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4-161*(It WWI

.TTR. fdcwi R41141, 2ri1.401,
ydrm wFrrt-4,144-p.
Rim) 04 u1l.)q141, R094.


AWE: 411•9111-1 Viurr qr< qlqq1T-4113iftrilKnEZI 64c41 liqe5c1

9)t-Z4-7R117- 43TRF zit4 tff MCHI/PRES/919- 9 GM??
f4-9"IW 90.99.R09(9
R) 31TrIt 1 i. MGR/VG1A9 Rik!) RG.9R.R0919

1-6-14 Itiv< 11611.41 aTItplaTt

4zFrtzr aRT c I Xlvq 41 kiircir
(9) 4? TiN editer c1c 4 qii(Piq 3TRPOTFrat (so% 1111.
(R)'Niqii 44 3A-ft-el ci 41. 1)4*Iict-40410 3T -cam40%
(4) ( ctmi Rq4iiarAc1le) 1-**44-i 44-s(V) Li4Gio Tic44-)7
3i 't 9/4 itfRiT.
1-690 4161-14 ixii 3TRITRI 3ITWW4111154 cqi-cq I iqgqi-211 '<qv 6Lctircll
ticiocifWtatip- cenwitul qiimirun 3Tfifirriwir Rqgencil 4elm4-111.1 *Nero
tff 3Trt.
(31) (90 ifivf 44ciA 11*c-int-I 341 3TiTaRIT VITT&
Initial payment At the end of Months with interest

12th 24th

1g Installment rd Installment 3rd Installment

33% 33% 34%
(4) 190 4ic( 14)(41 clAer vim! i4 smaci 3111tFIT VTR-a
Initial payment At the end of Months with interest

12th 24th 36th

1st Installment 2nd 4th Installment
Installment Installment

25% 25% 25% 25%

IOD 1:1142MIT ()01,ti tiftM 6kCII ITVff t* EiEfilvilci) 'UMW 3110T 34ft T-114R. 9R%
WA cqiutizil 3TWITuit ctronfici 4o. W4N. ( im) xch4ii4 0'01c-reit c)olci 3144 4nriim
celiqx 96% yew) tgtzr aim 3Tivrit vilio. valit 961141.0.11 -air el 14 gQ q)

CICtliWilu)ti Q111111zeli Dfillizell 6i-Celitn4R:r81 4)(41 will 3Trfbr dial 1-6-1-4 flemill
lc *nil:Jul rigid, aril zucrute cpcoidul TroT3Tra-g3Trtu.
371- 6T, i
------4 okn.
0144 IMF/ )
3T •tiNci, 4-16111 QII*14.

Aff :- 11-54. chleichra 3TRI-Wft, --


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