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Nama : Mohammad Aldi Afandi

Kelas : B2
Nim : 192022000179

Reporting Speech

In chapter 7 tells about reported speech. Reported Speech also called Indirect Speech is used
to communicate what someone else said, think or believe, but without using the exact words. A
few changes are necessary, often a pronoun has to be changed and the verb is usually moved
back a tense.
Reported speech is the report of one speaker or writer on the words spoken, written, or thought
by someone else. Also called reported discourse.

 Direct speech
Is a way of reporting what someone has said or written by quoting the exact words.

 Direct speech:
- "I'm going to the room", he said.
 Reported speech:
- He said he was going to the room.
 Direct speech:
- "I'm going to come", he said.
 Reported speech:
- He said that he was going to come.
 Direct speech:
- She said, "I saw him."
 Reported speech:
- She said that she had seen him.

 Indirect speech

Is speech which tells you what someone said, but does not use the person's actual words.

 Direct speech: “We’re quite cold in here.”

 Indirect speech: They say (that) they’re cold.

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