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Protein Quality Control

Application Note NT-PR-004

Rapid Quantification of Unfolded Proteins for Quality Control

and Optimization of Storage Conditions
Melanie Maschberger, Dennis Breitsprecher

NanoTemper Technologies GmbH, Munich, Germany

quality can therefore have severe and expensive

Abstract consequences (Raynal et al, 2014).
The rigorous control of the quality of biological
Protein unfolding and denaturation is one of the
samples is of major importance in
major causes for protein loss-of-function, and must
pharmaceutical research. On the one hand,
therefore be carefully controlled in drug discovery
drug discovery projects with purified drug
and drug development. For instance, therapeutic
targets such as kinases, receptors or integral
antibodies must maintain their functionality when
membrane proteins require a consistent quality
stored under different conditions, and must also
of the proteins to ensure successful screening
tolerate moderate physical stress (e.g. shaking) as
campaigns. On the other hand, a consistent
well as changes in temperature. Moreover, many
quality of biologicals such as antibodies or
potential drug targets such as integral membrane
other therapeutic proteins is essential in later
proteins, cell surface receptors or kinases, must
stages of the drug development process,
maintain their functionality during cost-intensive
especially for tests in clinical trials, and is
screening campaigns, and might react very
finally required for approval of new drugs by
differently to physical and thermal stress.
federal agencies.
Here we demonstrate how the Prometheus
NT.48 can be used to investigate the long-term
stability of proteins as well as to determine
optimal handling conditions by quantifying the
fraction of unfolded proteins within seconds.

The number of purified proteins that are used for
diagnostic, academic and therapeutic applications
is constantly increasing. Especially the use of more
challenging proteins such as integral membrane
proteins or conjugated antibodies is becoming more Figure 1 Example of a typical thermal unfolding curve by
nanoDSF. The fluorescence ratio F350/F330 can be expressed
and more widespread. Biophysical downstream as % unfolded if the fluorescence ratios of the folded and
analysis in drug discovery and the in development unfolded states are known.
of biologicals however is expensive, time
consuming and often requires a variety of different Here we show that the Prometheus NT.48 allows
instruments. Failure in those downstream or for a precise determination of the fraction of
upstream processes due to an insufficient protein unfolded protein in just a few µl of protein
formulations within seconds.
The Prometheus NT.48 measures thermal calculated and experimentally determined
unfolding profiles of proteins by detecting even percentage of unfolded IgG versus the detected
minute changes in the emission properties of the F350/F330 ratio displayed a clear linear correlation
amino acid tryptophan upon unfolding. By following as well as a very good agreement between
the shift in the fluorescence emission wavelength, calculated and experimental data. Thus, the
an unfolding curve can be generated Prometheus NT.48 can pick up even small fractions
(Figure 1).Importantly, the specific fluorescence of unfolded IgG (< 0.5 %) in formulations, and could
ratios (F350/F330) of the folded and unfolded thus be used as a quick and reliable method to
states can be directly correlated to the respective follow the stability of antibodies, e.g. during long-
fraction of unfolded protein at any point during the term storage tests.
unfolding process (Figure 1). This also means that
a single fluorescence scan of a protein sample
contains information about the overall amount of
unfolded protein in the protein sample, once the
respective F350/F330 values of the folded and
unfolded state are known. This information is
valuable for protein quality control, either for
evaluating long-term stabilities of biologicals or the
effects of physical or thermal stress on protein
The Prometheus NT.48 uses a capillary “dip-and-
read” format, meaning that the capillaries can be
directly loaded by dipping into a protein solution
without additional pipetting steps. The
measurement of the F350/F330 of up to 48
capillaries at a given temperature takes 7 seconds,
and the Prometheus NT.48 instrument also does
not require any calibration times, so that quality
control measurements as we describe them here
can be performed in less under a minute.

Unfolding of an IgG-antibody as proof-of-
In order to verify the capability of the Prometheus
NT.48 to exactly quantify the fraction of unfolded Figure 2. Establishing a protein unfolding standard.
protein in a given formulation based on the Unfolded IgG at different concentrations was mixed with folded
F350/F330 ratio, we created an unfolding standard IgG and subjected to thermal unfolding. The percentage of
unfolded IgG in the solution was quantified based on the
solution in which IgG antibodies were subjected to F350/F330 ratio measured at 25 °C.
controlled thermal unfolding at 80 °C. Unfolded IgG
was then mixed with folded IgG to different
Assessing long-term stability of integral
extends, resulting in formulations with defined
membrane proteins
amounts of unfolded antibody.
Next, we asked whether this approach can even be
In thermal unfolding experiments, all formulations
used for long-term storage tests of detergent-
showed similar thermal unfolding profiles with
solubilized membrane proteins. For this, we used
unfolding transition temperatures around 74 °C.
the slow-anion channel protein HiTeHa (which was
However, the initial fluorescence ratio (F350/F330)
also used for a detergent-based stability screen in
at 25 °C increased with increasing concentrations
the Application Note NT-PR-002 (Maschberger et
of unfolded antibody (Figure 2). A plot of the
al, 2015)) and incubated the protein at 4 °C and at
RT, respectively. The, we determined F350/F330 the popular drug target kinase MEK1, which
ratios and measured thermal unfolding curves over already has been used in a large number of
a period of 34 days. Again, a clear storage different drug discovery screening campaigns,
temperature- and incubation time-dependent shift in including a MST-based fragment screen (see
the F350/F330 ratio could be observed, while the Application Note NT-MO-021 (Breitsprecher et al,
Tm-values of the thermal unfolding curve did not 2014) and (Amaning et al, 2013; Oyarzabal et al,
change significantly. The results show that HiTeha 2010)). MEK1 solutions were subjected to a
is rather stable, but that it tends to degrade slowly number of thermal and physical stresses, namely
when stored at room temperature, and that the incubation at different temperatures, heavy
F350/F330 ratio can serve as a measure of the vortexing, and repeated freeze-thaw cycles. Again,
amount of unfolded protein in solution. the fluorescence ration F350/F330 served as an
indicator for the fraction of unfolded protein
(Figure 4).

Figure 3 Long-term storage test on HiTeha. Aliquouts of the

integral membrane protein HiTeha were stored at 4 °C and at Figure 4 Forced-degradation stress-test on MEK1
RT, respectively, and thermal unfolding curves were measured MEK1 protein was subject to the indicated stresses, and the
over a time period of 34 days. %unfolded protein was calculated fraction of unfolded protein was calculated based on the
based on the F350/F330 ratio. F350/F330 ratio at 25 °C. Error bars are s.d. from three

Forced denaturation of the drug target MEK1

Incubation of MEK1 for 1 h on ice or at RT resulted
Last, we asked whether this approach can also be in no significant difference in the F350/F330 ratio,
applied to evaluate the effects of forced showing that the protein can be handled at RT over
degradation on proteins. Such an approach can be this time period without risking protein denaturation.
valuable to identify critical handling steps during This finding is in agreement with the previously
protein purification, storage or setup of biochemical performed MST-based fragment screening
assays. Information about the stability of a protein campaign, in which the MEK1-nucleotide
under different conditions is particularly important interaction shown to be stable for > 12 h at RT
for biophysical screening campaigns, in which (Breitsprecher et al, 2014). In contrast, incubation
multiple biochemical assays are applied. We chose at an elevated temperature of 40 °C for 1 h, which
is above the unfolding onset temperature, already each experiment, 5 nanoDSF grade capillaries per
resulted in a fraction of unfolded protein of ~ 65 %. condition were filled with 10 µl of sample,
Incubation of the protein solution for 15 minutes at respectively, and subject to a thermal ramp from
25 °C to 90 °C with a heating rate of 1 °C/min.
60 °C led to a complete unfolding of the protein, as
expected, indicated by the absence of a unfolding The MEK1 forced degradation screen was
transition in the thermal unfolding curve. performed with 2.9 µM MEK1 in 20 mM HEPES
Interestingly, the protein was rather resistant pH 7.4, 300 mM NaCl, 2 mM DTT. For each
towards mechanical stress, as vortexing for treatment, aliquots of 50 µl were used and subject
1 minute at maximum rpm resulted in only a small to the treatments described in the results section.
fraction of unfolded protein (< 5 %). In contrast, Samples from each condition were filled into
3 nanoDSF grade capillaries, respectively, and
repeated freeze-thaw cycles strongly denatured the
subject to a thermal ramp from 25 °C to 90 °C with
protein, leading to > 75 % unfolded protein a heating rate of 1 °C/min.
(Figure 4).

Thus, this set of experiments quickly revealed that

MEK1 is stable at ambient temperature and rather Amaning K, Lowinski M, Vallee F, Steier V, Marcireau C, Ugolini
insensitive against mechanical stress such as A, Delorme C, Foucalt F, McCort G, Derimay N, Andouche C,
Vougier S, Llopart S, Halland N, Rak A (2013) The use of virtual
vortexing, whereas freeze-thaw cycles and screening and differential scanning fluorimetry for the rapid
elevated temperatures promote the denaturation of identification of fragments active against MEK1. Bioorganic &
medicinal chemistry letters 23: 3620-3626
the protein and should be avoided.
Breitsprecher D, Linke P, Roth HM, Rak A (2014) Case Study on
Automated Screening Project of a Fragment Library against
MEK1 kinase. Application Note NT_MO-021
Conclusion Maschberger M, Hüttl S, Müller TD, Breitsprecher D (2015)
Detergent Screen for solubilized membrane proteins –
The presented data demonstrate that the Case study on the SLAC-protein HiTehA from Haemophilus
Prometheus NT.48 can be employed to quickly influenzae. Application Note NT-PR-002
detect and quantify unfolded proteins for quality Oyarzabal J, Zarich N, Albarran MI, Palacios I, Urbano-
control purposes with unmatched speed, at the Cuadrado M, Mateos G, Reymundo I, Rabal O, Salgado A,
Corrionero A, Fominaya J, Pastor J, Bischoff JR (2010)
same time offering unique ease of use. The Discovery of mitogen-activated protein kinase-interacting kinase
presented quality control experiments can be 1 inhibitors by a comprehensive fragment-oriented virtual
performed by filling capillaries directly from stock screening approach. Journal of medicinal chemistry 53: 6618-
solutions without laborious sample preparation or
loading. F350/F330 values of up to 48 samples are Raynal B, Lenormand P, Baron B, Hoos S, England P (2014)
Quality assessment and optimization of purified protein samples:
then recorded in parallel using a one-button routine, why and how? Microbial cell factories 13: 986
providing stability data within seconds.

Material and Methods © 2015 NanoTemper Technologies GmbH

Protein preparation

IgG unfolding standards were created by incubating

mouse IgG from serum (Sigma Aldrich) at a
concentration of 2 mg/ml in PBS, pH 6.2 was
heated to 75°C with shaking for 3 h. The fully
unfolded IgG was then cooled on ice and mixed
with folded IgG in the same buffer to create
formulations of 2 mg/ml IgG with the fractions of
unfolded IgG shown in Figure 2.

HiTeha long-term storage experiments were

performed by incubating aliquots of HiTeHa at a
concentration of 2 mg/ml in 50 mM Tris, 200 mM
NaCl, 0.02 % DDM, pH 8 at 4 °C and at RT. For

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