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In this chapter, the researcher discusses about background of the research,

problem statement of the research, objective of the research, significant of the

research, scope and limitation of the research, and definition of the key terms.

A. Background of the Research

English is essential to be taught for the younger people, for this case,

students from the beginner up to the senior high school. As the concept “teaching

English to young learners” suggest, age plays a crucial role in what we teach and

how we teach it, since a young learner is different from an adult or teenager class

in terms of the learner‟ language learning needs, the language competences

emphasized, and the cognitive skill addressed” (Harmer, 2007).

According to Hackman (2008) vocabulary is more than a list of words and

although the size of one‟s vocabulary matters, it knows how to use it which

matters most. Then, vocabulary is generically defined as the knowledge of words

and word meanings. More specifically, researcher use vocabulary to refer to the

kind of words that student must know to read increasingly demanding text with

comprehension (Kamil & Hiebert, 2005).

However, in preliminary study on August 2019, the researcher found some

problems found on student’s vocabulary. Almost of the students were unfamiliar

with some vocabularies in subject being taught, meaning of the words, how to use


The words, spelling and pronunciation of the words that make them slow to

follow the material from the teacher. The English teacher sometimes taught at the

end of school hours and the teacher seldom used media in teaching and learning

english in the class.

In teaching English vocabulary, there are many methods that could be help

the students to enrich and improve their vocabulary. The teacher has to choose an

appropriate method in teaching vocabularies because it is not easy to teach

English especially vocabulary without using a suitable method. Teaching

vocabularies has been presented in so many methods and should be taught in

various ways so that students could be interest in learning vocabularies.

One of method to develop students’ vocabulary is playing game. Games

help language learners to learn vocabularies and it at enjoy the same time (kim,

1995). Mei and Jing (2000) consider that the way students learn their mother

tongue is the same when they learn English as a foreign language through playing

games where there is no stressful situation which make them can learn much

more. Additionally, Ellis and Brewster (2002) stated that games are not only

motivating and fun but can also provide excellent practice for improving

pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and the four language skills. Playing game is

considered very effective and teacher indirectly add an element of fun and

relaxation in vocabulary practice. The purpose of using games in the teaching

process was to make the material more interesting, enjoyable, and challenging

especially in introducing new vocabulary.


One kind of game is spelling bee game. Uranga (2003) stated Spelling Bee

game is a vocabulary game that help students in vocabulary mastery. Spelling Bee

can also help students to practice their spelling and vocabulary skills. The game

that was used in this study was Spelling Bee. Spelling Bee is more than a

memorizing activity because beside the students memorize the words they are also

introduced to a complicated thinking process when they receive several clues to

spell the word correctly such as definition, pronunciation, kinds of words (noun,

verb, adjective) and the used words of sentence.

Based on the explanation above, this researcher conducted a research

entitled “The effects of spelling bee game on vocabulary achievement of eighth

grade students of MTs DDI Tarakan”

B. Problem Statement of the Research

The problem statement of the research: “Is the spelling bee game affective

on vocabulary achievement of eighth grade students of MTs DDI Tarakan?

C. The objective of the Research

The objective of this research was find out the effects of spelling bee game

on vocabulary achievement of eighth grade students of MTs DDI Tarakan,

especially in class VIII-A.


D. The significance of the Research

Hopefully, the significance of the reserach can be useful for the students

itself, the teacher and also for the researcher, as follows:

1. For students, the result of this research is expected not only to increase

students’ motivation in learning English, but also to increase their vocabulary

mastery by using spelling bee games.

2. For the teachers, this reserach can be used by teacher as a consideration in

selecting the appropriate method in teaching learning process that support and

motivate their students in junior high school, especially to improve their


3. For the other researchers, can be used as one of the references in conducting

research on English language teaching, especially in implemnetation of

teaching method mainly for teaching vocabulary.

E. Scope and Limitation of the Research

The limitation of this research was the effects of spelling bee game on

vocabulary achievement on eighth grade students of MTs DDI Tarakan, especially

in class VIII-A.

F. Definition of Key Terms

1. Vocabulary

According to Richard (2002) vocabulary is core component of language

proficiency and provider much of the basis for how well learners speak, listen,

read and write. Oxford explained that vocabulary is all the words that a person

knows or uses; all the language, or list of words with their meanings, especially in

a book for learning a foreign language.

Based on this research, vocabulary is defines as a competence to students

vocabularies such as noun, verb, adjective, synonym, antonym, and etc with

spelling bee game method. Then can be assesed by test. The focus on the students’

was ability in pronounce, know the meaning of the words, and know to used the

words in daiy activity.

2. Spelling Bee Game

A spelling bee game is a competition in which children are asked to spell

words in front of audience. The concept of spelling bee comes from United States,

and spelling bee events, along with variants are now also held in some other

countries around the world.

In this research, spelling bee game is a competition where to find out the

students' ability to pronounce and spell vocabulary that sounds well.

3. Achievement

Achievement is the competence of person in relation to a domain of

knowledge. The externally observe is performance. The current view states that to

reach a specific level of performence it may be necessary to bring into play

complex cognitive tool like stategies, heutistics, or skills. No doubt that the end

result and the type of means to reach it must correlated.


Achievement on vocabulary was a measure of the students’ ability to apply

English vocabulary. In this research achivement on vocabulary as students’ scores

which were gained from vocabulary test.


In this chapter, the researcher discussion about the concept of vocabulary,

the concept of spelling bee game, previous studies, and hypothesis.

A. The Concept of Vocabulary

a. Definition of Vocabulary

According to Richard (2002) vocabulary is core component of language

proficiency and provider much of the basis for how well learners speak, listen,

read and write. Harmer stated The vocabulary holds important role as provider of

organs and flesh, while language structure makes up the skeleton of language.

Meanwhile, the word of vocabulary has many meaning.

According to Kamil and Hiebert (2005) words come in two forms: oral and

print. Oral vocabulary is set of word for which we know the meaning when we

speak or read orally. Print vocabulary consist of those word for which the meaning

is known when we write or read silently. Knowledge of word also comes in two

forms: receptive vocabulary that which we can understand or recognize and

productive that vocabulary we use when we write or speak. Productive vocabulary

is the set of words that an individual can use when writing or speaking. Receptive

vocabulary is the set of words which an individual can assign meaning when

listening or reading.


In addition, Harmer divided vocabulary into twoform, namely:

1. Active vocabulary, the words that students have already learnt and been able

to use when they meet the words.

2. Passive vocabulary, the words which students know but they are not able to

use when they meets words.

b. The Aspects of Vocabulary

According to Ur (1996) there are some aspects of vocabulary that should be

thought or mastered by students in learning a foreign language.

1. Form: pronunciation and spelling

The learner has to know what a word sound like (its pronunciation) and what

it looks like (its spelling). These are fairly obvious characteristic, and one or the

other will be preserved by the learner when encountering the item for the first

time. In teaching teachers need to make sure that other these aspects are accurately

presented and learned.

2. Grammar

The grammar of new item will be necessary to be taught if this is not

abviously covered by general grammatical rules. When teaching new verb, for

example, teacher must give also its past form, if this irregular (think, thought).

Similary, when teaching noun, teachers may wish to present its plural form, if it is

irregular (eg: mouse, mice).


3. Aspect of meaning: meaning relationship

How meaning of one item relates to the meaning of others can also be useful

in teaching. There are various such relationships: here are some of the main ones.

a. Synonym: item that mean the same, or nearly the same; for example,

bright, clever,smart may serve as synonym of intelligent.

b. Antonym: items that mean the opposite; rich is an antonym of poor.

c. Hyponyms:items that serve as specific examples of general concept; dog,

lion, mouse are hyponyms of animal.

d. Co-hyponym or co-ordinates: other items that are the ‘same kind of thing’;

red, blue, green and brown are co-ordinates.

e. Super ordinates: general concepts that ‘cover’ specific items; animal is the

super ordinates of dog, lion,mouse.

f. Translation: word or expression in the learners’ mother tongue that is more

or less equivalent meaning to the item being taught.

4. Word Formation

Vocabulary items, whether one-word or multi-word, can often be broken

down into their component ‘bits’. Exactly how these bits are put together is

another piece of useful information-perhaps mainly for more advanced learners.

The teacher may wish to teach the common prefixes and suffixes: for example, if

learners know the meaning of sub-,un- and able-, this will help them guess the

meaning of words like substandard, ungrateful and untranslatable.


Another way vocabulary items are built is by combining two words (two

nouns, or gerund and noun, or a noun and verb) to make one item. For example:

bookcase, follow-up, swimming pool.

c. Teaching Vocabulary

Because of the importance of vocabulary, it needs a serious attention in

learning vocabulary form both learners and teachers. It becomes a great

challenging act for the teacher to teach vocabulary, what kind of methods they

use, what kind of vocabulary that they give, our how many vocabularies that they

should teach.

Schmitt (1997) are pretended some key principles of teaching vocabulary:

those are build a large sight of vocabulary, integrated new words with previous

words, provide a number of encounters a word, promotes deep level of processing,

facilitate imaging, make new word real by connecting them to the student’s word

in some way, use variety techniques, and encourage independent learning


The purpose on teaching vocabulary is to facilitate the student to improve

and develop their own English skill. Therefore teachers must help students make

clear what they must do or what they must learn on vocabulary mastery.

Accorfding to McCarten (2007) this steps can help teachers to teach vocabulary:

1. Providing clearly marked vocabulary lessons.


2. Making the target vocabulary set stand out, including focused practice and

regularly review.

3. Giving list of vocabulary to be learned for the lesson.

B. The Concept of Spelling Bee Game

a. Definition of Spelling Bee Game

A spelling bee game is a competition in which children are asked to spell

words in front of an audience. The concept of the spelling bee comes from United

States, and Spelling Bee events, along with variants are now also held in some

other countries around the world.

According to Merriam Webster (2011), the purpose of Spelling bee game is to

help student improve their spelling, increase their vocabulary, learn concept, and

also develop correct English usage. Spelling bee game is one pf alternative

technique that can be applied to the students. This is one of the cooperative

learning techniques that can be applied in the classroom. In order to overcame te

difficulties with the spelling of the students’ written works, it is necessary to

improve the students’ spelling ability as well as their vocabulary mastery. Spelling

bee method for learning English in very good for our precision and accuracy in

identifying word – a word of English. Which English language writing and

pronunciation is very different. This is confusing not only for learners of English

as a foreign language, but also the case for a native English speaker.

b. Step – Step To Learn Spell

Brainwave (2012) that spelling bee handbook there is seven steps to learn


1. Spelling bees are conducted orally and are contests of accuracy rather than

speed. In order to be sure of te word they are going to spell, participants shoul

be given the opportunity to ask for repetitions (up to three times), sample

sentences, and the meaning of the word itself. This will help the participants

with difficult homophones in English (words that sound the same but are

spelled differently, e.g. flour/flower), give them the best possible change of

spelling their words correctly.

2. Participants pick a numbered ball from a container, the pronouncer then reads

the word from a corresponding wordlist.

3. The pronouncer call out the word twice before yhe participant begins

attempating to spell it.

4. Participants must repeat the word before and after spelling it. E.g. “flower, f-l-

o-w-e-r, flower”

5. The pronouncer must be respond to the participant’s request for a diffinition.,

e.g. flower: the colored part of a plant; flour: a soft powder used in cooking, or

a sample sentence, e.g. flower: He gave her a beautiful flower; flour: the cake

is made with butter and flour.

6. If participant misspell a word they are eliminated.


7. In order to ensure all participants have enough time to complete rounds,

participants should be given one minute to spel the word correctly.

c. Advantages and Disadvantages of Spelling Bee Game

In teaching learning processes using games as method have several

advantages and disavantages. Yuni (2017) stated there are some advantages and

disadvantages of the game:

1. The advantages

The first advantages of applying the spelling bee game in teaching

vocabulary is the students could be more interested in learning the material. When

the students are interested in leraning the material, they would give more attention

to the lesson given. That condition gave a good chance for both the teacher and

the student. On the occasion the teacher could deliver the material very well and

the students could understand what they had learned on that day. The second

advantage of applying the game in teaching vocabulary was the teacher did not

need to explain too many materials. The teachers just explained the materials

needed by the students because they can understand the material on that day by

doing the games. The games could give the students more chance to understand

the materials given because through playing they can learned something without

realized that.

2. The disadvantages

The first disadvantage of applying the game in teaching vocabulary is by

attracting student’s interest to game, all of them are active and made noisy.

Sometimes they to much moved and spoke. That condition made the teachers

difficult to control them.

The second disadvantage of applying this game in teaching vocabulary is

by doing in the teacher only had a little time to explain the material and give some

new vocabulary. So there is no longer time for teacher to explain more and help

them to memorize all the new vocabulary.

C. Previous Studies

The first research was a thesis by Nurul Wahidah. 2018, The Effectiveness

of Spelling Bee Game on Students Vocabulary Mastery (Quasi-Experimental

Study of The Eighth Grade of SMPN 10 Junior High School At South Tangerang.

The purpose of this research is to find out whether is any significant difeerence

between the vocabulary mastery of the eight grade of SMPN 10 junior high school

before and after being taught by using spelling bee game technique. This research

is an experimental research that is quasi experiment research. Subject of the

research used is the eighth graders at SMPN 10 junior high school in academic

year of 2017-2918. The subject of this resrach contain 2 classes. The writer used a

test as instrument of the research. The form of this research shows that there is any

significant difference between the vocabulary mastery of the eighth grades at


SMPN 10 junior high school before and after being taught by using the spelling

bee game technique is higher than before being taught by using spelling gbee

game technique. Thus , the riter suggests taht the teacher should be able to creat in

teaching leanring process more interesting, innovative and enjoyable. The teacher

can use spelling bee game in teaching vocabulary mastery.

The second research with title “Improving students’ vocabulary mastery

trought spelling bee game at fift grade of SD Swasta Kalampaian Kunto

Darusalam” by Marita Samosir. The researcher used the spelling bee in improving

students vocabulary mastery. The research aims to find out what extent the use of

spelling bee can improve students’ vocabulary mastery. The research used

classroom action research in SD Swasta Kalampain Kuto Darussalam. The

research was conducted in two cycles, every cycle consisted of three meeteings

with the activities: plan, action, oservation, and refelection. The finding of reserch

swhos that there wa improvment in students’ vocabulary mastery in learning and

teaching activity. The result of mean’s score in cycle 1 was 65.19 and cycle 2 was

82.03. From the result of analyzing can bee concluded that the improvment of

students’ leaning outcaomes reacheed 16.84

The difference between those two researches with this research were the

place of the research , the level of the subject: the subject of the first research was

junior high school, the subject of the second research was elementary school and

the subject of this research is MTS school. Also, the similarity between the first

research and this research was the purpose of the research which was to find out

the effectiveness of spelling bee to increase vocabulary and the similarity between

the second research and this research was using spelling bee game.

D. Hypothesis

As almost all the previous studies reviewed in section found the positive effect

of the effects of spelling bee game for vocabulary achievement. The present research

hypothesizes that the effects of spelling bee game will improve vocabulary

achievement of eighth grade students of MTs DI tarakan.


In this chapter, the researcher discusses about research design, variable of

the research, objective of the research, population and sample of the research,

research instrument, technique of collecting data and technique of analyzing data.

A. Research Design

The researcher used an experimental design using quantitative research.

According to Creswell (2009) quantitative research is a means for testing

objective theories by examining the relationship among variables. These variables

can be measured. Typically on instruments, so that numbered data can be analyzed

using statistical procedures. The final written report has a set structure consisting

of introduction literature and theory, methods, results and discussion.

According to Ary et al. (2010), an experimental involves a study of the

effect of the systematic manipulation of one variable(s) on another variable. The

manipulated variable was called the experimental treatment or the independent

variable. The observed and measured variable was called the dependent variable.

Experimental designs are classified according to the number of independent

variables : single-variable designs and factorial designs. Experimental designs are

classified according to how well they provide control of the threats to internal

validity: as pre-experimental design, true-experimental design, and quasi-

experimental design.


This research design used pre-experimental with one-group Pretest-Posttest

design. In one-group Pretest-Posttest design, a single group was to measure or

observe not only after being expose to treatment of some sort, but also before.

According to Frankel and Wallen (2005:271) the design of One Group

Pretest-Posttest is as follows:

Table 3.1 One-Group Pretest–Posttest Design

Pretest Independent Posttest
O1 X O2
(Frankel and Wallen (2005:271)

Notes :

O1 : Score of pretest ( before treatment)

X : Treatment
O2 : Score of posttest ( after treatment)
In this research, the procedures of one group pre-test and post-test design

B. Research Variable

The variable of the research were independent variable and dependent

variable. Ary et al explained that independent variables are antecedent to

dependent variables and are known or are hypothesized to influence the

dependent variable, which is the outcome. In experimental research, the

treatment is the independent variable and the outcome is the dependent variable.

The explained that the independent variable was spelling bee game, which was the

method helped the students to enhance their English, especially in vocabulary. The

dependent variable was the students’ vocabularies. This research showed that

spelling bee game affected the students’ vocabularies achievement or not.


C. Research Population and Sample

1. Population

A population was a group of individual who have the same

characteristic (Creswell, 2012). The population of the research was the

eighth grade students of MTs DDI Tarakan. Each class in the second class

was different. There were 2 classes in the second grade that was consists

of 22 students and 38 students. The total population was 60.

2. Sample
According to Creswell (2009) the sample is the target population that

the researcher plans to study for generalizing about the target population.

The sample was used as the treatment group was one of the two classes in

the eighth grade. The sample was VIII-A which consist of 22 students.

The sample was taken by using purposive sampling. According to Gay

(2012), purposive sampling also referred to as judgement sampling is

process of selecting a sample that is beliveved to be representative of a

given population. The researcher chose this class because based on the

student’s score indicated that VIII-A has the lowest score that other


D. Research Instrument

In collecting the data of this research, the researcher needed an

instrument. Creswell (2012) stated instruments are tools of measuring,

observing or documenting quantitative data. The instrument of the research

was vocabulary test which have purpose to figure out a number of students’

vocabularies achievement. The test that used the written test was given

through pre-test and post-test. The test was used in this research were the

form of true and false, synonym and antonym, and matching vocabulary. The

pretest intending to find out the students’ achievement of English

vocabularies while the posttest was intending to find out students’

vocabularies improvement after the treatment was given.

E. Technique of Collecting Data

1. Test

The technique of collecting data of the research was called as test. It

was divided into two kinds of test which were pretest and posttest. The

following was the detail of those two kinds of data:

a. Pretest

In the first step, the researcher was giving a pretest for the students

before the teacher gave the treatment of research. The students had to do

the test in 2x40 minutes. The student answered the questions of

vocabulary tests based on their ability. The test form were true and false,

synonym and antonym, and matching vocabulary.


b. Posttest

The posttest was done after the treatment at the process of learning by

using a spelling bee game. This test was conducted to know the student

ability to master vocabulary by using spelling bee game by receiving several

clues to spell the words such as definition, alternative pronunciation, kinds

of words (noun, adjective, and verb) and the use of words in a sentence. The

post test contains some of true and false, synonym and antonym, and

matching vocabulary.

F. Technique of analyzing Data

In this section, the researcher analyzed the data to determine the score of

each student, the researcher used the following formula:

1. Descriptive analysis

a. Scoring the students’correct answer of pretest and posttest by using the


The total correct answer X10

Score =
Total number of item in test

b. Classifying score into four levels, which are based on the Kemendikbuk

standard of evaluation as follow:


Table 3.2 Score Classification

1. 90-100 is classified as Very Good
2. 80-89 is classified as Good
3. 70-79 is classified as Fair
4. <70 is classified as Low
Direktorat pembinaan sekolah menengah pertama, 2017

c. Calculating the mean standard deviation students’ score from pre-test and

post-test would used Statistical Product And Service Solution (SPSS) version


2. Inferential Analysis

In analyzing the inferential analysis, the researcher used statistical Package

for Scientific Studies (SPSS) version 22.0 to analyze the data. The data analyzed

by the researcher was the students’ scores from the result of the pretest and

posttest. The scores calculated after the researcher analyze students’ test, it

involves the pre-requisite testing and hypothesis testing.

a. Prerequisite test

1. Normality Test

To investigate the normality of the data in the pretest and posttest of each

class the researcher used the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The main purpose of the

Kolmogorov-Smirnov test is to know when the data was normality distributed or

not because in parametric statistic the data should be normality distributed and it

becomes an important condition in research. The hypothesis of normality test as


H0 = Data is normality distributed if the probability value is higher than the

level of significant.

Ha = Data is not normality distributed if the probability value is lower than the

level of significant.

If the level of the probability value is higher than 0.05 (probability value >

0.05), then Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected. It means the scores in both of test are

normality distributed. In other hand, if the probability value is lower than 0.05

(probability value < 0.05), then Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. It means the

score between pretest and posttest were not normality distributed.

2. Homogeneity of Variance

After normality test finish, the researcher found the homogeneity of

variance. The purpose of homogeneity test was to calculate whether both of tests

have the same variance or not. If the variance is equal, then t-test used equal

variance assumes. In other hand, if the variance is not equal, then t-test used the

equal variance not assume to determine the significant difference. The hypothesis

of homogeneity of variance as follows:

H0 = The variance of pretest is equal with the variance in posttest if the the

probability value is higher than the level of significance.

Ha= The variance of pretest is not equal with the variance in posttest if the the

probability value is lower than the level of significance.


If the level of probability value is higher than 0.05 (probability value >

0.05), then H0 is accepted and Ha is rejected. It means that the variance pretest is

equal with variance in posttest, t-test will use equal variance assumes to determine

the significant difference. In other hand, if the level of probability value is lower

than 0.05 (probability value < 0.05), then Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. It

means that the variance of pretest is not equal with the variance is posttest. Then t-

test used equal variance not assmes to determine the significant difference.

b. Hypothesis testing

The students’ scores on pre-test and post-test of treatment group as the

quantitative data analyze by using paired sample t-test in SPSS version 22.0.

Significant differences were analyzing between pretest and posttest. After the

significance both of the test already process by using SPSS version 22.0 complete,

in this case, t-test was applied to determine the significant differences in the

students’ vocabulary. If the t-test was lower that of t-table, the null hypothesis (H0)

is accept (H0 = t-test < t-table). It means there is no significant effect of using

spelling bee game in improving students’ vocabulary. In other hand, if the score of

t-test is higher than t-table, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accept (Ha = t-tset >

t-table). It means there is a significant effect of spelling bee game in improving

students’ vocabularies.

This chapter provided the research findings and discussion about the effects

of spelling bee game strategy on reading comprehension of vocabulary at the

ninth grade students of MTs DDI Tarakan. The description of the result can be

seen as follows :

This research was held in MTs DDI Tarakan. It took one class as the

treatment class, which was class VIII-A. This research was done on 28th

January until 15th February 2020. There were four meetings that the researcher

took in this research for applying the treatment. Before doing the treatment,

the researcher gave pretest and after four meetings of treatment , the researcher

gave posttest. There were six meetings for this research. The number of students

and implementation of research were tabulated as follows :

Table 4.1 Number of Students and the Implemetation of The Research

Of Date Meeting Topic
January 28th 2020 Pretest : 11.00 – 12.20 pm pretest
February 1st 2020 Meeting 1 : 10.20 – 11.40 pm Vocabulary
February 4th 2020 Meeting 2 : 11.00 – 12.20 pm Synonym and
22 antonym
February 8th 2020 Meeting 3 : 10.20 – 11.40 pm Adjective in
February 11th 2020 Meeting 4 : 11.00 – 12.20 pm Spelling Bee Game
February 15th 2020 Posttest : 10.20 – 11.40pm Posttest


From table 4.1, it can be seen that the researcher took one class as the

treatment class which consist of 22 students. The first meeting was pretest that

held on January 28th 2020 at 11.40-12.20 p.m. The second meetings was learned

vocabulary about the part of animal pronounciation by using spelling bee game

and also doing some assignment that held on February 1st 2020 at 10.20-11.40

p.m. The third meetings was learned vocabulary about synonim and antonym

word by using spelling bee game and do some assignments that held on February

4th 2020 at 11.40-12.20 p.m. The fourth meetings was learned vocabulary about

adjective word in comparison by using spelling bee game and do some

assignments that held on February 8th 2020 at 10.20-11.40 p.m. The fifth was

playing game by using spelling bee game that held on February 11th 2020 at

11.00-12.20 p.m and for last meeting was posttest that held on February 15th 2020

at 10.20-11.40 p.m.

A. Findings

1. The Students’ Score of Pretest and Posttest

In this research, the researcher described the result of pretest and posttest

for the treatment class as below:

a. Pretest

The pretest was held on January 28th, 2020 at the class VIII-A. before the

students did the test, the researcher explained the instruction in the pretest paper.

The pretest was evaluated by the researcher, the researcher used three parts, part A

was true or false based on the text, part B was synonym and antonym, and part C

was matching vocabulary.

Based on the students’ vocabulary test from pretest, the researcher found the

students’ result for each part. The rate percentage of each part in vocabulary

pretest was explained into the table 4.2.

Table 4.2 Percentage of Pretest Scores for each Part

Part A Part B Part C
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Very Good
4 18.2% 1 4.5% 1 4.5%
14 63.6% 9 40.9% 5 22.7%
4 18.2% 9 40.9% 14 63.6%
0 0% 3 13.6% 2 9.1%
Total 22 100% 22 100% 22 100%

Table 4.2, shows the students’ vocabulary score in each part with the

percentage from the pretest result. There were three parts of vacobulary which was

scored by the English teacher to find out the score. Those parts were true or false,

synonym and antonym, and matching vocabulary. In each part of vocabulary, the

score was classified into four categories. Those were very good, good, fair, and


The part A was about text. In this part students had to choose 8 true or false

based on the text. There were 4 students (18.2%) got very good score, 14 students

(63.6%) got good score, 4 students (18.2%) got fair score, and no one student

(0%) got low score.

The part B was synonym and antonym. In this part students had to choose 5

synonym and 5 antonym based on the available answer box. There were 1 student

(4.5%) got very good score, 9 students (40.9%) got good score, students (40.9%)

got fair score, and 3 students (13.6%) got low score.

The part C was matching vocabulary. In this part students matched the

english vocabulary and the translate based on the available answer. There were 1

student (4.5%) got very good score, 5 students (22.7%) got good score, 14

students (63.6%) got fair score, and 2 students (9.1%) got low score.

Based on the students’ score from pretest, the researcher concluded the

result to find out the number of students if frequency distribution. The students’

pretest score was presented in the Table 4.3.

Table 4.3 The Students’ Pretest Score

Classification Range Frequency Percentage

Very Good 90-100 0 0%
Good 80-89 1 4.5%
Fair 70-79 1 4.5%
Low <70 20 90.9%
Total 22 100%

Table 4.3 above shows four classifications for the students’ pretest score.

Those classifications were very good, good, fair, and low. From the table it can

be seen that the students’ score showed there were no students who got very

good, there were 1 student (4.5%) who got good score, there were 1 student

(4.5%) who got fair category and there were 20 students (90.9%) who got low


b. Posttest

The posttest was held on February 15th, 2020. Before the students

answered the question, the researcher explained the instructions in the posttest


Based on the students’ posttest, the researcher concluded the result to

find out the number of students in frequency distribution. The students’ posttest

score was presented in the Table 4.4.

Table 4.4 Percentage of Posttest Scores for Each Part

Part A Part B Part C
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Very Good
13 59.1% 8 36.4% 10 54.5%
9 40.9% 14 63.6% 12 45.5%
0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Total 22 100% 22 100% 22 100%

Table 4.4, shows the students’ vocabulary score in each part with the

percentage from the posttest result. There were three parts of vocabulary which

was scored by the English teacher to find out the final score. Those parts were true

or false, synonym and antonym, and matching vocabulary. In each part of


vocabulary, the score was classified into four categories. Those were very good,

good, fair, and low.

The part A was about text. In this part students had to choose 7 true or false

based on the text. There were 13 students (59.1%) got very good score, 9 students

(40.9%) got good score, no one student (0%) got fair score, and no one student

(0%) got low score.

The part B was synonym and antonym. In this part students had to choose 5

synonym and 5 antonym based on the available answer box. There were 8 students

(36.4%) got very good score, 14 students (63.6%) got good score, no one student

(0%) got fair score, and no one student (0%) got low score.

The part C was matching vocabulary. In this part students matched the

english vocabulary and the translate based on the available answer. There were 10

students (54.5%) got very good score, 12 students (45.5%) got good score, no one

student (0%) got fair score, and no one student (0%) got low score.

Based on the students’ score from posttest, the researcher concluded the

result to find out the number of students if frequency distribution. The students’

posttest score was presented in the Table 4.5.

Table 4.5 The students’ Posttest Score

Classification Range Fequency Percentace
Very Good 90-100 1 4.5%
Good 80-89 7 31.8%
Fair 70-79 12 54.5%
Low <70 2 9.1%
Total 22 100%

Table 4.5 above shows four classifications for the students’ posttest score.

Those classifications were very good, good, fair, and low. From the table it can

be seen there were 1 student (4.5%) who got very good score, 7 students

(31.9%) who got good score, 12 students (54.5%) who got fair score and

there were 2 students (9.1%) who got low score.

2. Hypothesis Testing

Before conducting the hypothesis testing by using t-test, the data in pretest

and posttest were calculated to find out the normality and homogeneity of

variance of the data.

a. Normality of Data

The aim of normality test was to determine that the distribution of data

have normal distribution or not. Normality test shows that sample were taken

from the population that was normally distributed or not. In testing the normality

of the data, the researcher used the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test which was

calculated by using SPSS 22.0. In testing the hypotheses of normality, the data

of pretest and posttest score, the researcher used Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, it was

described as follows:

H0 = Data is normality distributed if the probability value is higher than the

level of significant.

Ha = Data is not normality distributed if the probability value is lower than the

level of significant.

The complete result of normality test of pretest and posttest in pre-

experimental class and can be seen in Table 4.6.

Table 4.6 The Result of Normality Test Variance

Result Of
Sig The Criterian Decision Normality
Pretest 0.106 Sig > 0.05 H0 is accepted Normal
Posttest 0.061 Sig > 0.05 H0 is accepted Normal

Table 4.6 above showed that the sig. pretest was 0.106 and posttest of

treatment class was 0.061. From these result, both of pretest and posttest got the

higher sig. than the level of significance that is 0.05, so it can be concluded that

the data normal distribution from both of pretest and posttest the students got each

score for four classifications score.

b. Homogeneity of Variance in Pretest and Posttset

To test the homogeneity the data of pretest and posttest score, the researcher

used Levene Statistic formula by using SPSS version 22.0 software with a

significant level 0.05. In this research, the hypothesis of homogeneity test can be

seen as follows:

H0 = The variance of pretest is equal with the variance in posttest if the the

probability value is higher than the level of significance.

Ha= The variance of pretest is not equal with the variance in posttest if the the

probability value is lower than the level of significance.

Result of homogeneity test of pretest and posttest can be seen in Table 4.7

Table 4.7 The Result of Homogeneity in Pretest and Posttest

Levene Result Of
Df 1 Df2 Sig Decision
Statistic Homogeneity
2.783 1 42 0.103 H0 is accepted Homogeneus

From the result test homogeneity of variance in Table 4.7 above, the

researcher found the significance 0.103 and the significance was higher than 0.05

so, the data was homogenous. The df 1 was the total number of test, 2-1 = 1 while

df 2 is the total number of the data, n-2 = 42. Therefore, the variances of pretest

and posttest are equal. Based on the result, the researcher concluded that the data

are homogenous. It can be seen that the result both of pretest and posttest

score had the same variant or homogenous with the fulfillment of the requirement

of normality of data distribution and homogeneous both of pretest and posttest the

research hypothesis testing analysis of variance can be continued.

3. Mean Score and Standart Deviation of Pretest and Posttest Score

The result of this research was presented to show the mean score between

the pretest and posttest score in the treatment class. The result of mean score and

standard deviation of pretest and posttest are presented in Table 4.8 as follows:

Table 4.8 Mean Score and Standard Deviation of Pretest and Posttest

N Mean Std. Deviation

Pretest 22 54.36 11.017
Posttest 22 76.73 6.606

From table 4.8, can be seen that the result of pretest and posttest mean and

standard deviation. From the result above, the mean score was significantly increased

between the result of pretest and posttest in treatment class. The result in pretest

shows that the mean score was 54.36 with standard deviation 11.017 while the result

in posttest indicates that the mean score was 76.73 with standard deviation 6.606.

Based on the result between both of the test it can be concluded that the students’

score in posttest was higher than pretest. The researcher also calculated the

improvement from mean score both of test before and after being given the

treatment. The mean score of pretest and posttest are 54.36 and 76.73. It

means that the improvement of mean score from the pretest to posttest was

22.37 point. From the improvement mean score both of class, it shows that the

posttest score has better improvement than the pretest score.

4. Test of Difference

The researcher used Paired Sample T-test to analyzed the score from

vocabulary test in pretest and posttest.

Table 4.9 Paired Samples Statistics

Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
Pair 1 PRETEST 54.36 22 11.017 2.349
POSTTEST 76.73 22 6.606 1.408

Table 4.9 paired sample statistic was used to present thediscreption both of

the variables which was analyzed by the researcher, the variables were pretset and

postttesd. Mean in paired sample statistic was sed to find out the mean score

before and after the treatment was given. The result above showa that there was

improvement of mean from 54.36 to 76.73. The number of poplation (N) in this

research was 22 stdents. The standart deviation of paired sample statistic shows

that the variance of data from test score before and after the treatment was given

to the students. The variance of the data from pretest was 11.017 and posttest

6.606. In the measuring the apropriate mean score before and after the treatment

can be seen in standart error, from the table above the result of Std. Error were

2.349 and 1.408.

Table 4.10 Paired Samples Correlations

N Correlation Sig.
Pair 1 PRETEST & POSTTEST 22 .624 .002

Table 4.10 of paired sample correlation was to find out the result of

correation between the pretest and posttest. The result of correlation from both

variables was 0.624 with the probabilit sig. 0.002. It can be concluded that the

probability value < 0.05, it means the data had significant correlation.

Table 4.11 Paired Sample Test

Paired Differences
95% Confidence
Interval Of The
Std. Error Sig. (2-
Mean Deviation Mean Lower Upper T Df Tailed)
Pair Pretest-
-22.364 8.611 1.836 -26.181 -18.546 -12.182 21 .000
1 Posttest

The table 4.11 above shows the result of pretest and posttest which was

analyze by using paired sample t-test. There are two ways to answer the

hypothesis testing of this research. First way is the result can be seen that the sig

(2 tailed) was lower than the level of significance (0.000 < 0.05) and the second

way was comparing the result of t-test with t-table. In this case, the df in t-

test was 21, so t-table is 2.080. From the table that t-test score was -12.182. In

testing the hypothesis that uses two tailed test, value of t-test was absolute value.

So, in this case the researcher does not need to see the positive sign (+) or

negative sign (-) because value of t-test was an absolute value.

The result of t-test (-12.182) was higher than t-table (2.080). So, the null

hypothesis was rejected and the alternative hypothesis was accepted. It means that

there was a significant difference in students’ vocabularies achievement in

vocabulary before and after the students are taught by using spelling bee game


Based on the table above, it can be concluded that there was significant

difference in students’ vocabularies achievement before and after taught by using

spelling bee game method. In the research hypothesis had been written that there

are two types of hypothesis which was used in this research, null hypothesis (Ho)

and alternative hypothesis (Ha). (Ho) is accepted if there is no significant

difference between the students result of the paired computation, in this case t-test

was applied to determine the significant differences in the students’ vocabularies.

If t-test score is lower than the t- table score, the null hypothesis (Ho) is

accepted (Ho = t-test < ttable) it means that the using spelling bee game method

cannot give any distribution to the students’ vocabularies.

After analyzing the data by using SPSS version 22.0, the researcher found

there was significant difference before and after the students were taught by

using spelling bee game method in teaching vocabulary for the eighth grade

students of MTs DDI Tarakan. It means that (Ha) was accepted and Ho was


B. Discussion

The research objective was to find out whether there was any significant

difference in students’ scores of pretest and posttest before and after using

spelling bee game method to improve students’ vocabularies achievement. In

answering the research objective, the researcher gave pretest to the students in

order to know the students’ vocabularies. The pretest was done before the

researcher gave the treatment to the students. The treatment class was taught by

using spelling bee game method. After giving the treatment for four meetings, the

researcher gave the post-test to the students in order to know the effectiveness of

using spelling bee game method. The researcher implemented spelling bee game

method in the treatment class. It took four meetings to implement spelling bee

game method. In every meetings had different themes.

In first meeting was about vocabularies prounounciation. The second

meeting theme’s was synonym antonym. The third meeting theme’s was adjective

words. The fourth meeting theme’s was spelling bee game. From the findings of

the research, it is clear that the use of spelling bee game method improve

vocabulary achievement of eighth grade students of MTs DDI Tarakan. It can be

seen from the results of the t-test showed that there was significant difference the

mean score from pretest and posttest. The result of mean score before and after

difference was 22.37. It means that the result of the mean score of posttest was

higher than pretest. In this reseach, the reseacher found the significant difference

in the students’ vocabularies achievement before and after the researcher

implemented the spelling bee game method in treatment class.

Based on the result, the students had better in vocabulary after the

students were taught by using spelling bee game method. It was proved by the

comparison of the mean score result between pretest and posttest, where the mean

score in posttest was higher than the mean score in pretest. In addition, the result

of computation t-test was 12.182. It means that the t-test was higher than t-table

where the degree of freedom (df) was 21 and at the level of significant 5% p =

95%. So, the result of t-test 12.182 > t-table 2.080. The computation between

value of t-table and t-test at p = 95% α = 5% used under this research, which it

indicates that t-test was higher than the value of t-table, Ha was accepted and Ho

was rejected. The result implied Ha than the hypothesis of two variables

indicating that there was a significant difference in the mean score to both of

them. It means that after teaching using spelling bee game method the students

was better than before using spelling bee game method. So, teaching by spelling

bee game method was an effective way to improve the students’ vocabularies

achievement in the class.

In result, spelling bee game method was found to be helpful and effective to

improve students’ vocabularies achievement, especially the students of MTs DDI


This chapter presented the conclusion and the suggestion of the research.

A. Conclusion

Based on the result of the research on the use of spelling bee game as

method to improve students’ vocabularies achievement at eighth grade at MTs

DDI Tarakan, the researcher concluded that the use of spelling bee game was

effective to improve students’ vocabularies achievement. The results were proven

by calculation of meant score and sample t-test of studends’vocabulary test in

posttest was higher than pretest, it means that the students’ vocabularies has better

improvement after giving treatment.

The researcher found that the mean score of the students’ vocabulary test

between pretest to posttest was improved. The improvement of the mean score of

pretest to posttest was 22.364 point. The result of the compulation of t-test was

12.182. It indicates that the t-test was higher than t-table where the degree of

freedom (df) were 21 and the level of significant 5% p = 95%. (t-test 12.182 > t-

table 2.080). It mean that spelling bee game was effective to improving students’

vocabularies achievement at eighth grade of MTs DDI Tarakan.


B. Suggestion

The researcher would like to give some suggestion concerning to the

research results as follows:

1. For Students

The students get the class with less boredom with game. It also helps them

increase their vocabularies spelling bee game.

2. For the English Teachers

In learning process, teacher should be able to use different strategies,

medias, or methods so that student are more interest to learn. The teacher can use

spelling beee game in teaching learning activity which involves the students


3. Other Researchers

Other researcher can conduct a research about the use of spelling bee game

with other materials. In addiction, they also can implement this strategy of other

grades of junior high school or senior high school as long as the material is

suitable with the students’ level.


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Appendix 1: Syllabus
Sekolah MenengahPertama (SMP)/
Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs)

Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

3.9 Menerapkan Teks lisan dan tulis Mengamati
struktur teks dan yang menyatakan dan  Terbiasa atau sering
unsur kebahasaan menanyakan mendengar dan
untuk melaksanakan perbandingan jumlah menyaksikan guru dan
fungsi sosial dan sifat orang, warga sekolah lain
menyatakan dan binatang, benda menyebutkan dan
menanyakan menanyakan tentang
 Fungsi sosial perbandingan jumlah
Mengidentifikasi, dan sifat orang,
jumlah dan sifat
mengenalkan, binatang, benda, dalam
orang, binatang,
memuji, mencela, bahasa Inggris, dengan
benda, sesuai unsur kebahasaan yang
dengan konteks sesuai dengan fungsi
penggunaannya .  Struktur teks
Who is taller? Your  Mencontoh kebiasaan
4.10 Menyusun teks sister or your tersebut dengan
lisan dan tulis brother?; No one in menyebutkan dan
untuk the class is big as menanyakan tentang
menyatakan dan Candra. He is the perbandingan jumlah
menanyakan biggest. He is bigger dan sifat orang,
tentang than any other binatang, benda, dalam
perbandingan student in the class.; bahasa Inggris, dengan
jumlah dan sifat To me, writing is unsur kebahasaan yang
more difficult than sesuai dengan fungsi
orang, binatang, sosialnya.
benda, dengan reading. Listening is
memperhatikan the most difficult. Our Menanya
fungsi sosial, library have more Dengan bimbingan dan
struktur teks, dan books than the arahan guru,
unsur community menanyakan dan
kebahasaan yang library.,dan mempertanyakan antara
benar dan sesuai semacamnya. lain tentang perbedaan
konteks.  Unsur kebahasaan antara cara
. menyebutkan dan
(1) Kosa kata: kata
benda dan kata menanyakan tentang
sifat yang terkait perbandingan jumlah
dengan orang, dan sifat orang,
binatang, benda di binatang, benda, dalam
kelas, sekolah, bahasa Inggris dengan


rumah, dan yang ada dalam bahasa

sekitarnya Indonesia, kemungkinan
(2) Perbandingan sifat: menggunakan
as ... as, -er, -est, ungkapan lain, akibat
more ..., the most jika tidak melakukan,
... dsb.
(3) Perbandingan Mengumpulkan Informasi
jumlah: more,
fewer, less  Mendengarkan dan
menyaksikan banyak
(4) Penggunaan
contoh interaksi dengan
nominal singular
menyebutkan dan
dan plural secara
menanyakan tentang
tepat, dengan atau
perbandingan jumlah
tanpa a, the, this,
dan sifat orang,
those, my, their,
binatang, benda dalam
dsb secara tepat
bahasa Inggris dari film,
dalam frasa
kaset, buku teks, dsb.
 Menirukan contoh-
(5) Ucapan, tekanan
contoh interaksi dengan
kata, intonasi,
menyebutkan dan
(6) Ejaan dan tanda menanyakan tentang
baca perbandingan jumlah
(7) Tulisan tangan. dan sifat orang,
Topik binatang, benda dalam
bahasa Inggris dengan
Sifat orang dan ucapan, tekanan kata,
benda di kelas, intonasi, dan sikap yang
sekolah, rumah, dan benar.
sekitarnya yang  Dengan bimbingan dan
memberikan arahan guru,
keteladanan tentang mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri
perilaku jujur, disiplin, (fungsi sosial, struktur
percaya diri, dan teks, dan unsur
bertanggung jawab. kebahasaan) interaksi
menyebutkan dan
menanyakan tentang
perbandingan jumlah
dan sifat orang,
binatang, benda.
 Secara kolaboratif,
berusaha menggunakan
bahasa Inggris untuk
menyebutkan dan
menanyakan tentang
perbandingan jumlah
dan sifat orang,

binatang, benda dalam

konteks pembelajaran,
simulasi, role-play, dan
kegiatan lain yang
 Membandingkan
ungkapan menyebutkan
dan menanyakan
tentang perbandingan
jumlah dan sifat orang,
binatang, benda yang
telah dikumpulkan dari
berbagai sumber.
 Membandingkan
ungkapan menyebutkan
dan menanyakan
tentang perbandingan
jumlah dan sifat orang,
binatang, benda yang
telah dipelajari tersebut
di atas dengan yang
ada di sumber-sumber
lain, atau dengan yang
digunakan dalam
bahasa lain.
 Memperoleh balikan
(feedback) dari guru
dan teman tentang
fungsi sosial dan unsur
kebahasaan yang
 Menggunakan bahasa
Inggris setiap kali
muncul kesempatan
untuk menyebutkan dan
menanyakan tentang
perbandingan jumlah
dan sifat orang,
binatang, benda, di
dalam dan di luar kelas,
dengan unsur
kebahasaan yang
sesuai dengan fungsi

 Berupaya berbicara
secara lancar dengan
ucapan, tekanan kata,
intonasi yang benar dan
menulis dengan ejaan
dan tanda baca yang
benar, serta tulisan
yang jelas dan rapi.
 Membicarakan
permasalahan yang
dialami dalam
menggunakan bahasa
Inggris untuk
menyebutkan dan
menanyakan tentang
perbandingan jumlah
dan sifat orang,
binatang, benda dan
menuliskannya dalam
jurnal belajar sederhana
dalam bahasa
Appendix 2: Lesson Plan



Nama Sekolah : MTs DDI Tarakan

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas /Semester : VIII/I
Materi Pokok : As Timid As A Rabbit
Alokasi Waktu : 4 x Pertemuan ( 2x40 menit )

A. Kompetensi Inti
KI 1 Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.
KI 2 Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli
(toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara
efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan
KI 3 Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan
rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait
fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.
KI 4 Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyajidalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,
mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak
(menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang)sesuai
dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut


B. Kompetensi Dasar Dan IndikatorPencapaianKompetensi

Kompetensi Dasar IndikatorPencapaianKompetensi

3.6 Menerapkan struktur teks dan 3.6.1 Siswa dapat menerapkan

unsur kebahasaan untuk struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan
melaksanakan fungsi sosial untuk melaksanakan fungsi sosial
menyatakan dan menanyakan menyatakan dan menanyakan
perbandingan jumlah dan sifat orang, perbandingan jumlah dan sifat orang,
binatang, benda, sesuai dengan benda dan binatang sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya konteks penggunaannya.
3.6.2 Siswa dapat memahami
struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan
untuk melaksanakan fungsi sosial
menyatakan dan menanyakan
perbandingan jumlah dan sifat orang,
benda dan binatang sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya.

4.10 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis 4.10.1 Menyusun teks lisan dan
untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tulis untuk menyatakan dan
tentang perbandingan jumlah dan sifat menanyakan tentang perbandingan
orang, binatang, benda, dengan jumlah dan sifat orang, dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar
benar dan sesuai konteks. dan sesuai konteks.

4.10.2 Menyusun teks lisan dan

tulis untuk menyatakan dan
menanyakan tentang perbandingan
jumlah dan sifat benda dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar

dan sesuai konteks.

4.10.3 Menyusun teks lisan dan

tulis untuk menyatakan dan
menanyakan tentang perbandingan
jumlah dan sifat binatang dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar
dan sesuai konteks.

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah melakukan serangkaian pembelajaran, siswa mampu:
1. Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi kosakata dalam teks terkait perbandingan
jumlah dan sifat orang, benda dan binatang
2. Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi struktur kebahasaan dalam teks terkait
perbandingan jumlah dan sifat orang, benda dan binatang
3. Siswa mampu mengungkapkan informasi secara tersurat dalam teks terkait
perbandingan jumlah dan sifat orang, benda dan binatang

D. MateriPembelajaran
1. MateripembelajaranReguler
Tekslisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan keberadaan orang,
benda, binatang dalam jumlah yang tidak tertentu.
 FungsiSosial
Menjelaskan, membanggakan, memuji, mengaguni, mengkritik, dan
 Struktur Teks

Who is taller? Your sister or your brother?; No one in the class is big as
Candra. He is the biggest. He is bigger than any other student in the
class.; To me, writing is more difficult than reading. Listening is the most
difficult. Our library have more books than the community library.,dan
 Unsur Kebahasaan
(1) Kosa kata: kata benda dan kata sifat yang terkait dengan orang, binatang,
benda di kelas, sekolah, rumah, dan sekitarnya
(2) Perbandingan sifat: as ... as, -er, -est, more ..., the most ...
(3) Perbandingan jumlah: more, fewer, less
(4) Penggunaan nominal singular dan plural secara tepat, dengan atau tanpa a,
the, this, those, my, their, dsb secara tepat dalam frasa nominal
(5) Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi,
(6) Ejaan dan tanda baca
(7) Tulisan tangan.

 Topik
 Sifat orang dan benda di kelas, sekolah, rumah, dan sekitarnya yang
memberikan keteladanan tentang perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan
bertanggung jawab.

E. MetodePembelajaran
Spelling Bee Game

F. Alat, Media dan Sumber Pembelajaran

1. Media dan alat
- Whiteboard, spidol, proyektor, LCD dan laptop
2. Sumber belajar

- Buku Pegangan Siswa Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VIII Kurikulum

2013, Kamus Bahasa Inggris, Student Worksheet
- Internet
G. Langkah-Langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Pertemuan Pertama

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Waktu

Pembuka Guru Siswa 10

1. Guru memberikan salam 1. Siswa menjawab salam dan Menit
kepada siswa dan mengawali pembelajaran
mempersiapkan secara fisik dengan berdoa.
dan psikis siswa untuk
mengikuti pembelajaran
dengan diawali berdoa.
2. Guru menanyakan keadaan 2. Siswa merespon dengan
siswa. memberikan jawaban sesuai
dengan keadaan mereka.
3. Guru mengecek kehadiran 3.Siswa memperhatikan
siswa, kebersihan dan ketika guru mengecek
kerapian kelas, kesiapan kehadiran serta
buku tulis dan sumber mempersiapkan diri untuk
belajar. mengikuti pembelajaran.
4. Guru melibatkan siswa 4.Siswa menjawab sesuai
dalam obrolan ringan untuk dengan pertanyaan yang
membangun skema mereka diberikan guru.
tentang materi yang akan

Inti Mengamati ii.

1.Siswa memperhatikan apa menit
1. Guru menjelaskan tujuan

belajar pada bab yang akan yang diterangkan oleh guru

diajarkan dengan terkait tujuan belajar dan
penggunaan metode penggunaan metode spelling
spelling bee pada beberapa bee pada beberapa kosa kata
kosa kata dengan pronounce dengan pronounce yang
yang tepat oleh guru tepat berkaitan dengan
maupun siswa. materi bab.
2.Guru menjelaskan dan 2.Siswa memperhatikan dan
mencontohkan cara atau mendengarkan penjelasan
langkah-langkah metode guru berkaitan dengan
pembelajaran spelling bee metode belajar spelling bee
game. game.
3.Guru memfasilitasi
terjadinya interaksi antar
siswa serta antara siswa
dengan guru.

Guru menanyakan apa saja Siswa memberikan tanggapan

yang berkaitan dengan dengan menjelaskan
bagaimana menggunakan bagaimana cara
metode spelling bee game. menggunakan metode belajar
spelling bee game.

Mengumpulkan Informasi

Guru membimbing siswa Pada materi yang diberikan

untuk mencari informasi dan oleh guru, siswa

kosa kata terkait materi belajar memperhatikan gambar serta

tentang orang, dan mencari informasi dan kosa
binatang dana menggunakan kata menggunakan spelling
bee yang mereka dapatkan

metode spelling bee. dari materi belajar tentang

orang, benda dan binatang.

1. Siswa memperhatikan
1.Guru bersama siswa bertanya
penjelasan guru dalam
jawab meluruskan informasi
memperbaiki kesalahan
yang siswa dapatkan.
yang mungkin siswa
2.Guru membimbing siswa
untuk mendiskusikan
informasi yang mereka


Guru memberikan tanggapan

hasil diskusi berupa Tanya
jawab terkait materi belajar
yang diberikan berupa kosa
kata dan informasi mengenai
orang, benda dan binatang.

Penutup 1. Guru bertanya kepada siswa 1.Salah satu siswa 5 menit

secara suka rela /ditunjuk memberikan kesimpulan.
menyimpulkan pembelajaran
hari itu.
2.Guru bertanya kepada siswa 2.Siswa mencoba memberikan
mengenai kesulitan apa pertanyaan mereka
tentang topic pembelajaran. mengenai kesulitan tersebut.
3.Guru menunjuk satu siswa 3.Siswa dan guru berdoa
untuk memimpin doa dan bersama dan memberikan

juga salam salam

Pertemuan Kedua

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Waktu

Pembuka Guru Siswa 10

1. Guru memberikan salam 1. Siswa menjawab salam
kepada siswa dan dan mengawali
mempersiapkan secara pembelajaran dengan
fisik dan psikis siswa berdoa.
untuk mengikuti
pembelajaran dengan
diawali berdoa.
2. Guru menanyakan 2. Siswa merespon dengan
keadaan siswa. memberikan jawaban
sesuai dengan keadaan
3. Guru mengecek 3. Siswa memperhatikan
kehadiran siswa, ketika guru mengecek
kebersihan dan kerapian kehadiran serta
kelas, kesiapan buku tulis mempersiapkan diri
dan sumber belajar. untuk mengikuti
4. Guru melibatkan siswa 4. Siswa menjawab sesuai
dalam obrolan ringan dengan pertanyaan yang
untuk membangun skema diberikan guru
mereka tentang materi
yang akan dibahas.
Inti Mengamati i. y
menit h
1. Guru memberikan 1. Siswa mengamati

penjelasan bagaimana penjelasan yang

menyebutkan dan diberikan terkait kosa
menanyakan tentang kata synonym dan
perbandingan jumlah dan antonym dengan
sifat orang, benda dan menggunakan metode
binatang dalam synonym spelling bee yang
dan antonym Bahasa berkaitan dengan orang,
Inggris menggunakan benda dan binatang.
metode spelling bee
game dengan unsur
kebahasaan dan meminta
siswa memahami dan
mengamati kosa kata
yang berkaitan dengan
orang, benda dan
2. Guru memfasilitasi
terjadinya interaksi antara
siswa serta antara siswa
dengan guru.

Guru menanyakan apa saja

Siswa memberikan
yang mereka temukan pada
tanggapan dengan
gambar dalam materi
menjelaskan bagaimana cara
mereka terkait dengan
menyebutkan dan
menyebutkan dan
menanyakan perbandingan
menanyakan perbandingan
jumlah dan sifat orang,
jumlah dan sifat orang,
benda dan binatang yang
benda dan binatang yang
ada didalam kelas atau

ada didalam sekitar kelas lingkungan sekolah dalam

atau lingkungan sekolah dan kehidupan sehari-hari.
dalam kehidupan sehari-

Mengumpulkan Informasi

Guru membimbing siswa

untuk mencari informasi Pada gambar yang

dan kosa kata synonym diberikan oleh guru, siswa

dan antonym terkait gambar memperhatikan gambar

dalam materi yang serta mencari informasi dan

diberikan dengan cara kosa kata synonym dan

memberi label pada gambar antonym dengan spelling

yang akan mempermudah bee yang mereka dapatkan

siswa mendapatkan dengan cara memberi label

informasi dengan pada gambar tersebut.

menggnakan metode
spelling bee.


1. Guru bersama siswa

1. Siswa memperhatikan
bertanya jawab
penjelasan guru dalam
meluruskan informasi
memperbaiki kesalahan
yang siswa dapatkan.
yang mungkin siswa
2. Guru membimbing siswa
untuk mendiskusikan
informasi yang mereka

Guru memberikan

tanggapan hasil diskusi

berupa Tanya jawab terkait
gambar yang diberikan
berupa kosa kata dan
informasi mengenai
bagaimana cara
menyebutkan dan
menanyakan perbandingan
jumlah dan sifat orang,
benda dan binatang.

Penutup 1. Guru bertanya kepada 1. Salah satu siswa 5 menit

siswa secara suka rela memberikan kesimpulan.
pembelajaran hari itu.
2. Guru bertanya kepada 2. Siswa mencoba
siswa mengenai memberikan pertanyaan
kesulitan apa tentang mereka mengenai
topic pembelajaran. kesulitan tersebut.
3. Guru menunjuk satu 3. Siswa dan guru berdoa
siswa untuk memimpin bersama dan memberikan
doa dan juga salam salam

Pertemuan Ketiga

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Waktu

Pembuka Guru Siswa

1. Guru memberikan 1. Siswa menjawab Salam 10

salam kepada siswa dan dan mengawali

mempersiapkan secara pembelajaran dengan Menit

fisik dan psikis siswa berdoa.
untuk mengikuti
pembelajaran dengan
diawali berdoa.
2. Guru menanyakan 2. Siswa menrespon dengan
keadaan siswa. menjawab sesuai keadaan
3. Guru mengecek 3. Siswa memperhatikan
kehadiran siswa, ketika guru mengecek
kebersihan dan kerapian kehadiran serta
kelas, kesiapan buku mempersiapkan diri
tulis dan sumber untuk mengikuti
belajar. pembelajaran.

4. Guru melibatkan siswa 4. Siswa menjawab sesuai

dalam obrolan ringan dengan pertanyaan yang
untuk membangun diberikan guru.
skema mereka tentang
materi yang akan
Inti Mengamati ii. y
Siswa mengamati gambar menit h
1.Guru memberikan sebuah
yang diberikan terkait
Gambar dan meminta
kosa kata adjective
siswa memahami dan
menggunakan metode
mengamati kosa kata
spelling bee yang
adjective menggunakan
berkaitan dengan
metode spelling bee yang
menyebutkan dan
berkaitan dengan

menyebutkan dan perbandingan jumlah dan

menanyakan sifat orang, benda dan
perbandingan jumlah dan binatang.
sifat orang, benda dan
2.Guru memfasilitasi
terjadinya interaksi antar
siswa serta antara siswa
dengan guru.

Guru menanyakan apa saja Siswa memberikan

yang mereka temukan pada tanggapan dengan
gambar dan mengaitkannya menjelaskan bagaimana cara
dengan background membandingan jumlah dan
knowledge mereka terkait sifat benda yang ada
perbandingan jumlah dan didalam kehidupan sehari-
sifat orang, benda dan hari
binatang yang ada didalam
kehidupan sehari-hari.

Mengumpulkan Informasi

Guru membimbing siswa

untuk mencari informasi Pada gambar yang
diberikan oleh guru, siswa
dan kosa kata adjective
menggunakan metode memperhatikan gambar
serta mencari informasi dan
spelling bee terkait gambar
perbandingan jumlah dan kosa kata adjective
menggunakan metode
sifat orang, benda dan
spelling bee yang mereka
binatang yang diberikan
dapatkan dengan cara

dengan cara memberi label memberi label pada gambar

pada gambar yang akan tersebut.
mempermudah siswa
mendapatkan informasi.


1.Guru bersama siswa

bertanya jawab
meluruskan informasi 1. Siswa memperhatikan
yang siswa dapatkan. penjelasan guru dalam
2.Guru membimbing siswa memperbaiki kesalahan
untuk mendiskusikan yang mungkin siswa
informasi yang mereka lakukan.

Guru memberikan
tanggapan hasil diskusi
berupa Tanya jawab terkait
gambar yang diberikan
berupa kosa kata dan
informasi mengenai materi
yang telah di bahas.

Penutup 1. Guru bertanya kepada 1. Salah satu siswa 5 menit

siswa secara suka rela memberikan kesimpulan.
pembelajaran hari itu.
2. Guru bertanya kepada 2. Siswa mencoba
siswa mengenai memberikan pertanyaan

kesulitan apa tentang mereka mengenai

topic pembelajaran. kesulitan tersebut.
3. Guru menunjuk satu 3. Siswa dan guru berdoa
siswa untuk memimpin bersama dan memberikan
doa dan juga salam salam

Pertemuan Keempat

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Waktu

Pembuka Guru Siswa

1. Guru memberikan salam 1. Siswa menjawab Salam 10

kepada siswa dan dan mengawali Menit
mempersiapkan secara pembelajaran dengan
fisik dan psikis siswa berdoa.
untuk mengikuti
pembelajaran dengan
diawali berdoa.
2. Guru menanyakan 2. Siswa merespon dengan
keadaan siswa. menjawab sesuai keadaan
3. Guru mengecek 3. Siswa memperhatikan
kehadiran siswa, ketika guru mengecek
kesiapan untuk mengikuti kehadiran serta
pembelajaran. mempersiapkan diri
untuk mengikuti
4. Guru mulai menjelaskan 4. Siswa memperhatikan
dan mencontohkan penjelasan dan contoh
spelling bee game yang yang guru dan salah satu

melibatkan salah satu siswa yang membantu

siswa untuk memudahkan guru pada spellling bee
penjelasan guru. game.

Inti Mengamati iii. y

1. Siswa mengamati dan menit h
1. Guru mengucapkan kartu
yang diberikan terkait
kertas kata bertemakan
kosa kata dan
kata sifat dan meminta
mengejakan kata yang
siswa memahami dan
telah dibacakan oleh
mengamati kosa kata yang
guru sesuai dengan
di bacakan oleh guru
aturan spelling bee

2. Guru memfasilitasi
terjadinya interaksi antar
siswa serta antara siswa
dengan guru

Guru menanyakan apa saja Siswa memberikan

yang mereka temukan pada tanggapan dengan
kosa kata dan menjelaskan bagaimana cara
mengaitkannya dengan mengejakankan kosa kata
background knowledge dengan benar
mereka terkait dengan
mengejakan kosa kata yang

Mengumpulkan Informasi

Guru membimbing siswa Pada gambar yang


untuk mencari informasi diberikan oleh guru, siswa

dan kosa kata terkait kosa memperhatikan kosa kata
kata yang disebutkan yang serta mencari informasi
diberikan dengan benar. terkait kosa kata yang di
sebutkan dengan benar.

1.Siswa memperhatikan
1. Guru bersama siswa
penjelasan guru dalam
bertanya jawab
memperbaiki kesalahan
meluruskan informasi
yang mungkin siswa
yang siswa dapatkan dari
lakukan pada spelling bee
spelling bee game
2. Guru membimbing siswa
untuk mendiskusikan
informasi yang mereka

Guru memberikan
tanggapan hasil diskusi
berupa tanya jawab terkait
dengan kosa kata, spelling
bee game dan informasi
mengenai materi yang telah
di bahas.

Penutup 1. Guru bertanya kepada 1.Salah satu siswa 6 m

siswa secara suka rela memberikan kesimpulan. e
/ditunjuk menyimpulkan n
pembelajaran hari itu. i

2. Guru bertanya kepada 2.Siswa mencoba t

siswa mengenai kesulitan memberikan pertanyaan
apa tentang topic mereka mengenai
pembelajaran. kesulitan tersebut.
3. Guru menunjuk satu siswa 3.Siswa dan guru berdoa
untuk memimpin doa dan bersama dan memberikan
juga salam salam

H. Intrument penilaian
Skor Skor yang
Aspek yang dinilai Nilai
maksimum diperoleh siswa

Ketepatan jawaban 25 25

Keterangan :
Benar : 1
Salah : 0
Formula of score calculation:

Score = Students’ score x 100

The maximum correct answer

Tarakan, 2020
Guru Mata Pelajaran Peneliti

Muhammad Akiel, S.Pd Nurhidayah

NPM. 14601010013
Appendix 3: Students Score

Students’ Score

Sekolah : MTs DDI Tarakan

Kelas/Semester : VII-A/1
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

No Nama L/P Nilai

1. AR P 64
2. DF P 63
3. GS P 60
4. HF P 60
5. HK P 59
6. JAP P 58
7. KW P 61
8. NR P 59
9. NFA P 63
10. NKN P 64
11. PA P 69
12. RC P 66
13. R P 67
14. TPA P 70
15. WAS P 59
16. YS P 58
17. Z P 63
18. S P 55
19. ARA P 67


20. KAS P 61
21. I P 69
22. A P 69
Rata-Rata 63

Students’ Score

Sekolah : MTs DDI Tarakan

Kelas/Semester : VII-B/1
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

No Nama L/P Nilai

1. AT L 68
2. AZA L 68
3. A L 71
4. ANB L 70
5. A L 69
6. AS L 75
7. AH L 64
8. FA L 70
9. FF L 65
10. F L 73
11. GN L 71
12. MALC L 74
13. MDPP L 65
14. MR L 67
15. MRM L 70
.16. MH L 65
17. MA L 68
18. MIM L 72
19. MI L 72
20. MN L 78
21. RS L 73
22. RA L 70
23. RBS L 67

25. R L 80
25. VDF L 73
26. YA L 70
27. MRK L 88
28. MR L 68
29. MN L 71
30. P L 70
31. MR L 79
32. A L 73
33. R L 70
34. MI L 75
35. R L 70
36. 71
Rata-Rata 71
Appendix 4: Pre-test

Name :
Class :
Time : 2 x 40 minutes

A. Hendrik is writing about his best friends. Read the passage then circle
true (T) and false (F) for these sentences.

My best friends

I want to tell you about my best friends. I have three best friends. Their
names are Salma, Firman, and Lia.
Salma is tall, but Firman is taller than Salma. Lia is very tall. She is the
tallest of the trhee.
Three of them can play the guitar well. Salma plays better than Lia. Firman
plays very well. He is the best guitarist at school.
The three are clever student. Salma is clever. She is cleverer than Firman.
Lia is very clever. She is the cleverest student in class.
They all like collection money. Their money collection is from Indonesia, as
well as from other countries. Salma’s collection of money is not very good.
Firman’s better. Lia’s collection is the best.

1. Lia is taller than Salma T/F

2. Salma is shorter than Firman. T/F
3. Salma plays guitar better than Firman does. T/F
4. Firman plays guitar better than Salma and Lia. T/F
5. Salma is cleverer than Firman. T/F
6. Firman is cleverer than Lia. T/F
7. The trhree collect money, both from indonesia and foreign countries. T/F
8. Salma collection is better than Firman’s. T/F


B. Replace the underlined adjectives with with adjectives that similiar

meaning (synonym) and the opposite meaning (antonym) from the box.

9. An angry dog. (synonym)

10. A venomous snake. (synonym) Synonym
11. A vacant house. (synonym) Poisonous Furious
12. A powerful swimmer. (synonym) Empty Short Strong
13. A brief description. (synonym)
14. An old car. (antonym)
15. A fresh idea. (antonym) Anthonym
16. A sharp knife. (antonym) Ugly Old Wild
17. A tame horse. (antonym) Blunt New
18. A beautiful face. (antonym)

C. Match the words with the translation.

19. Carnivore a. Tanduk

20. Trunk b. Ekor
21. Fangs c. Bulu
22. Tail d. Karnivora
23. Fur e. Gigi taring
24. Paw f. Belalai
25. Horn g. Cakar
Appendix 5: Post-test

Name :
Class :
Time : 2 x 40 minutes

1. Read the passage then circle true (T) and false (F) for these sentences.

The largest complete dinosaur we know of was Brachiosaurus ,which

reached 23 m in length and 12 m in height (about the length of two large school
buses and the height of a four-story building). Fragmentary leg bones and
vertebrae of even larger dinosaur species are known, but these skeletal remains are
too incomplete to determine their exact size. Several of these (Argentinasaurus
and Amphicoelias) might have been one and a half to two times larger than
The smallest dinosaurs were just slightly larger than a chicken;
Compsognathus was 1m long and probably weighed about 2.5 kg. These three
dinosaur types all lived during the Jurassic Period. Mussaurus was claimed as the
smallest dinosaur, but it is now known to be the hatchling of a dinosaur type that
was much larger than Compsognathus when fully grown. If birds are advanced
dinosaurs, then the smallest dinosaur would be the humming bird!

1. Brachiosaurus reached 23m in length and 12m in height T/F

2. Argentinasaurus was one and half to two times large than Brachiosaur T/F
3. Amphicoelias is smaller than Brachiosauru T/F
4. The smallest dinosaurs are chicken and compsognathus T/F
5. Compsognathus was1m long and probably weighed 2.6 kg T/F
6. Three dinosaur types lived during the jurassic period T/F
7. Mussaurus is smaller dinosaur than Compsognathus when fully grown T/F


2. Replace the underlined adjectives with with adjectives that similiar

meaning (synonym) and the opposite meaning (antonym) from the box.

8. A difficult problem (synonym)

9. A rich man (synonym)
10. A foolish students (synonym) Wealthy Enough
11. A corageous soldier (synonym) Brave Hard Silly
12. A sufficient food (synonym)
13. A cruel comment (antonym)
14. A humble person (antonym) Antonym
15. A cheap watch (antonym) Shallow Nice Sour
16. A deep river (antonym) Arrogant Expensive
17. A sweet fruit (antonym)

3. Match the words with the translation.

18. Herbivore
19. Feather a. Bulu
20. Wing b. Sarang
21. Claw c. Cakar
22. Tusk d. Gading
23. Nest e. Sayap
24. Fierce f. Ganas
25. Tame g. Jinak
h. Herbivora

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