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Cách làm:

- Dàn ý chi tiết: đưa ra các ý chính, trích theory chỗ nào trong sách, phân tích theo hướng nào
- Ví dụ giải thích vào luôn để mn hiểu: ví dụ liên quan đến lí thuyết chỗ nào…
- Giải thích ra luôn, tối chỉ lên gửi lại cho nhau tổng hợp để in đem đi thi, mỗi người tự nhìn
dàn ý mà triển khai bài làm

7 - Tú


• Reflection 1: Describe a time when the Id took over on purchase consumption.

Did you keep the item?

The ID: selfish and illogical, pleasure act without any regard for consequences

VD: quá thích thú 1 sp mà mua luôn ko để ý đến chi phí bị hao hụt

• Reflection 2: How can marketers link a brand’s personality with the lifestyle of a
consumer segment?

Marketers link a brand’s personality with the lifestyle of a consumer segment by some

_ They embrace the communications approach known as brand storytelling. This perspective
emphasizes the importance of giving a product a rich background to involve customers in its history or
experience. Brand storytelling is based on the tradition of reader response theory, which is a widely
accepted perspective in literature that focuses on the role of the reader in interpreting a story rather
than just relying upon the author’s version. This approach recognizes that the consumer does not just
want to listen to a manufactured set of details, but he or she wants to participate in the story by “filling
in the blanks.”

_ One popular genre of brand storytelling is what a set of researchers described as an underdog
brand biography. This includes details about a brand’s humble origins and how it defied the odds to
succeed. Such a story resonates with consumers because they can identify with these struggles.
Thus, Google, HP, and Apple like to talk about the garages in which they started. The label on a
Nantucket Nectars bottle describes how the company started “with only a blender and a dream.”

_ Anthropomorphism refers to the tendency to attribute human characteristics to objects or animals.

We may think about a cartoon character or mythical creation as if it were a person and even assume
that it has human feelings. Again, consider familiar spokes characters such as Chester Cheetah from
Pringles, the Keebler Elves, or the Michelin Man—or the frustration some people feel when they come
to believe their computer is smarter than they are or even that it’s “conspiring” to make them crazy! As
we saw in our discussion of sex-typed products there is a common tendency in particular to ascribe a
gender to a product. We tend to gravitate toward products that are the same as our own gender. In
one study, a promotional message that depicted a fragrance, digital camera, and car as either male or
female resulted in more positive evaluations when the item’s (presumed) gender was the same as the

• Reflection 3: Identify products and settings that would be at home in your

consumption styles.

Have marketers identified these consumption styles and used them in advertising?

• Reflection 4: Japan-VALS, UK VALS. Which VALS category would you guess you are
in? Why?

Do you see possible linkages between brand images and the segments in the VALS system?
Japan-VALS™ divides Japanese society into different segments based on two key consumer
attributes: primary motivation (tradition, achievement, and self-expression) and attitudes
about social change (innovation and self-expression). Primary motivation describes what a
person is most interested in: life, occupational duties, and recreational interests.

●● Integrators rank the highest on the Japan-VALS measure of innovation. They are active,
trend-setting, informed, affluent, well-traveled, and use a variety of media.

●● Self-Innovators and Self-Adapters score high on self-expression. They are fashionable,

socially active, and seek adventure.

●● Ryoshiki Innovators and Ryoshiki Adapters are driven by occupations with a personal
focus on education, career achievement, and professional knowledge. Home, family, and
social status are their guiding concerns.

●● Traditional Innovators and Traditional Adapters are primarily focused on matters of

tradition, like religions and customs, and are conservative in their opinions. They have a
preference for traditional home styling and fashion.

High Pragmatics and Low Pragmatics are less active, less informed, and have no obvious
interests and lifestyle choices. They do not score high on any life-orientation dimension.

●● Sustainers score lowest on the innovation and self-expression dimensions and prefer to
sustain the past. They lack money, youth, and high education.

United Kingdom VALS (UK VALS™) categorizes consumers into one of six core groups.
Segments are defined based on primary motivation (tradition, achievement, and self-
expression), resources (high or low), and innovation.

●● Activators are most open to change, new ideas, and products. They are forerunners of
innovation and have a wide range of interests. This group is further divided by motivation:
tradition activators, achievement activators, and self-expression activators.

●● Traditionalists are primarily conservative and prefer to manage social change by

reassessing new ideas based on tried and tested ones with established standards and ethical

●● Achievers base their accomplishments on hard work and professional pursuits. They are
success-oriented and tend to focus on family, knowledge, influence, and qualifications.

●● Seekers prefer individuality, self-discovery, and action. They actively seek selfgratification,
excitement, and sociability.

●● Pragmatics prefer to play safe and do not want to steer away from their peer group. They
have a relatively low attachment to any particular lifestyle. Pragmatics can be differentiated on
the basis on motivation: Pragmatic Involvers are motivated by tradition, Pragmatic Rationals
are motivated by achievement, and Pragmatic Aspirationals are motivated by self-expression.

●● Constraineds tend to stick to familiar things and the past. They are family-focused and
have a few friends who share their opinions and ideas.

→ có thể, vì mô hình liên quan đến tính cách con người nên có thể link được

• Reflection 5: How do you assign people to social classes, or do you at all?

What consumption cues do you use (e.g., clothing, speech, cars, etc.) to determine social
I assign people to social classes based on CRESCIVE NORM (OBJECTIVE 7-5)

A custom is a norm that controls basic behaviors, such as division of labor in a household or how we
practice particular ceremonies

A more (“mor-ay”) is a custom with a strong moral overtone

A convention is a norm that regulates how we conduct our everyday lives.


• REFLECTION: Share a decision you made following the three learning


– Think Feel Do: buying based on our experience we had on the last

– Do Feel Think: make purchase decision based on knowledge we had

through, for example, word of mouth, searching on the Internet, …

– Feel Do Think: decide purchasing because of the music of Ad, the eyes-
impressed packages, …

•Share a decision you made following the three learning hierarchies:
–Think Feel Do
–Do Feel Think
–Feel Do Think
→ Sao
•Share a commitment you’ve made at each of the three levels of commitment:
•Can you feel the variations in commitment for the three types? Explain.
→ Tú
•Interview a student next to you about a behavior that he or she has that is inconsistent with his or her
attitudes (e.g., attitudes toward healthy eating or active lifestyle, attitudes toward materialism, etc.)
Ask the student to elaborate on why he or she has the behavior, then try to identify the way the
person has resolved dissonant elements
→ Lâm
•Can you think of a time that you were persuaded by marketing? Which of the persuasion
tactics were used and in what way?
→ Chăm Anh

•In what kinds of situations would the traditional communications model work less effectively?
•To what extent have mobile messages changed your behavior as a buyer? Have you acted on a
mobile coupon or message?
•Think of a celebrity endorser that you find to lack persuasive ability.
•What is it about the person, product, or endorser-product fit that fails to persuade you?

•Old Spice used a sex/humor appeal in its campaign, The Man Your Man Could Smell Like.
•What benefits were communicated in the ad?
•Is the message implicit or explicit? Explain.
•As people become more accustomed to short messages like “tweets,” will we be less likely to
elaborate on communications? Explain.

11- Sao
•For each type of social power source of influence, share an example of a time you experienced that
form of influence.

•Assume that you are a sales representative for a large company that markets laptop
•List all the people that may be involved in making the decision to purchase from you.
•Try to match all the people to their possible decision roles as outlined on the previous slide.

•What exposure have you had to family decisions made in your own family? Can you see the patterns
discussed in the chapter in those decisions? Give an example.
•What organizations or products have you posted negative word-of-mouth about?
•What opinion leaders have influenced your purchase behavior?
•What social games do you play? How have they influenced your purchase behavior?

14 - Lâm

R1: How have cultural values influenced the items that you feel have value?

Consumers are more likely to want products that resonate with a culture’s priorities at any given time.

1.Culture exists to satisfy the needs of people within a society.

a) It offers order, direction, and guidance in all phases of human problem solving by providing “tried and
true” methods of satisfying physiological, personal, and social needs.

b) Similarly, culture also provides insights as to suitable dress for specific occasions (e.g., what to wear
around the house, what to wear to school, what to wear to work, what to wear to church, what to wear at
a fast food restaurant, or a movie theater).

2. Cultural beliefs, values, and customs continue to be followed as long as they yield satisfaction.
3. In a cultural context, when a product is no longer acceptable because it’s related value or custom does
not adequately satisfy human needs, it must be modified.

4. Culture gradually evolves to meet the needs of society

R2: If your culture were a person, how would you describe its personality traits?

. Vietnamese people are relentlessly optimistic

· Food is an important part of Vietnamese culture

· Their war history is sacrosanct

· Elders are respected

· Vietnamese life revolves around the family.

· The Vietnamese family consists of the nuclear as well as the extended family.

· In general, the Vietnamese are collectivists.

· Within the family the head would be responsible for making decisions and approving marriages.

R3: Now, select another culture you’re familiar with. How would those personality traits differ from
your own?

1. In terms of efficiency, Americans admire anything that saves time and effort.

2. In terms of practicality, Americans are generally receptive to any new product that makes tasks easier and can
help solve problems.

3. Americans also attach great importance to time and punctuality.

4. Americans seem to be convinced that “time waits for no one,” which is reflected in their habitual attention to
being prompt.

5. Americans place a great deal of importance on getting there first; on the value of time itself; on the notion that
time is money; on the importance of not wasting time; and on identifying “more” time.

6. The frequency with which Americans look at their watches and the importance attached to having an accurate
timepiece tend to support the American value of punctuality.

R4: What is and what should be the role of fashion in our society?

I do think fashion is important in society because it allows people to express their personality.
Throughout the ages fashion has been an important part of society and culture. As the human world
developed so did the practice of clothing and what people developed out of different materials to

R5: How important is it for people to be in style?

Fashion style is definitely an integral part of our society. People have always paid much attention to
clothes and their appearance. People have always tried to differ from one another. No wonder, the
representatives of different occupations wear different clothes. For example, it is easy to recognize a doctor, a
sailor, a butcher, a carpenter, a judge, a policeman, etc. Clothes determine our social status. When one wears
beautiful clothes, he is treated more positively than the ordinary person. It is not a secret that people use good
suits and dresses for their benefit. For instance, if you decide to find a job, you had better come in a quality and
neat suit. In this case, you will be accepted better.

13 - Chăm Anh
Identify some of the subcultures to which you belong. How do you identify with these
some of the subcultures to which you belong:
I am a Buddhist, so I will be a vegetarian on special Buddhist ceremonies
i am adult, so I spend a lot of money for for fashion and entertainment than older people
i am a women, so I have high demand for cloths
The various sub cultures can be identified on the following basis: Nationality and/or ethnicity
Geographic region, Religion,Social Class, gender, age
•Though the “Big Three” are attractive segments for marketers to reach, why might they be
difficult to approach?

There are cultural issues or the factors that bring such problems. These factors are termed as power
distance index, individualism v/s collectivism, masculinity index, long term v/s short term orientation,
uncertainty avoidance index as well as indulgence or restraint approach underlying in the culture.
These mentioned factors act differently in different culture, making it difficult for marketers to correctly
read and target them.

•Identify products which have been deethnicized. How should these products be marketed

De-ethnicization refers to the process whereby a product formerly associated with a specific ethnic
group is detached from its roots and marketed to other subcultures. Examples are bagels, burritos,
and salsa (to name a few). It is very hard to market such products; however, they can still be
marketed. One way is by using celebrities to market the product. The product might gain popularity
courtesy of the celebrity.
•Think of an example of a product that is marketed based on religious consumption.
Toothpaste X
It is widely believed that “persistent brushing in the morning and before bedtime with X toothpaste is
no longer a normal cleaning act, it is a daily ritual that must be done. protecting health and bliss, like
burning incense must be done every day to have peace in a life of impermanence, full of risks and
uncertainties ".
•Should members of a religious group adapt marketing techniques that manufacturers
customarily use to increase market share for their products? Why or why not?

Yes it needs to adapt marketing techniques to increase sales. In terms of marketing it falls under
Reflection wherein it helps to identify target markets so that customized goods can be produced and
marketed. Religious marketing: Religious marketing is a technique that implies the customers to boost
up the product's market share related to religion or caste. Concept : Marketing technique increases
the market share for a secular product. Examples: Born-Again consumers: In the United States, 400
mega churches serve 2,000 congregants per week and further attracts over 20,000 in Sunday

•For the following products, discuss how having children or not might affect the choices a
couple makes. What do such variations mean for marketers?

If a couple has to buy groceries and has children,they have to buy food which are tasty yet nutritious
as children are very picky when it comes to food.Otherwise if couple was buying for themselves,they
would have compromised with the food quality somehow considering the budget.When a couple has
to buy a car,they keep in mind the safety,space and longevity of the car as their child's safety is
concerned.They will be likely to buy a car which may not be fancy but completely safe for their
kid.Otherwise,the couple can buy a car which is a sports car and luxurious one as per their interest.
Vacation: When they have children, couples will choose safer trips that cost more. As a couple, they
will choose an adventure trip that does not cost much

For marketers,it is a challenging situation as they need to advertise products that must fit the needs
and wants of both the parents and the child.For example,a cosy car ambience with the best safety
features.They have to be creative in terms of advertising products as their target audience who they
need to cater gets very vast.For food products,they need to advertise healthy ,nutritious,tasty and
pocket friendly products.This all boils down to how creatively the marketers come up with novel
solutions to this challenge

•What will happen to the markets for products like Restylane as the Baby Boomers continue to

Baby boomer generation is the term used for people born between 1946 and 1964 and made for a
major portion of the population in developed nations.This was due to the fact that during the great
depression and world war II people decided not to have babies .It was also because people decided
to move to the suburbs to bring up a family instead of living in urban areas . Baby boomers will bring a
big change in health care as they age.This will put excessive pressure on health care system.The big
problem is how medicare will provide for 75 million baby boomers.About 3 million baby boomers will
attain retirement age every year for the next years to come.So the problem of caring for the elderly
patients is enormous.Huge proportion will move from commercial plans to medicare.The demand for
health care will increase.

The boomers have the reputation of having poor health than their parents had because they indulged
more than their parents.It has been found that boomers life expectancy rate is more but they suffer
from multiple health disorders like hypertension, diabetes, obesity etc.So as boomers age there will be
rise in health care cost.So the medicare program will face difficulty dealing with patients with many
chronic diseases.Financial burden on health system will be more.Moreover health care system are not
designed to diagnose, prevent and treat patients who have many disorders.More medicare eligible
Americans will enroll in medicare which will pose a problem in funding medicare.People with many
chronic diseases are more vulnerable to fall sick and so the cost is more.

Thus demand for health care will increase as baby boomers enter retirement age.The boomers will
pose a challenge for health care.

•Is it practical to assume that people 60 and over constitute one large consumer market (i.e.,
the gray market)? How can marketers segment this age subculture?
Yes, this is practical. They are baby boomers, born after 2 nd world war. 55 and above aged people
are in this category. Their contribution on total consumption spending is almost 30% in America.
Basically they spend on household equipment and furniture, foods, and retirement plan. Therefore,
they constitute a big consumer market. They are traditional and use to purchase traditional products
of their need.

A portion of goods should be segmented for the people of this age group. Traditional foods and
household goods should be made for them. In America big boomers spend almost 40% on total
money spending on foods and household goods. Bank and financial institution should concentrate
and develop retirement which fits their necessity.

Variables: Big boomers are the most finane stable persons than any other age group. Therefore,
money is not the problem for them. Whatever be the price, marketers should provide best products for
them. They are the most traditional age group. Therefore, marketers should provide traditional for
them. Products should not be much experimental.

•If you were a marketing researcher assigned to study what products are “cool,” how would you do

•How has the definition of what is cool changed as the generations have aged?

•Share a decision you made following the three learning hierarchies:
–Think Feel Do
–Do Feel Think
–Feel Do Think

The high-involvement hierarchy: Think - Feel - Do
The high-involvement hierarchy assumes that a person approaches a product decision as a problem-
solving process. First, he or she forms beliefs about a product as she accumulates knowledge
(beliefs) regarding relevant attributes. Next, he or she evaluates these beliefs and forms a feeling
about the product (affect).6 Then he or she engages in a relevant behavior, such as when he or she
buys a product that offers the attributes he or she feels good about. This hierarchy assumes that a
consumer is highly involved when he or she makes a purchase decision (see Chapter 5). 7 He or she
is motivated to seek out a lot of information, carefully weigh alternatives, and come to a thoughtful

Example: You are a meticulous and thoughtful consumer. You go to school and happen to find your
friend has very stylish clothes, you think about it and decide to find out online. Thanks to AI algorithms
on the internet, ads come to your personal FB page about the products you like, you go to each online
shop to learn about the models, the price of each product, and how to mix. with other items, then
decide to buy.
The Low-involvement hierarchy: Think - Do - Feel
The low-involvement hierarchy of effects assumes that the consumer initially doesn’t have a strong
preference for one brand over another; instead, he or she acts on the basis of limited knowledge and
forms an evaluation only after he or she has bought the product.8 The attitude is likely to come about
through behavioral learning, as good or bad experiences reinforce his or her initial choice.

Example: You are a loyal consumer of Lock and Lock thermos, you only choose this product when
buying for you or your lover. But until you buy some household item and get it with a Philips thermos
flask. And you begin to use that brand. You realize that Philips also has its own advantages, if Lock
and Lock is a brand that is more about style, then Philips goes into product quality.
The experiential hierarchy: Feel - Do - Think
According to the experiential hierarchy of effects, we act on the basis of our emotional reactions. The
experiential perspective highlights the idea that intangible product attributes, such as package design,
advertising, brand names, and the nature of the setting in which the experience occurs, can help
shape our attitudes toward a brand. We may base these reactions on hedonic motivations, such as
whether using the product is exciting like the Nintendo Wii or aesthetically pleasing like the Apple
iPhone. Even the emotions the communicator expresses have an impact. A smile is infectious; in a
process we term emotional contagion, messages that happy people deliver enhance our attitude
toward the product.9 Numerous studies demonstrate that the mood a person is in when he or she
sees or hears a marketing message influences how he or she will process the ad, the likelihood that
he or she will remember the information he or she sees, and how he or she will feel about the
advertised item and related products in the future

Example: You are a lover of cute products. You are always looking for cute products at the
supermarkets or stores you go through, but you have no intention of buying it. Until you want to buy
birthday decorations for your best friend, and she has the same hobbies as you so you decide to
make the party cute. So you start thinking of party-related cute things like Kitty balloons or cute ice
cream cakes.

•For each type of social power source of influence, share an example of a time you
experienced that form of influence.

●● Referent power—If a person admires the qualities of a person or a group, he tries to copy the
referent’s behaviors (e.g., choice of clothing, cars, leisure activities). Prominent people in all walks of
life affect our consumption behaviors by virtue of product endorsements (e.g., Lady Gaga for
Polaroid), distinctive fashion statements (e.g., Kim Kardashian’s displays of high-end designer
clothing), or championing causes (e.g., Brad Pitt for UNICEF). Referent power is important to many
marketing strategies because consumers voluntarily modify what they do and buy to identify with a
●● Information power—A person possesses information power simply because he or she knows
something others would like to know. Editors of trade publications such as Women’s Wear Daily often
possess tremendous power because of their ability to compile and disseminate information that can
make or break individual designers or companies. People with information power are able to influence
consumer opinion by virtue of their access to the knowledge that provides some kind of competitive
●● Legitimate power—Sometimes we grant power by virtue of social agreements, such as the
authority we give to police officers, soldiers, and yes, even professors. The legitimate power a uniform
confers wields authority in consumer contexts, including teaching hospitals where medical students
don white coats to enhance their standing with patients.10 Marketers “borrow” this form of power to
influence consumers. For example, an ad that shows a model who wears a white doctor’s coat adds
an aura of legitimacy or authority to the presentation of the product (“I’m not a doctor, but I play one
on TV”).
●● Expert power—U.S. Robotics signed up British physicist Stephen Hawking to endorse its modems.
A company executive commented, “We wanted to generate trust. So we found visionaries who use
U.S. Robotics technology, and we let them tell the consumer how it makes their lives more
productive.” Hawking, who has Lou Gehrig’s disease and speaks via a synthesizer, said in one TV
spot, “My body may be stuck in this chair, but with the Internet my mind can go to the end of the
universe.”11 Hawking’s expert power derives from the knowledge he possesses about a content area.
This helps to explain the weight many of us assign to professional critics’ reviews of restaurants,
books, movies, and cars—even though, with the advent of blogs and open source references such as
Wikipedia, it’s getting a lot harder to tell just who is really an expert!12
●● Reward power—A person or group with the means to provide positive reinforcement (see Chapter
4) has reward power. The reward may be the tangible kind, such as the contestants on Survivor
experience when their comrades vote them off the island. Or it can be more intangible, such as the
gushing feedback the judges on The Voice deliver to contestants.
●● Coercive power—We exert coercive power when we influence someone because of social or
physical intimidation. A threat is often effective in the short term, but it doesn’t tend to stick because
we revert to our original behavior as soon as the bully leaves the scene. Fortunately, marketers rarely
try to use this type of power (unless you count those annoying calls from telemarketers!). However,
we can see elements of this power base in the fear appeals we talked about in Chapter 8, as well as
in intimidating salespeople who try to succeed with a “hard sell.”

•Assume that you are a sales representative for a large company that markets laptop
- List all the people that may be involved in making the decision to purchase from you.
- Try to match all the people to their possible decision roles as outlined on the previous slide.

•What exposure have you had to family decisions made in your own family? Can you see the patterns
discussed in the chapter in those decisions? Give an example.

•What organizations or products have you posted negative word-of-mouth about?

-What is WOM: Word-of-mouth
(WOM) is product information that individuals transmit to other individuals. Because we get the word
from people we know, WOM tends to be more reliable and trustworthy than messages from more
formal marketing channels. And, unlike advertising, WOM often comes with social pressure to
conform to these recommendations.
-Negative WOM:
We know that WOM is a powerful weapon; unfortunately it’s a two-edged sword that cuts both ways
for marketers. Informal discussions among consumers can make or break a product or store.
Furthermore, consumers weigh negative word-of-mouth more heavily than they do positive
comments. Especially when we consider a new product or service, we’re likely to pay more attention
to negative information than to positive information and to tell others about our nasty experience.50
Research shows that negative WOM reduces the credibility of a firm’s advertising and influences
consumers’ attitudes toward a product as well as their intention to buy it.
Example: KFC recently sued several Chinese companies for allegedly spreading a false rumor that its
chickens have six wings and eight legs. The company previously had to apologize for failing to inform
consumers that some of its poultry suppliers used high levels of certain hormones to accelerate
growth. So, this new unfounded rumor probably made sense to many people. After all, an eight-
legged chicken would be more “efficient”.

•What opinion leaders have influenced your purchase behavior?

KOL who are knowledgeable about products and whose advice others take seriously. These
individuals, or opinion leaders, are frequently able to influence others’ attitudes or behaviors. Clearly,
some people’s recommendations carry more weight than others. Opinion leaders are extremely
valuable information sources because they possess the social power:
●● They are technically competent, so they possess expert power.55
●● They prescreen, evaluate, and synthesize product information in an unbiased way, so they
possess knowledge power.56
●● They are socially active and highly interconnected in their communities.57
●● They are likely to hold offices in community groups and clubs and to be active outside of the home.
As a result, opinion leaders often wield legitimate power by virtue of their social standing.
●● They tend to be similar to the consumer in terms of their values and beliefs, so they possess
referent power.

Opinion leaders may or may not be purchasers of the products they recommend. Early purchasers
also tend to be innovators; they like to take risks and try new things. Researchers call opinion leaders
who also are early purchasers innovative communicators. One study identified characteristics of
college men who were innovative communicators for fashion products. These men were among the
first to buy new fashions, and other students were likely to follow their lead when they made their own
purchases. Other characteristics of the men included the following:65
●● They were socially active.
●● They were appearance conscious and narcissistic (i.e., they were quite fond of themselves and
●● They were involved in rock culture.
●● They were heavy readers of magazines like Playboy and Sports Illustrated.
●● They were likely to own more clothing, and a broader range of styles, than other students.
Opinion leaders also are likely to be opinion seekers. They are generally more involved in a product
category and so they actively search for information. As a result, they are more likely to talk about
products with others and to solicit others’ opinions as well.66 Contrary to the older, static view of
opinion leadership, most product-related conversation does not take place in a “lecture” format where
one person does all the talking. A lot of product-related conversation occurs in the context of a casual
interaction rather than as formal instruction.

Example: Chef Pham Tuan Hai is a Vietnamese KOL related to the culinary industry. Anlene brand
chose him as an advertisement for Anlene milk coffee product because they realized that he was a
potential KOL, capable of impacting well on customers. As a chef, his healthy food expertise is quite
reliable. At the same time, this KOL's age is quite suitable for the brand's customers, so this is a
reasonable choice.

→ Tùy mỗi loại sản phẩm có một kiểu KOL khác nhau, ví dụ người thích công nghệ sẽ bị tác động
nhiều bởi KOL công nghệ.

•What social games do you play? How have they influenced your purchase behavior?
I play the game genre. The genre of a game is to the method of play. Popular genres include
simulation, action, and role-playing. Simulation games depict real-world situations as accurately as
The game is called Pubg Mobile, each of us can play alone or with a group of 2 to 4 people. We will
play as a Marine to parachute into a wasteland somewhere in the territory of the United States. Here
we show our ability to survive by taking down other teams in the game to achieve the title of victory.
Since this game is played on the phone and I want to play well, I have to invest more in supporting
accessories such as a gaming controller to increase the sensitivity to deal with the opponent,
headphones to hear the enemy's footprint when facing a fight.
I have found that if I want to play well with Pubg and get high titles, I have but changed my electronic
buying behavior, the products I buy are designed for gamers with striking colors, with lights. blink, has
a cool design.


•How have cultural values influenced

the items that you feel have value?

Self-Perception Theory (1 of

Foot-In-The-Door Technique
•Consumer is more likely to comply with a
request if he has first agreed to comply
with a smaller request
•Person is asked for a small favor and is
informed after agreeing to it that it will be
very costly.
Door-In-The-Face Technique
•Person is first asked to do something
extreme (which he refuses), then asked to
do something smaller.

Here are the benefits that KOL Marketing brings to


1. Approach the right target customers

KOLs can help you quickly reach the right target audience. Because most of
those who follow and care about them belong to a specific group of
customers, a certain field.

So, instead of running ads on facebook or google, choosing KOL to introduce

products will help businesses properly reach potential customers.
For example: An enterprise you sell products related to technology devices
such as phones, laptops, smart watches ... can choose KOL Tran Xuan Vinh
(from Influencer and then become KOL). The owner of the Vong Studio
channel with more than 1.7 million followers are all technology lovers. So, this
is a potential KOL to promote technology-specific products.

2. Increasing product reputation in the hearts of customers

As the concept mentioned, becoming a KOL requires that person be an

expert, knowledgeable and knowledgeable about a certain field. So an
introduction about the product from them or an advertisement with the
appearance of KOL helps customers to trust more about the product.

In addition, users always believe that the opinions and comments from the
KOLs will be more valuable than others, because they are really
knowledgeable about the product and knowledgeable.

For example: To help customers feel more secure and confident when
choosing the NutiFood brand, they have launched a Marketing program with
the topic of consulting on all issues related to their baby's health. In this series
of programs, they will in turn invite nutrition experts who are specialist doctors
to advise mothers directly. This will help customers trust more in product
quality thanks to expert advice cleverly incorporated into the content.

3. Increase brand awareness

With the information that the KOL give to evaluate, comment on the business
of your business, you will improve the reputation of customers. In addition,
these KOLs will help your brand spread to many people in the same field,
thereby improving brand awareness.

For example: The car launching ceremony of Vinfast brings together a lot of
experts specializing in the car sector to evaluate and make comments on this
model. This approach increases the user's confidence in the car's quality
when looking to buy a car. In addition, the brand value is also enhanced in the
hearts of customers thanks to reliable and reliable information.

4. Motivate customers to buy more products

Once customer trust is built up and brand awareness is enhanced, it is

obvious that buying behavior will occur faster.
The common mentality of everyone when wondering or having problems, will
often turn to professionals and experienced people to listen to their advice.
For example, when in pain, you will inevitably hear the advice of a doctor
instead of a friend showing you how to relieve the pain.

Likewise, with two products from two different brands, customers will always
prioritize choosing products with the appearance of KOL, because they
believe that what KOL is introducing is correct.

5. Improve keyword rankings when doing SEO

KOL has a strong influence on customers, so as long as KOL posts a blog

post or social networking site about brands and products with a link to the
website, Google will appreciate quite a lot. Because the number of potential
customers from KOLs will increase your website clicks.

For example: Beauty and beauty care brand MENARD uses KOL, the Nam
Trung makeup artist, to promote its products by placing a link to the website
on a facebook share.

Being one of the leading experts in the field of make up, shows that the
chances for customers to trust the recommendation of this makeup artist are
quite high. This motivates customers to click more on the link. This helps
Google to evaluate the website well through this click.

Distinguishing between KOL and

Because of the voice that all proposals and decisions of KOLs are listened to
and respected. For example, a medicinal product will surely be trusted by a
customer more, when it is recommended by a famous doctor. A restaurant will
have more customers to eat if a famous chef regularly visits and gives more
compliments to the dishes there.

What is influencer?

Influencers are influencers in the online community. They can be popular

actors, singers, and models. They can also be popular bloggers, vloggers,
journalists, and TV MCs.
Another part is those who are not active in the above fields, maybe they are
quite ordinary students - students but emerge on social networks thanks to
their beauty, specializing in covering songs or specialized Comedy video clips,
game livestream clips, ... We can such as: Trang Hý, Viruss, Nhu Hexi, ...


1. Channel of operation

Because many comparisons show that influencers are influencers on social

networks such as YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. As a result, any online
user can become an influencer of a certain audience or market. Depending on
the field in which they operate, or the purpose of using social media, there will
be varying degrees of influence.

As for KOL, most do not work on any social networks. They are followed by
many people for their professional skills. Therefore, you can easily see KOL
on traditional media such as newspapers, television, radio. KOLs are the
people the media will always be interested in when they want to get attention
on certain issues at the moment.

2. Interoperability

A common mistake brands make is to assume that for an influencer marketing

campaign to be successful it is to work with those with the highest number of
followers. This means that all big businesses will be successful partnering with
KOLs. Small brands will fail to work with nano and micro influencers.

It's true that many campaigns have been successful thanks to the participation
of nano and micro influencers because they are suitable with the product and
have a steady amount of engagement. Some campaigns fail to involve KOLs
because they simply never use those products or their images don't match the
product. Although celebrities typically have millions of followers, that doesn't
mean they use them often. Usually, a personal assistant will run their account
for the promotion of activities, like a minishow or a live show. But these posts
look like advertisements, resulting in very poor engagement between the KOL
and the audience.
Influencers, on the other hand, have good engagement because they use
those accounts themselves. So any questions related to life, expertise are
answered by them, so they have a loyal following.

3. Number of followers

Nano influencer: 0 - 10,000 followers

Micro influencer: 10,000 - 100,000 followers

Macro influencer: 100,000 - 1,000,000 followers

Mega influencer: over 1,000,000 followers

Most KOLs are Macro or Mega, while Imfluencer is Nano or Micro

4. Time Fund

Certainly, both KOLs and influencers must have specialized knowledge on a

topic. But one of the differences between them is the way they work.

Influencers mostly work on social networks, blogging, Youtube, livestream,

Facebook so they will spend most of their time investing videos or images to
convey the message to their fans.

On the other hand, most of KOL's time is spent in the field of expertise. They
may spend time on social media, but that's only in their spare time. Because
they won't be able to spend all day thinking up a post or shooting an
influencer-like video.

5. Coverage

Another notable difference between KOLs and influencers is the breadth of

their influence. The KOL's reputation and recognition may be limited to a
specific area. Be it a small town, a city, a state, or even a country.

When you are an influencer, your fans will spread across the globe because
the Internet has no limits. If you get your audience excited, you will be well-

The billboard idea smells of barbecue. This special idea comes from the
owner of the Bloom grocery chain, Food Lion, based in Salisbury, UK, hoping
to attract shoppers by letting the ocean emit black pepper and charcoal from
the feet. a sign along the River Highway (NC 150) in Mooresville.

II. Short answer questions (4 points)

1. Consumers and the items they consume can take many forms. Give
examples of three different types of consumers and examples of three
different types of items they could consume, including products, services, and

Three different types of people include middle-aged people, teenagers, and


An example of a service form that the above 3 subjects chose:

- Elderly and adults often go to nostalgic cafes, with bolero music to enjoy tea
and coffee.

- Teenagers often go to bars or pubs to enjoy the vibrant music with soft
drinks or beer and fruits.

- Children often like play areas with horse games, swinging games or shooting

2. Blind taste tests in the 1980s showed that most Coke drinkers preferred a
cola that was sweeter than the current product. When Coca-Cola attempted to
make its product sweeter, brand loyal customers revolted and demanded the
old product be returned. Explain how Coca-Cola marketers could have used
the principles of psychophysics to introduce the new Coke without creating
these problems.


the first way: In the sales program, you can include samples for customers to
taste new and then receive feedback on new products. If feedback is positive,
mass produce the new flavor that is sweeter than the old one.

The second way: Coke can slowly change the taste of their drink to sweeter,
leaving them unrecognizable and gradually loyal customers are drinking a
more soft drink they don't know, and customers who prefer the taste of sweet
First, he was more interested in Coke

In fact, in this case the Coca-Cola Company actually released a new water
called Coke for a reason. This is a company's strategy when it is in a very
large position in the hearts of customers, after the company changes
products, customers will react strongly, even boycott the brand because they
think they do not respect customers. But soon after the company returned to
the old product, sales soared because users were more interested because
the way they responded was returned by the company, they happily bought

This way of the company created a scandal to make the brand stand out.

3. How has your sense of touch influenced your reaction to a product? Which
of your senses do you feel is most influential in your perceptions of products?

Our brains receive external stimuli, or sensory inputs, on a number of

channels.These inputs are the raw data that begin the perceptual process.
Sensory data from the external environment can generate internal sensory
experiences.For example, your favorite song is played in an advertisement or
your favorite flower scent appears in a perfume. This can increase the
consumer's purchasing power.Marketers’ messages are more effective when
they appeal to several senses
Research has shown that when consumers touch a product, they have a
higher degree of engagement with the product. Touching can even affect
sales interactions. Consumer researchers are studying the role of touch
(touch) in consumer behavior. Essentially, we're more certain of what we
noticed if we could touch it. We tend to want to touch objects. The computer
design philosophy related to touch is called the natural user interface, and it
incorporates human routine movements that we don't need to learn.

4. How has your daily life changed because of social media? What does your
virtual life look like?

I spend more time studying through the Internet, people are gradually switching
learning channels through the internet. My classroom study is just for learning and
recording keywords then learn about them on the internet. During the translation
season, I study through the internet using software such as Zoom, Google Meet with
many convenience.

Everything that happens in human life is found on social media through Instagram,
Facebook, anything can be posted by people on their status and the stories they tell on
the page. So if you want to find out about a person just going to social media is almost

The companies also have their own websites, all notices are posted on it, and
recruitment information is also available through the internet. Many jobs we can do
online without needing an office, we communicate with each other by social media
and other platforms on the internet.


I use a lot of social media accounts, I am very focused on personal branding on social
media channels. First, to engage with employers I created a Linkedin account and
posted pictures and some description of myself. Next, I use two main platforms, FB
and IG, in FB I build a serious and well-rounded image of myself at work. As for IG, I
show a different personality by posting pictures of my outings.

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