High School Life Vs University Life

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Farid Nadjmi Bin Nur Firdaus Seet


High school life vs University life

650 words

University life

Time allocation

Personal freedom


It’s not hard to understand that education, whether formal or not, seeps into every facet of our
lives, from our earliest childhood to our deathbed. One major period of our education is during our
adolescence. During this period, we gain a deeper insight towards our existence and the world around
us. As such, the forms of education during this time, high school and university, play a major role in
shaping us as human beings. Between high school and university, I personally enjoy university life
more than high school life, based on three comparative aspects. These are personal freedom, time
allocation, and grading metric.

Firstly, personal freedom is much better in university than in high school. In high school, the
teachers will constantly be trying to control every single aspect of your life such as where you go,
what you wear, how you talk, et cetera. This is because most high schools place an unwarranted
emphasis on ‘building discipline’. However, this overarching control that teachers have over students
causes these students to not have the ability nor space to discover themselves and grow. Every high
school student has to fit in a mold that the teachers want, instead of being themselves and embracing
their differences. In university, however, the rules are more lax so students can do whatever they want
for the most part. Students can wear clothes that express themselves better, do whatever they want
on their time, and some universities don’t even keep an attendance record, so students who are not in
the mood to study can choose to rest. This extra ability for students to have personal freedom is a
reason why I prefer university life over high school life.

Secondly, the time that is allocated for studies in a day in university is much less than in high
school. In high school, students often spend eight hours of mandatory classes per day with additional
classes being held after class hours. This means that the average high school student spends most of
their weekday studying. University schedules on the other hand only have around 6 hours of classes
per day, not to mention the fact that some days might not even have any classes. This allows
university students to have more free time for them to do other things such as doing homework,
exercising, resting, and many others. Furthermore, the university students’ quality of education also
greatly benefit as they do not become burnt out or restless and thus are able to focus better in class.

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