Geography Optional Pbs - 4: IAS (Main) Examination: 2016

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PBS – 4
IAS (Main) Examination: 2016

Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks - 250


1. There are EIGHT questions divided into two Sections. Candidate has to
attempt FIVE questions in all.
2. Question Nos. 1 and 5 are compulsory and out of the remaining, THREE
are to be attempted choosing at least ONE question from each Section.
3. The number of marks carried by a question/part is indicated against it.
4. Word limit in questions, wherever specified, should be adhered to.
5. Illustrate your answers with suitable sketches, maps and diagrams
wherever necessary. These shall be drawn in the space provided for
answering the question itself.
6. Attempts of questions shall be counted in chronological order. Unless
struck off, attempt of a question shall be counted even if attempted partly.
Any page or portion of the page left blank in the Question-cum-Answer
Booklet must be clearly struck off.


Q1. Answer the following questions: 10x5 = 50
a. Explain the following terms in about 30 words.
i. Invasive alien species
ii. Bioremediation
iii. Eutrophication
iv. Light pollution
v. Endemism
b. Explain the relationship between soil texture and soil properties. (In about 150
c. The eastern Himalayan region is a more diversified bio-geographic region than
western Himalaya, Why? (In about 150 words)
d. Define Biodiversity and discuss the ways to conserve it?
e. Explain the structure of Biosphere reserves? (In about 150 words)

Q2. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks.

a. “Tropical rainforests when disturbed is never converted into a grassland”. Discuss
the statement in the light of ecological succession.
b. What do you mean by soil profile? Discuss the basic characteristics of each
horizon of a well developed soil profile.
c. Comment on the significance of prioritizing geographical spaces for conservation.

Q3. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. Discuss the concept of ecosystem? Give reasons how aquarium is an example of a
b. Discuss the role of wetland in sustaining the environment.
c. Discuss the reasons behind poor participation of grass root level organizations and
communities in forest management.

Q4. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. What do you understand by eco city, discuss the issues related to eco-city project
for environmental sustainability in India?
b. Discuss the basic properties of major soils of the world.
c. The issue of river pollution in India has a long history, yet the achievement is
minimum, why?

Q5. Answer the following questions: 10x5 = 50
a. On the outline map of India provided to you, mark the locations of all the
following. Write in your QCA Booklet the significance of these locations, whether
physical/ commercial/ economic/ ecological/ environmental/ cultural, in not more
than 30 words for each entry: 2×5=10
i. Bhagalpur
ii. Kosi River
iii. Indira Gandhi canal
iv. Achanak Amarkantak
v. Digboi.
b. Define ecotone. Why do ecotones support more diversity? (In about 150 words)
c. Environmental governance in India is passing through a crisis phase, do you agree.
(In about I50words)
d. Asses the environmental impact of tourism taking examples of Himalayan states in
India. (In about 150 words)
e. Discuss the socioeconomic consequences of river pollution in India. (In about 150

Q6. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. What do you understand by clean development mechanism; do you think it as a
trail blazer to tackle the global climatic problem.
b. Differentiate between soil erosion and soil impoverishment. Suggest measures to
reduce soil degradation.
c. Write briefly the reasons for the depletion of ozone layer and its impact on flora
and fauna.

Q7. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. Discuss the fundamental differences between the Himalayan Rivers and
Peninsular Rivers.
b. Why solid waste management is going to be a much bigger challenge in
environmental sustenance in the future.
c. There is a huge difference in the size of delta of Indus and that of Ganga why?

Q8. Answer the following questions: 20 + 15 +15 marks

a. Wegener has revolutionized biogeography through its continental drift theory.
b. Discuss the human activities responsible for deteriorating health of already fragile
soil of semi arid and arid regions of India.
c. Why are coral reefs popularly known as the “rainforest of the ocean”? Discuss the
impact of global warming on the coral reef ecosystem.


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