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00 Production of CO 2 during organic matter ii.

cart>onates {CO,,-J •nd blt:arllonates {HCO,}

decomposition is responsible for the lowering ot
pH or calcareous soils in submerged soils • IDRN■DA u,, PH ' Unllna)
iv. Mineral weathering 00 involves the application of lime : any Ca or Mg
II', Add rain bearing compound added to the soil to neutralize
vi. Heavy aopping removes (aop removal) basic cations the H+ ions
and replaced by W Ions from roots 00 Lime reacts with carbonic add to form
vii. Long-term use or acidifying fertilizers (NH4• containing bicarbonates which will dissociate with Ca
fertilizers) due to nitrification process ( conversion of replacing H+ in the exchange sites
NH/ to No3• and release of W in the soil) 00 Liming application : small amounts split and
Incorporated into the soil
• POPII of lddltv 00 usually applied in large amounts ( tons/hectare)
ahead or planting to allow ample time to react
I. Actire llddity with the soil
00 acidity due to W ions in soil solution its effectivity depends on the lime's fineness
00 measured when pH is determined in th~ usual (partide size) and relative neutralizing value (RNV)
method or mixing equal amounts of soil and water or also calailated as the calcium carbonate
00 should be in equilibrium with reserve acidity equivalent (CCE)
00 RNV : the strength of the lime in correcting soil
II. Rl!IMIIW llddlty acidity with reference to calcium carbonate;
acidity due to W and A1 3 • i ons adsorbed on computed from the ratio of the molecular weight
colloid surfaces of calcium carbonate and that of the liming
00 also measured (in addition to active 'ilddity) when material,
KO is mixed with the soil instead ot water rn the RNV = (mol wt CaCO3 / mol wt of the liming
pH determination material) x 100
♦ Sources c6 Alkalinity - lime requirement the amount or liming material
needed to raise the pH of one hectare soil ( 2 x
I. Bae- forming cat/on$ 10"6 kg) up to a desired level under field
ooAs the basic cations such as Ca, Mg, K and Na condition
saturates the soil's exchange complex, the W Ion 00 Too much liming is can be harmful with the
concentrations in the soil solution will deaease reduced availability of Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, P, and B,
and the concentration or OH"inaeases. and antagonism between Ca, K, and Mg.
Alkaline reactions results from the hydrolysis of
colloids saturated with basic cations
Green EM Pl RE! PA ( 11·ww.{aC'eboolc.C'omll{r eenemv irepl, ) 26
sulfate or sulfur mineral [to transform into sulfuric
• common llrnloa mttm•I• add]
00 these are the oxides, hydroxides and carbonates
of lime • Bllffwlna CIPICltv
l. limestone : made up chiefty of the minerals oo the resistance of the soil to drastic changes in pH
calcite caCO1 with RNV of 100%, or dolomite The pH of the soil hardly changes because when
CaMg(CO3 )i with RNV of 109%; Limestone the W ions in the soil solution are leached out,
deposits are aushed to specified particle size these are replenished by the W Ions In the
with average· purity of 94% exchange complex ( concept of active and reserve
2. Burned lime or quicx lime cao or MgO: made by acidity); the replenishment is reversible making
igniting calcium or magnesium carbonates; about liming a continuous practice in order to maintain
95% pure; hygroscopic, tends to absorb w ater the desired pH
from the air; cakes readily even when sealed in 00 The higher the buffering capacity of the soil, the
bags; Cao RNV of 179% higher the amount of liming needed to neutralize
3. smked lime. hydroxide of lime made by reacting the acidity.
cao or MgO with water; about 95% purity; - The higher the CEC, the higher the bul'rering
Ca(OH)2 RNV of 136% capacity.
An RNV of 179% (CaO) means .that every kg of More lime is needed to raise the pH of acidic clay
CaO is equivale11t in neutralizing fability to 1.78 kg soils than acidic sandy soils.
of caco1.
00 The greater the purity, the greater th e neutralfzlng
ability of the lime
00 Calcium sulfate Caso. also contains calcium, but it Add afflte soHs
has sulfate which can form sulfuric add. also found to occur in the Philippines
00 Gypsum isnot a liming material, as it ha.s--very 00 The acidity is due to the oxidation of sulfur
slight effect on pH, but can provide Ca as a compounds in soils that are rich in sulfur, or are
nutrient or exchange with Na. derived from sulfur-bearing minerals
- There is formation of sulfuric add.
00 pH value can be as low as 4.0
• Loww:toA u,, pH cac1mac■ugn> • Soll organisms ot genus ThlobiJcilhs also facilitate
00 more difficult than raising the pH the oxidation of sulfur compounds to sulfate
oo usually involves addition of large amounts or
organic matter into the soil, or by adding ferrous • Saline soils
oo soils with toxic amount of soluble salt content
Green EMPIRE PH (wuw.focebook.comlg reenempireph) 27
- soils with electrical conductivity (EC) greater than
4 mmhos/cm
• Lowf•nd soils
00 also referred to as paddy soils
- occurs in arid areas where there can be - grown to rice, and other aops requiring water or
evaporation of water reaching the area allows puddling
concentration of salts e.g. near sea coasts with oo anaerobic most of the time because of continuous
sea water intrusion submergence
- can be reclaimed by repeatedly nooding with fresh There is a thin oxidized layer above the water
water surface.
- diversion canals must be constructed to prevent - The nutrients exist in reduced state NH4•, H2S,
entry of salt water Mni-, Fe2♦, CH4
- soil color is dark gray or bluish gray
• Sodlc 10111 - organic matter decomposes with the following
oo solls with excessive amount of soluble sodium (Na major products: CH 4 (methane), H,S (hydrogen
content more than 15% of the CEC) sulfide), organic adds, alcohols, and ketones
00 highly dispersed and poorly drained
00 can be reclaimed by replacing Na+ in the
exchange sites of colloids with Ca 2 '"'( sources can
be gypsum), and then washing out the Na•; e.g.
application of gypsum
• YPIIDd 11111
00 also referred to as dryland soils • Soll organisms
grown to aops like corn, vegetables, fruit trees, composed of large and small plants and animals
etc. - The larger organisms (Insects, worms, moles, etc.)
- aerobic most of the time prepare the organic materials for further
00 the nutrients present in the soil exist in their degradation by breaking them into smaller pieces
oxidized state i.e. No)·, H2PO., so/·,so4·, Fe 3•, oo The smaller organisms (bacteria, fungi,
Mn..., CO2 actinomycetes, algae, nematodes, protozoa) cause
- soil color is brown, yellowish brown, or reddish biochemical changes in the organic materials
- Roles:
- organic matter decomposes with CO2 as a major o Responsible for biochemical changes

GreenEMPIRE PH ( ) 28
o Agents In the decomposition of plant and - CRJ : colony forming unit
animal residues - HFS: hectare furrow slice
o Improve soil structure through aggregation
• 1tctM11
• C,rthworm
oo eat detritus, soil organic matter and
- probably the most important in terms of their
effect on soil properties
microorganisms round on these materials - involved In various nitrogen transformation, sulfur
oo also l'adlltates aeration and drainage through the oxidation and reduction, and other chemical
channels they create processes
oo probably the most significant microorganisms in 00 Morphological Grouping
humid temperate region soils o Coed (speherical)
7000 species worldwide o Rods (short, long, a,rved)
oo LJJmbrlaJs terrestrts and Allo/obophora ca//gil10SII o Spiral (vibrio)
are the most common Nutritional Grouping
oo more numerous in fertile and alkaline soils than in o Heterotrophic (OM as source of carbon and
infertile and add soils energy)
00 Epigeic : live In the litter layer, o Autotrophic
Ex. Compost worm -Eisenia foetida o Photosynthetic (Energy from sunlight; C from
Endogelc : live In the top 10-30 ~ of soil, CO 2)
Ex. Pale-pink-red worm - Allolobophora ca//gif10S6 o Chemosynthetic (Energy from oxidation of
oo Anecic: live in vertical burrow up to 1 meter, Inorganic compound; C from CO 2)
Ex. the Introduced Night Crawler - LJJmbrlaJs Grouping based on oxygen requirement
rerrestrls o aerobic
o anaerobic
• e,;otozoa
Single-celled animals (20-50 microns In diameter)
00 -
o facultative
Grouping based on temperature ror optimum
00Aerobic activity
00 Ingest food through oral openings o mesophllic
- ingest other soil organisms particularly bacteria o thermophillc
and helps released the immobilized nutrients in the o psychrophilic
bacteria 00 Population: 106 - 109 CFU/g soil
oo Reproduction : Binary fission; budding oo Biomass: ,.,2,000 kg/HFS
00 Population: 101 - 105 Cells/g soil
00 Biomass: • 100 kg/HFS • flUUll
GrecnEMPIRE PH ( w11w .facebook. comlgreenempirepl, ) 29
- most adaptable and versatile soil organism - lndudes blue-green algae, green algae, and
- some species can thrive In extreme acidity and diatoms
alkalinity oo Principally thrives in aquatic environment, loves
- able to decompose the resistant organic moist habitat
compounds such as llgnin, cellulose, and gums - Both single - celled and multicellular species are
- Mycarrhiz11e : .an association between fungi and present in the soil
plant roots which help plants in solubilization of P - Aerobic
and its absorption 00 Photoautotrophs
oo Complex morphology (multicellular; highly oo Blue-Green Algae are capable of N2 fixation
branched) oo Excellent host for bacteria due to oxygenating
00 Heterotrophic capacity
oo Aerobic oo Population: 103 - 105 CRJ/g soil
oo Add-loving (effi:dent OM decomposers under addle Biomass:"' 250 kg/HFS
oo Population : 10 - 105 CFU/g soil
- Biomass: ., 8,000 kg/HFS Sstl oraanic Matta: CSOMl
• Adlnemxc•• - refers to the 'totality of all carbon-containing
oo attack and simplify complex organic compounds compounds in the soil derived from either plants
such as cellulose, chitin, and phospholipids or animals
00 Branched mycellal structures - Organic constituents of plants:
00 Intermediate between bacteria and fu~gi o Cellulose ( 15 - 60%)
00 Very fine hypha;e (< 1 micron diameter) o Hemlcellulose (10 - 30%)
oo Heterotrophic o Lignln (5 - 30%)
Aerobic : some microaerophilic o Water-soluble tractions: amino sugars, amino
oo Major Antibiotic. Producer: Streptomycin, acids (5 - 30%)
Erythromycin) o Proteins
00 Add Sensitive (0-itical pH = 5.5) o Fats, oils and waxes
oo Population: 105 - 106 CFU/g soil 00 accumulation is affected by temperature, soil
oo Biomass: - 4,000 kg/HFS moisture, vegetation, soil texture, and cropping
oo SOM Is higher in areas of higher effective moisture
♦ Algae regime.
00chlorophyll bearing organisms which thrive mostly 00 Sandy soils accumulate less organic matter than
in soil surfaces clayey sons.
GrccnEMPIRE PH (,) 30
... most adaptable and versatile soil organism inciudes blue-green algae, green algae, and
oo some species can thrive in extreme acidity and diatoms
alkalinity - Principally thrives in aquatic environment, loves
- able to decompose the resistant organic moist habitat
compounds such as lignin, cellulose, and gums .. Both single - celled and multicellular species are
... Mycorrhizae : an association between fungi and present in the soil
plant: roots which help plants In solubillzation of P Aerobic
and its absorption oo Photoautotrophs
• Complex morphology (multicellular; highly oo Blue-Green Algae are capable or N, fixation
branched) _A ... Excellent host for bacteria due to oxygenating
... Heterotrophic 1 ~ capacity
- Aerobic ... Population: 103 - 105 CFU/g soil
- Add-loving (efficient OM decomposers under addle - Biomass: ~ 250 kg/HFS
.., Population : 104 - 105 CFU/g soil
Biomass: "' 8,000 kg/HFS Soil Oraanlc Mttt·w CSOMl
• ActiDOfflYCICN - refers to the totality ot all carbon -containing
attack and simplify complex organjc compounds compounds in the soll derived from either plants
such as cellulose, chitin, and phosp~olipids or animals
Branched mycellal structures - Organic constituents of plants:
- Intermediate between bacteria and fungi o Cellulose (15 - 60%)
Very fine hyphae ( < 1 micron diameter\_ o Hemlcellulose (10 - 30%)
- Heterotrophic o Ugnin (5- 30%)
... Aerobic : some microaerophilic o Water-soluble tractions: amino sugars, amino
oo Major Antibiotic Producer: Streptomycin, adds (5 · 30%)
Erythromydn) o Proteins
Add Sensitive (Critical pH "' S.S) o Fats, oils and waxes
5 6 ... aca,mulation is atfected by temperature, soil
- Population: 10 - 10 CRJ/g soil
... Biomass: ~ 4,000 kg/HFS moisture, vegetation, soil texture, and cropping
... SOM is higher In areas of higher effective moisture
• 611n regime.
... chlorophyll bearing organisms which thrive mostly Sandy soils aca,mulate less organic matter than
in soil surfaces ciayey soils.
GrcenEM.PIRE PH (wwwJacebook.co111/gree11e111pirep/,) 30
- More acaJmulation of organic matter in grassland - adsorbs pollutants such as Pb, Cd and Cu
than in forested land due to faster turnover of - inactivates toxin and pesticides
vegetative matter and shorter life cyde of grass
than of trees Iii. Biological
- Cultivated soils contain an average of 2 to 3% - provides C and energy to soil organisms and thus
organic matter. Increases their diversity and activity
Organic matter dedlnes when the soil is rultivated ... enhances micro'bial functions such as N fixation,
because of the enhanced oxidation and microbial decomposition, and nutrient transformations
activity brought about by the loosening of the soil.

• soM decompo11ttoo
• ffllctl 91' 9[MDI, fflC- IA tall PC9Pfl1ilU Organic materials such as crop residues, animal
manures and other carbonaceous and nitrogenous
i. Physk:al compounds are decomposed by the heterotrophlc
- enhances soil aggregation and aggregate stability micronora in the soil.
- redoes plasticity, cohesion a~d stickiness of - Decomposition is the enzymatic oxidation by soil
dayey soils organisms under aerobic condition with CO2, heat
- increases soil water retention, jnti~ration rate, or energy and water as the major products.
water holding capacity and aeration - in the process, soil organisms derive carbon and
- darkens soil energy for their use
reduces bulk density and compaction - essential nutri ents like N,P and S are released for
plant absorption
II. ChMn/al - anerobic soil organisms act upon organic materials
- increases CEC of soils under nooded conditions or in poorly drained soils
- Increases soil buttering capacity - toxic gases and organic adds produced may kill
- Increases nutrient availability through solubllization newly transplanted rice seedlings
of minerals by organic adds and by chelation of - Microbial Activity Related to SOM decomposition:
metal ions o Fungi : unaff,ected by pH level
- reduces Al toxicity by binding the Al ions in non- o Bacteria and Actinomycetes: inhibited at pH S.S
toxic complexes
- increases soil native supply of N, P, S, etc • CtdPon/NltrOAM rttlo
GrccnEMPIRE PR (,) 31
- The carbon nitrogen ratio of organic materials is a Ill. trltlff#a,tlon
convenient tool for predicting the rate of - the biological formation of N03- or N02 from
decomposition and regulating the quantity of compounds containing reduced nitrogen
mineral nitrogen available to plant. - The most common initial substrate is NH.- and the
- The higher the C/N ratio (usually 30), the slower is final product is N03' •
the rate of organic matter decomposition because Two separate and distinct steps: 1st is initial
the nitrogen is immobilized by microorganisms. oxidation of ammonium to nitrite, 2nd Is the further
Soil microbes use whatever N is available, oxidation or nitrate.
approximately 30:1 C/N - The production of NOJ- is related to soil and
- 20/1 is the optimum C/N ratio of organic materials solution pH values.
for raster decomposition; When the CfN ratio o Optimum pH values may vary from 6.6 to 8.0
narrows (20) mineralization predominates and o Rate decreases below pH 6.0 and become
N03- levels increase. negligible below pH 4.5
- Nitrogen-rich materials such as legumes or blood - Micororganisms responsible
meal are metabolized very rapidly, and the micro o N/trog)mOfldS. chemoautotrophic, gram-
nora reSf)Ollds little to supplemental nitrogen while negative, non spore forming, ellipsoidal or
the addition or ammonium or nitrate to st.ra'fl or short rods, responsible for the oxidation of
other nitrogen-deficient substrates greatty NH.♦ to N~·
enhances decomposition. o Nitrobilcter. chemoautotrophic, gram-negative,
- C/N ratio of organic material ,s determined by non- spore forming, short rods, further
analysis of the total C and N oxidizes nitrite to nitrate.
- Nitrate can be lost through denitrification and in
leaching particularly in sandy soils, under heavy
• MIR9bltl tr1adecm1t1001 pf N rainfall, or where excessive irrigation. Eicess NOJ-
leached from soil orten ends up in ground water,
I. Nlnerallzlltlon : conversion of organic N to inorganic N; lakes, and streams lead to water pollution such as
renders N available for plant use eutroph/C4tion or the excess growth of plant and
algae, and the health problem in infants and
II. Immobilization animals methemog/obinemla.
- conversion of inorganic N to organic N; renders N
unavailable for plant use ill. Denltrfflatlon
- happens when available N is used by soil - biochemical reduction of nitrate-N to gaseous N by
microorganisms and assimilated it into their bodies ra01ltative anaerobic soil organisms

Green EMPIRE PH (www.facebook. com/greenempirepl,) 32

- Oenltrificans reduce the No3• to nitrite then to organic compounds to rorm amino adds and
gaseous nitrogen forms, nitrous oxide (NO) and proteins
elemental Nitrogen (N2) that are commonly lost to - In return, the plant supplies the carbohydrate.s and
the atmosphere energy for bacteria's metabolism
- Denitrification is all aerobic but nitrate is used as - When the legumes are plowed into the soil, the
the electron acceptor In the absence of 02, fixed N is added into the soil.
- The microorganisms Involved: PseudomonM,
Achromobacter, B«ll/us and Micrococcus
- a major avenue or loss of N in paddy soils and 11/I. Non symbiotic N fixation
contributes to the low efficiency of applied - conversion of atmospheric N amounting to 20 to
nitrogen fertilizer 100 kg N/ha per year by microorganisms without
- No)· In the thin aerobic surface or paddy soils is an associated plant host
leached down to the reduced subsoil - the organisms indude bacteria (Azotobacter,
Beijerlncxia and Clostrld/um piJstetlrianum) blue-
11. Ammonlflcatlon : green algae and some fungi species
- The process of ammonification is the result of the Azotobacters are strict aerobes, mesophiles with
breakdown or organic matter sudl as dead animals an optimum temperature or 30° c, gram-negative,
and plants or waste materials like exaement. large coed.
- This breakdown Is accomplished by - Members of genus Oostridium are anaerobes,
mlaoorganlsms which utilize dead organic material gram-positive rods, which are found in soils with
for energy and produce ammonia and related pH 5.0 and are still capable of growth at pH 9.0.
compounds as a byproduct of their metabolisms. oo Oostridia proliferate when organic matter is
added, and they often are numerous around plant
vi. Symbiotic Blologlcal N fixation roots.
renders N available to plants Blue green algae (BGA) are believed to help
- occurs in legumes in the presence of rhizobia maintain fertility of lowland rice paddies.
which are aerobic, gram-negative, non-spore· - Common BGA In the Philippines are Al14"6eM
forming rods which are typically motile with simple uari.Jbllls, Gloetrichiaf1iltans, Nostoc commune,
nutritional requirement Nostoccarneum, HapiJ/osophon sp., Af1ilbilenopsis
- Rhlzobia enter and irritates the roothair causing spp. and To/ypothrlx sp.
the formation of root nodules
- the bacteria In root nodules trap atmospheric N • 1noraIols Pso1u1p1111,uon
which is transformed to NH3 which will combine to - Genera of bacteria capable of solubilizing Calcium
GreenEMP IRE PH (ll'wwfacebook.comlgreenempirepl,) 33
o Pseudomonas o Oxidation of Inorganic compounds such as
o Mycobacterium sulfides, thlosultates and elemental S.
o Bacillus o Reduction or so/· and other anions to sulfides.
o Micrococcus - In anaerobic conditions, sulfate availability may be
- Genera or fungi capable of solubilizlng Calcium limited in the soil.
phosphates o Sultate-redudng bacteria, predominantly of the
o Penidlllum genus Desvlfovibrio and Desu/fotom1K1Jlum
o Fusarium use sulfate as the hydrogen acceptor in their
o Asperglllus energy-yielding metabolism, reducing sulfate
- Microbiological means by which inorganic P is to sulfide.
solubillzed - In aerated environments, the combined sulfur is
o Production of organic adds ultimately metabolized to sulfate.
o Nitric add or sulfuric add production o Members of the genus Th/obddllus are capable
o Flooding resulting in the reduction or Fe in of oxidizing elemental sulfur to sulfate. They
insoluble ferric phosphates are gram-negative, non-sporulating rods which
o Mycorrhizal association ( related to organic are predominantly aerobes.
production); Two general types: o The oxidation of demental sulfur leads to the
- Ectotrophic ; fungus f orms a mantle formation of enormous amounts or sulfuric
around root exteriors hyphae enters into add which decreases soil pH.
spaces between plant cells hyphae
enters into spaces between plant cells IC9D PCICIPltltlRP bx 1911 bedmt
examples (pine, eucalyptus) - brought about a group of bacteria sometimes
- Endomycorrhira : fungus penetrates the termed as the Iron bacteria
cells or the plants examples (orchids, - These transformations can be (a) Ferrous
coffee, fruit trees, rice and corn) Oxidation from Fe• 2 to Fe.i , (b) Iron Reduction,
and (c) Iron precipitation trom organic salt.
• Mlqpbltl Rtn,Cgnn1t1,a ol' IYlfur
- The major sulfur in soil Is In the organic traction • composts •ad compostlna
with low concentration of sulphate, the form - Composting : process of creating humus-like
available for plants. organic materials by piling, mixing, and storing of
- Decomposition or organic S compound organic materials under conditions favourable tor
o Microbial assimilation or immobilization or S aerobic decomposition
and their incorporation into microbial cells. Compost : finished product of compostilg and
used as soil conditioner or slow-release fertilizer
Green EMPIRE PH (,) 34
- composting, the C/N ratio of organic
materials Is reduced to about 14-20:1
.. Pathogenic organisms are destroyed during
thermoph ilic stage (50-75 oq but heavy metals
(Inorgani c contamin ants) are not destroyed. v. PRINCIPLES AND MANAGEMENT
• C•IMl9H decomposttion
.. Cellulose : one of the most abundant organic
matter in nature
• Soil fertHity
.. The genera or cellulose decomposing bacteria and
- the capability or the soil to supply the nutrients In
the right amounts and proportions to meet the
fungi are the ronowing : nutrient requirement or the aop, as affected by
o Strongly cellullotic fungi are represented by
soil properties and condition
species the genera Aspergillus,
oo only among the many factors that makes the soil
Olaetomi um, Cuvularla, Fusarium ,
productiv e
Memnonl ella, Phoma, Thielavla and oo A fertile soil Is not necessarily a productiv e soil.
o A bacterial genus that contains representatives
• 5off productlyltv
cellulose in dudes Bacillus, oo the ability of the soil to support or produce a
Cellulomonas, Oostridlu m, Corynebackterium,
desired quantity or plant yield
Cytophaga, Polyangium, Sporoccytophaga and .. A productive soil Is necessarily rertile.
- Bacillus: aerobic, spore-forming, gram-
p ositive rods
- Cellulomonas : short gram-negltlve rods • P11nt Nub:Jt1on
- th e supply and absorption or chemi cal elements or
that produces yellow, water-insoluble
compounds required by the plant
pigments - Roots absorb mineral nutrients as Ions In soil
- Oostridiu m: anaerobic, non-motil e, gram
negative rod, which does not rerment - Ions can be readily available to roots or could be
carbohyd rates other than cellulose; "tied up" by other elements or the soil Itself.
produces a yellow pigment .. Many factors innuence nutrient uptake for plants.
- Cytophaga: aerobic, long, nexuous rod
with pointed ends; abundant in soils • N11bj90ts : chemical elements or compounds required by
receiving straw or manure plants for normal growth

GrccnEMPIRE PH ( empireph ) 3~

6. Potassium ( K)
♦ MetaboHc e r - : are medlanisms by which oo Enzyme activator
elements are converted to cellular materials or as sources 00 Regulates osmotic pressure in roots
of energy, or to drive reactions oo Maintains turgor pressure of guard cells and
regulates opening of stomata, thus controlling
• Ib• 17 Euentlal Element, photosynthesis and transpiration.
J, Carbon (C) 00 Needed in ATP synthesis which is used In
oo major component of plant's organic compounds translocation of sugars from leaves, N uptake and
2, Hydrogen (H) protein synthesis.
.., major component of plant's organic compounds ~ oo Strengthens straw of grain crops and prolongs the
3. Oxygen (0) life of the flag leaf.
00 major component of plant's organic compounds - Increases pest and disease resistance.
4. Nitrogen (N) 7. Calcium (Ca)
Constituent of amino adds, proteins and nudelc 00 Enhances NOr N uptake and regulates cation
adds (DNA, RNA) uptake
00 Integral part of chlorophyll molecule - Essential for cell elongation and division
Associated with high photosynthetic activity, c:aldum pectate in cell wall
vigorous vegetative growth, dar~ green color of Magnesium (Mg)
leaves and sucrulence of tissues oo Constituent of chlorophyll molerule
5. Phosphorus (P) Structural component in ribosome which are
00 Energy storage and transfer through ATP - ADP associated with protein synthesis
conversion Associated with energy transfer reactions from AP
- Structural component of nudeic adds, coenzymes, in metabolic processes like photosynthesis,
nudeotides, phosphoproteins, phosph oHplds and glycolysis, TCA cyde, and respiration
sugar phosphates 9, Sulfur (5)
As constituent of ATP, P is involved in metabolic 00 Needed in synthesis of sulfur-containing amino
processes such as photosynthesis, respiration, adds, such as cystine, cystelne and methionine
synthesis of proteins, phospholipids, nudeic adds, 00 Needed in synthesis of coenzyme A, biotin, thiamin
lipids, cellulose, hemlcellulose, lignin, pectin etc (or vitamin Bl) and gtutathlone
Important in seed formation and development of oo Required for synthesis or chlorophyll
reproductive parts of plants 00 OCOJrs in volatile compounds responsible for the
- Associated with increased root growth, early characteristic taste and smell of mustard and
maturity partiOJlarty grain development onion.
oo Enhances oil formation In nax and soybeans
GrccnEMPIRE PH (,) 36
- Improves quality of forage by narrowing N/5 ratio I. Perform vital functions in plant metabolism i.e. plants
10. Iron (Fe) cannot complete their life cyde in its absence or
- Chlorophyll synthesis and in enzymes for electron deficiency
transfer ii. Needed as integral part of plant structures and/or
11. Copper (Cu) participates in one or more metabolic processes In the
- catalyst for respiration, enzyme constituent plant
12. Zinc (Zn) iii. No other element can substitute ror that element It It Is
- In enzyme systems that regulate various metabolic ab~t or deficient. The deficiency can only be corrected
activities by the addition of that element
13. Manganese (Mn)
DO Controls several oxidation-reduction systems, • Macronutrtw,q : absorbed by plants in large amounts
formation of 02 in photosynthesis 1, C = CO2
14. Boron (B) 2. H = H20, H2
DO believed important in sugar translocatlon and 3. 0 - 02
carbohydrate metabolism 4. N = NH.♦, N01·
15. Molybdenum (Mo) 5. P-= H2Po,.·, HP0,.2', PO,. 2•
DO In nitrogenase needed for nitrogen fixation 6'. K'= K•
16. Chlorine (0) 1. ca = ca1•
... Activates system for production of 0 2 in 8. Mg= Mg1•
photosynthesis •· s = so..2-
17. Nickel (Ni)
component of enzymes urease and hydrogenease; • Mjqonutrients : needed by the plants in relatively low
involved in the mobilization of nitrogeneous amounts
compounds 1. Fe = Fe2•, Fe1•
18. Cobalt (Co) 2. Mn= Mn2♦
DO Essential for symbiotic nitrogen fixation 3. eu eu
= 2

4. Zn= Zn2+
s. Mo= Moel·
6. B = H1BO:i, H1B01'
1. a= a·
I. NI = Ni2•, NIJ+
It. Co= Co1 •
• Crttldl pf EMMtitlltv • Mobll• nutrt.,ts: the deficiency can be seen on older
GreenEMPIRE PH ( 37
J, N - follows Rck's Law
2, p - most nutrients particularly P and Ka re supplied lo
3. K plant by diffusion
4. Mg
5, Zn /II, Contact exchange {intermptlon)
- the direct exchange of Ions between the toots and
• lmmobflt nutrients: the deficiency can be seen on soil colloids as roots come in contact with the
younger leaves colloid
J. Cu
2, Mn
3. Bo ♦ Carrier theory of nutrtmt uptake
- explained why certain aops e.g. sugarcane, root
"· ca
s. s crops, oil aops, etc. absorb more K than other
6, Fe cations
- proposes that ions enter an outer space in the
• MecblDIRDI gf DutrllDt fflRYWDMt roots by diffusion
- a carrier energized by plant metabolism picks up
/,#ll#llow the ion and carries It to the inner space of the
- nutrients are carried by mass movement of water roots
as water Is absorbed the roots - al't:er depositing the ion in the inner space, the
- the amount of nutrients absorbec( depend on ttie carrier Is ready to repeat the process
amount of water and the rate of water flow to the - the 1• stage of diffusion is called passive uptake
roots and the concentration of nutrients In the - the 2nd stage is called active uptake which requires
water energy
- believed to be the major avenue by which ca, Mg,
Zn, Cu, B, and Fe are absorbed
- low amount of nutrients are absorbed when
absorption and transpiration of water by the plants
is low

• QlfJereoce bttWMD e••x• 104 Acttye Uptake

II. Dlll'u6/on
- the movement of ions from a zone of high i. Passive llpblke
concentration to a zone of low concentration
GreenEMPIRE PH ( 38
- Uptake is by diffusion and ion exchange, hence
controlled by concentration and electrical gradient • Phesphon,1 uetak1
non-selective process and not requiring energy The active uptake is pH-dependent i.e. higher P
from metabolic reactions in the cell uptake at low pH (4.0) than at high pH (8.7).
- ocairs outside the casparian strip and - P is readily translocated up and down plant and
plasmalemma as a barrier to dil'fusion and Ion quickly assimilated into organic compounds.
• Pogplum uetfk•
II. Active Upan .. actively taken up in high rate by plant tissues
- transport of ions into the inner cells requ1nng even to the point or luxury consumption
energy due to the higher concentration of ions .. K Is the only one essential nutrient cation which
beyond the plasmalemma and into the cytoplasm can be transported against an electrochemical
which is against an electrochemical gradient gradient into plant cell.
- The process is selective in that specific ions are - K in plant is very mobile with main transport
transported by specific carriers direction towards the meristematic tissues.
.. K uptake is high when plant is sufficiently supplied
with N, with bulk of K uptake during the vegetative
• Nfb:oqen UDtakl
- taken up as No,· and /or NH.• but the nitrate is stage (in cereals, from tillering to ear emergence)
often the predominant form - K uptake and retention in plants are competitively
- NH.• is easily oxidized by bacteria in aerobic soil to affected by H•, ca•♦, Mg.. and Na•.
NO/ as soon as NH.♦ appears Plants with enough amount of K have lower
- No3• uptake occurs against an electrochemical transpiration rate and require relatively lower
gradient or actively absorbed ( energy requiring). amounts or water (more drought resistant) due to
- No1· and NH.♦uptake differ with pH or medium.- the lowering or the osmotic potential or cell sap,
o NH.♦ uptake is optimum at neutral pH and and the regulation of stomata! opening by the
deaeases as pH deaeases. guard cells with the presence or K.
o No3• uptake inaeases with deaeasing pH and
deaeases with inaeasing pH probably due to
competition with OH. • Ctldum UPtlk•
- NH1 is toxic to plant roots; it can penetrate cell I. absorption is passive
membranes. ii. Ca is largely Immobile In the plant. Once deposited, it is
00 The fertilizer Urea which is converted toNH.• by not moved from older to younger leaves, but with the
ure.,se In soil can be taken directly by plants, preferential direction is the shoot apex ( actively growing
though at slower rate than NO3 parts).
Grccn EMPIRE PH (www.fl1cehook.co111lgreenempireph) 39
Ill, Ca content or legumes is higher in dicotyledons than in •ey the deficiency or absence or one necessary
monocotyledons and also higher in legumes than in other constituent ail others being present, the soil is
species rendered barren for all those crops to the life of
which that one constituent is indispensable.•
• MtanMum unt•ke
/, Taken up in lower amount than Calcium • Mlbsbldlch'I IAYttlPD
II. Competitive relationships: NH 4, K, Ca, Mn 00 The equation : DY/DX = (A·Y)c
iii. Mg moves similarly as Ca in plant, except that Mg (unlike where: DY = increase in yield
Ca) is mobile in the phloem; passive uptake in the DX = increase in input
transpiration stream. ~ A = maximum possible yield
Y = actual yield
• Sulfur upt•k• c= constant depending on the nature of x
i. Active uptake; absorbed as so/- .. If plants were supplied with adequate amounts of
n.Translocation is mainly upward (acropetal). ail nutrients except one, the growth is proportional
Ill. Plant use atmospheric S as S1 (sulfide) by absorption to the amount of this limiting element which was
th rough the stomata. added to the soil.
ht. Sis also an important component or mustard oil. 00 Plant growth increases as more of the element
was added but not in direct proportion to the
amount of the growth factor added.
• Yletd response to Increasing nutrient filpply The total increase in growth becomes less as
the growth curve is described as a Sigmoid cu rve increments or the growth factor increases.
.. the development of plants is initially rapid,
exponential or quadratic [with increasing level of
nutrients], then slows down and finally l evels off
00 crop yield increases as nutrient supply increases
but the increment progressively becomes smaller • Growth Ftcton
for each succeeding increase in nutrient supply
until further addition reduces yield I. TemJl(fraturw
beyond the maximum yield is the zone of luxury - temperature range for agricultural crops; 1soc -
consumption or nutrients 40°c
- has effects on photosynthesis, respiration, cell wail
• Llebls..s Law of Minimum permeability, absorption of water and nutrients,
.. Plant growth is limited by that nutrient present transpiration, enzyme activity, protein coagulation
below the minimum requirement
GrcenEMPIRE PH (,)
optimum temperature is lower for photosynthesis Plant tissue analysis
than for respiration oo Fertilizer Field Trials
inaeasing temperatures (0oC-60oC) increase 00 Pot experiments
absorption of water, nutrients and activity of soil
organisms II. (Jualitatlw methods
oo Nutrient deficiency symptoms
II. No/stJJre supply
oo water is needed to manufacture carbohydrates, • son Analysis
maintain hydration of protoplasm, and tor oo Quick and precise methods of evaluating soil
translocation of carbohydrates and nutrients • fertility status
00 low moisture level impairs nutrient absorption / ~ 00 Principle: the amount of nutrient extracted by
thru its etfect on mass now, diffusion and root chemical reagents at any one time is the amount
interception available throughout the growth period of the crop
oo excess water impairs nutrient absorption due to oo consist of taking soil samples properly, StJbjecting
respiration caused by lad< of 02 soil samples to chemical analysis, and
Interpretation of results
Ill. Solar Energy In making interpretations, the following are
most plants grow best In full sunlight; Some are considered:
shade tolerant (e.g. black pepper, cacao) o Kind of aops grown during the preceding 3-5
00 high density plant cause shading \. years
00 less shading in plants with more el ect leaves o The crop intended to grow
o The kind and amount of fertilizer used
Iv. S o l l ~ o When was the soil last limed
- physical (texture, structure, bulk density, porosity, o The slope and extent of erosion
water holding capacity, hydraulic conductivity) • son 11manna
chemical (pH, CEC, base saturation, salinity, toxic Main objective is to collect a small amount of soil
elements) sample weighing about 0.5 kg that will represent
00 biological (OM content and kind and amount of the soil in a large area
microbial population) 00 Accuracy ot soil testing and the fertilizer
recommendation depends largely on proper soil
• Soll F.-tlllty Evaluation sampling
oo Rooting habit of plants must be considered
I. (Juantitati11• methods o Shallow rooted aops: samples should be
00Soll analysis collected from the surface layer (20-30an)
11rl'l'nFMP IR F PR ( w 1nr fr1rl'hnnk rnm lv rPPnPm nirPnl,\
o Deep rooted crops: soil samples must be
collected up to the subsoil • Nutrient DeftdMcY symptoms
- seeps In proper soil sampling: Requires Sklllrul observation because the
o Make a map of the farm showing the sampling occurrence maybe due to
areas. o insufficient amount and supply of soil nutrients
o Collect spot soil samples from each sampling o unavailability of forms of the nutrients present
area o no proper balance among different nutrient
o Take composite sample levels

• Plant Anlb.,, • fertlllJK

... The nutrient content in the plant tissue is related 00 any substance that is applied to the soil or to the
to the available nutrient supply of the soil. plantln solid, liquid, or gaseous form to supply one
00 chemical laboratory analysis of the plant tissu e Is or more of the essential nutrient elements required
related to the available nutrient status of the soil tor the nutrition and growth of plants
on which the plant is grown ... classified broadly into two organic and
... fertilizer recommendations using this method inorganic/chemical fertilizers
become more reliable when correlated with th e
results of fertilizer field trials
RttlPDIII ror Fldlllzatlon
• Fertilizer field Trials ... the amount of available nutrients in the soil Is not
00 assesses the effect of fertilizers and their enough to meet crop management for high yield
interactions with all existing factors of a op growth 00 The nutrient In the soil is not present in readily
and development in any given location usually in a available form .
farmer's field oo Nutrient depletion or loss is continuous
- The resulting fertilizer recommendation s are ... There is an increase in crop production and farm
generally more realistic income

• Pot EIPldmMt • ocaanlc fdllz.KI

comparison of several fertilizer treatments
00 oo any fertilizer product of plant andfor animal origin
induding a control using small amount of soil in e.g. animal manures, green manures, compost
pots to have a better control of environmental that has undergone decomposition through
factors biological, chemical and or any other process as
short duration under an artificial condition long as the original materials are no longer
00 preliminary in nature
GrecnEMPIRE PH (w11w.facebookcomlgreenempireph) 42
recognizable, soil-like in texture and free from straight fertilizers; Examples: urea
plant or animal pathogens ammonium sulfate
o Pure or9"nic fertilizer. no chemical has been o Multinutrient fertilizers : fertilizers containing
added to the finished product to Increase two or three primary nutrients; also known as:
nutrient content. complex, compound and mixed fertilizers;
o Fortif',ed or enriched. has been enriched with Example: Ammonium phosphate (16-20-0)
microbial inoculants, hormones or chemical o Complete fertlllzer : contains the 3 primary
additives to increase nutrient content. nutrients which are historically known to be
o Examples or plant residues: deficient in most soils
- Rice straw Is one of the most abundant
crop residues in the country and is • ConymtlPDII units of expressing fertillz•
usually used with animal manure in nutrttaP
compost making. 00 Stated in either pure form or oxide form
- Com stover can be composted but needs oo Nitrogen is expressed as pure element N
to be chopped further for faster 00 P and K are in oxides, P2~ and K20
decomposition '- The nutrient content in fertilizers is written in %N,
- lpil-lpil ( Leua,ena leucrxzp(/11!6) lt:41VCS %P20S ~n!! %KP in that order.
with ttleir high nitrogen content can also
be used as green manure.
- Kakawate ( Glyrlddia sep«1m) leaves have
more than 4% nitrogen content and can common Nltroam fWSHlzm
be applied to the soil directly as N Ure., (45-0-0) : highest N content among the solid
fertilizer. N-fertilizers (NH 2)iCO; Hygroscopic and 100%
• 1noraIntc r,rtlllzw1 oo Anhydrous ammon/4: with 82% N has the highest
synthesized or are processed from mineral
00 amount of N among all fertilizers; contained in
deposits pressure tanks and is usually custom-applied by
oo any fertilizer product whose properties are injecting into the soil; Ammonia gas is basic,
determined primarily by Its content of mineral pungent and colorless
matter or synthetic chemical compounds - Ammonium svlfate (20-0-0): hygroscopic and
00 contain one or more combination of the three nearly 100% soluble; contains sulfur ( ~24%),
primary elements, N, P, or K recommended for S·defident soils
o Single ootrient fertilizers : fertilizers that
supply one primary nutrient; also called • common e rw,111zw:s
GreenEMPIRE PR ( 43
oo Ordinary superphosphdte (OSP): contains 20% Solution : Kg AS/ha= 90/ 0.20 = 450
P2O5; Pelleted as grayish granules and has a faint
add odor; About 85% of the P is water soluble If we are going to use urea (45-0-0) instead of AS,
and it contains traces of other nutrient elements Kg urea/ha = 90/ 0.45 = 200
00 Triple superphosph6te {TSP) : monocaldum How many bags AS or urea are needed?
phosphate monohydrate Bags AS/ha = 450 kg/ 50 kg/bag =9
Bags urea/ha = 200 kg / 50 kg/bag = 4
• common Kr.t111ze,.
00 Murl4te of pot4Sh or pot4sslum chloride (KO) : - Sample problem B
highly soluble and contains traces of other The fertilizer recommendation is 90-30-0
elements The available fertilizers:
Ammonium sulfate (20·0·0)
• FertllllK COIIIPYtatlPDI Md recpfflfflWIClftlMI Ammonium phosphate (16·20-0)
Solution : Solving first for P,
l Fertilizer gl'IHle Kg AP/ha = 30/0.20 = 150
00 weight percentage of the nutrients contained in a 150 kg AP contains 30 kg P20, and 24 kg N
fertilizer 150 x 0.16 =H kg N
00 Guaranteed minimum analysis of j:he plant nutrient The remainder N will come from AS,
In terms of % total N, % avallab~e Phosphoric add 90 - 24 = 66 kg N
(%P2O5) and % soluble potash (% K\O) Kg AS/ha = 66/ 0.20 • 330

II. Fertilizer ratio

00 relative proportion of each of the primary n,utrients • MIU!odl of fl'SIIIZK IPPIIC■tlon
N, P2O5 and Ki() in a fertilizer material 00 Bl'Olldalst. when the fertilizer is spread evenly on
- Example: 14-14·14 => 1:1:1 the soil surface; suitable for rice crop since they
are dosely planted
Ill. General formu/6. 00 Band placmnent may be applied on the row
Weight of fertilizer = wejght or nutrient below the seed level or slightly on the side of the
nutrient content seeds along the row; usually done for crops like
com, sorghum, tobacco, and fruit trees
00 Sample problem A 00 Foliar appliartion: made when quick action of
The fertilizer recommendation is 90-0-0 nutrients is desired or when certain micronutrients
How many kg/ha Ammonium sulfate, AS (20·0·0) must are needed to be supplied with the crop; usually
be applied to meet the recommendation?
G~cn EMPIRE PH ( wwwfac1tboo.k.c(>n1/greenempirepl,) 44
employed in very plantations such as pineapple or oo In alkaline soils, ammonium fertilizer is necessary
banana deep placed to minimize volatilization ot ammonia
- In-th&-row: fertilizer is applied along the bottom
ot furrow
- Ring. fertilizer is applied around the base of th e
Ho"'- fertilizer is dropped in holes around the tree
Spot. fertilizer is dropped in small amount on the
side ot each hill or plant
oo BIIMI. first of fertilizer applied at planting time • Soll moflpg
.. the detachment and subsequent transport or soil
oo Topd,..,_ application sometime after plants have
materials (lnduding rock fragments) by an agent
- Fertfgatlo,r, application of fertilizer dissolved ., (water, wind, or gravity) to an area ot deposition
.. an undesirable process in agriculture mainly
irrigation water
because or the losses : soil + nutrient+ water +
water holding capacity
Water is the most important agent of «oslon in
• Con sldentlon s In choosing method or feftlHzer humid tropical areas and recognized a.s the major
IMIICatl91 cause of land degradation in the Philippines
oo Relative mobility ot nutrients in the soil
.. Type of crop and Its rooting pattern
00 Soil textu re
Ntd,1nln or all woslon
- Season of the year /. o.tM:llnMll t/disptlrslow. process by which raindrops
00 Klnd of fertilizer splash soil sediments from the soil surface into the run-
off; requires energy that is supplied by the kinetic energy
• Dffll of fldlllzw IPDllc,Uon ot r alndrops
depends on dimate, soil, nutrient and crop
.. In sandy soils, N is necessarily split as well as K II. Entnllnmett. : transport of suspended soil partidesfrom
.. For heavy days, all of N is sometimes placed at upslope to downhill direction whether in rills, between
planting. rills and in sheet now
.. p and K are usually applied at planting as they are
less mobile, less subject to leaching and less iii. Depos/tlo,r. process by which sediment settles out under
soluble the action or gravity; a selective process depending on
p is also needed at young age to accelerate root partlde size, being rapid for sand and slow ror day
GTccnEMPIRE PB (,) 4~
iii. Olanne/ erosion
• TWO GWKII types of 1011 IOslRD 00 occurs where surface water has concentrated, so
I. 6110log/c erosion that a large mass or water supplies the energy
- soil erosion at nabJral rate both for detaching and transporting the soil
- group of natural processes (induding weathering, .. can exist as rill, gully, or stream erosion
dissolution, abrasion, corrosion, and o Rill Erosion: an erosion process in which
transportation) by which material is worn away numerous small channels ot only several
from the earth's surface centimeters in depth are formed; usually the
- the process of smoothing down the hills and result of water washing down between rows
mountains, etc. of cultivated aops that is planted up and down
Soil loss in natural vegetation = lmm/yr, but faicty the hill or in implement marks and other slights
matched with the rate of soil formation = lmm/yr and irregularities of the soil surface
II, Acawated tll'Mlon o GUiiy Erosion: also !known as advance rill
- the removal or the topsoil faster than the rate of erosion due to the inaeasing size of rills
soil formation eventually leading to a gully or a channel too
- approximated to be lOmm/yr large for aossing by farm or to be smoothed
- usually associated with human activities out by ordinary tillage tools
o Stre.1m Erosion: the carrying off of the soil
• ronn, of son -,s1on material on the sides and on the bed of a
permanent or intermittent stream
I. 116/ndrop •rwion : soll partides are detached due to
the impact of raindrops and splashed at a lon ger distance
in the downslope than in the upslope direction
• Factor, .,,tsUna "" WPMPD
II. Sht#lt ll/'0$/on I. atmam
.. the uniform removal of thin layer or •stieet• of soil 00 Rainfall is the dimatic element that mainly affects
l'rom the land surface by rainfall and surface runorr erosion in humid tropics
00 the most widespread and probably the most Rainfall intensity (not rainfall amount) Is positively
damaging form of soil erosion correlated to soil erosion if all other factors are
- recognized by the soil deposition at the bottom of held constant
a slope, or by the presence or light - colored - Rainfall erosivity : the potential ability of the rain
subsoil appearing on the surface, or stones left on to cause erosion
GrccnEMPIR B PH (,) 46
- Downpours of high Intensity and comparatively - high day content induces surface runoff and
short duration invariably cause maximum runoff of increases transportability but decreases
lands subject to erosion detach ability

ii. Rell.ti slope v. Human M:tivities

- slope steepness and slope length aN'ect splash 00 indude management practices and choice of
erosion and runoff behaviour by imparting velocity cropping system
- in longer slopes, the runoff water accumulates - Farm practices conbibuting to soil erosion:
speed as it nears the bottom end of the slope o shortening of fallow periods: more cropping
- a long steep slope causes the most severe soil period due to increase demand in food
erosion o Kaingin system of farming/ swidden
- Land slopes cannot be directly changed but can be and bum
modified on their effect on runorr by the use, o Monoculture system : plantlng of only one crop
traverse channels of terraces. may have heavy demands for a particular
Iii. w,get.ation o overgrazing
intercepts rainfall by absorbing the energy or o Plowing along the slope or the land
raindrops, thus reducing runoff o logging
00 retards erosion by decreased runotf velocity o Other practices such as; road construction,
- physically restrains the soil movement area development for housing and
- improves aggregation and porosi ty of soil by roofs resettlement
ad plant residue
.. soi1
increases biological activity in the ♦ Qo-•lte effects of soll erosion
00 Its transpiration through the body tissues - effects of erosion from the farm where it oca,rs
decreases soil moisture, resulting in Increased o Loss of soil and partide selectivity
storage capacity - fine soil partides along with the nutrients
are selectively removed
/v, Ml/I properties - the fraction of tile coarse primary soil
" Soll erodibllity : the soil's vulnerability or partides increases in the eroded area
proneness to erosion which is influenced by o surface se.allng and hardening
infiltration capacity and structural stability or the - soil partides are washed into the surface
soil pores, forming a seal up to 1cm thick
wh ich restricts water infiltration and
increases water runorr
GrecnEMPIRE PH (11"111wfacebook.comlgreenempireph) 47
- upon drying, the seal becomes a crust ( a
dense surface layer of soil partides) • E,Stm1tton of Soll •Oflon: (USLE) Universal Soil Loss
which Impedes seedling emergence Equation
o Loss of nutrients/decreased fertility Developed to estimate the rate of soil erosion
- selective removal of abseOfroming under various conditions
elements (K, Ca, Mg) - It can be a guide for selecting the most
- nutrients attached to soil sediments are appropriate system and management practices
lost that limit soil loss through erosion
- dissolved nutrients are also lost in runoff - A = 0.224 R • K • L • S * C • P
- added nutrients (fertilizers) are also where: A = predicted rate of soil loss In
washed away tons/ha/year
o Decreased soil depth R = rainfall erosivity index
- degrades soil as a medium for plant K = soil erodibility factor
growth L • slope length factor
- rooting depth is reduces S = slope gradient factor
- thin topsoil, otten mixed witJl the subsoll C = cropping system and management factor
which is generally more addle and less P m erosion control practice factor
fertile I factor
- reflects dimate(rainfall intensity and erosivity) as a
• Qff-•lt• effects or soil erosion -
factor of soil erosion
found in long term records of rainfall specific to
effects of soil erosion downstream where soil
sediments are deposited; usually a cpns,equence of each county or state
the on-site effects - determined by the total kinetic energy and the
o Siltation of irrigation dams, canals, paddy maximum 30-minute intensity of rain for a given
fields, etc. time interval of a given rainstorm
o Reduce life span of reservoirs
o Destruction of crops and animals downstream; • K flctor
buried crops adjacent bottomlands - reflects the tact that different soils erode at
o Destruction of infrastructure like bridges, roads different rates
and buildings the measure of rate of erosion per unit quantity of
o sediment deposits raise the level ot riverbeds erosion for a specific soils determined using the
reducing its capacity to hold water and standard erosion plot
increases the chances of ovenlowing; hazard .. can be estimated using data of texture, organic
to navigation matter, structure and permeability
Green EMPIRE PH ( 11·11111•.facebook. comlgreenempirepl,) 48
00 Terr«ing: Involves construction of broad channels
• Lfutor or benches across the slope to break the now of
- result of correlation studies of slope length and runoff water; not a practical method for shallow
erosion using standard plots soils
- GfitSSed wi1terwt1ys: refers to canals or channels
planted with grasses to provide outlets tor disposal
of unavoidable runoff water
• s factor oo Pond : a depression or considerable size located
- shows the correlation or erosion to percent slope below the chedc dam to collect runoff
and slope gradient - Check dilnr. a struct\Jre above the pond which
retards runoff velocity
• C factor
The C factor is the crop management t'actor and Is II. 8/ologlcal/ V"l/flblt/ve ,._.,,_
the ratio of soil loss compared to fallow (bare, - Hutching
exposed) soil. o the practice of covering the soil surface with
crop residues
• rr.ctor o Mulches maintain a greater infiltration rate
- The P factor is the erosion control factor expressed under prolonged erosive rainfall event by
as a ratio of the soil loss with practices preventing the sealing off or surt'ace soil pores
If a farmer plows up and down the slope or a hill, o Residue mulches are effective In reducing soil
P=l. When plowing is done following the con tours erosion because the scour forces or runoff are
of the hill, P is reduced. distributed among the mulch elements Instead
or acting entirely on the soil surface
• Jofnbfe 19H fou en .. Cover cropping
- T Is the maximum level of soil erosion ttrat will o Involves planting of dose-growing grasses and
permit a high level of crop productivity to be legumes to cover and protect the surt'ace of
maintained economically and indefinitely the soil
o maintains and increases organic matter content
and improves soil physical condition,
suppresses weeds, ancf conserves water
• son and w,ter con,w:v,tton MHar,, o recommended cover crops: tropical kudzu,
centrosema, calopogonium, guinea grass, para
I. N«:hank:al/WlfllnHrlng trMUllff!JS grass, napier grass, Alabang x

GrcenEMPIRE PH ( 49

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