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Polymer Degradation and Stability 90 (2005) 395e404

Review article

Accelerated aging and lifetime prediction: Review of

non-Arrhenius behaviour due to two competing processes
M. Celina*,1, K.T. Gillen, R.A. Assink
Sandia National Laboratories, PO Box 5800, MS 1411, Department 1811, Albuquerque, NM 87185-1411, USA
Received 12 April 2005; accepted 12 May 2005
Available online 5 July 2005


Lifetime prediction of polymeric materials often requires extrapolation of accelerated aging data with the suitability and
confidence in such approaches being subject to ongoing discussions. This paper reviews the evidence of non-Arrhenius
behaviour (curvature) instead of linear extrapolations in polymer degradation studies. Several studies have emphasized
mechanistic variations in the degradation mechanism and demonstrated changes in activation energies but often data have not
been fully quantified. To improve predictive capabilities a simple approach for dealing with curvature in Arrhenius plots is
examined on a basis of two competing reactions. This allows for excellent fitting of experimental data as shown for some
elastomers, does not require complex kinetic modelling, and individual activation energies are easily determined. Reviewing
literature data for the thermal degradation of polypropylene a crossover temperature (temperature at which the two processes
equally contribute) of w83  C was determined, with the high temperature process having a considerably higher activation
energy (107e156 kJ/mol) than the low temperature process (35e50 kJ/mol). Since low activation energy processes can dominate
at low temperatures and longer extrapolations result in larger uncertainties in lifetime predictions, experiments focused on
estimating Ea values at the lowest possible temperature instead of assuming straight line extrapolations will lead to more
confident lifetime estimates.
Ó 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Accelerated aging; Polymer; Aging; Thermal degradation; Lifetime prediction; Extrapolation; Performance; Material selection; Arrhenius;

1. Introduction and has been used for decades is based on the Arrhenius
relationship. Arrhenius extrapolations assume that
Lifetime prediction studies on polymeric materials a chemical degradation process is controlled by a re-
rely heavily on the use of accelerated thermal aging action rate k proportional to exp (Ea/RT ), where Ea is
exposures. Failure times or degradation rates are the Arrhenius activation energy, R the gas constant
determined at elevated temperatures and these data are (8.314 J/mol-K), T the absolute temperature and A the
used to extrapolate material performance to ambient pre-exponential factor (Eq. (1)). Therefore, a log-plot
conditions. The most important methodology for such of reactions rates (k) or degradation times (1/k) versus
extrapolations that is applied in polymer aging studies inverse temperature (1/T ) is expected to result in
a straight line, allowing simple extrapolations to lower
* Corresponding author. Tel.: C1 505 8453551; fax: C1 505
Ea Ea
E-mail address: (M. Celina). kZA!exp or ln kZln AC ð1Þ
Under contract. RT RT

0141-3910/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
396 M. Celina et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 90 (2005) 395e404

There have been some discussions whether a com- sets was actually discarded or rather treated as
plex thermal degradation process based on free radical experimental noise to allow fitting with the ‘preferred
reaction sequences (basic auto-oxidation scheme) with model’ of a linear Arrhenius relationship [16]. In some
many individual reaction steps, first demonstrated in the alternative approaches for dealing with curvature,
1940se1950s by Bolland, Bateman et al. [1e3], should modified Arrhenius-based mathematical models using
indeed follow simple Arrhenius behaviour [4]. Despite compensation effects and challenging traditional
such concerns, many studies have clearly demonstrated Arrhenius treatment of data were suggested [17], or
that some degradation processes can be well described more complex kinetic schemes were considered to better
by a simple linear Arrhenius relationship even if explain some observations [14]. It is certainly surprising,
individual rate constants within the overall process but there appears to be no evidence in any of these
may have their own temperature dependencies [5e8]. studies that a simple mathematical treatment was
While perhaps not always consistent with a specific applied to the observed non-Arrhenius curvature.
detailed kinetic model, a simple Arrhenius relationship This paper reviews the many instances in thermal
most importantly should allow for empirical material polymer aging studies where evidence of curvature in
lifetime prediction [4,5]. Arrhenius plots has been observed. While perhaps not
Perhaps the key weakness in testing linear Arrhenius complete the most important studies that emphasized
behaviour is often the limited availability of experimen- curvature and thus suggested important high and low
tal data [4]. Accelerated aging data may be available temperature mechanistic variations have been identified.
within a time frame of days to a year, or at the best Using published data the non-Arrhenius behaviour is
several years. Often data spanning two or three orders of then approximated in its simplest form as a combination
magnitude must be extrapolated an additional one or of two independent reactions with individual rate
two orders of magnitude in order to address ambient constants, leading to the concept of one clearly defined
aging conditions that may involve decades of aging. high and low temperature degradation process, and
Such issues and intrinsic limitations for empirical allowing for individual Ea’s to be determined. This is
extrapolations will be discussed in more detail in a first-order approximation and some material aging
a separate publication. To enhance our confidence in undoubtedly may involve more than two processes. For
Arrhenius extrapolations, more comprehensive data sets instance it may be found that a third process with an Ea
covering a larger temperature range and requiring high value higher than either of the other two Ea values enters
dynamic experimental sensitivity are required [4]. at even higher aging temperatures such as those probed
Perhaps the best experimental method allowing for the by traditional short-term exposures in TGA (thermo-
collection of more comprehensive data sets, is ultra- gravimetric analysis) or OIT (oxygen induction time)
sensitive oxygen uptake measuring thermal polymer experiments.
oxidation rates [4,5,8,9].
Over the years many of the more comprehensive
materials’ aging studies have resulted in unambiguous 2. Discussion
support for complex aging phenomena where a linear
Arrhenius relationship is insufficient to match the 2.1. Previous evidence for non-Arrhenius behaviour
observed aging data [4,6e8,10e15]. In some instances or limitations in lifetime predictions
simple diffusion limited oxidation (DLO) effects at high
temperatures are responsible for curvature in Arrhenius Over the last four decades many degradation studies
plots resulting in longer aging times than for nonDLO have dealt with the complexity of polymer lifetime
conditions [6]. Some examples were discussed as pro- prediction and extrapolations, either by measuring
viding evidence for mechanistic variations or limitations mechanical or similar degradation indicators over a large
in lifetime predictions, but not necessarily analysed to temperature range, thereby establishing the basis for
yield individual activation energies [12e14]. It is obvious predictions, or by focusing on limitations in straight line
that curvature towards lower activation energies when Arrhenius extrapolations. It is interesting to note how
approaching lower temperatures would lead to overly trends in these studies over the years reflect on the
optimistic lifetimes based on high temperature extra- evolution of more sensitive analytical techniques, better
polation. In some of these studies it was therefore stabilization of materials and an overall improved
attempted to distinguish between a dominant high and understanding of polymer aging phenomena.
low temperature degradation processes, justifying vary- Perhaps the first to point out the limitations in
ing activation energies for different temperature ranges estimating the useful life of polypropylene (PP) com-
[4,7,8,10,11,15]. Individual activation energies were then pounds based on elevated temperature tests carried out
determined via selective linear approximations over between 70 and 160  C were Tamblyn and Newland in
a specific temperature range [4,7,8,10,11,15]. In other 1965 who discussed curvature in the Arrhenius plot of
instances, potential evidence of curvature in some data induction times of unstabilised PP and crossover effects
M. Celina et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 90 (2005) 395e404 397

in thermal performance of various stabilized compounds that could not be adequately simulated by high temper-
[18]. They concluded that more sensitive techniques ature accelerated aging due to changes in stabilizer
would be required for improved predictions, but no solubility, and demonstrated that extrapolations were
activation energies or details of curvature were dis- insufficient as a predictive tool [20,24e26].
cussed. Also for PP degradation (investigated between Kramer and Koppelmann explored the use of iso-
75 and 140  C), Oswald and Turi argued for possible thermal long-term differential thermal analysis (ILDTA)
overestimation of lifetimes by oxygen consumption to study the aging behaviour of polybutene and cross-
techniques and expressed caution for low temperature linked PE pipe materials [27]. The experiments covered
extrapolations, particularly with respect to chain scis- a temperature range of 120e240  C with remarkable
sion of tie molecules at the interlamellae regions leading dynamic sensitivity of 5 orders of magnitude in the
to early embrittlement [19]. In 1970, Richters presented maximum oxidation time measurements. The Arrhenius
detailed data on the induction times of unstabilised PP plot for the XLPE showed curvature at w150  C with
degradation using oxygen absorption over a larger activation energies quoted as 218 kJ/mol above and
temperature range (50e150  C) [12]. There was clear 144 kJ/mol below. For the polybutene data curvature
evidence of curvature in the Arrhenius plot towards was observed at w180  C. Both cases demonstrated that
lower temperatures. No activation energy determination extrapolations from short-term experiments were not
was reported. Incidentally, Richters also discussed the possible. High temperature DTA experiments are most
observation of localized aging phenomena with dark likely subject to diffusion limited oxidation which would
spots originating around foreign particles (metal con- explain the shorter response times at those conditions.
tamination) well before the end of the induction period The authors did not stress this point but in some of the
seen in oxygen absorption. figures it was implied that the lower temperature process
Howard and Gilroy commented on accelerated aging should linearly extrapolate to low temperatures. In
and lifetime prediction of some stabilized polyethylene a second related study in 1987, Steiner and Koppelmann
formulations between 120 and 180  C [20]. They used ILDTA and investigated the thermal degradation
concluded that high temperature aging above the of PP over a temperature range of 90e210  C covering
melting point could be measured by either differential more than 4 orders of magnitude in experimental
thermal analysis (DTA) [21] or oxygen uptake [9] duration [28]. Surprisingly, and in contrast to Bill-
probing the same degradation chemistry but that ingham et al. [23] the data appeared to follow linear
caution should be applied to Arrhenius extrapolations Arrhenius behaviour with 212 kJ/mol for some stabi-
due to physical changes (stabilizer solubility and lized materials and 102 kJ/mol for the unstabilised PP.
morphology) in the material at lower temperatures. A good correlation between DTA results and perfor-
Bernstein and Lee similarly probed high density poly- mance at service conditions was implied. Gugumus
ethylene cable materials using oven aging (between 105 reviewed the use of accelerated aging tests for evaluation
and 190  C) and OITeDSC (between 170 and 205  C) of antioxidants and light stabilizers [29]. He concluded,
[22]. They showed a discontinuity in the Arrhenius in agreement with Billingham [26] that DTA/DSC
plot at the melting point (w130  C) between the DSC experiments conducted in the melt were of little
data and oven aging, with importantly no correlation predictive value for aging in the solid state, and further
between the two techniques. OIT data seemed to follow that the problem of extrapolation of measurements
a linear process with 156 kJ/mol and oven aging conducted in the solid at high temperatures had not
displayed curvature at the higher temperatures with been solved satisfactorily.
a linear process of w100 kJ/mol for the low temperature Gijsman et al. studied the influence of catalyst
range (below w150  C). Billingham et al. in an excellent residues on the thermal degradation of unstabilised PP
review in 1981 critically evaluated the use of DTA and at temperatures of 50e130  C [13]. They suggested
thereby addressed the issue of fast high temperature a temperature dependent hydroperoxide decomposition
tests providing data for lifetime prediction [23]. They mechanism responsible for initiation and controlling the
emphasized that extrapolations below the melting point induction period via Ti catalysis at lower temperatures,
are complicated by crystallization effects leading to but purely thermal decomposition at higher tempera-
mechanistic changes, and also stressed that while an ture. No estimation of the Ea at the different tempera-
attractive technique, extrapolation of DTA data to ture regimes was presented. In related studies they
predict polymer stability, or even the efficiency of commented on fast decomposing peracids and slow
different stabilizers at RT, is inexact. Perhaps not decomposing hydroperoxides responsible for initiation
directly an example of accelerated aging tests, but processes [30,31]. During the induction period these
worthwhile to mention in this context are the early hydroperoxides are initially formed with their decom-
failures observed in the 1980s of stabilized polyethylene position potentially catalysed by Ti residues. Langlois
cable insulation due to stabilizer migration at lower et al. also in 1993 commented on mechanistic issues of
temperatures. This reflects on a mechanistic variation stabilizer consumption and lifetime prediction of XLPE
398 M. Celina et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 90 (2005) 395e404

[32]. Interestingly, they noted that an overall lifetime increased production of CO2. This and several other
could be regarded as the sum of individual processes, studies have provided evidence that CO2 formation is
where the sum of individual Arrhenian terms would be related to a distinctly separate degradation process that
non-Arrhenius (curvature), particularly important for becomes more important at higher temperatures [10,15].
aging at lower temperatures. They also noted disconti- Celina and co-workers in 2000 [11,39,40] studied the
nuities at the melting point with an offset in the thermal degradation of an elastomeric polyurethane
degradation rates but similar activation energy (i.e. binder over the temperature range of RT e 125  C.
a multiplier in the pre-exponential factor). In an Activation energies of 120 kJ/mol above, and 70 kJ/mol
intriguing study Achimsky et al. commented on below w70  C were determined. For a butyl elastomeric
a transition temperature of w80  C for the thermal seal material Gillen et al. demonstrated non-Arrhenius
degradation of polypropylene (studied between 50 and behaviour with w100 kJ/mol above 80  C and 75 kJ/
150  C) with 101 kJ/mol above and 72 kJ/mol below mol below [7]. Recently Gillen et al. investigated two
80  C [33]. Importantly, they demonstrated curvature polychloroprene cable jacket materials where they found
for the induction time, but not for a reasonably moderate drops in activation energies at low temper-
stationary rate of carbonyl build-up data after the end atures [15]. For one of the materials they compared
of the induction period. This led to the conclusion that elongation results after 24 years of aging at 24  C with
the underlying changes had to be related to the initiation earlier oven-aging results taken from 70  Ce131  C and
process. They also discussed the concept of competitive showed that the high temperature results had an Ea of
processes, slow and fast decomposing hydroperoxides, 89 kJ/mol compared with the low temperature Ea of
as well as a catalysed and non-catalysed initiation 71 kJ/mol (from 24  C to 70  C). For the second
processes to explain the existence of the two temperature material they found similar behaviour from oxygen
regimes. consumption results (96 kJ/mol at temperatures above
Reviewing many data sets for polypropylene, 80  C versus 82 kJ/mol from 25  C to 80  C). In 2005
Gugumus presented a summary of various non-linear Gillen et al. also evaluated the thermal aging of various
Arrhenius aging behaviours for PP materials and PP chlorosulfonated polyethylene cable jacket materials
films including a ‘downward curvature’ at temperatures with evidence for curvature in mechanical properties
below 80  C and an additional upward curvature for (elongation data) and oxidation rates for some of these
some stabilized samples [14]. He explored the use of materials [10]. Activation energies were determined as
better kinetic models to fit the data, but no activation w102 kJ/mol for temperatures above 100  C and 88 kJ/mol
energies for individual temperature regimes were pro- below.
vided or a suitable kinetic scheme to fit the data could be
established [14]. This is not surprising considering the 2.2. Curvature in Arrhenius plots originating
complex temperature dependence that was shown for from two individual processes
some of these materials.
Gillen and co-workers in the mid 1990s were the first In many of the studies discussed above, temperature
group who utilized a GC based ultra-sensitive oxygen dependent degradation time (tTi) or rate (kTi) data (Eq.
consumption technique to probe the aging of polymers (2)) can be expressed most conveniently on the basis of
by measuring oxidation rates over extended tempera- accelerative shift factors aTi describing the temperature
ture ranges with the aim of gaining better confidence dependence of the degradation process, where shift
for lifetime predictions [4e8,10,11,15,34e37]. As a factors can be easily normalized to any temperature
validation of the technique excellent correlations desired (i.e. aTi Z 1 at the lowest temperature or RT ).
were demonstrated between oxidation rates and time- Any activation energy over a temperature range of
dependent changes in mechanical properties, as well as interest (T1eT2) can be determined via Eq. (3).
experimentally observed oxidation profiles and pre-
dicted rate-dependent diffusion limited oxidation effects 1
[5,34e36]. For black nitrile and neoprene rubbers more kTi Z faTi ð2Þ
or less linear Arrhenius plots between 125  C e RT were
observed with activation energies of w88 kJ/mol and
w84 kJ/mol, respectively [5,35]. In 1997 Gillen et al. RlnaTT1
showed significant curvature for the thermal degrada- E a Z 2
1 1
tion rates of a filled EPDM elastomer investigated from T2
52 to 170  C, and challenged traditional linear extrap-
olations when sufficient data are not available to show In most of the examples for non-Arrhenius behaviour
curvature [4,38]. For this material activation energies of discussed above, the key conclusion was that of
w115 kJ/mol above, and w75 kJ/mol below w110  C a mechanistic change with perhaps one process being
were provided, with the higher Ea process related to dominant over an elevated temperature regime and
M. Celina et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 90 (2005) 395e404 399

a second process becoming more important towards fact is at least two reactions with individual temperature
lower temperatures. Obviously, this assumption reflects dependence of their rate constant can be used to model
on an empirical approach, but a detailed kinetic model curvature in the Arrhenius plot over a large temperature
describing curvature and providing possible data fits range as demonstrated here. Both k1 and k2 will depend
based on individual reaction schemes and their temper- on temperature with individual activation energies and
ature dependencies has so far not been developed. the combination of the two (Eq. (5)) will describe the
Perhaps a step in the direction of more sophisticated temperature dependence of the overall degradation
modelling that may ultimately lead to more appropriate process. Eq. (5) allows for fitting of experimentally
kinetic modelling is the recent work by Audouin and co- observed accelerative shift factors or degradation rates
workers for better predicting degradation profiles [41]. versus inverse temperature to determine two individual
In the simplest form, curvature in Arrhenius plots activation energies (Ea1 and Ea2).
will result from the combination of two competing
k1 k2
reactions (I and II) with individual rate determining A /B A /C ð4Þ
constants (k1 and k2) as shown in Eq. (4). This adds one reaction I II

level of complexity to the traditional assumption that

aging data should be described by the temperature   
Ea1 Ea2
dependence of only one rate constant. Alternatively, but ksum Zk1 Ck2 ZA1 !exp CA2 !exp
leading to a similar analysis, it has previously been
discussed that the overall effective rate constant in the ð5Þ
complex auto-oxidation scheme depends on individual
sub-reactions [4]. If changes in the relative importance of
some critical underlying reactions occur, the resulting 2.3. Experimental approaches to probe for
temperature dependence of the effective rate will be Arrhenius behaviour
affected and is expected to display non-Arrhenius
curvature. In its simplest form this would result in the It is obvious that in order to probe for Arrhenius
rate determining k1 changing into k2, but obviously behaviour or curvature and thereby gain confidence
could also involve additional rate determining scenarios in predictions, degradation rates or accelerative shift
with more than two temperature regimes. factors should be available over the largest temperature
Changes with temperature in the relative importance range possible. Traditional techniques that were success-
of some underlying processes in a complex reaction ful and covered many orders of magnitude were based
sequence should also result in product distribution on DTA/DSC [27,28] or long-term oven exposure
variations, consistent with reactions I and II leading to [12,14,33]. Recently a study showed curvature based
different products. However, since polymer oxidation on changes in mechanical properties for a 24-year-old
involves many reactions and usually results in a broad sample aged at w24  C [15]. Ultra-sensitive oxygen
range of products, it is difficult to predict how kinetic consumption introduced by Gillen and co-workers was
changes may relate to overall product distribution shown to be suitable for probing large temperature
variations. For example, changes in initiation efficiencies ranges, allowing for a critical evaluation of lifetime
could be rate controlling but most likely would not predictions and has provided numerous examples of
affect product formation, while changes in relative curvature [4e8,10,11,15,34,36,37]. The advantages and
importance of propagation or termination steps should straightforward application of this technique were
result in some product variations. Both situations have clearly demonstrated. NMR spectroscopy determining
been discussed, i.e. as changes in initiation reactions relaxation times related to polymer mobility has been
for polypropylene degradation [13,30] or oxidation prod- successfully employed to probe fractional damage in
uct variations observed for the degradation of polymers similar to trends in mechanical property
some elastomers [4,10,15]. There is some experimental changes, allowing in some cases degradation rate data
evidence that for many aging processes investigated, to be obtained prior to the end of the induction period,
higher degree oxidation products such as CO2 appear but generally lacks high dynamic sensitivity [43e46]. No
to be predominantly produced at higher tempera- matter which technique is best suitable, patience is
tures [10,15,42]. Similarly, and consistent with curva- required to obtain meaningful aging data and establish
ture, some product variations (i.e. hydroxyls) were also confidence in the extrapolation and lifetime prediction
observed in a solid polymer [42]. based on accelerated aging studies [4,6e8,15].
Whether the approach of two competing processes
should serve as the best model will no doubt remain 2.4. Analysis of curvature for some elastomers
open for discussion. For instance, it may be found that
a third process with a higher Ea value becomes Several studies demonstrated non-Arrhenius behav-
important at even higher aging temperatures, but the iour for the thermal degradation of elastomers using
400 M. Celina et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 90 (2005) 395e404

ultra-sensitive oxygen consumption measurements over Table 1

large temperature ranges [4,6e8,10,11,15]. There was Two-process fitting results for some elastomers
clear evidence for curvature and some activation energies Ea HT Ea LT T crossover Regression
over specific temperature ranges were determined ac- (kJ/mol) (kJ/mol) (  C) (k1 Z k2) coefficient
cording to Eq. (3); a good example being that of the PU rubber 119 65 62 0.9993
thermal degradation of an elastomeric polyurethane [11] best fit
PU forced fit 125 60 65 0.9984
as shown in Fig. 1. It is obvious how a straight line PU forced fit 110 70 55 0.9980
extrapolation of the high temperature data would EPDM black 127 78 123 0.9975
predict an order of magnitude of lower degradation Butyl rubber 100 60 55 0.9976
rates at ambient conditions. To demonstrate the
suitability of simple curve fitting according to Eq. (5)
the accelerative shift factors were re-examined. The data activation energies obtained are consistent with those
can be fitted as shown in Fig. 1a and, clearly previously reported and are summarized in Table 1. The
in agreement with previous estimations, results in an changes from the high to low temperature process are
activation energy of w119 kJ/mol for high temperatures 54 kJ/mol lower for the PU, 49 kJ/mol for the EPDM
and w65 kJ/mol for low temperature conditions. The fit and 40 kJ/mol for the butyl elastomer.
is excellent, resulting in a high regression coefficient Any variation (error) in the determination of the two
(Table 1), and provides for an additional analysis of the activation energies depends on minimization of residuals
two processes (relative importance of a high temperature in the curve fitting routine and scatter in the experi-
(HT) and low temperature (LT) process dependent on mental data. The high temperature activation energy
temperature as shown in Fig. 1b). Apparent in Fig. 1 is for the polyurethane elastomer is reasonably well
the crossover temperature at 62  C where each process defined in this example because experimental data
contributes 50% of the overall reaction (i.e. k1 Z k2). points are available up to 125  C, which is sufficiently
When diverging from this temperature each individual above the crossover temperature. We estimate an error
process becomes quickly dominant (Fig. 1b). Similar fits of G10 kJ/mol for the high temperature activation
were accomplished for an EPDM [4,38] as shown in energy. The low temperature activation energy is more
Fig. 2 and a butyl elastomer [7] as shown in Fig. 3. The problematic, however, because there are fewer data

a) PU binder exp. data
10 EPDM exp. data
Two-process fit 102 127 kJ/mol
Two-process fit
Relative shift factor

Relative shift factor

119 kJ/mol 101 a)

101 78 kJ/mol
64.8 kJ/mol
200C 170C150C 120C 100C 80C 60C 40C 20C
10 200C 170C150C 120C 100C 80C 60C 40C 20C
2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 10-4
2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6

100 100
Fraction of process [%]

Fraction of process [%]

80 80 b)
60 60
HT process HT process
LT process LT process
40 40

20 20

0 0
2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6
2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6
-1 -1
1000/T [K ] 1000/T [K ]

Fig. 1. (a) Curve fitting with two processes for a PU elastomer [11], (b) Fig. 2. (a) Curve fitting with two processes for an EPDM elastomer
relative contribution versus temperature. [4,38], (b) relative contribution versus temperature.
M. Celina et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 90 (2005) 395e404 401

106 106

Butyl elastomer exp. data PU binder exp. data

105 a) 105 119 + 65 kJ/mol
Two-process fit 119 kJ/mol
125 + 60 kJ/mol
Relative shift factor

Relative shift factor

10 104 110 + 70 kJ/mol
100 kJ/mol

103 103

102 102

101 101
60 kJ/mol
65 kJ/mol
100 100
200C 170C150C 120C 100C 80C 60C 40C 20C 200C 170C150C 120C 100C 80C 60C 40C 20C
10-1 10-1
2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6
1000/T [K ]
Fraction of process [%]

Fig. 4. (a) Curve fitting with two processes for the PU elastomer [11]
with different Ea combinations.

60 HT process
LT process
40 lead to non-fitting of the data, but it would again
suggest representing the PU data conservatively with
a combined high temperature process of for instance
0 119 G 10 kJ/mol and a low temperature process of
2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 65 G 15 kJ/mol. Similar variances could be suitable for
1000/T [K ] the curve fitting of other materials.
Fig. 3. (a) Curve fitting with two processes for a butyl elastomer [7],
(b) relative contribution versus temperature.
2.5. Analysis of curvature in literature
data for polypropylene

points below the crossover temperature to define the Some of the best data demonstrating curvature in
slope. As an example to estimate variations in the fitting, Arrhenius plots for thermal aging were observed for the
we intentionally varied the 25  C acceleration factor by classic polymer polypropylene, a material where degra-
G20% in order to examine the effect of experimental dation behaviour [47] and stabilization optimisation
uncertainties on the low temperature fit. An increase in [14,48,49] have been investigated extensively. We ana-
the 25  C acceleration factor decreased the low temper- lysed data from published figures, converted them into
ature activation energy from 65 to 47 kJ/mol, while relative accelerative shift factors, and fitted the data with
a decrease in the 25  C acceleration factor increased the a two-reaction regime process to determine individual
low temperature activation energy from 65 to 79 kJ/mol. activation energies. Data sets were those published by
These results imply that the low temperature activation Richters (Fig. 1 in ref. [12]), by Gijsman (lower curve in
energy should probably be conservatively estimated as Fig. 4 in ref. [13]), and Gugumus (where the data appear
65 G 15 kJ/mol. The curvature and crossover point for to have been published numerous times, Fig. 1.8 in [48],
the polyurethane is typical for many polymeric materials Fig. 3 (p. 58) in [50], Figs. 1 and 2 in ref. [14] for
that have been investigated in that there are more data unstabilised PP), and Gugumus for temperature shifted
above the crossover point than there are below. This stabilized PP (solid line, superposition average in Fig. 9
emphasizes the importance of acquiring sufficient low in ref. [14]).
temperature data by sensitive techniques such as oxygen All four examples could be fitted very well with
consumption. To further illustrate how slightly different the two processes. The data fits and individual process
activation energies would fit the data, the PU data were contributions are shown in Figs. 5e8 (a summary of the
also analysed with two potential processes, one changing fits is given in Table 2). Two aspects are immediately
from 125 to 60 kJ/mol and the second one changing captivating, the significant difference in activation
from 110 to 70 kJ/mol as shown in Fig. 4. It is obvious energies for the high and low temperature processes
that such fits would not be as good as the best fit of 119 and the virtually identical transition temperature of
and 65 kJ/mol, but would still describe the experimental 83 G 2  C. The LT process appears to have an Ea of
data reasonably well. Hence, small variations in the w35e50 kJ/mol, while the HT process has larger
activation energies would not be significant enough to variation with a value between w107 and 156 kJ/mol.
402 M. Celina et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 90 (2005) 395e404

105 104

PP exp. data a) PP exp. data

121 kJ/mol
104 Two-process fit Two-process fit
a) 103
Relative shift factor

Relative shift factor

107 kJ/mol

49 kJ/mol
100 41 kJ/mol

200C 170C150C 120C 100C 80C 60C 40C 20C 200C 170C150C 120C 100C 80C 60C 40C 20C
10-1 10-1
2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6

100 100

Fraction of process [%]

Fraction of process [%]

b) 80

60 60 HT process
HT process
LT process
LT process 40

20 20

0 0
2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6
-1 1000/T [K ]
1000/T [K ]
Fig. 7. (a) Curve fitting with two processes for PP [14], (b) relative
Fig. 5. (a) Curve fitting with two processes for PP [12], (b) relative
contribution versus temperature.
contribution versus temperature.

105 104
a) PP exp. data
a) PP exp. data
Two-process fit 3 Two-process fit
Relative shift factor
Relative shift factor

156 kJ/mol 146 kJ/mol

2 102


100 36 kJ/mol
41 kJ/mol
200C 170C150C 120C 100C 80C 60C 40C 20C 200C 170C150C 120C 100C 80C 60C 40C 20C
10-2 10-1
2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6

100 100
Fraction of process [%]

Fraction of process [%]

b) b)
80 80

60 60
HT process HT process
LT process LT process
40 40

20 20

0 0
2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6
-1 -1
1000/T [K ] 1000/T [K ]

Fig. 6. (a) Curve fitting with two processes for PP [13], (b) relative Fig. 8. (a) Curve fitting with two processes for PP [14], (b) relative
contribution versus temperature. contribution versus temperature.
M. Celina et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 90 (2005) 395e404 403

Table 2 activation energy or allowing for a second rate de-

Two-process fitting of PP data taken from the literature pendence instead of forcing a straight line extrapolation.
PP literature data Ea HT Ea LT T crossover Regression
(kJ/mol) (kJ/mol) (  C) (k1 Z k2) coefficient
Richter (Fig. 1, [12]) 107 41 83 0.9994 Acknowledgements
Gijsman (Fig. 4, [13]) 156 36 85 0.9987
Gugumus (Fig. 2, [14]) 121 49 83 0.9997
Gugumus (Fig. 9, [14]) 146 41 82 0.9995 Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by
Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for
the United States Department of Energy’s National
Nuclear Security Administration under Contract DE-
The larger variation in the HT process could be related
to considerably shorter aging times at high temperatures
with perhaps anomalies due to DLO effects, or may
simply reflect on some intrinsic material variations. It is
intriguing how the transition temperature matches that
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