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20.D1.0013 Jessica Anna Mulia Jaya

20.D1.0014 Florencia Irine C
20.D1.0026 Gabriel Ellise B A
20.D1.0028 Evelyn Yunita Rustikana

1. Transcript ( Vocabularies and Expressions)

Vocabulary :
Expressions :
- Setting the agenda :
There are five items on the agenda, first we choose the chairperson
- Giving opinion :
I think food company, but it’s up to you Jenna
In my opinion we can get big profit if using social media
- Agreeing :
I agree entirely with Irine
Euhm I suppose so
- Disagreeing :
But I tend to disagree because that price too expensive for student
Do you really think so?
- Making suggestion :
Why don’t we sell drink too? Like thai tea or coffee?
I would suggest that our business can be consumed by all levels of society, especially to the
middle class
- Checking comprehension :
Does that means we need some labor?
Are you saying if we sell that’s product in social media and then we’ll get big profit?
- Expressing reservation :
Maybe that’s true but the priority is the quality in the service and food
- Moving to a new point :
Okay next discussion
- Asking for an opinion :
What do you think Ellise?
- Interrupting :
I’m sorry but I think it is not a good idea
- Summarizing :
Let’s recap guys
2. Minute of the meeting
Held at Google Meet on November 13rd 2020
Present Jessica Anna Mulia Jaya, Florencia Irine C, Gabriel Ellise B A, Evelyn Yunita Rustikana

Topic 1 Choosing the chairperson

Topic 2 Choosing the business
Topic 3 Business location and promotion strategy
Topic 4 Business targets
Topic 5 Conclusion

Conslusion : We will establish a food company, where we have a vision and mission in running
this company, the products we sell are a kind of snacks that are generally very familiar to the
public and can be enjoyed by various groups, namely leker, besides that we also sell very varied

Jessica : Morning guys, how are you today?

Irine: Hi jenn, I’m good

Ellise: I am good too

Evelyn: I am fine, how about you jenn?

Jessica: Awesome, hey do you remember about our last discussion about we are going to develop a

Evelyn: Yeah of course

Irine: Hmmm I still remember it, what was the last time we discussed?

Ellise: Let's discuss the organization first, who wants to be the chairperson?

Irine: From yesterday Jessica was the leader and knew what to do, what if Jessica be the chairperson?

Evelyn : Yes, I agree entirely with Irine, Jessica also has more free time so she can focus on taking care of
our business

Ellise : I agree with you two, what do you think, Jessica, do you mind?

Jessica: It's okay, I don't mind

Ellise: Okay, what next jenn?

Jessica: So since you guys have chosen me as chairperson, I will lead it. There are five items on the
agenda, first we choose the chairperson which you have done earlier, secondly we want to talk about
what business we will be doing, third is the location and also the promotion strategy, fourth is who are
our targets and the last we conclude what we are talking about today

Evelyn: Ok what business we want to make?

Irine: I have an idea what about clothes business? Fashion is not going to die but it's still going on

Evelyn: I’m sorry but I think it is not a good idea. In a pandemic like this, people put aside their need for
clothing so that they may buy clothes less often

Jessica: Ok,what do you think Ellise?

Ellise: How about food, people in a pandemic period need food even after the pandemic ends, they will
still need it, right? yeah I think food company, but it’s up to you Jenn

Jessica: Okay maybe food is a good idea, for clothes we can accommodate for the next project

Irine: Alright then

Jessica: Okay next discussion. Third, there is location selection, as well as a promotion strategy

Evelyn: For now online first but after the pandemic there must be a shop. how about selling near the
campus first? After growing, then moved to the shop

Irine: Does that means we need some labor?

Ellise: Maybe it seems necessary, now we just discuss online first.

Jessica: Yes, if online, how about the promotion? which one is the most effective?

Irine: In my opinion we can get big profit if using social media

Evelyn: Are you saying if we sell that’s product in social media and then we’ll get big profit?

Irine: Yes you right

Ellise: hmmm I agree social media is also widely used and easy to use

Jessica: Euhm I suppose so

Evelyn: So, who are the targets, guys?

Jessica: I would suggest that our business can be consumed by all levels of society, especially to the
middle class

Irine: Why don’t we sell drink too? Like thai tea or coffee?

Evelyn: How about the price range?

Ellise: Around 50 maybe?

Evelyn: But I tend to disagree because that price too expensive for student

Ellise: Do you really think so?

Evelyn: Yes

Ellise: Maybe that’s true but the priority is the quality in the service and food

Jessica: I want the quality is good but with an affordable price range too so we can give prices ranging
from the cheapest to the expensive

Irine: Yes, I really agree so that consumers have a variety of choices but also get good quality

Jessica: okay, Let’s recap guys. Today's conclusion is we build a food business then use the online system
and promote via social media. When the pandemic ends and the business grows, we will sell in shops
near campus and we have the cheapest to the most expensive price range.

Irine: okay that seems good jenn

Evelyn: yeah I agree

Ellise: me too

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