Finite - Non-Finite Verbs - Ex2 (Easy) - Ss - Revis0f

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SALEM-Immanuel Lutheran College

Exercise 2
Analyse the sentences below. Put a tick if the underlined verb is in the correct form. Correct it if it is in the
wrong form.

1. He paint the fence when I saw him.

2. He broke the paint fence.

3. I excite about go to the amusement park.

4. Everyone want to go to the amusement park, but we only having four tickets.

5. She was waiting in the room before he coming in.

6. Is your brother know my brother?

7. Didn’t he a bit late?

8. She tiptoed round the house so as not wake anyone.

9. You need to paint the whole cupboard, start from the bottom.

10. Taking prisoner by the British in December 1776, he was held in New York City for a year.

11. I ate something before leave.

12. After had spent six hours at the hospital, they eventually came home.

13. Not have anyone to talk to, he left the party and went home.

14. The person to ask about going to New Zealand is Beck.

15. Although exhausting, Mark did not feel quite as tired as he was in the past.

16. The proposal, if accepting by the Parliament, will mean fundamental changes to the education system.

17. We ate roast pork yesterday.

18. We sang songs while roast marshmallows.

19. The man sat on the sofa is Simon.

20. Don’t forget to fill in the form attach to the letter.

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