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Article 50 million: An estimate of the number of scholarly articles in


Article  in  Learned Publishing · July 2010

DOI: 10.1087/20100308


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258 Arif E. Jinha

Learned Publishing, 23:258–263

Article 50 million: an estimate of the number of scholarly articles in existence
Arif E. Jinha


Article 50 million:

From the first model of the modern
journal, Le Journal des Sçavans, pub-
an estimate of the
lished in France in 1665, followed by
Philosophical Transactions, published by the
Royal Society in London later that year,1
the number of active scholarly journal titles
number of
has increased steadily. In 2006 there were
roughly 23,750 titles.2 There are direct
correlations between the numbers of re-
searchers, journals, and articles.3 Björk et al.2
scholarly articles
have argued that changes in the dynamics of
literature-based research, provoked by the
communications revolution, have made the
article itself relevant today as the basic
in existence
molecular unit of research communication.
The correlations are revealed by studies in Arif E. JINHA
the past decade on global research output Faculty of Post-Doctoral and Graduate Studies,
that have reported the growth rate and University of Ottawa
annual figures for researchers, journals, and ABSTRACT. How many scholarly research articles
articles.3–6 Researchers retire, but more new are there in existence? Journal articles first appeared
researchers emerge. Journals fold, but a in 1665,and the cumulative total is estimated here
higher number are launched. Changes over to have passed 50 million in 2009. This sum was
time in the number of active researchers and arrived at based on published figures for global
journals describe the dynamics of both pub- annual output for 2006, and analyses of annual
lishing and research, and the increase in output and growth rates published in the last
absolute size of active production.5 However, decade.
the article has a static nature that makes it
unique as a metric. Articles, once created
and published, are rarely destroyed. They
can always be reactivated, and through cita-
tion each article occupies a position in the
architecture that researchers can continue
to build upon. The article is born essentially
through the efforts of journals and their
publishers, but articles survive the death of
journal titles. Although disciplines develop
distinct fields of inquiry, there are ultimately
no fixed boundaries in scholarship – this is a
single system of documented written know-
Therefore a metric that describes the
quantitative whole of this system – the
Arif E. Jinha global total of all modern scholarly journal © Arif E. Jinha 2010


Article 50 million: an estimate of the number of scholarly articles in existence 259

articles in existence at the present moment nals from other periodicals and could not
or at any point in time – can be useful as a differentiate active journal titles from those
starting point for research into the structure that had closed. Significantly, the growth
of the system itself. Further, getting better rate cannot be taken as exponential or
estimates of the global volume of research cumulative as Price had assumed, and this
can enable information scientists to achieve can explain why we do not have anything
a great deal. Such estimates allow them to like 1 million journal titles today.3,7
map the geography of knowledge produc- Mabe3 used search terms in Ulrich’s classi-
tion, identify routes to retrieval of articles fication system to filter in scholarly, refereed
and extract content, while ensuring its pres- and active journal publications, as well as
ervation and its availability for use. This the ‘AND NOT’ function for several terms
paper presents an estimate for the total that disqualify a database resource from
number of all peer-reviewed articles pub- being included in the definition of a schol-
lished worldwide since 1665. Included is a arly/scientific journal. From this, Mabe
replication of earlier studies showing the estimated the global number of journal titles
current numbers of active journal titles, to be 14,694 in 2001. Mabe also followed up
reported here for the year 2009. on Price’s identification of the relations
between the numbers of researchers, journal inquiry into
titles, and articles to test how reasonable the the scope of
Literature review estimate happened to be. This was done by
Inquiry into the scope of production of identifying the number of titles indexed in production of
scholarly articles through peer-reviewed the ISI database and applying Bradford’s law scholarly
journals and the universe of journal titles to estimate the quantity of non-ISI indexed articles has
and articles has never been precise. How- journals. The second method produced an
ever, several works exist that attempt to estimate of 16,000 titles.3 Therefore the first never been
quantify global output of scholarship dating estimate that defined the parameters more precise
to the post-War ‘Big Science’ period as well accurately and included only active, refer-
as more recent works from the 1990s until eed, and scholarly journal titles can be
the present. traced to this study.
In 1963, Derek de Solla Price plotted the Tenopir and King6 estimated a global
growth of journal titles from 1665 to 2000 annual output of 1 million articles at the
and predicted that an astronomical 1 million turn of the twentieth century, an estimate
journal titles would exist by 2000. Price also based on empirical data on the number of
identified key relationships between research active researchers and the average research
investment, the numbers of researchers, and output per research author. Björk et al. pro-
the numbers of journal titles, abstracts, and duced an estimate of 23,750 journal titles for
articles. These relationships have been car- 2006 using the method introduced by
ried forward in more recent research. Mabe,3,5 although Björk et al. did not include
Estimates of the numbers of journal titles the ‘AND NOT’ filter in their study (this
worldwide were made by King et al. in 1977 does not appear to be necessary in any case).
at 57,400 and in 1995 by Meadows and Sin- The authors were then able to make the first
gleton at 70,000–80,000.7 More recent estimate of global annual output of articles.
research reports figures that are far more In order to do this, they distinguished
modest than these earlier estimates and pre- ISI-indexed titles, which as a rule produce
dictions.7 Mabe and Amin explained in more articles than non-ISI titles, and then
the introduction to their 2001 paper that determined the average number of articles
improvements to Ulrich’s8 system of classifi- per title for each category (by an indirect
cation allow for more realistic estimates,5 method for ISI described in the study, and by
and Mabe followed up in an 2003 article statistical sample of non-ISI titles). Calculat-
with an argument for a novel approach ing the sum of titles multiplied by the
based upon this.3 Earlier estimates are con- average number of articles per title for each
sidered high because researchers were category gives an estimate of 1,346,000
unable to differentiate peer-reviewed jour- (rounded) articles for 2006. Incidentally,


260 Arif E. Jinha

though ISI titles represent 36% of the total filtering for key distinctions such as active,
number of active journals, ISI articles repre- refereed and scholarly titles.7,10 Moreover,
sent 70% of the total number of articles.2 results from Ulrich’s have been consistent
At the time of revising this article, a lively with what we understand about the relation-
discussion occurred on the American Scien- ships between the numbers of researchers,
tist Open Access forum regarding the wide titles, and articles as well as the growth
variance in estimates, demonstrating the rates.2,3 Included in this study is a replica-
ongoing difficulty in getting precise num- tion of the basic method of searching
bers.9 Morris10 discusses the limitations of Ulrich’s to determine the number of active
relying on Ulrich’s database, stating: journal titles in 2009. From this figure, we
can produce an estimate for global annual
[T]he directory’s publishers are entirely article output assuming no great change in
reliant on the information supplied by the the average number of articles per title for
Ulrich’s publishers of the journals listed therein. ISI and non-ISI titles since 2006.
remains New journals are often not listed immedi-
the most ately. There can therefore be no hard-and- Methods
fast guarantees as to the completeness,
comprehensive currency, or accuracy of that information. The estimate is based on the measurement
database for (p. 299) of global output of scholarly output in 2006
reported by Björk et al.,2 and rests on the
determining Concern was expressed on the AMSCI assumption that Mabe,3 Ware,4 Mabe and
worldwide forum that a greater number of smaller Amin,5 and Tenopir and King6 are correct in
journals, particularly those published in lan- reporting a steady increase in the number of
guages other than English and those researchers, journals, and articles over three
published in developing countries, would be centuries. While the average rate of increase
more likely to be excluded, leading to both a in the number of journals is reported by
skewed view of the universe of academic these authors to be 3.26%, Ware reports a
publishing and an underestimation of its growth in article output of roughly 3% per
size.9 This issue was discussed further by year.4 This produces a doubling time of just
Tenopir and King7 in their recent book The under 24 years.
Future of Academic Publishing. However, We chose 1726 as the initial year for our
aside from embarking on a manual method calculations, because it corresponds to the
of counting titles, Ulrich’s remains the most beginning of the line of steady growth of
comprehensive database for determining journals shown in Figure 1 (reproduced from
worldwide totals and the most sensitive to Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory 2001 in Mabe3).

Figure 1. Number of journals launched per year

Source: Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory, reproduced with permission from Mabe.3


Article 50 million: an estimate of the number of scholarly articles in existence 261

The literature reports steady growth for over that this article could itself be the 50
two to three centuries.3,4 The earliest period millionth to be published in history!
of publishing, from 1665 to the middle of the
18th century, shows less predictable growth. 앫 Estimated total at 31 December 2008 =
Ulrich’s does not produce results for the 49,234,626
number of journals as far back as 1726 so 앫 Estimated total at 31 December 2009 =
this method cannot be applied to determine 50,712,009
the start figure. It appears reasonable to start Replicating Björk et al.2 and using the search
1726 with a number greater than zero but terms ‘Academic/Scholarly’, ‘Refereed’, and
negligible to the global quantity today. Addi- ‘Active’ in Ulrich’s, the total number of
tionally, the number of articles can be set to active journal titles for the year 2009 is
a figure that produces closely matched 26,406.
results to estimates for global annual output Assuming little change in the proportion
in the past decade when the 3% growth of ISI titles (36%) and using the averages
curve is applied, a form of backward map- given by Björk et al. for articles per title in
ping. ISI and non-ISI journals, the total number of
When the number of articles for 1726 is published articles estimated for 2009 by rela-
set to 344, the curve corresponds closely to tion of journal titles to articles is calculated
this method
Tenopir and King’s6 estimates of annual out- by estimating the number of ISI titles and yielded an
put at the turn of the millennium as well as subtracting that from the total number of estimate of
to the estimate by Björk et al.2 for the num- titles for 2009, then multiplying each cate-
ber of articles in 2006. This was done using nearly 50
gory by its respective average number of
an Excel spreadsheet. The estimated annual articles. The average number of articles per million articles
output for each year from 1726, and the title reported by Björk et al. for ISI titles is by the end of
cumulative total is given in the online 111.7; for non-ISI, the average number of 2008
Appendix. Mabe3 reports that journal growth articles is 26.2.
experienced its largest year-to-year increase To determine the number of ISI titles, we
during the Big Science period from 1946 to multiply the total number of titles by 35%.
1976, with lower-than-average rates before
the Second World War and after 1976. The 앫 26,406 × 0.36= 9506 (i.e. the estimated
author used the same multipliers for the number of ISI titles).
changes in the journal growth rate to adjust To determine the number of ISI articles, we
the article growth rate and calculated a sum multiply the number of titles by the number
taking into account this variability. Since of articles per title for ISI journals.
the results for both calculations were almost
identical, the more straightforward calcula- 앫 9,506 × 111.7 = 1,061,820 (i.e. the
tion based on the average growth rate is estimated number of ISI titles).
reported here. To determine the number of non-ISI titles,
we subtract the number of ISI titles from the
total number of titles.
This method yielded an estimate of nearly 앫 26,406 – 9,506 = 16,900 (i.e. the
estimated number of non-ISI titles).
50 million articles by the end of 2008, with
the figure expected to pass 50 million in To determine the number of non-ISI articles,
2009. In actual fact, the year that the sum of we multiply the number of non-ISI titles by
all scholarly articles passes 50 million cannot the number of articles per title for non-ISI
be determined precisely, but we can report journals.
that this result is the first estimate to follow
from the current evidence for the grand total 앫 16,900 × 26.2 = 442,780.
of all scholarly articles that exist at the time To determine the annual global output of
of writing in 2009 and publishing in 2010. In articles for 2009, we sum the number of ISI
good humour, the author can make the claim and non-ISI articles.


262 Arif E. Jinha

Figure 2. Estimated annual global research article output at 3% annual growth

*Year 1985 (2009 – 25 years): the doubling time for annual output for articles of just under 24 years; **1999:
corresponds to estimates by Tenopir and King,6 for research output in the late 1990s – 1 million articles per
year; ***2006: corresponds very closely to Björk et al.’s,2 estimate for 2006 – 1.35 million articles; ****2007:
corresponds closely to Ware’s,4 estimate for the same period – 1.4 million articles per year.

앫 1,061,820 + 442,780 = 1,504,600. ther investigation is needed to test the

robustness of each of the relationships and
Summing these, the global output of articles indeed the comprehensiveness of Ulrich’s
in 2009 is 1,504,600. This data is shown in database.
Figure 2. 50 million peer-reviewed journal articles is
The total number articles estimated for an impressive heritage, and a powerful
2009 using the 3% growth curve and pro- resource for humanity. In order to manage
duced in the Excel table is 1,477,382. The such a resource in a way that is equitable,
difference between the estimate by the
50 million method employed by Björk et al. and that
useful and sustainable, we would do well to
peer-reviewed take ongoing interest in where we stand in
produced by the growth curve is less than terms of the access, digitization, search and
journal articles 2%. indexation, and preservation of this global
is an impressive library of knowledge.
heritage, and a Discussion and conclusion Appendix
powerful The estimate of the global total of scholarly The calculated data for annual and cumulative article
resource for articles that exist is clearly a ballpark figure, totals are available online:
humanity rather than a precise number. However, the
study of the size, growth, and composition Acknowledgements
of a global body of scholarship has moved The author would like to acknowledge the assistance of
forward in this decade. We can better deter- Azim Jinha with the calculations, and the advice and
mine global annual output of scholarships editorial help of Robin Beecroft (Searchligher) and
Moustapha Diack.
through our understanding of (i) the rela-
tionship between numbers of researchers, References
journals, and articles; (ii) the year-to-year 1. Brown, H. 1972. History and the learned journal.
growth rates for the number of active titles Journal of the History of Ideas, 33: 365–378.
and the number of published articles; (iii)
the relationships between ISI and non-ISI 2. Björk, B., Roos, A. and Lauri, M. 2008. Global annual
volume of peer reviewed scholarly articles and the
journal titles; and (iv) the improvements to share available via different open access options. Pro-
Ulrich’s classification system. However, fur- ceedings of the ELPUB2008 Conference on Electronic


Article 50 million: an estimate of the number of scholarly articles in existence 263

Publishing, Toronto, Canada, June 2008. http://oacs. Ulrich’s has been a global source of periodicals infor- mation since 1932.
3. Mabe, M. 2003. The growth and number of journals. 9. American Scientist Open Access Forum. 2009
Serials, 16: 191–197 Archives. See discussions with subject line ‘Number
4. Ware, M. Scientific Publishing in Transition: An Over- of Scholarly Journals in the World.’ http://
view of Current Developments. Bristol, Mark Ware
Consulting, 2006. ican-scientist-open-access-forum&F=l
5. Mabe, M. and Amin, M. 2001. Growth dynamics of 10. Morris, S. 2007. Mapping the journal publishing land-
scholarly and scientific journals. Scientometrics, 51: scape, how much do we know? Learned Publishing,
147–162. 20(4): 299–310.
6. Tenopir, C.W. and King, D. W. Towards Electronic Jour-
nals. Washington DC, Special Libraries Association, Arif Jinha
2000. 179 Daly St, Apt. O
7. Tenopir, C.W. and King, D.W. 2009. The growth of
journals publishing. In Cope, B., and Phillips A. (eds),
Ottawa, ON, Canada K1N 6E8
The Future of the Academic Journal. Chandos Publish- Email:
ing/Woodhead Publishing Ltd. ISBN 1 84334 416 5. Website:
8. Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory (


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