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Use a beam splitter to

split a laser beam into
two beams, two sets of
photons, p1 and p2, that
are connected by a
entanglement called a
thread. A thread is a
proxy for a small piece of
spacetime. Then, use
centrifuges to blueshift
p1 photons, redshift p2
photons. The idea is to
induce a time dilation
across the thread. Since
it’s a piece of spacetime,

CURVATURE GENERATION then it should acquire

length contraction as
well, which is qualitatively
Theoretical foundation of gravity field generation similar to curvature. The
output of the laser beam
would be a curvature
beam. A curvature beam
would act like a tractor
beam, antigravity.

Jason Mark Wolfe
Anti-gravity Theory
1.1 Introduction

You can’t be human without making a few mistakes along the way. And what would be the fun of
writing a paper on anti-gravity if we couldn’t point out to you, the human scientific community, that you
had gotten a few things wrong; that if corrected, you would be able to build anti-gravity field generators,
interstellar drives, and would be well on your way to joining us out there among the stars.

Whatever claims are made or implied, experimental evidence will bear them out. This paper includes a
detailed experiment that can be performed with sufficient technical skill and resources. But more
important than skill and resources, YOU MUST DECIDE TO DO THIS! You have free will and you can
decide to pursue an uncertain and dangerous journey into the sky. You must decide there is no room in
your hear for fear or negativity.

You were not meant to live out a short, cynical life of broken dreams and lost values, alone in a
confusing world, only to die a meaningless, soulless death. You live in a universe that favors the bold
explorer. In space, you will find great physical wealth in the asteroid belt. You will find friends among
the stars, and you will find a warmth in your heart and vibrance in your soul. Arise from your slumber.
You are not children anymore. The chains to cynicism and negativity are now unlocked. Now is the time
to work hard towards developing this technology. Now is the time for humanity to stretch to reach the
stars. Now is the time to climb.

1.2 The physics of it all

We wouldn’t be talking about physics if we didn’t discuss the laws of motion,

d ⃗p
F= =m⃗a
This is when the instructor will talk about an inertial reference frame, a particle in the frame at position
dx d2 x
x, it’s velocity v= ẋ= , and if the particle is accelerating, a= ẍ= 2 , all it terms of vectors. The
dt dt
particle will have an inertial mass. At some later point, Einstein Special Relativity will be discussed, the
rest mass, the Invariance of the speed of light, coordinate transformations. Modern physics, optics and
quantum mechanics Ψ are discussed, and quantum entanglements that were famously described by
Albert Einstein as “spooky action at a distance”.

There are professors and PhD’s who have mastered these topics and know their way around the
mathematics quite well. The problem is that mathematics was hailed as being the highest level of
thought necessary to solve physics problems and that we didn’t need to talk about a luminiferous aether
or an ontological cause. We only needed mathematics to make the ultimate steps forward towards
scientific progress. But the problem is that there are amazing mathematical models that are so elegant
and beautiful, that they are beyond the reach of experimental testing. Theories like E8, parallel
universes, loop gravity, are all amazing theories, but they can never be falsified, not even by unicorns.

1.3 Parsimony and Occam’s razor

In my opinion, the only way to make a theory that is testable, is to connect all of the mysterious
phenomena of nature together, to see how they fit. The goal is to be able to explain everything with
parsimony and Occam’s razor. One must be good at noticing subtle features that others are trained to

I have met many people who have noticed that e iπ +1=0 is a beautiful equation that seems to show up
a lot in quantum mechanics where it looks like the equation for a wave front,
A i(−ωt +k x +k y y +k z z )
ψ ( x , y , z , t )= e x
. It’s the normalized wavefunction solution when the potential

energy of the system is zero; it predicts the probability of photons. Did you notice the signs on the
vector coordinates? [-+ + +]? What else has the same sign configuration? The spacetime interval,
Δ s 2=−c 2 Δ t 2 + Δ x 2 + Δ y 2+ Δ z2 . It is starting to look like there is a wave function for a photon that has
frequency and wavelength terms. It happens to travel at the speed of light, which obeys c= λν. It’s
also true that time can be measured with frequency, just like Cesium metal frequency is used
for atomic clocks. Wavelengths are units of distance and could be used to measure distance.
The invariance of the speed of light between two inertial reference frames is taken as an
unquestioned postulate. But if we were looking for an ontological mechanism, the wave
function could travel between two reference frames at the speed of light, and regulate the
progression of time for both inertial reference frames. But a wave function is just a
mathematical object with no ontological reality; at least that’s what were told. We know that
real photons exist with energy E=hf. We also know from the Casimir Effect that virtual photons
exist. We know that virtual photons obey Δ E Δt> h, as if they are just standard deviations that
have no ontological reality. But the equation definitively says that a photon of energy ΔE can
exist for a time no longer than Δt. It’s starting to look like photons can have two states:
 Occupied (real photons)
 Vacant (virtual photons).

It’s beginning to look like quantum mechanics, relativity, inertial frames, progression of time, spacetime
and curvature, can all be performed by the virtual photon if we were trying to be parsimonious. Where
decades of intense mathematical pursuit of a Theory of Everything have not come up with anything
testable, I propose that we use the virtual photon as the ontological mechanism that ties quantum
mechanics and general relativity together, while we wait for a more mathematical TOE that is
experimentally verifiable.

1.4 Quantum entangled photons and threads

Premise: Is there a quantum entanglement that is a subset of spacetime? Let’s call it a thread.

A thread is defined as a quantum entanglement between two photons that behaves like a subset of
spacetime and has features similar to gravity.

The photons from a laser may be passed through a beam splitter or a crystal, to split them into two
beams of photons, p1 and p2. P1 and p2 photons are connected together by a thread, a hypothetical
form of entanglement that has not yet been proven to exist. When the thread is first created, there is
no gravitational potential stored, therefore no curvature. The process of centrifuging the p1 photons,
causing them to blueshift, and the p2 photons to redshift; this is equivalent to inducing a time dilation
and a curvature across the thread. The way gravity is presently understood, the Einstein equations
require the stress energy tensor as the only means to curve spacetime. However, a thread is a subset of
spacetime and is not limited by the stress energy tensor; that means we don’t have to use black holes to
curve it. The thread can be curved using the energy necessary to frequency shift the p1 and p2 photons.
A thread with an induced gravitational potential energy will also have an acceleration vector that points
from the red shifted photons to the redshifted photons, via the shortest path that is optically viable. If
you wanted a repulsive anti-gravity field, you would hold the red-shifted photons and direct the blue-

shifted photons to what you wanted to repulse. Alternately, if you wanted to attract, like a tractor
beam, you would hold the blue-shifted photons, and anything that absorbed the red-shifted photons
would experience a gravitational attraction. The entanglements are not expected to endure indefinitely.

, and will decay back into the spacetime continuum after some lifetime τ.

All photons have a wavelength and a frequency that obeys the relationship,

c= λν
In the case of our p1 and p2 photons, the relationship is,

c= λ1 ν 1=λ 2 ν 2

The subset of spacetime between the photons also obeys this equation; but the interpretation is slightly
different. For a thread, the wavelength is identified with the curvature.

Photons also obey a simple relationship,

Which means that the frequency of the photon times the period of the photon is unity. For a thread,
the photons obey

ν1 τ 1=ν 2 τ 2

The period for the thread correlates to time dilation. In effect, an anti-gravity beam can be used to
induce time dilation.

2.1 Gravitational Potential Energy

When light travels into a gravity well or escapes a black hole, the photons energy and frequency may
change, related by

Δ E=h Δ ν
Normally, we don’t discuss a photon’s potential energy because in Modern Physics, there is no medium
that can become excited with a photon. However, in Anti-gravity physics, the thread will serve as the

medium that connects the two photons. When the photons are centrifuged, the frequency of the
photon will change and the entanglement will acquire a gravitational potential energy. This brings us to
the letter Z which is part of a mnemonic used to remember how this anti-gravity proposal is assembled.

Z is a dimensionless term that comes from Astronomy and refers to change in the frequency or
wavelength of light caused by Doppler shift, gravitational redshift or the Cosmological constant. In
cosmology, general and special relativity, the photon is much smaller than the universe, spacetime
continuum, and objects moving at relativistic speeds. But on a thread, spacetime curvature can happen
just because the photons’ frequencies were centrifuged.

The potential energy change induced by the centrifuging of p1 photons (blueshift) is given by the

h ( ν 1−ν ) + Δ U 1=0 (0)

Similarly, the potential energy change of p2 photons (redshift) is,

h ( ν−ν2 ) + Δ U 2=0 (0)

The total potential energy, per photon, stored in the thread is,

ΔU thr =Δ U 1 + ΔU 2 (0)

ΔU thr =−h ( ν1 −ν ) −h ( ν −ν 2 )

The potential energy stored by a thread is

ΔU thr =h( ν 2−ν 1 ) (0)

2.2 Centrifuge

The laser passes through a beam splitter and goes to two centrifuges, p1 to blueshift, p2 to redshift. The
frequency shift will occur along an optical fiber that goes from r 1 = 1cm to r2 = 1 meter. The disks will
spin at a rate of ω = 100 revolutions per second.

Blueshift: photons travel from r1 to r2. Redshift: photons travels from r2 to r1.

Using our numbers, the centripetal acceleration will vary along the r axis from,

a 1=r 1 ω2=( .01 m )( 2 π∗100 )2=3944 m/s 2


a 2=r 2 ω2=( 1 m )( 2 π∗100 )2=394,384 m/s 2

This is what is necessary to “charge up” a thread with gravitational potential energy.

2.3 Gravitational redshift

I used the Equivalence Principle and the gravitational redshift equation to arrive at a centrifuge
frequency shift equation.

2 GM

1− 2
c Rreceiver
1+ z=
2 GM
1− 2
c Rsource

The 2 can be replaced with 2 and g=a=r ω 2 and L goes from r1 to r2-r1 to get but we have
c R c
to split the derivation into two parts, p1 blueshift and p2 redshift.
Blueshift: Rsource r1. Rreceiverr2. Rearranging the equation,

c2−a2 (r 2−r 1)
1+ z 1=
√ c 2−a1 r 1

Then inserting the centrifuge equation, we get,

c2−r 2 ω 2 (r 2−r 1 ) (0)

1+ z 1=

c2 −r 21 ω 2

Similarly, for the redshifted p2 photons, Rsource r2. Rreceiverr1

c 2−r 1 ω 2 r 1
1+ z 2=
√ c2 −a2 (r 2−r 1)

Which gives,

c2 −r 21 ω2 (0)
1+ z 2=
√ c2 −r 2 ω 2 (r 2−r 1 )

Using (4) we can rewrite it in terms of equations (5) and (6),

ΔU thr =h ( ν 2−ν 1 )=hν [ ( 1+ z 2 )− ( 1+ z1 ) ]

The potential energy of one thread with a blue shifted p1 and a redshifted p2 is,

c 2−r 21 ω 2 c 2−r 2 ω2 (r 2 −r 1) (0)

ΔU thr =hν [
√ c 2−r 2 ω2 ( r 2−r 1)

√ c 2−r 21 ω2

When we work out the numbers,

ΔU thr =hν [ √ 1.00000000000434−√ .999999999995656]

ΔU thr =hν [ 4.3 x 10−12]

So already, one centrifuge of redshift and one centrifuge of blueshift have produced a thread
with a gravitational potential energy that is 12 orders of magnitude smaller than the energy of
the photon itself.

But don’t be disappointed! After we talk about the details of centrifuge disks as stages, we’re
going to show mathematically that creative multi-staging can make that force grow
exponentially to something worthy of an Alcubierre hyperdrive.
2.4 Potential Energy and Force
The conservative force is equal to the negative of the x derivative of the potential energy,
−∂ U
The threads have potential energy, shown by eq (7), that can do an equivalent amount of work
as defined by,
W =∫ Fdx
If the work done by the threads exceeds the potential energy stored in the thread field,
conservation of energy will likely cause the entanglement to break and the thread will vanish.
For this reason, it is necessary to make the potential energy of the threads as large as possible.
We do that by maximizing the frequency shift of each thread and maximizing the number of
threads that survive the centrifuge process, nf. The potential energy is equal to,
ΔU =n f ΔU thr (0)

3.1 Experiment Proposal

Let us begin the idea of centrifuging photons with a single disk called a mono-disk. It is a disk with one
optical pathway that travels along the radius of the disk, from r 1 to r2. Notice that r1 is on the front, r2 is
on the back of the disk. The entrance and exit of the optical fibers are referred to as the entrance core
and the exit core; there is a glass core all the way through the fiber.

The mono-disk is the simplest configuration. By convention, the photons would enter the first mono-
disk when the core is at the 12:00 position. It is inevitable that many mono-disks will be attached to an
axle. For simplicity sake, all of the mono-disk cores should be mechanically aligned.

The experiment is indifferent to the direction of disk spin. Blue shifted photons enter the core at r 1 and
exit at r2. Redshifted photons enter the core at r 2, exit at r1.

A stage consists of two parts. First, the spinning disk pathway which centrifuges the photons. Second,
the non-spinning optical pathway back to the start position of the next stage. The first mono-disk, by
convention, starts at the 12:00 position. The core of the disk of the second stage will have rotated to
angle ϴ2. The entrance core of the mth disk of the mth stage will be at angle ϴm, etc.

Originally, we were going to calculate several important numbers, stage by stage, including photon
attenuation, thread attenuation, potential energy gained, optical core position, ϴm. That detailed
information will be added later if needed.

At this point, I think it will take one million blueshift stages and one million redshifted stages to make
photons with a strong enough ΔUTHR to be useable. In the least efficient, most easy to understand
arrangement, there would be one axle with one million mono-disks on it; installed as one million
centrifuge stages, just blueshift. Another identical axle for redshift. A more efficient arrangement will
be discussed.

MEOF – Mechanically Enhanced Optical Fiber

The precise timing needed to hit the first core of the first disk is very challenging for a skilled engineer.
When you have to complete the stage optical pathway, and then do it again, thousands or millions of
times, it becomes the bottleneck of anti-gravity technology that could take decades to develop; it is
comparable to the first transistor evolving into today’s Intel core processors. Theoretically, the optical
pathway back to the start position could be done with fiber optics, lenses and mirrors; but to do it by
hand is impractical. It is such an engineering endeavor, that we will call it MEOF technology and treat it
here some very simple calculations.

The MEOF sits between the spinning disks. The purpose of a MEOF is to catch the photons as they exit
the fiber optic pathway of the spinning disk, and redirect them along a non-rotating pathway, through
an optical fiber and lenses, to the optical core of the next disk.

Consider an axle with nmax mono-disks on it, index n, from 1 to n max. One can calculate what the angle, ϴn
has to be on the core of the nth disk, to be in alignment to receive the next photons from the previous
MEOF. assuming the length and time the photons travel on the spinning disk are equal to the length and
time on the return path. If the disk spins at ω = 100 rotations/second, and the photons travel from r 1 to
r2 in a time Δt12,

r 2−r 1=c Δt 12


2 nω (r 2−r 1 ) (0)
θn +1=2 nω Δ t 12=

Problem 3.1a: What is the start position ϴ500 of the 500th disk with a disk pathway r2-r1=1m; ω=200
rotations per second?

2∗499∗200∗2 π
∗1 m
θ500 = =θ500 =.00418 radians
3∗1 08 m/s
3.2 A Good First Experiment

The large hadron collider costed approximately $9 billion dollars to prove that the Higgs boson exists. It
succeeded! While knowledge of a Higgs field exists, we don’t reap any technological benefit from it.
However, a good anti-gravity experiment will cost significantly less than that. Yet, if it works, it will be
one of the most important technologies ever discovered by humanity. If it succeeds in proving that
gravitational potential energy can be stored in a thread, it would set the human race on the road to
cheap off world propulsion and interstellar travel.

The scientific community is very good at measuring gravity fields. So, all we need to do is make sure that
the p1 and p2 photons are centrifuged enough that we can tell they’ve been centrifuged. The duration
of the laser burst that must reach the core entry of the spinning disk will be about Δt = 1μs.
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle states the Δ E Δt> h. Since ΔE = hΔν, then we realize that the
change in the photon frequency caused by centrifuging has to be at least Δ ν Δ t>1 . The minimum
frequency error that you must get for a Δt = 1μs, is Δ ν > =10 6 Hz . You have to be absolutely
1 μs
certain that the photons are being centrifuged. Let’s make sure the photons are centrifuged to ten
times this error to δν=10 7Hz. So how many centrifuges will it take to frequency shift ν = 500THz to v+ δν
? Well, every time the photon burst is centrifuged, its frequency is blue shifted by ( 1+ z ), so it has to be
p δν
centrifuged p times to reach the minimum number of centrifuges. We write that as ( 1+ z ) =( 1+ ).
p δν
To solve for p, we take the natural log of both sides, ln ( 1+ z ) =ln (1+ ). We get,
δν (0)
ln ⁡(1+ )
ln ⁡(1+ z )

For a quick back of the envelope calculation, we can use equation (6), dropping the z 2 subscript for

c 2−r 2 ω2 (r 2−r 1)
1+ z=
√ c 2−r 21 ω2

Problem 3.2a: How many monodisks, p, will it take to frequency shift a ν=500THz laser by δν=10MHz,
using a configuration of disks r1=1cm, r2=1m, ω=100rotations/sec?

ln ⁡(1+ )
c 2−r 2 ω2 (r 2 −r 1)

ln ⁡
c 2−r 21 ω2

Using Excel spreadsheet, p = 4608 monodisks for blue shift, and 4608 for redshift. That is 9216 stages
that will have to be built, and it is the most inefficient way to build it.

What is the expected gravitational potential energy of each thread?

is a good first experiment, proof of concept, to construct 1000 mono-disks with 1000 MEOFs, threading
a laser through a thousand 15guage fiber optic cables (1.45mm). Using 1-meter radius disks with stage
with of .33 meters, the total length would be 330 meters and total volume: 4 meters 2*.33m * 1000 =
1320m3. Since the time the photons spend within one disk is,

Δt 1,1000 = =3.3 ns
3∗108 m/s
The time per stage is twice that, 6.6ns. For 1000 stages, that only 6.6μs. If you had one million stages in
a row, the total time through the million-stage pathway would only be Δt1,1M = 6.6microseconds. That is
a great time. But the distance is a somewhat impractical 594km.

3.3 More Cores per Disk

A core refers to the core of the optic fiber, where the photons enter and leave. A 15g has a diameter d =
1.45mm. Using dual-disks, a 500,000 stage would be 297km. Quad-disks, 150km. A clock disk would
get you down to 50km. How many optical fibers can you get on one disk? The upper limit of optical
paths that you can put on a disk with an inner radius of 1cm is n c-max, maximum number of cores per disk,
where d, the diameter of the fiber (d=1.5mm) is,

2 π r1 (0)
n c−max =

Plugging in the numbers, nc-max = 41.89. We round down to 40 cores, 40 optical pathways per disk.

Just estimating, if there were 40 cores per disk, 40 disks/stages per axel, there would be 40 return paths
from disk 40 to disk 1, a total distance of about 40*.33 = 13.2meters. 1600 stages at 6.6ns per stage,
plus 13.2m, would be about 10μs. The total volume of 40 disks is 4m2*.33m*40= 53 cubic meters and
13.2 meters long. For a pathway that is one million stages long, you’ll need 25,000 axels. You’ll need
twice that, one for blueshift, one for redshift.

3.4 Disk-Core Timing Details

The angular frequency of a disk is fD. The disk rotation period of a disk, TD.

f D T D =1 (0)

The burst rate, fBR, is the number of laser bursts per second. The burst rate depends upon the disk spin
rate fD times the number of optical cores on the disk,

f BR=noc f D (0)

Problem 3.4a: The disk spin rate fD is 6000rpms. So fD = 6000rpms = 100 rotations/sec. The number of
optical cores on a clock disk, noc = 12; it’s called a clock disk because a clock has 12 numbers on it, a clock
disk has 12 optical cores.

1 1
Calculate the disk rotation period: T D = = =T D =.01 sec /rotation
f D 100 cycles/s

Calculate the burst rate for a clock disk spinning at 200 rotations/second:

12 optical cores on the clock disk, noc = 12. Using equation (12).

f BR=noc f D =12 ∗200 rotations per second =f BR=2400 bursts per second
The time between bursts is also the time it takes to go from one core to the next, also referred to as the
core to core time, TCTC. One can easily see that the core to core time, times the number of cores per disk
is just the disk rotation period,

n oc T ctc =T D (0)

The burst duration is the time needed to lase photons into the core as the disk spins. The angle from
core to core is ϴctc; multiplied by the number of optical cores n OC is 2π, n oc θctc =2 π . The burst duration,
T BD d n d
= oc = oc
TBD, is the fraction T CTC 2 πr 2 πr . The burst duration TBD is,
n oc d oc (0)
2 πr CTC

3: For a bi-core disk, noc = 2, spinning at fD = 300 rot/sec, with an optical core diameter of d oc = 1mm,
what are the burst times for (b) r= r 1=.5cm and (c) r=r2=1.2m?

(a) Calculate TCTC. T CTC =
f D noc
n oc d oc noc d oc d oc .005 m
T BD= T CTC = = = =T BD=106 μsec
2 π r1 2 π r 1 f D noc 2 π r 1 f D 6.28 rad / rot∗.005 m∗300 rot /s
n oc d oc d oc .005 m
(c) T BD= T CTC = = =T BD =2.2 μs
2 π r2 2 π r 2 f D 6.28∗1.2 m∗300 rot /s

(b) and (c) demonstrate that you have less time to lase in photons when the core is at the outer edge.
Since the lase time can be quite small, even in the femtosecond range, there is no reason not to use only
the smaller lase time value TBD= 2.2μs.

1 1
3.4b: Calculate the disk period TD if fD=300rot/s: fDTD=1. So, T D = = =T D=3.3ms
f D 300/s

3.4c: Calculate the time it takes to go from core to core, TCTC:

T D 3.3 ms
Using equation 13, T CTC = = =T CTC =1.65 ms .
noc 2

4.1 In pursuit of the Alcubierre hyperdrive

There are two factors that control the total gravitational potential energy of a curvature beam.
One is the number of threads; the other is the amount of curvature of each thread. For
simplicity, we are going to assume 0% loss of threads caused by the stages,
n f =ni

We want to calculate the total lifting power which is the total amount of gravitational potential
energy output, per second. Using equation (8)
ΔU =n f ΔU thr

When last we looked, the effect of p1-p2 centrifuging through one stage each, resulted in an
interesting phenomenon, but was 12 orders of magnitude less potential energy than just the
energy of the photon itself. In this section, we’re going to (1) derive the ΔUthr equation for the
multistage Blue-red centrifuge, (2) calculate the number of stages needed to generate ΔUthr =
10000*hf, (3) the maximum space needed for the least efficient centrifuge system, and (4)
discuss a more efficient centrifuge system and calculate the space it would need.
The derivation is actually simple. When p1 photons are blueshifted by the nth centrifuge stage,
the amount of blue shifting is, using equation (5),

( 1+ z 1 ) = [√ c 2−r 2 ω2 ( r 2−r 1)
c 2−r 21 ω2 ]

( 1+ z 2 ) = [√ c 2−r 21 ω2
c 2−r 2 ω2 ( r 2−r 1 ) ]
n n
The result is, ΔU thr ( n)=hν [ ( 1+ z 2) −( 1+ z 1 ) ]

n n (0)

[( √ )]
2 2
c2 −r 21 ω2 c −r 2 ω ( r 2−r 1 )
ΔU thr ( n)=hν
c 2−r 2 ω2 ( r 2−r 1 ) ) (√−
c 2−r 21 ω2

For the simplest case, we want to calculate the curvature potential energy per second. In a
time, TBR, nBR threads are lasered into the core of spinning disks. By eq (12), the burst rate is,
f BR=noc f D

During every burst, there is a quantity of nBR entangled photons injected into the spinning cores.
We have to calculate the average gravitational potential energy, which is given by,
t +1 sec
U ( t=1 sec )= ∫ dt=n BR Δ U THR f BR
t ∂t

Problem 4: What is the gravitational potential energy created in one second by a high power
laser that lases 106watts for 1μs; fBR=1200 bursts per second; Each thread has potential energy
UTHR=hν(.0000003). The frequency ν=500THz. The laser power times the burst time equals the
number of photons. If we assume 100% entanglement, then pt =nBR hν , rearranges to
106 ∗10−6 s
pt s
n BR= = =3∗1018 photons
hν (6.6 x 10 J −s)(5 x 10 Hz)
−34 14

The potential energy caused by nBR=3x1018 particles is,

U ( t=1 sec )=nBR Δ U THR f BR = ∗hν ( .0000003 ) ( 1200 )=U ( 1 sec ) =360 μJoules

Still not impressed? What if we try a high-powered laser with 1Gigawatt?
Answer: 360 joules of gravitational potential.

4.2 Building the best Interstellar drive

How far can you push this technology? If you had the best and strongest optical fiber material,
the absolute fastest rotary engines, the most powerful lasers, and the best nuclear power, what
could you do?

Parameters Laser Power Number of bays = 6

3 disk bays 500MWatts x3 Dimensions of bay
r1 = 10cm Fiber diameter d = 6 meters diameter x
r2 = 3 meters 1.5mm 3 meters deep.
Disk thickness 2mm Max cores nc-max ~400 Outer max cores
MEOF thickness 1cm nc-outer-max=12000
disk spin Stages per bay 250
f = 300 rotations/s Total cores 3,000,000
ω = 300*2π rad/s
Weight of disk <1Kg

2 π r1
n c−max =
The maximum number of optical fibers that we can squeeze into a single circle of diameter r 1 is
given by Eq 10, rounds off to 400. Just a reminder, the limiting factor of anti-gravity is the
MEOF technology which has to continue the path of the photons through the spinning disk,
causing the entangled photons to frequency shift. The MEOF can perform this task in the most
efficient way that engineers can design. Millions of mono-disks, millions of stages, are the least
efficient and most bulky way to frequency shift photons. By using equation (10), we can
increase the efficiency by 400 times per disk. But this section is about building the “best”
interstellar drive possible. So, we are going to push the limits on everything.
The MEOF is going to need fast computers with a lot of memory; because, instead of using (10)
as the maximum number of cores per disk, limited by the inner radius r 1, we’re going to make a
new equation,
2 π r2 (0)
n c−outer−max =

Which will place the maximum number of cores equal to the outer circumference divided by d,
which calculates to nc-outer-max=12000. The number of inner rows of r1 will be 30
ninner−rows =
n c−max
The timing of this MEOF will be extraordinarily difficult. In addition, the dimensions of the disks will be
6-meter diameter and 2mm thick. The MEOF can have a thickness of one centimeter. The total stage
thickness will be 1.2cm. There will be three sets of upper and lower circular bays. The lower bay is for

red shifting, the upper bay is for blue shifting. Each bay will be 3 meters in depth. Within these, you can
fit 250 stages. The total number of cores is 250*12000 = 3 million.

Remember equation (16)? It was used to calculate the gravitational potential energy per thread. We
can now calculate that potential energy. But this time, we’ve improved the engineering considerably.
Planck h Speed of light c r1 r2 ω n
6.6E-34 299800000 0.1 3 1884 3000000

n n

ΔU thr ( n)=hν
[( √ c2 −r 21 ω2
c 2−r 2 ω2 ( r 2−r 1 ) ) (√−
c 2−r 2 ω 2 ( r 2−r 1 )
c 2−r 21 ω2 )]
When we plug in the numbers, the gravitational potential energy per thread is ΔU thr =hν (0.0010295).

4.2 Thread Potential Energy Field

A quantum entanglement between two photons, referred to as a thread, has a decay rate which will
need to be measured. Although it’s not a particle, it can still be treated as one for the purpose of writing
that it decays into two photons as shown below.

Ṯ →2hν
We can define the force vector of a thread to be Ṯ́ . The sum of all of the thread force vectors is,

Ṯ́ =∑ Ṯ́ i=m á


Lee, Jae-Weon; Kim, Hyeong-Chan; Lee, Jungjai (2013). "Gravity from quantum information". Journal of
the Korean Physical Society. 63 (5): 1094–1098. arXiv:1001.5445. Bibcode:2013JKPS...63.1094L.
doi:10.3938/jkps.63.1094. ISSN  0374-4884

Swingle, Brian; Van Raamsdonk, Mark (2014). "Universality of Gravity from Entanglement".

Oh, Eunseok; Park, I. Y.; Sin, Sang-Jin (2018-07-13). "Complete Einstein equations from the generalized
First Law of Entanglement". Physical Review D. 98 (2): 026020. Bibcode:2018PhRvD..98b6020O.

Jacobson, Ted (1995-08-14). "Thermodynamics of Spacetime: The Einstein Equation of State". Physical
Review Letters. 75 (7): 1260–1263. arXiv:gr-qc/9504004. Bibcode:1995PhRvL..75.1260J.
doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.75.1260. PMID  10060248

Van Raamsdonk, Mark (19 June 2010). "Building up spacetime with quantum entanglement". General
Relativity and Gravitation. 42 (10): 2323–2329. arXiv:1005.3035. Bibcode:2010GReGr..42.2323V.

H. Kleinert (1987). "Gravity as Theory of Defects in a Crystal with Only Second-Gradient Elasticity".
Annalen der Physik. 44 (2): 117. Bibcode:1987AnP...499..117K. doi:10.1002/andp.19874990206

External Links

 D. Berenstein, Emergent Gravity from CFT, online lecture.

 C. J. Hogan Quantum Indeterminacy of Emergent Spacetime , preprint

 A.D. Sakharov, Vacuum Quantum Fluctuations in Curved Space and the Theory of Gravitation , 1967.

 Matt Visser, Sakharov's induced gravity: a modern perspective , 2002.

The philosophy of how the laws of physics are put together. Everything in the physical universe
is implemented by photons, either virtual or real. For simplicity, there are two states of the

 vacant (virtual photon)

 filled (real photon).

If you thought that the equation e iπ +1=0, was significant in the architecture of the universe,
you were right. Next, two physics constants were configured:

 speed of light c=2.998 x 108 meters per second ,

 Planck constant h=6.63 x 10−34 Joule−seconds
The speed of light c= λν. The wavelength λ measures and establishes distance and direction in
space. The frequency ν measures and establishes time. Together, they create the spacetime

Consider a centrifuged entangled photon that is placed along the axis. The photon has
frequency ω(x) that is a linear function of x such that the slope is m= . The y intercept of
the frequency is ω0. So the linear equation of the frequency is a simple,
ω ( x )=mx+b= x +ω 0
The equation for a quantum entanglement between two photons might be very complicated,
but the wavefunction of a photon can be as simple as,

Ψ ( x , t )= A e i k x−iωt

In quantum mechanics, the momentum operator, along the x-axis, is ṕ x =−iħ . Thus, we can
∂ψ ∂
calculate the momentum as ṕ x =−iħ =−iħ ( i k x−iωt ) .
∂x ∂x x
Remember that ω(x). So, the momentum becomes, ṕ x =ħ k x −ħ t . From Newtonian
d ṕ
mechanics, the force is, F́= . When we take the time derivative of the momentum, the first
term is zero, but the second term is linear with time. Which shows that if the momentum
states of a quantum system vary linearly with the x-axis, then they will result in a force,
F́=−ħ =m á
This proves that centrifuging entangled photons will result is a force.

The scientific community’s understanding, at present, is that the spacetime continuum exists,
but there is no clear understanding of how or what it’s made of. One of the major objectives of
physics is to unify quantum mechanics with general relativity in a theory of everything. All
expectations are that some very abstract mathematical equation will solve everything.
However, it is possible to reason out the mechanism that causes QM and GR by considering
some facts and their implications.
Let’s start with an event and then consider the spacetime interval. The spacetime interval is a
mathematical formulation that starts with an event that is seen by two observers on two
inertial reference frames, x-ct and x’-ct’. It is written as, [latex] (\Delta s)^2 = (\Delta x)^2 +
(\Delta y)^2 + (\Delta z)^2 –(c \Delta t)^2 = (\Delta s’)^2 = (\Delta x’)^2 + (\Delta y’)^2 + (\Delta
z’)^2 –(c \Delta t’)^2 [/latex]. When an event occurs, it starts at a point. In order for the event
to be observed by multiple observers in multiple inertial frames, the information has to travel
outwards, in all directions, at the speed of light so that the rest of the universe can be updated.
The fact that all observers in their inertial reference frames have clocks and rulers that are tied
to the speed of light is an indication that nature created those inertial frames with mechanisms
that travel at the speed of light. The speed of light is [latex] c = \lambda_i \nu_i [/latex] for
each observer i. The wavelength is the ruler and the frequency is the clock for each reference
frame that started at a point and travels outward at the speed of light.
It is an accepted fact that all physics information propagates at the speed of light. But
physicists don’t specify what they mean by “physics information”. I will define physics
information to be the quantum states of the form [latex] \phi = k_x x + k_y y + k_z z - \omega t
[/latex] such that a wave [latex] \psi = e^{i \phi} [/latex] emits from the point of an event in
spacetime. Since anything and everything can be an event, these waves are being emitted
everywhere, all the time. Most of the time, these waves are empty of matter-energy; the one
time they were full of mass-energy was the big bang, which also started from a point. They are
vacant states that facilitate the geodesic.
The [latex] \phi [/latex] term is the electromagnetic oscillation as a phase that exists
everywhere in space; it is conserved.
Does this mechanism have anything to do with the virtual photon? Maybe, but so little is
known about virtual photons. We can call this mechanism a pre-photon and identify it as the
cause of spacetime geometry.
Quantum mechanics solves for solutions to differential equations involving kinetic and potential
energy. Why does nature work this way? Pre-photons already have permittivity and
permeability built into them, as [latex]c^2 \epsilon \mu = 1 [/latex]. Pre-photons are readily
available everywhere and will easily conform to the potential energy of a quantum system.
When this happens, the quantum states of the pre-photon are shaped in a way that is
described by the solution to the Schrodinger differential equation.
The pre-photon expands at the speed of light, with a volume of [latex]V = \frac{4}{3} \pi (ct)^3
[/latex] and has a surface area of [latex]A = 4 \pi (ct)^2[/latex]. It only takes a second for a pre-
photon to become two light seconds wide. By that time, it is no longer a point, it is a large
volume of space and can behave like a field.
Gravity is not implemented by gravitons. Instead, the positive mass energy described by the
stress-energy tensor casts a negative energy reflection in spacetime. When the wavelength
states of all of these pre-photons (which implement spacetime) reaches an equilibrium of
negative potential energy, the result is the curvature of spacetime. That’s how gravity works.


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