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° Five Central Warehouses 6250 AFFoa‘a Police School Musanada anniat LOH 113 500 pnins SECTION 07 81 23 Intumescent Fireproofing PART 1- GENERAL. 1.41 RELATED DOCUMENTS ‘A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section, 12 SUMMARY A. Epoxy based Intumescent Fireproofing, approved by UAE Civil Defense. B, Decorative tap coat finish, sf applicable. C.. Primer 1.3 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. System imelndes fire-rated protection for structural steel mezbers as indicated. 1.4 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT. A. General: Intumescent fireproofing wall not be measured separately for payment but will be paid for as part of the Contract hump sum price for Architectural Work. 1.8 REFERENCES ‘A. Abu Dhabi Intemational Building Code (ADIBC) B. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), C. ASTMES4 Test Method for Surface Buming Characteristics of Building Materials D. ASTMEII9 Test Method for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials E. Underwnters Laboratories Ine. (UL) F._ UL Fire Resistance Directory; applicable UL Design Numbers for application of fireproofing and conditions as mdicated, G. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS HL, In addition to the foregoing referenced standards, the regulatory requirements that govern the work of this Section include the following governing code: UAE Civil Defense 1.6 SUBMITTALS A. General: Refer to Section 01 3300 - Submittal Procedures. B, Product Data Submit manufacturer's product data of the intumescent fireproofing material proposed for this work, indicating product charaetensties, performance, end limitations. Include 07 81.23 Intumescent Fireproofing 41/5

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