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Activity 3:

Linux-Based Router

Amaba, Marcus Albert M. December 12, 2017

CPE42FB1 Engr. Ariel Isidro
Installing VyOS

//Open the disk image file in VirtualBox within the work station. Adjust the settings
based on desired values.

//After starting the virtual machine, it will direct you to the command line interface. It
will require your user login and user password. Input vyos as user and vyos as well in
the password.
//To install vyOS, type install image. Type yes [Enter] to to continue its installation.

//When asked between Auto, Parted, or Skip, choose Auto by just presseing [Enter].
Press [Enter] again to confirm the installment of image on sda. Then input Yes to resume

//Press [Enter] when asked the size of partition and when asked to copy to sda.
//Enter the username and password as done before. Press [Enter] once again to finish the
installation. In this image, you can see that it has finished installation.

//Reboot the system.

Configuring VyOS

//By using the command configure, you can enter the configuration mode. Configure
network interfaces as shown within the image above.

//Set SSH for remote management.

//Configuring source NAT to enable Inside Network

//Adding a DNS forwarder.
// All of these configuration must be done to add a set of firewall policies for our
"Outside" interface
//Apply the firewall policies.

//Confgure DHCP server

//Commit changes. Save the configuration.

//First, remove the NAT adapter and the Host-only adapter in the VirtualBox settings.
Nexy, by going to Network Properties, you may change the static IP of the network.
Change the IP Addresses, Subnet mask and default gateway. Also, configure the DNS
Server based on your IP assignments.

//The Windows 2008 Server can now connect to the internet.


First of all, I observed that a VyOS file only contains approximately 200 MB.
Next, I also observed that the installation of VyOS is plain simple. Furthermore,
configuring a Linux-based router like VyOS is a new sight for me. In VyOS, I noticed
that its interface is just a command line interface just like other distribution servers.


For this activity, I recommend to remember and follow the different IP addresses
assignments in the Schoology as one might get confused on where to assign them. I also
recommend to type the commands carefully since making a wrong one would cause
errors and errors will be hard to fix. Another thing that will be helpful is to not forget to
the commit and save command every single configuration made. Even if you type heaps
of commands in the configuration and you are not able to save the configuration then all
those effort will not be saved. Lastly, I recommend to check every configuration and
changes you have made in the Windows Server because errors might occur and the only
problem is within the simple settings.


To sum up this activity, the installation and configuration of the Linux-based

router VyOS was successful. Installation was done easily but the initial configuration of
the router in such way that it will be able to be connected to the internet makes this
activity difficult. I found out the different uses of the NAT, Bridged adapter and Host-
only adapters since I have known its purpose in the router. I also found out how to
connect the Windows Server by connecting it to the VyOS.

Lessons Learned

There are few lessons that I acquired by doing this activity. First is the installation
of the VyOS ios file. This will be helpful if you will encounter VyOS routers in the
future and the knowledge you have acquired here might come in handy. Another lesson I
learned is the basic troubleshooting for us to connect to the internet. This can even be
used to check your network connection at home. You may check if you just have a
missing or wrong IP address in the Network Properties. Lastly, the configuration of the
NAT interfaces, DHCP, DNS, and the Firewall is learned. Of course, I was not able to
remember all the commands but just the process and the experience of configuring
makes me knowledgeable about a simple configuration. I might use it in future works
especially if I am planning to work as a System Admin.

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