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Wordsworth appointed as Poet Laureate = 1843

What does Stephen perceive Buck to be = Usurper

Who was Molly's first love = Lt Mulvey
Mysterious priest leading sacrificial procession ode to grecian urn = Heifer
keats hyperion is written in the epic style of = Milton
In his ode intimation of immortality the writer lost = celestial light
Blake's father occupation was = hosier
What crime has Andrea del Sarto committed = Theft
theme of this poem ode to Intimations of Immortality = The child is the father of the man
family member does the speaker address tintern abbey = Sister , Dorothy
name of the river mentioned in tintern abbey = the River Wye
Composed tintern abbey = 1798
------Ulysses -----
Alfred Tennyson born = August 6, 1809
Ulysses written form = blank verse , dramatic monologue
Ulysses written year = 1833
Ulysses published year = 1842
Ulysses gave an idea to his sailors that it might be an opportunity for them to see= achilles
Ulysses admits by saying: we are not that which we had in old days= Strength
Moved earth and heaven; that which we are, we are; one equal temper of= Heroic Hearts
The sounding furrows; for my purpose holds. to sail beyond the sunset and the=Baths
Ulysses described the last stage of life as the lights begin to twinkle from the = Rocks
-----Fra lippo lippi-----
Fra lippo lippi = Dramatic monologue
Fra lippo lippi published = 1855
Fra lippo lippi author = robert browning
Collection of poetry which fra lippo lippi= men and women
Fra lippo lippi written in = blank verse
Fra lippo lippi used = lambic pentameter
Fra lippo lippi subject = art , life , love
Fra lippo lippi born and died= 1406 to 1469
Whom does Fra Lippo Lippi address= an authority figure
-----The last ride together------
The last ride together = dramatic monologue
The Last Ride Together = 1855
The last ride speaker is = a lover
the last ride together subject = love , life
Who is the listener of poem = wife (silent listener)
------the tyger-----
The tyger was written in = 1794
collection which tyger published = songs of experience
the tyger stands for = evil
songs of experience stands for = evil of society
------the divine image--------
divine stands for = God
the divine image published = 1789
------the cradle song--------
the cradle song published = 1789
collection of the cradle song = songs of innocence
-----auguries of innocence----
auguries of innocence written = 1803
auguries of innocence published = 1863

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