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Role play


Points I told are:

Qualities of a successful manager

A good manager needs to know how to encounter and handle

various problems in a company.
Becoming a successful manager is not an easy task. It is not only a matter of
making the right decisions for your company, but you need to be a good
leader. This means that you need to know how to encounter and handle
various problems.

Knowledge is necessary but more important is a good vision on the future of

your company and the ability to create a good working team. The most
important qualities that a successful manager needs are:

Good HR managers see themselves as allies, not policeman.

1) show empathy
2) Are approachable to employees
3) Communicate effectively
4) flexible in administering policies and in their own work schedules.
Policies are guidelines
5) HR managers have two distinct, and often conflicting, roles according for
a consumer products company.

Would like to add a few more qualities :

> team oriented
> fair
> good in communications
> fair
> focused
Important skills
a. Listening Ability
b. Knowledge Authority
c. Ability to give correct directions
d. Building trust amongst your followers
e. Feedback

Hr manager should not be: -

1 Sarcastic and put other's down but he mut be empathic[/b].

2 Excuisties ( one who make excuses) rather cure himself from it becoz
successful person never make excuses.

3 bad listener but a good listener as listening shows a caring attitude towards
another person, that person feels important and can be easily motivated.
Role play

Points I told are:

Qualities of a successful manager

A manager wants to reach some goals. When he wants to succeed he

needs a visualized plan for the short time, but this is more important for the
long term. A plan consists of investments which can be useful for the long

Maybe these investments will have a negative impact on the profit of

the company the first years but will result in a higher profit and a rise in the

A good teacher

A manager needs a good team. The manager knows which goals need to be
reached. Communication with your team is important. Teach your
employees what their tasks and responsibilities are and give them the chance
to share their ideas to work on the most efficient way. Giving commands in
a respectful way is the key to succeed.

"Qualities finance manager"

We recommend:

• Check that you have correctly written all the words in your search.
• Try to use other words.
• Try to use more generic words.
Incoming search terms:

• detailed example how to prepare an internal procedure for accounting

• finance department work processes
• Senior Accountant - Audit salaries
• accountant vs finance manager
• Daily Cash Position objective
• finance vs accounting salaries
• financial analyst in accounting field
• financial analyst vs accountant salary
• financial controller vs finance manager
Management Games

Fancy dress exercise (ice-breaker, self-expression, mutual

A very quick and easy ice-breaker, requiring no equipment or preparation.

The game can be used to make introductions a little more interesting than
usual, or as a separate ice-breaker activity.

For groups of any size. Split large groups into teams small enough to review
answers among themselves.

Instruction to group:

• You are invited to a fancy dress party which requires that your
costume says something about you.
• What costume would you wear and why?
• Take two minutes to think of your answer.


Simply by asking people to explain their answers briefly to the group/team.

The exercise can be varied and expanded for groups in which people know
each other:

• Ask people to write their answers on a slip of paper (in handwriting

that cannot easily be identified), and to fold the slips and put them in the
middle of the table.
• In turn group members must each pick a slip of paper from the pile
and read the answer aloud.
• On hearing all the answers, group members must then try to match the
answers to the people present.
Management Games

Face game (body language, non-verbal

communications, ice-breakers)
For groups of four to ten people. Split larger groups into teams with leaders
who can facilitate the exercise.

Equipment required: paper and pens/pencils.

Time: 5-20 minutes depending on group size and review discussion.

Introduction: Facial expressions are an important part of communications.

There are many different emotions and corresponding facial expressions.
Some are easier to interpret than others. This exercise helps illustrate
different expressions and how some are more obvious and easy to 'read' than


Each team member must think of one emotion (or two or three emotions, for
a longer exercise), which they should then write separately on a slip of
paper. Fold the slips of paper and put it into a cup or glass in the centre of
the table, to enable 'blind' selection.

Each person must then in turn take one of the folded slips and show the
emotion on their face to the team, who must guess the emotion.

Review points, for example:

• How significant are facial expressions in conveying feelings?

• In what situations are facial expressions especially crucial to
communications and understanding?
• What emotions are easiest to 'read' and why?
• What emotions are less easy to interpret?
• What facial expressions are easiest to misread or fake?
• What effect do facial expressions have on us?
• What emotions are probably universal across all cultures?
• To what extent are we aware of our own facial expressions?
• To what extent do we 'read' facial expressions and respond to them
• And importantly - how can we manage our communications methods
given the significance facial expressions in certain types of

See also:
• Body Language - non-verbal communications - theory and signals
• Transactional Analysis Introduction
• Transactional Analysis Explanation
• Tuckman's Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing model
• Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
• Empathy
• Don Miguel Ruiz's Four Agreements
• Cherie Carter-Scott's Rules Of Life

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