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The Itsy Bitsy Spider Fill-In-The-Blank

The 1_____________ 2

climbed up the 3__________

spout. Out came the

__________ and washed the

______________ out. Out came

the 5_________ and 6_______ up all

the rain, and the 7___________

____________ climbed 9_______

the spout again.

Fill in the blanks with the required words. Then, put the

words in the blanks on the next page. Enjoy your new

Itsy Bitsy Spider Song!

1. adjective_______________________

2. bug_____________________________

3. adjective_______________________

4. noun ___________________________

5. bug_____________________________

6. noun____________________________

7. verb +ed ________________________

8. adjective _______________________

9. direction _______________________

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