Dhruv ofpurportedcopiesofacertificate
deliver44 seats or60 seatsin Par- the attention Wayanad is receiv- Tamil Nadu for employments; floods, damaged roads and disappear forever,” he told Lal, formakingfalseallegations. of incorporation of a UK-regis-
liament, what then is the incen- ing will open up new opportuni- severalothersflocktotheMiddle bridges. Of the over 400 persons youngsters in Kalpetta while SeniorCongressleaderAbhishek teredcompany,inwhichGandhi
tive for conventional Congress- ties. “Itis a god sent opportunity. East for blue-collar jobs. who died in the floods, the most campaigninglastweek. Atarally Manu Singhvi said, “Over hun- is stated to be a British national.
men to bear humiliation of sub- We are sure his candidature will More than half the 1.3 million- were from Wayanad and Idukki. in Thiruvananthapuram on dred pages of objections, clearly Only Indian citizens can contest
jecting themselves to a dynast? bringdevelopmenttoWayanad,” strong electorate in the state is “We still have little access to Thursday, Prime Minister Nar- prepared in advance, have been elections in the country.
Ultimately, in dynastic parties said Sreemaya V K, a postgradu- below the age of 35 years. John’s education, healthcare and hous- endraModisaid,“(RahulGandhi) filed on the day of scrutiny. It In Delhi, PTI quoted BJP
one has to accept political slav- ate and first-time voter. expectations from the high-pro- ing.Infantmortalitydeathisvery says he wants to give a message. raises the same 15-year-old alle- spokesperson GVL Narasimha
ery.” Dynastic politics are com- Althoughshehailsfromafam- file entrant in Kerala politics are high. We don’t need lip service In that case he should have con- gation... wrong name and wrong Rao as saying it was “stunning”
monamongseveralregionaland ilythathastraditionallyvotedfor high: greater job opportunities, but an exclusive package to lift tested either from the state capi- nationality. It reflects the fear thatGandhi’slawyerhadsought
national parties, including the the Left (the Left Democratic better travel facilities, lifting of a us,”saidJayaPS,apost-graduate tal or Pathanamthitta. It is noth- and frustration of BJP over the time to reply to the objections.
Congress.Thepartyhasbeenled Front, a coalition of left parties banonnighttravelalongtheKoz- tribalstudentfrom Mananthaw- ing but appeasement politics.” certain victory of Rahul Gandhi “Theseareseriousallegations.
byamemberoftheGandhifamily including the Communist Party hikode-Bangaluru highway and adi. She hopes Gandhi will help Gandhi has tried to address in Amethi. Hence, it is their des- IsRahulGandhianIndiancitizen
since independence. of India (Marxist), is one of the a railway line to Mysuru, a improve the lot of ancient tribes. these concerns. “It is great hon- perate attempt for a technical ornot?DidheeverbecomeaBrit-
“Arelevantquestionwiththis twoalternatingrulingcoalitions demand that is several decades “Wayand has21% tribalpopu- ourformetocontestinaconstitu- knock-out on a non-existent ish citizen? He should come out
changingsocio-economicprofile inthestate),sheisthinkingofgiv- old and has not been taken up by lation. Though the government ency in Kerala. I want to give a ground.” with the real story,” he said.
of India is — Are dynasties an ing her vote to the “PM-in-wait- successive governments. pumped in money it failed to message to the south by contest-
asset for a party or are they a lia- ing.”“Ithinkthetimeofhardcore “I have been hearing about reachtribals.Wehopethingswill ingfromWayanad,”hesaidwhile
bility? Unquestionably, the
ideology is over. What we need
arebetteropportunities. Politics
Nilambur-Nanjangud railway
line since my childhood. It is the
change with Rahul’s entry. With
ery on April 17. After filing his
becomea liabilityratherthan an of violence and hate will have to shortest route to Mysore from faremeasures]wecanavoidmid- nominations on April 4, Gandhi
14 polling officers BJP seeks action over
asset for the Congress,” he said. go,” she says. Kerala.Butithasnevermaterial- dle men and bureaucracy to an hasvisitedtheconstituencyonce,
suspended in Odisha K’taka minister’s remarks
Calling former PM Atal Bihari While many like her express ized,”saidPCMarakkar,48,who extent,”saidformerministerPK but senior leaders are camping
VajpayeeandcurrentPMNaren- hopeoverGandhi’scandidature, runs a taxi in Vythiri. Jayalakshmi,hailingfromKuru- here. Sister Priyanka Gandhi BHUBANESWAR: Odisha chief BENGALURU: Karnataka minister
draModithe“tallestpoliticiansof the troubles of this district, nes- He too hopes that Gandhi will chiya community. Vadra arrived on Saturday for a electoral officer Surendra Kumar Zameer Ahmed Khan has trig-
their generation”, he wrote that tled in the Western Ghats, run movethisalong.Afterall,Gandhi On April 17, during his visit to two-day visit. “Rahuls’ entry in has suspended 14 government gered a controversy by making
officers for dereliction of duty in certain alleged personal remarks
this could happen only in merit- deeper. A minority-dominated spoke of the travel difficulties in Sultan Bathery, Gandhi Wayanadwillhavearippleeffect
the second phase of polling on against Prime Minister Narendra
basedparties.“Ishistorygoingto constituency—theMuslimpopu- Wayanad during his last trip in requested a meeting with Sreed- in all constituencies of Kerala.
April 18 and recommended fresh Modi, prompting the state BJP to
witness something wholly lation is 32 %, while Christians April. hanya Suresh. The 24-year-old Left leaders’ outbursts are an polling at a booth in Sorada petition the Election Commission
unprecedented? Are we going to are22%andHindusmakeup46%, tribal youth had qualified in the indication of their uneasiness. assembly segment in Ganjam Saturday seeking necessary
witness the rejection of caste as per the 2011 census — It is one FOREST PRESERVATION, recentcivilserviceexamination. Thelittle-knownconstituencyis district. Kumar said the 14 officers action. BJP state election commit-
based and dynastic parties? And of the most backward districts of TRIBAL LIVES “Awomanwhoconfrontedadver- high on the political map of the were deployed in five Lok Sabha tee convener Dattaguru Hegde
will aspirational India make a Kerala. For instance, the infant Wayanad,whichhascloseto45% sities with much guts,” Gandhi country. We hope this will help and 35 assembly constituencies said: “It is an attack on personal
harsh judgement on electing a mortality ratehere is thehighest forest cover and a sizeable tribal described her to reporters, after end its backwardness,” said sen- amd were suspended on charges life, the statement is malicious,
meritbasedleadership?Thismay in the state, and is 2.7 points population, was one of the dis- their meeting at St Mary’s Col- ior journalist and political of dereliction of duty. offending decency and morality.”
well be the case.” higherthanthestateaverageof7. tricts worst hit by the floods that lege. observerSunnykuttyAbraham.



APRIL 21, 2019

Raj Thackeray rallies hurt

Deals BJP, but can Oppn gain?
Aurangzeb Naqshbandi Gogawale, said Modi took deci-
n sionssuchasdemonetisationand
GST to put the economy on track
Today’s business world is a little like SATARA/PUNE: From seeking Nar-
endraModi’sascensionto Prime
instant noodles. Something is always Minister in 2014 to calling for his setupandthosewhosuffereddue
ousterin2019, MaharashtraNav- to note ban will obviously raise a
cooking every two minutes. nirman Sena (MNS) chief Raj hue and cry. I cannot find any
Thackeray’s political objective other reason why [Thackeray] is
has changed quite dramatically opposing the Prime Minister
That’s why we always keep you two in five years. now,” he said.
MNS is not contesting the Lok Politicalanalystssaidtheobvi-
steps ahead with the latest news on Sabha elections, but Thackeray ousreasonforthefalloutbetween
mergers, acquisitions, and has been campaigning exten-
sively againstthePrimeMinister
Thackeray and Modi is the Shiv
everything in between. and Bharatiya Janata Party is not going to dump Shiv Sena
(BJP) chief Amit Shah, across and align with his MNS, he
Maharashtra,especiallyinMara- n Raj Thackeray. started attacking Modi,” Pune-
tha- dominated constituencies. based political observer, Vish-
That is because Modi failed to ThackerayquestionedModiover wambhar Choudhari, said.
keep his promises, Thackeray the February 14 terror attack in TheBJPhasaskedThackeray
saysinhispublicmeetings,refer- Pulwama. He even replayed vid- tospecifywhoheiscampaigning
ring to the 2014 poll promises of eosofModi’sspeechesbefore2014 for since the MNS has not fielded
depositing Rs 15 lakh in every whenhehadquestionedthethen any candidates in the Lok Sabha
OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER PWD poor person’s account, and to Prime Minister, Manmohan polls. “He should first of all come
bring back money stashed ille- Singh, over terror attacks. clean on this. In a parliamentary
(R&B) CONST. DIVN. NO. I JAMMU gally outside India. “From where did so much of democracy,peoplehavetheright
Known for his oratorialskills, RDX come from that resulted in to express their views but he is
and his striking similarity to his thekillingofour40jawans?Modi nottellingthevoterswhyandfor
Name of Work :- 1/ Providing and laying of Wet Mix Macadam, 50mm thick BM and 25mm
& 30mm thick SDBC on road from :- lateuncleandShivSenafounder, should answer this. Who invited whom he is campaigning,”
1/ Link road from Khalsa Chowk to Sector-5 and Lane No. 0 Sector-7, Balasaheb Thackeray, the MNS Nawaz Sharif to his swearing-in Gogawale said.
Lane No. 2, Sector-11, Nanak Nagar, Jammu. chief attracts huge crowds. He ceremony?WhowenttoPakistan The ruling party has
2/ Road in Ekta Vihar (Length = 1.45 Kms), Arjun Vihar (Length = 0.41 Km)
uses audio-visual presentations uninvited to celebrate Nawaz approached the Election Com-
and Bandhurakh (Length = 0.22 Km) in Kunjwani Area ( 104.75 Lacs).
2/ Providing and laying of Wet Mix Macadam, 50mm thick BM and 25mm at the venues to pep up his Sharif’sbirthdayandfedhimthe missiontoaddtheexpensesofhis
& 30mm thick SDBC on road from :- speeches that are laced with cake?Imaginehowthefamiliesof ralliestotheaccountsoftheCon-
1/ Chatha Matador Stand to Khandwal (Length = 2.50 Kms). humour and sarcasm. our martyrs must be feeling,” he gress and the NCP on grounds
2/ Chatha Mill Chowk to Rani Bagh Peer Baba from Km Ist RD (900) to
The BJP has so far failed to told the gathering. thatheisindirectlycampaigning
Km 2nd RD (700) L.= 1.70 Kms ( 128.20 Lacs).
3/ Providing and laying of 50mm thick BM, 25mm & 30mm thick SDBC on chalk out a strategy to counter In Pune, Thackeray attacked for the two parties.
Main Stop to 200 Bedded Hospital via Gole Market Gandhi Nagar, Jammu Thackeray, who has become a Modi for playing the caste card. SeniorCongressleader,Anant
( 52.89 Lacs). thorn in its flesh, much to the “Modi has double standards. Gadgil,saidThackeraywasinde-
Reference :- This office e-NIT No. CD-1/193 of 2018-19 Dated 06-03-2019.
advantage of the Congress-Na- He said one thing before becom- pendently addressing election
Read as Instead of
THE MOST AWESOME BUSINESS DAILY THERE IS. tionalist Congress Party (NCP) ing the Prime Minister and did ralliesandtheoppositionparties
The Bidding documents can be downloaded The Bidding documents can be downloaded
from the website from from the website from alliance.ThoughThackeraydoes completely reverse after assum- were neither sponsoring those
1000 Hrs on 07-03-2019 to 23-04-2019 1000 Hrs on 07-03-2019 to 16-04-2019 (1630 not directly seek votes for either ing power,” he said. nor had they provided him with
(1630 Hrs) Hrs) the Congress or the NCP, his any platform.
The Bids shall be deposited in electronic The Bids shall be deposited in electronic format To get your MINT copy, give a missed call on 7039035039 or visit spiteful comments against Modi THEN AND NOW Will the huge crowds he is
format on the website on the website from and Shah leave no room for any In April 2014, Thackeray had drawing translate into votes for
from (1000 Hrs) on 07-03-2019 to 23-04- (1000 Hrs) on 07-03-2019 to 16-04-2019 upto or write to us at
2019 upto (1630 Hrs). The bids received will (1630 Hrs). The bids received will be opened
confusion.Forinstance,theMNS announcedthathismainpriority Congress-NCP?Politicalexperts
be opened 24-04-2019 at or after on (1100 18-04-2019 at or after on (1100 Hrs) online chiefrecentlysaidatarallythatif wastomakeModithePrimeMin- say only the election results can
Hrs) online people can experiment with ister. In fact, Thackeray had tell.
Technical bids of bidders shall be opened on Technical bids of bidders shall be opened on line Modi, why couldn’t they do so endorsedModiasthePrimeMin- “He is getting a good response
line in the office of Executive Engineer PWD in the office of Executive Engineer PWD (R&B) with Congress president, Rahul ister back in August 2011, when becausethereisnogoodoratorin
(R&B) Const. Divn. No. I Jammu 24-04- Const. Divn. No. I Jammu 18-04-2019 at or
Gandhi. the MNS chief was on a nine-day anypoliticalpartyandnobodyin
2019 at or after (1100 Hrs) after (1100 Hrs) GOVERNMENT OF JAMMU AND KASHMIR tour of Gujarat. Thackeray had Maharashtra can match him in
All other terms & conditions shall remain the same as already advertised.
OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER PHE TALKING POINTS said that the people of Gujarat those skills,” political analyst
TheMNSchiefspeaksonarange were fortunate to have a chief Choudhari said.
No:- 191-206
(Er. S.A Wani)
Executive Engineer
(M&P) DIVISION, HMT, SRINAGAR of issues: Pulwamaand Balakot, minister like him. “But whetherthe crowdshe is
Dated:- 16-04-2019
PWD (R&B) Const. Divn. No. I, Jammu Abstract of N.I.T. No:- PHE/M&P/02 of 2019-20/ Modi’ssurprisevisittoPakistan, Muchhas changedsince then. attractinginhisrallieswilltrans-
E-TENDER / Dated: 19-04-2019 theGoodsandServicesTax(GST) Thackeray has now turned late into votes is something we
and the controversy over the into one of the bitterest critics of will come to know only after the
For and on behalf of Governor of Jammu and Kashmir State, E-tenders are invited in Two Cover
Rafale jet fighter deal. His com- Modi and accused him of “cheat- elections. We must also remem-
System for the Supply of Laboratory Equipments Along with all Allied Accessories for 35 No. Water
Testing Labs of Kashmir Valley from the reputed and registered manufacturers or their sole authorized
mon refrain is that the people ing” the nation and not fulfilling ber that even Balasaheb used to
distributor/dealer as per specifications / details annexed to the NIT. mustchoosebetweendemocracy his promises made in the run up getgoodpublicresponsebutthat
and dictatorship. to the 2014 general elections. could never transfer into votes,”
Name Of Work Cost of Tender EMD Fee Validity of
Addressing a rally in Satara, Pune BJP chief, Yogesh he added.
Document Bids
Supply of Laboratory Equipments Along with all Rs 1000/- = Rs. 1,00,000/- = 120 days
allied Accessories for 35 No. Water Testing Labs of from
Kashmir Valley from the reputed & registered opening of
manufacturers or their sole authorized price bid
distributor/dealer as per specifications / details
annexed to the NIT.
1. The bids shall be deposited in electronic format on the website from
19-04-2019 to 08-05-2019 up to 4.00 PM. The bids uploaded on the website upto due date and
time will be opened on time and date given in the list of important dates enclosed, in the office of
Chief Engineer KMR PHE Department Rajbagh Srinagar in presence of the bidders who wish to
attend. In case of holidays /office happens to be closed on the scheduled date of opening, the
bids will be opened on the next working day at the scheduled time and venue.
2. The complete bidding process will be on line
3. Clarification, if any, shall be sought from 19-04-2019 to 07-05-2019 through following E-mails
4. Technical bids shall be opened online in the office of the Chief Engineer KMR PHE Department
Rajbagh Srinagar 09-05-2019 at 11.30 A.M.
5. The date and time of opening of Financial-Bids shall be notified on Web Site & the bidders will automatically get notified through an e-mail message
on their e-mail address. The Financial-bids of qualified bidders shall be opened online in the office
of the Chief Engineer KMR PHE Department Rajbagh Srinagar.
6. The bids for the work shall remain valid for a period of 120 days from the date of opening of bids.
No:-PHE/M&P/78-92, Executive Engineer,
Dated:19-04-2019 PHE (M&P) Division, Sgr



APRIL 21, 2019 hindustantimes 15





Mahant Raghubir Das, a sadhu, files
the first court case and seeks
permission to build a canopy on the

Ramchabutra (a raised platform)
outside the Babri Masjid. The
Faizabad district court rejects his plea.

Ram idols appear inside the mosque. According
to the book Ayodhya The Dark Night by Krishna
Jha and Dhirendra Jha, an FIR was registered by
the Ayodhya police naming a sadhu, Abhiram
Das, as the chief accused. Suits are filed; the
government declares the area as disputed and
locks its gates.

Ramachandra Das Paramhans, a sadhu, files
a suit at the district court for continuation
of worship and keeping the idols in the
disputed site. While the inner courtyard
remains locked, prayers are allowed. The
Nirmohi Akhara files a suit in 1959 seeking
possession of the site.
n Left: The
Hanuman Garhi
temple stands The Sunni Central Board of Waqf files
on land donated a case against the placing of idols in
by the Nawabs. the mosque, challenges claims that
A mosque the building and surrounding land
behind the were once a graveyard. Between 1961
temple is now and 1986, Faizabad and Ayodhya
being repaired
with the
remain comparatively tension-free.
temple’s funds. During these 25 years, no legal action
PHOTOS: AMAL KS/HT is undertaken by either community;
the temple-building movement
gathers momentum under BJP leader
Daulah, and on its land stands a mosque LK Advani by 1984.
As a mediation process is under that is now being repaired with the tem- Beinggoodneighbours
way in the Ayodhya dispute, the city’s ple’s funds – and try to graft a new skin
onto the year 1992. “Even with the reli-
gious polarisation outside in the Saket On the court’s order, the Rajiv
residents recall how neighbours helped fill Degree College, students elected Afzar Gandhi government orders
Mehdi as the students’ union president. He
the breach between two communities was acceptable to all,” adds Pandey.
the removal of the locks at
the disputed site, enabling
The relations between people of differ- Hindus to worship at what is
ent religious beliefs in Ayodhya and Faiza-
believed to be the birthplace
bad are not the product of a single day or
week but have been honed over the years. of the Hindu god, Ram. In
But there is “a bad Hindu or a bad Muslim 1989, months before the Lok
who sits inside us and is ever ready to Sabha elections, the govern-
foment trouble and prick each other’s anx- ment allows the Vishwa Hindu
ieties”, says Pandey. In 2018, the Yogi Adit- Parishad (VHP) to perform
Paramita Ghosh fire is lit in a neighbourhood, a Hindu yanath-led government joined Faizabad shilanyas (laying of founda-
n house next to a Muslim one will burn, so with Ayodhya and made it part of a single tion stone) for a Ram temple.
will our shops. We are different but any entity, the Ayodhya Municipal Corpora-

› ›
here are many ways to look at a attempt to enforce a separation will cause tion. “No doubt there are people who have
the big story


wall. Some say good walls make pain….” been made happy by this move. It’s one We never saw the We have no quarrel
good neighbours, and with them way of teasing a community and saying,
we share our bread. Some others ‘EVERYTHING’S FINE’ ‘We have taken over your city, wiped off Ansaris pick a fight with anyone. We The VHP under the guidance
say that walls between neigh- Everyday life between the two communi- Nawabiyat and see, now your city has a of the RSS and the BJP step
bours should never be so high ties since 1992 has depended on an elabo- Hindu name’.” It’s a small give to conserv-
with anyone. Both attend each other’s up the campaign to build a
that you cannot greet them. In rate ritual that is almost like a Japanese atives, he adds, for “not being able to give a communities want to live in weddings and feasts. There Ram temple in Ayodhya;
Ayodhya, and its twin city Faiza- tea ceremony in which keeping the shoes temple”. The UP government in its official Advani begins his
bad, which a Nawab of Awadh out of the room is actually the first step communication has stated the move was peace. Why did outsiders is no social boycott of any three-month-long rath yatra
developed as his first capital, towards keeping the surroundings due to public demand.
neighbours are measured by the breach in squeaky clean, the conversation moder-
create this trouble? kind. towards Ayodhya; the mosque
A POTENT MIX KALESHWAR YADAV, tourist guide. IQBAL ANSARI, son of the late
is partially damaged and 30
the wall. Who helped whom when their ate, and its pitch low. “With all those with are killed in police firing.
houses were attacked; who put out the whom we have social relations, we have “Teen nahi, ab tees hazaar, nahi bachegi Yadav is a neighbour of Iqbal Ansari, Hashim Ansari, one of the Ayodhya
who runs a cab service case appellants
flames in the locality when the Babri Mas- terribly sanitised conversations now. We ek mazaar,” was a VHP slogan that shook
jid was brought down in 1992, and which of constantly tell each other, ‘Everything is Ayodhya and Faizabad in 1992 and beyond.
their neighbours today sieve with them the fine and all the trouble was by outsiders’,” Says VHP spokesperson Vinod Bansal:
events of that year to show if there was Suryakant Pandey observes wryly. Pan- “Our research says on 30,000 temples, ruling then? Not the British. All these tem-
hope then, it cannot be all over now. dey is a social activist who has come to Muslim monuments were constructed. ples came up during the Mughal rule. They
On March 8, 2019, the Supreme Court meet his neighbour, Reyal Ahmad Khan, That’s why it was said please vacate them were built by the kings who were thriving
ordered a mediation among petitioners in principal, Forbes Intermediate College. without delay, otherwise we’ll have to under them!” Pandey’s exasperation with
the Babri-Ramjanambhoomi case. This Khan agrees, and tempers his remem- fight for the 30,000 which were destroyed communal politics is shared by Asad. “The
has set many residents thinking about the brances with ifs and buts. “We remember by their ancestors.” Ramjanmabhoomi area falls in my ward.
nature of the solution and what it will 1992 as an attack on Muslims, not a Hindu- Haji Asad Ahmed (a Samajwadi Party My neighbours did not take the burden of
mean for the city of a thousand temples, Muslim clash. Obviously locals were member) and his childhood friend and being Hindu when they voted for me as
the wounds of a people and career politi- involved, but then one has to differentiate neighbour Shailendra Pandey (a Con- their corporator in 1995,” he says. Asad
cians. Ayodhya minus politicians “is equal
to no dispute”, says Krishna Pratap Singh,
between which sentiments are temporary
and which are permanent...” Did any of his
gressman) both grew up in the vicinity of
two mosques. By 1992, Asad and Pandey
routinely gets invited to Shiva mandir
bhandaras and other religious functions.
resident editor of Janmorcha, a Hindi immediate neighbours empathise with had passed out of college. “When I heard He says 1992 was the starting point of a On December 6, 1992 karsevaks
daily, which was influential in the 1990s, him that December day? Khan answers the Babri Masjid had fallen, I went to political movement, not a religious one. bring down the 16th century
especially among the local progressives. that indirectly: “Crackers were burst…If Asad’s neighbourhood and found his But what followed has been the template Babri mosque. In the ensuing
Singh’s ability to look at Ayodhya from the something is built, there is cause for cele- house surrounded by a mob. Somehow we for all conflicts, even potential ones; politi- violence by karsevaks, at least 10
‘outside’ is determined partly by where he bration, but if a demolition makes people managed to hide him and his family inside cal points are made in religious terms and people, mainly Muslims, are killed
stays – his home is in a locality where Faiz- happy, what is there to say?” a police station.” Pandey and Asad uphold can blow up anytime. In 2012, Shah Alam, a and shops set on fire in Ayodhya;
abad and Ayodhya meet – but more so due He calls for tea and gently changes the their implacable communitarian- cultural activist, ran into trouble when he
to his experiences of 1992. topic. “But we had a good Holi this year, ism even now. Walking organised a screening at Saket University,
an estimated 2,000 people are
He says he was helpless when one of his didn’t we”, he asks of his neighbour. Pan- through the dark alleys of Ayodhya, of Anand Patwardhan’s docu- killed in riots all over India.
best friends, Sahil Bharti, a poet, rushed dey agrees they did. Both wave symbols of Ayodhya, Pandey on his mentary, Ram ke Naam, based on the
home one day as the situation tensed up in
Ayodhya and asked him whether his wife
the city’s syncretic traditions – its most
well-known temple, Hanuman Garhi, was
way home stops to point at
exposed bricks of temples.
events of 1992. A leading Hindi daily car-
ried the story of the ABVP protest with the
and kids could be safe in the city. “‘I don’t built on land donated by Nawab Shuja-ud- “These bricks are at least headline, ‘Film festival mein mahapuro- Lucknow bench of

know’, I said. We were both strugglers 500 years old. Who was shon ka hua apmaan’ (Film festival the Allahabad high
then. I had a one-room flat, we just sat in it On December 6, 1992, insults the greats). court begins hearings
and wept.” Hindu-Muslim ties in Ayodhya “The mix of religion and politics has on determining who
were derailed in 1992. These ties were and a neighbour, Ramsagar been deadly here. Even today, many Mus- owns the Ayodhya
are based on cultural affinity and eco- lims leave home to relocate somewhere
nomic interdependence, the first being the
Shukla, sheltered my father safer whenever the Sangh Parivar has a
site. On September
30, 2010, the
outer layer, and the second, the inner core and hid him in his house. major programme in the city or gives a call
Allahabad high court
of the “famed Ganga-Jamuni tehzeeb”, for building the temple,” says Singh.
adds Singh. And Babban Das, a Naga “They don’t want to sit at home thinking rules three-way
Muslims are around 15 per cent of the will it be 1992 again….” Ayodhya may be a division of disputed
population in Faizabad and six per cent in
sadhu I knew, stayed with story of negotiation and strain but it is area between Sunni
Ayodhya. Mixed neighbourhoods may be me the entire night to keep equally a story of re-building of what is Waqf Board, the
uncommon in the rest of India but not in broken. Not much can be gained out of bad Nirmohi Akhara and
Ayodhya and Faizabad, explains Singh. me company. blood, locals feel. Ram Lalla.The
“The tailor, the khadav (wooden sandals) SABIR ALI, retired government
FIXING IT Supreme Court
makers of the deities and the sadhus, and official, Ayodhya
the garland-makers are all Muslims. If a Iqbal Ansari is the son of the late Hashim
suspends the High
Ansari, one of the appellants of the Babri Court’s 2011 ruling
masjid-Ramnjammabhoomi land dispute after Hindu and
case. His neighbour is Kaleshwar Yadav, a Muslim groups
5 MUST-DOs IN AYODHYA, FAIZABAD temple guide. Both live within half-a-kilo-
metre of where the Babri Masjid stood.
appeal against it.

Hanuman Garhi: Ayodhya Kanak Bhawan: For a Mausoleum: This is the Yadav says: “We had nothing to do with its 2019
is considered the birthplace mythological fix, visit the mausoleum of Shuja-ud- falling, and we had no problem when it was
standing either.”
Following a Supreme Court
of the Hindu god, Ram, but Bhawan, also called Daulah, the third Nawab of
At the house of Sabir Ali, a calendar proposal of a court-monitored
the city’s most famous Sone-ka-Ghar (House of Awadh, who developed
temple is dedicated to his Gold) in Ayodhya for images Faizabad as his capital. Also with the Babri Masjid hangs on one of the mediation process between the
follower, Hanuman.The of Ram and Sita wearing houses a mosque. walls. On December 6, this retired govern- parties litigating the Ayodhya
temple is located on a gold crowns. The complex ment official tells Veeru Tiwari, a well- dispute on March 8, 2019, a
hilltop and a 76-step Ram ki Paidi: Sunrise and resembles the magnificent Street food: Snack up at wisher and a neighbour, of how Ramsagar panel of mediators is formed
staircase leads to the sunsets are gorgeous at this palaces of Bundelkhand Mahaveer ki Tikki in Rikab- Shukla, another neighbour, had saved his consisting of former Justice FMI
entrance of the temple. ghat in Ayodhya located on and Rajasthan. Its ganj, Raamji ka Samosa near father. “And Babban Das, a Naga sadhu I
Don’t miss the panoramic the banks of the river Saryu. sprawling courtyard is Awadh University and
Kalifulla, spiritual leader Sri Sri
knew, had stayed with me the entire night Ravishankar and senior advocate
view of the surrounding There are 500-year-old another striking feature of Falooda Kulfi at Madhur in to keep me company.” And they did this
hills. temples here. the Bhawan. Chowk. because for that one night all of them broke
Sriram Panchu. Mediation
down some parts of the wall. process begins. DATA: HT ARCHIVES



APRIL 21, 2019


POLLS IN 1952 AND 2019:

despite the passage of time, the increase in the
size of the electorate, and the economic and
social changes that have taken place in the inter-
vening decades, much of what Kamalnayan
Bajaj observed in 1952 remains relevant to what


was recently in the archives in New Delhi, any service to their credit came to the forefront.
we are witnessing in 2019. In several states the
Congress party remains riven with factional-
ism, with individual leaders seeking to maxi-
mise their own personal influence rather than of
the party to which they belong. Again, right-

where I came across an intriguing report Mutual bickerings and petty quarrels took most wing parties continue to spread false propagan-
on the first General Elections, held in 1951- of the time and energy of the leaders. Conse- da about the Congress and its leaders, tenden-
52. It was written by Kamalnayan Bajaj, quently the Organisation suffered and could not tiously portraying them as “anti-Hindu”,
whose father, Jamnalal Bajaj, was a great remain as an effective link between the Govern- although this now take the form of WhatsApp
patriot and philanthropist and a close asso- ment and the people. Even the good and benefi- forwards rather than oral rumours. The role of
ciate of Mahatma Gandhi’s. Kamalnayan cial enactments of the Government were to money and money power in elections, mean-
himself was a successful entrepreneur some extent ineffective, inasmuch as the Con- while, has dramatically increased. On the other
with close ties to the Congress party. He gress failed to explain to the masses the proper hand, one area in which there has been progress
had been nominated by the Congress to effects of such legislation.” The Congress in rather than regress is in the counting of votes.
fight a Lok Sabha seat in Sikar, Rajasthan. He Rajasthan faced a challenge from within, with With electronic voting machines (EVMs) in
lost his election to a candidate from the Ram rival factions led by leaders who worked for per- n With EVMs in place, it is no longer so easy to manipulate ballots and ballot boxes SAMIR JANA / HT place, it is no longer so easy to manipulate bal-
Rajya Parishad, and afterwards wrote an eight sonal rather than party interest. And it faced a lots and ballot boxes.
page note for internal circulation within the par- challenge from without, in particular from the gans. Ram Raj workers had offered money even gress securing some votes even in areas domi- There is an old French saying, which may be
ty. It was entitled “My experience of the General right-wing Ram Rajya Parishad, which was par- to Harijans but at some places the latter spurned nated by the Jagirdars.” translated into English as follows: “The more
Elections and certain irregularities connected ticularly close to, and funded by, the feudal elite the offer and said that their votes would go to the Kamalnayan Bajaj suggested that the police things change, the more they stay the same.”
with it in Rajasthan”, and it makes for instruct- of Rajasthan. Thus Kamalnayan Bajaj wrote of Congress.” were partial towards the landed elites of Rajast- This is validated by one last remark that I shall
ive reading today, some 67 years after it was what he termed the “misleading and false propa- In his report, Kamalnayan Bajaj also spoke of han. As he put it: “During the election it is my quote from Kamalnayan Bajaj’s report of 1952.
written. ganda carried on” by the Ram Rajya Parishad, the electoral process being contaminated by vio- impression that a section of the Police including This reads: “The people in general were very bit-
Kamalnayan Bajaj began his account by high- whose leaders “openly said that a vote given to lence. “At many booths,” he wrote, “Ram Raj Officers was indirectly co-operating with the ter about the corruption prevailing in Govern-
lighting the “rivalry in the Congress Organisa- the Congress would be tantamount to slaughter- workers with lathis and naked swords in their Jagirdar element in creating an atmosphere of ment quarters.”
tion between the two groups headed by Hiralalji ing a thousand cows and that a vote to the Ram hands went round openly telling the people to threat and panic.” He also alluded to the pres- Postscript: For the next General Elections, in
on the one side, and Varmaji and Vyasji on the Raj [Parishad] would bring them Punya of look- proceed to the booths only if they wanted to vote ence of rigging, writing: “I have strong suspicion 1957, Kamalnayan Bajaj shifted from Sikar to
other.” As he wrote, in some exasperation, the ing after a thousand cows”. for the Ram Raj, otherwise they asked them to go that ballot boxes have been tampered with and Wardha, and won. He thus himself exemplified
leaders of these rival groups within the Con- Kamalnayan Bajaj then came to the less-than- back. … [T]he Ram Raj workers threatened the votes from the Congress and the Kisan Sabha another running theme in Indian elections,
gress “demanded personal loyalty from the legitimate means used to garner votes. Thus he poor and ignorant voters to make it impossible boxes have been manipulated.” namely, the search by candidates for a safe seat.
workers. Loyalty to the Organisation got second wrote: “Money was freely distributed particu- for them to live their normal life. In spite of this, Kamalnayan Bajaj was writing about the first
place. In consequence of this some of the really larly amongst Brahmins so that they may vote however, the general feeling that Congress was General Elections held in India on the basis of Ramachandra Guha is the author of
good workers were shoved to the background for the Ram Raj. Sweets were also distributed likely to eventually come to power prevailed and universal adult franchise. The elections now Gandhi: The Years That Changed The World.
and persons of questionable character without amongst the children for crying Ram Raj slo- this was to some extent responsible for the Con- underway are the 17th such exercise. Yet, The views expressed are personal

owned by Narendra Modi. That points
the finger at the PM. But again, as far
as I can tell, the EC hasn’t acted. Why?
Third, has revealed that
KARAN THAPAR NITI Aayog asked bureaucrats in con-
stituencies the PM was scheduled to
campaign in to send local inputs to the

IS THE EC GOING SOFT PM office. Such inputs were received

from Wardha, Gondia and Latur
shortly before Modi campaigned
ments are on the side of the consumers
entirely. All they want is cheap food,”
he said.

ON NARENDRA MODI? there. Doesn’t this sound like a breach

of the MCC, which says: “Ministers …
shall not … make use of official
I would say relying exclusively on
short-term solutions such as debt relief
is another cause. But I would like to
he Election Commission (EC) to the soldiers behind the Balakot air- machinery or personnel during the suggest there is a more fundamental

has come in for extensive criti- strike and to the martyrs of Pulwama. electioneering work”? But again, as reason for the inequality in India, of
cism. It’s been accused of either In doing so, he directly defied the EC’s far as I can tell, the EC hasn’t acted. which the need to provide doles and
not responding promptly to letter of March 9, warning political And, again, I ask why? ll manifestos in this election con- debt relief is only one sign. This reason

breaches of the Model Code of parties against politicising the armed Whilst it’s true that during an elec- tain promises to make India a is that India is misled by what is known
Conduct (MCC) or of not doing so ade- forces. At Wardha, on April 1, he tion campaign the PM is just another more equal place by diverting as neoclassical economics, which
quately. Some believe it has noticea- asked the audience not to forgive the candidate, it’s also undeniable that as funds to those who suffer most relies on the market to distribute a
bly slipped from the acme established Congress for insulting Hindus by PM he has a position and importance from the current inequality. nation’s resources. But markets take
by former chief election commission- coining the term Hindu terror. This n Given his position, the PM’s lapses are quite distinct from any other person. While the Congress is promising no account of equity. When I was dis-
er TN Seshan in the 1990s. What I find breached both Section 1 of the MCC of greater significance PTI This means his lapses are of greater ~72,000 each year to the 20% of the pop- cussing neoclassical economics with
particularly disturbing is the EC’s and Section 123 of The Representation significance. They cannot be ignored ulation who are poor, the Bharatiya Ramgopal Agarwala, who was once the
weakness in responding to the prime of People’s Act. These speeches are 20 broadcast the PM’s speeches during or responded to in a dilatory fashion. Janata Party (BJP) is promising ~6,000 head of the economics unit of the World
minister’s own alleged breaches of the and 11 days old. Although the EC has the 48-hour period immediately prior Of course, he must not be treated a year to small and marginal farm Bank in China, he said to me: “A self-
MCC and, even, the law. called for details, it’s taken no action. to the first and second days of voting. unfairly but the response has to be households (that is, farmers who have equilibrating market is nonsense”.
However, let me at the outset The question is why not? In the mid- Section 126 of The Representation of fast, if not faster, than other cases. land holdings of up to 2 hectares). Neoclassical, or market economists,
acknowledge the Commission did dle of an election campaign, such a People’s Act explicitly prohibits the Isn’t it odd the EC has acted against In Odisha, where elections to the justify their dominance over economic
take a strong stand on the biopic and lengthy lapse of time is hardly excusa- broadcast of “any matter intended or Yogi Adityanath and Mayawati, assembly are also taking place, the BJP thinking by maintaining that their way
on NaMo TV. I only wish it had done ble. When it concerns an alleged calculated to influence or affect the whose lapses occurred on the April 7 is trying to rival Naveen Patnaik’s is scientific, and using mathematics to
this in other areas which are more breach by the prime minister (PM), a result of an election”. Modi’s cam- and April 9 respectively, but is silent existing provision of rice to the poor at prove it. Ramagopal’s view is endorsed
directly connected to Narendra Modi prompt and clear decision is required. paign speeches clearly fall into that about Modi’s, though the incidents ~1 per kg with a commitment to pro- by the economist, Thomas Piketty,
himself. If it appears the PM is being allowed to category. Equally importantly, the happened earlier? vide 1.5 kg rice with dal and salt free. In whose book criticising the dominance
Let’s first come to the prime minis- get away, that can only damage the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) accepts Karan Thapar is the author of West Bengal, the Trinamool Congress of neoclassical economics caused such
ter’s speeches. In Latur, on April 9, he EC’s credibility. “NaMo TV is a feature of the NaMo Devil’s Advocate: The Untold Story has pointed out that it already provides a stir. He said: “This obsession with
called on people to dedicate their vote A second issue is that NaMo TV app”. And the app, it appears, is The views expressed are personal grain at ~2 per kg. mathematics is an easy way of acquir-
It would be harsh to deny the bene- ing the appearance of scienticity with-
fits the poor enjoy from these schemes out having to answer the far more com-
but their effectiveness is limited. A plex questions posed by the world we
dole, which is what free or heavily sub- live in.”


It has been said that general-pur-
pose technologies like electricity and
the personal computer (PC) tend to
sidised food is, doesn’t help the poor to
earn a decent living, nor does it provide
them with dignity.
Ramagopal believes that India has a
lot to learn from China where, as he
puts it, “neoclassical economists were


boost productivity not immediately,
but around 25 years after their incep-
tion. Yet it has now been 32 years since
The series of loan waivers for farm-
ers demonstrate that they only solve
the problem for the moment. Farmers
told to buzz off and the Chinese grew
their economy in their own way”.
According to Ramagopal, with his
EDOARDOCAMPANELLA artificial intelligence (AI), machine INTELLIGENCE BE ANY the Nobel laureate economist Robert still can’t find markets to sell their pro- experience of China and India, there
learning, Big Data, and humanoid Solow observed that, “You can see the duce at prices which enable them to are two changes in the latter’s econom-
PROJECT SYNDICATE robots fall within the remit of only a DIFFERENT? computer age everywhere but in pro- balance their books. While writing a ic policies that could create faster and
handful of firms. The attention these ductivity statistics,” and we still do chapter on farmer’s suicides in a book more equitable growth. One is relaxing
tatistics can hold brutal truths. technologies receive is wildly dispro- tive of the real economy. Across Orga- not see the computer age in the pro- 17 years ago, I visited the University of controls on the fiscal deficit to allow

We are constantly told that inno- portionate to the scale of their devel- nisation for Economic Co-operation ductivity statistics. Why should AI be Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, the government to increase spending
vation is occurring faster than opment and adoption. and Development (OECD) countries, any different from the PC in this where a plant physiologist said: on social and physical infrastructure.
ever, yet the data coming out of The dynamic is easy to discern. firms employing more than 250 work- respect? “Farmers come to us and say, ‘We did The second is an increase in savings,
the so-called Fourth Industrial Journalists chase juicy stories. Inves- ers account for just 7% of all active Ignoring the perspective of techno- everything you told us to produce including higher taxes, to fund the
Revolution suggests that it is anything tors seek attractive returns. Consum- firms and employ less than 40% of the logical laggards can have far-reaching crops, now tell us where to sell them’. infrastructure programmes. India’s
but revolutionary. Among advanced ers try to anticipate the next techno- workforce. And while the authors of policy implications, especially if tech- This bitter lesson has only just been neoclassical economists, who have
economies, productivity growth is the logical fad. Social networks, global the report acknowledge this bias, no-boosterism (or alarmism) diverts learnt.” But it hasn’t. If it had been dominated policy since the reforms of
slowest it’s been in 50 years. media, and international conferences their conclusions still amount to dan- attention from pressing problems fac- then, distress in the countryside the 1990s, will not approve of either. I
This “productivity paradox” is amplify the voices of disruptors who gerous generalisations. Their jobs of ing education systems and labour wouldn’t be an issue this election. have not read of any manifesto which
often attributed to measurement have an interest in inflating their own the future have nothing to do with the markets in the here and now. If gov- The vice-chancellor of the universi- calls for higher taxation.
problems or lags following the adop- prospects. And as the information cas- immediate employment needs of the ernments start allocating more ty blamed governments for farmers
tion of disruptive technologies. But cades, the ranks of believers grow. vast majority of small- and medium- resources to train the high-skilled not getting their rewards. “Govern- The views expressed are personal
another possible explanation is that The rumour becomes the rule. size enterprises that are still operat- professional elite of tomorrow, they
public debates about technological Consider the World Economic ing within the framework of the Third could foster even deeper inequality
trends tend to be dominated by the Forum’s (WEF) latest annual report Industrial Revolution. today.
companies and entrepreneurs that
are shaping them. The voices of the
vast majority of companies that are
on emerging labour-market trends,
which is based on a survey of large,
multinational corporations. It con-
Similarly, an OECD study finds that
the labour productivity gap between
firms at the technological frontier and
A sustainable technological trans-
formation requires widely shared
benefits, which means that helping
struggling to keep up with technologi- tends that by 2022, a substantial all other firms has been widening the laggards adapt is just as important
cal change (or actively resisting it) are increase in investments in machine sharply over the last decade. Many of as enabling the innovators to thrive. WOMEN DON’T NEED QUOTAS TO PROVE THEMSELVES
going unheard. learning, data analytics, new materi- the advanced technologies one hears The voices of the disrupted must be I would like to congratulate Lalita Panicker for her article “Women must choose
Acknowledging this underrepre- als, and quantum computing will so much about in the media remain heard. merit over quotas” (Engender: April 14) where she has rightly highlighted the
sented perspective is essential to boost demand for data scientists, AI unexploited by a non-trivial share of Edoardo Campanella is a Future of the World dominance of women in all spheres of life in today’s India. So, why we are asking for
understanding why the digital revolu- specialists, and robotics engineers, to companies, which suggests that we Fellow at the Center for the Governance of Change a 33% quota for women in the Parliament or state assemblies? If women really
tion isn’t showing up in the data, and the detriment of existing professions. have a long wait before even the most at IE University in Madrid come forward with true dedication and sincerity to join politics, then it won’t be a
why it may yet stall. For all of their The problem is that the WEF’s pop- revolutionary innovations start driv- The views expressed are personal surprise if the percentage of women parliamentarians crosses 33% in a few years
purchase on the public imagination, ulation sample is hardly representa- ing gross domestic product (GDP). Project Syndicate without any quotas.

atera APRIL 21-27, 1970 >>FROM THE ARCHIVES OF THE HINDUSTAN TIMES Don’t panic because of a survey
This refers to Karan Thapar’s article
Many people fear that democracy will
“Understanding the India we’ve cre- be undermined if one party gains too
EWS OF THE WEEK ated” (April 14). The findings of an much prominence. It is obvious that in
THE WEEK HOTTEST APRIL UAR TROOPS STAGE BIG institution like CSDS are disturbing as it
sends us a message that there is a clear
a large country like India there will be
differences of opinion that intersect
divide between religions and regions. with regional or demographic fault
Bishen Singh Bedi and APRIL 27: Delhi and the adjoining APRIL 27: United Arab Republic
states of Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, soldiers crossed the Suez Canal and But whether we need to be so worried lines. In fact, such differences should be
E A S Prasanna who
Haryana, Punjab and Kashmir are attacked an "Israeli stronghold on the basis of a survey with a sample seen positively, for they prevent the
received the Padma Shreee
experiencing a severe heat-wave. destroying it completely," a military size of merely 10,000 people in a vast emergence of a hegemonic party.
awards from President V V
Giri seen with their wivees An unusual phenomenon in April, spokesman said. The statement country like India is something we need KARTIK KUMAR, GWALIOR
at Rashtrapati Bhavan on the heat-wave has been caused by said during the surprise attack, the to introspect on. India also has a large
Tuesday the absence of "western UAR forces killed "all the enemy number of fence sitters.
disturbances". forces defending the stronghold." BAL GOVIND, NOIDA

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APRIL 21, 2019 hindustantimes 17

INFLUENCERS Aayu and Pihu Show
and AYUSH, 5, Kota
2.2 million subscribers

They’re reviewing toys, making ice iyush Kalra, a sales professional

from Kota, started the YouTube
cream and letting us into the daily life of the channel Aayu and Pihu Show in 2017
because he couldn’t find good Hindi
urban tween. With millions tuning in, India’s videos for his son, Ayush, who was
about three then.
youngest vloggers are learning to generate “We wanted to keep Pihu [Prakruti] and
Aayu occupied with fun, informative vid-
hits, deal with the perks and perils of fame eos, but there were none in Hindi,” he says.
“So I thought of letting them make their
own shows. For better content for other
parents and to keep my kids occupied.”
They started off with simple, no-flame
cooking videos. “The kids enjoyed shoot-
ing them, but we didn’t get too many views
and didn’t know why,” he says.
They were close to giving up when they
realised that the videos with funny inter-
Anesha George n Nihal Raja- actions between the kids seemed to go

hat were you like at five? In

NOWSTREAMING gopalan (9,
above) chats
as he cooks,
down much better with viewers.
“We decided to start doing funny
sketches about everyday life, but ended

Kochi, Nihal Rajagopalan discusses every video with a moral,” he says.
had already shot a video
that would fetch over 2 mil-
lion views. It shows him in
flavours like a
pro, and says
They have uploaded around 180 such
videos in the last three years, releasing a
video every week. There’s one in which the
a chef’s hat and apron, ala delicacy putta, or steamed rice cakes, he wants to be kids don’t want to go to school and eventu-
making mango ice-cream KichaTube HD which he prepared for Ellen DeGeneres an astronaut ally understand that school is actually a lot
in Mickey Mouse moulds. NIHAL RAJAGOPALAN, 9, Kochi when he was invited onto her show in 2016. chef when he of fun. In another, they learn to appreciate
Rajagopalan’s little hands 35,000 subscribers Kicha cooks in real-time with recipes grows up. everything their homemaker
operate the blender with provided by his mother. mother does in a day.
ease (though he does seem awestruck by “He is a different person on camera,” (Right) There’s also one about
its speed). He breaks into a song midway, ihal Rajagopalan, nicknamed Kicha, says Ruby. “We rehearse once, but when Prakruti Kalra, table manners. “Most feed-

tries to recall the ingredients, talks about has been a constant in the kitchen the camera rolls, he does what he wants, 12, and her back is about how these
texture like a professional, only to dig right from the age of three. says what he wants, makes little bloopers brother Ayush, videos are family-friendly
into his ice-cream as soon as it’s ready. His mother, Ruby, 47, a profes- too but carries on confidently.” 5, make funny and entertaining,” says
Facebook acquired the rights to this sional baker, would indulge him by Kids bully him, sometimes, saying that videos in which Kalra. “But some kids tend
video for $2,000 in 2016. Rajagopalan, better answering his questions and letting him he isn’t a real chef. they argue to compare Pihu to Aayu,
known as Kicha, is now nine and success- watch her bake. When he was not trying to “YouTube disabled the comments sec- about an issue calling him cuter and a bet-
fully runs his channel KichaTube, with help his mother, he’d watch YouTube vid- tion on children’s channels about two or chat about ter actor, which is some-
35,000 subscribers. eos of the nine-year-old American toy months ago, but before that I made it a things like times a little unfair to our
In Noida, 9-year-old Anantya Anand reviewer, Evan, on his channel EvanTube point to go through every comment and table manners. daughter.
makes videos telling kids how to pack their HD. Kicha adored him. remove the abusive ones so that he “It has, however,
travel bags. Kyra Kanojia, 8, also from In 2015, Kicha managed to convince his wouldn’t spot them,” says Krishnan. taught her to deal with
Noida, reviews and assembles toys, some- dad to make a cameraphone video of him They make it a point to keep sharing all unpleasant feedback and
times failing at the first attempt. These making ice popsicles and upload it on You- the positive feedback he receives to keep know that she cannot
kids, some of India’s youngest YouTubers, Tube. They set up a channel called Kicha- him motivated. “The good thing is he always expect praise.”
get millions of views for each video. Tube HD, similar to Evan’s. rarely harps on unpleasant things and gets
A KPMG study found last year that User “Friends and colleagues said they found happy knowing that so many people are
Generated Content (UGC) occupies the
second-largest share in India’s online
video consumption, after comedy shows.
the little chef amusing and wanted more,”
says Rajagopal Krishnan, 47, an advertis-
ing professional.
sending him love from across the world,”
his father says.
Kicha hopes to make a cake that looks
YouTube accounts for 60% to 70% of this Since then Kicha has posted over 150 like him and is as big as him. However, his note of appreciation from her school for
viewing. “YouTube kids, as a category, cooking videos in the last four years. There “real aim is to become an astronaut chef Kyrascope Toy Reviews her entrepreneurial efforts.
took off in 2015 and channels by individual are easy, no-flame recipes. Also, the Ker- and cook in space” when he grows up. KYRA KANOJIA, 8, Noida “Our weekly shooting sessions are also
kid creators started picking up in 2017,” father-daughter bonding time,” says Man-
says Satya Raghavan, director of YouTube 11,000 subscribers ish. “The best part about her being a child
Content Partnerships in India.
These videos are typically shot and THE LITTLE LIFESTYLE VLOGGER anish Kanojia, 42, a creative
toy reviewer is that it shows me she can’t
be dishonest. Her displeasure just shows

scripted by parents, feature kids and are director at a tech company, knew on her face.” If a toy isn’t fun, if it is too
aimed at kids. Anand, who wants to be an veggie-eating dares. “The most popular his daughter Kyra (below) loved tough or too easy, she loses interest and
actress, also does videos on fashion, and MyMissAnand are comedy sketches on things like types of playing with toys, like any other will be visibly upset.
funny sketches about life as a primary- ANANTYA ANAND, 9, Noida teachers, life with or without siblings, bad five-year-old. What was amusing Initially, viewers would criticise her
school student. “I write scripts but she 2.5 million subscribers students vs good students,” Anand says. was how she insisted on taking them apart English pronunciation.
rarely sticks to them,” says her mother, Videos get an average of 4 million views, and re-assembling them first. “She said it “I would respond saying she is after all
Nisha. “Her bits make the videos funnier.” surprising her mother, Nisha, who scripts was because she’d seen other kids re-as- only a child,” her father says. The most
While most videos take an hour or two to nantya Anand (below) was barely them. “Kids in the US do cool videos about sembling their toys on YouTube,” he says. worrisome thing was when someone in

shoot, longer ones can take six to eight four, but her family had figured out their morning or after-school routine that “What was interesting was that she school told her that being famous meant
hours. “Breaks are crucial. We wrap up if that she loved the camera. Her aunt, Anantya loved watching. We really didn’t would stop to explain what she was doing that she may get kidnapped. Her parents
the kids seem to lose interest,” says Piyush Shruti, 33, a lifestyle and beauty think it would catch on so well in India,” with a patience most kids that age don’t had to explain that nothing of the sort
Kalra, 38, father of Ayush and Prakruti. vlogger who lived in the US then, she says. Shooting takes six hours on have,” he says. He asked her if she wanted would happen. “These are things you need
recall h ti ssly she’d talk on Skype. weekends, and the channel releases two or to feature in a YouTube channel and to brace a kid for,” Manish says.
She would talk about three videos a month. started Kyrascope Toy Reviews in 2016.
er day and comment on At 9, Anand is also learning to deal with From unboxing videos, to vid-
andom things, but not a online fame. Fans write in and ask to take eos on assembling aug-
iinute was boring, just selfies with her at malls. “We were in mented-reality
ke a seasoned blogger,” Europe on a family vacation last year toys, Kyra has
hruti says. Little when a little girl from Afghanistan recog- uploaded around
nand started off star- nised Anantya and approached her for a 150 videos in the
ng in her aunt’s videos picture,” recalls her mother. The YouTu- last two and half
s a model for kid’s hair- ber was overwhelmed but her family says years.
yles but eventually that this popularity has disadvantages as “I’m called the toy
onvinced her aunt she well. “So far she hasn’t got too many hate expert among my
eeded her own plat- messages but we’ve taught her to ignore friends,” she says,
rrm. MyMissAnand, people who spew hatred,” says her aunt grinning. “Every time
t up in 2017, features Shruti Anand. “We explained to her that someone wants a new
er talking about her she is not answerable to anyone. Her toy, they ask me if it’s
outines, travels, safe friends and family are always going to be worth buying and that
nline challenges like proud of her talent and that’s what should feels really nice.”
easure hunts and
e keep her going,” she adds. Kyra has also received a


kar’s meticulous but innovative approach.
“The main panels, 25 ft tall, had bulged at windows at the
the base from their own weight,” he says. Chhatrapati
“Swati used aluminium casing to create a Shivaji Maharaj
Rachel Lopez She counts a yacht club and museum Restoration is hard robust frame an inch behind, reinforced terminus in
n among her clients. And she’s worked on enough with architec- with polycarbonate. Anyone else would Mumbai.
churches in Goa, Chennai and Singapore. ture; masons, sculptors have just removed the original panes or (Inset) A glass
wati Chandgadkar doesn’t just see Not a bad haul for a woman who’d been and ironsmiths have to fused the bits with slapdash copper foil.” panel at the

the world through rose-tinted glass. teaching English literature for 13 years be re-trained. With University of
She sees it through rose, turquoise, before discovering, in 1995, at a course in glass, it’s even more dif- GOING CLEAR Mumbai’s
amber, emerald and violet-tinted stained-glass conservation in the US, that ficult. Much of our heri- When it comes to stained glass, misconcep- convocation
glass, all delicately hand-tinted in she’d rather work with classics of a differ- tage stained glass came tions persist. “One is that stained-glass hall. HT PHOTOS:
England, shipped here more than 100 ent sort. from renowned artists windows are tall and meant for large spa- PRATIK CHORGE
years ago. and studios in Eng- ces. I have enjoyed creating partitions,
The stained-glass restorer and her team COLOUR SHIFT land. No one here knew screens and window dressings in homes
make up The Glass Studio, which has been Chandgadkar’s switch could not have been how to deal with a split, and stores,” Chandgadkar says.
working in this field for
f over 20 etter timed. By y the mid-1990s, India fading colours or thin- The large-format panes do have epic sto-
years but is virtually as just wa aking up to the idea of ning panes. ries to tell. Look closely and designs will
unknown outside herri- ecialised heritage conser- The job requires a reveal their context. The stained glass in
tage-management cirr- tionn. There was a move delicate hand in more Mumbai’s old churches, for instance, fea-
cles. Their handiwork, ay from painting over ways than one. “It’s ture people dressed in kurtas, chappals
though, is hard to rreplacing damaged not just coloured glass and jodhpurs in the Nativity scenes.
miss. Much of it is in cchitectural detail, patched together,” Chandgadkar especially likes the story
Mumbai, Chennai nd a need for experts Chandgadkar says. Nor is it just slapped behind a panel at the St Thomas Cathedral.
and Goa. And no, ho understood origi- on with paint. The tints are created when rose panels, which survived last week’s They say when the glass arrived in India
not all of it is in al materials and tech- the glass itself is fired into being. “Making fire) are exposed to little heat and humidity by ship, the face of St Thomas had been
churches. ques. “India’s major stained glass is labour-intensive and the through the course of a normal year. damaged. The cathedral asked the studio
Chandgadkar, 62, iies have an ensemble raw materials are expensive,” she says. So Chandgadkar had to get creative. in England to replace it. Henry Holiday,
has helped restore Neo-Gothic architec-
N “Conserving it is equally costly and Tints and materials are refrigerated; her the designer, wasn’t thrilled about the
stained glass at the Uni- re, to which stained- requires a different skill-set.” team works fast, while they’re still cool. extra work. “He painted his own face on
versity of Mumbai, th he ss iss intrinsic,” Chand- Keep in mind that stained glass wasn’t Conservation architect David Cardoz, instead. So what we see now is Henry Holi-
city’s Keneseth Eliya ahoo kar saays. So there was meant for the tropics. Most Western cathe- who oversaw the restoration of Byculla’s day’s face with a not-so-pleasant, rather
synagogue and Jama a Masjid. ty of work k to be done. dral glass (even the Notre Dame’s famous Gloria church last year, recalls Chandgad- disquieting expression for a saint!”



APRIL 21, 2019


how and the why of it), talks about various
formations, the ball playing defender,
inverted wingers and false nines, but

A TIME TO REVISIT IT THE TRANSFORMATION OF THE nowhere does he sound dry or pedantic.
This is because he sees all this through
ENGLISH TOP FLIGHT, OF HOW IT the prism of characters and personalities.
WENT FROM BEING “A SLUM The Mixer is particularly good when it
Elsewhere, another exciting race is deals with the men whose transformative
SPINOFF afoot in the league: the sprint for the third SPORT PLAYED IN SLUM influences made the Premier League what
and fourth places. Tottenham Hotspur, led STADIUMS” TO ONE AWASH IN it is today. We read about the impact of
by Mauricio Pochettino, the most feted managers such as Sir Alex Ferguson,
manager to have never won a trophy, led
MASSIVE SUMS OF MONEY, A Arsene Wenger, Jose Mourinho. We learn
this particular race for most of the season. GLOBALISED TV SPECTACLE about the imprint players such as Eric
But at the moment, all the bets are off. Cantona, Thierry Henry, Wayne Rooney,
Arsenal, Chelsea and Manchester United, Rio Ferdinand or Denis Bergkamp left on
all with new managers, make up the rest of Mixer does delve into tactics. But it is the league. We revel in the monumental
SOUMYA BHATTACHARYA the field in this sprint to the finish. really the story of the Premier League, the achievements of teams that defined and
Come end of the season, two of those fascinating tale of the transformation of brought something unprecedented into
he English Premier League today four teams will be denied a place in the top the English top flight, of how it went from the league such as Arsenal’s Invincibles of

sees its most absorbing title race four, and, therefore, Champions League being, as the Sunday Times once put it, “a 2003-04, Manchester United’s treble win-
since 2011-12 enter its final few football. You could barely insert a ciga- slum sport played in slum stadiums, ners of 1998-99 or Claudio Ranieri’s Leices-
weeks. On May 12, we shall have a rette paper between the sides in this con- increasingly watched by slum people” to ter City, title winners in 2015-16, overcom-
winner. Manchester City is aiming to test. Not for years has this particular fight Premier League remains a cauldron. n Mohamed Salah what it is today: awash in obscene sums of ing 1000-1 odds. The book most comes alive
become the first team to defend the title been so frenzied. So much can change in so Anything, really, is possible in the three (centre) after money, a cosmopolitan, globalised TV when dealing with these tropes, and in
since Sir Alex Ferguson’s Manchester little time. weeks ahead. scoring Liver- spectacle with a worldwide following. relating them to the overall expansion in
United did so in the 2008-09 season. Liver- Of the other big leagues in Europe, only Your ideal companion as you immerse pool’s second The book derives its title from the allure of the Premier League.
pool is refusing to give up or go away, its the German league has some interest left yourself in the taut, enthralling final goal against English predilection, in the pre-Premier The Mixer was first published in 2017 to
season ignited by the dream of a first top in it although the inevitable — Bayern stretch of the campaign should be just as Chelsea on April League era, for defenders to “put it in the mark the 25th anniversary of the begin-
flight title since 1989-90. But if it cannot Munich winning — seems to be forthcom- absorbing a book: Michael Cox’s The 14. The English mixer”, that is, to hit long balls upfield tar- ning of the Premier League. Two years on,
make it in the end, Liverpool will become ing. Juventus has sewn up the Italian Mixer: The Story of Premier League Tac- Premier League geted at a brawny striker hovering near at the closing stages of one of the best and
the team to have finished second with league. For the eighth time in the past 11 tics, from Route One to False Nines. I don’t is in for a the opposition’s penalty area (also known tightest seasons in the league’s history, it
more points than many champions in the seasons, Barcelona’s hold on the Spanish know what the publishers were after with frenzied finish. as Route One). How things have changed. remains an entertaining, compelling read.
Premier League era. title is assured. In comparison, the English that subtitle. It is plain misleading. The Cox traces the change in tactics (both the Spinoff appears every fortnight


Local breeds that have been getting
popular over the last few years

WHO’S A 5,000 a
Features: Long and narrow head, large
eyes, piercing gaze, broad between the
ears, tapering muzzle

pup in 2017. Now Origin: Bagalkot, Karnataka
15,000. Often Temperament: Devoted and gentle,
pitched to buyers who making it a good family dog
want foreign show dogs
Interesting feature: Strong
like Salukis, which cost
immune system and adaptabil-
30,000 to ity to hot climates
It might just be a native a pup

breed you’ve never heard of.

Indigenous dogs are finding 5,000 a pup in
2017. Now 20,000.
favour and homes across India Often compared to foreign
show dogs like Salukis,
PASHMI which cost 30,000 to
5,000 a pup in
2017. Now 25,000.
HOUND 50,000
Often compared to
Features: Tall, a pup
slender and feathered, foreign show dogs like
small head and long furry ears Whippets, which cost
Origins: Probably descended RAJAPALAYAM 40,000 a pup PHOTOS: SATISH
from Afghan Hounds brought by
Anesha George the Pathans who settled in the Features: Milky white coat, characteristic
Deccan plateau. Now found in pink nose
Interesting feature: A keen ability to
Maharashtra, Karnataka and Origin: Rajapalayam, Tamil Nadu differentiate between friend and threat.
n 2017, when Srinidhi Rao wanted a Andhra Pradesh

pet, someone suggested a Mudhol Temperament: It is loyal, loves company and Used as hunting dogs in the Nayak dynasty
Temperament: Usually gentle, but may develop separation anxiety between the 16th and 18th century
Hound. The breed is native to
sometimes spirited. It makes a
south India and commonly a pet or
good guard dog
a hunting animal. “I was appre-
Interesting feature:
hensive,” recalls the 29-year-old
civil engineer. “I’d never heard Phenomenal speed, stamina KOMBAI
about the breed. I assumed that a and endurance in running Features: Small, stocky and muscular
hound would be ferocious.” Origin: Kombai, Tamil Nadu
But fawn-coloured Robo, now two, Temperament: Very energetic, slightly
is handsome, tall as a goat and about as CHIPPIPARAI HOUND 2,000 to aggressive
benign. He’s a beloved member of the fam-
Features: Dome-shaped head,
5,000 a pup in 2017. Interesting feature: One of the
ily and has a fan following in the children Now 15,000. Breeders
large black snout, long bravest breeds. Rumoured to be strong
at their housing complex in Mysuru. “He is
bony body, tail that market it as an alternative to enough to kill a bear
so big, but acts like any other dog. He
curls like the foreign show dogs like
craves attention and crawls into our laps
handle of an Afghan Hounds, which cost
to sleep,” says Rao.
More Indians are warming up to the idea 75,000 to a lakh a pup
of adopting a native breed pet dog instead Origin: The
Chippiparai region in
5,000 a pup
of popular foreign breeds like Labrador in 2017. Now
Retrievers, German Shepherds and Sibe- Virudhunagar district,
rian Huskies. Tamil Nadu 15,000. Often seen as
Coimbatore’s VS Ravi, president of Temperament: Known
an alternative to foreign
Native Dog Breeds Speciality Club (affili- to be dedicated to one dogs like Bull Terriers,
ated to the Kennel Club of India), says human being for all of which cost 40,000 a
demand for local breeds has risen in the its life pup
last couple of years. “Pups that sold for Interesting feature:
₹2,000 to ₹5,000 are now sold for ₹10,000 to 270-degree vision,
₹15,000, because of demand,” he says. with extremely keen
“Word of mouth and social media have eyesight
given them a big boost.”
If a native dog’s looks were previously a PHOTO: KARTHIK DAVEY
deterrent for potential pup seekers, those
very features are now the game-changer.
“The Rajapalayam, with its milky white
fur and pink snout, is the most popular,”
says S Ramanathan, secretary of the Mad-
urai Canine Club. “But most people are
realising that having a healthy dog that is
more acclimatised to Indian weather is
better than one with a furry coat.”

NEW MENUS IN PONDICHERRY was picked up by the French. The key
ingredients are shallots, mustard seeds,
cumin, garlic, turmeric, asafoetida, white
dal and sesame oil,” Anita says.
The food served at restaurants has also
changed. “Till the early ’80s, there were
Vietnamese restaurants in Pondicherry.
Poulomi Banerjee Pondicherry Heritage Festival. Other common ingredients in this cui- Authentic French food was also easily
n There was also a South-East Asian, sine, says Louis, are coconut milk and available,” says Anita. Today, Paris Res-
especially Vietnamese, influence on the badam. Dishes include prawn mustard taurant is one of only a few still selling
n February, Twinkle Gupta, a baker food here. “What was then known as Indo- curry, aubergine caviar and mutton sam- chaiyos, along with a mix of European and

based in Puducherry, hosted a food China was also a French colony. And many bar. And a vindaloo very different from the Indian dishes.
walk as part of the Union Territory from Pondicherry who got government Goan equivalent. Prawn Malay Curry is a Given the number of French tourists
(UT)’s annual heritage festival. High- jobs were posted there. Some of them came dish with a South-East Asian influ- and nationals still working here, there are
lights included egg dosa served with back with Vietnamese wives,” says Gupta. ence.While some restaurants like the one still some French dishes available at a few
meat and fish gravies; mutton samosas And thus chaiyos – a kind of Vietnamese at Le Dupleix hotel have a few Pondicherry restaurants – crepes and more at Café Des
and nalli soup; idiyappam and paya. spring roll, made from rice flour – fusion dishes on their menu, anyone who Arts, a selection of French dishes and des-
What the walk did not include, was a appeared in restaurants in Pondicherry. has enjoyed a home meal will know,the serts at The Promenade and Villa Shanti, a
sample of what is commonly known as What is known as Pondicherry cuisine taste is vastly different. few Creole and French ones at the restau-
Pondicherry cuisine, “simply because it is is the result of a mingling of flavours. Unfortunately, many of these dishes are rant of the hotel Dune De L’Orient.
rarely served in restaurants,” says Gupta. “These were dishes cooked mainly in Cath- now disappearing even from home kitch- Baker Street is packed with French visi-
olic Franco-Indian homes – locals who had ens. “One reason is that the younger gener- tors picking up baguettes and other kinds
FUSION FOOD converted to Christianity, had travelled spice is much less, because of the French n Croissants and ation doesn’t have time to cook,” says of breads, or sitting down to enjoy a crois-
An erstwhile French colony, the cuisine of abroad and were more open to the French influence. So you get the flavour, but not baguettes are Anita. The other, adds Louis, is that many sant and coffee. “But there’s nowhere that
Puducherry – like much of its architecture influence,” says Lourdes Thirouvanziam- the heat of the spice,” she explains. still around, but families who chose to retain French citi- I can get a good ratatouille,” says Anita.
– bears the imprint of its colonial past. Louis, of Tamil and Vietnamese heritage, One of the signature spices used in this a lot of places zenship when Pondicherry became a part Walking down the streets of Puducherry
“Even today, the dosas I make at home are who has compiled many of these recipes in cuisine is vadavam, says Anita De Canaga, sell burgers and of India in 1954, have migrated abroad. today, what’s more visible are signs for
more like crepes, with cheese and meat in her book, Pondicherry Kitchen. “Pondi- whose mother Pushpa hosts guests for pre- pizzas instead. “My book is very popular among this com- burgers and wood-fired pizzas, common to
them instead of masala,” says Bitasta cherry cuisine is a variant of Tamil food, booked meals at home. “It is believed BIPLOV BHUYAN / HT munity,” says Louis, whose daughter is all Indian towns, as a Western alternative
Samantaray, one of the organisers of the refined by French influence. The use of vadavam originated in Pondicherry and also settled in France. to traditional Indian fare.



APRIL 21, 2019 hindustantimes 19

> MIKE POMPEO, US secretary of state, on North Korea’s
demand that he should be ousted from the nuclear talks

Gunmenstormministrybuilding MORE THAN 60
inKabul,atleastsevenkilled ACROSS SYRIA
TOWER UNDER SIEGE Among the dead were 4 civilians, 3 police officers; Taliban deny involvement n

Reuters BEIRUT/MOSCOW: Jihadists have

n killedmorethan60Syrianregime
fighters in 48 hours, a monitor
KABUL: Atleastsevenpeoplewere said on Saturday, in some of the
killed in an attack on the Afghan deadliest attacks on pro-Damas-
n ‘WON’T GIVE UP!’ A protester kneels in front of a fire during a communicationsministryincen- cus forces in recent weeks.
‘yellow vest’ demonstration in Paris. The protests on Saturday tralKabulonSaturday,breaking Kurdish-led forces in March
marked the 23rd week of anti-government marches. AFP months of relative calm in the announced the defeat of the
capital and underlining the con- Islamic State (IS) group’s “cali-
shortstories tinued security threats despite phate” in eastern Syria, but the
efforts to open peace talks with jihadists have retained hideouts
the Taliban. there and in other parts of the
TWO TEENAGERS HELD OVER KILLING OF The attack began shortly country as well as the ability to
JOURNALIST IN NORTHERN IRELAND before midday when a suicide carry out deadly assaults.
LONDON:Two teenagers have been arrested over the killing of a journalist bomb was detonated at the Since Thursday, IS jihadists
shot dead in Northern Ireland, police said on Saturday, after a murder that entrance to the multi-storey have killed 35 pro-Damascus
has triggered international condemnation. The 18 and 19-year-old men were building housing the ministry in fighters in regime-held parts of
arrested in Londonderry under anti-terror laws and taken to Belfast for a busy commercial area of the central and eastern Syria, the
questioning, the Police Service of Northern Ireland said. Journalist Lyra city,followedupbygunfirewhich Syrian Observatory for Human
McKee, 29, was shot in the head late on Thursday in Derry by, police believe, could be heard over a mile away. Rights said.
dissident republicans linked to the New IRA paramilitary group as they Among the dead were four ObservatorychiefRamiAbdel
clashed with police in Northern Ireland’s second city. The leaders of Northern civiliansandthreepoliceofficers, Rahman said it was “the highest
Ireland’s main political parties together condemned the killing. AFP while another eight civilians death toll among regime forces
were wounded, a government since the caliphate was declared
official said. defeated”intheeasternvillageof
13 people shot dead at Iraq meet brings together “We saw a gunman trying to Baghouz last month.
family party in Mexico Saudi Arabia and Iran break open an office door and as
MEXICOCITY:Thirteen people, BAGHDAD:A summit organised by we wererunningout,he was try- ASSAD DISCUSSES PEACE
including a child, were killed on Iraq brought together regional ing to shoot us and he started WITH RUSSIAN ENVOYS
Friday when a group of unidenti- rivals Saudi Arabia and Iran on shouting: ‘I will kill everyone n (Left) An Afghan soldier rushes towards the communications ministry building in Kabul; (right) the view of the tower that was attacked. AGENCIES Syrian President Bashar al-As-
fied gunmen opened fire on a Saturday as part of a broader here’,” said Syeda Rashid, an sad met senior officials from his
party in the violence-wracked effort by Iraqi leaders to fashion officeadministratorintheminis- ministry spokesman Nasrat “We were having lunch when Theoperationmarkedareturn US officials have held a series of strongest ally Russia in Damas-
eastern Mexican state of Vera- the country’s image as a friend try who escaped with several of Rahimi said. we heard the explosion,” said to the kind of complex attacks in meetings with representatives cus on Friday and Saturday to
cruz, officials said. The public among neighbours. Scarred by her colleagues. She said at least The interiorministry saidin a Rabia, who worked at the child- an urban centre that have killed from the Taliban to try to agree discussupcomingpeacetalksand
safety office said the gunmen more than three decades of war, six women had been wounded. statement that more than 2,800 carecentre.“Wegrabbedthechil- hundreds of people in Kabul and the basis for a peace settlement tradebetweenthetwocountries,
arrived at a family reunion in Iraq is recasting itself as a media- Televisionimagesshowedpeo- employeesoftheministryofcom- dren together into the safe room other Afghan cities over recent and an end to more than 17 years state media in Syria reported.
Minatitlan before suddenly tor among neighbours. AP
ple fleeing after gunfire and munications and information and just waited till the security years. of war. RussiahashelpedAssad’sfor-
opening fire. AGENCIES
Indian-origin neurologist explosionsbegannearthe18-sto- technology and the ministry of forces arrived,” she said. There was no claim of respon- While heavy fighting has car- cestotakebackmostofthe coun-
Massive sums of cash charged with fraud in US rey government tower. information and culture were The blast, which security offi- sibility but the Taliban issued a ried on across Afghanistan and try but the eight-year-long war
found at Bashir’s home The area around the building evacuated during the clearance cials said appeared to have been statement denying any involve- Taliban militants have continues.
NEW YORK:An Indian-origin wassealedoffbypoliceasatleast operation. caused by a suicide bomber, was ment. Many such attacks have announcedtheirnowcustomary Swathes of the northeast and
KHARTOUM:Sudan’s public neurologist has been charged
three attackers battled security Several young children and also close to the heavily fortified been claimed by the radical spring offensive, it had been northwest are still out of his con-
prosecutor has begun investigat- with conspiracy to unlawfully
forces for several hours before staffatachildcarecentreformin- Serena Hotel, one of the very few Islamic State (IS) group. months since the last major trol, while sanctions and a fuel
ing ousted president Omar dispense controlled substances
al-Bashir on charges of money and commit healthcare fraud in theattackwasfinallysuppressed istryemployeeswerealsoevacu- Kabulhotels stillusedbyforeign Prior to Saturday’s attack, attack on civilian targets in the shortage are constricting the
laundering and possession of the US. Anil Prasad, 62, of Louisi- in the late afternoon, interior ated. visitors. Kabulhadbeenrelativelycalmas capital. economy.
large sums of foreign currency ana was charged with one count
without legal grounds. Military of prescribing controlled substan-
intelligence searched Bashir’s
home and found suitcases loaded
with $351,000 and six million
ces outside the course of profes-
sional practice and for no legiti-
mate purpose and one count of
Blind man makes Pacific voyage Egyptians vote in O R M A R A T E R R O R AT TAC K

euros, as well as five million

Sudanese pounds. REUTERS
conspiracy to commit healthcare
fraud. PTI Agence France-Presse referendum to

TOKYO: A blind Japanese sailor

extend Sisi’s rule
completed his non-stop Pacific Agence France-Presse
voyage on Saturday, becoming n

Cyber expert credited with stopping WannaCry
the first sightless person on
the vast ocean.
CAIRO:Egyptians voted on Satur-
day in a referendum that aims to
ransomware attack admits to malware charges MitsuhiroIwamotoarrivedat cement the rule of President
The British cyber security researcher hailed as port in Fukushima in his 40-foot Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, the former

1 a hero for neutralising the global ransomware

attack in 2017 has pleaded guilty to two of the
10 US charges of writing malware
sailboat on Saturday morning,
around two months after he left
California. Iwamoto, a 52-year-
old San Diego resident, sailed Voters were being asked to n File photo of Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan attending a
US prosecutors had claimed that he and a co-defendant advertised, from the US city on February 24 Mitsuhiro Iwamoto (left), a blind sailor, celebrates his arrival in back amendments to the consti- welcome ceremony in Beijing.
distributed and profited from a malware code known as Kronos with DougSmith,aUSnavigator Iwaki, Japan, with his navigator Doug Smith. REUTERS tution to allow Sisi, 64, to run for

between 2014 and 2015

“I’ve pleaded guilty to two charges related to writing malware in the

years prior to my career in security,” Hutchins, who is also known as
ing information such as wind
This was his second attempt
yacht hit a whale and sank.
“I’m home. Thank you,” Iwa-
moto told the welcoming party
some 14,000 kilometres.
“I didn’t give up and I made a
dreamcometrue,” Iwamoto was
another six-year term while
greater influence inpolitical life.
Iran, Afghanistan
MalwareTech, said in a statement. after his initial voyage was cut
short six years ago when his
after his yacht sailed into
Fukushima, ending a journey of
The three-day referendum
pro-democracy protests this
must act against
attackers: Pak
Sex cult: Seagram monthsweptawayveteranpresi-
dents in Algeria and Sudan.

In war-torn Syria, an ancestor heiress pleads guilty

Sisi himself was among the
first to vote when polls opened,
castinghisballotintheupmarket HT Correspondent verified information, this new

of Notre-Dame still stands

Cairo suburb of Heliopolis. n alliance had its training and
In Shubra, a working-class logistical camps in Iran.
Agence France-Presse neighbourhood of the capital, ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s foreign Following investigations,
n dozens of voters, mostly women minister Shah Mahmood Qure- Pakistan shared the information
carrying their children, queued shi on Saturday said the govern- with Iranian authorities, Qure-
NEWYORK: Clare Bronfman, heir- outside a polling station in the ment expects both Iran and shi said, adding that the exact
esstotheSeagramliquorfortune, local high school. Afghanistan to take strong location of the camps has also
haspleaded guilty to herrolein a InCairo,troopsweredeployed action against terrorist groups been identified.
secretive society of women sex innumbersalthoughtheinterior behind the deadly bus attack at The foreign minister said that
slaves. ministry denied to give any Ormara. apart from expecting Tehran to
The guilty plea on two counts- nationwide figures. Qureshi told reporters in take action against these outfits,
conspiracy to conceal and har- Egyptisstillbattlingajihaidst Islamabad that the whole coun- Islamabad hopes that Kabul, too,
bour illegal aliens for financial insurgency based in the Sinai try was “angry and upset” and will take necessary steps since
gainandfraudulentuseofidenti- Peninsula that has seen attacks wanted to know who was behind the new alliance has a presence
fication- allows Bronfman’s to in Cairo and other cities. the attack. and leadership in Afghanistan.
avoidatrialinthecasesettoopen n Clare Bronfman AP Sisi has argued that he needs At least 14 passengers were Qureshi said that specific
May 7. longer to complete the job of offloaded from buses and gunned forensic evidence was available,
The40-year-oldphilanthropist charged with sex trafficking and restoring security and stability down by unidentified assailants which could be shared, if neces-
and former equestrian show- forced labour conspiracy, now aftertheturmoilthatfollowedthe on the Makran Coastal Highway sary, to trace the attackers.
jumper is the daughter of Edgar stands alone as a defendant in a overthrow of veteran autocrat near Ormara, Balochistan, early “They’re criminals who have
Bronfman, the late Canadian case. Raniere, who was arrested Hosni Mubarak in the Arab on Thursday. done this incident,” Qureshi
chairman of liquor giant Sea- in Mexico last year, is accused of Spring of 2011. Qureshi said that an alliance said.
gram whose net worth was esti- creating a secret society called Outonthestreets,hissupport- of Baloch terrorist organisations He said he spoke to his Iranian
mated at $2.6 billion. “DOS”, a pyramid scheme of ers waved flags bearing their that goes by the acronym “BRA” counterpart, Mohammad Javad
Keith Raniere, 58, the founder more than a dozen women campaign motto “Do the Right” has claimed responsibility for Zarif, and shared the sentiments
of the purported self-help group “slaves”and“masters”withhim astheypressedpassers-bytoturn the attacks. of the Pakistani people as well as
Nxivm who has already been - the sole man- at the top. out and vote “yes”. He said that on the basis of Islamabad’s expectations.
n The facade of the 5th-century basilica in Qalb Lozeh village in northwestern Syria. The ancient
limestone cathedral is the architectural forerunner of France's famed Notre-Dame. AFP

Agence France-Presse
example of the twin tower
facade flanking a highly elab-
orate arched entrance, the
with three sweeping arches
resting on broad capitals to
spread and distribute the
Some in Imran’s new cabinet worked for Musharraf
QALBLOZEH,SYRIA:An arched precursor to what became weight which carried the Imtiaz Ahmad the man whom former premier head of ISI in Punjab when Mus- in economics from Boston Uni-
entrance flanked by two tow- known as the Romanesque clerestory windows and the n Benazir Bhutto had accused of harrafmountedhiscoup inOcto- versity. Having worked at Har-
ers, elaborate carvings and a style,” says West Asia cul- original wooden roof over the planning her assassination, was ber 1999. Soon after, he was vard Institute of Development
broad-aisled nave - a 5th-cen- tural expert Diana Darke. nave,” she adds. ISLAMABAD: The timing of Paki- sworn in as minister for parlia- appointed home secretary of the and assumed key offices at the
tury limestone church in Romanesque architecture The abandoned church is stan’s cabinet reshuffle and the mentary affairs. province. World Bank, Shaikh has over 30
northwestern Syria is the evolved into the Gothic style within a cluster of 40 so-called people who got key portfolios Shah retired in 2004 after a His chequered past as an ISI years of experience in economic
architectural forerunner of that defines Notre-Dame, she “Ancient Villages of North- have led to questions about the 38-year career that saw him rise officer also saw his nomination policymaking,managementand
France’s famed Notre-Dame says. ern Syria” which UNESCO competence of the Imran Khan to the rank of brigadier while for a senior diplomatic position implementation.
cathedral. The layout of the church in has included on its World government as well as whether serving with the 15 Punjab Regi- rejected. In 2004, Musharraf FirdousAshiqAwan,aformer
Hemmed by the village of Syria has many similarities Heritage List since 2011. the Pakistani premier actually ment and Inter-Services Intelli- namedShahasthehighcommis- information minister, has taken
Qalb Lozeh (Arabic for ‘Heart with Notre-Dame, she says. Two years later as fighting calls the shots on such matters. gence (ISI). He was one of Mus- sionertoAustralia,butthenomi- overasthespecialassistanttothe
of the Almond’), the cathe- “The specific similarities ravaged Syria and its cultural Eight months after his Paki- harraf’strustedaidesandwashis nationwasrejectedbyCanberra. prime minister on the informa-
dral which goes by the same between Notre-Dame and heritage, the villages were stan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) gov- pick for director general of the “After the current appoint- tion,makingherthedefactomin-
name is widely hailed as Qalb Lozeh are first and fore- placed on UNESCO’s list of ernment took over, Khan pulled Intelligence Bureau. ment, there is no difference isterforinformation.Shehasalso
Syria’s finest example of most, the twin tower design endangered sites. back key players from the front- Shah’stenurefrom2004to2008 between the federal cabinet of beeninformationministerinthe
Byzantine-era architecture. flanking the elaborate arched UNESCO says the villages line in a majorrejigon Thursday was rife with controversy as he Musharraf and Imran Khan,” Zardari government. From the
It is believed to have been the portal,” says Darke. including Qalb Lozeh - home andnamedtothecabinetseveral wasaccusedofwidespreadpoliti- said Nafisa Shah, information PML-Q to the PPP and finally to
source of inspiration for “Inside Qalb Lozeh, the to pagan temples and ancient people who have either served cal victimisation. secretary at Pakistan Peoples the PTI, Awan is seen as a survi-
Romanesque and Gothic similarities are in the pillars churches - illustrate “the with Pervez Musharraf, or more He entered Pakistan’s parlia- Party. She was alluding to the vor. Another survivor is former
cathedrals in Europe, includ- dividing the church into transition from the ancient ironically,withformerpresident ment for the first time in 2018, presenceofatleast16Musharraf information minister Fawad
ing the Paris landmark three broad aisles - the nave pagan world of the Roman Asif Ali Zardari. defeating the powerful Mansab loyalists in Islamabad’s power Chaudhry who willnow serve as
Notre-Dame. and side-aisles - a deliberate Empire to Byzantine Christi- Most controversial has been family of the PML-N after two corridors. theministerforscienceandtech- n The reshuffle started with
“It is the earliest known echoing of the Holy Trinity, anity”. the appointment of Ijaz Shah as unsuccessful attempts in 2013 The new de facto finance min- nology. Chaudhry too served finance minister Asad Umar’s
interior minister. On March 29, and2015.Shahwasservingasthe ister Hafeez Shaikh holds a PhD under Musharraf and the PPP. resignation. AP



APRIL 21, 2019


> JARRELL MILLER, US boxer after bout with Anthony Joshua is called off

In UP villages, a javelin craze

no equipment and no training
facilities, yet teenagers
from Uttar Pradesh are
storming the sport
Navneet Singh

SONIPAT: In Hingutar Garh, a small vil-

lage on the banks of the Ganga 40km
downstream from Varanasi, watch out
for the flying spears.
Here, once in the morning and once in
the evening, a large part of the village
ground is cleared for the javelin throw-
ers. Roughly six thousand people popu-
late this staunchly agricultural area, but
the throwers come in droves.
There is Nandkishore Singh, a strap-
ping 17-year-old, who finished with a sil-
ver medal at the second National Javelin
Championship on April 15 at Sonipat,
Haryana. He comes from a family of
throwers: His father Ramashray Singh,
50, introduced the sport to the village in
the 1980s as a state-level athlete. Ram-
ashray had a real love for the sport, but
hadrealised early on in his career that he
would not make the cut. He turned his
focus to coaching, beginning with his
brother Jagmohan, who became a
national champion, and then moving on
to his sons. His eldest son, Shivpal, is
now the second best javelin thrower in
the country. Nandkishore and Shivpal
also have three younger cousins who are
part of the junior national set-up.
“People here are built for it,” Jagmo-
han, who now mentors Shivpal, says.
“Javelin has become a matter of pride for
families in this village, and also a way to
a better life.”
It is not just this village—at the
national championship, throwers from
Uttar Pradesh flooded the field.
They took the gold and silver in the
U-20 and U-18 boy’s group, the silver and
bronze in the U-16.
Though they did not finish with a n Javelin thrower Shivpal Singh will be competing at the Asian Athletics Championships on April 22. BURHAAN KINU/HT PHOTO
medal in the senior men’s group, four of
the final 12 throwers in the category home to Rohit Yadav, who set the new that year. The next year, there was both
came from the state. Of the 107 throwers national record in the U18 category in triumph and disaster. Soon after win-
across age groups, an overwhelming 61 Sonipat with a throw of 81.75m. It was ning a silver in the Asian Youth Champi-
were from UP. Haryana, at 14, was the also the best throw by an U18 athlete so onship in 2017, he tested positive for a
next best represented. far this year in Asia. banned substance at a domestic tourna-
Klaus Bartonietz, who is the biome- After Haryana’s Neeraj Chopra, the ment. A one-year ban followed.
chanics specialist working with national 2018 Asian and Commonwealth Games When he came out of the ban, he was
coach and legendary German thrower gold medallist and world junior record signed on by Amentum, a sports consult-
Uwe Hohn, says that this deepening tal- holder, Rohit is seen as the next big ancy firm working to develop grassroots
ent pool has him excited. thing. infrastructure in javelin in India, who
“There is a lot of talent,” Bartonietz Rohit could not afford even a basic jav- put him in touch with Michael Mussel-
says. “Now we need to structure pro- elin when he started; instead he fash- man, a javelin coach based in Lima,
grammes at the grassroots level in these ioned one from wild bamboo, cutting a Peru.
places.” spear from a grove near his home. The two of them work over whatsapp,
“Like the shepherds have a long bam- sending videos back and forth.
BAMBOO SPEARS FOR boo lathi to goad the cattle, ours was like UP’s interest in javelin has also
JAVELINS that,” Rohit says. “There are around attracted the interest of Davinder Singh
While there is plenty of interest, facili- twenty more boys who have picked up Kang, the 2017 World Championship
ties for the budding throwers, to put javelin in the village now. A lot of them finalist from Punjab.
it bluntly, are non-existent. Nothing can’t afford to buy javelins and use bam- “When I was growing up as an athlete
much has changed in Hingutar Garh boo spears. people ignored me,” Kang says. “I was
since Ramashray introduced the sport “But it’s fun…to see who can throw it told I wouldn’t become a top level ath-
there almost 40 years ago , except that better, because it’s very hard to throw it lete. Now I am an international thrower
more people can afford to buy basic far!” At the nationals, Rohit used a Hun- and some local manufacturing units are
javelins. garian made aluminum javelin—the happy to support me so when budding
“For coaching, whenever senior play- Nementh 90—gifted to him by a well- athletes ask for help—equipment or
ers come home to the village, they work wisher. training tips—I try to do as much as I
with the young athletes,” says Jagmo- The 17-year-old’s father Sabhajeet, a can.”
han, the former national champion. former state level decathlete, introduced On 22 May, the throwers from UP will
“They also contribute to help people buy him to the sport when he was 14. take a break from training. They’ll be fol-
equipment. We also recently set up a “Since bamboo is easily available in lowing Shivpal at the Asian Athletics
small gym.” the village, it was good substitute,” Rohit Championships in Doha. The 23-year-old
The whole village, Jagmohan says, says. “we didn’t have to worry about from Hingutar Garh, recorded a per-
comes together to help promising young- money to buy an original javelin.” sonal best of 82.82m last year, made it to
sters if needed. Rohit bought his first professional the Asian Games in Jakarta, but missed
Less than 90km from Hingutar Garh, javelin with money given to him by his out on a podium finish after hurting his
in the village of Dabhiya on the banks of school in 2016 and promptly went on to elbow. This time, he will be hoping to
the Gomti, exists another javelin ‘hub’, win a gold at the World School Games bring a medal home. n Rohit Yadav from Dabhiya village in Uttar Pradesh set a national record in the U-18 category. BURHAAN KINU/HT PHOTO

Flight itinerary grounds Shiva makes winning India unlikely to match 2017
archers, to miss World Cup start, 6 others in QF success in Asian C’ships
Press Trust of India stan’s Nooristani Mohammad
HT Correspondents Press Trust of India
THE ARCHERY TEAM mat. It’s a loss for the players.
Now, as the team is not going for
n Khaibar to enter the last-eight.
Kavinder Singh Bisht (56kg) n
Indian perspective, thewomen’s
DECIDED TO CANCEL THE the World Cup, we might have to BANGKOK: Shiva Thapa moved brought his gold medal-winning pated event. Sprinter Hima Das
TRIP AS MISSING THE reshuffle the teamfor thesecond
World Cup.”
closer to adding a record fourth
medal by entering the 60kg pre-
form from the GeeBee tourna-
ment to open with a 5-0 victory
DOHA: A depleted Indian contin-
gent is unlikely to repeat its
the morning, while the final will
men’s and women’s archery FLIGHT FROM A team member, who did not quarterfinals while six other over Japan’s Subaru Murata. unprecedentedtop-tablefinishin be held in the evening.
teams to call off their trip to AMSTERDAM WOULD wish to be identified, said: “It’s a Indiansadvancedtothelast-eight Ashish Kumar (75kg) had to the last edition but is still Bahrain’s Salwa Naser will
Medellin,Colombia,fortheStage bigsetbacktothebuild-upforthe stage in the Asian Boxing Cham- digdeeptobeatChina’sTanglati- expected to win a substantial start overwhelming favourite in
1WorldCupstartingonMonday, HAVE RESULTED IN THEIR World Championships in The pionships on Saturday. han Tuohetaerbieke in a 3-2 split number of medals when the the women’s quartermile event.
acrucialstepintheteams’prepa- NOT REACHING THE NetherlandsinJune,aqualifying Thapa secured a thrilling 4-1 verdictinanabsorbingpre-quar- Asian Athletics Championships ShehadbeatenHimaintheAsian
ration to qualify for next year’s event for Tokyo Olympics.” winoverKorea’sKimWonhoand ter-final contest. begins on Sunday. Games 400m final.
Tokyo Olympics.
COMPETITION VENUE BY “Officials responsible for is now two wins away from a ManishaMoun,21,ofHaryana India had returned with a Hima has not been at her best
The first batch of the 16-mem- MONDAY MORNING booking the flight should have medal to add to the gold, bronze made a promising start to her record-breaking haul of 29 med- after she took a break to prepare
ber contingent reached the air- thebasicideathatitisalongjour- andsilverhewonin2013,2015and campaign in 54kg with a 5-0 win als (12 gold, 5 silver, 12 bronze) in forherexamsbeforecomingback
portonSaturdaymorningonlyto delay in ourflight to Amsterdam neyandconnectingflightsshould 2017 editions, respectively. over Vietnam’s Do Nha Uyen to the 2017 edition held in Bhuban- to win the Federation Cup with a
discoverthatthedepartureofthe andbecauseofthatwewouldnot be spaced out for transit,” said a The Assam boxer will next enterthequarter-finals.Theonly eswar.Chinahadfinishedsecond time of 52.88 seconds.
Delhi-Amsterdam KLM flight be able to catch our connecting team official on condition of ano- take on Kyrgyzstan’s Seitbek loss of the day for the Indian con- with 20 medals. The other Indians in the fray
had been postponed by nearly flight. The next available con- nymity. Once the first batch was Uuluforaplaceinthequarterson tingent was in women’s 48kg But this time, the 42-member areAnnuRaniandKumariShar-
three hours which meant they necting flight was after 24 hours, strandedonSaturday,thesecond Sunday. Lovlina Borgohain, the wheredebutantNitusuccumbed Indian team is not expected to n Hima Das will begin her mila in women’s javelin final,
wouldmisstheconnectingflight. and if we had re-scheduled it, batchscheduledtotravelonSun- 2018 World Championships to a 1-4 defeat against China Tai- achievethatsuccesswithseveral campaign on Sunday. GETTY Parul Chaudhary and Sanjivani
The archery team decided to then we wouldn’t have reached day morning too called off the bronze winner, began her quest pei’s Pin Meng-Chieh. athletes, including star javelin Jadhav in women’s 5000m final,
cancel the trip as missing the the venue before Monday even- trip. Radhica Sreeman, SAI’s inimpressivefashion,outpunch- On Sunday, all eyes will be on thrower Neeraj Chopra,missing same venue in September. Avinash Sable and Shankar Lal
flight from Amsterdam would ing. So, we will be missing the headofTeamsDivisionresponsi- ing Vietnam’s Tran Thi Linh 5-0 AsianGamesgoldmedallistAmit out due to various reasons, Veteran Sudha Singh, winner Swami in men’s 3000m steeple-
have resulted in their not reach- World Cup,” said Madhu ble for preparation of national to advance to the quarter-finals. Panghal (52kg) as he begins his including injuries. of the 3000m steeplechase gold in chase final and Gavit Murali
ing the competition venue by Vedwan, a member of the teams forinternational competi- UpnextonMondayforthe2019 challenge against Taipei’s Tu Neeraj suffered an elbow 2017, was named in the squad Kumar and Abhishek Pal in
Monday morning – the deadline women’s recurve team who is tion didn’t respond to calls and StrandjaCupbronzemedallistis Po-Wei. Panghal, likely to face sprain during practice in Patiala despite missing the Federation men’s 10000m final.
to have the mandatory equip- back in the national squad after text messages. a stiff challenge from Chinese reigningOlympicchampionHas- and is not defending the title he Cup—whichservedasthequali- This Asian Championships is
mentchecks done before compe- three years. “Now, we will be The recurve men’s team com- Taipei’s Chen Nien-Chin. The anboyDusmatovofUzbekistanin had wonin 2017.National record fyingevent— butthesportsmin- crucial as the gold medallists get
tition. Being the season’s first going to Pune to rejoin the prisesTarundeepRai,AtanuDas, Indian had lost to Chen in the the quarter-finals, has been ooz- holders Dharun Ayyasamy istry did not clear her name. automatic qualification to the
major tournament, the non-par- national camp.” Atul Verma and Pravin Jadhav. semi-finalsoftheWorldChampi- ing confidence as he began the (men’s 400m hurdles), M Sree- Another athlete who won two WorldChampionships.Thiscom-
ticipation will also have an The federation selected the A Olympian Deepika Kumari, L onships in New Delhi last year. 2019 season with a gold at the shankar (men’s long jump) and goldin2017,GovindanLakshman petition is also an ideal platform
impactontherankingpoints.The team for the first World Cup and Bombayla Devi, Komalika Devi National champion and Mak- Strandja Cup. Ashish (69kg) and AsianGames800mgoldmedallist (5000mand1000m)wasnotpicked to accumulate ranking points if
event was to prepare and set the the B team for the next in China. and Madhu Vedwan are the ran Cup gold medallist Deepak Brijesh Yadav (81kg) too will be Manjit Singh were also not as he could not finish on the anathletefailstoachievethestiff
team combinations for the June ArcheryAssociationofIndiasec- women’s team members. continued his good form with seen in action on Sunday. namedintheteamduetoinjuries. podium in the Federation Cup. entry standards prescribed by
World Championships in The retarygeneral,MahaSingh,said: The top four in men’s com- another 5-0 win over Sri Lanka’s In the women’s section, four- TriplejumperArpinderSingh, This could be a big dampener the international federation.
Netherlandswhereteamsreach- “We’re still checking where pound are Abhishek Verma, Mutunaka Pedi Gedara. time Asian Championships gold trainingintheUS,didjust16.34m following the Jakarta Asian Jinson Johnson (1500m),
ing the quarter-finals qualify for thingswentwrong.Wehadatwo- Bhagwan Das, Rajat Chauhan, WinneroftwoKing’sCupmed- medallist Sarita Devi (60kg) will in the Federation Cup(qualifica- Games high when the country Tejinder Singh Toor (shot put)
Tokyo Olympics. month camp for the World Cup Aman Saini. The women’s team als in Thailand, Rohit Tokas start her hunt for a sixth medal tion standard 16.50m) and later won 19 medals including seven and women’s 4x400m relay team
“After reaching the Delhi air- and even organised a ranking comprisesJyothiSurekha,Mus- (64kg) displayed speed and alert- from this tournament when she said he’s focusing on the World gold. ThefirstdayonSundaywill couldbeconsideredasgoldmedal
portwecametoknowtherewasa tournamentintheWorldCupfor- kan Kirar and Raj Kaur. ness in his 5-0 win over Afghani- takes on Korea’s Gwon Sujin. Championships to be held at the decide eight gold and from the contenders.



APRIL 21, 2019 hindustantimes 21


M A R C H 23 - M A Y 12
Namedskipper,Smithtakes Shreyas, Shikhar
Team P W L Pts NRR*
CSK 9 7 2 14 0.101
0.16 take Delhi home

10 -0.044
RoyalstowinoverMumbai after Gayle blast
Updated till DC vs KXIP match
CHANGE OF GUARD Aussie hits fifty in five-wicket win over MI after team removes Rahane as captain Somshuvra Laha
n scorecard
Abhishek Paul n Kings XI Punjab
shortstories n NEWDELHI: Just five months from
Rahul st Pant b Lamichhane 12 (9)
turning 40, Chris Gayle is an
JAIPUR: Before Saturday, the last
COURSE antithesisofT20cricket.Heisnot Gayle c Patel b Lamichhane 69 (37)
DOING VOLUNTARY timeSteveSmithspokeaboutthe CORRECTION interested in running; captains M Agarwal c R’ford b Rabada 2 (9)
D Miller c Shaw b Patel 7 (5)
SERVICE IN DC, ‘leadership group’, it had left the
Here’s a look at some big
usually have to hide him at fine-
M Singh st Pant b Patel 30 (27)
Australian dressing room leg and yet the Jamaican ranks
SAYS GANGULY divided,inMarch,2018.Anirked names that got the boot amongthemostsoughtafterfree- S Curran c & b Lamichhane 0 (4)
NEW DELHI:The BCCI appointed Mitchell Starc had made known or stepped down as IPL lancers. You know why while R Ashwin c Iyer b Rabada 16 (14)
ombudsman Justice (retd) DK Jain his irritation over his ex-captain skippers… watching Gayle author another H Brar not out 20 (12)
on Saturday heard the views on blaming the ‘leadership group’ Gautam Gambhir: Let go T20 gem low on adrenaline but G Viljoen not out 2 (3)
conflict of interest complaint for the ball-tampering fiasco in ahead of the 2018 season, the flush with his trademark money
against Cricket Association of n Extras (b 3, w 2) 5
the Cape Town Test against opener who took KKR to two shots.
Bengal president Sourav Ganguly, n Total (for 7 wkts, 20 ovs) 163
South Africa. IPL titles, was named Delhi So in control was Gayle of his
who is also serving as the Delhi Thosetwowordswerebackon Daredevils skipper. But he innings at Kotla that only a n FoW: 1-13, 2-42, 3-61, 4-106,
Capitals mentor. Justice Jain heard Smith’s lips at the toss of his first stepped down after a slew of superblycoordinatedrelaycatch 5-106, 6-129, 7-151.
the Board’s counsel as well as match as Rajasthan Royals cap- defeats. Shreyas Iyer took over. between Colin Ingram and Axar n Bowling: Ishant 4-0-29-0,
Sourav Ganguly who defended Lamichhane 4-0-40-3, Rabada
tain this season against Mumbai MS Dhoni: IPL’s biggest player, Patel could have dismissed him
himself. “I heard Sourav Ganguly, 4-0-23-2, Mishra 4-0-41-0, Patel
Indians. For him, Ajinkya who has led CSK to three titles, onanightofhighqualitybowling
BCCI and the three complainants. I 3-0-22-2, Rutherford 1-0-5-0
have given the Board and Gan- Rahane,themanhereplaced,was was axed for the second by Delhi Capitals.
guly four days to give their stillpartofhisteam’s‘leadership season by Pune Supergiants — Ishant Sharma and Kagiso n Delhi Capitals
written response,” said Jain. group’. But what he did not clar- one of the two teams floated Rabada were miserly, and Patel
P Shaw run out 13 (11)
According to PTI, in his deposition, ify was whether Rahane would during the two-year suspen- took two wickets in addition to Dhawan c R Ashwin b Viljoen
Ganguly said he was working in a stillbeexpectedtoprovideinputs sion of CSK and RR. Steve beingeconomical.Butyoungleg- 56 (41)
voluntary role with Delhi Capitals. from deep cover, deep mid- Smith was named skipper. spinner Sandeep Lamichhane S Iyer not out 58 (49)
wicket, or even long on. Those VVS Laxman: He captained will be hailed for a memorable R Pant c Curran b Viljoen 6 (7)
weretheslotsRahanewasmostly Deccan Chargers the first year, IPL haul; also probably for the C Ingram b Shami 19 (9)
todayontv positioned during the Mumbai but after the team finished stick he got from Gayle before A Patel run out 1 (1)
Indians’ innings as Smith called last he was axed and Adam exacting his revenge. S Rutherford not out 2 (2)
the shots from extra cover. Gilchrist took over. n Extras (b 1, lb 1, nb 2, w 7) 11
CRICKET Mumbai Indians managed ORDINARY SHOW n Total (for 5 wkts, 19.4 ovs) 166
Adam Gilchrist: Turned
IPL only161/5andSmith’sleadership Barring R Ashwin’s fantastic n FoW: 1-24, 2-116, 3-128, 4-155,
Deccan Chargers’ fortunes
4:00pm: Sunrisers began on a positive note as the around, leading it to the title in catch of Shikhar Dhawan run- 5-156
Hyderabad v Kolkata former Australia skipper hit an 2009 in South Africa. Though ningbackwards,KingsXIPunjab n Bowling: Shami 4-0-21-1, Curran
Knight Riders unbeaten 59 to guide Royals to DC reached the play-offs the never rose above the ordinary 3.4-0-34-0, Viljoen 4-0-39-2, Brar
8:00pm: Royal Challen- 162/5 with five balls to spare. next year, franchise didn’t bid post Gayle’s departure. They 2-0-24-0, R Ashwin 3-0-26-0, M
gers Bangalore vs for Gilchrist in the 2011 auction, scored just 45 runsin the last five Ashwin 3-0-20-0.
Chennai Super kings, live QUIET RAHANE instead appointing Sri Lanka’s overs and then the match was as
on Star Sports 1, SS1 HD, Kumar Sangakkara skipper.
Rahane is no Starc and no public n Steve Smith scored a 48-ball unbeaten 59 with five fours and a six to help Rajasthan Royals register a goodasoverwhenDelhiCapitals Rahul,Lamichhanestartedwith
SS 2, SS2 HD, SS Select 1,
SS Select 1HD
outburst is expected from a per- five-wicket win over Mumbai Indians in Jaipur on Saturday. BCCI raced to 60/1 after their Power- a slip but he dropped it short,
son of his calm disposition. For play phase of six overs. allowing Gayle to paddle it away
FOOTBALL someone who led RR to the play- Smith on a couple of occasions. scoring 112 in 15 overs. Before Well-compiled half-centuries for a boundary.
PREMIER LEAGUE offsin 2018,onreturnafter atwo- Thatwasaboutitasthebatonwas Saturday, Rahane had managed scorecard by Dhawan (56) and skipper Two balls later, he clubbed it
6:00pm: Everton v yearban,thedethroningmeanta passed,inatypicallyunobtrusive 201ineightmatches.Only12was n Mumbai Indians n Rajasthan Royals Shreyas Iyer (58no) ensured back at Lamichhane, the ball
Manchester United; freshblowtoanalreadybattered Rahane fashion. added in the ninth. Rahane has Delhi Capitals were not too has- almost takinghis fingertipswith
Q de Kock c Stokes b Gopal 65 (47) A Rahane c Yadav b Chahar 12 (12)
8:30pm: Cardiff City v image.Heisnolongeraregularin However, Rahane’s drop was lookedimpatientandvulnerable sled chasing downKings XI Pun- ittotheboundary.Afourpastthe
Liverpool, live on Star India’slimitedoversteams,anda in the offing. An official said on and it was evident again. R Sharma c & b Gopal 5 (7) Samson c Pollard b Chahar 35 (19) jab’s163/7.Theydidthatwithtwo slow Ishant at fine-leg before he
Sports Select 2 & SS Select poorruninthisIPLhasseen him condition of anonymity that the Opening in the chase, Rahane S Yadav c Kulkarni b Binny 34 (33) S Smith not out 59 (48) balls to spare, reaching 166/5. sneaked another past point,
2HD; 8:30pm: Arsenal v lose captaincy after eight changeofguardwasmadeknown hit spinner Rahul Chahar for Gayle quickly forced Shreyas
Crystal Palace, live on Star Hardik lbw b Archer 23 (15) B Stokes b Chahar 0 (2)
matches. Despite the jolt, the totheplayerslateonFridayafter back-to-back boundaries in the GAYLE RUTHLESS IyertopullLamichhaneoutofthe
Sports 3 ex-skipper’s efforts showed sin- informing BCCI, as is the norm fourth over. But he flattered to K Pollard b Unadkat 10 (7) R Parag run out 43 (29) Gayle could have changed the attack.
LA LIGA cerity, like in the 16th over when for change of captaincy. How- deceive with his end coming in B Cutting not out 13 (9) A Turner lbw b Bumrah 0 (1) script. He was in the mood too. Only twice was he forced to
5:30pm: Getafe v Sevilla; healmostranoutHardikPandya ever,inthelastcoupleofmatches the same over. Amit Mishra knows, having scramble to reach the crease.
Krunal not out 2 (2) S Binny not out 7 (4)
7:45pm: Real Madrid v with an excellent throw. Again, it was Smith who could be seen The 11-ball innings added watchedGaylelayintohimthrice BarringthatGayle’sinningswas
n Extras (lb 5, w 4) 9 n Extras (b 4, lb 2) 6
Athletic Bilbao, live on he walked up to Jaydev Unadkat doing the bulk of field place- anotherchapterto Rahane’s tor- for monstrous sixes. With five all about hand-eye coordination
Sony Ten 2 & Ten 2HD from long off the next over after ments. Smith, on his part, used tuousjourneythisIPL.Witheach n Total (for 5 wkts, 20 ovs) 161 sixes and six boundaries, Gayle and a few ambles in the name of
n Total (for 5 wkts, 19.1 ovs) 162
Kieron Pollard had smoked him the bowlers well on Saturday, day,thebatsmanwhowassovital n FoW: 1-11, 2-108, 3-111, 4-124, took just 11 hits to score 54 of his singles.
TENNIS for six. Whatever Rahane told keeping his best bowlers Jofra to India till two seasons back, 5-152. n FoW: 1-39, 2-76, 3-77, 4-147, 5-153
69 innings. Six of them came Everything indicated that
MONTE CARLO him, the next ball from the left- Archer and Unadkat for the last. seems to be withdrawing into n Bowling: Binny 3-0-19-1, n Bowling: Hardik 4-0-31-0, against Lamichhane. Twice the Gayle was shaping up for some-
MASTERS arm pacer, a slow cutter, castled That meant despite a 97-run sec- himself.HehasnotplayedanODI Kulkarni 3-0-31-0, Gopal 4-0-21-2, Krunal 2-0-24-0, Malinga 3.1-0- umpireaskedfortheballtocheck thing special. Ingram’s presence
6:00pm: Finals, live on the explosive West Indies bats- ondwicketstandbetweenSurya- sinceFebruary,2018.InTeststoo, Archer 4-0-22-1, Unadkat 4-0- 27-0, Chahar 4-0-29-3, Bumrah its condition after it was thrown of mind at the deep midwicket
Sony ESPN & ESPN HD man. kumar Yadav and Quinton de hehasnotscoredacenturysince 46-1, Parag 2-0-17-0 4-0-21-1, Markande 2-0-24-0 back from the farthest tiers. boundary however nipped it in
After that he was seen joining Kock, MI reached only 161 after August 2017. BoostedbythestumpingofKL the bud.

BCCI fines Rahul, I get out of tough situations pretty well

Pandya ₹20lakh facetoface ing IPL and then performing,
the memories were erased.
They’d be erased completely ‘MIDDLE
VIJAY SHANKAR, India all-rounder
HT Correspondent when I win a crucial game for
n Khurram Habib now. I prepare in a way where I India next time. But it was a ORDER
MUMBAI: Board of Control for
n put myself under pressure and
try and get out of it the best I
great experience, I learnt how
to do so many things, learnt
Cricket in India’s Ombudsman HYDERABAD: With just nine ODIs can. The New Zealand tour was how to handle media, social HYDERABAD: With Jonny
Justice(Retd)DKJainfinedHar- under his belt, Vijay Shankar my first time there and I could media. My family, friends and Bairstow about to end
dik Pandya and KL Rahul ~20 has emerged the surprise pack- adapt — so it all boils down to personal trainer, who was with his maiden IPL stint
lakh each for their sexist com- age, breaking into the World preparation. When I practise, I me at IPL last year, they all after a couple of more
ments on the popular Television Cup squad. The Tamil Nadu all- try and prepare with specific helped me get out of it. games, the focus is on the
show,KofeeWithKaran,airedin rounder was described as things in mind. About No 4, it is fragile SRH middle order
January. Pandya and Rahul, n Hardik Pandya. AFP “three dimensional” by chief about the situation. I can walk The Indian team seems to struggle in Sunday’s game vs
however, will face no further selector, MSK Prasad. Shankar in at 18/2 or at 200/2. If the situa- for fielders who can throw from the KKR as they gear up for
action, clearing their participa- match fees, the order said. is confident he will deliver if tion demands I play the initial deep, forcing Virat to field there. life after him. Both Bairs-
tion in the 2019 World Cup. Pandya and Rahul had thrust into the crucial No 4 slot. overs carefully and then open I don’t agree. Most players are tow and David Warner
The two had missed five ODIs deposed before the Ombudsman In an interview, he says his abil- up, I should be ready to do it. If it pretty good fielders. (As for me) have formed the best
each as part of a provisional ban inMumbaiaheadoftheMIversus ity to win matches got him into demands quick runs then I I field everywhere. I take the opening pair of the IPL
handed by the Committee of KXIP game, last week. the World Cup squad. Excerpts: should be ready for that too. I n Shankar says Rahul Dravid is his role model. GETTY IMAGES responsibility of fielding at long which has papered the
Administrators. The ban was “Ihavenohesitationinobserv- simulate situations during on, long off or deep midwicket. cracks in the middle.
later lifted and two have been ingthattheremarksmadebythe India No 4 are big shoes to fill? practice, being specific in what I lenging, it was very satisfying. Whatever I did, I was not doing Fielding is crucial. However, Bairstow and
included in India’s 15-member player, even by his own admis- Though I haven’t been told I’ll do. You don’t use the entire time To get the team out of that situa- wholeheartedly because some- Vijay Shankar, who him-
squad for the May 30-July 14 sions, did offend sensitivities, bat there, I have got a whiff with at practice. Out of three hours, tion and win the game is very thing was stopping me and Who is your role model? self wasted a couple of
World Cup. which ought to have been news around. The best thing to you’ll practice for maybe 1-1/2 satisfying. In the Nagpur ODI everyday it distracted me. But Rahul Dravid. Also, I like to opportunities, feel: “The
In his order, the Ombudsman avoided. Hence, he must make have happened is in my initial hours, so you try to use it (vs Australia) I had to bowl the just before the (2018) IPL I told mention my coach (S Balaji). criticism is harsh.
instructed the two cricketers to amends,” Jain stated in similar ODIs, I got to bat in different sit- wisely. It is about quality. last over and defend 10 runs. I myself this is not the end of the I’ve been working with him Warner and I have done
makeapaymentof~1lakheachto ordersforboth.“Takingintocon- uations. I need to be really open did. I want to stand in the hot world. It has happened to top since U-15. He has changed well, so the others
“each of the most deserving wid- sideration all these aspects, in and adapt to situations. Right Has being an all-rounder, ‘3-di- spots in the field, where I can players. It was just my first everything about me. haven’t got much time.”
owsof10constablesinpara-mili- particularthefactthattheplayer now, I am focusing on what I mensional’, been advantageous? keep getting the balls. I started game. I told myself to stay busy. Shankar concurred.
tary forces who have lost their has tendered an apology for the have here at SRH. I am not I got picked because I played in as an off-spinner, then began I didn’t give myself any free How have SRH stars helped you? “The two have hit 66% of
liveswhileonduty,through‘Bha- incident without seeking to jus- thinking about the World Cup. different situations and got out bowling medium-pace. I enjoy moment because whenever I I have been with the team in our runs. The others
rat Ke Veer App’ and deposit ~10 tifyhisaction,hasacknowledged It is very important to do well of those tough situations pretty being like that and that’s how I had, I would get negative 2016 and 2017. The difference is haven’t got enough time.
lakheachinthefund“createdby his duty to the society and here and take the confidence well. It showed them (selectors) became an all-rounder. thoughts. So, I’d either go for then I was not playing regu- Getting to bat only in the
the Cricket Association for the expressedhiswillingnesstohold into the World Cup. I can bat in tough times. In an practice, train, do a gym session larly, now I am. (Then) I used to last 4-5 overs is always
blind”. All payments are to be himself to the higher standards ODI in New Zealand, when I You were down after the Nidahas or engage with people around. sit and keenly watch what they tough. (But), yes I could
madewithinfourweeksfromthe expected of him and has missed How are you gearing up for a genu- walked in, we were 18/4. I made Trophy, you were trolled for mak- Whenever I’d go back to the were doing. I’d be thinking as a have come not out on a
date of the order — April 19, 2019 fiveODIs,intheinterestofjustice ine batsman’s role? 45, which proved crucial, but ing 17 off 19. room, I’d sleep off and not even captain, what the rival captain couple of occasions.”
— failing which the BCCI may andfairplay,(thefine)wouldsuf- I believe in my work ethic. That importantly, I enjoyed it (the The first week was a nightmare; watch TV. I ensured I did that is doing. This stint has been HTC
deduct the amount from their fice.” has got me to where I am right pressure). Because it was chal- it was difficult to even sleep. every day. Once I started play- great learning.



22 APRIL 21, 2019

htsportsmax BIG $771,290 (₹5.35 crore approx.)

That’s the total amount of money James Holzhauer, a professional
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CityavengeEuropeanlossto Solskjaer eyes

strong finish
PREMIER LEAGUE Phil Foden nets early winner as defending champions return to top of standings
Agence France-Presse

MANCHESTER: Manchester City

on Tottenham for their Champi-
ons League exit as Phil Foden’s
the table on Saturday.
PepGuardiola’s men edgeone
point ahead of Liverpool once
more withfour gamesofatitanic n Ole Gunnar Solskjaer’s Manchester United have lost five of their
title race left for both sides. last seven games in all competitions. REUTERS
For all their Champions
Leagueheroicstogettothesemi- Agence France-Presse want as a player,” he said.
finalsthisseason,Tottenhamstill n “We’d have loved to have a
havemuchtodotoqualifyforthe semi-final to play in but not the
competition next season as they MANCHESTER: Ole Gunnar Sols- case.
couldeasilyendtheEasterweek- kjaer has five games left in the “These three games are our
end outside the top four should PremierLeagueseasontoprove short-term focus and we
ArsenalandChelseabeatCrystal conclusively that the club’s shouldn’tthinkaboutanything
Palace and Burnley at home hierarchydidnotacttoohastily other than having a great week
respectively. inmakinghimJoseMourinho’s ahead of us.”
City’s quest for an unprece- permanent successor last
dentedquadrupleoftrophieswas month. REDS FACE CARDIFF
ended by defeat on away goals to After a spectacular start as LONDON: Jurgen Klopp is ada-
Spurs on Wednesday, despite caretaker manager of the club, mant that their upcoming Pre-
winningathrillingquarter-final, in which he won his first eight mier League matches against
second leg 4-3. However, they games and lost just one of his Cardiff and Huddersfield are
remain on course for a first ever opening 17 matches in charge, just as important as their
treble of domestic trophies in United have since suffered a mouth-watering Champions
Englandastheysurvivedanervy precipitous drop in form. League semi-final against Bar-
finale thanks to another blister- Five defeats have come in celona as they chase down a
ing start. United’slastsevengames,arun domesticandEuropeandouble.
Cityhavemadeahabitoffiring whichhasseenthemexittheFA “Theseareallmassivegames,”
out of the blocks this season and n Manchester City’s Phil Foden (left) celebrates his goal against Tottenham Hotspur at the Etihad Stadium on Saturday. GETTY IMAGES Cup and Champions League said Klopp ahead of Sunday’s
just like in midweek to kickstart andleftatop-fourfinishinseri- match in Cardiff.
a kamikaze encounter, they Dane played provider with a glo- However,Guardiola’sreason- timeonWednesdaywiththegoal WATFORD, FULHAM WIN ous doubt. “None of them are won
struck within five minutes. riousballtofreeSoninbehindthe ing for being cautious with his that would have sent City LONDON: InotherPremierLeague “When we came in, on the before we start.
Fodenwasmakingjusthissec- Citydefence.However,theSouth playmaker after an injury- through to the Champions games on Saturday, Watford 19th of December and where “Everybody thinks a lot
ond Premier League start and Korean,whoscoredtwiceinmid- plaguedseasonwasunderstand- Leaguelastfouruntil VARruled defeated relegated Huddersfield we’re at now, I think anyone about Barcelona but before
immediately justified Guardi- week to end City’s European able as De Bruyne limped off the goal out for offside. 2-1 to move back to the seventh would have taken that now Barcelonait’sCardiffandHud-
ola’s faith in the 19-year-old by dreams for another season, was again just before the break and AndtheEnglandinternational spot. we’vegotfivegamestoseeifwe dersfield and it’s exactly the
heading home Sergio Aguero’s caughtupjustintimebyAymeric maywellnow miss therestof the could not believe his misfortune Wolves spurred the chance to canfinishitoff,”saidSolskjaer. same importance to us as the
nodded pass across goal from Laporte, who made a perfectly campaign. Both sides suffered oncemorewhenGazzanigastuck stayaheadofWatfordafteragoal- United were emphatically other games.”
Bernardo Silva’s cross. timed last-ditch tackle. from their midweek exertions outanoutstretchedlegtoprevent less draw against Brighton, who knocked out of the Champions Opponents Cardiff’s bid to
Spurs had numerous chances andtheblazingsunasthesecond- Sterling sealing a vital three arenowthreepointsaheadofthe Leaguequarter-finalsatBarce- remaininEnglishfootball’stop
to strike back. Son Heung-min DE BRUYNE INJURED half meandered along at a much points from Leroy Sane’s cut- relegation zone. lona, although Solskjaer does flight was revived by their 2-0
had already forced Ederson in a Guardiola’s decision to leave more subdued pace. back. Instead, City had to suffer Fulham, another relegated not believe his team have any win at Brighton on Tuesday.
smart save from a narrow angle Kevin de Bruyne out for the first Spurshadabigpenaltyappeal throughtheclosingstagesknow- side, sprung a surprise as they added advantage by being able “It was a massive game
beforeCityscoredandtheBrazil- leg of the Champions League of their own turned down when ing one mistake could cost them defeated Bournemouth 1-0 for to concentrate solely on the againstBrighton,ifCardiffhad
ian goalkeeper had to rush from quarter-final between the sides Kyle Walker handled inside the the title. their second straight win. league. lost that gamethen the fight for
hisgoaloncemoretodenyChris- was doubly questioned after the area against his former club. But they held on as Spurs suf- West Ham and Leicester, “I think it will give them theleaguewouldbefinishedbut
tian Eriksen an equaliser on 15 Belgian bagged a brilliant hat- Sterlingbrieflythoughthehad fered an eighth straight away meanwhile,sharedthespoilsina (United’srivals)aboostplaying now it starts again for all the
minutes. Two minutes later the trick of assists in midweek. completedahat-trickinstoppage defeat to English opposition. 2-2 draw. those games, that’s what you teams,” he said.


8th straight
Technology is changing the Serie A title
way we learn and teach golf

TURIN: Juventus won Serie A

for the eighth season in a row
when a 2-1 home win over
gurugram Fiorentina on Saturday gave
matters them the title with five games
to spare. Needing one point,
Juventus got off to a dreadful
start when they fell behind to
a Nikola Milenkovic goal in
Today, in an n Fabio Fognini celebrates his win over Rafael Nadal on Saturday. AFP the sixth minute, the Serb fir-
ing into the roof off the net
instant there are
almost 30 Nadal blown away from close range. Federico
Chiesa hit the post for Fioren-
tina but Juventus levelled in
parameters that the 37th minute when Alex

can flash on the by Fognini in last Sandro got away from the
Fiorentina defence to score
with a near-post header from
monitor to tell
you various four of Monte Carlo Miralem Pjanic’s corner.
Chiesa struck the crossbar
again before halftime but
Fiorentina defender German
aspects like club Agencies match Roger Federer’s record of Pezzella turned a Cristiano
speed, ball n 50 Masters finals.
Earlier, Lajovic reached his
Ronaldo cross into his own
speed, launch MONTE CARLO: Rafael Nadal suf- first Masters final when he mas- Juve the win. Juventus have
fered a shock 6-4 6-2 semi-final tered the wind to beat Russian 87 points, 20 more than sec-
angles, distances n US golfer Jordan Spieth in action with the Trackman camera behind him. GETTY defeatagainstflamboyantItalian Daniil Medvedev 7-5 6-1. ond-placed Napoli who have
FabioFogniniattheMonteCarlo Lajovictrailed3-0and5-1inthe six games left.
and so on

robably more than in any other like the TrackMan, which were using radar Masters on Saturday, showing openingsetbeforegoingthrough
sport, use of technology in golf has technology to track the movement of the club- raresignsofweaknessfiveweeks the gears. MILAN HELD
been significant and has had a posi- head and the flight of the ball. Today, in an before the French Open. MILAN:Bruno Alves grabbed a
tive impact. From the point of view of instant there are almost 30 parameters that The11-timechampion’slossin BARTY PULLS AUS LEVEL point for Parma to put AC
learning the game, it has revolution- can flash on the monitor to tell you various tricky conditions ended a series BRISBANE:Australia and Belarus Milan’s Champions League
ised how the game is learnt, and taught. aspects like club speed, ball speed, launch of 25 consecutive sets won on his shared the spoils on day one of ambitions under pressure
Being a technical game in terms of the angles, distances and so on. favourite clayasFogniniset upa their Fed Cup semi-final in Bris- with a 1-1 draw on Saturday,
mechanics of the golf swing and the motion In fact, it is sometimes almost too much final showdown against Serbian bane Saturday with Ashleigh as 10-man Lazio’s European
thereof, use of technology has enabled information. One can make a change and hit Dusan Lajovic. Barty sweeping past Victoria hopes took a knock with a 2-1
detailed analysis of every movement of each the next shot and get a feedback whether the “Itwasatoughdayandhewas Azarenka while Aryna Sabal- defeat to relegated Chievo.
small part of the body, and the club itself. outcome has changed – rather than go out and adifficultopponent,”saidNadal, enka beat Samantha Stosur. Samu Castillejo came off
When I started learning golf in the mid 80s, hit a hundred balls without knowing! This has who has a 71-5 record in the prin- With the tie evenly poised at the bench after 66 minutes
we were taught the basics of the game and the been another revolution. The feedback is cipality. “I am coming from low 1-1,thereversesinglesonSunday andhadanimmediateimpact
technique of the golf swing which were, of instant. momentsintermsofinjuries,and will be critical, with world No. 9 when he headed in a Suso
course, well known then as well. But learning At no point in the journey, the advent of in terms of the mental side it has Bartyfirstupagainst10thranked cross three minutes later for
was more difficult as one needed to technology is reducing the need for a golf not been easy to accept all the Sabalenkabeforetheveteranduo Milan. Patrick Cutrone had a
spend more time practicing without instructor. In fact, it is even more important things that have been going on. of Stosur and Azarenka face off. goal ruled out for offside but
knowing if the outcome will be as now to go to a professional who can interpret “It was this kind of day that While Belarus are bidding to minutes later Alves snatched
intended. It was more experimen- the detailed analysis and numbers. It is here everything was wrong.” reachthefinalforthesecondtime a point for 14th-placed Parma
tal. Up until now, the analysis that you need expertise to simplify the proc- In windy conditions at the in three attempts, after being with a curling free kick that
was based on an instructor ess for you. Monte Carlo Country Club beaten by the United States in left returning Milan goal-
observing the flight of the Not only is the technology being used in Nadal, who has also won 11 2017,Australiaaretargetingtheir keeper Gianluigi Donna-
ball and inferring what teaching, but it has also significantly French Open titles, was over- first decider in 26 years. rumma helpless.
happened at impact – improved the viewing on television. You may whelmed by Fognini, who It’s been an even longer wait Milan remain fourth on 56
and then making the have noticed how you can follow the flight of enteredcentrecourtwithallguns between titles, with the last of points but Roma are two
necessary changes the ball on TV where a ball tracer line appears blazing. Australia’s seven victories com- points behind in fifth before
and improvements in on the screen. There also appears the distance TheItalianwasonafive-match ing in 1974. France or Romania they play third-placed Inter
the swing. numbers to indicate how far the ball has been losingstreakwhenheenteredthe await this weekend’s winner. Milan at the San Siro later on
Then came the use hit and how far it is to the hole. On the putting tournamentbutFognini’sunpre- “I’msoproudoftheleveloften- Saturday. Atalanta, sixth,
of video cameras, which, green, a line appears to indicate the slope on dictability, added to the weather nis the girls put on today,” said can pull level with Milan on
to my mind, was a game- the green. With these, the viewer can follow conditions, were eventually too Australia captain Alicia Molik. points when they travel to
changer. You could see yourself the game better. muchfortheSpanishworldnum- “It’s a great position we’re in second-placed Napoli Mon-
swinging – by recording and play- In the next article, I will further explain ber two who bowed out on the and we are prepared for a fifth day. “It wasn’t a great per-
ing back – and get a clearer picture how you can use technology to help your golf fourth match point. rubber if necessary. We have a formance,” said Milan coach
of what you were doing and how to games. You will be surprised to know how It was world number 18 Fog- quality doubles pairing.” Gennaro Gattuso. “I
improve. It made understanding accessible and user-friendly these applica- nini’s fourth career win against That combination will see expected to come here and do
and implementation much easier. tions are. Nadal in 15 encounters and his BartyandStosurteamupagainst more. Parma made the most
Next came the launch monitors The author has been a golf professional for over 20 years third on tennis’ slowest surface. Lidziya Marozava and Vera of that free kick with a won-
Nadal had been bidding to Lapko if the tie goes that far. derful goal.”







III, IV, V- Sizes : 270, 360, 400, 500
Sq.Yd., Immediate Payment.
Contact: 7669313555, 8929257666

DLF Crest, Magnolias, Park Place,
La-Lagune, Verandas, Belaire,
Floors, Plots, Suncity, DLF.
Gandhi Properties # 9999186699

DLF CITY-IV 360 Sq.Yds Exclusive

@ 1.50 Lac Per Sq.Yd. Kartar
ILD TRADE Centre Sohna road 9873068888, 874306888
First Floor ready shops for sale
(300 & 500 yd), South City-2 (360 402 Yds Bsmt, Ground First Second
300-1100sft at most reasonable syd) Plots and many more options 5 BHK High End Interior, Swmmng
rates Geetender Gupta 9810273589 Call Ahluwalia Estate consultants Pool, Lift & Home theatre @8.5 Cr
9810417349 9999756083, 9953757550
3931sft in Central Park-2, UNITECH ESCAPE Golf course
Sohna Road, Fully Done up, Best FOR SALE Garden Villa DLF,
Location. # Anil Dua 9811109797 Extn 2072sft 3br + sq , Tower 3 Phase-4, 401 Sq. yard north facing
17th floor @ 1.34cr Geetender plot for sale, Prime Location,
Gupta 9810273589 Call: 9810015383 /9910007886 ROAD FACING shop 434 sqft @ NEW FLOOR DLF-IV 360 Sq.Yds
SOUTH CITY-I, Villa 500, 90 Lac Sec.77, 5000 sqft Showroom N/E & Park Facing, Lift @1.85 Cr
Gr FF, 6BHK, DD, family lounge,
MGF VILLAS For Sale DLF Phase-2 INVEST IN pre-rented appreciable Main extension road. Office 3000, DLF 2 215 Sq.Yds East Facing Lift
gated road, excellent location. Gurgaon 4528 sq ft 5 BHK+2 Servant commercial properties, Budget to 20000/ sqft extension road. & Stilt @1.75 Cr 9873068888,
Idea Homez 9818691113. Room with 3 Car Park Sun Facing 40Lakhs- 10CR, ROI- 6.00%-9.00% Rented Shops, Office. 9810598297 8743068888
3 side Open. Contact: 9910990825 Call at 9911321338/ 9717164024


pair corner@1.20 502y east@1.10,
400y, 360 Park face 270 North 300y
corner 215 also buildup house @plot
rate Scity-1 500,360. 9811162648
DLF CITY-II 400/Builders Flr/4 Bed
/DD/Lift/Stilt/3 Car Parking/ Ready
to Move, 1st/2nd Flr/Terr./ Servant
Qtr./Prime Block (J)/Attractive Price
@3Cr/ Deeparul Estates 9810708621


duplx/simplx 215-300-400-500@1.25
2.95 DLF/S.Lok Southcity, Suncity
Cor,Park mod amenities lift,stiltPrkg PRIME LOCATION Plots
100%PBU 9999234687,9958010255 av'ble for sale near HUDA city
Centre Metro station 180, 240,
360, 500 confirm plots best rate.
Call Golden Bricks: 9015330330

BUY/ SELL Plots, Kothis, Builder

Floors, Shops & Offices (vacant &
rented) in DLF, Sushant Lok, S. City.
Contact Fairdeals (A Real Estate
Consultancy) DLF-I. # 9810014398
DLF ALAMEDA Plots available best
Loc.-250/538/700yd St.-A1, A5, A8,
SUSHANT LOK-1, C-Block, Inde- B2,B3,B4,C2,C3,D2,D4,D1,D8 North/
pendent kothi, 311 sq yards, well East & Park. 58k P.S.yd onwards.
maintained, ready to move in, best Sabharwal 9811196453/9811196843
location, best price, park facing,
immediate sale 9899215980

DLF-IV 270Y East@ 1lac. 360y

East/corner@105k 500y East
/gated@1lac. Sabharwal
9810099171, 9810303098

SOUTH CITY 1 Plot- 240syds

very rare Exclnt loc two side open
for builders on sale also avbl 360
yd South city-1.Verma9810012135 SLOK -1, 300yd Grnd. floor 3 BR
converted 2, Drawing , Dining 700ft, GREENWOOD CITY 360sqyd
fully furnshd well maintained bui-
GURGAON PRE Leased Properties 6 daikin Ac's, very beautiful, Mandir
ldup house av'ble for rent to MNC
MNC / Corporates / Banks / at back, fencing, all branded fit for
high taste, Seeing believing genuine only with bsmnt, 4Bdr, D/D, mod.
Long Leases ROI 5.5% - 7.5%,
Investments Start 1 Crore. APARTMENTS buyer. Contact; 9310004772 kitchen +Pwrback. # 9971990420
# 9810035859 / 9810905407
Tenant Grey Orange Rent 125000/- APARTMENTS FOR Sale on
DLF-IV PLOTS, 270/360yds, Magnolias Lease 9 Years, Security 4 Months, Golf Course Road 3/4BHK Crest, DLF KOTHI 500yd 5bhk beautifully
corner, north fac, gated peaceful Location: NH-8 Gurgaon Reasonable Icon, Westend Heights, Central
Park,Royalton,etc. Serious buyers maintained Top location@Plot Rate.
lane, on 15 mtrs wide rd, next to
Super Mart-1 Mrkt. more plot opt- The Crest Price. Contact: 9910990825
call Ravi Bhatia 9810014353 Plot 500yd ANM North @Max Chq.
SL-1 BLK-A Plot 1000yd @80k & Blk-
ions, Link Properties: 9810523177 LUXURY 1ST floor L-4/5 , DLF-2, B 300@1.35. Millennium 9810112870
300 yds. East facing, 3BHK , Lift, SALE Bestech Park View City-1
ELDECO VILLA 350 Yds. 5BHK Italian Marble , Split AC , Car Park & 4BHK 2400 sqft Sec-48, Emmar
duplex East/Park facing. 500 Yds SQ on Stilt. Peaceful location. Owner Palm Drive 3800 sft 4BHK Sec-66,
Plot in DLF-IV. Kothi 500Yds 5 BHK 9871345678,9811173232,9810371234 Unitech Uniworld City 3BHK Sec-30
Duplex in DLF-II. Many More Housing Solutions (P) Ltd. DLF CITY-III, 500 on main Road / # 9811749966, 8587884884
Options # 97737 05704 Moulsari Avenue / Best Location for
SUSHANT LOK-I Plots 215@1.20k,
300yd/North@1.25k, 400yd/corner
9810090598 Guest House / Commercial / Wide
Road 24 Meter @1.30 P.S. Yard
for Sale. Crnr, Park & North facing
@1.05k,360yd pair plot@1.05k, 418y Deeparul Estates 9811068621 posh,quite,green loc. 715sqyd 11cr
/500yd/ 813yd/ East/ park@ 95k fixed price DLF-1.Parking 7 inside,
sabharwal 9958492130,9810303098 50 outside. Owner 9560009333 CONFIRM PLOTS DLF 4, 500y @
95, 360y @1.35, gated,Cnr,18m, 270y
@1.35 S.Lok 1,418y@85k,300y@1.20,
215y @ 1.35. Builder Floor @1Cr.
Onward 9711557979, 8447261141


sqyrds,18mtr Wide Road, 4BHK,lift,
PARK PLACE 1983ft. 3bhk Park fac Italian Flooring, D/D, AC SQ, 3 Car
higher Flr Max Chq@3.15 & 2702ft 4 Park, Brokers Welcome. Owner
bhk Aravali higher flr full chq@ 4.20 9871345678,9811173232,9810371234
Belaire 4200ft 4bhk Lwr flr Mix Pay-
ment@5.25. Millennium 9990071949 DLF-2: 330 sq.yds. 11 Bedrooms,
Ready to move, Floor wise Building,
air conditioned, modular kitchen,
North East facing, Vaastu perfect,
both side roads. # 9810905407

PLOTS DLF Ph-III 500 syd in

Moulsari Avenue: Also Excellent
Location Park Facing all sizes on
all roads. Call Sumindra Prop-
erties: 9810165528, 9810165532
new 240 Sq. Yds Ultra Luxury
CORNER PARK facing 300 sqyd Builder Floors for Sale 1.85 Cr.
well maintained Kothi for Sale in onwards. NSS Realtor
Sushant lok Ph-1, all ac fitted. 9971990420
for details contact Mr. Jain
# 9810045895
DLF-1 ONE Kanal (502 Sq yds) ARJUN MARG DLF-1, 150 Sq.
PRE-RENTED SHOPS lease Villa on main 24 Mtr Road PLOTS- FLOORS South city-1, 2,
Structure with Full Basement to top brand Haldiram, Bata, Beginning, N/E Facing Excellent S.Lok-,2,3, Rosewood, Vipul World,
Triple Storey Block A-10 Plot Emerald Hills 275,360,450, 500yds,
SHANKAR PROPERTY no. 21. Owner Subhash Swami
Archies, Starbucks etc. Call :-
Golden Bricks 9999333068
Location & Exclusive Deal
NSS Realtor 9810047003 Starting @ 1.40Cr. Stilt, Lift,
SURESH RAO- 9810095652 SUMIT RAO-9810095653 98145-24723, 99888-88852 P.backup 9818144410,8447261141



SUNDAY, A PRIL 21, 2019

5 Acre to 100 Acres 5 Acre to 50 Acres
5 Acre to 100 Acres 5 Acre to 50 Acres
5 Acre to 50 Acres
f&RSFH 8edhg SY EaDSFN

1 Acre to 5 Acres 1 Acre to 5 Acres
TF, New @3Cr, 3BHK Stilt Parking,
SQ,Lift Prime Location. Also Kothi in
East of Kailash, E Block, Park Facing.
A-23, HAUZ Khas - 400 -
Second & Third Floors with
terrace, 4 B/R, D/D, Rajesh
1 Acre to 50 Acres 1 Acre to 10 Acres Call # 7838871114
DEFENCE CLNY price 7.25cr New
9810014771, Amrit 9810019279.

GREEN PARK/ Safdarjung

BEDALDMN HAIC FI CDHEF const Gr. flr 4 Bed's att baths D/Din-
ing loby MOD kitchen poojaroom lift
SQ 4car sep parking vastu perfect
Enclave-200yd /234yd, Ground
Floor, 3BHk, Brand New,
stilt parking, S.Q & Lift.


1 To 200 Acres Personal Property with Sale Deed Near KMP Express Highway.
imm sale call 9811654291 Rajender
Bagh, 375 sq yards Facing Park also
Call# 7838871110

Vasant Vihar 400 sq yards

Confirmed Deal. Salwan

SUKIDJR SIOKFFN HROUP 9810034566, 9810063891

East facing 500 yds, Third floor with
Terrace Private Lift, Pvt. Conceirge,

Nearing completion, Peaceful VASANT VIHAR 400 Yds, New Flr
Location. # 9810805352 @ 7.50 Cr and 600 Yds, Corner, First
DEFENCE COLONY 400 Sq.Yds 3 Floor @ 13.50 Cr also Hauz Khas 260
Side Open North /East/ Park Facing Yds, New Basement+Ground Floor
Booking/ Ready to Shift Basement+ @ 6.50 Cr. Ajay Pathak 9810092264
Ground / First Floor. Genuine Buyers
RFAL FSTATF PVT. LTE. Call 9868145855, 9999645855

f&RSFH 8edhg SY EaDSFN
FARM HOUSE: 1 Acre, 2.5, 5 &
above. 1000,2000Yds. at westend
Green, Vasant Kunj, Sultanpur,
Gadaipur, DLF Chattarpur, Asola.
Ravi Bhatnagar: 9810081507.

9.1010.263 GULMOHAR PARK 500yd crnr 5 ANAND NIKETAN 375 Sq. Yds.,
Beds D/D,park fcng, Bsmt. & GF, Pvt. Second Floor, Front / Side Park,
lift,Pvt conceirge+sunken lawn, sept. North East Facing, Independent
D'way for 5cars,C.C. obtained, Ready Parking. Contact: 9311078311
to move in,2sq.Pradeep 9810113868
Yds., Basement +Ground +First
Floor (Triplex), Brand New, Excel-
A lent Location, Reasonable Price.

ANAND NIKETAN, 385 sq.yds, TF DEFENCE COLONY, Excellent MUST SELL Today: Kailash Colony
4 Beds D/D + Front Terrace also Location, 325yds, Bsmt & Ground 311 Sq Yds, New Const. G.Flr Fully
DLF − SUSHANT LOK 600 sq yards SF 4 bedroom D/D Duplex, Pvt Lift, Pvt. D'way, Vaastu Furnished 3 Beds, D/D, S.Qtr, Lift,
Salwan: 9810062871, 9810063891 Complaint, 7star quality of const, Well Maintained, Sept. Gate for Stilt
Park facing. # 9810805352 Car Park. 9811071544, 9643030990
CHIRAG DELHI 90 Sq.Yds. 2nd
Flr 2 Bedrooms, D/D, Kitchen, 2
Bathroom, Balcony, Scooter Parking
HAUZ KHAS Enclave 500y FF/TF in Stilt, For Sale @ Rs. 35 Lac, Call KOTHI : Shanti Nktn 1200/800/400;
7.10/7.5cr;Ishwar Ngr 600y TF+Terr. Owner: 9818516465, 9910854983 V.Vhr 610/420; M.Bagh 800y 35cr;
9.5cr;G.K-II 1000y SF 15.50cr.Kailash GK-I 1000/300 crnr; Def Col 400/
Colony. 1000y SF 9.5cr; P'sheel park GREATER KAILASH 300Yds 350 crnr; Friends Col (E) 600y 26cr.
GREEN PARK 300yds B’mnt + 600y FF 8cr. SR Prop. 9999996725 B’mnt+GF triplex 4beds D/D loun- Gulmohar 500/300y. 9999996725
GF duplex 4beds d/d lounge ho- OKHLA INDUSTRIAL Area-I, II, III ge Qtr. Separate 3Prkng’s & lift
me theatre gym spa separate lift/ Mohan cooperative sale/rent/rented CR PARK, GF Brand New, 233yds, N/E fcng 7Star Const. Ready Pav-
Plot / Freehold Building. Reasonable 3BR+STDY+SQ, 2 Car Park, Separate Navjeevan Vhr 300, Vasant Vhr 258, 300 yd 3 storied N/E freehold, suits
Pkg Back up CC crnr park fac. Pa- neet 9811036030, 9999926224.
Price. Contact : Manral & Associates Gate @3.45Cr, also Nehru Encl, Hauz khas Encl 430, Friends Col East self users Also; G.Kailash-I Bungalow
vneet 9811036030, 9999926224 200yds, GF, 3BHK, corner,Well main- 225, Aradhana Encl 370, South Ex-II
9810073960, 9899424066 300 yd 6 BHK 4 storied (Duplex) lift.
FOR SALE: Kailash Hill East of
tained@2.10Cr. Call#9999985731. S-56, PANCHSHILLA Park - 500(4.80Cr) Girish Jain 9811044967 Sanjay Malik 9810039071
GREEN PARK 311 Sq Yds T.Flr ANAND NIKETAN D Block 800 - Entire Second Floor, Large GREATER KAILASH-1 (400)
Luxury Flats Kailash 250yard Third Floor+Terrace

In Gurgaon
KOTHI IN D-Block, 250 yd, 5 BHK,
Livable Kothi, Two & half storey,
Prime location in Saket, Demand
with Entire Terrace, Swim Pool,
F.F/S. flr also avail. 7 Star specifi-
cations, with C.C. 2 Car Parkings
inside. Rajat Seth 9810877429
New Kailash Colony 311 yard FF
4Bed, DD parking. Cont: Sonakshi
Prop- 9810371892, 8860600240
brand new 248yd park & North
facing , B+ GF & 3rd+ Terrace
Geetender Gupta 9810273589
4 B/R, D/D, Independent Lift &
Driveway Rajesh 9810014771,
Amrit 9810019279.
Luxury Ground + Basement, First /
Second / Third Floor . 4 Bed -
D/D - Lift - Parking. SDR
9999785858 ,9811352892
@ 10.25cr. Call# 9999297098
DEFENCE COLONY 217yds old F.F. SAKET 300 Yds,N-East fac GF 4BHK
Godrej Frontier A-16/7 VASANT Vihar - 400 OWNER IN Town, 400yd, Kothi in park fac 100 % covered @3.75 cr. TF SQ, Parking, Full Chq; Geetanjali 340 KAILASH COLONY /east of kaila-
Vasant Vihar, park facing, wide +Terr. with lift/pkg@4.60 cr. 325 yds Yds, B+GF 4 BHK, SQ Parking; sh 3/4 B/R,D/D ready/booking,com- 5,000 to 15,000 sq.ft
DLF-I, 500 yds & DLF-II, 400 yds, Park Facing - First Floor with Shivalik 200 Yds, Ready/U.Const, pletion Certificate,Resonable Price.
(s.pool, gym,prsnl office, 5BR Duplex
VRV system, fully Italian marble,N/E
3 BHK, Completion Certificate Rajesh
9810014771, Amrit 9810019279.
road, freehold, Broker Excuse.
Call # 7838871113
SF +lift & 1 fixed pkg @ 6 cr. Dinesh
Luthra 9711201301 Smart Homez. All Floors. 9811461198, 9811191901 New Kothi 125, 160, 200, 300 Yds ON LEASE/SALE
Jha- 9810265234, 9818481406
lift, home theatre, excel. location)-in
both, Vinayak Homes 9811105483
1928 Sq.Ft.
SOM VIHAR Army officers enclave,
Ground Floor available for Sale.
GK-1, 540 sq yds, Green belt
facing, E-Block main road, 1st
Liveable House @ 51CR
opp DPS School RK Puram. Appts 3 villa mini farm plot sale 1200 sy ATUL GUPTA
DESPERATE DEALS DLF 2 99100.58074 BR, also with S.Qtr / furnished. Maj
B-29, Lajpat Nagar-1, New Delhi-
110024. Contact Owner (Ashok) :
floor, 4 BHK, Lift, 2 car pkg, S/Qtr,
well maintained @ 5.75 cr Inner
Jor Bagh 375 Yds corner @ 50
Defence Colony 650 (Pair) @ 51 SALE & Purchase Farm houses, mini 2500 sy 1 acar &new Kothi 1200 sy
5 bed room sale / Vasant Kunj plot / 9999.18.9999
Luxury Brand New Floor 4 BHK Chaman 9811119975, 9811196375 Lata Circle Projects: 9810688074 Aman Bajaj 98100-81588 Farm Houses etc. In All South Delhi.
011-24628583, 9810535666 Kothi 1100 sy call 9910087786
Stilt + Lift 300 Sq. Yrds, DLF-1 270 Chaman 98111719975 9899490903,9811110606
Sq.Yrds 3 BHK Stilt + Lift @1.9.
Call:- Aman Batra # 9811949600
Ext. Rd:Tata Raisina Galicia-3840'
(brand New/Aravali Fac)& Emaar
M Ahuja9810012400,9810719001
2.5 Acre- Ready to Move, 10000 SQ.Ft 1 Acre East Facing, Excellent Location jung Encl.300 Yds @ 17/20 Cr. G.K.1,
A Vastu Perfect. 300 Yds Corner@ 17 Cr. East of
Built up 10000 SQ.Ft Kailash 250 Yds Corner + Park @
1000 Sq.Yds - Ready to Move, 13Cr. Mannoj Sehgal 9990000050
2.5 Acres Built up with excellent
FOR SALE 1790sqft flat in Gur- East facing.
ugram,3BR att. Bathrooms & SQ, plantation.
d/d,crowne tower,Mapsco Royal FOR SALE Prominent Office Space of
ville,sec-82,Gurugram,86lac. Ow-
ner 8800448488-01140230488
1076 Sq.Ft on 2nd Floor of JMD
Pacific Square in Gurgaon opposite
32nd Mile Stone on NH8 Contact 1 Acre East Facing, Square Residential Plot. 1.5 Acre developed farm.
Owner 8769070838, 9413343355
2.5 Acres approved builtup developed farm
1000 Sq.Yd, Old Liveable Villa
East facing 2 side open on 18 Mtr
Floor 890 sft for sale 48 Lakh, Furn-
ished, vacated by Dewan Housing 1.5 Acres 8 Bedrooms Beautiful Landscape VASANT KUNJ GREEN AVENUE HAUZ KHAS Enclave, Gulmohar
Park, Greater Kailash, South Ext.
road near MG Road very premium after 5 years of lease, Mall has Big 1 Acre TO 5 Acres. 3rd + Terrace 250 Yds - 500 Yds
lane. 9891093500, 8448318033 Bazar, Haldiram. Owner 9811082930 North facing. Ready to Move Reasonable Prices.
FLOORS GREENWOOD City 240 “& Many More Exclusive Value Deals Mannoj Sehgal 9990000050
SqYd- Ready to Move, New Luxury TM
3BHK Semi-Furnished with ACs, Stilt
and Lift. In Gated Colony. Call
Honest Farm Deals Since 1998
CHANDIGARH 331/1/2 N.H.-8 Rangpuri, Near Raddisson Hotel
DLF PH-I/II Plots - A2, Q1, Amaltas,
Ashoka (500syd) / Shahtoot, A25
(1022syd) / N2, K9, Akashneem
Marg, Gulmohar Marg (400syd).
Builders in Mohali FSI available for
Sale @900 per Sq.ft for 6 Lacs sq.ft
for Low, High Rise Selling Price
@3100 per Sq.ft Call 8920996046
Expert of delhi farms & land laws with 20 Years Exp.
9811061134 GOLF LINKS 375 Yds, Park facing
Livable House for Confirm Sale,
5 BHK with Front Lawn, Crystal Clear
Title, Quite Location. Suits Self
Users. Raman Saxena 98101-31903



SUNDAY, A PRIL 21, 2019
72 SQ yds builder floor Brand new

exclusive terrc. , east facing, wide
BEST LOCATION in Pitampura,
well maintained, Duplex, facing
1 car parking, Sector 19 Dwarka
Prime location # 99581-95339 TO-LET GOLF COURSE Ext. Rd-Ready
D.V.M. PUBLIC School , Kulesra,
Greater Noida. requires NTT,
road, booking / ready, excellent Green, freehold 186 sq. yd. @ 12 Cr. to move 6000 sft. Brand New Off- PGT-English, Maths, Physics TGT
location. Karandev Duggal (Duggal Cheque payment. # 9811159718.
CENTRAL DELHI ice with 100 Work stns, 4 Cabins, & PRT- English. Email-
Estate) 9873825897, 9350850007 Em: 2 Conference rooms, Cafeteria.
COMMERCIAL OFFICE Space with WEST DELHI SOUTH DELHI owner: 9958444918,9599089652
Pantry & Washroom,367 sq.ft. at Asaf KVN SR. Sec. School Muradnagar
Ali Road opp.Civic Centre, New Delhi OFFICE SPACE 10500 sqft for urgently required TGT & PGT
Suits Small Corporate & Professional. FULLY FURNISHED, Airconditioned VASANT VIHAR C Block Market Lease in Ambience Corporate Tower (All subject). Contact: 9313472404,
Contact: 09810174641, 011-41036296 Office Space 1100 sq.ft. DLF Moti available on lease renovated 1st flr. 9568119211. E-mail -
Nagar. Contact - Sanjay : 9311113246 Gurgaon near Leela Hotel & Rapid
approximately 1400 sq feet with Metro Station on NH-8 Delhi border.
925/650 SQFT Office space pantry two toilets. Suitable for MNC. Contact Owner - 9717125588
for sale @ Vardhman Diamond Salwan 9810063891/ 9810034566 JAIN BHARATI Mrigavati
Plaza DBG Road, Paharganj Vidyalaya, Vallabh Smarak Jain
1st floor/ corner/ road facing Mandir Tirth, G.T. Karnal Road,
PAMPOSH ENCLAVE 265 yards (Owner).# 9811157265, 9582543344.
FOR RENT 3 BHK ,fully Furnished Delhi-36 requires: PGT (Physics
apartment, with Servant Quarter & Political Science), TGT (Social
3rd and full terrace. 4brs. Very
AVAILABLE FOR Sale/Lease, 2000sqft for Residence use only Science), Counsellor, Special
wide road. Gk1 225y Ground Floor,
free hold, clear title Showroom in Long Time Agreement C-21 Houz Educator, Physical Education
New, Near Park. Puneet Bhogra
Connaught place 3000 Sqft at Khas Ist Flr Contact: 9910830054 Teacher and Estate Supervisor.
Apply within 7 days. Only

ground floor 1500 Sqft at meznine.
# 7827319017, 9810011667 KAILASH COLONY, 200 Yds, SF shortlisted will be interviewed
DISTRESS SALE Sukhdev Vihar FACTORY / Godown/ Offices/Ware- 3BR, DD fully furnished, 5ACs, Lift, AVAILABLE ON Rent Industrial Ph.: 9319499878, 9319499879
270sqyd Corner 3 Side Open 2nd Flr, MIDDLE CIRCLE, Connaught house in Indl./Coml. at Naraina, Building of 9000 sqft at 771 Udyog Email:,
Place Furnished Office 900 SQ, Ft. Parking for MNCs, foreigners.
3 BHK, N/E facing, Parking, Yr 2000 Mayapuri, Kirti Ngr., Rama Rd., Shi- Vihar-5, Gurgaon across Basement +
area For sale, Prime Location with 8800201945
Construction, (No Lift & Stilt) vaji Marg, Najafgarh Rd. etc. Shivam G + F + S, Near Trident Hotel.
Terrace Rights #9910012626 big Frontage and signage space.
Contact # 9911604832
Prop. 98100-06330, 98731-11900. Contact Owner - 9810036177 ACADEMIC ACADEMIC ACCOUNTS/FINANCE
4 BED Rooms attached Bathrooms 600 SQ. Ft. Ground Floor Available
FARIDABAD Drawing & Dinning Hall on 3rd floor for Ultrasound Clinic/ Physiotherapy WANTED LADIES Staff 1 NTT URG REQ Newly Qlfd CA-strong
MAHARANI BGH 800y B+GF 16cr; with Lift facility at R-846 New Clinic at Old DLF Sector-14, 2 PRT 3 TGT English Hindi Science comm. skills & good k'ledge of GST,
Westend 800y B+GF/ FF; Niti Bagh Rajinder Nagar New Delhi. Gurgaon. Kindly Contact : Captain Computer 4. PGT Comm 5 Recep- FEMA,FTP,IT etc.& Grad. young cand.
800/325y P/F B+GF/TF; P'Sheel park Contact Mr. Gambhir 9810518903. Vikram Yadav # 9899796943 tionist Bal Vikas Public School Block good comm, comp. k'ledge & writing
N-Blk 800y crnr SF 11cr; G.K-I 1000y A3 Paschim Vihar 9711844220. skills.
corner B+GF. SR Prop. 9999996725
NEW 100 & 40 Seats full furni- (316 SQ-FT) Basement Newly
shed Offi. for rent with Conf, Mee-
Built with enough parking space REQ. ACCOUNTS with Admin
RENTED ting, Training, Director Room, Re-
ception,Kirti Ngr,Nr fun cinema &
open & airy with lift Sevices &
2 Stairs cases best for office use in
officer, Sales Executive,
Minimum Exp 2-3yr
FCDB A&ol h )rte H Gurugram Phase-III # 9818520580 GEPL - 45512609, 9818345169.
Metro best rent offer 9821213174
Toi(o A&ol h 2ree H
SAG A&ol h frt0 H DWARKA min.3 years experience working on
h Accounting Software. & Computer
L&giobs& Es(u. 2rp0 H Operator having 2-3 yrs exp.
Tby(fi aig&s Amfir h dry0v)fr00 H COMMERCIAL SPACE For Rent, Contact 9818531531, 9871843198
h Ground Floor, Size 18x26, 468 sq ft,
B&s Sg(ws((n pr20 H Corner Shop, Sector-12, Pocket-5, REQD. EXP. Accountant (Part-
Lumwi.mcx h )er00 H Dwarka. Call: 9871084488. Time) Only Saturdays (4 Days Per
O(ib& Amfi/r h er00 w( u0 H FOR RENT Clean & Green Bldg., on Month) at Connaught Place Knowing
NH-8 # 518 Ph-3, Udyog Vihar, Ggn, Tally (Billing & Accounts), GST, TDS,
Reliance Properties CENTRAL DELHI COMM. OFFICE Space 1000 ft, INC. Tax etc. # Deepak 9818330123
fully furnish, A/C, Pwr Backup, 3rd 21,500 s.ft, Ample Pkg Inside &
Sanjiv: 9810124540 Outside. F.Furn, P/Backup, Lifts,
Flr, Main Rd Kotla Mubarakpur (Opp.
W/Stations. # Owner 9810076776.
NAURANG HOUSE K G Marg. A-Blk. Defence Clny) Suits MNC, Call Must be Member of ICSI. Contact:
Furnished Office. 1 Cabin, 4 Work Centre, CA, IT. Onr 9810199209. Viraj Exports Private Ltd. 7/8,
VASANT VIHAR 400&600Y FF&TF FOR SALE Industrial Shed Stations, Toilet, 357 sq. ft. One Car
with terr.Anand Niketan 250 & 400Y 200 sq.yd. 3 storey at HSIIDC Parking. Reasonable Rent.
DLF − SUSHANT LOK Roop Nagar Delhi-110007. send CV
Ind. Estate, Sec-31 Faridabad B-38, MALCHA Marg, Entire House Email:
B'ment + GF 3rd flr with terr park Contact: Sachdev 9811070908.
face Sarvodaya - 200Y park face 3rd (Opp. 3 road & 2 Green Belt), Rate GF & FF 3 Beds attach bath D/D each REQD. EXP'D Accountant/CA
flr with Terr. Vinayak: 9811036307 upto 1.8 crore # 9911166639, 42 CONNAUGHT PLACE offices for Floor & SF 1 Bed D/D, SQ, Garden, M3M GOLF Estate: 3BHK with good knowledge of TDS & GST.
Rent Statesman 410-3000 Sq Ft Backup. Suits Embassy/Expat. (3000 Sq. Ft.), Golf facing unit. Salary Negotiable. Cont: 1E/22A,
GREATER KAILASH b'ful const FOR SALE Tastefully build Kothi Ambadeep 225-1700 Ft, Antriksh Salwan: 9810062871, 9810034566 DLF Crest:4BHK (3000 Sq. Ft.),
ground floor + bsmt duplex + 5 car No. 535, area 500 in Faridabad 1st floor, Jhandewalan Extn,
225-370 Sq Ft Call: 9810054005 Pool & Club facing unit. Mandate New Delhi-55 # 9811222656
exclusive drivery 4 beds att baths VASANT VIHAR 800Yds Basement Sector 14 thru Bank Auction.
9999412882 Deal. Link Properties-9810423177
D/Dining loby MOD kitchen lift sqtr & Ground with Lawn, 600/400 Yds Call for details Sanjay Sharma RENT NIZAMUDDIN East Luxury
Bungalow 880 Sq. Yds., Garden, URGENT REQ Office/Acc Exec.,
ready to shift 9811654291 Rajender Ground & Basement Brand New, 9810029326 / 9810029386. CONNAUGHT PLACE: Avail. SUp HPNGCGM SPp SGDp SDLNNM Engineering Contractor Co., well
Vasant Vihar 1000 Yds FF also 1200 Lounge Amazing Location READY TO Run Nursery School &
on rent, office 2450 sq.ft. fully 3 / 4 Bedrooms. Suit : MNC / Co. Day Care Fully Furn, Air-Cond., For
oP5enhmir58 C3 F5k-i In/7p a B4gp Un DCSG1 versed in Excel, Admin, Accounts,
Yds FF # 9811333425, 9873333207 furnished in Kailash Bldg. K.G. Marg. CbhS GI5Pace HcaIfS EUi DUdacbgh Data Entry. Sal 12-18K, Exp 2-15Yrs,
GHAZIABAD Contact Owner: 9810067274,
Lease etc. Call : 9650487773 Lease in DLF-II Near Cyber City with
tttpr74.n5d5kre-nnkpenl E-39, B'ment Kalkaji, 9873455567
Imported Play Ware, in Huge
ROHINI : Wanted/ Available Plots 9810928469, 9210835571 2 Acre Park, Ggn. 9953003292
26,32,60mtr in Sec-27,28,29,30,34,
REQ ONE Sr. Accountant M/F exp. 3
FULLY FURNISHED & Air Con- C.R. PARK Prime space for year Shree Sidhi Vinayak Texcolours
35,36, 37,38 Clear Title, Spot Pay- ATM at Market No: 02, crossing. OFFICE SPACE available furn/
dition in Secquance in Gole Mkt semi furn Centrally located Unitech Pvt Ltd. 551 5th floor DLF Tower
ments & also free advice for DDA's Contact: 9990565945, 15 Near Shivaji Marg Moti Nagar
rules. White Properties 9312216538 Measuring 4000 sqft good for Arcadia South City-II & Business
MNC/ Bank #9811073149, 8587918722. Delhi. Cont: 9810158197 Email
Zone, Golf course Ext. Road.
9899994222 8130455009, 9811981825
EAST DELHI JOB ORIENTED, Join 2 month cou-
DEFENCE COL. 325 B+G/ FF 10/ with BAR Licence, Furnished setup rse of GST enable Tally-ERP & taxati-
7.5 cr; Gulmohar 300 crnr P/F B+GF/ FOR SALE/ Rent, Furnished Office, Area 1400 Sq. Ft. First Floor, Prime Ground Floor on Notified Road, FARIDABAD on & online return filling of GST I-Tax
FF 10/ 6.6cr; H.K Encl 500 GF+B/TF 200 sq ft. @ U70, First Floor, main Location at Redial Road, Connaught D-64, Defence Colony. Ultra TDS, Advance Excel at Laxmi Ngr Pil-
9.75/9.25cr;GK-I 300GF+B/TF 5.75cr; road facing,near Laxmi Nagar Metro Place # Cosmos: 9650001896 modern building, 24 hrs AVAILABLE BASEMENT On lar o.35, 9818221209, 8800319388
G.Prk Ext 465 SF 7.25cr 9999996725 station,Vikas Marg, Shakarpur Delhi. Security+Power backup. Owner Rent 6000 Sq.ft. at DLF Industrial
011-24628583, 9810535666. S6dli7 3n6. .5r6l5 V7 URG. REQUIREMENT of 2 Female
Call: Owner 9818648658. CO Working Space- WTC-CP 19K per Estate, Faridabad Haryana. Suitable
seat & Outer Circle 12.5K per seat & for Light Industry /Storage etc. REQ QUAL. Fluent Eng Spk (F) Experienced, Smart for Insurance and
FLOORS, KOTHIES, Shops, Offices ITT Nehru Place 15K per seat/5 to 50 Contact Khan 9810783085 TGT (Eng, Sci, SST, Maths, Hindi)
Accounts office work. Computer &
in (Preet, Surajmal, Vivek, Yojna, Seats with Cabins, Meeting Room etc NITI BAGH 4 Beds D/D SQ, Parking D.Eld, PRT, NTT, Comp, Drg, PET
English knowledge must. Salary best
Rishab, Anand, Hargobind) all Vihars. #43004300, 9873340866 with power Backup also Defence in industry. Contact: 8477010742
Teacher at Giri Intl School 1/15-16,
Pushpanjli, Ramprastha. Cont : Jagriti Colony 3 Beds att. Bath D/D SQ, NOIDA/GREATER NOIDA W.P Nagar, ND-8 Int on 20, 23, 25, 27 EXPERIENCED ACCOUNT-
Property # 8810615176, 9911797629 CHANDNI CHOWK Main Road 2 Parking & Basement with Pantry & April (9:30-11:30am) ANTS required by client of a
Side open 1000-2000 Sq.ft. Space at bath # 9910039101, 9540767113
SALE PRIME East Delhi 300+ sq FF, SF in Comm. Bldg. with running STUDIO APARTMENT : Knowl- Chartered Accountant with require-
yds Well Connected 80ft road. Bank. Best Suited for Bank/MNC/ edge Park 3 - fully furnished with ment in Delhi. Apply with complete
Suitable for Posh Residential/ office/Godown. Owner: 7678692326 A/C, 100% pwr backup, 10th floor, CV at
P'SHEEL PARK 311y B+G+FF+TF Office/ Banks / Clinics Agents double bed, OTG, hot kettle, gyser
7/5.5/7cr. Uday prk 265y corner SF/ excuse. Contact :- 9582814114 etc. Monthly Rent 11K - 9818-888-33 LOCHAN & Co, CA firm Urgently
GF 4.30/3.75cr; Maharani Bagh 220y
PRIME LOCATION, main road, SOUTH DELHI FOR LEASE Independent Industrial
Requires a Qualified Chartered
B+G+FF 5/4.5cr South Ex-II 375y crnr Accountant ,1-8 yrs. of Experience
SF 5.25cr. SR Prop. 9999996725 Jagatpuri, shop cum office for sale, COMMERCIAL / Industrial 43000 Sq Ft Built on 2000 Yds Plot Location Delhi/NCR. Send CV to
170 sq. ft. each floor, L Type, Corner, Plots in Ghaziabad 300+ Sq.Yds, Noida Sector-57, Main Road, 3000
(GF, FF, SF) available individual F’hold w Registry on G.T.Road, Sq Ft Furnished Office. Contact:
floor also. Contact : 9810278811 Near Dilshad Gdn Metro Stn Surendra 9810899361, 9810038660 REQUIRES TWO Male Assistant
# 9313701454, 9910595137. Accountants, Experience: 1-2yrs,
NORTH DELHI FLOORS, KOTHIES, Shops, Off- AVAILABLE FULLY Furnished & Salary up to 8000-10000
ices in Preet, Surajmal, Vivek, Yojna, Airconditioned Office having 60 per month. Contact: 9811648114
Rishabh, Anand Vihar, Hargobind, workstations (Approx 3500 sqft)
Madhuban, Ramprastha, Pushpan- NOIDA/GREATER NOIDA near Metro Station in Sector-2, Noi-
jali. Sanju Anand 9810035490 da. Ring: 9873412658/9871650400. REQ. FRESHER for CA Office
Exp. Account Asst./ Accountant.
FOR SALE 166 Sq. Mts. Duplex Kothi OKHLA PH-I, 1700 yds. 35000 sft. INDUSTRIAL SPACE for rent. Cont: 224 DDA Site-1, New Rajinder
GULMOHAR PRK 300y Ground & WEST DELHI Sector -33 Noida Prime Location New Building @ 50/- Excellent work,
Bmt, Brand New, Exclus Loc, Vastu ample pkg. Also Okhla Ph-III, Indp Hosiery Complex, Noida Ph-2 Nagar. # 8285894446, CV to:
With Basement 3 Room, Ground Extension, FF, GR, Basement, 5000
perfect, Rare opportunity to Buy for + 1st Floor 4rooms D/D Kitchen, Building 28000 sft @ 90/- wide rd,
Professionals Mandate to sell with ample pkg. Sanjeev: 8368757652 sft each, Near Metro Stn., North
SALE / Rent Commercial Flats. Servant Quarter M: 9354107913. facing. #9810360096, 9212329071 URGENTLY REQUIRED CA/
Sharmajee 9910061255, 9810061255 Accountant C-59/3 Wazirpur
Ideally located Opp. Mall, Near SECTOR-92 NOIDA, 250sq mtr COMM / Office Spce avlbl for Lease/
FOR SALE, 3 BHK (New) Builder Janakpuri Metro Stn & Bus Stop. Rent @ Vasant Lok, Vasant Vihar, Industrial Area New Delhi,
Residential plot for sale, Completion Contact-9811630876 Interview-
Floors, FF, SF, TF, Corner, North Area 3500 sft/1200 sft/350 sft certificate, 18 mtr wide road at Prime location.1st Flr , Area-350-
Facing, 220 sqyd, in Tagore Park, # 9718585112, 9871713005 1550 sqft, sittting-9-35 Staff. Call April 20 onwards
Reasonable price, Nr Expressway
Model Town, Delhi @ 2.75 Cr. #7838871119 Unnat Marwah (Owner) 9971556677 REQD PERSON for Accts purpose
Brokers Excuse, Call - 9818075150 REQUIRED 2 floors of 3 Bhk newly should have know. of stock inven-
constructed good location with lift INDUSTRIAL PLOT for sale 1800 VASANT VIHAR, B-8/2, 600 Yds,
Park facing G.Flr, Semi Furnished 4 tory in Tally # Hindustan Abrasives
and parking in Mansrover, P Bagh Sector-58, Noida on 24 mtr Village Nathupur, Near Kundli
(w)Rajouri. Garden, Kirti Ngr, EPN. wide road call: 9711099746 Bed, Drawing/Dining, Lobby, S.Qtr,
Separate Driveway, Prime Location. Border E:
Call 9818411925, 9953280050
FARM HOUSE for Sale in Noida Owner 7017508600, 7895583333 REQ. ARTCLES/ Paid Assistants
KIRTI NAGAR New Deluxe Floor Just 95 Lac Size-2016Yd. Swin. Pool, CHAMBERS AVAIL. For Rent- For Reputed CA Firm Based At
3 BHK, East Fac.wide Front 170 yds Club, Restaurant, 24x7 Security, 10 6, UDAY Park, 2nd Flr, 3 BHK, D/D, Dental, All Specialty/ Dietician / Delhi/ Noida. Contact CA Rajan
SF 1.80cr/ FF 1.90cr & 3rd Floor with Mnts Drive from Delhi, More Than Semi Furn. 6 AC, S.Qtr, Newly Con- Physiotherapist / Counsellor. Loc.: Bansal, B 11, Sector 2, Noida,
roof 2cr ample prkg/lift. No Bargain. 500 Farms Developed. 9810557414. std. Bldg. Lift Stilt Parking. 24 hrs Kalkaji Nr. Govind Puri Metro Stn. 9810186101, 9711154267.
9810053533, 9871128358 Security, N/E Facing, MNC Embassy, Cont : 9999698358.(7am-1pm).
MULTI CUISINE 10500 sq. Ft. bank, Wkg Prf. Onr 9810199209.
FOOD COURT with famous A+
brands, surrounded by 10,000 FOR RENT Furnished First Floor LAJPAT NGR-II, Approved Comm.
families available for sale in the 3 Bedrooms, Drawing Dining, Lift, fac. Metro stn Gate 2, 1800 sft. LGF,
heart of Noida. T. 9811577333 One Car Parking available for MNC furnd.AC,16 work Stn, Conf. Room,
or Embassy only. Contact: Owner 3meeting Rooms, 2wash Rooms,
NOIDA IT & ITES Plots/ Khanna 9810156510. Pantry,Recpn. Chhabria 9810028525
Buildings size 1000 mtr to 25 B-149 , C.R.Park 160 Yds, Basement SEC-132, ETT Tower, fully furnd
Acres, also Pre Rented Banks & 1000 Sft, Lighted & Fully Ventilated, RETAIL SPACE for Jewellers, Office Space Area 1500-4000sqft
Buildings Rent 3.5 to 60 Lacs Separate Entry with Pantry & Toilet, Brands, Restaurants, Car Showroom For Rent & Sec-2, New Building,
OLD / NEW Rajendra Nagar, Pusa P.M. Sanjiv 9810124540 etc on Ring Road South Extn, Nr. Metro Area 2800-11,000 sqft
Road, N.E.A, Wntd/Available Plots, Ample Parking, Rent 30,000 pm.
Owner 9811317982, 8178849030 Defence Col., Lajpat Nagar & nearby # Manish 7982306104, 9899988567
SHANTI NIKTN 800y B+G/FF/TF; Flrs & Commercial Prop. Ready/
450 SQMTR, Simplex house areas, Mittal Realty 9958766999.
H.K Encl. 1000/670y crnr B+G+FF+ Booking. Immediate Payment. SECTOR-128 NOIDA, Jaypee
TF; V.Vhr 610/400y B+GF+TF; Chirag Cont: R.C Estates : 9873560300 for sale in Sector-51, Noida, 8bhk F-4/10, VASANT Vihar 4 BR's
attached bath, wood work done, Luxury Apartment Fully Equipped green Imperial court, 3750sqft,
Encl. 500y SF 8.25Cr;Gulmohar 500y NEETI BAGH 512 sq yds, exllent loc. 4bhk+4bath+servant room+A/C,
crnr B+GF. SR Prop 9999996725 FOR SALE Punjabi Bagh West. Near by metro station. Kitchen Top Floor with Terrace, park fac. newly built huge 4 BHK,
800 sq.yds New Designer Floor, Call# 7838871119 Lift, N/Park Face, Stilt Prkg, Best 100% power back up, Nr. Express-
fully loaded mod. kitn. lounge, SQ, way. Call# 8447097773
FOR SALE Second & Third Floor 4BHK, Rich specs, 4 balcony, posh Location. Astha Mago: 9873442662.
with lift at M-18, Kalkaji, Plot Area
175 sq.yds, 3 Beds, Drawing/Dining,
location, 60ft road, ready to move.
# 9810870390 to move in sale/rent for Shops/Off. / D-44, HAUZ Khas Newly Built # 9810113868 B'excuse. Stt. L awrence College Jr. Accountant for Delhi NCR
Exp 3 - 5 yrs similar profile
Modular Kitchen, Freehold, North-
East facing. # Owner 9810156510 VIKAS PURI DG2, Park facing
tal Store etc. at Sec. 46 & 48, Noida
with 5 Star Finishing Second Floor,
3 Beds, D/D attached Bath, Lobby, GULMOHAR PARK Spacious Base- of Hr. Educcatioon Apply -
Contact : 9958790023
ROHINI 1981 Allotment Scheme. Freehold Second Floor 2 BHK - DDA with Power backup. Ph. 9205108244 1 S. Qtr, 2 Car Park in Stilt Area. ment for rent, small Pantry & Toilet, Geeta Colony FC, Delhi-31
VASANT VIHAR, 400 sq.yds, Zeqon Buildtech (P) Ltd. Best Deals Flat for Sale near Budhella Market, Contact. 7982519998, 9810365930 newly constructed, plot size 200 sq. “A” Rated B.Ed. College
Third Floor 4 Bedrooms D/D, Entire for your Plots/ Expert Liasioning Prime Location, Reasonable Price. BRAND NEW Kothi available yards. Contact Owner 9871147909.
Terrace, Power Backup, Stilt (Mutation /Possession/ Lease / contact Owner at 7017508600 for Sale in prime sector 310 mtr DEFENCE COLONY D Block prime Email:
App. by NCTE & Delhi Govt. ALB & MA BT NC
Sector-30 and Sector-36; 240 mtr location, commercial Space 335 sq Affiliated to GGSIP Uniersity
Parking.Immediate Sale. Salwan: F'Hold) 9718888224 / 9891272828 E-mail:
9810063891, 9810062871 PUNJABI BAGH East 550 yds Sector-44 and 200 mtr Sector-46. yd, 1900 sq ft, Ground Floor, URG REQ International Call Center in
250 SQ.YD (2250 Sq.Ft) SHIG, Contact: Jai Sethi 9810034940 Available for office / showroom OKHLA ESTATE Ph-III, fully furnd M. 8076521185, 7827616100
Stylist Kothi & 280 yds fully Noida Fluent English Speaking
IMMEDIATE SALE, Lajpat Drawing + 4 Bed + 3 Toilets + furnished Kothi Sale call SK Gupta
GR. NOIDA buy/ sell chi- phi, alpha,
owner # 9527010002, 9810710002 office space with AC & P.bck up area
1500, 2000, 3500 to 50000sft ready
Require Faculties Telecallers,Fres/Exp, Night Shift,
Nagar-3, 200 yds, Tf+Terr, Stilt, Parking + Lift. 1.85CR, Sector-23, 9810744000, 47005519 For all Subjects 1 Post each Salary upto 20,000+Incentive.
Park facing @3.25cr. Also Booking, Rohini. Bisht Properties Pvt. Ltd. beta, gama,delta,s.nagri,P3,omicron to move @75 to 100sqft# Bholanath Contact: 7303258880
mu, xu, sec-2, 3, sigma, eta, & deals GREAETER KAILASH (500) 8377030642, 9312663009. Post Graduate+M.Ed. +NET
200yds, Crnr, Park/N/E Facing. 9650045100, 9999784468 Ground Floor 4 Bedrooms D/D
Call # 9999985731 all type Indl. Noida/Gr.noida Punjab Candidates with Ph.D and REQUIRED SALES executive M/F
Prop 9891008515, 9891007076 Attach Bath quartar Patking for office furniture Showroom. (Ex-
Ready to move, Office/Residence. WALK IN interview for PGT: Maths, experience will be given
N- MARKET Greater Kailash-I, Physics, Phy., Edu. TGT: Eng. PRT: preference. Desirous candidates perience/fresher).Maruti Office Fur-
15 ACRE: Greater Noida, Main Sharma 9811908991 9810166637 Showroom 450 sqft. Approx niture, 82, Furniture Block, Kirti Na-
Road Corner, Adjoining Bennett Eng., NTT at Nav Jeewan Model Sr. may apply on or before 31.05.2019
Ground Floor on Lease. suits Sec. School (Nr Yamuna Vihar) # with recent Photo. Salary as per gar, New Delhi-15 #8130098079/80
University, Company Sale Ideal AVAILABLE FOR Rent Ready to Jewellers,Branded Showroom etc. 9868160917, 9953599905, GGSIPU/HE norms/rules.
for industrial, Warehouse, Move 200 Sq.yds 3BHK 2 Balcony Shukla 9811100620, 9811189491 Principal WANTED : Sales Representative
Manufacturing. Call 9873340866. Resi House 2nd Floor Next to Metro for a company dealing in Food
RAJOURI GARDEN Punjabi Bagh, INDEPENDENT SIMPLEX Kothi St in Sarvapriya Vihar Preferable Co. Chemicals & Ingredients. Suitable
Kirti Nagar Mansarover gdn/Ramesh Lease # Mr. Bhuvnesh 9899305511 candidates with minimum 1-3 years
800-2500 YD nicely built Kothies for sale Sec-47, 112sq mtr, 9bhk+
Nagar Flrs plots kothis factories sale
bath with stilt parking+3floor, CU UC AM experience may apply/send resume
VASANT VIHAR New 620yd & 3-6BHK Flat BD Estate/Civil Lines purchase rental & collaborations. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY C-17, to
Ground Bsmt @15.5, FF 11.5, 400yd & Around/ Deal family settlement 12mtr wide road, North East Facing. SDA Market 1080 Sqft, Opp. IIT Main
Surya Estates 9871291777
3rd +Terr @8.25. Hauz Khas Enclave Deals & do premium Collaboration. Call#7838871119. Gate, 1st Building, main road facing OFFICE SPACE Sec-3, Noida 8000 REQ ENG Mkt Grad, Content Writers
501yd Ground Bsmt @10 & 3rd+ Terr Neelam M.Sc.B.Ed 9873255806 1st Floor, Semi Furnished. Only for for Magazines, Comp-Tally Optrs,
DLF INDUSTRIAL 954 Sqyd RESIDENTIAL PLOT for sale in Sq.ft (F.F+S.F+T.F+4.F) 2000 sq.ft Frm Khanpur & Sangam Vhr for MNC
8.75Cr. 200yd@4.5.Ravi 9818935156 (GF)Free Hold,2 Side, Height 14ft, Sector-122, 162 sqmtr completion Office. Bijay (M)98111-08566/08568 each Floor. Semi. / Fully Furnished, in Sainik Farms, ND.# 9811979599,
Toilets,Nr Moti Ngr Metro,Posess- certificate, one time lease rent paid, Lift. Walking distance from sector-16
ion Aug,Fire Norms, 2 Stair,2 lift, Back side green belt facing,
ALAKNANDA NARMADA Apar Metro Station # 7290033776
tment Ground Floor 3 Bedrooms,
elevation broker wel.9654326991 Call@7838871119
Attach Toilet, Big D/D, Living Room, FULLY FURNISHED N/E facing, FRESHERS REQD. for Publication
Woodwork,Marble flooring,company House 12th, Under-Graduate,
SALE PLOTS / Kothies 112/162mtr. Corner Kothi, FF, Sec-14 for Rent. 3
JANAKPURI, 350YDS, S.Flr. Lease Preferred. Cont: 9810042106. BR, attach bath, DD, M. Kitchen, IGL,
Graduate Can Apply. Sal. 15000/-
with Terrace, 5B/R attach bath & Sector - 11, 26, 47, 50 and 180 / PM, Male/ Female, Age Below
200 mtr. Sector - 26, 40, 41, 52 UDYOG VIHAR, brand new build- RO, W.Machine Fridge, Inverter,Sofa 28Yrs Rajouri Grdn. # 8860421281.
one big room with bath on Terrace, SARITA VIHAR K-138, 3BHK, FF, ing fully furn.40,000 sqf, new inter- D.Table,Parking.Owner:9810007790
Car parking, 3balconies, Freehold. Contact: 9711099996 3 side Corner DDA flat with excellent iors, 1000 work stns, 5 training, 10 REQ. MKTG. & Sales Exec., Computer
Surjeet Singh Duggal # 8851421585. views for imm. Sale/Rent. Value
GEETANJALI ENCLAVE 340yds FOR SALE Industry 800mtr building Meeting rooms, 8 cabins, 200 seater Operator for a leading Undergarment
in sector-58 and 2000mtr Rented for money deal. All Amenities, nr to cafeteria,9958444918,9599089652
10yrs old well maintained Near Park RENTED PROPERTY Golf Course Metro&Market. Owner 95555 65777.
Mfg. Co., 3yrs Sales,well versed
3prkgs + SQ 40% land rights Bsmt + Extn. Road Top Company Area 2000 deal in sector-80 and 800mtr build- skill in English. Contact: 9811856094
Ground Duplex F.F + Stilt prkg Rsnbl sqft Rent 1.40L pm 12 yrs Lease ing in sector-11 & 210mtr in sector-8 FOR RENT Best for Doctors, AVAILABLE ON rent. Four Storey Em:
Price. Mannoj Sehgal 9990000050 with 4 yrs lock in @7.5%. call: Call Mohit Gupta 9810413888 Professionals etc. Area : 600 sq.ft independent building in Udyog Vihar
9990031031 Ph-5, 7000 sq.ft. fully furnished with
REQ. FIELD Boys. Min. 12th pass
Ground Floor adj. Savitri Cinema, with valid driving license. Cont:
POSSESSION OFFERED G.K-II. Contact: Owner Khanna AC, power backup. Nr NH-8. Cont:
JANAKPURI MAIN Road 325 yds 3C Lotus Zing various sizes flats 9810156510. 9811559675, 9811034068.
Regency Impex, 40 Prithviraj
Ist Floor Ready to move Freehold Market, Near Khan Market,
for sale in Tower-1- 2404 & New Delhi. Ph: 9811152642
4Cr. Opp.Commercial District Centre 2405(1528sft) Tower-2&Tower-3 & DEFENCE COLONY, Corner, Fully
Contact Inderjeet 9999165045, many more options. 9560655554 Furnished, 3rd Floor with terrace,
SK Gupta 9810744000 LEADING WEEKLY publication
3B/R Excellent Location, Car Park- Req. Team member for Advertise-
SALE PLOT & kothi 9810321165 ing. Only for MNC, Embassy or Fore- ment Sales ( own conv. must) walk-
DWARKA 300,450M sec116,24M rd.300, 450M igners. Cont. Bhushan # 9811103357. in Intrv. at D-14Nangal Dewat, Vas-
DISTRESS SALE Panch. Park (500) sec 72 P/F, N/E. 300, 450M sec48, ant Kunj 7827190141 /9811620173
P/F, N/E. 450M 24M corner sec144.
B+GF 4br, @11cr Hauz khas (500) FOR SALE Dwarka Sector-7, Acre Gated/ Luxurious 4 BHK 7000 SALES EXECUTIVE with 3yrs exp
TF 4BR +Terrace @7.25cr, Green 1000M school plot sec 1 Gr.Noida
Pocket-2, MIG Flat, Ground Floor, sqft. area with Pool + Gar. +ser. qtrs, req by Auth Dealer of Comm Vehs.
Park Main (400) 4BR @ 6.75cr, 2 Bed Room, 1 Drawing, 2 Toilets, Gen., A/cs. Ideal for Embassies, For- Walk in everyday, 11am-1pm at 806
NFC 3BR @2.75cr# 9810473675 One attach- Call: Dhawan Properties ACCOMMODATION eigners, MNC. Owner 9871272759. Vishal bhawan,95 Nehru Place.7290-
# 9811071554, 9810403430 WANTED 009871,
ONS /Outright Kothi South Delhi BOOK FLAT 250yd N/E crnr Tagore DDA MIG Flat for Sale Sec-2 Pkt-2 MATURE US male wants to live in Vihar 3 Floors,14 B/B &10 staff rooms DESIGNER BUNGALOW for HP AUTHORIZED Dealer
A/B Categories Size 200/250/300 Prk 160yd outram lines. Buy/sell Ko- Dwarka, 2nd flr 2 BHK,D/D,Freehold, quiet veg. homestay for study, long with bath. D/D, Lib., Laundry, Lobby Rent VIP Sec-44, 450sq mtr 6bhk+ Requires Sales Exe., Telecaller
thi/Flat 270-1800yd Model town Gu- Ready to shift, Rd facing, excellent term no steps washer dryer contact on each floor, Terrace with baths, 3 9Bath with BSMT, 2-S.Q, Lift, A/C, (M/F) For SMB/Corporate Sector
Best Reputed Builder Top of Line sided lawns. Can be used as 3 Indpnt
Construction. Rahul 9899215980 jrawal Ashok Vr Outram lines & aro- wooden & marble interior. All dues Mark 100% power back up, Gym, Bar, Contact: 9811231039, Email:
und. Neelam M.Sc.B.Ed 9873255806 paid. Direct party pref. #9811295234 floors/1 single unit. Call: 9810876067 Home theater. Call# 8447097773



SUNDAY, APRIL 21, 2019


EMPLOYMENT NASA SCAN Centre Rohini Requires
Lab Technicians, Typist for
REQD DTP Operator for Annual
Report Typesetting/ Designing. MARUTI SUZUKI
Ultrasound Report, Phlebotomist for G-19, 2nd Floor, Laxmi Nagar,
blood sample collection from Home Delhi, # 9899578245/ 9811344026
9350567792, 9811373473. MARUTI SWIFT Diesel (white)
SALES MARKE ING MEDICAL 2011 For Sale Single hand driven
REQUIRED RESIDENT Doctor ADMINISTRATION/ in good condition. Contact
(Male/Female), Gynecologist, 9953783293, 011-43004300
CONSULTANTS IN Medicine, ENT, TPA Assist, Nurses for Prashanti
Paed & Ortho reqd for OPD/ Indoor. Nursing Home Sector 3 Rohini
Kukreja Hospital Mayur vihar Ph-1 Ph. 9811066419, 011-43073840 REPUTED FIRM for Chartered SUV/MUV
Delhi 91. Meet prsnly 10am-5pm Accountants requires Office
Dr Rumeet # 9810064867,47 CHAMBER AVAILABLE for Secretary having relevant exp. of at
Doctor's OPD at Shri Vardhman least 5 years, pref. well conversant NISSAN TERRANO 2014 Petrol
Jain Hospital, C-Block, Sector-15, with Computers (English Shorthand Black 44000 Kms In Excellent
Rohini, Delhi-89. Mob: 9310085669 will be an advantage). Apply: Condition For Immediate Sale. Price
G. S. Mathur & Co., A-160, Defence 4.50 Lacs Genuine Buyers Only
colony, N.Delhi-24. # 011-41554880 Contact Ajay 9818448870.
Accountant (Female) at Lekha REQUIRED FOR a Pvt. Ltd.
House 6304/6 lane no 4 Dev Nagar PROD/TECHNICAL Company (Only Males) A. Secretary
Karol Bagh ND-05 # 9811052504, B. Account Asst., B.Com C. Sales GLA 200 Sports Petrol 2018 Mountain
Email: Exec. for Textile Machines, Diploma Grey In Showroom Condition For
in Textile, Exp: 2-5 Years, Salary : SITUATION WANTED Immediate Sale. Price 32 Lacs
14K-20K , D-1/25, IInd Floor, Side Genuine Buyers Only Contact Ajay
Entrance, 28525801 / 9810089280, AVAILABLE ACCOUNTANT for 9818448870.
Email : pending / regular accounts & GST,

DELNET REQS Assistant Adm. &

Membership Officer. The applicants
with min. 15yrs exp. in office admin-
TDS, ITR work. Training facility for
freshers also available.Mr. Kalra:
8860085622, 9910176808
WANTED PART time/on call speci- istration & procedures, with good
alist Drs. Eye,ENT, Ortho, Skin, Child, 2007 Model, DL # 2nd Owner,
written & verbal communication
Gyne, Radiologist, Ayurved & Homeo 19500 KM, Grey Colour, Contact
skills, may apply within 15 days to
gupta dental & multi-speciality poly GENERAL MULTIPLE Owner: 8826700444
Director,Delnet,JNU Campus, Nelson
clinic Call Dr. Gupta - 9811337526 VACANCIES Mandela Road,Vasant Kunj,ND-70 by
post or Email:,
REQ. QLFD & Expd. Radiologist BUSINESS OFFER
REQUIRED 2 Store Keeper in Salary as
(Morning Hours) all modalities. Bawana ind. Area, 6km from per qualifications & experience
Banwari Lal Charitable Trust , 1/1 Rithala Metro, Min Experience ADMISSIONS LUCRATIVE SOUTH Delhi
Rani Jhansi Road, New Delhi-55. Residential Property Projects needs
Ph: 011-23524995, 9810035013
1year, contact 8700-32-5999 EXPORT HOUSE JOBS RECEPTIONIST suitable finance of minimum
10-50 Crs. Partnerships welcome.
WANTED CMO/ Physicians/ RMO REQD. ACCOUNTANTS, Front Guarantee Assured. 8447066820,
Minimum assured 1.2/2.0 to 3.0/1.2 Office Executive, Office Clerk, FEMALE RECEPTIONIST/ Office 9810070190 T&C Apply.
Plus incentive well running hospital excellent in word, excel, for (Khirki) Asst. with excellent English & IT skills
Delhi hospital Bahadurgarh 01276- South Delhi based well established required for an office in Saket. Ph: FRANCHISEE INVITED for
230670/230607, 9811052442 Co. Email: 9654500777 Email: premium food courts in Delhi/ NCR approx. investment 18 to 25 Lacs.
REQ GYNEE Couple/Phy./Anesthe- EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY Only serious investors willing to
sia/Surgeon for 25 Bed Mangalam work from home if you write English REQ 2 Factory Supervisor & 2 invest may contact - 9911406134
Hospital in Dadari G.Noida full furnd language then you earn 50000 to
AC accomo. 9953751622,9350110289 100000 per month 9540605177,
Accountant Tally in Sec-02, Bawana SR. MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITY FOR profitable
REQD. EXPERIENCED Sales Ind. Area, Salary 12K to 17K min
Staff (M/F) for Branded Garments 9811730307 industry start up with low
Experience 1 year, # 9213889779,
Showroom in Paschim Vihar with E: REQ. SUPERVISORS /Mngr. for investment, loan facility & buy
good salary+incentive # 9999112111 WANTED FULL/PART Time HP Petrol Pump, Panchshila Service back possibilities Call: 9810286068 BEAUTY
Reception Experienced in Lab, URG REQ Accts Asstt(M), Mktg Stn., Andrews Ganj, ND., Ex- Service- CHANGE OF NAME MASSAGE PARLOURS
REQ. TERRITORY Sales Executive Lab Technitian , Phlebotomists, Execs(M) & Dispatch person(M), man pref. must be grad. BP to:
touring experience in furnishing / for Pachim Vihar, Call Capital X Ray Min Exp 4-6yr for Rptd mnfg. PROFESSIONAL I, RAJIV Sinha, Son of Late Ram
9911226464, Interview at NSP, Pitampura, Slry
textile/ FMCG required. Company
dealing on allover India basis. Good
REQ. QLFD & Expd. Radiologist
No Bar # 9821398198, 9599928672
Krishna Prasad, R/o H.No. 594,
1st floor, Opp. Unitas Foods Pvt. 5 & 7 STAR nly
Hotel Guegste BOy Edu
salary+incentive.Walk in interview
(Morning Hours) all modalities. REQUIRE FIELD/ Marketing/ House- Sr. Merchandiser, Sr. Pattern ARCHITECT Outsourcing Services by SAS Pvt. Ltd Ltd., Bans Mohalla, Ghitorni, New
or mail Liasioning/ Office/ Environment/ for Pending/regular Accounts, GST, Delhi–30, declare that vide Affidavit
J.R.Fabrics(P) Ltd. 1196/78, Shanti Banwari Lal Charitable Trust , 1/1 Master, Hr Manager, Designer, Trim GST Audit,TDS,ITR. Training@1500PM
Rani Jhansi Road, New Delhi-55. Legal Executives & Account Store Incharge, Finishing Incharge, no. IN-DL75758154208590R dt.
Nagar, Tri Nagar, Delhi-35. Tel: REQD. ASST. Arch./D-man 10 yrs. sa
Body Mas ale Staff
Assistant. Experienced Preferred. Available. 9810633045, 7503033045 18.04.2019, my minor son Raunak
# 011-27382350-53 Ph: 011-23524995, 9810035013 Cutting Master, Com. Emb Incharge, Exp. Admin. / PRO, Field Asst.,
Apply at: Raj, aged 8 years will be known
Decent Fem ervice.
Com. Emb Manager. 5 years Exp. Receptionist, Site Supervisor 10 to 15
Send Resume with Photo by post yrs. Exp. M. No. 9958116155, E-mail:-
MACHINERY/ as Sai Raunak for all official /
REQD. BDM / Marketing for TOP PVT. Banks in Delhi/NCR Req non-official purpose. .S
Publication Industry Corporate 50 M/F Fresher/Exp. Graduates for
Ellora, F23/1, Okhla Ph-II, N.D-20. TOOLS & PLANTS H/H 24Hrs
WE, PALLAVI & Hitesh Gupta
Clients, G-19, 2nd Floor, Laxmi BDR, Backend, Customer Support, FOR SALE Auto Control cable
Nagar, Delhi, #9899578245/ RO/RM. Salary 18k-25k, Age limit HOTEL/RESTAURANT RECRO KARDO is lkg. for Machinery, Sheet Metals, Tool have changed our daughter name
9811344026 21-34yrs for Enquiry #9999650828 Project Architect (1). Exp. 5 yrs. from Riddhi Gupta to Yashvika
Room, Dicasting and Complete
Jr. Architect (1). Exp 2 yrs., plant of Auto Control Cables. Gupta for all purposes, affidavit
REQUIRED A Female Receptionist REQUIRE EXPERIENCE Market- Interior Designer (1). Exp 5 yrs. dated 28-3-2019
ing & Sales Manager / Executive / Contact : 9999666099
MEDICAL and a Accountant with good
Back Office Asst. Accountant For a
skill and fluent in English in I, HIMANSHU Sharma S/o Ishwar
a Reputed Firm in Delhi. Leading Resort Nainital 9873601704
LAB TECH. Sr,Jr., Physian, Gyn, Ped, Email: 9312001704 El : HAIR DRESSING & LOAN/FINANCE Dutt Sharma R/o H. No: 38, Plot No:
SOUTH INDIAN Mssge Center Full
(Old 81) R-Block, 3rd flr, Risabh
Ortho, Dentist, Physio PRO, MBBS
SOUTH INDIAN Reqd for address STAFF IN Gurgaon Restaurant: BEAUTY CULTURE Nagar, Model Town –III, Delhi-9 have Relaxation Body Mssge Service with
Reqd. in Gandhi Ngr nr. Shastri park HOME LOAN 8.6%. LAP 9.7%. changed my name from Himashu Shower Bath by Educated Young
verification in Chennai & Andhra Operating Mngr,Tandoor chef,Indian OD/CC Limit. Loan for School,
metro. 9910117993, 9810117993.
area. Fresher eligible. Probe 15 commi 2, Stewart, Captain, Cashier,
URG. REQD for trained faculties in Sharma to Himanshu Sharma and South Indian Female Staff 24Hrs
Dwarka as 1.Make-Up, Hair & Skin Industry, Restaurants, Hospitals, Himashu Sharma and Himanshu Hotel Home Serv. Call- 8860956872.
GF Padma Tower-II, Rajendra Place Helper. #9873623762, 7827099999, Plot Purchase and Construction
Contact : 9250007007 Email: artist with Good Exp, 2.Tele-Caller/ Sharma both are same and identical
Receptionist cum counsellor 3. Mkt- Loan. Contact: 9810888588 person by vide affidavit Date:
:An executive to handle online sales,
ing Exe. 9891478858/ 8448854455 18/04/2019 at Delhi. LUXURY CALL ONLY
guest queries, basic accounting, I, JAIMINI ARUNBHAI PATEL W/O 5//7 STAR
booking & billing. Applicant should CALL CENTER JOBS DHIRAJ PATEL, R/O RZ 23, Patel HOTE EL GU UEST
have good communication skills in Block, Raghu Nagar, Pankha Road,
English & Hindi and strong computer New Delhi 110045, have changed my Rooyal Class Body
skills. call Mobile:9899053541, apply REQ FEMALE /male tele callers & name to JAIMINI PATEL as per
at: team leader exp/ fresher for Call affidavit dated 18-Apr-2019. Masssage e by Youung
centre fix Salary+good Incntive, 201, Educatted Dece entt
REQ.EXPD (MIN.5YRS) Chef / Reliance Plaza, Sec-4B, Vasundhara,
Assistant Chef (2 posts) in reputed Ghaziabad. 9821528087 Amit oberai Male/Fe ema ale Sttaff
chain / brand of restaurants in India
Pls send your CV. photo ID, copy of
24hrrs. Hootel Service
aadhar card to
Telecallers and Team Leaders. I, RICHA Singh, D/O Mr. Gurbachan ALISHA OBEROI
Singh, R/o 29 Surya Niketan, Opp
WANTED FOR a Guest House in
South Delhi - Front Office Executive,
Fix Salary + 100% Incentives.
Laxmi Nagar # 9310001290. Anand Vihar, Delhi-110092, have lost
my office documents & my TDI Mohali
Executive Assistant, Room Boys. Punjab Residential Villa Booking
Send CV to: or Walk- Receipt Id No.MRV-10022 amount ANSIKA SPECIAL Relaxing n En-
ENGINEER/ In Interview at: B-14, Vasant Marg, HUMAN RESOURCE GET INSTANT loan, We can provide Rs.10 Lacs while coming back home joying full Body Mssge with Indian /
PROD/TECHNICAL Vasant Vihar, New Delhi-110057 On MD, MS,MBBS,M.CH,DM, 20 lakh to 15 cr. If someone need from Karkardooma metro station. Russian/Punjabi Most B'ful High-
22nd, 24th & 26th Apr-19. then contact us immediately. You Finder may contact at
DIPLOMA IN Engineering, compt. REQ EXPERIENCED person who CPS, BDS, BAMS, MBA, PGDM, can get loan in minimum time Class Female Escort 24x7 Full Ser-
B.Tech Admission in India & vice Call- Ansika Sood 9953804779
skills Req by rptd Co. in GGN Walk in REQD. RESTAURANT Manager knows pay roll processing, ESIC and through agent Cont:. 07428151895.
Exp 5-10 Yrs. Exp. Captain, Stewart EPF compliance and compute Abroad Contact: Career Delhi.
everyday,11am-1pm @ 806 Vishal
2 to 5 Yrs. The Curry House, Kataria operator apply: # 9999440560 SECURED/ UNSECURED loan
Bhawan 95NehruPlace 7290009871
Bhatia Global Hospital Chowk, Gurugram. (M) 9717823457, value against property/ Business

Em: oriented/ SME and Corporate/ Agri-
& Endosurgery Institute REQD. B.TECH, BE, Diploma, In MEC BA culture Min. 5cr Max. 500cr @4% to
(NABH & NABL Accredited) Civil Engineering with exp. for taki- PART TIME JOB AC 8% p.a No beforehand charges.
ng exam on All India basis under COMPUTER/IT Email: Ph:
Immediately Required skill training. 9810137575, 93128319- MBBS MD/MS/MDS/BDS +91- 8754728508 T&C apply
JOIN TOP Realestate Firm Part
'A' Grade Fresh/Expd Nurses-10 URG. REQ. Staff for Electronics co.
59, CV: FULL/PART TIME Ethical Time & full Time without Investment Govt./Pvt Colleges NEET/ AIIMS/
Hacker/Robotics/IT/Computer- UG/ PG Expert Tutorial/Guidance.
Physiotherapist-1 (8AM-6PM) office staff, Tally A/C inventory REQ. PRODUCTION Manager for Earn Min 1 Lakh Rs / Month With
Medical Admission-India/Abroad SERVICE AVAILABLE
Automobile Body Fabrication Co. in all kinds of Staff/Trainers required. all kind of training & Infrastructure
305-307-308, Ambica Vihar electronic, quality engineer, PCB Contact:- A-SET: A-7, Sector-7, Call 9868459192 / 9650686983
designer, helper Mayapuri. 87000- Bawal (Haryana) 5 - 8 yrs similar support Contact : 7303393243
Opp. Central School, N.D-87 38372 : experience. # 9958790023 Noida. Ph: 9910203040. GUEST HOUSE We are Service Apply Em: BECOME TEAM Manager &earn up MINIMUM FEES CMS (Allopathy) Provider for Guest House Mainten-
COMPUTER to 70,000+other facilities. Retired, BAMS BUMS BHMS MBBS BNYS DNYS ance. Providing Catering, Caretak-
CNC LATHE Programmer-Cum- OPERATOR BEMS MD BA MA Ph.D BPT ANM GNM ing, Housekeeping etc. If this type of
9810418320 Operator on Fanuc Controller
Housewives & Small Businessman
only. Age between 30-65 Yrs. No DMLT D.Pharma CMO/Council Regis- Guest House Services require-con-
9717050712 (Exp: Min 1-2Yrs.) Rajiv: 9810110476. REQD. COMPUTER Operator (F) investment required. #9999130012 tration Agent Welcome- 7042111699 tact Talented India, # 8447797426,
Macro Scientific Works, B-35/3, G.T. Cont. International Achievers Con- 9830116658, Email: talentedindia@
Karnal Road Indl Area, Delhi-33 ference, F-103, F.F, Vardhman Plaza,,
Blk-B, Mayur Vihar Ph-II, Delhi. #
EARN UPTO 300 pp Computer SERVICES
MANAGER (ADMIN) with 5-10 9811634146, Work No Cancell./No Term. Training
yrs' exp. post graduate/M.B.A., M.Sc. will be provided. ESS H-11, South
/Chemistry with 2 years' required in REQ. COMPUTER Optr. Cum Extension-1 Delhi. Contact
private Ltd Co. based at Delhi. Typist min. 5 yrs exp. in a CA Firm at 9717808749 ASTROLOGY
Send CV on Jagdish Chand & Co., CAs H-20,
42 years, 42 seater fine dining Res-
REQUIRED SERVICE Manager, LGF, Green Park (Main), ND-16 E: EARN 44000PM by doing typng NADI ASTROLOGY Guruji-B. Raju, taurant in Central Delhi busy market # 011-26533626 work @Home. Hudson Solutions, 84 Services in Delhi from last 20 years. with full centralised A/C plant/silent
Service Advisor & Floor Supervisor GTB Ngr, Mtr Stn Gate No.3, nr DU. Give your Thumb impression and
for vehicle repair workshop generator with more than 10000
#9818346614, 011 47002640 know your total life future. Contact: customers and all setup for sale.
Apply - WEB DEVELOPER 9968508239, 011-29817280. call 9899522722, 9625644637.
Contact: 9958790023
Executive-3, Account Executive-3, onics, Engineers Graduate /Diploma their e-commerce web-site having ing With Learning. all Housewifes / South Delhi's most premium
Experience : 2+years, 15-30k PM. for Mfg. & Sales, with conveyance exp in selling products online. Also Retd Persons/self employed without location. Investor or Partner
Rajdhani Park. Cont : 9899996505, prefd. Walk-in Anergy Instruments req. Astt. Accountant. Send CV: any investment. Age-25 to 68 yrs. MOSQUITOES DEEMAK Cockro- can also approach.
Email: Pvt. Ltd., 40, Sec 27A, Faridabad. (M) 9811295207 Contact: 7678366019, 9711918419. aches etc. 9811197980, 9810140134 Ph 9310010404






PQM4 SLIM B'ful Bram. girl 5'3",
86 PG Graphic Designer &
Jul'82/5'2", MCA girl working MNC,
PQM4 NM Well Stld PB Khatri
Delhi b'sd 39/164 Slim, B'ful,
Doctor Psychiatrist Girl Oct'87/5'3" of
SM FOR well educated 86 born
5'3" Rajput girl Masters in
Consultant, sunita_kaushal2000@ 17.8 LPA. Ph No.: 9560272998, Convent Edu. M.Phil, LLB girl, I'less
(M.Div) Diabetic # 7982424315,
High status Punjabi Business family. Software Engineering in US., 99151-06412. 9810074189, 0120- 4262124. Contact: 8126279566, Email: Email:
Email: What's app +12124707175

ARORA PQM4 B'FUL, 1990/5'5", Non-Mglk

girl, MBA-Fin. from UK belongs to a
VERY FAIR, Charming, Convented
MBA 23/5'6" Punjabi girl of affluent
Businessclass family Req Qualified
MD/MS/DM/ MCH M4 V.b'ful
brilliant Brahmin girl Veg. 28/ 5'6"
MANGLIK Sach Jahan
SM 4 Smart,V.Fair, Mglk,Arora Pb.girl simple, cltrd & high status Pb. Sikh Settled Businessman / Industrialist Doing MS Optha Del, Sr.Govt. Doctor

G C B B M S WA N T E D 34/5',presently homely, 3yrs Diploma

in Electronics. Mild depressed as she
family. Any Cast # 09810352690,
boy of Delhi. Con: 9818693151 fmly. Delhi/NCR Pref, Whatsapp Bio
& Pic # 9717630527, 9891356668.
Mnglk Rajak Rajput Girl, 30+LPA;
Sachcha Rishta Wahan!
wants Caring & Religious boy stld in WELL SETTLED SM4 PB Khatri N/M 5'6", 8-oct-90, 7:39 AM, Delhi,
Delhi. Call/ Whatsapp : 9999657257 SM 4 Manglik Punjabi fair and bful fair slim girl 5'2" 18/7/86 Del/ PQM4 DR. (Sr. Pediatrician) #9810476472, #9872433958, JVS
beautiful girl 5'2'' 9-11-1981, 9:36am,MSc (IT) working (SWE) MNC MBBS, MD/ Garg/ Fair/ B'ful Girl/ ZTUS4221
AGARWAL BRAHMIN S.DEL BSD Punjabi Ar. Bus.Fmly. MPT, issueless legally divorcee IT Co. 10LPA whatsapp-9999920488 5'3"/ 25.11.90/ Delhi.
Invite Alliance for there B'ful, working as a Manager # Email: # 9810175199, 9871286720 SUITABLE DELITE match for
Fair,Well edu daughter wrkg in MNC 8368471526 / 9873912426 E-mail: Punjabi Manglik B'ful girl
PQM 4 NM B'ful Agrwal CA girl, 36/ TYAGI SUITABLE Match reqd for 25/10/1984,Ht. 5'1. Cont: 9818782322, PB GRADUATE/ 35, 5'3, I'less / 22.6.90/11.09AM/ Delhi 5'1"
5'3" working Gurgaon.Seeks status fair looking Tyagi girl, June 88/ 5'4" Div. Wrkg off Asst in Central MCA non- working. Email:
Family & Edu Settled boy. Contact: 3-yr textile dip/ wrkg. Pref qualfd SM 4 slim fair 26/5'3.5" S.Delhi based Govt on Contract basis. Bro.
service class/settled business. girl PGDM from Pearl Academy wkg Central Govt. Officer. Email:
9810140122 Email:
M. 9868137676, 9013012636. as Asst. Mgr. with Global Footwear KHATRI brand Ggn.Father B'nesman, Mother
GAUR BRAHMIN Parents seeking Govt Job.#9810241998/9810368294 SM4 PBI Khatri,V.fair,b'ful,convent
SM4 DEC 92 born, 5'2" BCA MCA Self match for 27/5'-4" Fair, Slim, PQM 4 V.Bful 5'7", B.Tech, MBA NCR edu., Del bsd family, April 90 born/
Empl. fair, NM only child, father CA. Beautiful daughter Software Engg. based Punjabi, Non Manglik girl, SM 4 Punjabi Khatri Suri,Beautiful girl 5'5'' Masters from NZ, presently wkg
Service/businss. class. in MNC. Contact (M)-8979313901, 23.08.89/Ghaziabad, Wrkg with 5'4",14.10.90/00:05AM/Delhi,wrking in Big 4 in Banglore. M: 9820948151.
7060021120 BIG4 MNC Gurgaon (17LPA), Whats- Graduate in Spanish & English (Hons.)
M - 9412234725, 9759007346
apps- 9811241043, 9873816309 Father-Business man. # 9810823855
Email: PROF QLFD /CA for CA Girl 31yrs,17
PQM 4 NM Punjabi Khatri Girl Jan 88, 5:19am,5'2" Delhi based, wkg
28.11.89, 3.35 am, Panchkula Big4 MNC 18Lpa, JS ID - ZZXY4215,
BEAUTIFUL SLIM Fair Gupta (Haryana), 5'4", B.Tech, Wkg SM 4 b'ful Non Mglk Arora girl 5'6"/
Girl 32 / 5'2" Wrkg. as Medical MNC Gurgaon, 8.5 Lpa. Call 27.5.89/4.25 am/90 Kg/ Delhi, Conv.
Send profile what's up 9999252180
Email -
100% Aadhaar / PAN / Driving Licence
Professional in Govt. Hospital, Edu. BE Sr. S/w Engr in Ggn. 9 LPA.
Australia Citizen, Visiting India
9888914409, 9463562549
Seeks PQ/b'ness boy. # 9811390091. SM4 B'FUL, Fair, 5'3" Punjabi girl
Passport Verified Profiles ONLY
in April. Call: 9999960136 KHATRI SIKH March 90 born, very Email: NM, B.A., Homely, 9.15 pm 11 Aug,
beautiful, slim, 5 feet, smart MBA girl.
Looks very young, working MNC in
92 Faridabad seeks well settled boy
in FBD/Delhi/NCR # 9319709239
Call Now : 8383099372
SM 4 fair b'ful Jain Ans Mglk girl 5'2"/ Gugaon. Belongs to reputed South Email:
6.9.84/10:19 PM/ Meerut, M.Sc (DU), Delhi based family. Father ex-Army
wkg Noida 8.77 LPA, Edu. Middle cls now senior bureaucrat in Govt. and STATUS PB fmly seeks w.setld prof
fmly/ Pref. from NCR. # 8126653812 mother teacher in Modern School, M4 their b'ful,talented girl 6/1/1990 MEDICO/IIT/IIM MATCH for OTHER REMARRIAGE
Em: Vasant Vihar, N.D. Looking for settled 5'4" textile Dsgnr, wrkg in Biba. Fthr Punjabi khatri Hindu, pretty, fair,
professional/business handsome boy, AGM in SBI, Mthr PGT. # 9911142010 slim MD girl, 1986/5'3'', SR premier MA B.ED girl 35/ 5'6" 13.3.84,
caste no bar. Contact : 9711865969 Email: Institute. Doctors family. Whatsapp DELHI BASED Jain, 28/5'5",
3:2 am siwan Hindu, OBC, Del/ NCR
B'FUL & Slim Girl, NonMnglk, 29/5'4", 9646624870
seeks. w stld / Qlfd boy. Cast no smart, B.Com, Divorcee, No
Aircraft Engg, MBA, Wkg in Airlines at
WELL SETTLED Delhi based M4 SUITABLE MATCH for Beautiful PB PQM 4 PB Khatri Fair Girl 4.7.88, bar. SC/ST no aply 8750057648: Child. Caste no bar. E-mail:
GGN, Looking for Suitable Salary class Girl July 80/5'3", PGDBA/ Eco. (Hons.) 4.10PM Delhi 5'2 1/2" MBA (HR) MD/ MS /DM Match 4 Pb Khatri 5'4" PQM FOR Manglik. Goel Girl, DOB: 09-
boy. Mob-9313903492 / 9999412435, Veg, aadi, Vatsa, GB, Teacher in 09-1988 (3.30 pm) Delhi. 5'1" /
Delhi MNC/12.3 LPA/ Working as a From SMU. Try for Job. Only non V.fair, V.beautiful, homely girl 6.2.91
Email : Govt Aided School,10/9/89,7:45 am smoker/drinker # 9650250785, B.Tech, 20 Lac PA, Working MNC
Delhi/5'3.5"/63,000 # 9213-892744, Lead Manager. Contact: 9818705550 4:04 AM/ Delhi, doing MD Anaesth. Pune. Contact : # 9811293814, E-mail:
Email: Email: Delhi bds Medico fmly. # 9312415133
Whatsapp 9654556950
REQD PROF. Qualified Match for PQM 4 PB B'ful fair slim veg girl,5'4"/ FAIR,HINDU- PNJB GIRL with MA
very fair slim b'ful sharp features PQM4 BRAHMIN. Manglik 4.9.91,B.Tech,Wkg in MNC as Sr. S/W Fashion from LCF, London.32/ 5ft/
5.2'/27yrs Girl B.Tech Delhi wkg in Aug'90/5'7" Delhi M.Sc Wkng as Sr.
Engr.11.72Lpa,khatri hormone Prblm 47kg Wkg on Fashion B'ness. Seeks HINDU
MNC, package@40Lpa B’ness family SW Engineer. Send BHP to
Del bsd fmly.Prfrs Ttlr IT/Govt. Serv. tall, Edu., boy hailed frm Rptd B'ness NRI
frm Delhi. Whatsapp 9810109817 8368349827 or Email to: Fmly. Caste compatible(Arora's) &
Email: docsinghals@ well stld C'ltrd dcnt boy 9810371889
Well Settled. Cont : 9988862422 B.TECH, MBA, convt edu, bful,
SM FOR Pbi Arora girl with Indian Saxena girl 27/170 wrkg MNC GGN
SUITABLE MATCH for Brahmin PQM4 PB Khatri Homely Girl 5'2"/ 3- values based in uk.18-2-82 fair, seeks tall well settled PQSM M:
11-88/ 7:25 am/ Durg, Chattisgarh, BUSINESS FAMILY of South Delhi, bful,professionally qualified.Living 9871138080, 9412998766. Send BHP
EDUCTD WELL estd bus./indus- girl Age-32 years, height-5'5", GNIIT, BSc(IT), Caste no bar. S.Delhi Seeks alliance for daughter, Non- with parents.Ht 5'5. Looking for at
trialist match for MBA, 29yr/5'5", M.Sc. Physics Ph.D, Asst. Professor based. W'app/Cont: 9811613259, Manglik, 30 yrs, 5'1", Slim, Good
Ph: 9811588529, 9811588549. professional boy from status family.
b'ful smart, cultrd aggarwal girl. Email: Looking, Well educated and Cultured. Email: ALLIANCE FOR Rajput beautiful &
Father industrialist 9362233556 Email: Caste no bar. Contact : 9871799839 0044 7779 923855 fair Girl 31/5'7" LL B (5 Yrs) NLU, 26
Email: Email:
PQSM FOR Delhi based Brahmin LPA, US Consulting, Gurgaon, Father
Girl 5'3"/ 90 MA(Eng) B.Ed non
SIKH PROF. QLFD. well Stld Match for SM4 B'FUL Sikh girl US Citizen 43/ CMD CPSU, Rajput, Bhumihar,
Kayastha, Agrawal welcome. Vinod
COMPANY SECRETARY, LLB wkg boy should well settled from Pretty, Slim girl MA, B.Ed wkg as 5'3" divorcee (daughter 11yrs) highly
Singh, 9650922231,
29/5'3" Garg Beautiful Working Brahmin/ Khatri family Contact - GURSIKH , Qualified,Stld,Business- Eng Teacher in Rptd School 5'2"/ qualified, managment cadre job in
Girl. Business Calibre & Smart. 9711139420, 9831156676. man boy of status fmly Req. for Very 23.3.90/7:27pm/Delhi PB KH fmly, US. Caste no bar # 9899373333
Professional/ NRI Match. Father Fair,Charming,Convented,Graduate
Senior Corporate Executive from .A WELL established family inviting 28/5'6" working girl of Businessclass MATCH FOR beautiful 5'3½"/30 yrs
IIT based Delhi/ Mumbai. Brother proposal for their b'ful, cultured,very status family. Contact : 9810286091 MA B.ed slim Hindu (Passi)
Engineer from BITS. Good Marriage. fair, highly qualified daughter (1983 Delhi based girl. Caste No Bar.
MATCH FOR Punjabi Arora fair Mob. No: 9810260622, 9650302418.
WhatsApp: 93548 32667 Email: born).Seeks a well Edu. boy form a SIKH KHATRI girl, 5'4", 27, M.Sc, slim 5'2"/ 1976 Delhi Central Govt business fmly or a prof.# 9810405553 working as Assistant Manager in Girl MA M.Lib 12 LPA (looks 32)
Public Sector Bank Chandigarh.
never married Mobile-8851424890 JAT
SUITABLE MATCH for Beautiful ACADEMICIAN FOR Kapoor, Phd. S/M REQ for V.b'ful High Status
1989 Born/5'1" Ramgarhia Sikh 5'6" Sep 96 Jat Girl. Pref High
Maths, Asst. Prof. Guest Faculty DU,
Working Girl MBA. Contact:
8826261515, 9711106569. UGC/ NET, Grad JMC, PG Hansraj,
17.04.88/10:04 am/ND/Manglik 5'6"
status family. Tel: 9871591853 B C I D E S WA N T E D
9958429444/ E:
SM4 MATHUR Manglik b'ful working H'SOME FAIR slim well PQM 4 Aggarwal Boy, B.Tech(IIT)+
girl, Dec 1984/ 5'4", MA (English) established Aggarwal boy, MBA (IIM),July-1988/5'10'',wkg MNC
Contact: 9818033746 whatsapp: 30 Yrs, 5'8", Seeks beautiful and 40 LPA,Father settled
8800199628 Email :- slim girl. # 9811788214 Email: family. # 9971381695, 9205760208, Email :

SM4 FAIR,B'FUL 33Yrs/5'4" SAXENA APR 88/5'2"/M.A, M Phil,

Phd (Pur.)Asst Lect. D.U.Seeks profil. HANDSOME, 5'8" 14/05/90 Rastogi PQSM AGG. CA, 24yrs., 5'10"
DIVORCEE/WIDOW Divorcee Jatsikh-Girl(P.G-History)
Qlfd/ Govt./MNC wrkg Kayastha boy MD(Medicine) Boy. Working as SR, Manglik, Own Practice 2 yrs.
CANADIAN-CITIZEN, Looking for Belongs to South Delhi based reputed Ph.: 9810300291, 9810800291,
Jatsikh-Boy Settled in USA. pref Delhi NCR. send BHP #9871445-
SEEKING WELL educated settled 265, Em: family of Doctors. Looking for Smart, Email:
+91-7626931525, +1-7783785365 Professional Girl, Preferably MD/MS
alliance from respectable family
BORN AT Chandigarh 1.55pm / 3 July ALLIANCE INVITED from well for 39/5'3" working fair educated NIGAM FAIR and Beautiful or CA. E-m:
B.TECH CS 5'9"/ 29 H'some NM
89 / 5'4" Convent Educaed, stld broad minded, Engr/ MBA/ IT/ cultured girl. Issueless divorcee. NRI/ WILLING to sttle Canada for Girl/ Feb. 92, 5'2"/ B.Sc. Mass Agg. boy, wkg. MNC GGN, 27Lpa,
Commerce Graduate Garg Girl Doctor/ B’nessman from affluent, Email: Canadian PR Prof qlfd Pb Khatri Communication/ Pers. B.Ed./ Delhi SM 4 Mittal Boy 17.1.87, 6am,
pursuing Art of Paintings. Seeking Edu fmly with cosmopolitan values PROFESSIONALLY QM for Sikh, Sch. DPS Delhi. Edu. Engg. Fmly,
girl Sep. '89/5'1". Girl visiting Delhi Based. Contact: 9953290621, Mumbai, 5'7", B.Com, Builders in Kothi South Delhi, father own bussi.
alliance, Caste no bar. Decent for b’ful, smart, post grad girl, upper 31/5'6", B'ful girl MBA, MNC Wrkng SM4 PB Khatri, Non Manglik 74/5' soon. 9818180507, 9811389666.
H'some Salary, Delhi Sttld Educated 8750067291 GGN, Res. Pitampura, Delhi. Caste # 8920868138,
Marriage. Contact : 9876594856 middle class, Edu. fmly (father ben- 6" Divorcee issueless well convent Email:
gali, mother kashmiri Pandit), 27yr/ family. Seeks Employed/ Well Settled no Bar. 8285081883, 7042323058.
boy. Mob/WhatsApp: 9650990171 educated, Self Employed Girl, Caste SM4, KAYASTHA B'ful Girl, Age 30/
AGARWAL GARG Girl Nov 91 / 163cm/7.8 lakhs PA Sr. Mgr in no bar. Cont. 9811815993, Email: SM4 AGGARWAL boy 30, 5'9,
Delhi / 14:24 /167, Eco (H) Del / MBA 5'6"/ CA Final & Working, Unable to BBA(IP) & MBA(Amity), Reputed
Gurgaon. Caste no bar. Em: conceive due to congenital absence of
HR XLRI, MGR in Big4, 30 L + / SM4 B'FUL Slim Khatri convt Edu. SM4 BANSAL H'some Boy 5'8" / Business class family, R/o
location Mumbai, educated well Girl 25/5'6"/ Asst Prof in DU seeks uterus. Divorcee/Widower accepted
PQM FOR Delhi Based beautiful fair Caste No Bar. Contact 9456211600. 8.04.86 /Ph.D, Scientist Fellow at Punjabi Bagh, 8448171549
placed family. Seek equally qualified Well Edu/wrkg/ND Gursikh boy from girl.DOB 15.2.79 / ht. 5"9" , MBA , CSIR - CEERI , Pilani . Pref. B'ful E:
and employed match. Call / whats Del based reputed fmly#8587949417 Qualified Girl. Contact No:
GAUR BRAHMIN Anshik Manglik Em:-
professional . Father Retired. Mech.
app: 9899303383, Email: Eng. seeks educated liberal minded 9839289797,9670455999
wheatish slim 27/ 5'4"/ 1992/ MBA SAINI
12 Lacs, Parent Govt. Employee. TURBAND SIKH match for our
well settled suitable match in early BISA AGARWAL
respectable family. M: 9717822344. 40's . E SM4 GARG Boy 20.09.1981,06.30 am
SM 4 b'ful fair slim Gupta Vaish Email:
daughter 5'4" April 93 , Graduate & with photo. Caste no bar. CANADA PR girl,B.Tech(IT), 04.11.92,
girl 36/ 155 M.Sc. Chem. M.Ed. photography course, world wide / Gurgaon / 5.5" / 10 Lpa. LLB .Seeks
traveled, match from status business
1:17am,Delhi,5'4",Saini gotra Nanua & Homely NCR Gril Cast no Bar, cont SINGHAL GOTRA Boy 17.2.1990 /
M.Phil doing PhD Chem. Email: H'SOME, PQM for Fair, B'ful, 5'4", 37 YRS Sikh(F), Looks much Younger Togar.Contact after proper horoscope 8588896037/ 9953764837 Email : 9.31am Delhi / 5'7" Non-Manglik family & Abroad (Coordinator 06.06.84/ 00.40hrs/ Delhi, Graduate Divorced Medico, DNB,25LPA,1yrs matchmaking for Gun,Kundli,Dosh etc Wheatish, B.Com, Pvt. Job, 18LPA,
GURGAON BASED pls excuse) Contact. 8383955335 in HM, Working MNC, 9 LPA. Father & son,L'king for a Medico/Profess. 9910239787, Em: Own House. Required Homely Girl.
(INDUSTRIALIST/ SERVICE) Boy REPUTED Email: Mother Senior Retired Officers from Settled, Groom below 40yrs. Pre- Contact : 9999677682. email :
Required For High Status Industrial GOI. Email: ferred in Delhi -NCR Upper Caste. SAINI GIRL, 29/5'4" B-Tech, DBM SM 4 Garg boy,V.fair, 5'9", 16.03.1990
Family Girl Working In MNC 22/03/87,
08:50AM, Panipat Haryana, 5'6"
BRAHMIN FAMILY SM4 SAINI SIKH GIRL 5'3" 88 working in MNC @ mid-management (12:40pm) Delhi,12 LPA, B.Tech (ECE),
SEEKS Convent, BSc Nursng MSc Food Delhi level is looking for a Hindu Saini boy MBA, MNC Gurgaon Seeking wrkg girl
B.Tech, Govt 8LPA Issueless Divorcee SM4 B'FUL Sikh girl US Citizen 43/ aged 28-32, Ph. 9896725930, frm Delhi/NCR,Haryana. 9717787667 SM FOR Aggarwal boy height 5' 9,fair
7494887845. SM4 THEIR FAIR, SMART 9417639897 5'3" divorcee (daughter 11yrs) highly Email: colour 32 years old Goyal Gotra Non
qualified, managment cadre job in Manglik B. Tech from D.C.E. college
PQM FOR Beautiful V.Fair girl, MBA, CONVENT EDU. MBBS (HCMS) Delhi 'working in MNC co.Jakarta
PQM 4 Del Bsd Tonk Kshatriya Sikh US. Caste no bar # 9899373333 MATCH 4 H'some Delhite Bansal
Wrkng Noida, Goel NM, 5ft/ 05-03-89.
Father Retd. AGM PSU. Status family.
GIRL, 27 YEARS, 5’6”, Girl 39/ 5'4", Never Married (looks VAISH Boy 23/5'6" BBA from Amity/Singa-
Cont. only whatsup : 9999189298

Cont : 9810979021, Email: NON-MANGLIK young), CA, wkg Top Global IT MNC.
PQM 4 B'ful Girl Div issue with 1 kid WANTED WELL settled NRI (Doc- pore/UK/Australia, Highly Qlfd Busi-
Caste no bar. Call: 9717657740 tor or Business man), tall match for ness fmly,involve in family Business. SM4 NM fair smart 32/5'7"/BE,MBA
boy 12yrs,14-02-1983/5'5", 05.12 am, SM4 VAISH 5'4"/7.2.89/00.36(Noida)
MEDICO/ Email:
birth-Delhi,Pref no bar,NRI, 25 LPA
Panjabi Kamboj Sikh, smart,
/A. Mglik, Fair, slim,Master in Global
Email: boy working in reputed MNC in GGN
15.7+LPA. South Delhi bsd Reptd fmly.
beautiful convent educated girl, 26
BISA AGARWAL IAS,IPS,IRS/MBA/ Bus &Ser Both Suitable 9818687070 yrs, Height 5'-9½", Doctor, MBBS Buss, Wkg asMgr, Telematics GGN, Parents doctors. Contact 9810116641
PUNJABI Em: Father CA, own Buss.Noida 98112- WANTED NON wkg / tchr Homely Email :
WELL ESTABLISHED & from India and Masters in Embryo-
02719, girl from Delhi-Ncr for 77 born 5'8",
QUALIFIED BUSINESS BOY logy and Reproductive Technology
SPM4 PROGRESSIVE Garg (NM) from London UK, belonging to a NM fair H'some self emplyd MCA
CONTACT: DOCTOR 11.5 LPA. Simple mrg. Send Photo
girl 5'4''/27.5.91/ 5:17 AM
/B.Tech/MBA / wkg HSBC(GGN) 9958445533, 9958225533
status family from Tricity
(Chandigarh). Father Retired Officer,
/Business Family of NCR/ Email: Email: REQUIRED MATHUR Medico P.G. having urban and Rural property. pfr D.M, M.C.H good looking Boy for Only Brother MBBS preparing for
SUNNI MUSLIM beautiful girl 24/ SM4 JAIN Boy T.T. Own House Buss. PROF. QLFD Match for 29 yrs/ 5'6"
a Pretty looking fair Mathur Medico Masters. Upper Caste No bar. 5.7"/ BA (Eng.Lit) PO in Bank at (Wholesale electrical goods) East Dli, MBA working in New Zealand. Delhi
WANTED GROOM for Kaushik MD( Pedia) 27 years 5ft 4'. Very Contact: Mobile 7009131245. Email: 6.03.78/5'6"/8pm Dli,Qual.High Schol Family seeks working girl/ studying
JAT SIKH Brahmin girl, 21/01/1990,12:28 pm, Rptd fmly. 8171904004, with Bio
Lucknow. Reply with biodata & photo.
Seeks homely Girl.CNB #9810683409, in New Zealand. Caste No Bar.
Email :
5' 2.5"/Meerut. Bachelor from Delhi 9897247366 data and Photo. Email: Send BHP to:
REPUTED JAT Sikh Parents Seeking Uni., M.A., M.Phil. Ph.D.(JNU Delhi).
SM 4 their daughter, Aug'92/ 5'2.5", Taking remedial Classes in Delhi Uni.
MBA(Finance). Working with CitiBank

as guest lecturer & B.Ed College.
Seeks well qlfd, clean shaven Jat sikh Preferably professor, Govt. Officer
boy from status fmly.Ph: 9999261298 or working professional. Contact-
Send BHP : 9412204111, 9837423008

PQM 4 fair beautiful Arora Girl,


25.03.1980,5'3, M.Com, MBA,LLB
09910502618 NCR,South delhi prfd.

PQM 4 PB/ Khatri CAgirl, 5'5" Height,

16.2.89, CHD, 7.33 pm. Delhi based
family. Father practising CA. Send
details Em:,
Contact Mobile: 9810887011

PQM FOR MBA, Smart, Fair Punjabi

Khatri Girl (5'5") DOB 02.06.1988 /
9.20 PM/ Jaipur based in Delhi as HR
Regional Manager in MNC. Ph: 98291-

PQM 4 MBA Slim Beautiful Punjabi

Khatri NM Girl 19.6.82/ 6:00pm/ 5'6"
Delhi Wkg. as Exec. Manager in MNC
GGN. Pkg. 30Lac. # 9818767656,
Guarantees Natural Hair
In Just 2 Hours



SUNDAY, A PRIL 21, 2019


Feb 87/6" B.Tech serving in Canada 13.01.84 / Jorhat / 6' Gurgaon based B.Tech & MBA (IIT/IIM) 34/5’11, Manish 6', 16-9-1990, 20:45, Delhi
P R Holder Both Parents Retd as Well Settled Business, seeks simple Wkg - MNC-30LPA , Settled-Delhi MBA,own business-Fashion & Events
Bank Managers South Delhi Contact Edu. Family. Contact : 9811133067, C-9267945534 9625500852 Co, Father Builder, 2 sisters married.
with Photo. Mobile- 9873951681 Email: WhatsApp: 9650393939 (Vinod)
SM4 UNMARRIED 45 /5'8'
PQM4 SIKH Khatri 07-06-1985,5'9" own business well settled income SUITABLE MATCH for Handsome, SM4 WELL settled Delhi based
B. ENGG.(C.S)Boy working as in six figures early marriage fair Punjabi Hindu Arora boy 34/5'7" h'some Punjabi Businessman 33 yrs
Creative Director advertise in MNC caste no bar Contact: 8076366730. MBBS, MD Doctor, Wkg in Reputed /5'9". Seeks qualified homely match.

B R I D E S WA N T E D Company.Salary 13lacs p.a.Gurmukh

family preferred. M:9781683256.
PQM FOR Handsome Manglik
Delhi Hosp. Ph: 8826006681,
Phone : 9953501468, 9891374458.

Arora Boy 5'11", 8.10.84, 11.22 pm, SM 4 NM PB Mahajan boy B.Arch.&

PUNJABI Delhi, C.A., Own Business Income PGDCM, 12.9.84/9am/Delhi, 5'6",wkg KAYASHTHA
JAIN KHATRI 7 Digit. Contact - 9868710101 With MNC in Ggn,18 Lpa, Lkg for B'ful
SEEKING SUITABLE Bride for MATCH 4 Punjabi Hindu Boy H'some
wkg girl from Del/NCR. #9810506689 SRI FEB86 Fair Smart 5'8" BTech
South Delhi based MBA 32 yrs/ 5'8" Em: MBA Manager MNC NCR 30 LPA seeks
5'8", 26.9.87, BBA, MNC, 15 LPA,
handsome cultured well settled boy working in Delhi.Father businessman, Qlfd B'ful NM Veg girl WApp
of an affluent family income 5 Lacs 9997389380
own house, seeks beautiful qualified M4 FEB 1992 born 5'11" Del/ bsd
Green Park per month. WhatsApp-92679 46329. wrkg. girl. Caste no Bar. 9899556231 Kh boy corporate Lawyr handling
(South Delhi) based ALLIANCE INVITED for CA fmly owned Law Firm upr middle
A¸¶Fâ 1982/5’7” I û»FI F°FF ¸FZÔ
well settled Punjabi handsome boy, Cls fmly Cast no bar what's app
Digambar Jain #9810239071 Senior Software Engr. IZ d»FE
31 yrs/ 5'10, 24 LPA. Caste no bar.
Well Settled Family, Call at 9599937337 or mail at ÀFbaQS ¦FûSe ÀFbdVFdÃF°F I ³¹FF ¨FFdWE
Invite Proposals PUNJABI FAIR H'some Boy ªFFd°F ¶Fa²F³F ³FWeÔ
for their Son, INVITES PROPOSALS from NM, Born 91/5'6" B.Tech Engr. Own 6204418521/9234511447
Beautiful, Well Educated, Wkg girl, construction B'ness, Well Settled
Age 28 Year, 5'8" Delhi Based Family. Caste no bar.
Age 28-30 yrs for Punjabi Khatri
Whatsapp No. 9811051930 KAYASTHA BOY 31/5'10" fair
Very Handsome, MBA 35/5’3”, Wkg in MNC. Whats handsome B.E. BITS PILANI MS USA
Dynamic, brought App details & Pictures@ 9810753534 working top MNC USA highly edu
SM 4 h'some Punjabi MBA Manglik status fmly CNB. Cont: 9827224439
up with values, SM 4 NM Delhi based Pb.Khatri boy 26.11.1988/1:40 AM/ Delhi/ 5'6", Em:
H'some boy Never Married 39/5'6",
Commerce B.Tech, MNC Ggn, Sal 7 fig, well sttld
Own Business good income. Pref.
non working girl. Call: 9310670218, MATCH FOR Saxena boy, 6'tall, 1986,
Graduate (D.U) family. Call- 9868235121, Whatsapp 9013306276, 011-22610218. PhD, Anshik Manglik, Teetotaler, Asst.
8750037605, E :
MBA (S.P. Jain Professor (Zoology), Punjab. Contact:
Bombay) Working SM 4 Arora Khatri 1985/5'9",B.Tech M/NM MATCH for H’some Pb boy NON WKG/WKG Sm Age below 9780983438, 7589284669. Email:
18.6.71 looks 35/ 6AM/ Hisar/ 182, 35 for punjabi Arora N/M boy
in Family Managed +MBA (FMS Delhi), wkg MNC, 35Lpa, Pharmacist Estd. Biz in Delhi 12 LPA, Ht 5’8" DOB Delhi 12.9.80 5/12am
Parents retd class-1 officer, Stld Non-wrkg / Wrkg Pharma / Science
Export Business Delhi. Caste no bar. # 9971446491 Res GGN Resort Buisness Caste no
Seeks Alliance from Email:
background girl prefd.#9810100469 bar Ph 7065394207/9718361266. SC/ST
Email: SM FOR Pb Arora NM boy 4.6.91/
Parents of Cultured, PQM4 NM Fair & H.Some Boy 5'7" / SM FOR Handsome Punjabi Tall Boy 5'8",M.Tech(BITS-Pilani),wkg IT MNC SM4 SMART, Pb, MBA boy SM FOR Khatik boy 30 yrs/5'7".
Educated very ethical, 31 B.Com & HM Graduate Wrkg As 6’1”/ 21.12.84/ 11.30 am/Jaipur/ Pune 12 LPA, slight vitiligo below 16.10.1990/5:30am,Del/ 5'10" well Graduate, working in a reputed MNC.
Manager In MNC 7LPA Own House PGDBA/ Project Manager Jaipur (12 right eye, respectable educated stld, own B'nss, pref B'ful, Edu girl Seeks simple, decent, educated/
Soft-Spoken, Homely, Delhi M: 9811856595 / 9999008380 LPA), Reputed Family 09099924609 family. WhatsApp: 8588910270 from U/M class fmly.#9810058453, working girl. Contact: 8882688818
Girl, Well Settled, E-mail:- Email: Email:
Religious Jain/Aggarwal PB KHATRI boy 78/5'11'' B.Tech,
Manager s/w development USA,
Business Family Green Card (coming in July) seeks PQ
b'ful girl 5'4"+upto 35yrs Simple ma-
Call: +91-7290094798 rriage. BHP:

Email With Recent Photo

& Full Details to : SIKH PQM4 RMG NM Sikh Boy 35/ 5'11"
Veg TT PSU Bank Mgr in Delhi. South
ALLIANCE INVITED for Jain, Delhi based family. Seeks B' ful tall
B.Tech., Fair, Gud lkng, Manglik, 28/
veg. girl . Caste no bar. Send BDP to BRAHMIN NRI YADAV M-9717523247
5'8'' boy managing infra, hotels &
construction business with 8 fig in- HANDSOME, TALL, MBA 27/5'10" GAUR BRAHMIN Handsome M4 PBI SR. Brahmin H'some Boy YADAV BOY, 1989/5'11" B.Tech,
come at Delhi & Uttkhnd from well Businessman boy of Educated status boy Nov. 90, 6ft. B.Tech, MBA (IBS), July 82 5'-10" B.Tech ME (USA). Wkg MBA, well settled business at
edu., gud lkng, prof qulfd girl from family Required Qualified, Slim, wkg. MNC Gurgaon 12 LPA, Educated Reputed Coy. (USA), Boy Curntly in Panchkula origin Rewari seeks well
respectable jain/ bania family. E: Charming girl of businessclass Status family, pref. wkg. girl, India. educated, beautiful, employed Mobile: family. Contact : 9313186091 9416266270, 9468002747. girl:8146060675
9412052259 BRIDE FOR handsome (37/5'9") Sikh
SM 4 Sikh Khtri boy 5'10'',May'86,own GUJARATI BRAHMIN Boy (cleanshaven)MBA, BE Comp Sc wrkg
business of transport & mobile shop, 31/5'7'' B.A LLB Working in Central in Sydney Australia. Email: DOCTOR
ARORA Own house Delhi. Income more than PSU in Delhi. 8.40 Lakhs per.annum.
1Lac p/m.# 9999918689, 9811308745 Minor problem left hand. Fully
Email: independent. Contact: 8719005239.
SM4 FAIR Handsome Delhi Based
ARORA 31/5'-9" 23.03.88 11.00 pm NRI CASTE no Bar match for Hindu Vegetarian Sunar/ Swarnkar/
Sonipat, B-Com MBA, Officer Bank of SM4 KHATRI Sikh Advocate Boy Germany Bluecard holder Hindu Soni/ Doctor/ MBBS, M.S. (OPTHA)/
Baroda Delhi 8 LPA, prefer bank girl June 1985, 5'9" Divorced (Mutual DIVORCEE/WIDOWER Punjabi engineer boy 26/11/87 5-10/ 90 Born/ S.R. at R.M.L. Hospi-
or govt. job, M/w-app 9812556310/ Consent Brief Marriage ) St. Delhi 2.35pm,Jalandhar 5'11" seeks Girl tal Delhi/ Ph: 9871849199
9416943250 F'mly. # 9811025921 9582454582 working in Germany or in India
Email: TALL EDUCATED cultured girl for ready to relocate.Contact: 78381- H'SOME AFFLUENT Dr DM
1986 born i/less Div punjabi Arora 25445. Em: Cardiology Punjabi Hindu 33 / 5'11
SM4 PUNJABI Arora boy,Apr SM 4 H'some, Turbaned, Gursikh boy boy 190cm working top IT MNC Hyderabad. Looking for PG Doctor /
31/ 6', B.Tech, MBA (ISB), from S.Del GGN 18LPA own house Delhi settled PQM4 V h'some Sikh Arora Kh.Cl/Sh IAS North Indian below 30.
1991/6ft, B.Tech/MBA,Own manu- family caste no bar W-9654078784 9849044237.
facturing unit of Automobile com- bsd renowned Business fmly, Seeks Jan'80/5'11'', BE MS Comp.Engg.wkg
ponents in faridabad. Looking for Tall Cultured girl of status family, Sr.position,Recent US ctzn vstg India
educated in reputed Institutes. call JAIN (PNJBI) boy 49/5'8'',Veg,smart May'19,Parents India bsd.# 91-94631 SM 4 Chamar H'some 5'10"/ 33, Ortho
educated homely girl from good Div. I'less B'ness 8 LPA seeks cultured Surgeon practicing in family owned
family background.# 9811087859 9717590402 33555, HIGH STATUS Rishte Hi Rishte Hindu
Homely, I'less girl,No Dowry, Simple hospital.Divorc. Seeks b'ful kind Dr./
E: , Punjabi, Sikh, Baniye, Divorcee,
SEEKING SIKH match for fair, Marriage. wtsapp 9716589080,9873- PQM FROM US/Canada only for Hospital Admin girl. Caste no bar. Widow. Contact : Heena Arora Mobile
teetotaller, 5'9'' from renowned 866610, Beautiful Hindu Girl USA Citizen #8178000652. No. : 9289786337
PQM 4 Turbaned Sikh,28yrr/5'8",wrkg Business family based in South 5'-5", 1986 working in Big IT
Delhi. He is MBA from world's ISSUELESS PROFESSIONAL Company. Contact jn.preet02@
as lawyer in a reputed law firm Delhi
top B school. Email profile and Match for Software Engg. 38 NM Whatsapp 9464381172. ADVOCATE
18 Lpa,own Indpdnt rural/comm.prop 5'-6" Fifty Lacs, One Daughter, no
Affluent status fmly.# 9988881362, photos at HANDSOME, TALL, Convented, ALLIANCE INVITED by Status DELHI/ NCR PQ Wkg M4 Pb. Liability.
Send Graduate 29/6'1" Businessman Delhi Based Business Family for son Mahajan N/M B.Tech H'some Boy BRAHMIN US BASED Engineer, fair, handsome, LOOKING FOR a bride for a well
SUITABLE MATCH for Sikh Punjabi boy of affluent High Status 80/6.1/ MBA. 6 Fig. Income looking 23 July 89/10:26AM/ Delhi/ 5'9"
9872244668. Feb/85, 5'11"tall, six figures income, settled lawyer running a law firm
boy 80 born, 5'9", never married family Req. Tall, Slim, Charming girl for working /homely/5'5" above girl. wkg MNC/ 11+LPA, own house in Preferred NRIs on US West Coast. No in Delhi, 31 yrs/ 5'11. Caste no bar.
working in MNC Gurgaon, Package SEEKS PQM tall B'ful girl for H'some SOUTH DELHI based Pb. Kharti cast bar.
of status family. Contact:9310086091 # 8742968182, 9212318400. Email: Delhi. Call 9643460067 Call at 9810391166 or mail at
KHATRI 23 Lakhs. Mobile: 9971777014. CA Veg. Brahmin Pnjb Boy, 6'2"/ 30- Widower Boy 6 June 1974 born
Email: 9-88/5:00 AM , Delhi, Wrkg MNC in IIT MBA Director in top
32/5'7" NURSING Officer Delhi Gurgaon 13LPA. (JS I'd: ZWYU5593). MNC good income seeks good life SM 4 Handsome UK bsd. Panesar Sikh
SM 4 Khatri, Ansk.Mglk 5'9", 25.10.88/ MATCH FOR Non Drinker / Non Govt. Hospital, 8.74 LPA, Seeks Girl Ph: 9810715415 WhatsApp partner cast no bar # 9891135709 Boy Dec. 84 /5'10". Having own COSMOPOLITAN
4:43pm/New Delhi, B.Tech, MBA Wkg Trimmer Arora Sikh 1985 / 6’1’’ SM4 FAIR, Punjabi Arora Boy, CS WELL STLD Lucknow BSD PB B'ness established Business. Family have
Govt. Nursing Officer, Teacher Govt. PQM4 H'SOME Pb. Mglk Divorcee,
Ggn, 10 Lpa, Army bckgrd. Seeks wkg, Employed Assistant Professor of Job, Cast No Bar East Delhi-110092
Engineer by Education, Managing fmly boy March91/5'11"/MBA/timber GAUR BR. 29, 5'3" B.Tech (Civil) their own Business. Email:
Slim girl Delhi NCR. Cont: 9671124852 Law at Sonipat 11 LPA, Fmly at Chan- Established Family Business, Well N Hotel B'ness Income 6 Fig. LKG 4 JE Delhi Govt (Cont) Pref B'ful Girl Only Boy Del Based Born 1979 5'10" SM 4 H'some, Kashmiri Pandit 35/6'
Cont. 9213231622 Settled, Nov.90/5'11" Lucknow MBA Engg Wkg MNC Ggn Seeks Wkg
Em: digarh 98152-89455, 88724-15204 H'mly/Wkg 5'3"Above Girl #989940- Govt/MNC Delhi/NCR well settled Non-Veg boy, Own Business from
Seeks Veg. , Educated & tall Girl. 3413. Em: family 9213098652, 9810725868 Girl Middle Class fmly, Seeks B'ful, Hom-
PQM FOR 5'11 / 6.7.87 /12.50 pm, 9511001494 Email: Contact:7827513252 MANGLIK ely girl of Lower Class fmly, Caste
Delhi, H'some Punjabi boy. B.Tech no Bar. 9810026873, 8826681193
/MBA Manager MNC Ggn. 33 LPA, MATCH FOR Punjabi Saraswat
Father Doctor. Email with photo- ALLIANCE INVITED from status Brahmin boy 30yrs /172cms NRI SM FOR Ahuja Anshik Manglik Boy,
graph- family, for my divorcee son graduate, DEHRADUN FAMILY seeks b'ful academician, vegetarian, based in 10.08.1988/ 8.35 AM, Delhi/ 5’9” , REMARRIAGE
78 born Del. 7:35 am having educated working girl for h'some Delhi. email: B.Tech / LLB, Well Settled in GGn.
PB. boy, currently wrkg in USA NRI-IIT-IIM-35 YRS i'less h'some Seeks Working Girl. Contact:
Construction business & residence in divorcee, well-settled in S'pore, 5'8' v
PQM4 H'SOME Arora boy Gurugram, Wadhwa 9810001928 4.9.84 / 5'11", I'less divorcee. Cont: 9953546708 , 9999774451. M4 PB. Agwl/60/175 widwr look yu-
9897523280, 9897544752 SUITABLE MATCH for Smart high earning seeks b'ful, educated ngr & H'sme w.estd Del B'man seeks
5'8''/30 MBA Symbiosis W'kg Delhi Manglik Kanyakubjya Brahmin Boy girl from gd family, 8929180977,
15 lpa+ Edu & status Family frm B'ful,Edu hmly bride with no liability
(29 yrs, 5'8"), Working in HCL,
S. Delhi mail: MATCH FOR Punjabi Arora H'some Lucknow. Contact: 7379120888
ENGINEERS Age arnd 50 cast no bar #989917-
PQM 4 h'som 29/6'2" Rajput 3615,
fair boy B-tech MBA 28.7.86, 11.44
SM4 HANDSOME boy 36 Year SM 4 Br.Boy fair slim 15-8-90/17:27 doctor MD(MED) doing super-
TALL & Q'LFD girl for smart H'Some am, Delhi/166cm/16LPA. Working
speciality West Virginia. Par- WRKG SM4 Manglik Khatri Boy SM 4 38Y, 5'10" (Luks Young), M.S.
tall Q'LFD PB boy, I"less Div, 30.8.84/ as Manager in MNC, Bangalore. 5'3" Punjabi, B.Com Business Delhi.6ft B-Tech,own business,seeks ents doctor. Higher Caste 5'9"/ 30.10.1987/ 15:40/ Delhi, (U.S), H'sm, Fnanclly Sttld, Divcd,
6:25pm Delhi, BBS/LLB, Legal Officer. No dowry, no gifts. Caste no bar. in Chawri Bazar. Preferred beautiful,fair, slim, educated alliance from USA solicited. own house, B.Tech & MBA, working Lukng 4 Qlfd. Fmly Orntd Girl.
M:9811895629/ 8920664188 Family settled in Delhi. # 981124- Homely or Teacher. Mobile. Girl,caste no bar call/whatsapp email: in MNC. Contact: 9212280621 Cast No Bar Whtsap-9811545888,
4433 Email: (whatsapp) 9250102164 9958541414, Mob-9415035399 Email: Email:



NEW DELHI/GURUGRAM/FARIDABAD, SUNDAY, APRIL 21, 2019 I Entertainment & Promotional Features








NEW DELHI/GURUGRAM/FARIDABAD, SUNDAY, APRIL 21, 2019 I Entertainment & Promotional Features








NEW DELHI/GURUGRAM/FARIDABAD, SUNDAY, APRIL 21, 2019, 18 PAGES I Entertainment & Promotional Features


Sonam K
Ahuja says
she enjoys
Rishabh Suri full with Dream Girl; Article 15,
in which he plays a cop for the
e’s having a dream first time; and Bala, in which he

H run at the box office.

His last two films —
Andhadhun and Badhaai
plays a guy suffering from
premature balding. All his
roles are distinct from each

Ho — have garnered other, and it is by design.
critical and commercial “I don’t want to repeat
acclaim. And Ayushmann roles,” he says and elaborates
Khurrana’s popularity is on what he keeps in mind when
travelling beyond borders choosing a script, “The only
along with his films. thing I care for is that the script
Andhadhun has neared the has to be normal and should
₹250-crore mark at the Chinese have no reference point in
box office! either Hindi or international
Pooja Sharma better use of my time than On how important an cinema. So I am glad to be
anything else. I have started achievement this is for him, getting scripts which are
ctor Sonam K Ahuja has this thing called he tells us, “It is a huge unique, and which resonate

A never shied away from

sharing her opinions. In
an industry where
doublespeak is a norm, Sonam
calls a spade a spade. She uses
on social media, where every
weekend I put up a book that I
am reading or even someone
else is reading and they tag me.
feat for me, and a great
achievement. There’s
validation that the scripts
I am choosing are not just
resonating with the masses in
with the masses... either about
breaking a taboo or dealing
with social stigmas. These kind
of scripts appeal to me.”
When in showbiz, it’s easy
her job (that of an actor) to do But about writing... I don’t India but also internationally. to give in to the notion that ‘box
roles that could highlight know yet. However, I’d love to This shows that the content office is the only king’. But, not
issues or sensitise people. For direct one day. I am choosing is beyond for Ayushmann. “I’d only do
instance, her last, Ek Ladki Ko
Dekha Toh Aisa Laga, was Maybe a book on fashion...
... Says actor Sonam K borders, cultures, and has an
international appeal. I feel
films which are also into value
creation, and not just into
about the challenges that a
homosexual individual faces in
There’s already so much on my
plate. I enjoy fashion and I like Ahuja, although that acknowledged. Gratitude is
the word!”
commerce or moolah creation
at the box office. I’ve aspired to
our society. The fashionista wearing it. But, I don’t think What comes as a surprise is do ‘middle of the road cinema’,
and bibliophile discusses
various aspects of being
I’ve the knowledge to dictate
terms on fashion.
won’t deter her from Ayushmann Khurrana’s
that Ayushmann wasn’t
thinking about it at all when he
which is a great combination of
commerce and content. I just
Sonam. Excerpts:
But you have been comfortable voicing hers Andhadhun has raked in about
₹250 crore at the Chinese box
got the news about the release
in China. “I was not thinking
follow my heart and gut every
single time. Most of my
Your next film is a comedy. Did voicing your opinions… office PHOTO: RAAJESSH KASHYAP/HT about anything. I just got to decisions are impulsive, but I
you deliberately choose Yes, and people will criticise know from a tweet (from one of am quite intuitive like that. I
something light? you a lot for it. And a lot of foolish to say ‘no’. It is the the producers) that it is hope it works in the future
The Zoya Factor is a fun film. It times, people conform to the future. And I believe change is releasing there. My only also,” he says.

degrading and inhuman in
is a complete commercial film. way society wants them to be, the only constant. You need to projecting mental reaction was ‘Let’s see how it When asked, Ayushmann,
I’m playing someone who unfortunately. When you have move with the times, if you disorders...”. In response, goes’, but it has surpassed my who sings, does live shows and
doesn’t know who she is at all. a point of view, which might don’t, you’ll be left behind. In according to Pinkvilla, an expectations for sure. I was, in writes poems, says, “I’d like
Abhishek Sharma is one of the resonate because truth is a India, the only outing we have, fact, not thinking at all about to produce one day, and also
best directors I’ve worked with. bitter pill to swallow is going to the cinemas. So, it’ll IN A TITLE SOUP official spokesperson
from the film’s production the Chinese release or how it write and direct a film, but as of
Dulquer (Salmaan) is super- sometimes, people don’t like it. be a while before that (digital) Indian Psychiatric Society has house has explained that would fare there. It’s like a now, it’s a lot of fun to be just a
cute and a great actor. So, I am Once in a while it resonates becomes the main source of raised an objection to the title the film, in fact, inspires great, happy surprise,” he says. performer!”
super-excited. with people and rings really entertainment. But, eventually of Rajkummar Rao-Kangana everyone to accept the Currently, he has his hands n
loud and people accept it. it will be the only source of Ranaut’s next, Mental Hai Kya. distinctiveness of
You are a voracious reader. Would entertainment and why not? I In a letter to the Censor Board, individuals, and that the
you consider writing a book? Any plans of debuting in the digital don’t mind being the first one to they have called the title fictional thriller aims at NOTE TO READERS: Some of the coverage that appears on our pages is paid
I do love reading a lot. It is my space anytime soon? jump on the bandwagon. “discriminative, stigmatizing, making a larger point. Kangana Ranaut and Rajkummar Rao for by the concerned brands. No sponsored content does or shall appear in
habit and passion. I feel it is a Of course, why not! I’d be n any part of HT without it being declared as such to our valued readers.





SUNDAY, A PRIL 21, 2019 LIFESTYLE htcity
Entertainment & Promotional Features

DELHI’S DATE Chillin’likeavillain


t’s all chill because the

I weekend is here. Our

paps clicked these
Bollywood celebs being
all casual in Mumbai
Spotted across
the city were
t was an evening dedicated Sunil Sethi, chairman, actors Sanya

I to health and fitness where

the who’s who from
different spheres gathered
in the Capital recently. And it
was no surprise that they put
Fashion Design Council of
India, model Sonalika
Sahay, jewellery designer
Riddhima Kapoor Sahni,
singer Khushali Kumar and
Chopra while
Ajay Devgn
and Diljit
their most fashionable foot fashion designers Rahul Dosanjh
forward. Mishra and Tanira Sethi were
Sunil Sethi Spotted at the event were among others. HTC clicked at
the airport.



Rahil Tandon and Vandy Mehra

Sanya Malhotra PHOTOS: VIRAL
Khushali BHAYANI AND YOGEN SHAH Diljit Dosanjh

Ruchi and Rajiv Makhni Tanira Sethi and Arjun Dang


Ajay Devgn Daisy Shah

Riddhima Kapoor Sahni Parineeta Sethi Rahul Mishra Deepa Malik



SUNDAY, A PRIL 21, 2019

fairytale Kajal Aggarwal
A well-known name in regional
cinema, Kajal Aggarwal says she

wants good scripts in Bollywood

Sangeeta Yadav the actor who has five films
slated to release this year in
he may have been away the south.

S from Hindi films for a

while now, but actor
Kajal Aggarwal is not
complaining. The actor,
whose last Bollywood outing
On why she is not doing any
Bollywood film, the actor says
she is focussed on regional
films right now. “But I’m
looking for some interesting
was Do Lafzon Ki Kahani scripts to make a comeback in
(2016), is busy with south Bollywood. For me a good
Indian films and has carved script is more important. I
a niche for herself in the pursue and seek challenging
regional film industry. roles and don’t like being
Kajal, who will be seen repetitive. There is no fun in
next in the Tamil that,” she says.
remake of the Kangana Kajal says she desires to
Ranaut-starrer Queen work with the likes of
(2013), has worked in filmmakers Sanjay Leela
over 40 southern Bhansali and Ayan
films within a span Mukherjee. “I like their style
of 12 years and she of filmmaking and eagerly
says she feels like look forward to watching their
a south Indian at films,” she adds.
heart. However, Kajal has some
“The fact that people rules on what she won’t ever
edding celebrations grooved to foot-tapping from the south treat me do onscreen. “I’m not open to

W started with a bang for

TV actor Ssharad
Malhotra, who tied the knot
numbers such as
London Thumakda and
Aankh Marey.
like their own and the
acceptance that I’ve got even
though I’m not from the
bold scenes at all. It has never
been in my list and hence, I’ve
never done it also. It is a
with Delhi-based designer Throughout their south, means a lot to me. personal choice as I’m not
Ripci Bhatia, yesterday in wedding ceremonies, the South films have become comfortable,” she shares.
Mumbai. The couple got two were quite colour a home to me now. I feel The actor, who made her
married in two ceremonies — coordinated in their very comfortable and debut in 2004 with Kyun! Ho
Gurudwara wedding during outfits. For engagement, am a south Indian Gaya Na and worked in hit
the day was followed by Ssharad wore a brown at heart. That is Hindi films such as Singham
pheras as per Hindu rituals, at bandhgala, while Ripci what gets me (2011) and Special 26 (2013),
night. chose a heavily going,” says says money has never been the
Though the wedding embellished lehenga in primary factor for her when it
pictures took social media by champagne. And for comes to selecting roles.
storm only later in the day, we their sangeet ceremony, “I’ve done films in the past
got hold of some precious the duo dazzled in light where I’ve charged a fraction
moments from their and royal shades of of my remuneration because I
engagement, haldi and blue. loved the film and knowing
sangeet ceremony. Making it a Several actors from that the filmmakers can’t
fairytale moment, Ssharad television fraternity afford me. It is all about
went down on his knees with a attended the wedding striking a balance. The ideal
ring for his lady love and left festivities. Some of the situation is to get what you
everyone spellbound when he names included Vivian want. If that is not happening,
sang a romantic song, Do Dil Dsena, Adaa Khan, Shashank then I’m comfortable with
Mil Rahe Hain from the movie Vyas, Vibha Chibber, Moon forgoing a certain percentage
Pardes. As rings were Banerjee and Ssumier S of my remuneration for a very
exchanged, the couple Pasricha among others. HTC good role,” Kajal says.

‘Exploring sex in our content is empowering’

Juhi Chakraborty censored. the series) clearly shows that earlier. Like women’s issues
The actor was recently part they like it.” and how to deal with sexuality.
etting intimate on screen of an erotic web series set in She further goes on to add, Exploring sex in our content is

G is considered to be a taboo
when it comes to Indian
content and sex is still a
rural India.
Asked whether she feels
comfortable dabbling in such
“It’s a human emotion. If it
were Europe or the US, we
would not even be talking
empowering. It is indeed a
beautiful time for both actors
and storytellers. I think people
Top to bottom: Ssharad and Ripci dancing at closeted topic. However, content, she says, “It is not about it. There it is understood did have these ideas but
their engagement, Ssharad enjoying his haldi actor Flora Saini says with the about my comfort. It is about that getting intimate with probably didn’t know how to
ceremony, the couple at their sangeet event advent of the web as a medium, whether such content has an someone is the highest form of bring it forward. It is also a
PHOTO: INSTAGRAM/SSHARADMALHOTRA_FANCLUB such content is no longer audience and the response (to love. We have just shied away demand and supply thing,” she
from a very beautiful emotion says.
in our society. But now Even her upcoming short
because of the internet, things film talks about a bold subject
are changing.” — infidelity. And Flora says
PEST CONTROL And this change has
brought about a lot of
that it is very important to
discuss it in the open.
experimenting when it comes “Infidelity is something
to content, according to Flora. very rampant in our society.
“There is a lot of content There are so many married
which was never explored men who portray themselves
as single. I have dealt with one
myself. I feel that such
stories need to be told and I
am happy to be a part of such
different stories,” she

If it were Europe or the

US, we’d not even be
talking about it (sex).
We’ve shied away from
a beautiful emotion.


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SUNDAY, A PRIL 21, 2019

Entertainment & Promotional Features

LIFESTYLE htcity 05
Celebrating a sporty association

Ishant Sharma, Prithvi Shaw, Gautam Seth, Rishi Seth, Rishabh Pant and Shikhar Dhawan PHOTO: HTCS/MANOJ VERMA

leading electric partnership, HPL recently managing directors, get into consumers’ minds.”

A equipment
company, HPL Electric and
organised a meet and greet
session with the Delhi
Capitals players Shikhar
Gautam Seth and Rishi
Seth. Talking about their
association, Gautam said,
Cricketer Shikhar
Dhawan, at the event, said,
“I would like to thank HPL
Power Limited, has Dhawan, Rishabh Pant, “We feel that this will have for their support. We had a
strengthened its presence in Ishant Sharma and Prithvi a widespread reach with wonderful time interacting
India by associating with Shaw, and its top our consumers of fast with the audience at this
the Delhi Capitals, as their distributors. moving electrical equipment session. We hope all their
official LED and Switchgear The event saw in categories. As the popularity support can take us a long
partner. attendance HPL Electric of Delhi Capitals team way in the tournament.”
To celebrate this reliable and Power Limited, joint grows, it will help HPL to Anurag Singh Bohra

Summers are all about
them beach bods!
Setting goals with their
Instagram posts are

on Insta
actors Mandira Bedi
and Mandana Karimi,
who were both seen
chillin’ in Goa recently.
While Mandira was
enjoying with her girls,
Mandana was with
everyone’s bae —




SUNDAY, APRIL 21, 2019

There is duality and division as you need to deal with Mental conflicts are finally resolved this week as you Relationships and close friendships greet you with
TAROT ARIES two situations at the same time this week. You can be LEO make a compromise and opt for peace at work and SAGITTARIUS love, happiness and luxury. Personal relationships
(MAR 21 - APR 20) frustrated as some great ideas in which you invested (JUL 23 - AUG 23) harmony at home. Intellectual differences should be (NOV 23 - DEC 23) flower into lasting commitments. You share

POWER time and energy did not actualise. Be practical and

realistic at this point. Over analysing professional
situations and personal relationships only causes
treated lightly and discussed rationally. You remain
individualistic and independent through Inner and
outer changes that are effected peacefully. A balanced
memorable times with family and friends. Be where
you are as you can gain both from pleasure and hard
work. As professional projects approach completion
APRIL 21 - 27, 2019 stress and conflict. Your heart gives you the best perspective and positive attitude leads to closer you may be looking for fresh opportunities that take a
answers and your intuition reveals insights. Beware of family relationships and supportive business little while coming, so do not be impatient. A good
idle chatter and gossip in the work area. It’s best to be partnerships. You receive a lot of love and compassion time to approach difficult relatives, friends or
light, playful and in touch with your sense of humour from family and friends when you need it. Health associates emotionally as they are ready to
at this point. Friends, family and loved ones are problems can be resolved quickly and surgery may be understand your point of view! You are intuitive
supportive and understanding. the right answer to a particular problem. about people and situations, so listen to your wisdom.
Big Sean Lucky number: 10 Good colour: Sky blue Dua Lipa Lucky number: 2 Good colours: Pinks Taylor Swift Lucky number: 4 Good colour: Old rose

The current for the future invites you to make new You opt for freedom and space in personal and You are blessed with pleasure and happiness in
TAURUS beginnings and say a final goodbye to the past this VIRGO professional situations this week, as you are not ready CAPRICORN personal relationships and family situations this week.
(APR 21 - MAY 21) week. New horizons and opportunities in business and (AUG 24 - SEP 23) to accept limitations. You are original, creative and (DEC 24 - JAN 20) You are about to achieve your heart’s desire and can
personal matters open up. A trip overseas is on the bold while expressing your emotions and ideas. Your plan for some changes in your life. Gain and creativity
cards! Your patience and intervention in family actions may appear foolish to others or even to at work are satisfying. Go with the flow and trust that
conflicts eventually brings peace and understanding. yourself, if you try to analyse them with your rational the river of life is taking you in the right direction.
BY MA PREM Your perseverance at work takes you through delay mind. At this point, trust and innocence rather than Personal relationships are supportive with a promising
RITAMBHARA and opposition actualisation and success. There is a scepticism and past experience are your true guides. future. Children are demanding and play significant
synthesis of professional ideas and diverse energies, You find new ways to express your creativity at work roles in your life. A personal meeting will lead to
which makes a collective impact on your business and emotions in loving relationships. Travel and romance and commitment sometime in the future.
SPIRITUAL MESSAGE ventures. Personal relationships are loving but need movement rejuvenate your energy and give you a You adapt and mould yourself to any given situation
space and freedom to grow. sense of release from routines and patterns. with ease and positive energy.
To commit mistakes is the Sabrina Carpenter Nick Jonas Zayn Malik
Lucky number: 21 Good colour: Royal blue Lucky number: 17 Good colours: Forest greens Lucky number: 1 Good colour: Rose pink
only way to learn. If you are
looking at somebody else to
dictate to you to decide for
or against, you will never be
able to know what your life You feel a bit defeated by situations and mental You may be disappointed this week, as your great Abundance of love and friendship from people who
is. It has to be lived, and you GEMINI conflicts this week as you face opposition at home LIBRA expectations do not actualise in exactly the way you AQUARIUS matter makes this a special and happy week for you.
have to follow your own (MAY 22 - JUN 21) and competition at work. The head and heart pull you (SEP 24 - OCT 23) had hoped they would. There is disturbance and (JAN 21 - FEB 19) You share luxury and hospitality with friends and the
small light, says Osho, the in different directions when you are confronted with interference in personal relationships when you least good things of life with loved ones. Work situations
Zen master. professional and personal choices. It’s best to allow expect them. You may feel let down by friends or progress smoothly with a momentum of their own.
time and space to change certain situations rather family members when you need them most. Learn a Visitors and communications can be expected at the
than push them with great effort and get frustrated. lesson from negative experiences and get on with end of the week. Trust your intuition and feelings
Personal relationships improve with patience, love your life. It’s time to let go the past rather than cling about people and situations as they will be right. It’s
Ma Prem Ritambhara has and care. Finances need to be managed well and to it and say a reverent farewell. Life is passing you by time to express ideas, ambitions and feelings since
been reading Tarot cards budgets stuck to or you can lose perspective and find and you are in danger of missing it. Love and you are seen, noted and heard. Beware of over
professionally in Mumbai, your resources depleted. Health needs care and stress friendship return at the end of the week as indulgence in food or drink as you enter party zones
Pune, Zurich and New Delhi needs to be avoided. unexpectedly as they disappeared. and moods.
for the last 15 years and
Jonah Marais Lucky number: 5 Good colours: Pinks Bella Thorne Lucky number: 5 Good colour: Saffron Harry Styles Lucky number: 3 Good colour: Pomegranate red
continues to do so from her
studio at home in New
Delhi. Her clientele is from
all over the world from all You go through a variety of experiences this week Good fortune and happiness are a blessing in your life You may find yourself procrastinating and vacillating
walks of life and she reads CANCER that touch you deeply and transform you. A seminar SCORPIO this week! Exciting business and professional PISCES in professional and personal matters this week. You
cards, predicts, counsels and (JUN 22 - JUL 22) or learning and teaching program hones your skills. (OCT 24 - NOV 22) opportunities come from nowhere and prove to be (FEB 20 - MAR 20) can easily get yourself down by thinking negatively
heals professionals, business Superiors at work and parents at home guide and lucrative. Breakthroughs in tough professional and undermining your confidence. Sit up, take stock of
people, men, women, support you in the right direction, also expect a lot situations and turnarounds in personal relationships resources and forces and make decisions in a
children, students and from you. Since you learn a valuable lesson from a are possible now. It’s best to take advantage of this forthright manner. Act with dynamic speed and
couples. She conducts personal experience there are changes in your lucky period to make important changes. Awareness is energise projects that are going through difficulty.
individual, as well as group attitudes and priorities. You are creative and leave a needed to move towards positive relationships and Personal relationships may be demanding and
readings. Contact her at lasting impression in professional and personal progressive opportunities as things happen quickly. needing your participation. Mixed feelings of failure relationships. It would be gainful to focus on practical Love, romance, party, fun, celebrations and family and success lead to inertia, be total and focused in the
matters like finances and business details. You resolve reunions can keep you happy and busy. Beware of moment with whatever you are doing. Social
a family conflict with your good heart and generosity. emotional overreactions and over indulgence. obligations may have to be met this week.
Selena Gomez Lucky number: 5 Good colours: Earthy browns Drake Lucky number: 10 Good colour: Royal blue Rihanna Lucky number: 7 Good colour: Creamy white


Dr Prem Kr. Sharma, Astrologer & vaastu expert
Can be contacted at: Delhi: 91-11-26449898, 26489899 (Sat to Mon): Panchkula: 91-172-2562832,
2572874 (Tues to Thurs); Mumbai: 09223376963 (Last week of every month)

You need to put some more A profitable day is foreseen Getting a clear chit on the
effort to be able to give a as far as your finances are health front is likely to come
good account of yourself concerned. Luck shines on as a big relief. A business
through your ability to thoose searching for a paartner or associate will
iimpress others. You ssuitable job. Your prove god sent for
will be able to carry enthusiasm for work some as he/she gives
through a property is contagious and you a helping hand

Enough of people fighting like project. Your

enthusiasm about
will help make a lot
of friends at work
to solve your
financial issues.
your relationship is
y place. Your mood
p Convincing those who
dogs, over dogs likely to encourage your
partner. He/she may have
might get spoilt as you
try to manage some
matter about your ideas
at work might not get the
special plans for the day, so important task at the positive response you
pace your day accordingly. domestic front. expected.

A CALMER YOU Lucky Number: 2

Colour: White
Lucky Number: 15
Colour: Crimson
Lucky Number: 5
Colour: Forest green

arlier this week, the fighting over dogs, pet or Health keeps you content as Health remains good. Your Taking up a physical activity

E Nisarg Heaven Society in

Mumbai fined a woman
resident ₹3.6 lakh for
feeding stray dogs in the
society premises. A few days
stray. The law in our country
theoretically stands in the
favour of animal welfare. The
practical on-ground situation
is different. A Delhi High
you maintain a regular
fitness regime. You may
remain mentally
preoccupied today,
due to professional
investments might not hit
the bullseye. You will have
to be more patient forr
the funds to multiply.
Don’t be
or sport will bring your
fitness back. Undertaking
something enjoyable
at home is indicated
today. Your upbeat
earlier, a fight between two Court judgment of 2017 says commitments. argumentative at mood and a long
residents of a posh Gurgaon that the law does not prohibit Celebrating an event work as this can go drive will keep you
society got ugly and physical, anyone from feeding stray together with family against you.Meeting in a happy state. It
when one objected to the other animals as long as those doing and friends is very friends and enjoying a seems to be the best
feeding stray dogs. When the it ensure that they don’t humans. But, you’d also want category. But here’s what I tell the law on their side. You do much on the cards. Don n’tt trip together is day to buy a property.y
news was being narrated in become a nuisance for other safety of yourself and your her, too. If you have the love know, don’t you, that no law lose heart if its taking longer indicated. Your romantic Arguments fetch nothing.
the news meeting, my boss residents. Further, anyone loved ones, and to see your within you to feed stray dogs in India can forbid anyone to gain stability in your overtures are likely to take Especially, absolutely
shook his head and said, trying to harm a stray animal surroundings kept clean in the on the road, also have the from feeding stray dogs in romantic relationship. some time to get approval. nothing on the love front.
“Mark my words, the next civil can be charged under the process of that co-existence. sense of responsibility to clean public places. And that getting Lucky Number: 22 Lucky Number: 3 Lucky Number: 2
war will be fought between Prevention of Cruelty to up after them. Compassion RWAs to issue notices and Colour: Electric grey Colour: Yellow Colour: Deep sky blue
animal lovers and those who Animals Act, 1960. Both the CATEGORY 3: can’t end at putting a bowl of forcing security guards in the
they think cause nuisance.” above lead to a lot of You are the Don. Really. You food at a public area, and locality to hit the poor puppies
The word play may have been complaints flying about in the hate everything that creepy- looking the other way when would get you no legal
extreme, but what he said police stations, but hardly crawls on four legs, creating you see heaps of poop on the sanction or moral support. GEMINI LIBRA AQUARIUS
comes from a deep sense of anything ever comes out in the noise and pooping outside pathways on which your Having said that, I’m Health might create some Your efforts on the Eating heavy and oily food
understanding of a societal form of conclusions. Because your house. You have grown elderly neighbours do their absolutely with you in minor tiffs today, so be professional front show all can cause problems on the
problem that’s growing at an the problem has much more to up on horror stories of daily morning walk. Also, understanding the irritation careful. You will be able to signs of succeeding. You can health front. Your work is
alarming rate. Well, just as the do with mindset and social ‘stomach mein 14 injections’ never look down or try to that the behavior of dog lovers maake good decisions on be rushed into likeely to speak for itself
number of stray dogs in India behaviour, than what’s due to a dog bite that your 15th make villains out of people may be causing. You want to tthe financial front. ccompleting an aand impress the boss.
— 30 million, as per a 2016 written down in the lawbook. cousin suffered and you’ll just who may not feel the same love shout ‘Itna pyaar hai toh apne Your cooperating assignment at work It is better to stay
report published in I feel that in this whole not have yourself exposed to that you do, for dogs. Instead ghar mein rakh lein’. But, you nature helps binding and you will be away from behind
Washington Post. debate, there are three kinds of that threat because of some focus your energies in do know that it may not be every family successful. It seems the wheel as
Some colleagues asked me players: stupid dog lover who sneaks ensuring that stray dogs in practical. So let’s think member and making not a good day for indicated in your
to not take up this topic in the out at night to feed strays your area are neutered, positive. Take the lead in you the apple of their any property related travel cards today.
column. ‘Too emotional’, said CATEGORY 1: who’d be better off in some vaccinated and trained for designating a specific area in eye. It is time to give a
eye discussions. Someone is
disc Weigh what you speak
one. ‘It’s impossible to remain You are a certified animal sarkari shelter, if at all alive. behaviour, so that they can’t your locality where strays serious thought to someone likely to reciprocate your today or you may be
objective and neutral’, said lover. See a puppy and an You can’t stand the hypocrisy harm kids who have an equal could be fed. Explain to a dog- you have been admiring, to romantic aspirations, so get misunderstood on the love
another. But kya hai nah, the awww sound involuntarily of dog lovers when they feel right to play around their loving neighbour, with take the relation forward. set for a great time. front.
whole point of advocating starts to emit from your nothing for homeless human house without feeling scared. patience and no yelling, that Lucky Number: 7 Lucky Number: 4 Lucky Number: 3
calmness is to take on mouth. You see someone beings sleeping by the it’s not good to cause a mess Colour: Pink Colour: Light blue Colour: Lemon
genuinely stressful situations mistreating a stray dog and roadside, and are busy feeding TO CATEGORY 2: outside your house, because
head-on. And what could be your blood starts to boil. You’ll an army of dogs who chase Yaar, aap chaalu log ho. It’s you and your kids have a right
more stressful than seeing go around putting jackets and your car, barking away to safe to be a fence sitter but the to a safe, peaceful and clean
neighbours in so-called blankets on them during glory in the middle of the fence starts to poke after a existence, without having to CANCER SCORPIO PISCES
educated and posh residential winters and given a choice, night. Utter. Unadulterated. while if you stay on it for too force-feel love for another Don’t try to wallow in make- You are likely to remain A diet plan adopted might
areas fighting like dogs over… turn the entire society into Nuisance. long, watching your species. I’m sure they’ll believe ailments as your preoccupied with health not suit you. Confusion can
well, dogs. Before I go on, mini feeding booths for dogs, The deal is that you could neighbours fight. You have a understand. If they can feel so health turns out to be concerns today. Be careful prevail over some financial
here’s a disclaimer. I am a dog who are helpless, homeless belong to any of the three critical role to play, in much love and compassion for oy
excellent. You will enjo when dealing with a e
issue and require time
lover and I have three of my and at the mercy of human above, and be perfectly well bringing about co-existence animals, they can’t be an unwavering focus co-worker about an to sort out. You may
own at home. Let me promise, beings, who don’t think twice within your rights to do so. But between warring factions. insensitive and cruel to their at work today. Your important task as it miss a chance to
though, that it doesn’t keep me before kicking them just for life would be calmer if you are Speak up, and be the ones to own beings. Shayad humne interfering nature may not be done meet someone you
from looking at both sides of some perverse pleasure. flexible, and not rigid, in formulate guidelines that keep kabhi pyaar se samjhaaya hi can get you on the well. You will fare admire and feel
this stress in a fair manner. trying to understand where the interests of both sides in nahi. Ya shayad kabhi wrong side of a much better in a disappointed. Delay
Almost every other day, one CATEGORY 2: people from the other mind. Tumhe toh punya samjhaa hi nahi. family member. Take property deal if you can let slip a good
gets to see the conflict between You like dogs, but probably categories stand. Here’s what I milega dher saara. And by the Sonal Kalra is going to some time out for don’t play for short- deal in the property
those whose hearts bleed for from a distance. You’ll never want to say to each… way, pat a dog some day. They adopt two more dogs, soon. yourself and the one you like term gains. It seems to be a business. Your heart knows
cruelty against animals, and ill-treat them but you’ll also give unconditional love and She’ll be thrown out of her since stars promise an good day to muster courage whether you are in love or
those who feel that the animal not lead a march or take up TO CATEGORY 1: loyalty. Convert ho jaoge. house after that. Somebody enjoyable time today. to approach love interest. not. No point doubting it.
rights janta tends to go fights with insensitive You guys are kind souls. It’s please adopt her. Mail your Lucky Number: 11 Lucky Number: 1 Lucky Number: 1
overboard in behaving neighbours everyday in trying heartening to see you stand up TO CATEGORY 3: feedback to sonal.kalra@ Colour: Brown Colour: Light brown Colour: Parrot green
aggressive. I spoke to a cop to convert them into loving for the right to dignity for Ji bhai, aap toh pehle gussa or
who said that they get beings. You’d wish that all animals that can’t fight or fend thook do. Bullying others
countless calls and requests creatures, including stray for themselves. My daughter won’t do any good in life, Follow on Twitter To get your daily horoscope sms “<first three letters of your sunsign>” (e.g. For Virgo,
sms “VIR; For Aries, sms “ARI”) to or log onto
for FIRs from residents dogs, co-exist happily with firmly belongs to your especially when they have @sonalkalra.



SUNDAY, A PRIL 21, 2019

Entertainment & Promotional Features

htcity 07

Beat summer woes Chef Harpal

with chef Sokhi

Singh Sokhi
is a big believer
in there
being no
bigger source
of happiness
ummer is here and it has avoided as digestion slows than food

S brought along hot, sunny

days with ever-soaring
temperatures. The scorching
down in summers.”
The Kharagpur-born
Sokhi’s journey started with
summer heat drains the body helping out his mother in the
of water and makes us kitchen. His brother who
dehydrated, which increases motivated him to pursue hotel
chances of a sun stroke. management, which he
And to find out some of the undertook in Bhubaneswar.
best ways to beat the heat, we He says, “I took up my first
spoke to chef Harpal Singh job in Oberoi ’s Bhubneshwar,
Sokhi, known for his popular then travelled to Mumbai and
catchphrase ‘Namak Shamak worked in many five-stars. My
Dal Dete Hain’, and also a food journey changed when I
believer in there being no moved from a five star to a
better source of happiness restaurant called Vintage in
than food. In addition to Mumbai in 1993. I joined as
sharing what one must avoid executive chef of this
to keep summer problems at Hyderabadi and western
bay, he also gave us a sneak- cuisine restaurant. Here, we
peek into his life. had a Hyderabadi ustaad —
“The best way is obviously Habib pasha — who used to
to consume a lot of water or have his own secret spice
food with a lot of water blends and he would not teach
content. We should include anyone. I was determined to
fruits such as watermelons, explore the techniques and
citrus fruits, banana, blends that would create
mangoes, which keep the body amazing recipes.”
hydrated. In vegetables, we And after months of
must have lauki (bottle persuasion, Sokhi adds,
gourd), green leafy vegetables, “One day, I decided to do Avoid eating deep
cucumber, gooseberry, something about it that acted
tomatoes, and vegetables that as a fire to my hunger for
fried food or food
are juicy in nature. Coconut knowledge on Indian food and that has high oil
water and eating coconut in exploring deeper, which took content as fats do
any form is also me to Hyderabad. There I
recommended,” he says. learnt that Indian cuisine is not dissolve as
Talking about the no-nos, all about right blend of herbs easily in summers.
Sokhi adds, “Avoid deep fried and spices and that every
foods or those that have high recipe has to be treated HARPAL SINGH SOKHI,
oil content as fats do not individually. I learnt more CHEF
dissolve as easily in summers traditional recipes with visits
as compared to winters. The to Lucknow, Banaras and
foods that we eat should also Bikaner.” our consciousness in the food will get anxiety after eating it. monotonous cooking shows, I
be moderately spicy as eating Talking about his energy we cook. The consciousness If one cooks with happiness thought about bringing in
highly spicy foods creates and sense of delight in the of the cook affects the one then the one eating will feel energy, fun and happiness
heat in the abdomen. Foods kitchen, he says, “It is said in eating it. If someone cooks in satisfied. Taking this thought into the kitchen.”
high in protein should also be the scriptures that we put in anger, then the one eating it further and also seeing HTC


Dancers from the Khatu Sapera family will perform the folk dances of
Ghoomar and Kalbelia (left). Singers Gafur Khan and Kutle Khan
CATCH IT LIVE (above) are also performing
What: Sounds from the
Where: Siri Fort
Naina Arora
Auditorium, August Kranti
usic lovers, unite!

M A concert is bringing
tunes and melodies
from the folk tradition of
When: April 26
Timing: 7.30pm
Nearest Metro Station:
Green Park on Yellow Line
Rajasthan to the heart of the
Capital. Called Sounds from
the Desert, the 90-minute event
organised by ShowCase Events Churamani shares that the aim
in association with Hindustan of the festival is to keep this
Times, brings together culture alive.
legendary music families from “When you think of Thar
across Rajasthan such as the desert, you think of Rajasthan.
Solankis from Pushkar and the Rajasthan and its music is
Langas of Barmer, along with synonymous with the desert.
other musicians from the state. This is why we have called it
The stage will come alive Sounds from the Desert. The
with an electrifying jugalbandi whole focus was to bring
of western and Rajasthani traditional Rajasthani music to
musical instruments, with the an audience that may not have
drums, the guitar and the seen it,” he says. “The
keyboard playing with the audience needs to see and
kamaicha, the khartal, the hear instruments like the
nagada, the sarangi — not to khartal, the bhapang and the
forget a ghoomar performance. morchang,” adds Churamani.
Among artists participating in Also playing the khartal and
this eclectic fusion are Darre singing songs such as Kesariya
Khan, whose father, the late Balam Padharo Mhare Desh,
Padma Shri Sakar Khan, took Bole Toh Mitho Lage and Chap
the khamaicha to a global Tilak, will be folk singer Kutle
audience; singer Gafur Khan Khan. “Guitar ke saath sarangi
who is nothing short of a rock baj rahi hai, morchang baj raha
star on the khartal and the hai. We are very excited to take
morchang, and Magda Khan the act to the Delhi audience. I
who will amp up the tempo love Delhi’s audience, woh sur
with his dholak. taal samajhti hai,” Khan says.
Curator of the show Atul n

Nathulal Solanki of the Solankis A member of the Langa music

of Pushkar family of Barmer



08 htcity TIME OUT
Entertainment & Promotional Features
SUNDAY, A PRIL 21, 2019


Starring: Kiernan Shipka, Ross
Lynch, Miranda Otto
Synopsis: Magic and mischief
collide as half-human, half-
CHILLING ADVENTURES witch Sabrina navigates
between two worlds: mortal
OF SABRINA teen life and her family’s
2018 | 16+ | 2 Seasons | Series legacy, the Church of Night.

Starring: Mireille Enos, Joel

Kinnaman, Esme Creed-Miles
Synopsis: An extraordinary
Justice League
at 1903
EDITOR’S Thor: Ragnarok at 1222 Blood Diamond at 1540

young girl raised in the forest PICK 0842 Ice Age: The Meltdown 0917 Take the Lead
evades the relentless pursuit
HANNA of an off-book CIA agent and
1115 Spy Kids 3-
D: Game
1030 The Boss Baby 1116 Enemy at the Gates
1322 The Prestige
1222 Thor: Ragnarok
Saints N Sinners has amped up the music scene in Gurugram 2019 | 16+ | Season 1 | Series tries to unearth her truth.
Over 1458 Avengers: Infinity War 1540 Blood Diamond
through curated music events, with the annual festival,
1300 Ocean’s Eight 2100 Avengers: Infinity War 1759 My Lucky Stars
November Rain - The Happy High Music Fest being
Starring: Sandeepa Dhar, 1506 Geostorm 1925 A Cindrella Story
the most popular. Visit: Saints N Sinners, Global Foyer,
Golf Course Road, Gurugram Shweta Gulati, Ranvir Shorey 1703 S.W.A.T 2101 Rush Hour
Synopsis: A series of four 1903 Justice League 2243 Fool’s Gold
short stories about occurrences 2112 Mission: Impossible-
EXHIBITION FLIP that cause a 180 degree
turnaround in the lives of the
2353 Charlie And The
2019 |16+ | Short Stories people inhabiting that tale. Chocolate Factory

Starring: Karan Kundrra,

Yogita Bihani, Akshay Dogra
Synopsis: Rithwik’s life
revolves around work and
DIL HI TOH HAI family, leaving no room for
love. Will a perfect son always Baaghi at 2100
2018 | 18+ | 2 Seasons stay perfect?
0821 Fukrey Returns `
1116 Journey to 2.0 Dilwale at 1659
Starring: Vikrant Massey,
Pankaj Tripathi, Madhurima Roy 1145 2.0
Chup Chup Ke at 2035
1450 Satyamev Jayate 1033 A Flying Jatt
Synopsis: Aditya, when he
wakes up with blood on his 1020 Kaalia 1738 Holiday: A Soldier is Never 1351 Welcome Back
hands after a one-night stand. 1355 Amar Akbar Anthony Off Duty 1659 Dilwale
CRIMINAL JUSTICE The evidence is stacked against 1720 Super Hero Shehanshah 2100 Baaghi 2000 Businessman 2
2019 | 18+ | Season 1 him. Is he guilty or not? 2035 Chup Chup Ke 2353 Daring Mard 2300 Kung Fu Yoga


Saturn, reminder of past life karma

Fill in all the squares in the grid so
A group show of artworks by contemporary artists at Chawla
SUDOKU that each row, column and each of
the 9X9 squares contains all the
Art Gallery, Square One Mall, Saket. 11am to 7pm. Till May 31. DIFFICULTY LEVEL digits from 1 to 9.

A BRUSH WITH NATURE ABHISARIKA he placement of planets in
Art exhibition showcasing
the recent work of Kajal
Nalwa at Visual Arts Gallery,
Solo exhibition by National
Scholarship awardee artist
Sukanta Das at Lalit Kala
T our present life
horoscopes is based on
our past life karma. Lord
India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Akademi, Rabindra Bhavan, Brahma has meticulously
Road. 11am to 8pm. 35, Ferozeshah Road. 10am penned your horoscope,
Till April 23. to 7pm. Till April 26. which usually tends to follow
the same path as in the
SOLUTION SUDOKU previous births with a
difference of your free will.
ENJOY LISTEN DID YOU This free will helps you to
correct your karma by
KNOW? positively influencing the
planets. However, we forget money matters, and his life is morals, but with the aid of
Having a difficult time that it must be done by us and spent comfortably. He is free will the native can
making Pooja Bedi dance not by the almighty. The most gainfully employed and effectively shun this habit,
troublesome planet is the known to be a diligent worker. or it will ruin the career.
in Pehla Nasha, Farah karmic planet of ‘Shani’ or He is accommodating in all A well-deciphered horoscope
Khan decided to get a Saturn. Associated with aspects of life and enjoys the that has Saturn in the first
studio fan and make death, fate and grief, Saturn is reputation of being tolerant. house tell volumes about a
often described as malefic and The most important thing to failed partnership, falling
Pooja stand on the car inauspicious. The placement understand is that the free from high positions, suffering
and blow on her dress. of Saturn in the horoscope can increase this positive side deception etc. All these traits
tells tales about our positive of Saturn, even if it is can be read beforehand, and
and negative encounter in life. adversely placed in a the native could be asked to
CALVIN AND HOBBES Bill Watterson Hence, it becomes our prime horoscope. Lord Brahma, by mend their ways to achieve
duty to negate the negativity the placement of Saturn in success. Likewise, a detailed
STANDUP COMEDY MUSIC PERFORMANCE and increase the positivity of each house, tries to foretell study of this karmic planet
Open mic standup comic Performance by Mostly Saturn by understanding it. what traits are to be restricted in different houses could be
acts in English by Anubhav Candid at Saints N Sinners, However, Saturn is a blessing and what traits are to be done.
Singh Bassi at The Piano GF-21, Global Foyer, Golf when placed well in a enhanced. For example: The author of this article,
Man Jazz Club, B 6-7/22, Course Road, Sector 43, horoscope; the person is a Saturn in the first house gives Dr Vinay Bajrangi, is a PhD
Safdarjung Enclave Market. Gurugram. 12.30pm to thinker, who speaks health problems. Hence, the scholar in astrology. Website:
5pm to 6.30pm. 3.30pm. infrequently. His behaviour is native should take good care, call:
logical and well-planned. He of his health. This placement 9278665588, 9278555588.
is hard-working and speaks of Saturn delays and creates
For any further queries, contact: 011-66561415 on any subject only after obstacles in projects, which Disclaimer: The veracity of
Get your event listed in this section by mailing us properly thinking about it. means that no work should be any claims made in the above
complete details (pictures, date and venue details) His dealings are transparent, undertaken without planning. article is the sole responsibility
to especially, when it comes to It also gives the native bad of the concerned entity.

Send your astro queries to astrologer and

ASTRO QUERY Vastu expert Dr Prem Kumar Sharma via MENNACE
Hank Ketcham

What will be my career? When will I get a good job and when handling to lead a smooth married
Rohit, New Delhi will I get married? life. Time seems to be more
Yours is a foreign linked horoscope Rakesh, Saharanpur tumultuous till September 27, 2020.
and, hence, I foresee your Possibility of you getting married Wear yellow sapphire and red coral
permanent settlement overseas. seems to be either in the age of 25 or to bring a good change in the
You will enjoy good career when you turn 28. Time is not present circumstances.
prospects. White sapphire would satisfactory till November 2019.
prove to be lucky for you. However, you will get new work When will my financial problems
opportunities in 2020 that may not solve and what are the future
When will I go abroad for a desired be up to the mark. You should wear financial prospects?
job? emerald and turquoise for good luck Vivek Arora, New Delhi
Prashant Grover, Faridabad and prosperity. You are in the main period of Rahu,
Possibility of going abroad is much which is not well-positioned in the
indicated in your birth chart. When will I get a Government job? horoscope, and might not yield
However, you need to strive a lot for Rajat, New Delhi satisfactory results till its expiry.
all this. Even then its materialisation Chances of getting a government However, things would improve
appears to be from October 25, 2019, job seem to be quite high. Its strong from July 2020 to July 2022. Good
to October 24, 2021. Especially, 2020 materialisation seems to be from future is in store for you and you will
seems to be significant for this goal. August 18, 2018, to August 17, 2019. be very well-off financially. Test out
Wearing emerald and turquoise will blue sapphire.
When will I get settled in my married help in bringing good luck to you.
life and when will I come out of When my daughter will get married? HEATHCLIFF
depression? When will I get married? Rachna, Meerut George Gately
Nidhi, New Delhi Sangeeta, Gurugram The probability of getting her
Time is not satisfactory for another Possibility of you getting married married looks to be from July 19,
few years and, especially till August seems to be from September 18, 2020, to July 16, 2022. Its strong
24, 2021. Things will improve after 2020, to September 17, 2022. Its materialisation seems to be in the
that. However, good family strong materialisation seems to be later part of 2021 or early part of
settlement seems to be from in the later part of 2021. White 2022. She should wear white
October 29, 2019, to October 28, sapphire and red coral would bring sapphire to speed up the process of
2020. Wear yellow sapphire to fast results on the marriage front. marriage and to yield good results
mitigate the evil effects of the in life.
planets and to experience good Will I ever be blessed with a son?
results. Aarti, Dehradun When will I get settled and will I be
Possibility of being blessed with the into business or job?
What are my career prospects? How child is much indicated in your birth Vikrant Chaudhary, New Delhi
successful will be my married life? chart. It is just delayed but not Life would remain full of struggle for
Tarun, Gurugram denied. Wear emerald and turquoise another couple of years. Things
Your married life will be good. to yield good results in your life. would start taking shape on the
Professionally and financially you career front from November 9, 2020,
will have a very sound and When will my married life be happy to November 6, 2022. Eventually,
astounding graph. Things would and peaceful? you will jump in to your own
start taking a shape after November business, where you will perform
Sonakshi, Ambala
2020. Wear white sapphire and well. Wearing white sapphire and
Your marital front is not at ease and
pearls for good luck and prosperity. red coral would bring prosperity.
would require careful and prudent



SUNDAY, A PRIL 21, 2019 htcity 09
Entertainment & Promotional Features

An eve of cricket and chill

he most famous faces from

T the world of cricket got

together in the Capital to
celebrate cricketer KL Rahul’s
birthday at Town Hall recently.
Hosted by KL Rahul, the fun
evening saw his friends and
colleagues turn up in high
numbers and revel the
night. The venue, known
for its lip-smacking
sushi, wood-fired
pizzas, dim sums and
other favourites,
lived up to its
Team owners
Preity G Zinta and Mohit
Burman were seen enjoying
some time off from the Left: KL Rahul and Chris Gayle; Above: Hardik
gruelling schedule of the Pandya and Navneet Kalra
game. HTC


Ankit Rajpoot, Preity G Zintaa and Maahi Singh R Ashwi
Ashwin and Augusto Cabrera
Shreyas Iyer
20th & 21st April 2019
11am- 8 pm
Hotel Courtyard by Marriott
Great Shopping ! Fab Discounts ! Come to Shop For
Rishabh Pant Vipin
p Sharma and Randeepp Bajaj
j j Pratima Singh and Ishant Sharma Designer dresses, contemporary wear, dhoti’s, ethnic wear, short/ long dresses, gowns, jaipuri kurti’s,
suits, sarees, dupatta’s, indo-western dresses, handloom fabrics, chikankari, banarsees, silks, malmal,
drapes, beautiful dresses for gods & goddesses, fashion jewellery, immitation jewellery,
kundan,polki’s & 92.5 silver jewellery, accessories, bedsheets, bedcovers, bed runners, Decoupage
On till: May 4
merchandise, handcrafted mojari’s, fragrances, beauty products, aroma oils & handicrafts, organic
food items, dry fruits- mulberry, dry cherry, saffron, namkeen, papad & supari’s, jodhpurs- home
URBAN What: On The
Threshold of Time,
an exhibition
Timings: 11am to
Nearest Metro
decor items and so much more…
LIFESTYLES Where: Art Heritage
gallery, Triveni kala
Station: Mandi
House on the
For Details: Contact Avnaira :9910347962, 9990853700

WITH Violet Line

Right: Home
Restoration; Far right:
Invisible Poison

Ruchika Garg Chandra says, “My artwork,

an acrylic on canvas, shows
n exhibition titled On an apartment with a sewing

A The Threshold of Time

delves into the
relationship between an
machine on top. Few years
back when I shifted to an
apartment, I felt that even
urban lifestyle and its impact after staying under one roof,
on people. Various artists, we all deal with different
photographers and print issues. And someone or the
makers have worked around other always helps us to sort
the show’s theme, Urbania, to out these problems. The hand
show how individuals absorb of the sewing machine that is
or are swayed by a city’s stitching the apartment,
influence. What strikes the represents that help.”
viewer is how a sense of Artist, Preya Bhagat whose
isolation in an urban setting artwork is called The Invisible
engulfs many despite being Poison, says, “I have been
surrounded by people. living in Delhi for the last 24
The exhibition, organised years and my artwork depicts
by Art Heritage, has fresh life in Delhi. The rush on
works by budding artists. roads, the thoughts in mind
Tariq Allana of the gallery, while travelling and a daily
says, “We present the routine in the most polluted
artworks of emerging artists city — that is what my
from across the country.” artwork is all about.”
Participating artist Pratap n



SUNDAY, A PRIL 21, 2019



n Rice-dyed eggs: Simply
add food colour to rice
and mix it with the eggs
n For a quirky Easter egg
with colours, one can
boil the eggs with silk

ties - the design gets
The age-old printed on the eggs and
is ready within minutes

custom of gifting n Natural colours can be

used as well, such as that
from blueberries. Eggs
Easter eggs has can be left to soak
overnight in the
fridge for rich
evolved in more ways colours

than one. Here’s

your guide to a
quick egg fix ASTER EGG
A chef Aabhas Mehrotra adds,
“Coming from an Italian
ARIATIONS kitchen, it does not have to be OREO CRUNCHY
and more on the Ea
e most popular form
aster eggs is made
too literal, but can be
something fun with EASTER EGGS
festival cho
ocolate and candy.
e outter shell of the egg
ingredients which can be
shaped into or have a similar
n 200 gm chocolate,
made oof decadent shape to an egg, for example 50 gm Oreo cookies,
today ocolate a
ith variou
and can be filled
us candy, mousse,
burrata cheese with its shape.
Khanna adds, “These days egg
30 gm butterscotch,
chocolate Easter egg
silky ganache or brownie. variations could be made from mould or a bunny mould
Sharma add ds, “Another egg marzipan or chocolates as they Method:
a at o w we have tried are tasty and these flavours n Melt chocolate in a
recently is Easter eggs made of are more universal and hence microwave and stir it till
cheese. This is made of herbed widely accepted by public. smooth. Mix in crushed
cream cheese, an in-house With the availability of Oreo and butterscotch,
pour in moulds and set
recipe that has also been a flavoured chocolate like
in fridge for 10 to 15
favourite. Thankfully, cream orange, strawberry, caramel,
cheese has a soft, creamy even eggs made from these
eggs are painted and were right after a season of lent texture that made the cheese chocolates are very popular.” n Remove,unmould and
Anjali Shetty given as gifts in the earliest which is a solemn observation. spreadable and very easy to Entrepreneur and enjoy the chocolate or lended.
days. Some traditions include Restaurateur Manish Khanna use.” restaurateur Rachel Goenka marzipan Easter eggs. PEAN uallyy beat in icing
g sugar
aster is celebrated every dyed chicken eggs. There’s says, “In olden times,, the eggs Talking about
Talki o the e same,
same shares that Easter cake pops Recipe by restaurateur
EASTER EGGS and cracker crumbs. Shape

E year as a remembrance
of Christ’s resurrection
from the dead. The
festival, which marks the
Christ rising from the dead, is
also the myth of Easter bunny
— eggs are hidden by the
bunny for kids to find on
Easter morning. Easter eggs
are also placed on a basket
were painted red to re epresent
the blood of Christ that was
shed on the cross. The eggs
would be blessed by the pries
and then they would be b
can alsso be made using cake
and gan

nache mixed together.

This Eaaster, ensure your
Manish Khanna

using a toothpick or a
knife. Soak the hard
n 225gm creamy peanut
butter, 115gm butter,
softened, 1/2 tsp
mixture into 16
eggs; place on waxed paper-
lined baking sheets.
Refrigerate for 30 minutes
or until firm. In a microwave,
celebrated as a day of revival with straw to resemble a bird’s distributed to the peo
ople. asterr basket is full of joy, boiled eggs in vanilla extract, melt chocolate chips; stir
and rejuvenation. The day nest.” hard shell of the Eastter e apppiness and a lot of pretty vinegar for 10 300gm icing sugar, until smooth. Dip eggs in
calls for rejoicing, enjoying a In recent times, gifting represents the sealedd to astter eggs. Make some of minutes, this 1 cup graham chocolate mixture; allow
delicious spread and spending chocolate, filled eggs or fancy, of Jesus and cracking gt hee prettiest eggs with allows the eggs cracker crumbs, excess to drip off. Return
time with family. And another large eggs with sweets inside shell represented thee asily available to absorb the 250gm dark eggs to baking sheets.
important element of the day are rampant. Most people resurrection from the e ngredients in the
n colour. Remove chocolate chips, Refrigerate 30 minutes.
is the Easter egg. The story splurge on Easter as it comes dead, of the lord.” itchen. Entreprenuer the eggs from Icing sugar and
n If desired, decorate eggs
goes that it represents Christ’s Avani Davda suggests vinegar and pat sprinkles,
optional for with icing and sprinkles. Let
emergence from the tomb. experiments with eggs of them dry. Then stand until set. Store in
Decorating eggs as a tradition Transfer the paste into a chicken, quail, duck and cover them in the decoration
dates back to the 13th century. MARZIPAN EASTER EGGS heavy-bottomed pan and o on. Here we share coloured cream Method:
airtight containers in
It also has a symbolic Ingredients: add the sugar. Cook on a low ome do-it-yourself
o mixture and let them n In a large bowl, beat
peanut butter, butter Recipe by restaurateur
relevance, because eggs were n 250gm almonds, 250gm heat, stirring all the time, ricks we have up our sit for at least 20
and vanilla, until they Amit Sharma
forbidden food during the lent sugar, 200 gm icing sugar, 2 until the mixture forms a eeves: minutes. Remove the
(40 days prior) period and egg whites, 1tsp rose water ball. Divide the mixture into excess by gently
people would paint and for grinding, ¼tsp almond 10 even-sized balls and ARBLE EGGS
A placing the eggs in a
decorate them to mark the end essence mould into egg shapes. ll y
you need for this is bowl of water. Pat dry and natural way, use spices or steep for at least 30 minutes
of the period of penance and Method: Decorate with a rich icing. hippped cream, food colours allow to dry completely. vegetable dyes for an organic and up to three hours as
fasting and eat them after, on n Grind the almonds with the Recipe by chef and youur choice, white vinegar feel. For example to get a per the desired intensity of
Easter as a celebration. egg whites and rose water entrepreneur Rachel d ha
ard boiled eggs waiting to PASTEL EGGS natural yellow dye, boil water the colour. Swap the turmeric
Chef Amit Sharma says, into a smooth paste. Goenka e marrvelled. Thaw the Bring out your colour pots and with distilled white vinegar for red cabbage to get a
“The eggs are an age-old whippe ed cream in a baking paint your favourite patterns. and turmeric. After this, add purple dye.
custom for gifting. Hard-boiled dish annd swirl the colours If you would like to go the the eggs in this and let them n

The 12th century

Baijnath temple
complex is
to be the site
where the Hindu
deities Shiva
and Parvati got

The scenic
c village in Kumaon’s Bageshwar finds frequent mention in history and literature

Prannay cooked their last meal here 20th century in this very house, is exactly the idea of a summer
(‘chuli’, derivative of ‘chulha’, Pant started writing poems as a retreat for a reclusive writer
he terrace of the means cooking hearth). I am seven-year-old, and at 11, — trails leading to remote

T Sumitranandan Pant
Government Museum is
like the ocean under the clear
hoping to just stand at the edge
of the terrace, lean against the
parapet and take in the view. I
inspired by the character of the
self-sacrificing Lakshmana in
the Ramayana, gave himself
villages with sparkling rice
paddies and slate roofs vying
to return the glow of the sun;
sky. Lodged in the heart of an am hoping to take in boughs the name Sumitranandan. a curious little observatory
uninspiring assortment of laden with the peach flower — In much the same way one up on the way to the
shops up a slope, the sprawling an indigenous lookalike of the discovers that Kausani, too, historical Anasakti Ashram;
bungalow is the birthplace of sakura — in the valley below. seems to have given up every and a hotel room that affords a
the Hindi poet. The walls and But the museum docent gets clichéd sobriquet bestowed view of mountain peaks And yet, there’s more — stellar craftsmanship, and shop
the terrace are all stone, the up and motions for us to move upon it ever. Mahatma Gandhi swathed in snow. Kausani’s famed tea gardens with abandon. Then go ahead is said to cure stomachaches Above: The Rudhradhari temple
mountains far beyond all snow. inside. He shifts from one room once called the place the There is also the Baijnath and shawl factory lie next to and pick up herbs, spices, and and even help in heart and falls. Nestled among caves
In front of me, miles away, to another, pointing to verses Switzerland of India, a title the temple complex, 15 kilometres each other at the side of the lentils, and a bottle of buransh ailments. But does one really and waterfalls, it is said to have
are the Panchachulis — the hand-painted on cards placed trappings of which I have from the town centre. Built in road, five kilometres from the squash from the kiosk. care about the health benefits been established by a mystic
formidable five of the Kumaon, over switchboards, and to grown especially wary to the 12th century on the banks town centre. The extended Almost nobody talks of of something that tastes this PHOTOS: PRANNAY PATHAK/HT
all of which stretch over six photographs that go back to thanks to its proliferating of the river Gomti, the complex bunch of shops adjacent to the food when they talk of the good?
thousand metres high. The Pant’s poet friends Harivansh usage in our times. houses idols of the gods Shiva shawl factory include a pretty mountains, except for the Anyway, back to
Mahabharata famously Rai Bachchan and Ramdhari The reason is that Kausani is and his wife Parvati, their son, woollen emporium and a kiosk clichéd trinity of Maggi, momos our final course at the
records the Pandavas as having Singh Dinkar. We are shown not your everyday hill station Ganesha; the god of wealth, selling spices and herbs. and chai. Local eateries serve museum tour, we are
transcended to heaven having the room the poet was born in, in the way of a Mussoorie or a Kuber; and the Sun god. One Shawls, scarves, stoles, rugs, some divine rice and dal laced escorted into Pant’s
items from his attire, and an old Manali, with their fancy can also hike to the rewarding blankets and other woollens with dollops of fragrant ghee. library. Old-style book
writing table and lamp. souvenir shops and mall roads. sight of the Rudhradhari hang everywhere inside the A restaurant close to the tea racks are set against
Named Gusain Dutt when he Not much of colonial-era temple (said to have been shop. Run your fingers over the estate has on offer mandwa all its walls like loyal
Kausani abounds in flora. was born to a well-to-do tea architecture in the town established by a mystic). fine specimens, wonder at the rotis (crispy, nutritious millet courtiers, with their
Don’t miss the peach garden administrator proper, either. Cafés are still a bread), vadi (soya chunks) ki arms crossed and
flower — a local lookalike of at the crack of the long way off. Also, this is sabzi and bhatt dal (black gaze set upon a dais
the Japanese sakura decidedly not the best time to PLAN YOUR TRIP n Road route: Delhi- soyabean). The town square covered in a damp red
visit, but looking for a hill Ghaziabad-Pilkhuwa- has a clump of eateries with dhurrie. The titles
n When to visit: March to
station in Kausani can be a Hapur- Garhganga- Gujarati breakfast specials. include the best of the
June and September to
mistake. Lying 50 kilometres Moradabad- Rampur- In the Garur market, that is a literary movement of
November are the best
further of the colourful, Rudrapur-Haldwani- ten-minute drive from here, the Chhayawad, books
times. Avoid during festivals.
bustling, gorgeous (but also Bhimtal-Almora-Someshwar street is lined with chai dhabas on law and books
fast urbanising) Almora, it has n Getting there: Kathgodam and joints selling spicy momos on European theatre,
n Where to stay: Most of the
lived for ages under the rock is the nearest railhead and chowmein. The chutney including one on
hotels are clumped together
called Nainital. (65km). Take a private cab here will draw smoke out of Konstantin
near the Anasakti Ashram.
That is why it must be from here. Or book a bus your ears but the milky tea will Stanislavski. After a
The Buransh, Hotel Chevron
cherished as a relic of history, from Delhi Kashmere Gate soothe your charred palate. brief chat with the
Mountain Villa, Hotel Sagar
of mythology, of literature. The ISBT to Haldwani, where cabs The charming old shanty guide, we take one
and Krishna Mountview and
Beat poets Allen Ginsberg and (shared or private) to Kausani adjacent to the woollens shop last look at the
the KMVN Tourist Rest
Gary Snyder journeyed here in can be arranged. Make a day- serves both chai and buransh pristine mountains
House are good options for
the 1960s, and it was here that long stopover in the scenic juice. The latter (rhododendron and step out for a plate of
different budgets.
Mahatma Gandhi wrote his Almora that falls on the way. squash), a sweet, red spicy momos. The inside of a tea shop near the
Anasakti Yoga. In fact, Kausani concoction with a fruity scent, n shawl factory



SUNDAY, A PRIL 21, 2019 MY CITY htcity 11

ADOPT Join us in our drive as we encourage
A PET people to adopt and not shop. Two
indie pups and a golden retriever mix
are looking for forever homes.


Bhardwaj, Puggy is a beautiful 4-
singer month-old desi girl who loves
PHOTO: YOGEN to play around with her
SHAH human friends and will be the
perfect family member.
Dewormed and vaccinated,
she needs a loving home now.
Singer Rekha Bhardwaj finds a To adopt, mail at
Bijli is a 5-month-old female com
Sufi connect in Rabindra Sangeet indie puppy who is intelligent,
assertive, protective and
Close to 5 years old, Gaddi is
a charming retriever mix boy.
loves endless snuggles. She’s He’s vaccinated, neutered and
Nishad Neelambaran of other things too,” she says. looking for a forever home dewormed, and just needs a INFORM US
Bhardwaj, who is married to and you could be the one for caring family who can help him If you know of a pet who
ith songs such as lyricist-filmmaker-composer her. To adopt, mail at heal from a skin infection. To needs a home, write in to

W Namak (Omkara,
2006), Ghagra and
Kabira (Yeh Jawaani
Hai Deewani, 2013) and Judaai
(Badlapur, 2015) to her credit,
Vishal Bhardwaj, has earlier
shared that her upbringing had
a lot of influences from Bengali
art and culture.
“Another thing that I really
adopt, mail at pawsforacause

Rekha Bhardwaj has come a like about Rabindra Sangeet is

long way since her debut in that even though he wrote in
1997 as a playback singer with Bengali, his songs also have a
Chachi 420. Apart from her very close relation to Sufi
work in mainstream film music,” says Bhardwaj, who, in
industry, the National Award- 2016, brought out her album of
winning singer is also known the bard’s songs, called Tagore
for her independent tracks and and We 3, also featuring singer
albums. Born and brought up Sraboni Sen.
in the Capital, Rekha was Elaborating on the
initiated into the world of connection between Rabindra
classical music and literary Sangeet and Sufi music, she
influences very early in life. says, “A lot of his work is
And talking about her for the beloved, which is
understanding of Rabindra considered to be the God in this
Sangeet, she says that there is a case. This is the same in Sufi.”
lot of in-depth meaning in The Hamari Atariya (Dedh
Tagore’s poems and songs. Ishqiya, 2013) and Genda Phool
“Each time I prepare a new (Delhi 6, 2009) singer adds,
song, I am amazed by his work. “Any love poem in Sufi — be it
All the songs have a deeper about longing, separation or
meaning to it. For instance, if togetherness, it is all dedicated
he is talking about rains, it is to the beloved, who is also
not just rains that he is considered to be the god.”
focusing on. He talks about a lot n

If Tagore’s talking about rains, it is not just the rains that

he is focusing on. He talks about a lot of other things too.
I am amazed by his work.


*T&C Apply. Min. 2 tickets. 50% Cashback.




SUNDAY, A PRIL 21, 2019

After playing
minor roles in No
One Killed
Jessica (2011)

and PK (2014),
Maanvi Gagroo
went to do web
shows which
catapulted her to

RAPPTOSPEAK stereotype:


he instant fame and
recognition one gets from
the web has changed the
lives of many actors who were
struggling to get significant
times when you have so much
work and a lot of stuff
happening, so the struggle is to
maintain your sanity and keep
yourself rooted,” she says.
For her, working on TV was
never an option as she couldn’t
Lupita Nyong'o roles in films. And so is the case connect with the TV’s style of
(extreme left) with actor Maanvi Gagroo, who storytelling. “It was a
wrote about her after playing minor roles in No conscious choice to stay away
experience with One Killed Jessica (2011) and from TV because the kind of
Harvey Weinstein, PK (2014), made a shift to web content that was on TV, I
in October 2017 and became one of the first couldn’t connect to and
PHOTO: MARIO ANZUONI/ female stars of the digital personally didn’t want to be a
SMITH/AP REUTERSP platform. part of,” she explains.
“I don’t think there is a It was then that the digital
single actor who doesn’t want platform became the stepping
to do films. But the kind of roles stone for budding artists like
I was getting were the ones that her to carve a niche for
I didn’t want to do for various themselves. “There is so much
reasons. There is a lot of of variety and a whole gamut of
stereotyping as well that different topics that people are
happens as per your looks and thinking to get their teeth into.
the roles you played in the It’s a great thing to be busy and
past,” Maanvi says. to be able to harness whatever
It was a constant struggle for you have been wanting to
her to break the stereotype due show for such a long time,”
to her being overweight and Maanvi says.
chirpy. “As an actor, we go She adds, “As you grow in
through different phases of your personal life and the kind
struggle. Sometimes it is about of experiences you have had
ctor Anthony Rapp says about her experience with finding the right kind of work, working on different roles and

A he was inspired to speak

out against actor Kevin
Spacey after he read
actor Lupita Nyong’o’s
moving first person account
Harvey. And as they go, she
was pretty fortunate in that
she was able to avoid the worst
of it, but she wrote so
beautifully and eloquently
sometimes to say no to the kind
of work you don’t want to do.
The struggle is to break out
from whatever you think isn’t
working for you. There are
with different people, you are
bound to evolve and it’s bound
to show in your performance as
about Harvey Weinstein. about what experience was
Weinstein, once a powerful like for her... Coupled with it
Hollywood producer, fell was the knowledge that that
spectacularly from grace after had been going on for decades
multiple women, including to so many people, and that I
actors Gwyneth Paltrow, knew for a fact several people
Salma Hayek, Angelina Jolie, in my own circle who had had

Musicians will
and Nyong’o, came forward to experiences with Kevin Samarth Goyal future of the music
allege him of sexual Spacey, that it was like that industry,” says Jubin.
harassment. Allegations was when the penny dropped, inger Jubin Nautiyal “I think the internet is
against Weinstein sparked the
#MeToo movement in
and I had to do something. It
wasn’t about my own S feels that the future will
be better for musicians,
going to become even bigger
than what it is right now.
Hollywood, inspiring others to
share their stories of sexual
harassment. Rapp, who was
first to speak out against
Spacey, says he was initially
experience, it really was not
about airing out my own
laundry... I thought that would
be the only way that we could
stop him,” Rapp said on a
In October
2017, Anthony
Rapp alleged
that Kevin
become bigger thanks to the umpteen
platforms available in the
virtual world. “I am sure that
right now many musicians
can foresee a sort of money
When that happens, this
country will have multiple
mega stars [from the music
industry]. In about five years,
I think that musicians will
not sure about coming forward
but once he read the account
by Nyong’o, he changed his
Other people soon came
forward against Spacey,
leading to the him being
Spacey made
an unwanted
than actors: issue (in terms of revenue
from streaming platforms),
but I have a very different
prediction about the
become really big stars, so
much so that they might get
bigger than acting
celebrities,” gushes Jubin,

Jubin Nautiyal
“I was following along with kicked out of House of Cards. toward him in who recently released
the Harvey Weinstein stories and All the Money in the 1986, when his independent
to some degree, but I wasn’t, World. Rapp says he is happy Rapp was 14 single Chitthi, which
like, diving into them. … And I that Spacey is no longer in the PHOTO: RICHARD has crossed 27 million
hadn’t yet really made the position to abuse others. “He SHOTWELL/AP hits ever since its
connection for myself. Lupita won’t be in a position of release on YouTube.
Nyong’o wrote a first person power..., where he can do The 29-year-old isn’t
piece in The New York Times things,” he said. PTI making a prediction “just
like that” and feels there are
many reasons why he feels

I am not one of those actors who stepped into

his prediction will be correct.
“I think right now we are
using only 30% of the
internet. Once it gets bigger,
then imagine [its impact, as]

films through TV, says Chahat Khanna we are a country of 1.3 billion
people. We (musicians) will
have that many listeners,
who will have access to
internet, and will listen to
Rishabh Suri mother? “It’s very difficult. music,” he says.
But my elder daughter is a big And Jubin feels the day he
issing from showbiz for helping hand. She’s two-and-a- envisions is not far. “Even

M some time now, actor

Chahat Khanna is raring
to get back into the groove. She
half, and Amaira is one-and-a-
half. It gets tough at times, and
I feel I can’t do this. But it’s all Singer Jubin Nautiyal’s
now, we are getting a bigger
reach, and touching more
lives (with our music). We
has signed the Bollywood film happening. Unless someone single Chitthi has have more fans, we are
Chahat Prasthaanam, in which she asks me the question how crossed the 27 million making more music and
Khanna plays actor Sanjay Dutt’s difficult it is, I don’t realise it,” mark on YouTube more music is being
shot to daughter. says Chahat. consumed right now. That’s
fame with On what her role is all The actor shot to fame with why, according to me, we are
the show about, she tells us, “It’s one of the show Bade Achhe Lagte going to be in a very good
Bade the most important characters Hain, but left the show midway place in the future. There is
Achhe in the film. Manisha (Koirala, due to personal reasons. On going to be everything for
Lagte Hain actor) is playing an important whether she is looking everyone,” he concludes.
HT PHOTO character, and so is (actor) Ali forward to get back into TV, n
Fazal, who plays my brother. she says, “Leaving the show
The film revolves around all of was my decision. I can’t say
us. It’s a big-budget political that I don’t want to do TV. It

Kristen Wiig, Annie Mumolo

drama that will release this has given me all the fame I
summer. Our fingers are have currently. I can’t
crossed.” think about not doing TV
Currently, Chahat is at all. I don’t want to be
juggling a lot of things, apart called the film star who

reunite for a comedy film

from this film, such as “being stepped into films after
an entrepreneur”, and also using TV as a stepping
taking care of her two stone. I am not one of
daughters, Zohar and Amaira. them. Why can’t I do films,
Doesn’t it get tough managing ads, and TV all together?”
all these things as a single merican actors Kristen The story focuses on two

Wiig and Annie Mumolo, best friends — Barb and Star
who penned the Oscar- (played by Wiig and Mumolo)

Joel Edgerton to star

nominated script of the — who leave their small mid-
romantic-comedy film western town for the first time
Bridesmaids (2011), are to go on vacation in Vista Del
teaming up for another Mar, Florida. They soon find
comedy film, Barb and Star Go themselves tangled up in

in a web drama
ctor-director Joel After escaping her Georgia
to Vista Del Mar.
Wiig and Mumolo will co-
write and co-star in the
upcoming film, which
will be directed by
adventure, love and a villain’s
evil plot to kill everyone in
Apart from this, Wiig will be
next seen as Cheetah in

A Edgerton has boarded the

cast of Barry Jenkins’
web series The Underground
plantation for the rumoured
Underground Railroad, Cora
discovers no mere metaphor,
Josh Greenbaum,
reported Variety.
“I’m so excited
Wonder Woman 1984 and in
Where’d You Go, Bernadette.
Mumolo most recently
Railroad. The 44-year-old joins but an actual railroad full of to be a part of wrote the story for David O
actors Thuso Mbedu, Chase W engineers and conductors, and this movie Russell’s 2015 movie Joy, Kristen Wiig (left) and Annie
Dillon, and Aaron Pierre in the a secret network of tracks and which showcases based on the life of Joy Mumolo (above) will co-write
project, which is an adaptation tunnels beneath the ground. Kristen and Annie’s Mangano, starring actor and co-star in the upcoming film
of Colson Whitehead’s book of Edgerton, who starred and original, fresh and Jennifer Lawrence. PHOTOS: SHUTTERSTOCK
the same name, according to directed in Boy Erased (2018) undeniably hilarious voice in On the acting front, Mumolo
Variety. will portray Ridgeway, a slave spades. I’m also always starred in a regular comedy (2016).
The 11-episode series will catcher. Jenkins will be looking for projects with titles series, About a Boy. She also Barb and Star Go to Vista
follow young Cora’s (Mbedu) directing all the episodes and that rhyme, so it really all featured in This is 40 (2012), Del Mar is expected to release
journey as she makes a will also executive produce the worked out on this one,” Afternoon Delight (2013), Bad in 2020.
desperate bid for freedom. project. PTI Joel Edgerton PHOTO: SHUTTERSTOCK Greenbaum said. Moms (2016), and The Boss ANI



SUN DAY, A P R I L 21, 20 1 9 ENTERTAINMENT htcity 13
REESE EMBRACES dreamroleistobe
HER GREY HAIR afatherinreallife
ctor Andrew Garfield
recently opened up about
his “cheesy” dream role.
that he came face to face with
his fatherly instincts.
“I’ve always had them


The actor said it was his dream somewhere. I think all men do
to become ‘a father in real life’, and all women have that
while promoting his new film motherly instinct, and it was
Under the Silver Lake. exciting to explore that on
During the event, a fan screen, and daunting and
asked the actor what his dream scary,” Entertainment Tonight
role was, to which Garfield quoted Garfield as saying.
said, “This is such a cheesy “I kind of thought, ‘Well,
response. To be a father. My how do I do that? If I haven’t
dream role is to be a father to a experienced it, can I do it?’ but
GAYLE/AP The actor says she feels child, in real life not just in
fictional films.”
then I realised that’s the
situation of every single father
In 2014, the actor explored in the history of time... We’re
like she has earned them the role of fatherhood in 99
Homes, where he played a
all going into this initiations
totally blind and groping in the

and they signify her single dad who loses his home
to foreclosure. Later in 2015,
dark. So, I kind of went with
that feeling of not knowing
Actor Andrew Garfield explored the role of fatherhood for the first the actor revealed that it was what the hell I was doing and it
maturity and point of view time in 99 Homes (2014) PHOTO: FRED THORNHILL/REUTERS during the filming of 99 Homes kind of helped,” he added. ANI

Timothy will miss ‘lovely

guy’ Luke Perry
ctor Timothy Olyphant City premiere of his

...I didn’t feel that

A has said he had a great
time working with
“lovely guy” Luke Perry on
animated film Missing
“We just met on the
Quentin Tarantino’s film, but the two of us
same way when I was upcoming film Once Upon a showed up, and we kept
25. I’m 43 and I’ve had Time in Hollywood. looking at each other like,
Perry, the star of hit ’90s ‘How’d we get in? I don’t
a whole bunch of television show Beverly Hills, know who let us in, but they
experiences, and 90210, passed away, aged 52, let us in’... There were so Late actor Luke Perry
I can speak with in March. Tarantino’s film many moments where it just PHOTO: CHRIS PIZZELLO/INVISION/AP
will be his last on-screen felt like the two of us would
ctor-filmmaker Reese prefer 43 to 25.” recent interview with Allure. thoughtfulness about outing. look at each other and we experience hanging out with

A Witherspoon, who
recently celebrated her
43rd birthday, has
opened up about getting older
and embracing this new phase
“I have a point of view
because I’ve been on this
planet for 43 years, and I
didn’t feel that same way
when I was 25. I didn’t have
While she happily
embraces her grey hair, when
it comes to keeping her blond
locks golden yellow and
shiny, the Big Little Lies actor
the changes I’d like to
see in the world.
Olyphant, who portrays
Lancer’s “Western” co-star
James Stacy, shot majority of
his scenes with Perry.
“What a lovely guy. Just a
both had the same look on our
face, which is, ‘Not bad. Here
we are’,” Olyphant added.
The actor said Perry was a
respected figure in
him and working with him.
He was the best kind of actor.
He was a craftsman. He was
all about the work. No
bulls**t. He showed up early
of life. the same things to say. I’m 43 relies on her go-to colourist of lovely guy. I’m going to miss Hollywood and he has never and did his work, and we
Stating that she prefers and I’ve had a whole bunch of 15 years, Lorri Goddard. him at that premiere. I’m met anyone who uttered a spent most of our time talking
being a 43-year-old woman experiences, and I can speak “It takes three hours to hairline. Lorri doesn’t like to going to miss him. I’m going bad word about Perry. “I about our families and just
with grey hair and fine lines, with thoughtfulness about the have my highlights done, no call them greys, though. She to miss him anyway,” he told haven’t met anyone who’s enjoying the job. Just a lovely
the actor says, “I just feel like changes I’d like to see in the joke. I go every seven or eight says they’re ‘hyper-blondes’,” Actor Timothy Olyphant Variety, while speaking on ever said a bad thing about guy,” Olyphant added.
I earned that grey hair and my world,” People quoted an weeks. I’m starting to get grey the Home Again (2017) actor PHOTO: CHARLES SYKES/INVISION/AP the sideline of the New York the guy, and that was my PTI
fine lines. I like ‘em. I so extract from Witherspoon’s around the edges of my shares. ANI



SUNDAY, APRIL 21, 2019

Rihannagoesgagaover Clint may direct film on wrongly accused security guard

co-starDonaldGlover V eteran actor-filmmaker
Clint Eastwood might
direct The Ballad of
Richard Jewell, a look at a
security guard whose life gets
before opting to direct the
2016 drama Sully. Director
Ezra Edelman was last
person to consider the
project. Captain Phillips (2013)
suspect three months later
and died in 2007 of a heart
attack at the age of 44. IANS
Clint Eastwood’s
last film was
2018’s The Mule
inger-actor Rihanna has turned upside down after screenwriter Billy Ray is

praised her Guava Island Donald media reports identified him writing the script, which RICHARD JEWELL
co-star Donald Glover for Glover was as a possible suspect in the will be based on a Marie
the response the film has seen in Solo: 1996 Atlanta Olympics Brenner article in Vanity
received. A Star Wars bombing. Fair. BOMB AT THE 1996
The musical, directed by Story Actors Jonah Hill and Jewell reported on the
Hiro Murai, made a surprise PHOTO: VALERIE Leonardo DiCaprio will no knapsack bomb at the ATLANTA OLYMPICS,
debut at Coachella on April 11 MACON/AFP longer appear in the movie. 1996 Summer Games and ONLY TO FIND
and was later released on a Their involvement will be helped clear bystanders —
streaming platform. limited to producing the film, only to find himself HIMSELF SUSPECTED
In an Instagram post, reports Variety magazine. suspected of being involved AS PART OF THE PLOT
Rihanna called Glover, who Eastwood circled the in the plot.
also served as a writer project several years ago He was cleared as a
and producer of the
film, a “true gem to
the culture”.
“Wow! The
response to
Island has
been quite
So happy you
guys felt the
beauty in this
film,” she
The singer
went to add in
the post,
Glover, you
are a true
gem to the
culture. I’m
so proud of
you and the
work you put
into making
this film. I
felt how close
this was to you and
your entire team.
Thank you for
trusting me with
this role! It was the
greatest experience
being in Cuba,
phones off, present
with life and art! It
was humbling. I loved
watching every second
of it,” she added.
The film follows
Deni Maroon (Glover), a
Cuban musician who “is
determined to throw a Rihanna starred
festival for his island alongside
community”. Rihanna Donald Glover
plays his girlfriend and in the musical
musical inspiration Kofi Guava Island
Novia. Glover’s younger PHOTO: JOEL C
brother Stephen has RYAN/AP
written the screenplay
for the film. PTI



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