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TIME: 3Hrs MARKS: 75

Answer ALL the Following (75x1=75)

1) The earliest work of theory was Aristotle's poetics which in spite of its title,is about

a) nature of language itself

b) nature of tragedy itself

c) nature of literature itself

d) naturebof character itself

2) who is the first critic to develop a' reader centered 'approach to literature

a) Plato

b) Aristotle



3) Aristotle famous definition of tragedy

a) insists that literature is about plot and plot revealed through character and tries to identify as
action progress

b) insists that literature is about action and action revealed through character and tries to identify
as plot progress

c)insists that literature is about character and character revealed through action and identify as
plot progress

4)who said" a poem is a speaking picture,with this end, to teach and delight"?

a) Sidney

b) Horace

c) Aristotle

d) Shelley
5)whose aim is to give pleasure to reader and any moral or didactic element is subordinate to it?

a) Sidney

b) Aristotle



6)which book blends high literature and popular literature?

a) poetics

b) Preface to Lyrical Ballads

c) Biographia Literaria

d) poets and preface to Shakespeare

7) From where did the start of English tradition of practical criticism?

a) Sidney's apology for poetry

b) Johnson's lives of poets and preface to Shakespeare

c) Wordsworth's preface to lyrical ballads

d) coleridge's biographia literaria

8) who maintained that the language entertains by 'fictive' qualities

a) Aristotle and Sidney

b) Plato and Aristotle

c) Shelley and TS Eliot

d) Shelley and John Keats

9) which of the following tracks are very much ideas lead rather than text lead

a) Sydney and Wordsworth

b) Samuel Johnson and f r leavis

c) George Eliot and TS Eliot

d) Henry James and Matthew Arnold

10) practical criticism is related to

a) ideas oriented

b) politics oriented

c) meaning oriented

d) text oriented

11) 'dissociation of sensibility' and 'objective correlative 'are the terms related to

a) Arnold

b) Eliot

c) Empson


12) the function of criticism at the present time was written by

a) Eliot

b) GM Hopkins

c) Matthew Arnold

d) Thomas Arnold

13)who become the pioneer of decontextualized approach to literature?

a) Arnold




14) structuralism and poststructuralism originated in


b) Russia

c) France

d) UK

15)which of the following theory maintained holistic approaches to literature aiming to integrate
the tree historical structuralism and poststructuralism?

a) linguistic criticism and feminist criticism

b) Marxist criticism and psychoanalytic criticism

c) new historicism and cultural materialism

d) post colonialism and postmodernism

16)this theory reflects that things cannot be understood in isolation they are out to be seen in the
contest of larger structure they are part of

a) Liberalism

b) Structuralism

c) post structuralism

d) deconstruction

17) according to structuralist, which is correctly stated

a) objective entities already exist in external world

b)meanings are contained within human mind

c)meaning is always attribute of outside things

d)meaning is essence of inside things

18)Saussure concentrated on

a) historical aspects of language

b) speculating about the origin of language

c) patterns and functions of language

c) connections exist in the language

19) what according to Saussure the meaning of words 'relational'

a) meanings of all maintained by convention only

b) meaning is always attributed to the object

c) no word can be defined in isolation from other words

d) meaning that there is no coherent connection between award and what it designate

20) Saussure's thinking stressed the way language is arbitrary, relational,constitutive greatly
influenced the structuralists because

a) individual items does not relate to other items

b) it gave them model of system which is self contained

c) individual items does not create larger structure

d)model of system which depend on other system

21)Langue and parole to signify respectively

a) utterance in the language and language as a system

b) language as a structure and utterance in the language

c)speech vs language

d)diverse and varied as number of people who share a language unlike parole

22) structuralist analyse prose narratives relating the text to some larger containing structure as

a)the conventions of a all literary genre

b)a network of intratextual connection

c)a projected model of an underlying universal narrative structure

d) a notion of narrative as a simple of recurrent patterns

23) who apply the concept of systematic patterning and structuring to the whole field of western

a)post structuralism

b) structuralism

c) psychoanalysis


24) what are the five codes of Barthes

Pick odd one out

a) The proairetic code

b)the cultural code

c)The social code

d)The semic code

25) which is rightly matched?

a) the proairetic code- Poses questions or enigmas

b)The hermeneutic code- indications of actions

c)the symbolic code-linked to themes


a) Parallels - I) plot

b) Echoes-2)character

C) reflection-3) situation

d) contrasts-4) language

e)patterns-5) structure

A) a- 2,b-3,c-2,d-4,e-1




27)post structuralist accuse structuralist of not following through the implications of the views

a) language on which their spatial system is based

b) language on which their speech system is based

c) language on which their intellectual system is based

d) language on which their sense system is based

28) which theory reflex the notion that language does not just reflect or record the world rather it
shapes it so that how we see it is what we see

a) post structuralism

b) structuralism

c) deconstruction

d)post modernism

29) the situation of being without intellectual reference point is one way of describing

a) de- centred world

b) decentered universe
c) deconstructed

d)decentered galaxy

30)post structuralism is characterized by

a) trusts notion of reason

b) idea of the human being as as depend entity

c) preferred the notion of dissolved or constructed subject

d) individual is not really product of social and linguistic forces

31)who is commonly associated with structuralism and poststructuralism

a) Derrida

b) Ronald Barthes

c) Saussure

d)Claude Levi Strauss

32)which work turns from structuralism to Post structuralism

a) the structural analysis of narrative

b) the pleasure of the text

c) the death of the author

d) structure sign and play in the discourse of the human science

33) which among the following is a lecture of Jacques Derrida

a) the structural analysis of narrative

b) the pleasure of the text

c) the death of the author

d) structure sign and play in the discourse of the human science

34)Derrida sees in modern Times a particular intellectual event which constitutes your radical
break from past ways of thought closely associated this break with the philosophy of

a)Nietzsche and Heidegger

b) Ronald Barthes

C) Saussure
d) Strauss

35) Derrida's rise to prominence was confirmed by the publication of

a)The death of the author

b) speech and phenomena

c)essay on the origin of language

d) the exorbitant question of method

36) Derrida method always involves

a) the constructive reading of selected aspect of other philosophers work

b)the constructive reading of general ascpect of other philosophers work

c) the deconstructive reading of selected aspect of other philosophers work

d) the deconstructive reading of general ascpect of the other philosophers work

37) deconstructing the text can be defined as

a)reading against the grain

b)reading the text in favor of itself

c)knowing the text as it can know itself

d) reading in favor the grain

38) deconstruction reading uncovers

a) conscious dimension of text

b) unconscious dimension of text

c) repressed conscious within language

d) covert text quality glosses over or fails to recognise

39) definition of deconstruction reading

a) deconstruction is synonymous with destruction

b)the deconstruction of a text does not preceded by random doubt or sub version but by careful
teasing out of wearing forces of signification within the text

c) deconstruction reading must always aim at certain relationship perceived by the writer
between he commands and what he does not command of the pattern of language
d) it may be read as carrying a singularity of significance which are fundamentally at variants
with contradictory to subversive of what may be seen by criticism as a single stable meaning

40)Post structuralist seeks

a) to show textual unity

b)to show coherence

c)to show textual disunity

d) to show textual conscious

41) post structuralist critics do

a)they fix upon the surface features of the words similarities in sound the root meanings of words
at dead metaphor and bring this to the foreground

b) basic to show that the text is characterized by unity

c) the concentrate on multiple passages and analyse it so intensively

d) they does not look for ships and brakes of various kinds in the text

42) 3 stages of reconstructive process

a) verbal, contextual, linguistic

b) nonverbal textual and linguistic

C) nonverbal contextual and linguistic

d)verbal , textual and linguistic

43)it is a critical approach which uses the methods and findings of science of linguistics in
analysis of literary text



c) Lacanian criticism

d)post structuralism

44) stylistics have a good deal in common with

a) structuralism

b) post structuralism

c) liberal humanism
d)post modernism

45)Which is false in reference to stylistics

a) analysis of literature

b) expository prose

c) political speeches

d) none

46) the ambitions of stylistics

a) stylisticians ditions try to provide soft data to support existing in intuitions about your literary

b) stylisticians suggest new interpretation of literary works based on linguistic evidence

c)stylisticians attempt to establish specific points about how literary suggestions are made

47) narratology is a branch of

a) structuralism

b) post structuralism

c) postmodernism

d) liberal humanism

48) narratology meant

a) reading and interpretation of individual stories

b) the attempt to study the nature of story itself

c) it takes much of its character and some of its technology from intellectual theory

d) it it is a study of non narrative structures

49) which is false regarding story and plot

a) the story is the actual sequence of events as they happen

b)the plot is those events as they are edited ordered package and presented in what we recognise
as a narrative

c) the plot main will begin somewhere in the middle of the chain of events

d) the story is a version of plot

50) Aristotle identifies 3 key elements in a plot

a)the hamartia,the catharsis,the anagnorisis

b)the hamartia,the mimesis,the catharsis

c)the hamartia,the anagnorisis,the peripeteia

d)the anagnorisis,the peripeteia,the mimesis

51) anagnorisis meant


b) recognition or realisation


d) fault

52)The morphology of the folktale is the work of

a) Vladimir Propp

b)Gerard Genette

c) Claude Levi Strauss

d) Ronald Barthes

53)The morphology of the folktale is based on

a) a study of corpse of a hundred tales

b) these tales are not constructed by selecting items from basic repertoire of functions

c) morphology means the study of meanings

d) it is about history of social significance of structure and plot formation of tales

54)which are the basic building blocks of the collection of tales analysed in the morphology of
folk tale

a) the hero branded

b) hero defeated

c) the hero never return

d) the hero is hard to be recognised

55)How many sphere of action are there?

a) 5




56)which does not come under sphere of action

a) The helper

b)The hero

c)The donor

d)The fool

57)Gerard Genette work focus on

a) simply telling the tale

b) how the tale is said and process of telling it

c) Everything can be said

d) explaining the tale

58)How many areas Genette focus on





59)pick odd one out

a) is the basic narrative mode mimetic or diegetic?

b) how is the narrative focalised?

c) who is telling the story?

d)how is language handled in the story?

60) what narratology do

a) They switch much of the critical attention towards content of the tale
b) They take categories derived mainly from the analysis of narratives and expand and refine

c)They derive much of their reading pleasure from the uniqueness and originality of small
number of small number of highly regarded examples

d) they looked at individuals narrative seeking out the recurrent structures which ore found
outside all narratives

61) which is not correct regarding psychoanalytic criticism

a) it uses the technique of psychoanalysis in the interpretation of literature

b) it is a form of therapy which aims to cure mental disorders

c)it is done by investigating the interaction of conscious and unconscious elements in the mind

d) the theories regarding this criticism where developed by Ronald Barthes

62)which is true regarding unconsciousness

a) the part of mind within consciousness

b) Freud was a discovery of the unconsciousness

c) consciousness as a strong influence upon our action then and consciousness

d)it is a part of the mind beyond consciousness which has strong influence upon our actions

63)What is called repression?

a) repressed material is promoted into something grander

b) the phenomenon whereby the patient under analyses redirects a emotions

c)it is a tribal or inconsequential memory whose function is to obliterate a more significant one.

d) forgetting/ ignoring of unresolved conflict and unadmitted desire

64)Bring out right pair

a) Ego- unconscious

b) super Ego- the conscience

c)id- conscious

65) In classical freudian theory it has three stages of focus what are they?

a)oral,Latent, Genital

b)oral,anal, Genital

d)oral,anal, phallic

66) what is condensation meant?

a)when aspect of ourselves or not recognised as part of ourselves but perceived in or attribute to

b)repress the material is promoted into something grander or is disguised as something Nobel

c)one person or event is represented by another which is in some way linked with it

d)a number of people events or meanings are combined and represented by a single image in the

67) which is not true regarding the dream according to Freud

a) safety valve or escape hatch

b) repressed desire spheres of memories c can outlet into the conscious mind

c)the emotion censored by the conscious mind and so as to enter the dream in disguise

d)the real subject of the dream is not a chain of associations.

68) who said 'There is always a return of the repressed'?

a) Fanuarius

b) Augustine

c) Freud


69) what freudian psychoanalytic critics do

a) they play a close attention to conscious motives and feelings

b)they identify a psychic contacts for the literary work at the expense of social and historical

c) they associate the literary works covert content with conscious and overt content with
unconscious mind.

d) the social drama of class conflict is about the individual psychodrama

70)Bring out the set that does not match

a)Women and Labour- Olive Schreiner

b) A Room of one's Own- Virginia Woolf

c)The second sex- Mary wollstonecraft

d) The origin of the family- Friedrich Engels

71) which according to Toril Moi explains as feminine?

a) matter of biology

b)a set of culturally defined characteristics

c)a political position

d)a economical position

72) what is called as gynotexts?

a) pamphlet issued by women

b) newspaper published by women

c) books by women

d)work edited by women

73) who 'devised a perfectly natural shapely sentence proper for own use'?

a) Virginia Woolf

b)Jane Austen

c)Helen Cixous

d)Julia Kristeva

74)Ecriture feminine is used first by

a) Dale Spender

b)Julia Kristeva

c) Helen Cixous

d)Jane Austen

75) In which work we can find this words "one is not born a women; rather one becomes a

a) The subjection of women

b)A Room of one's own

c)The second sex

d)Man Made Language

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