Jordan A.Mamalumpong Bsn-3

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A. Answer the following as best as you can.
Write your answers at the back page of this paper.
1. Gather various definitions of research and create your own definition.
* Research is defined as human. Activity based on intellectual application in the investigation of
matter. The primary purpose for applied research is discovering, interpreting, and the. Development
of methods and systems for the advancement of human knowledge.
2. Describe research as a scientific approach.
* When conducting research, scientists use the scientific method to collect measurable, empirical
evidence in an experiment related to a hypothesis (often in the form of an if/then statement), the
results aiming to support or contradict a theory.
3. Explain why there is an increasingly greater demand for research studies in nursing today.
* Because research helps nurses determine effective best practices and improve patient care. Nurses
learn to retrieve, read, critique and apply nursing research. New information is always coming to light,
it is crucial that BSN-prepared nurses know the importance of research. The findings from peer-
reviewed studies can correct old misunderstandings, pave the way for new treatment protocols and
create new methodology all of which improve patient outcomes.
4. Describe the role of nurses in research.
* Research nurses play a vital role in delivering research, and ultimately improving patient care. ...
Identifying and screening potential patients. Making sure that patients have all the necessary
information to allow them to make a fully informed decision about whether they want to participate in
a study.
5. Describe the characteristics of research.
* 1.Empirical – research is based on direct experience or observation by the researcher.
2. Logical – research is based on valid procedures and principles.
3. Cyclical – research starts with a problem and ends with a problem.
4. Analytical – research utilizes proven analytical procedures in gathering data, whether historical,
descriptive, experimental, and case study.
5. Critical – research exhibits careful and precise judgment.
6. Methodical – research is conducted in a methodical manner without bias using systematic method
and procedures.
7.  Replicability – research design and procedures are repeated to enable the researcher to arrive at
valid and conclusive results.

6. Explain the hallmarks of a good nurse researcher.

*The hallmarks of a good nurse researcher is a nurse who has handled challenging clinical situations
and has developed sound problem solving and decision making skills, a great communicator,
someone who is resourceful and eager to find solutions to problems, someone who can get along
with all kinds of people in all kinds of situations and someone who does not back down from a
challenge or failure.  I think the person who enjoys research definitely has to like a challenge.

A. Specify whether the following examples are exploratory research, explanatory

Research or prediction and control. Write A for exploratory research, B - explanatory
Research and C - prediction and control. Write your answers before each statement.
1. What factors influence or affect the adjustment of SHS in their new
Environment? * B – explanatory research
2. Why do teenagers enjoy surfing the net than their parents?
* C - prediction and control
3. What factors relate to patient stress level?
* A- exploratory research
4. Academic performance of SHS directly relate to their IQ and EQ
* B – explanatory research
5. The incidence of Down syndrome in infants is expected to increase with
The age of the mother. * C - prediction and control
6. Multiple sexual partners can lead to cervical cancer
* B – explanatory research
7. What is the best way to increase the grades of students?
* B – explanatory research
8. Homosexual activities predispose one to AIDS
* C - prediction and control
9. Why is schistosomiasis increasing during rainy season?
* C - prediction and control

10. Is the student’s stress cause by the behavior of the teachers?

* * A- exploratory research

1. What are the best research practices?
* Enduring Difficulties: The challenges of mothers in raising children with dyslexia

2. Discuss the relevance of research to the nursing profession, specific to:

a) Nursing service
* The aim of the study is to illuminate the challenges that mothers experience in raising
children with dyslexia.
b) Nursing education
* Dyslexia is a word that comes from Ancient Greek, ‘dys’, which means ‘difficulty with’ and ‘lexis’,
meaning ‘words’. Children with dyslexia face difficulties either in reading, spelling or writing, Dyslexia
is one of the main subtypes of Specific Learning Disability (SLD) which is characterized by difficulties
in recognizing words accurately, difficulties in spelling, reading writings and decoding abilities despite
having integral cognitive abilities, senses of hearing and vision
c) Nursing research
* The participants were recruited using convenience sampling of ten mothers who have a child
diagnosed with dyslexia. They held a caring role for children aged between 7 to 12 years old. The
interview was carried out in the form of semi-structured interview at the Dyslexia Association Malaysia
(DAM). The participants came from different ages, which range between 30 to 43 years old. They are
also different in terms of their education level, personal background and duration of caregiving to the
children. This is an endeavor to explore a diverse variety of their unique experiences in raising
children at different stages of dyslexia. The semi-structured interview was conducted using an
interview guide which consists of open-ended questions.
d) Nursing management
* This study contributes to the body of knowledge regarding dyslexia by presenting a detailed life
experience and the challenges of mothers in raising their dyslexic children. The implication of this
study highlights the need for mothers to be supported not only from their spouses, but also their
friends, teachers and families as well as health professionals. There should also be a requirement to
provide well-trained teachers and to improve school facilities for children with dyslexia to help them to
be successful in education. Furthermore, the health professionals should consider those challenges
in creating or planning effective programs and interventions for children with dyslexia in the future. In
addition, this study has provided deeper understanding to the families, educational sector, the general
public and health professionals, such as occupational therapists, to support mothers effectively.
3. Cite a researchable problem and explain the criteria of your choice.
* Resources Availability. During the selection, a researcher will see to the resources available. If
these resources like money, time, accommodation and transport are available to the selection place,
then the selection of the problem is easy.
* Researcher Knowledge. The researcher knowledge should play a vital role in the selection of the
research problem. The wisdom and experience of an investigator is required for well collection of the
research data. He can bitterly select a problem.
* Time-lines of the Problem. some problems take little time for its solution while others take more
time. So, it depends on the time in which we have to complete his research work.

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