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Professional Exam
Study Guide

January 2020 Version

Glossary 1
Table of Contents

Overview 3

Glossary 4

The Value of Facebook 16

Campaign Buying Types 18

Campaign Objectives 21

Campaign Audiences 35

Bids and Budgets 42

Strategic Creative 51

Measurement and Reporting 55

Study Questions 61

Answer Key 65

Glossary 2
Certification helps you stand out in your field.
Facebook Blueprint Certification recognizes advanced-level proficiency
with Facebook, Instagram and Messenger, giving you a chance to
demonstrate your professional expertise.
Getting certified is the highest level of accreditation that Facebook
recognizes in digital marketing.

Prepare to boost your resume, credibility and career.

This document will help prepare you for the Facebook Certified
Media Buying Professional Exam, which measures your competency in
designing an end-to-end Facebook marketing strategy that aligns with
business goals and complements a holistic marketing plan.

Visit the Facebook Certification Exams website to learn more.

Visit the Certification FAQ page for answers to frequently
asked questions.

Glossary 3

Glossary 4
Acronym Term Definition

A delivery method that shows the ad to as many people as possible in a

accelerated delivery
short period of time.

ad An item of promotional content.

A component of ad delivery through which you declare the maximum price

ad auction
you're willing to pay for a click, impression, or conversion.

A process through which you declare the maximum price you're willing to
ad delivery
pay for a click, impression, or conversion.

The delivery system Facebook uses to determine what outcome you are
ad delivery optimization trying to accomplish based on the objective, optimization, and any other
offsite signal provided in ad setup.

The layout of an ad which determines how the ad will look and how many
ad format
images or videos it will contain.

In Ads Manager, the ad level is the stage of campaign creation where you
ad level (Ads Manager)
build individual ads.

A group of ads that share the same daily or lifetime budget, schedule, bid
ad set
type, bid information and targeting information.

In Ads Manager, the ad set level is the stage of campaign creation where you
ad set level (Ads Manager)
build groups of ads.

An interface where you can view, make changes and access performance
Ads Manager
reports for all your campaigns, ad sets and ads.

A report created and managed in Ads Manager that indicates the

ads report
performance of a set of ads.

advertiser bid The amount you bid in an ad auction.

A component of ad delivery that allows you to adjust inputs to improve your

advertiser controls
ad performance.

Direct integration from your customer system to Facebook for real time
API integration
coverage of your business's offline activity.

A logged action that people take on your app, which is usually used for
app event
capturing and measuring ad performance.

Glossary 5
Acronym Term Definition

A campaign objective option in Ads Manager. Select the App Install campaign
App Install (campaign objective) objective if you want your ad to send people to your app store to download
your app.

API application programming interface Defines how software components communicate.

Any account, tool, creative or data source owned by a business and used to
promote, advertise or measure their business performance on Facebook.

A feature in Ads Manager where you can provide multiple assets and the
asset customization
asset which is delivered is decided during delivery time.

Also known as "Facebook Attribution," Attribution is a Facebook

Attribution measurement solution that allows you to see which platform, channel,
device, ads or content should be credited with a conversion.
The logic that determines how credit is given to touch- points for a
attribution model conversion. The attribution model logic can be based on a rule or set of
rules, or a statistical model.

The period of time during which conversions can be credited to a

attribution window
particular ad.

An ad buying type wherein you decide that you would like to participate in an
auction (buying type)
ad auction.

A network of mobile app publishers who have been approved by Facebook to

AN Audience Network
show Facebook ads in their apps.

Applicable to SDK and pixel data sources, automatic events is a feature that
automatic events
automatically accounts for events on your app or website.

An option you select when uploading your ad content to Ads Manager

automatic placements that allows Facebook to automatically deliver your ad on the most
effective platform.

bid The price for the outcome you're optimizing for.

A bid strategy that lets you set a maximum bid Facebook can use in
bid cap
each auction.

A maximum bid amount you provide to help Facebook decide which results
bid control
to spend budget on.

Glossary 6
Acronym Term Definition

The part of pacing that adjusts your bid or which auctions to enter based on
bid pacing
how much budget and time you have left for your ad set.

In Ads Manager and Reporting, a setting you select that helps Facebook
bid strategy
determine how to spend your budget in alignment with their campaign goals.

A campaign objective option in Ads Manager. Select the Brand Awareness

Brand Awareness (campaign objective) campaign objective if you want people to recall and recognize the brand
after seeing your ad.

Also known as "brand affinity," brand lift is a metric that gives you insight into
brand lift
people's attitudes towards your brand and Brand Awareness.

A result of the Facebook pacing system that appears to shift impressions

into underperforming ad sets, placements or ads. In reality, the system is
breakdown effect
designed to maximize the number of results for your campaign dependent
on what ad set optimization you choose.

When you mostly rely on the Facebook delivery system to find the best
broad targeting
people to show your ads to.

A setting that you use to tell Facebook the maximum amount you’re willing to
budget (Ads Manager)
spend on each ad set in a campaign.

The part of pacing where we may increase your budget spend if there's the
budget pacing potential of getting many optimization events with costs aligned to your
bid strategy.
A tool that allows multiple people to access and manage Pages, ad accounts
buying type and apps using their personal Facebook login credentials, while keeping their
personal profile and business assets separate.

An advertising method that encourages a direct response from people by

CTA call-to-action
prompting a specific action.

An ad or series of ads built around a single theme or set of attributes and

delivered by an ad platform to a specific audience.

campaign budget optimization (Ads A setting in Ads Manager that enables Facebook to distribute your spend
Manager) across the ad sets in your campaign to get the best overall performance.

Glossary 7
Acronym Term Definition

In Ads Manager, the campaign level is the stage of campaign creation

campaign level (Ads Manager) where you build an ad or series of ads around a single theme or set of

The first level in Facebook's ad system, comprised of ad sets and ads, where
campaign objective
you set the objectives for your campaign.

A Facebook tool that allows you to create and compare different versions of
Campaign Planner
a campaign plan.

Promotional content that displays multiple images or videos that scroll from
carousel (ad format)
left to right.

A business asset used for storing and managing inventory businesses want to
advertise or otherwise promote on Facebook Products.

A campaign objective option in Ads Manager. Select the Catalog Sales

Catalog Sales (campaign objective) campaign objective if you want to reach your target audience with relevant
products from your online catalog in an automated way.

clicks A metric for the number of times an objective has been clicked.

The number of times a link on a web page is clicked compared to the number
CTR click-through rate
of times it is displayed.

An assembly or grouping of promotional items that may be

collection (ad format)
systematically ordered.

A parameter included alongside events to measure additional information

content ID (parameter) about the ID of the product or service people engage with on your app
or website.
A parameter included alongside events to measure additional information
content type (Parameter) about the product or service type people engage with on your app
or website.

A parameter included alongside events to measure additional information

contents (parameter)
about the product or service people engage with on your app or website.

The "unexposed" group of people in a study for which no factors of the test
control group
are influenced. It's used as a benchmark to measure the effect of the test.

A product that leverages Randomized Control Trials (RCTs) to measure the

Conversion Lift
number of incremental conversions that happen as a result of Facebook ads.

In Facebook's Attribution interface, the sequence of touchpoints that lead to

conversion path
a single conversion.

Glossary 8
Acronym Term Definition

A campaign objective option in Ads Manager. Select the Conversions

Conversions (campaign objective) campaign objective if you want to prompt valuable actions on your website,
in your app, in Messenger or in WhatsApp.

A default targeting option that allows you to direct your ads to people based
Core Audiences
on demographics, location, interests and behaviors.

A bid strategy that enables you to set a maximum average cost per
cost cap
optimization event for an ad set.

The amount you're willing to pay per optimization event. A cost control helps
Facebook spend your budget on the optimization events best aligned with
cost control
your goals. It also tells Facebook to stop delivering your ads if continuing to
do so would violate your cost control.

Also known as "cost per acquisition," CPA is the cost to you each time an
CPA cost per action
action is taken because of an ad.

CPC cost per click The cost for each time an ad is clicked.

CPI cost per impression The cost for each person who views your ad.

Also known as "cost per mille," The average cost you've paid for 1,000
CPM cost per thousand impressions impressions of your ad, or the average revenue you've received for 1,000
impressions of an ad on your apps or websites.

creative fatigue When your ad performance suffers due to overexposure.

A group of people created through a Facebook advertising feature that lets

CA Custom Audience
you find your existing audiences among people who are on Facebook.

A measurement object that is created by applying rules to existing events,

custom conversion
used to capture unique ad outcomes.

A logged action specified by you based on a specific action you want people
custom event
to take on your website, app or offline.

A type of tool that enables businesses to manage contact information and

CRM customer relationship management
interactions through the customer lifecycle.

Glossary 9
Acronym Term Definition

A tool, connection, piece of code or other object that collects information,

data source such as Facebook pixel, Facebook SDK and offline conversions. The
information can be used for measurement and analysis later.
Also known as "scheduled ad delivery," dayparting is an ad delivery option
dayparting that allows you to specify certain hours and/or days of the week when your
ads should show.
Advertising that is intended to generate an immediate action (usually
DR direct response associated with ecommerce activities) like sign-up, purchase a product or
mobile app install.

An ad type that can show a number of different products to an audience and

DA dynamic ad
choose the most relevant product to show to each individual in the audience.

Dynamic ads used to help you to expand your target audience rather
dynamic ads for broad audiences than target those who’ve already visited, browsed or purchased items on
your website.

A process whereby you give Facebook all of your creative assets for ads and
dynamic creative
we match them to the right audience automatically.

Dynamic language optimization allows you to create multiple ad sets for

dynamic language optimization each language and apply separate language targeting if you're advertising in
multiple markets or one market with various languages.
Also known as "manual placements," edit placement is an option in Ads
edit placements Manager that lets you choose the specific platform, across all of Facebook
Products, where you want your ads to appear.
A campaign objective option in Ads Manager. Select the Engagement
Engagement (campaign objective) campaign objective if you want to send people to like your page, engage with
your post or respond to your event.
Also known as a "Facebook custom audience," an engagement Custom
Audience is a group of people likely to engage with your ad based on the
ECA engagement Custom Audience
people who have previously engaged with your content across Facebook

A calculated value determined by how likely it is that your ad will lead to your
estimated action rates
desired outcome after it's shown to a person.

A logged action that people take on your website, app or offline usually used
for capturing and measuring ad performance.

Glossary 10
Acronym Term Definition

The collection of information about a business's sales, revenue and customer

Facebook IQ Insights
reach on Facebook and Instagram.

A third-party company who uses the Facebook Ads API to develop their own
FMP Facebook Marketing Partner
customized tools.

Facebook pixel A piece of code installed on your website that captures website events.

Features, apps, technologies, software, products, or services offered by

Facebook Products
Facebook Inc. or Facebook Ireland Limited under our Data Policy.

Facebook SDK A piece of code installed on your app that captures app events.

feed A stream of posts or updates in a social media service.

Facebook tools (like Business Manager) that help streamline the

first-party solutions
development of your ad campaigns.

A unit of measurement of audience size for TV advertisements, according

to Nielsen. It is used to measure the exposure to one or more programs or
GRP Gross Rating Point
commercials, without regard to multiple exposures of the same advertising
to individuals.

A Facebook feature used for managing messages, comments, broadcasts,

automated responses and other direct communication features.

A Facebook feature that provides rich format, interactive articles that you
Instant Articles
can create and publish on Facebook.

An interstitial landing page that loads instantly when someone taps on an ad

Instant Experience (ad format) on Facebook or Instagram. They are only supported on mobile placements
and devices.

A Facebook feature that allows you to place ads before, during or after video
in–stream videos

Also known as "multi-country Lookalike Audiences," an international

international Lookalike Audiences Lookalike Audience is a Lookalike Audience that spans beyond the borders of
a single county.

KPI key performance indicator A measurement to evaluate the success of a campaign or ad.

Glossary 11
Acronym Term Definition

A campaign objective option in Ads Manager. Select the Lead Generation

Lead Generation (campaign objective)
campaign objective if you want to collect leads for your business.

In Ads Manager, a period of time where the delivery system is collecting

learning phase information to optimize ad delivery. This term refers to the machine learning
of our system, not your learning.

The measure of the total value (such as total purchases) attributed to a

LTV lifetime value
group of customers using a third-party developer app.

A group of people who are similar to an existing audience, allowing you to

LAL Lookalike Audience
direct your ad to people who “look like” your established customers.

A bid strategy that prioritizes spending your entire budget. It doesn't allow
lowest cost
you to control costs in any way other than setting a budget.

A discipline that uses science, information and computer code to

machine learning automatically predict certain outcomes based on discovered patterns not
explicitly programmed.

A dedicated surface on Facebook for people to buy and sell with

other people.

media mix The methods and channels you use to meet your advertising goals.

A campaign objective option in Ads Manager. Select the Messages campaign

Messages (campaign objective) objective if you want to start and/or renew conversations with your
customers in Messenger.

A communication method through written text used on WhatsApp

and Messenger.

Messenger Facebook’s messaging app.

A study with multiple test groups, where group A is shown one ad, group B is
shown a different ad and group C is shown no ad.

A rule-based attribution model that allows you to credit multiple touchpoints

multi-touch attribution model
in the consumer's conversion path.

Allows you to measure how much your Facebook ads lead to offline
offline conversions outcomes, such as purchases in your stores, phone orders, bookings
and more.

Glossary 12
Acronym Term Definition

A logged action that happens "offline." Offline events may include store visits,
offline event leads, sales calls, in-store purchases, activity on third-party sites (such as
eBay) and more.
A collection of information about offline events for a business. An advertiser
offline events set creates an offline event set in the offline event manager (in Ads Manager)
and can then import information into that offline event set.
A component of ad delivery where Facebook tries to measure and project
pacing system a campaign's end date to spend your budget as evenly as possible over the
lifetime of your ad set.

A modifier or custom value assigned to an event for the purpose of adding

contextual information for measurement.

Leveraging real people, instead of cookies or proxy metrics alone, when

people-based measurement
measuring the effectiveness of your ad.

A location where you can show an ad on a website or app, such as News

Feed, Instagram Stories or Messenger Inbox.

placement distribution (Campaign A chart available in Campaign Planner that shows the percentage of people
Planner) predicted to see your ad arranged by placement.

POS point of sale Is the moment when a retail transaction is completed.

A parameter captured alongside events to pass additional information about

product catalog IDs (parameter)
the inventory people engage with on your app or website.

An approximate measure of information used when direct, concrete

proxy metrics
information is unavailable.

A campaign objective option in Ads Manager. Select the Reach campaign

Reach (campaign objective) objective if you want to maximize the number of people who will be shown
your ad and how often they will be shown them.

An ad buying type that allows you to reach an established number of people

reach and frequency (buying type)
within a target audience at a specified frequency at a fixed price.

An advertising approach aimed at re-engaging people with who you've

retargeting previously seen, previously engaged with or who have taken action on your
website, app or offline business.

Glossary 13
Acronym Term Definition

A tool that allows you to select the rule that will determine how
rule-based attribution model conversions should be attributed to different touchpoints in the customer's
conversion path.

scheduled delivery See “dayparting” definition.

An ad delivery option, for the reach and frequency buying type, that allows
sequenced delivery
you to serve your ads in a specific order or sequence.

A study with one test group, where group A is shown the ad but group B isn't
shown the ad.

A rule-based attribution model that allows you to credit only one touchpoint
single-touch attribution model
in the consumer's conversion path.

A type of video that's created using still images or videos, and may contain a
slideshow (ad format)
music soundtrack.

Also known as "A/B testing," a split test is a study that allows you to conduct
split test a controlled experiment comparing multiple ad sets to see which performs
the best.
A Messenger ad type in the ads interface. The sponsored message ad unit
sponsored message allows you to send a message to people in Messenger who have an existing
Messenger conversation with your business.

An ad delivery option that helps you to spend your budget evenly over the
standard delivery
course of your campaigns.

standard event A logged action that is predefined by Facebook.

A tool that allows you to look at historical information to determine how

statistical attribution model
conversions should be attributed.

A campaign objective option in Ads Manager. Select the Store Traffic

Store Traffic (campaign objective)
campaign objective if you want to send foot traffic to your physical stores.

A Facebook feature that allows people to post casual photos and videos that
are stitched together into one unit of content that is available for 24 hours.

success metrics The measurements you use to determine the success of your campaign.

suggested videos A feature that makes video suggestions to people while on Facebook.

Glossary 14
Acronym Term Definition

A bid strategy that enables you to prioritize getting a stable cost per
target cost optimization event. Facebook will try to keep costs as close to the amount
you want as possible.

An ad buying type that allows you to plan and buy video campaigns using
TRP target rating point (Buying Type)
Nielsen-verified target rating points (TRPs) on Facebook and Instagram.

targeting The process of defining an audience for your ads.

A tool in Ads Manager that helps you run tests on your ads and learn about
Test and Learn
their results.

The "exposed" group of people in a study for which factors of the test
test group
are influenced.

The tools offered from companies not owned by Facebook that help
third-party solutions
streamline the development of your ad campaigns.

A campaign objective option in Ads Manager. Select the Traffic campaign

Traffic (campaign objective)
objective if you want to send people from Facebook to a URL.

A calculated value determined by your ad quality along with how relevant

user value
your ad is to the chosen individual.

A parameter included alongside events to measure additional information

value (parameter) about the price value of inventory people engage with on your app
or website.

VBLAL value-based Lookalike Audience The group of people most similar to your highest-value customers.

A campaign objective option in Ads Manager. Select the Video Views

Video Views (campaign objective)
campaign objective if you want to have people watch your video.

Views The act of watching a video, usually for a specific duration of time.

Glossary 15
Glossary 16
Meet customers where the world loves to connect
Over two billion people, globally, use Facebook Products. People use Facebook to build connections and
discover things that matter to them. Advertising on Facebook is a way to get noticed, find new customers
and build lasting relationships. With our powerful audience selection tools, you can show ads to people
who are right for your business.

Facebook products
Facebook Products give you the opportunity to advertise your business. You can use one or more of our
apps and services to help maximize or customize your reach. Facebook Products include:
· Facebook
· Instagram
· Messenger
· Audience Network

You can choose which of these platforms to advertise on to best accomplish your business goals.

Source: 1) "Facebook data," Facebook for Business, Jul 2019, /marketing/facebook The Value of Facebook 17
Glossary 18
Facebook offers three ways to buy ads

A buying type is the method by which you pay for and You determine your buying type before all other
target ads in your campaigns. In Ads Manager, you elements in the campaign structure, so much of
determine your buying type at the campaign level. your ad performance will depend on you choosing
Whether you’re launching a new brand or generating the option that best suits your budget, schedule or
awareness of an upcoming movie premiere, it’s business goals.
important to consider which buying type best meets
the business goals of your campaign. Auction buying
Auction buying offers more choice, efficiency and
When you set up your ad campaigns you can select flexibility, with less predictable results. Ads can be
from three buying types: placed across Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and
· Auction Audience Network. It's recommended that campaigns
· Reach and frequency placed on Facebook or Instagram use the auction
buying type.
· Target rating point (TRP)
Reach and frequency buying
Reach and frequency buying lets you plan and buy your
campaigns in advance, with predictable ad delivery and
more control over your frequency settings.

Auction versus reach and frequency

Auction Reach and frequency

Frequency Allows a flexible frequency cap for the Reach and

Allows a flexible frequency cap for any objective selected.
controls Brand Awareness objectives only.

Standard delivery only. Facebook will automatically Offers options for sequenced or scheduled delivery
identify the highest performing ad and serve it the (controlling the order and dates on which people see your
controls most among a set. ads) in addition to standard delivery.

No prediction of overall reach (daily reach

Predictability Prediction of overall reach.
prediction only).

Depending on market conditions, prices will

Lock in the CPM you will pay for impressions. The system
Pricing fluctuate in the auction. You compete with
bids for you.
your bid.

Can schedule your ads to run only during part of the day,
Can schedule your ads for different times of day
Day-parting but can't vary this selection by day of the week. Minimum
for different days of the week.
campaign length of 24 hours.

Optimizes only for the objective (for example, Optimizes dynamically between the objective and
Brand Awareness). impressions.

Audiences can be: multi-country, very small, and You can only target one country at a time, no fewer than
you can exclude dynamic audiences. 200,000 people, and you can't exclude dynamic audiences.

Campaign Buying Types 19

TRP buying
TRP buying is limited to eligible campaigns only. TRP With TRP, you can:
is a buying type that lets you extend, augment and · Measure impressions as a percentage of the
complement your TV campaigns to Facebook and target population.
Instagram. With TRP you can plan and buy video
· Buy video ads the same way and in the same
campaigns using Nielsen-verified TRPs, like TV and
currency as you buy other Facebook and
other online video channels. Your ad will then be
Instagram ads.
optimized towards Nielsen on-target delivery according
to your target audience.

Auction Reach and frequency Target ratings points

How to buy Bid for audience actions or Pay a fixed price to predictably Buy Nielsen–verified, on–target
and what impressions with a variety of cost reach your audience impressions for a specific
you're buying control tools campaign at a set price

How it works · Real–time pricing and · Buy up to 6 months · Buy up to 6 months

availability in advance in advance
· More objectives to · Control frequency · Minimum spend required
choose from
· 200k minimum audience
· *Control frequency
*Using the Reach Objective — some accounts may also control frequency with Brand Awareness and Video Views
**TRP is not available in all countries.

Campaign Buying Types 20

Glossary 21
Campaign structure

Before choosing your campaign objective, it’s important Ad set

to know how Facebook campaigns are structured. Your An ad set contains one or more ads. Ad sets let you
Facebook ad needs three parts to run: a campaign, ad schedule when those audiences can see your ads and
set and ad. All these parts make up what’s called the measure their response.
campaign structure. Knowing how they work together
will help your ads run the way you want them to, and
allow you to reach out to the right people.
Ads live within ad sets. Creating multiple ads in each ad
set will let Facebook optimize their delivery based on
variations in images, links, video, text or placements.
A campaign contains one or more ad sets and
ads. Campaigns allow you to easily measure the
performance of your ad sets and ads and optimize for a
single objective.

Campaign Objectives 22
Facebook campaign objectives

Facebook offers a variety of different campaign 1 Awareness: These are objectives that
objectives for you to choose from. Before choosing generate interest in your product or service.
your campaign objective, it’s important to define Increasing brand awareness is about telling
your business goal, so you can align that with the people what makes your business valuable.
corresponding objective. Choosing the right objective
2 Consideration: These are objectives that get
is important as it will determine how Facebook decides
people to think about your business and seek
to deliver your ads.
more information.
Currently, we offer 11 objectives spanning three stages
of the consumer journey: 3 Conversion: These are objectives that
encourage people interested in your business
to buy or use your product or service.

Awareness Consideration Conversion

Brand Awareness Traffic Conversions

Reach Engagement Catalog Sales

App Installs Store Traffic

Video Views

Lead Generation


Campaign Objectives 23
How campaign objectives relate to business goals

Choose this if your business

For example... Data sources Notes Platforms
objective goal is to...

Brand Increase people’s Club Soda is an artisanal NA The Brand Awareness Facebook
Awareness awareness of your carbonated beverage objective gives you the Messenger
business, brand company that is well– estimated ad recall lift Instagram
or service. known in the beverage (people) metric, which Audience Network
industry. It wants to shows how many
share its new, exclusive people we estimate
flavor so people keep it would remember your
top of mind when they ad if we asked them
go to the grocery store. within two days.

Reach Maximize the Spruce manufactures NA You can set frequency Facebook
number of people soap dispensers that controls for how many Messenger
who see your can be reused as times your audience Instagram
ads and control home decor. sees your ad and the Audience Network
how often they Spruce’s goal is to minimum number of
see them. expose as many days between each
people as possible to time they see it.
its line of products
and share a little
about the products’
eco–friendly benefits.

Traffic Send people from Zoomture, a budget Optional but To encourage Facebook
Facebook to any travel website and app, recommended: more successful Messenger
URL you choose, has recently redesigned outcomes, we typically Instagram
such as your its website. The goal is · Pixel recommend you use Audience Network
website's landing to encourage people the Catalog Sales
page, a blog post who signed up for the objective and/or the
or app. newsletter to click to Website Conversions
the website and see the objective instead.
new online experience. We don't consider the
The Facebook pixel isn’t Traffic objective to
installed yet but the be an optimal way to
plan is to implement it spend your budget.
next month.

Engagement Get people to Lucky Shrub, a chain NA NA Post engagement:

engage with your of plant nurseries, Facebook
Page (Page Likes), will soon host plant Messenger
engage with potting demonstrations Instagram
your post (Post at various locations. Audience Network
Engagement), or The company created
respond to your a Facebook event for
Page likes and
event (Event each location. It wants
event responses:
Responses). to share details about
the events and collect Facebook
responses from people
interested in attending.

Campaign Objectives 24
Choose this if your business
For example... Data sources Notes Platforms
objective goal is to...

App Installs Send people to Joystick Studios has just Required: Deep linking allows Facebook
their relevant app launched a new gaming you to lead people to Messenger
store to download app, available on mobile · Registered app a specified destination Instagram
your app. devices. The company · Facebook SDK of your mobile app Audience Network
wants the campaign to once they click your
reach people who are ad, if they have your
interested in gaming app installed. With the
and more likely to App Installs objective,
download the app. you will want to use
“deferred” deep linking
because people have
NOT yet installed your
app. This will defer
a person to the app
store first, and then
once installed, they
will be brought to the
specific destination. If
you're only directing
your ads to people
who’ve already
installed your app,
you don't need to add
deferred deep linking.

Video Views Have people watch The automotive NA NA Facebook

your video. company, Endo Moto, Instagram
is preparing to release Audience Network
its new line of cars.
To generate interest
in their new models,
they’ve produced
short, high–quality
videos of each vehicle
in action. The goal is for
people to watch their
entire video and feel
inspired to seek more
information about their
new vehicles.

Lead Collect leads for Pacific Moon University NA After clicking your Facebook
Generation your business. wants to find potential lead ad, customers Messenger
new students to enroll will see a form that’s Instagram
for the fall semester. To already filled out Audience Network
entice new students, with information
the university shares they’ve shared with
upcoming lecturers and Facebook,like their
newly added classes in a name, phone number
weekly email newsletter. or email. The form
It wants to encourage is mobile–friendly
people to sign up to and designed to
receive the newsletter. minimize typing.

Campaign Objectives 25
Choose this if your business
For example... Data sources Notes Platforms
objective goal is to...

Messages Start and/or renew The fashion retailer NA There are three types Facebook
conversations with Wind and Wool, wants of Message ads you Instagram
your customers in to reach people who can create: Audience Network
Messenger. have previously shown
interest in the brand. · Ads that link to
The company wants Messenger
to re-connect with · Ads that link to
people who have WhatsApp
asked questions about
products via Messenger. · Sponsored Messages
The goal is for people —let you send
to learn more about messages directly
the merchandise the to people who’ve
company offers. already engaged
with your business in

Conversions Prompt valuable Mangata and Gallo is a Required: NA Facebook

actions on your well–established online Messenger
website, in your jewelry retailer with a · Pixel and Instagram
app, in Messenger, large customer base. Standard Audience Network
or in Whatsapp. The company’s goal Event(s)*, or
is to increase sales of · SDK and App
its new diamond ring. Event(s)*
Using the Facebook
pixel, the company
wants to reach people
who have placed the
ring in their cart on
their website, but have
not completed the
purchase. The goal
is to turn potential
purchases of the ring
into real sales.

Campaign Objectives 26
Choose this if your business
For example... Data sources Notes Platforms
objective goal is to...

Catalog Sales Reach your target Feroldi’s sells a wide Required: While setting up your Facebook
audience with variety of beauty campaigns, you will Messenger
relevant products products from its · Pixel and have the option to Instagram
from your online online website. The goal Standards retarget your website/ Audience Network
catalog in an is to increase average Event(s)*, or app visitors or expand
automated way. purchase value, so the · SDK and App your campaign to
This objective company wants to Event(s)* broad audiences.
retarget past customers
is powered by with products similar · Catalog
dynamic ads***. to what they’ve
purchased in the past.
The company wants to
leverage the hundreds
of products it offers,
the insights received
from its pixel and the
power of dynamic ads
to avoid the heavy lift of
setting up retargeting
campaigns manually.

Store Traffic Send foot traffic Patty Stack, a chain of · Optional but This objective also Facebook
to your physical fast food restaurants, recommended: lets you direct your Messenger
stores. wants to generate ads to people within Instagram
in–store sales. The a set distance of Audience Network
company wants to · Conversions one or many of your
build a campaign to and Offline store locations with
feature its best selling Events** ads designed to help
hamburgers and people navigate to or
entice people to visit a contact the location
nearby restaurant. closest to them.
If you only want to
increase foot traffic
to one store rather
than to multiple
stores, choose the
Reach marketing
objective instead.

*Custom conversions can also be used.

**Offline Conversions reporting and Offline Events are optional for all objectives.

Campaign Objectives 27
Dynamic Ads A catalog is a container that holds information about
Dynamic ads match your audience’s intent, captured the items in your inventory. After you create a catalog,
from your website, your mobile app or elsewhere on you can create ads and commerce experiences that
the web (like Facebook or other websites), to help pull information from your catalog to show people
increase demand and sales for your online catalog. your items.
Dynamic ads look exactly like other ads but they allow This will help you automatically personalize your ad
you to create an ad template that automatically uses creative at scale without having to create thousands of
images and details from your catalog for items you'd individual ads. There are currently products tailored to
like to advertise. four different dynamic ad verticals. Here is when you
would use them:

Use the Retail/eCommerce vertical to reach more shoppers, move people

to complete a sale and find new potential shoppers.

Use the Travel vertical to reach people through their dynamic booking
Travel window, who are weekend travelers, single travelers, traveling in groups
and more.

Use the Real Estate vertical to reach people with your real estate
Real Estate inventory. You can include elements such as the number of bedrooms
and bathrooms.

Use the Auto vertical to upload your entire catalog of vehicle inventory
with relevant details such as make, model and year.

Campaign objectives and buying types

Using reach and frequency buying is recommended

when you want to increase brand exposure across an
audience of 200,000 or more people. It works best
with the Reach, Brand Awareness or Video Views
objectives. If your goal is to find the most cost-efficient
way of promoting a specific direct response such as
Conversions or App Installs, Facebook recommends
using the auction buying method instead.

Campaign Objectives 28
Data sources

Data sources are tools, connections, pieces of code or other objects that capture the interactions people make.
Select the right data source for you based on your business type. Use data sources on your website, mobile app
or in your store so that you can measure actions like views, adds to cart and purchases. There are three campaign
data sources that are important for businesses who want to focus on performance marketing.

Facebook Pixel Facebook SDK Offline Conversion

Facebook pixel Automatic events

The Facebook pixel is a piece of code you place on Automatically logged events are actions that the
your website to understand how people interact with Facebook pixel measures by default unless you've
your content after seeing your ads. When you share disabled this functionality. Events logged include
this information with Facebook, Facebook can deliver actions taken from mobile browsers.
ads to people more likely to take action. You can use
what you learn from Facebook pixel to build more
Standard events
effective ads and audiences.
Facebook pixel's standard events are logged actions
The Facebook pixel implementation process consists of that are predefined by Facebook. With standard
the following steps: events you can capture specific actions, optimize
1 Create a Facebook pixel in Ads Manager for conversions and build audiences. You may elect
to implement standard events if your information
2 Add the system-generated base code to our collection needs are typical. Examples of standard
website or connect a partner platform events include Purchase, Add to Cart and Lead.
3 Confirm the pixel is working with our Pixel Custom events
Helper tool Custom events for the Facebook pixel are logged actions
4 Add Standard Events or Custom Events that are defined by you to serve your information
collection needs. You may elect to implement these
5 Start building, optimizing and measuring events if your information collection needs are atypical.
With custom events, you can capture specific actions
After it's implemented, the pixel logs actions, or and build audiences. However, our system won't allow
"events," taken on your website. Standard events and you to optimize towards these events or show their
custom events are the two event categories available numbers in reporting unless they are mapped to a
to help you monitor your website activity. custom conversion.

Visit the Specifications for Facebook Pixel Standard Events page

for a list of predefined standard events.
Campaign Objectives 29
Custom conversions create a rule to report on and measure all purchases
You can create custom conversions for both standard that were over $40 using pixel events and parameters.
and custom events. Custom conversions let you create Visit the About Custom Conversions page to learn
rules for pixel events or URLs, so you can measure more about custom conversions.
more specific customer actions. For example, you can

Facebook SDK

The Facebook SDK is an analytics tool that enables you Automatic events
to capture and measure the actions people take in your Automatically logged events are actions that the
app. You can use Facebook SDK to direct, measure and Facebook pixel measures by default unless you've
optimize the delivery of your ads to people most likely disabled this functionality. These events include app
to take action. installs, app sessions and in-app purchases.
The Facebook SDK implementation process consists of
the following steps: Standard events
1 Register your app with Facebook Standard Events, for Facebook SDK, are logged actions
2 Associate your ad account with your app that are predefined by Facebook with parameters you
3 Download and add the SDK to your app can apply to retrieve more detailed event information.
These events are just like standard events for the
4 Confirm the SDK is working with our Facebook pixel. Although, with SDK you have the
App Ads Helper option to measure app-specific actions, such as events
5 Add App Events to your app for the gaming vertical, ad clicks and ad impressions.
5 Start building, optimizing and measuring Custom events
Facebook SDK's custom events are measured actions
After it's implemented, the SDK measures app events that are defined by you to serve your particular
taken on your app. App events are comprised of information collection needs. These events function
three event categories available to help you monitor the same as they do for pixel, except for your app
your app activity. The three app event categories are instead of your website.
automatic events, standard events and custom events.

Campaign Objectives 30
Offline Conversions

Offline Conversions is an analytics tool that enables Upload events

you to connect your offline events information such as You set up your upload events by uploading offline
your CRM or POS to Facebook. As your ads run across information to the offline events tool in Business
Facebook, Instagram and Audience Network, we match Manager. There are three ways to connect your offline
your customer information, through a secure matching information, including:
process, to people who saw or clicked on your ads to
· Manual CSV upload: Upload a CSV file
see how much offline activity can be attributed to your
manually with your transactions on a daily
ads. You can capture a multitude of Offline Events back
basis. Requires no technical expertise.
to your Facebook campaigns. Here are some examples:
· API integration: Direct integration from
· Purchases made in your stores
client’s customer system to Facebook for real
· Open house visits time coverage.
· Calls for an insurance quote · Technology partners: Leverage partnerships
· Confirmed travel booking over email with customer systems vendors and systems
The Offline Conversion implementation process integrators. All the benefits of API, but you
consists of the following steps: don’t need to build it yourself.

1 Set up: Create your event set, the Business Custom conversion events
Manager or API, assign it to your ad account(s)
Custom conversions separate your event information
and enable auto-tracking
based on values, event types, custom information
2 Create: Create Offline Event-Based Custom fields and other characteristics that are important to
Audiences based on offline behaviors your business. You can apply your custom conversion
and attributes to offline event sets you've already set up.
3 Run: Run your campaigns across Facebook,
Instagram and Audience Network
4 View: View your results in Ads Manager and
Facebook Analytics
After your offline conversions are implemented, you
can start logging Offline Event Sets. Offline Event
Set categories include upload events and custom
conversions events.

Visit the Create Offline Event Sets page to learn more about offline events sets.
Campaign Objectives 31
Tracking Parameters

You can use parameters, alongside events, to pass additional information through the pixel or SDK. You can
specify or adjust the parameters you want for your Online or App Events. Setting up your event parameters can
help ensure that you're collecting the information that matters most to your business.
These are examples of parameters for Data Sources:

Recommended Parameters for Pixel Events Recommended Parameters for App Events

· Content IDs · Content IDs

· Contents · Contents
· Content Type · Content Type
· Product Catalog IDs · Value
· Value

For example, if you wanted to measure your return

on ad spend, you can pass the value of your event
through the pixel or SDK. Let’s say you sell shoes. You
can pass the value of the shoes via the value parameter
of the Purchase pixel event. To set parameters for
your events:
1 Go to the web page where you placed the
Facebook pixel.
2 Find the snippet of code for your event.

3 Edit or add the parameter code you want.

You may also choose to work with your web developer

to add an extra line of code to your pixel.

Visit Set the value and currency of your Facebook pixel standard events page to
learn more about how to set a parameter for an event.
Campaign Objectives 32
Facebook ad placements

There are a variety of ad placements offered within Facebook Products, which include:

Facebook Instagram Audience Network Messenger

· Feed · Feed · Native, Banner · Inbox

and Interstitial
· Right Column · Stories · Stories
· In–Stream
· Instant Articles · Explore · Sponsored
· Rewarded Video Messages
· Video Feeds
· In–Stream Videos
· Stories
· Marketplace*
*Only available in select countries
· Search

Automatic versus manually · Extend Reach: Automatic placement helps

selected placements extend the reach of an existing campaign by
You can either let Facebook place your ads (automatic enabling placement on more platforms and
placements) or manually choose where you’d like your multiple placements within a single app.
ad to appear (edit placements). Edit placements
Automatic placements When you edit placements, you have more control
We recommended that you choose automatic over where your ad appears. Choosing to manually
placements. With automatic placements, your ad is select placements and not using automatic placements,
deliverable through all placements to elicit efficiencies limits opportunities to maximize results.
in your ad delivery, helping you get more results for
Asset customization
your budget.
You can use asset customization with automatic
Automatic placements help you to:
placements and edit placements. Asset customization
· Get More Results: Running ads in multiple allows you to specify what ads are shown for specific
placements in a single app or across all placements, to ensure your ad displays the way
Facebook Products can help to deliver the best you want. Remember, some objectives, formats,
return on ad spend. placements and other options aren't compatible with
· Save Time: Allowing Facebook to find the asset customization.
most effective placements for your campaign
as possible, based on our optimization,
reduces the effort spent optimizing your
placements manually.

Visit the Troubleshoot Asset Customization for Placements page to learn more
about the options that aren’t compatible with asset customization.
Campaign Objectives 33
Brand Safety
There are three brand safety tools to prevent your · Publisher List and Publisher Delivery
ads from running alongside certain types of content Report: You can review our list of publisher
on Instant Articles, Audience Network and In-Stream apps, websites and Pages where your ads
Video placements. The three brand safety tools are: could be delivered, sorted by placement type.
· Inventory Filter: Allows you to select the During or after a campaign, you can also pull
level of sensitivity of content your ads appear a publisher delivery report to review where
on. Whether you choose full, standard or your ads actually delivered. The Publisher List
limited inventory, we'll automatically prevent and Publisher Delivery Report are viewed in
your content from showing on the most Business Manager.
controversial content. Nudity and excessive · Block Lists: You can upload a block list of
violence are excluded on these placements URLs (where you don't want your ad deliver).
by default. Inventory filter is selected in Ads You can upload a block lists in Ads Manager or
Manager. Business Manager.
Note: This capability is only available when you
choose to edit placements.

Campaign Objectives 34
Glossary 35
Audience options

Audience targeting helps you show your ads to the people you care about. There are two general approaches
you can take to creating a target audience: specific and broad. The approach you choose depends on what you're
trying to accomplish and what resources you have available. There are three targeting options you can use that are
generated from Facebook’s native information.

Core Audiences Custom Audiences Lookalike Audiences

Core Audiences Custom Audiences

With the Core Audience option, information is With the Custom Audience option advertisers reach
pulled from what people share in their profiles people across devices based on the information they
and the behaviors they exhibit on our platform. By already have access to in a privacy-safe way. You can
identifying your Core Audience you can help more generate Custom Audiences by using your sources or
accurately market your campaign to the right people. using Facebook sources.
For example, you can direct your ads to moms who
Generate Custom Audiences with your sources
are interested in sports, live in a big city and are
environmentally conscious. Detailed targeting is a You can use these sources to generate Custom
targeting option available in the audience section of Audiences from your information:
Ads Manager that allows you to refine the group of · A Customer File
people we show your ads to. You can do this with
· Offline Activity
information such as additional demographics, interests
and behaviors. · Facebook pixel (website traffic)
These detailed targeting options may be based on: · Facebook SDK (app activity)
· Engagement on Facebook
· Ads they tap or click
· Pages they engage with
· Activities people engage in on Facebook
related to things like their device usage, and
travel preferences
· Demographics like age, gender and location
· The type of device they use and the speed of
their network connection

Campaign Audiences 36
To use your customer files or offline activity all of the hashes, both matching and non-matching.
information to generate Custom Audiences, upload The result is a Custom Audience of accounts that can
a list of CRM information (email addresses or phone potentially receive your ads. The Custom Audiences is
numbers) into your browser. Your browser hashes all stored in your ad account—only authorized account
of the uploaded information locally on your computer. admins can deliver campaigns to it. You can't see the
Then, we compare your list to our information. For specific individuals who are contained in the Custom
each matching hash, we add the Facebook user to Audiences, you just see the approximate number of
a Custom Audience stored within your ad account. people that this audience contains.
Once the matching process completes, we delete

PII Data Column Custom Audience Data

Hashing Mapping in CSV Format


Facebook Servers Facebook Ad Account


All matched and

are deleted after the
process completes

Note: *Personally Identifiable Information (PII) needs to be hashed by partner before API transfer.
Hashing is automatic through the UI. Facebook support SHA 256

Generate Custom Audiences with Pixel Generate Custom Audiences with SDK
Custom Audiences from your website is a targeting Creating a Custom Audience is a great way to target
option that matches people who visit your website with ads toward specific groups of people who are most
people on Facebook, using the Facebook pixel. You can likely to take the action you want them to take on
then create an ad to show to that audience. your app. Using the Facebook SDK, you can pass
You can create a Custom Audience from your website information to Facebook from your app and use that
for any group of visitors that you'd like to reach with information to specify who you want to include in your
targeted Facebook ads. For example, you can run a Custom Audience. For example, if you use the Traffic
campaign to reach people who visited a product page or Conversion objective to run an app ad engagement
but didn't complete a purchase to encourage them campaign, your ads may perform better if you create
to go back to the website to do so. Or, you can create a Custom Audience of the people who have already
an audience of everyone who's visited your website in installed your app. The ads will be targeted toward
the past 30 days. (This timeframe is based on a rolling people who already have the app downloaded but who
number of days, rather than on the specific number don't engage with it as much as you’d like. You can
of days since the Custom Audience creation date). create a Custom Audience, from your app events, in
You can create a Custom Audience, from your website Ads Manager.
events in Ads Manager. Visit the Create a Custom Audience for your app ads
Visit the Create a Custom Audience from Website page to learn more about creating Custom Audiences
Events page to learn more about creating Custom with Facebook SDK.
Audiences with Facebook pixel.
Campaign Audiences 37
Note: Keep in mind the minimum size for a Custom Note: Engagement Custom Audiences are different
Audience or to build a Lookalike Audience, is 100 than Custom Audiences from your website. While both
people from a single origin country. Although, we do take actions into account, engagement Custom
recommend using at least 1,000. Audiences use actions taken on Facebook's family of
Generate Custom Audiences with Facebook apps and services, whereas Custom Audiences from
sources your website use actions taken on your website which
is measured by the Facebook pixel.
You can use these sources to generate Custom
Audiences from Facebook information: When you create an engagement Custom Audience,
· Video you tell Facebook how many days to go back when
collecting engagement. Anyone new who engages
· Lead form within the time period you choose will be added to
· Full-Screen experience the audience. So, the audience is constantly being
· Facebook Page refreshed, meaning you don't need to edit or create a
new engagement Custom Audience unless you want to
· Instagram business profile
change the time period or the type of engagement.
· Event
A Facebook Engagement Custom Audience is made up
of people who have engaged with your content across Lookalike Audiences
Facebook Products. "Engagement" refers to actions Lookalike Audiences are based on sophisticated
like spending time viewing your videos or opening your modeling and identify people who share similar likes,
lead form or Collection ad. This could also come from interests, or characteristics as your current audience.
people who use a full-screen experience, interacting You can target a Lookalike Audience if you want to
with your Facebook Page or Instagram business profile reach new people who are likely to be interested in
and responding to your event. Using engagement your business because they're similar to your best
Custom Audiences, you can direct your ads to people existing customers.
who've taken these actions.

Most similar Least similar

1% Lookalike

Source Audience size ranges from 1% to 10% of the total Facebook population in the countries you
choose, with 1% being those who most closely match your source.

You can create a Lookalike Audience in Ads Manager.

Visit the Create a Lookalike Audience page to learn more about creating Lookalike Audiences.

Campaign Audiences 38
International Lookalike
Another option you have is to create international Lookalike Audiences. International Lookalike, also known as
multi-country Lookalike Audiences, can help businesses expand into new markets by identifying people similar to
their best customers elsewhere. Creating international Lookalike Audiences can optimize ad spend by distributing
your budget to the countries where it will work most effectively. You can create Lookalike Audiences in a
country/countries of your choice, a region, a trade area (European Economic Area, North American Free Trade
Agreement), in app store countries or worldwide. First, you will need to choose a source audience:

Choose a source audience: Types of Lookalike Audiences:

· A Custom Audience · International

· People who like your Facebook Page · Value-based
· Facebook pixel or SDK
· Offline event set
· Product catalog

Dynamic Language Optimization

We have a feature called Dynamic Language Optimization that you could take advantage of when advertising
in multiple countries. Similar to how we dynamically optimize ad delivery to show the right creative to the right
audience at the right time, we do the same with languages. Instead of setting up separate campaigns for each
language, you create one campaign and provide us with all the assets. Facebook will then auto-optimize your ad
set budget to deliver the right language to the right person at the right time.
This functionality is currently available for the following:

Objectives Creatives

· Reach · Single Image

· Brand Awareness · Video
· Video Views · Slideshow
· Traffic (website)
· App Installs
· Conversions (website)

Value-based Lookalike
You can create value-based lookalikes from your pixel, SDK, Offline Conversions information or catalog to find new
high-value customers from your business. We can automatically create value-based Lookalikes for you using the
signals from these data sources and the values you’ve provided to calculate the Lifetime Value of your customers
and create new audiences. The audiences created will contain people who resemble your most valuable existing
customers. You can create a value-based Lookalike Audience in Ads Manager.

Visit the Value-based Lookalike Audiences page to learn more about value-based lookalikes.
Visit the Create a Value-based Lookalike Audience page to learn more about creating
value-based lookalikes.
Campaign Audiences 39
Retargeting options

Retargeting enables you to reengage people who Targeting best practices

didn’t convert after their first engagement with Use these tips to ensure you're following targeting
your website or mobile app. If you've implemented best practices:
Facebook pixel or SDK to capture events, you can use
your Custom Audience to do this. Retargeting takes 1 Avoid audience overlap: Audience overlap
into account the people who have previously engaged means multiple ad sets are delivering to
with your website or mobile app and displays your audiences that contain the same people. The ad
retargeted ads to them as they engage with other auction tries to avoid showing too many ads to
websites or mobile apps. the same person from a single advertiser over
a short time period, so audience overlap might
If you've uploaded your CRM information, you can
explain why some ad sets aren't hitting the full
create Custom Audiences from offline activity. You
budgets. To avoid audience overlap:
can use that Offline Event information to retarget
customers, or exclude customers who recently made · Limit the number of ad sets targeting
purchases offline in order to find new customers. the same people.
· Use audience exclusions.
Broad targeting
Note: Audience overlap isn’t always a
When targeting broadly you're mostly relying on us to
detrimental issue. Small percentages of overlap
find the best people to show your ad to. This approach
may be okay and may not affect performance,
can potentially lead you to people that you would
but a higher percentage of overlap can be
otherwise be unaware of. Broad targeting can also
problematic. For example, if you have 0%
be a good approach if you're not sure who you want
audience overlap and you’re experiencing
to direct your ads to. You can check the Audience
delivery problems, you can be more confident
Insights website or ads reporting in Ads Manager, to
that overlap isn’t what’s causing the issues.
learn more about the types of people we found for you
and how they reacted to your ads. 2 Exclude strategically: While targeting the
right audience is important, choosing who to
Dynamic ads for broad audiences exclude from your audience is crucial as well.
You can use dynamic ads for broad audiences to find If you're looking to grow your customer base
new customers for your business. This will help you to when utilizing broad and interest targeting,
expand your target audience rather than target those don't forget to exclude:
who’ve already visited, browsed or purchased items on · Custom Audiences
your website.
· Lookalike Audiences
· Loyal Customers
· Existing Customers
Ensure you also exclude any audiences from ad
sets that may overlap.

Campaign Audiences 40
3 Avoid extremely narrow targeting: When Solve Business Challenges
ad sets have a very narrow audience, our Facebook IQ insights can help you to resolve your
system may not be able to gather enough business challenges by using Facebook insight tools,
converters (information) to find the best you can learn about markets, cultural trends and
people to show your ad to. Ideally, you need people that matter to your business. Facebook insight
to be receiving at least 100 conversions tools include:
per week, which a narrow audience might · Audience Insights: Learn about people,
not be able to provide. As you increase the across Facebook platforms, with insights about
amount you want to spend on conversion locations, interests and behaviors, so you can
optimization, you may need to expand your create messages that will help your business
target audience. This is both because we grow. Facebook Audience Insights gives you
need to find more results to spend on and aggregate information about two groups
you may “exhaust” your existing audiences. of people, people connected to your Page
4 Less is more when it comes to creating ad and people on Facebook, so you can create
sets: As advertisers increase the scale and content that resonates and easily find more
complexity of their conversion optimization people like the ones in your current audience.
advertising, they often want to split their The Audience Insights tool is available in Ads
campaigns into many very specific ad sets Manager.
based on different slices of their target · Holiday Season Insights: Learn about holiday
audience. However, this can lead to poor shopping insights across 25+ markets.
performance. We recommend creating a new
· Insights to Go: Filter, find, download and
ad set only if you're trying to control costs
share the latest stats. Apply filters or use the
differently based on your audience or desired
search bar to sort insights by region, industry,
outcome. Otherwise, combine your target
audience, cultural moment and campaign
audiences into one ad set with a larger budget.
planning tactics like platform, channel, creative
format and measurement.

Campaign Audiences 41
Glossary 42
Ad Delivery
There are many opportunities to show ads with maximizes the value of each impression shown. Below
Facebook. We determine which ad gets shown using are the three components of the delivery system:
our auction system. It deploys a powerful algorithm that

1 2 3

Ad auction Pacing system Advertiser controls

Ad auction
An ad auction is where we rank ads chosen for your
audience and find the most likely one to maximize value for both advertisers and people. In an auction, ads are
ranked by their total value and the ad with the highest total value wins the auction for the chosen individual.
Total value is based on these three factors:

Maximizing Optimizing
Advertiser Value Consumer Experience

Advertiser Bid x Estimated Action Rates + User Value = TOTAL VALUE

Bids and Budgets 43

1 Advertiser bid: The amount you bid.
2 Estimated action rates: How likely it is that showing your ad to a person will lead to your desired outcome:

What are estimated action rates

Click-optimized ad Click through conversion-optimized ad

(Bid for conversion) x (est. click–through rate)

(Bid for click) x (est. click–through rate) + (User value)
x (est. click–to–conversion rate) + (User value)

= Total Value = Total Value

3 User value: Ad quality along with how relevant · Budget pacing: The aspect of pacing where
your ad is to the chosen individual. Quality of an we may increase how much budget we
ad is determined from many sources including spend if there's an opportunity to get many
feedback from people viewing or hiding the ad optimization events with costs aligned with
and assessments of clickbait, engagement bait your bid strategy.
and other poor user experiences. Charge choices
Consider your website landing page experience and avoid: Your charge choice or "when you get charged" is one
of the advertiser controls you can adjust in your ad
· A misleading experience from ad to landing page set creation. Your charge choice indicates what and
· A disproportionate volume of ads relative when you will pay for your ad and it tells us which
to content event types you want to fund with your budget. The
· Featuring sexually suggestive or shocking content choices you have depend on what objective you've
chosen. Although it’s not generally recommended,
· Pages that contain malicious or deceptive ads
unless there is a specific reason why you want to
· Use of pop–ups of interstitial ads be charged on a CPC, you do have the option of
adjusting your charge choice. For many optimization
Pacing system goals, you will pay each time your ad is served (known
Pacing is our budget optimization system where we as an impression). Some optimization goals also let
ensure we spend your budget as evenly as possible you choose between impressions and actions (such as
over the lifetime of your ad set, instead of spending link clicks, views or installs).
your budget too quickly on inefficient results. Pacing Note: You may not have a charge option other than
grants us the flexibility to help get you the best impressions if you select certain campaign objectives
available results for your goals by allowing us to adjust or if you create a new ad account. To ensure the
the two aspects that make up our pacing system: integrity of new ad accounts we require that you spend
· Bid pacing: The aspect of pacing where we at least $10 USD for impressions before you can select
adjust your bid or which auctions we enter another charge choice.
based on how much budget and time are left
for your ad set.
Bids and Budgets 44
Bid strategies
There are four bid strategies to choose from (you can 3 Target cost: Select the target-cost bid
also choose not to enter a cost control): strategy if you want to maintain stable cost
1 Lowest cost: Select the lowest-cost bid per result as your spend increases and you’re
strategy if you want to spend as much of willing to trade cost efficiency for cost
your budget as possible without having to stability. This bid strategy achieves a stable
keep costs within a specific amount. With average cost (over the lifetime of your ad set)
the lowest cost bidding strategy you don’t that's as close to your cost target as possible,
have a specific cost threshold, you prioritize even if you increase your budget. To maintain
spending budget over cost control. The this stability, we may occasionally skip less
lowest-cost bid strategy may produce costs expensive results in favor of more expensive
that fluctuate more. For example, if auction ones. If you care more about having stable
competition decreases, costs may go down. If average costs, we recommend the target-
auction competition increases, costs may go cost bid strategy. If you care less about stable
up. We will work to get you the most results average costs, and care more about getting
available for your ad set. lower cost events, we recommend the cost-
cap bid strategy.
2 Cost cap: Select the cost cap bid strategy
if you want to maximize cost-efficiency and 4 Bid cap: Select the bid-cap bid strategy
need to keep cost within a specific threshold. if you want to set a maximum bid across
This bid strategy allows you to provide us auctions to limit what we bid in every auction
with the cost of the results you care about. and reach as many people as possible at that
This can enable us to deliver the maximum bid. This bid strategy maximizes volume at
number of conversions. The cost you provide specified maximum bid and can increase
is an average amount we try to stay under by competitiveness against other advertisers
seeking the lowest-cost events. targeting similar audiences. If you want
to control for cost of actual results, we
recommend the cost-cap bid strategy.


Lowest Cost Cost Cap Target Cost Bid Cap

Best for: Best for: Best for: Best for:

· Spending full budget · Getting the most volume within · Maintaining consistent costs · Controlling bids in the auction
your acceptable CPA/CPI
· Reaching lowest cost
opportunities · Maximizing cost efficiency

Things to consider: Things to consider: Things to consider: Things to consider:

· You’re willing to trade · Costs may increase as budget · Costs stay fixed as budget · The bid is different than the
cost control for spending increases increases: might forego cost per result – bid isn't what
budget/low cost cheap results you will see in reporting
· You’re willing to trade cost · May not spend full budget
efficiency for cost stability

Bids and Budgets 45

Facebook uses pacing to align your in-auction bid with your chosen bid strategy. Pacing is what helps us get the
most out of your budget by "discounting" your bid when appropriate. The system sets your in auction bid in
alignment with your chosen bid strategy. As a result, you can raise or lower your bid on an auction-by-auction
basis, or decide which auctions to enter and which ones to skip.
You may choose to adjust your bid strategy depending on what you find important. If you’re most concerned with
getting volume, use the lowest-cost bidding. If you want to guard against rising costs, use a cost control systems
like lowest cost with bid cap or cost cap.

Advertiser controls

Advertiser-set controls are the inputs you can change · Targeting: You can change your targeting as
to help improve your ad performance. These options you try to find new audiences to reach, or want
also guide our auction and pacing systems. By to change who you're reaching broadly. You can
adjusting the advertiser controls that you’re opting also expand or narrow your audience in order
into, you would be adjusting potential reach and to focus on the audience that’s most important
spend, possibly affecting cost outcomes. There are to you. It’s not recommended that you narrow
many advertiser control adjustments you can make to your target audience beyond what is essential
optimize your campaign performance. Adjustments for your business, as that would limit the reach
can be made to your: opportunities. Additionally, if you have a high
percentage reach against your audience, it
· Charge choice: You can currently choose this can be important to expand your targeting in
to determine when and how you want to be order to continue to find outcomes for your
billed (either by CPC or CPM). Adjusting your Facebook ads.
charge choice isn't generally recommended, · Budget: You can adjust your budgets based
unless there is a specific reason why you want on how your campaign is performing or if you
to be charged on a CPC. have additional budgets to spend on Facebook.
· Placement: You can choose to enable the We don’t recommend that you frequently
system to deliver your ad across all placements change your campaign budgets, because it
(automatic placements), or manually select triggers the system to re-enter the learning
the placements where your ad can appear phase, causing price instability.
(edit placement). You should enable as many
placements as you're comfortable appearing
in. We recommend you select automatic
placement because the more placements you
enable, the more inventory you'll have access
to, which typically helps result in lower costs
and more outcomes for your budget.

Bids and Budgets 46

Reach and frequency delivery controls allow you to a certain time of day or day of the week that would
specify how your ad is delivered. There are three provide your campaign little to no value. Here are
delivery options for reach and frequency ad delivery: some examples of when you would choose dayparting:

· Standard delivery · You don't do business during a certain time of

day or day of the week.
· Accelerated delivery
· You’re launching a product, such as a breakfast
· Day-parting sandwich, that’s primarily purchased during a
certain time of day or day of the week.
Standard delivery
· You’re selling merchandise for a TV show and
Standard ad delivery, for reach and frequency, allows want your ads to appear directly after the
you to serve your ads in a predictable way. Standard show airs.
delivery uses our pacing systems to predict how to
deliver the campaign over the indicated lifetime of
the ads. Sequenced delivery
Sequenced ad delivery for reach and frequency, allows
Scheduled delivery you to serve your ads in a specific order or sequence.
You provide a set number of creative assets, then
Scheduled ad delivery, also referred to as “dayparting,”
specify what order you want to show them to people.
allows you to serve your ads on specific dates and/
For example, if you set up three ads (ad A, ad B and
or certain times of day when using a lifetime budget.
ad C) with three different creative assets, you can
Using this spend option can help you to show your ad
choose to have ad A shown the first time a person sees
to the right people at the most advantageous time
your ad, ad B shown for the second impression, and
depending on your campaign goals. You may also want
ad C shown as the last impression. This allows you to
to select dayparting to avoid delivering your ad on
control the order in which people see your ads.


For each ad, you will set a budget. Once your budget is budget option from the drop-down. You can select
set, we will try to spend your budget evenly throughout your budget at the campaign level when you choose
the time your ads are running, unless you're ads are your budget with campaign-level budgets. If your
set for accelerated delivery. When using auction, campaign isn't using campaign-level budgets, you can
you can choose a daily budget or a lifetime budget. select your budget at the ad set level. Not changing
Every campaign defaults to daily budget, so be sure your budget settings to the appropriate option can
to update your settings by selecting the appropriate result in overspending.

Bids and Budgets 47

Campaign budget optimization

Campaign budget optimization (CBO) is an option and is best suited for campaigns with multiple ad sets.
available at the campaign level. With CBO, advertisers We highly recommend using this tool across all of your
can set one central campaign budget to optimize campaigns. The benefits include:
across ad sets and continuously distribute budget to
· Efficiently spend across all audiences
the top–performing ad sets in real-time. Facebook's
optimization system works to find the best way to · Spend less time managing campaigns
spend this budget across different ad sets and ads,
according to the optimization goal, bid strategy and bid · Simplified campaign management
amount. CBO is available for any campaign objective · De–duplicate audiences

The image below demonstrates how a budget is allocated and spent for conversions without CBO and with CBO:

Campaign Budget Optimization Campaign Budget Optimization

$30 budget spent equally across each ad set $30 budget optimized across entire campaign
Ad Set 1 Ad Set 2 Ad Set 3 Ad Set 1 Ad Set 2 Ad Set 3



$10 $7
$10 $5

Total Conversions: 10 Total Conversions: 15

This image is for illustration purposes only.

Bids and Budgets 48

CBO best practices

· Use ad set spend limits sparingly, or not at Estimated daily results

all. Ad set spend limits are an optional setting If there's enough information available, Facebook can
you can choose to put on your ad set for how make estimations about how many people you will
much it can spend. The more budget that's reach and/or how many results you can get (if you
locked into specific ad sets, the less flexibility spend your full budget). You can see these estimations
our delivery system has to optimize your under “estimated daily reach” and “estimated daily
campaign budget. results” when you're creating or editing an ad set.
· Be aware that any campaign using CBO can Estimated daily results allows you to make more
have a maximum of 200 ad sets. However, informed delivery control decisions by:
campaigns with greater than 70 ad sets will · Estimating results like website conversions
have limited editing functionality. The “best
· Setting realistic expectations for results
practice” is to have less than 70 ad sets.
· Understanding the daily impact of changes to
· Ensure all ad sets in your campaign can be budget, bid, targeting and placement
delivered. If an ad set isn't delivering, it isn't
encountering any opportunities for results. How estimated daily results is calculated?
This means we can't distribute budget to it.
· Your budget
CBO works best when all ad sets in a campaign
could spend a full budget, but we get to pick · Your bid
only the best results from each one. If any · Your past performance information
of your ad sets aren't delivering, you can try · Market information
increasing your bid caps or target costs (if
applicable/possible), adjusting your targeting · Characteristics of your target audience
and creative or switching to a more common
optimization event.

· Avoid pausing ad sets. Pausing a low delivery

ad set today may limit CBOs ability to find
tomorrow’s opportunities.

· It’s best to evaluate performance on the

campaign level. Evaluating on the ad set level
may lead to the breakdown effect.

· If you have specific spend targets for each

ad set and don't want any flexibility between
them, we don't recommend using CBO.

Note: If you're using CBO, you can’t use accelerated

delivery or run ads on a schedule (as opposed to
running ads all the time, as determined by your "Ad
Scheduling" choice in ad set creation).

Bids and Budgets 49

Campaign budget impacts Campaign Planner
Many aspects of your campaign and business can have Campaign Planner is a tool that allows you to draft,
an impact on your budget. Some elements that can compare, share and buy media plans across Facebook,
affect your budget include: Instagram and Audience Network. With Campaign
Planner you can:
· Targeting: Audience targeting helps you show
your ads to the people you care about. Your · Create and save reach and
budget may be determined, in part, by the size frequency predictions.
of your target audience. For instance, if you
· Create multiple versions of a plan, and
want to reach millions of people with your
compare them to find the best settings for
campaign, it’s likely you'll need a substantial
your campaign.
budget to match. However, if you want to reach
more people within a set audience, you’re not · Share your plans in various formats including
required to increase the audience size as you email, a preview link or .csv format.
increase your budgets. In this case, it’s possible
that we will have to spend more in order to · Buy your plan in the updated Ads Manager.
get incremental outcomes as it becomes There are various charts in Campaign Planner that
incrementally more expensive to reach a higher allow you to compare and adjust different versions of
percentage of your overall audience. a media plan. The charts available in your Campaign
· Business goals and KPIs: Your business Planer are:
metrics and business goals can impact your · Reach and budget: Shows you information
budget. It’s important to keep in mind, when about the number and percentage of your total
deciding on a campaign budget, what your audience you're predicted to reach and your
business goals are and adjust your budget budget. To see how much of your audience you
accordingly. We recommend you set a can reach depending on your budget, drag the
minimum weekly budget that is 50x your KPI marker on the chart.
value. Ideally, your budget would be much
higher. The more outcomes we are able to get · Frequency per person: Shows you
against your campaign the better our systems information about the percentage of people
will operate in order to deliver your ads to the who are predicted to see your ad a set number
right audience. of times.

· Spend per day: Shows you information about

the amount predicted that you will spend per
day on the campaign.

· Placement distribution: Shows you

information about the percentage of people
who are predicted to see your ad by placement.

You can use the information from these charts to

present a variety of campaign options for clients
and recommend a budget. For example, you can
recommend a campaign budget by viewing your
audience size, from there you can start to estimate
your reach.

Bids and Budgets 50

Glossary 51
Ad formats and placements

You should choose an ad format based on your business goal and the types of high-quality assets available. There
are six main ad formats:

Single image Single video Carousel Slideshow Collection Instant


Single image Slideshow

A single image ad can be used across most placements. You can produce an ad using static images and it will
It’s important to note that text on the actual image play like a video. Slideshow ads are a lower in cost
may keep your ad from delivering or may impact the alternative to video production because they let you
performance if it does deliver. Keep the text in the bring motion to static assets. You can combine multiple
description whenever possible. images (or videos), text and sound to capture attention
and tell a story. Slideshow ads will play on Facebook
Single video and Instagram on phones, tablets and computers just
When paired with the right targeting, optimization like a video.
and call–to–action, you can prompt action from video, Collection
which makes it a strong medium for you ads. You
can create video ads on Facebook using several ad Collection pairs a video or photo with four product
objectives. images. Clicking on this ad leads people to a fullscreen,
mobile-only experience showcasing multiple products,
Carousel which loads within the Facebook app.
Carousel ads let you display multiple images or videos Instant Experience
that scroll from left to right. This format is effective for
storytelling and showcasing videos and images of your Instant Experience allows you to add a fullscreen
brand, products, apps or services. Carousel ads provide experience to any ad format. Instant Experience is
a flexible way to advertise your products, services, apps an interstitial landing page that loads instantly when
or promotions without having to create multiple ads. someone taps on an ad on Facebook or Instagram.
Instant Experiences are native, so they load faster than
an external website would.

Strategic Creative 52
Formats and placements for campaign objectives
As previously mentioned, the campaign objective you choose should align with your overall business goals.
However, it's important to note that the campaign objective you choose also determines what placements and ad
formats you can use.

Here are the ad formats and placements available for each objective:

Available Placements Available Ad Formats

Audience Single Single Instant
Facebook Instagram Messenger Carousel Slideshow Collection
Network Image Video Experience

Brand Awareness • • • • • • • • •
Reach • • • • • • • • •
Traffic • • • • • • • • • •
Engagement • • • • • •
App Installs • • • • • • • • • •
Ad Objectives

Video Views • • • • • •
Lead Generation • • • • • • • •
Messages • • • • • • • •
Conversions • • • • • • • • • •
Catalog Sales • • • • • • • •
Store Traffic • • • • • • •

Note: Slideshow ads can be created when you select the single image or video format.

Dynamic Creative
Dynamic creative finds optimized ad creative combinations by taking multiple ad components (such as images,
videos, titles, descriptions and CTAs) and automatically generates combinations of these assets across audiences. The
delivery system then optimizes for creative components that can deliver efficient results for each impression served.
Dynamic creative ads will work to serve your audience the most high–performing creative combinations.
Dynamic creative is ideal for advertisers with many assets who want to learn what creative resonates with
different audiences. However, it's not a substitute for split testing. Dynamic creative provides multiple benefits. It
saves time during ad creation, helps improve ad performance and encourages advertisers to try new creative.

Strategic Creative 53
Creative best practices · Optimization of creative can help improve
· Having creative images with one focal point results: Mobile advertisers can use
versus many in product and lifestyle contexts information and insights to fuel marketing
can impact lower funnel attributes such as strategies. Testing of creative can help
purchase intent or attributed view content you optimize your campaign and can have
events positively. Similarly, using context type a significant impact on performance.
images with one focal point can impact brand Optimization can also help to avoid creative
awareness positively. fatigue. Creative fatigue happens when your
ad performance suffers due to overexposure.
· Embrace video: Video prompts both brand If you're worried about your ad creative
and direct response outcomes. Today's video getting stale:
ads are interactive, shorter and mobile. You
can prompt action from videos, when paired · Decreases in CTR as frequency
with the right targeting, optimization and call- increases
to-action, which makes it a more functional · Increases in CPA as frequency increases
medium for direct response than it has been in
the past. Resolve creative fatigue
· Optimize video ads for mobile viewing: If you suspect that your ad performance is in decline
Based on how people view content on mobile, due to creative fatigue, you should refresh your
we recommend: creative by using these three steps:
· Creating short videos (15 seconds
1 Evaluate for creative fatigue.
or less)
· Capturing attention quickly 2 Review your targeting strategy and
audience saturation.
· Incorporating the brand early
· Designing for sound-off experiences 3 Remix creative through Facebook tools and,
if needed, adjust your current creative.
· Building for vertical viewing

· 1
Static images and video work better
together. Direct response campaigns that
combine video and static image ads have the
highest conversion lift outcomes compared
to static-only campaigns. This implies that the
two formats may complement each other in
messaging and/or attract different audiences.

Strategic Creative 54
Glossary 55
Measurement tools

Our measurement tools allow you to measure and Track Metrics

compare results using a people-based standard. Determine the right metrics to capture for measuring
Typically, advertisers rely on what we call proxy the outcomes important to your business. Here are
metrics, such as GRP ratings for TV or click-through some questions to help you better understand your
rates for digital ads. Proxy metrics are indirect, measurement needs:
approximate measurements. Proxy metrics are used · What success metrics am I currently capturing?
when direct, concrete information is unavailable.
· Are my current metrics pushing my business
While these metrics can be used to register a
forward, or are they proxies?
real-world outcome, they can't count important
business outcomes such as actual sales or brand lift. · If they are proxies, are they correlated with
Similarly, cookie-based reporting can distort results, business outcomes?
can be cost inefficient and doesn’t capture the full · Am I optimizing toward my true business
consumer journey. objective?
With people-based measurement solutions, no matter · What data sources are fueling my
how many devices someone uses, we can measure success metrics?
their activity across them all, and we will measure them
· Is my campaign setup for testing?
as a single person.
You can use the following Facebook tools to measure Facebook Ads Reporting
your ad performance: A solution for measuring your ad’s performance is
· Ads Reporting: Measure ad results looking at Facebook ads reporting, which is accessible
and metrics. through Ads Manager. Use reporting to see if your ads
are helping you meet your business goals in real time.
· Brand Lift: Measure the incremental impact
Set up a Facebook pixel and/or SDK so that you can
your ad has on people’s perception of
use Facebook ads reporting to see:
your brand.
· Conversion Lift: Measure the incremental · How many conversions have happened
impact your ad has on sales outcomes. · The cost per conversion
· Split Testing: Measure your ad variables,
independently, to optimize your · The overall value of your conversions
ad performance. You can choose to display metrics for all of your
· Attribution: Measure the performance of your campaigns, ad sets or ads in table format.
ads across channels, publishers and devices.
The Results column shows you the number of
outcomes for the objective/optimization you've
selected. You can use it to compare performance
among similar campaigns and identify areas of
opportunity to get better results.

Measurement and Reporting 56

You can also select metrics for predefined reports 3 Selects the Customize Columns… option
or customize your metrics to display the particular
columns you want from the Columns drop-down: 4 Selects the App Installs option within the
pop-up window to display the app install
· To display columns for pre-defined reports, metric in the table
select from the options such as Performance,
Delivery and Engagement. The agency sees the number of app installs have
increased by 15 rather than the forecasted 10 and
· To display customized columns, click the wants to view how many are attributed to each
Customize Columns option and select or placement. To do so, the agency:
remove your columns from the
pop-up window. 1 Clicks the Breakdown drop-down

Additionally, you can segment your information using 2 Navigates to the Deliver By section
the Breakdown drop-down to display the age of
3 Selects Placement option to display how the
your audience, where they are viewing your ads, what
app installs are attributed by placement
devices they are using and more.
The agency notices that while Facebook News Feed
You can use your reporting results to understand how
brought in the forecasted number of app installs,
your ads are doing mid-campaign. If your campaign
Instagram feed outperformed their expectations.
isn't meeting your business goals, adjust your
advertiser controls such as targeting, frequency and Based on the information they gathered, the agency
placement to direct your campaign accordingly. recommends that the client continues to utilize
both Facebook News Feed and Instagram feed for
Remember that, although they're not required for
improved performance.
measurement of some objectives, you need the pixel
and/or SDK implemented to be able to measure online Note: Remember, although they're not required for
conversions. It’s a good idea to implement these data measurement of some objectives, you need the pixel
sources so you can use the information collected to and/or SDK implemented to be able to measure online
see how your customers are moving through your conversions. It’s a good idea to implement these data
purchase funnel as well as across devices. sources so you can use the information collected to
see how your customers are moving through your
Scenario: An agency is running a campaign to promote
purchase funnel as well as across devices.
its client’s newly updated app using the App Installs
objective. The client usually runs only on Facebook Targeting best practices
News Feed, but has additional budget and wants
to add Instagram feed as well. Based on historical It's important to monitor your campaign in Ads
information, the app gets 33 installs a week on average. Manager, especially to confirm your campaign is
It’s expected that the additional placement will properly generating results like conversions, reach and
increase app installs by 10 per week. One week into the video plays, are. Monitoring results will help inform
campaign, the agency checks how many app installs current and future campaigns.
were recorded as App Events and attributed to the ad.

To do so, the agency: Understand results

You can leverage Facebook’s Brand Lift and Conversion
1 Opens up Ads Manager
Lift solutions to better understand how Facebook is
2 Clicks the Columns drop-down currently influencing results.

Measurement and Reporting 57

Brand Lift Visit the Test and Learn Guide: Brand Lift Test Best
Brand Lift helps you measure the impact of your Practices page to learn more about Test and Learn
advertising on consumer attitudes towards your brand. brand lift best practices.
The Brand Lift methodology randomizes your audience Note: Test and Learn brand lifts can only be single-cell.
into test (exposed) and control (not exposed) groups
with similar characteristics. We then show the test Conversion Lift
group your Facebook ads, but don't show your control Conversion Lift, which uses test and control groups,
group any of your Facebook ads. Next, we deliver a can help you measure your return on investment by
poll that contains questions you chose to evaluate the evaluating the true business value associated with
impact on brand metrics. You can use Brand Lift to: your campaign. You can accomplish this by working
· Understand how well your campaign resonates with your Facebook Sales Representative and in Ads
with your audience. Manager. Conversion lift studies can include single-
cell or multi-cell tests, which help you see the value
· See how your campaign performs against the
Facebook is providing your business and compare
norms for campaigns in your industry and
different strategies. A conversion lift study can be set
your region.
up with one or more exposed groups:
· See the demographic breakdowns (age, gender,
· A study with a single exposed group (single cell)
TV viewership groups and video play durations)
can show you how advertising on Facebook
that cause the highest lift.
may lead to additional business. For example,
For managed brand lift studies, you must work with a if you run a conversion lift study on your
Facebook Account Team to set up the tests. next campaign, you should be able to find
Note: Managed brand lift tests can be single- out whether or not your ads resulted in more
or multi-cell. conversions than if you didn’t run your ads.
· A study with multiple exposed groups (multi-
Test and Learn for Brand Lift cell) can help you compare different strategies
The Test and Learn brand lift study uses the same and determine what advertising approach
methodologies as the managed brand lift study but, works best for your audience.
with Test and Learn, you can create them yourself in After the study is complete you can go to your Test
the Test and Learn tool in Ads Manager. There are two and Learn tool to see metrics such as:
Test and Learn options for brand lift:
· The cost per incremental conversion and cost
· How much impact is my campaign having on per incremental converter
brand perception? · The demographic breakdown of conversions
· How much impact are all my Facebook ads (the desired action) and cost per
having on brand perception? incremental conversion

Currently, Test and Learn for brand lift studies is

limited to US English only as you can’t get your poll
questions translated.

Measurement and Reporting 58

Test and Learn for conversion lift corresponding control group (unexposed). Lift studies,
The Test and Learn conversion lift study uses the same on the other hand, create random, non-overlapping
methodologies as the managed conversion lift study, groups and control groups.
but you can create them yourself in the Test and Learn Optimization best practices
tool in Ads Manager. There are currently two studies
Use split testing, conversion lift and/or brand lift to
that measure conversion lift.
evaluate if your campaign is performing optimally. It's
The Test and Learn studies that measure conversion also a good practice to determine which elements
lift are: of your campaign are generating more incremental
· How much impact are all my Facebook ads results and optimize towards those elements. You can
having on my business? use what you learn to inform your current and
· Which campaign causes the lowest-cost future campaigns.
conversions to occur?
Determine effectiveness
Optimize measurement Facebook’s attribution tool can help you determine
To help get you the best results possible, leverage how Facebook fits into your media mix across
Facebook’s split testing solution for optimization. different publishers, mediums/channels and devices.
Split Testing, also known as A/B testing, lets you test The attribution process assigns credit to touchpoints
different versions of your ads across multiple devices, (clicks or views leading to the desired action) along a
so you can see what works best and improve future consumer’s conversion path. You can better measure
campaigns. Split Testing divides your audience into the effectiveness of your ads by understanding which
random, non-overlapping groups. Facebook will of your ads should get credit for conversions, such
duplicate your ads and only change the one variable as making a purchase. You can select from different
that you choose, which is the difference between each attribution models to distribute different amounts of
ad set being tested. The cost per result of each ad set is credit for conversions across your ads. They can be
calculated and compared and the ad set with the lowest built on a rule-based model or a statistical model.
cost per result, such as cost per website purchase, wins. Rule-based attribution models
After the test is complete, you will get a notification and Rule-based attribution models are ones that allow you
email with the results. There are three self-serve ways to select the rule that will determine how conversions
to create your split test in Ads Manager: should be attributed to different touchpoints. Examples
· Guided Creation: Where you're provided of rule-based models include:
with step-by-step instructions to assist you in · Single-touch models: Give credit to only
creating a split test. Your ads will be ready to one touchpoint
run once you've completed the workflow.
· Multi-touch models: Give credit to multiple
· Quick Creation: Where you create the touchpoints in the consumer's conversion path
structure for a split test that you can finalize
Statistical attribution models
Statistical attribution models are ones that allow you to
· Duplication: Where you add a new ad set or
look at historical information to determine credit and
ad to turn an existing campaign into a split test
varies depending on your business.
Note: While split testing creates random,
non-overlapping groups, it does not create a

Measurement and Reporting 59

Attribution windows

The attribution window is the timespan of when a Facebook Marketing Partners

person viewed or clicked your ad and subsequently Facebook Marketing Partners (FMPs) are vetted
took an action. Attribution windows allow you to top-tier companies that build their product and
specify which touchpoints you want the attribution value-added service on Facebook. FMPs can help
model to consider and when to consider them. The you meet your marketing needs and can be found on
window you select will determine what touchpoints the Facebook Partner Directory. As an alternative to
the model will credit with conversion. By default, the measurement solutions already covered (first-
Facebook Attribution will select a last-touch model party solutions), you can seek the assistance of FMPs
with a one-day impression and 28-day click window. (third-party solutions) so that you can measure your
You should explore different attribution windows campaign performance. For example, Attribution
to see how changing them impacts the number of Partners can help you with assigning credit to ad
conversions reported. touchpoints and helps you model effectiveness across
Visit the Facebook Attribution page to get started. partners and channels. Our goal is to recommend the
best solution for each advertiser's needs, regardless of
Note: You must already be using Business Manager to whether it's a first-party or third-party solution.
use Facebook Attribution.

Attribution best practices

Use Facebook Attribution to look at Facebook
advertising and media, as well as the broader media
ecosystem to see how each media partner/channel
compares to the others.

Measurement and Reporting 60

Glossary 61
1 What is Facebook’s primary value? 4 A travel advertiser wants to understand
a. Brands can show unique ads to each how many people have confirmed bookings
person on the platform. over email.

b. Brands can reach relevant users at Given the scenario, which of the following tools
immense scale across some of the most will measure this information?
widely used mobile apps in the world.
a. Offline conversions
c. Facebook ads can be videos, photos, or a
b. Custom conversions
mix of both.
c. Facebook Attribution
d. Brands can show different ads to people
on Facebook vs. people on Instagram. d. Business Manager

2 Which of these buying types should be used if 5 A client has noticed that Instagram delivered
an advertiser prioritizes predictable delivery and lower reach in their last campaign than all the
estimation of budget? other placements. The client has asked the
media buyer to remove Instagram from all
a. Auction
future placements.
b. TRP
Given the scenario, what would happen to
c. Cost control the overall campaign CPM and total reach by
removing Instagram
3 An advertiser is running a campaign using the
Brand Awareness objective with an estimated a. Both CPM and reach would remain
ad recall lift optimization. unchanged.

Given the advertiser's campaign characteristics, b. CPM would increase, reach would decrease.
which of the following statements are true about c. Both CPM and reach would increase.
the Brand Awareness objective? Choose two d. CPM would decrease, reach would
answers. decrease.

a. The primary metric of success is the

estimated ad recall lift (people) metric, 6 A media planner is reviewing week-over-week
which shows how many people we performance of a holiday campaign and noticed
estimate would remember your ad if we that two of its ad sets containing women, ages
asked them within two days. 18–25 are not spending the full budgets.
b. This objective will optimize to reach as Given the scenario, what could be causing this?
many people in your target audience as
possible. a. The audiences are mutually exclusive.
c. You can set frequency caps with b. The audiences are too narrow.
this objective. c. The audiences are overlapping.
d. This objective would pair well with reach d. The audience are too broad.
and frequency buying if you had a target
audience of 200,000+ people.

Study Questions 62
7 Dynamic language optimization is a feature that 9 A luxury car brand invests heavily in TV creative.
is currently available for which objectives? The brand does not have the budget to create
a. Brand Awareness custom mobile-optimized video creative assets
for an upcoming Facebook campaign. The
b. Lead Generation current TV ad is 30 seconds with a longer,
c. Page Likes more complex message that is more impactful
d. Event Responses with sound-on. The brand needs to balance
performance with cost efficiencies.

8 A large business client plans to run an ad Given the brand's campaign characteristics,
which Facebook placement should the media
campaign to promote a one-day sale. The client
planner select?
is using the auction buying type and wants the
lowest possible cost per optimization event a. Audience Network In-Stream Video
while also spending the entire budget by the b. Facebook and Instagram Stories
end of the day.
c. Automatic placements
Given the client's campaign goal, what bidding
d. Facebook suggested video
strategy should be recommended?

a. Bid cap
b. Target cost 10 10 weeks into a campaign, a client has reached
c. Lowest cost out asking if it should refresh the creative in
order to combat creative fatigue.
d. Daily budget
Given the scenario, what should the advertiser do?

a. Check for a decrease in CTR as

frequency increases
b. Check for an increase in CTR
c. Check for a decrease in frequency
d. Check for a decrease in CPA as
frequency decreases

Study Questions 63
11 Which of the following is used to measure 13 Which of the following FMPs can help with
incremental purchases due to ads? assigning credit to ad touchpoints?

a. Brand Lift a. Viewability Partners

b. Split Testing b. Campaign Management Partners
c. Conversion Lift c. Attribution Partners
d. Proxy metrics d. Creative Partners

12 Which of the following is used to measure how 14 Where can you go to monitor the progress of a
well a campaign resonates with your audience? conversion lift study?

a. Brand Lift a. Facebook Attribution tool

b. Split Testing b. Test and Learn tool
c. Conversion Lift c. Business Manager
d. Proxy metrics d. Conversion Window

Study Questions 64
Glossary 65
Question What's the
Why? Find it
number correct answer?

Facebook’s primary value proposition is the opportunity it offers

1 b for brands to reach relevant users at an immense scale across
some of the most widely used mobile apps in the world.

The reach and frequency buying type is for advertisers who

prioritize predictability over control. Reach and frequency lets
2 d you book campaigns in advance and select a fixed CPM, so what
you pay to reach your audience, before booking your campaign,
is predictable.

It’s true that estimated ad recall lift (people) is the metric most
correlated to the success of the Brand Awareness objective.
It’s also true that Brand Awareness works well with reach and
frequency buying given it’s a brand objective and the target Page
3 a and d audience is big enough. However, it’s untrue that the Brand 23
Awareness objective optimizes to reach as many people in
your target audience as possible and it doesn’t allow you to set
frequency caps.

The Facebook pixel is used to measure the actions people take

on your website. Offline conversion is a tool that enables you Page
4 a to connect your offline events information to your Facebook 29

The CPM would increase, while reach would decrease. With less Page
5 b overall inventory, the campaign would become less efficient. 33

Audience overlap means multiple ad sets are delivering to

audiences that contain the same people. The ad auction tries
to avoid showing too many ads to the same person from
a single advertiser over a short time period, so audience Page
6 c overlap might explain why some ad sets are not hitting the full 40
budgets. Audience Overlap isn’t always a detrimental issue.
Small percentages of overlap may be okay and may not affect

The available objectives that allow for dynamic language

7 a optimization are Reach, Brand Awareness, Video Views, Traffic
(website), App Installs, Conversions (website).

Answer Key 66
Question What's the
Why? Find it
number correct answer?

You should recommend the client use the lowest-cost bidding
8 c strategy, since they don’t have a specific cost threshold and
prioritize spending budget over cost control.

In-stream video placement on Audience Network to show

video ads to people while they're watching videos on websites
and apps outside of Facebook. To deliver within the Audience
9 a Network in-stream video placement, your video should include
sound and be 5-30 seconds when choosing just the in-stream
video placement or 5-120 seconds when using the automatic
placements option.

To check if the creative has worn out, the advertiser should

10 a check for decreases in CTR as frequency increases or increases
in CPA as frequency increases.

Conversion lift uses the pixel/SDK/offline conversions to measure Page

11 c incremental/additional conversions, such as purchases or leads. 58

12 a Brand Lift measures incremental change in brand perception.

Attribution partners help advertisers model effectiveness across Page

13 c partners and channels. 60

You can monitor the progress of a conversion lift study by going Page
14 b to your Test and Learn tool. 59

Answer Key 67
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May not be copied or reproduced without Facebook’s prior permission.
Glossary 68

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