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Communication accommodation theory

Article · January 2007

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2 authors:

Howard NOTE: SCOtton is not the co-author Giles Tania Ogay

University of California, Santa Barbara Université de Fribourg


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"Communication accommodation in intercultural encounters". Reprinted in L. Chen (Ed.), Culture, cultures and
intercultural communication: A cross disciplinary reader, (Giles, H., & Noets,K.A.). Shanghai:
Shanghai Foreign Language
Education Press,in press


Vhen members of two cultural groups come ro- which had been in use for over 400 years, was
;ethea they often have to make choices abour suppressedtn 1922 in an effort to promote a mod-
uhose communication system to use and how ern versicin of the language. It was felt that this
auch to accommodate each other. Consider back- linguistic change to modern Turkish would dis-
rackers in a Europeaa youth hostel at the end of a courage identificadon with the-old empire and
Layon the road. Travelers from the four corners encourage linguistic iden ;fication with central
,f the world, including GEFmans,Israelis, Aus- Asia. Elsewhere, in an attempt to distinguish their
ralians, South Africans, Iranians, Americans, language from Serbo-Croatian, Macedonian writ-
nd Japanese,come together in the cornmon room ers in Yugoslavia began to incorporate words and
l prepare their meals. They discuss ths dstails of grammatical sfirrcfures used in rwal areas in an
heir latest adventure, share their impressions of effort to develop a new standard of the langrage.
he city in which they have arrived, and seek ad- This attempt to change the language occuied at
ice on the next place to visit. How will they com- the same.time as Macedonians strove for a sepa-
runicate? What language will serve? For those rate Macedonian republic in Yugoslavia.
rho can speak each other's language, how will During the 1976 Soweto riots in South Africa,
rey decide which linguistic code to use? The many Blacks and Whites were killed. These riots
rocess of negotiating these deciiions and their occurred at a time when Blacks were protesting
ehavioral implications is the concern of the the- the White government's insistence that the A{ri-
ry covered in this chaptel, Communication Ac- kaans language be used in the education of Black
ommodation Theory (CAT). We will begin with students. As expressedby Black leaders,
discussion of the importance of language for
rterethnic relations. The fundamental tbnets of the situation has unearthed the innermost frus-
AT will then be outlined, includine the notions trations of Black peoplewhich were hidden
Fconvergeneeand divergence, folloiued by a con- from the outside world. Although there is a
.deration of some recent research findings. prevalent belief in some quarters that Afrikaans
as a medium of instruction was not a direct
positive factor in theseriots, this is not so. Afri-
The Importance of Language kaans was forced down Black students just as
in Intercultural Relatilns" much as the Trust Land Act, pass laws, and
and Communication migratory labour. (reportedin Ihe Times[London,
June23,1979), citedin Giles& Coupland,1991,p. 95)
espite the complexities of negotiating a language
rr intergroup commuaication, few scholars have As a symbol of White domination and oppression,
rvestigated language behaviors and processes Blacks most certainly perceived the enforced use
r intercultural encounters. This is surprising of Afrikaans in the school system as an abhotrent
ven worldwide prominence of languag" irrr.r"s and inexcusable attack on their social identity.
L iatercultural interactions, and particularly in More recently in Canada, concerns over
>nflict-ridden interactions (CJ6ment,I 996). Con- cultural autonomy and laaguage maintenance
der the following examples. threaten to divide Canadians. In a 1995 provin-
The official language of the Ottoman Empire, cial referendum, 49o/oof the Quebec population

140 Part Four: Language, Discourse, and Intercultural Communication

voted to remove themselves as a province from Why Is Language So Important

Canada, a percentage only slightly less than the for fafsrsfhnie Relations?
SLo/owho decided to stay in Confederation. This
concern over cultural maintenance centers to a According to Giles and Coupland (1991), there are
large extent on linguistic issues: The Quebec gov- at least *tree reasons: Language is often a crite-
ernment passed legislation requiring that com- rion for group membership, it is a cue for ethnic
mercial signs be printed primarily in French and identity, and it is a means of facfitating ingroupl
that French be the primary language of instruc- cohesion.
tion for most non-French-speaking immigrant There are different criteria for membership in
children (Lemco, 1992). an ethnic group, including ancestry, physical fea-
Finally, coucern over language issues remains tures, religion, and so on. Most ethnic groups also
an important facet of ethnic relations in the have a distinct language or dialect, and the abil-
United States. In response to the diversity of lan- ity to use this language may be necessary for
guages spoken in some areas, many states have group membership. To illustrate, there was a com-
declared English as their official language. These mon saying in Hispanic communities in the
movements are also evident at the federal level. southwestern United States in the 19Z0s:'? Mexi-
Identity issues have often centered in these de- can American who carlt speak Spanish should
bates, for those who are both for and against choke on iris chiii beans!" Even when there are
official language policies. For instance, Repub- clear and distinctive criteria for ethnic group

lican House Representative Norman Shumway membership, such as skin colof, an ethnic lan-
(1992) wrote guage variety often remains a critical atffibute.
When he met his A{rican "brothers" in Sierra
Leone, one Alrican American member of the
fEnglish] has been the "glue" which has held
us together, forging stength attd unity from Peace Corps was surprised and dismayed when
our rich cultural diversity. From our earliest they called trim oyimbo (White man) because of

'ii;1, days, despite our melting pot inheritance, En- his standard American English and behavior
glish has been the language in which we ex- (Hancock, tr974).

pressedthe goals,objectives,ideals,prihciples Language has been shown to be an important
and duties of or.rrform of government. It is the aspect of ethnic identity, more important even
language in which the Declaration of Indepen- than cultural background for many social groups,
dence and the Constitution are written. . . . And albeit not for all. For instance, Smolicz (1984)
argued that Dutch people in Australia did not

in my view, it is the primary language in which
our govemment should continue to function. consider language to be central to their identity,
(pp.121-122) although Polish and Greeh people did. Taylor,
Bassili, and Aboud (1973) found, however, that
Elsewhere, in opposition to an officially mono- some French Canadians felt closer to an En-
liogn.l societ5r,columnist Montaner (1992) writes glish Canadian who spoke French than to a
French Canadian who did not. In a similar vein,
Cl6ment, Gauthier,-and Noels-(1993) examined

We quarrel; are jealous,.love;-andhate with cer-
tain words, with certain tones, with certain Franco Ontarian adolescents who spoke French
inflections ofthevoice learngd in childhood and most often or English most often. Their re-
adapted to a given set of gesturesthat also can- sults showed that although both groups learned
not be transported into another language. . . . French as their native language, Francophones
We cannot do without our own tongue without who spoke primarily English identified less
brutally mutilating our individual conscious- strongly with the Francophone group and more
ness.. . . Ifthis is so, is it reasonableto ask
millions of human beings to do without this t The term "ingroup" refers to the group to which the in-
fundamental part of their lives solely so that dividual belongs. The term "outgroup" refers to any group
others are not inconvenienced . . . ? (p. fta) to which the individual does rof belons.
crLE s /NoEL si Communication Accommodation in Intercultural Encounters 141

with the Anglophone group than did tlose who way, manJ Australians are reexamining the in-
spoke prim4rily French. For many groups, then, fluence of American and European traditions on
the language used is closely connected to feelings Australian culture and are considering the nature
of ethnic identity. of a distinctive Australian identity. In an article
Language is also important for ensuring about the Australian Renaissance ("Ockerism") in
within-group cohesion. Kim (1988) suggeststhat the London ObserverRevierar(June 27, 1976),lan-
the linguistic code, as one of the primary media guage was considered to be a central aspect of
through which the daily activities of humaa af- this issue:
fairs are conducted, can well be described as a
carrier of.culture. By sharing a coinmonJanguage Americanization of the language is much more
for communication, individuals also share a com- sigrrificantlypervasive, than t}e high-incidence
mon manner of interacting in the social world. of skate-boardsand roadside fust food par-
Moreover, this shared commodity carries qrrn- lors. . . . The American inrasion of the Austra-
bolic value: Fishman (1977) suggests provoca- lian stomach was always on the cards. But the
tively that language.. "can become the ultimate invasion of the laagqage is less easy to laugh off.
(cited in Giles & Coupland, 1991, p. 100)
symbol of ethnicity, since in expressing, referring
to, and evoking something else il. addition to it-
self, it becomes valued in itself" (p. 25). Naturally - Language is hence often important for inter-
cultural relations because (1) it serves to classify
enough, people are very emotionally attached to
people as members of a particular ethnic group,
this ethnic symbol, so much so that ethnic group (2) it is important for their identity as an ethnic
members using a language and speech style other
group member, and (3) it can be used to empha-
than that of their group may be labeled cul-
size solidarity befween ingroup members and to
fi:ral traitors by fellow group members. Indeed,
exclude outgroup members from ingroup trans-
recent Internet graffiti from the United States
on the Punjab Usenet group (cited by Sachdev,
1995) illustrates how important language may be
for within-group solidarity: "To any Punjabi out
there, whether you are a Hindu, Muslim, or Sikh. Cornmunication
If you speak Hindi or Urdu instead of Punjabi, Accommodation Theory
you are a serious disgra.ce to your culture and you
shouldnt call yourself a Punjabi!" (p. 175). Having established that language behaviors have
At the same time, it is important to note that diverse and complex implications for intereth-
members of an ethnic group need not speak the nic relations, we move now to consider how it is
language so long as they have it available; indeed, that communicators fashion their self- (and also
"e hnislty is frequently related more to the symbol goup) presentations via langu.age. The frame-
of a separate language than to its actual use by all work used to describe and explain these commu-
members of a group" (De Vos, 1975, p. 15). Gaelic, nicative behaviors is Commr:nication Accommo-
Welsh, and Breton are all examples of langu4ges dation Theory (CAT). According to CAI, we are
that are not spoken by the majority of those who motivated to use language in different ways to
idenfi with their respective groups, but that are achieve a desired level of social distance between
nevertheless higtly valued as aspects of ethnic or:rselves and or:r listener. Each of us often ac-
identity. Moreover, De Vos argues that, even with: commodates verbally and nonverbally to others-
out a distinct language, "group identity can . and is aware of others accommodating to us (or
be maintained by minor differences in linguistic not, as can be the case) on many levels. Such ex-
patlerns and by style of gesfi:r:e" (p. 16). For ex- periences are common in settings sqch as the
ample, many immigrants may speak their host classroom, the courtroom, business and com-
language, but with a distinctive accent and with merce, and so forth. To illustrate, referring to the
words and phrases borrowed from their own eth- travelers in the youth hostel described in the in-
nic tradition, culture, and religion. In a similar troduction, an American traveler from Georgia
142 Part Four: Language, Discourse, and Intercultural Communication

mayuse a standard U.S. American accent (such as dictability (Berger & Bradac, 1982) and intelligi-
the accent used by television anchorpersons on bility (Triandis, 1960).Another motive that has re-
national television) while talking *ith a fellow- ceived considerable attention since the inception
traveler from Vermont. Upon returning home to of the theory (Giles, 1973) is the desire to gain ap-
Georgia, he may switch back to the accent more proval from onet interlocutor. The premise is that
typical of that part of the country. It may even be the more similar we are to our interlocutor, the
argued that there are no occasions in which we do more he or she will like us and the better able we
not adjust our language style to take into account will be to gain social rewards from them. Indeed,
what we believe to bb the perspective of the per- convergence is generally associated with more
son with whom we are interacting. positive evaluations (Bourhis, Giles, & Lambert,
There are many kinds of accommodative acts, 1975).This tendency, however, may be constrained
manyreasons for accommodating, and many con- by several factors that are discussed later in this
sequences arising from accommodation.. In the essay.
following sections, the fuadamental strategies of Divergence refers to the way in which speakers
convergence and divergence and their complexi- accentuate speech and nonverbal differences be-
ties are addressed frst. We then examine the tween themselves and others. Divergence is de-
q'nchrony between speakers' intentions and ac- signed to emphasize distinctiveness from one's
tual behavior, and listeners' interpretations. Fi- interlocutor, usually on the basis of group mem-
::i, ]
iiit nally, we consider how social beliefq, such as
stereot;pes and norms, guide accommodation, al-
though not always in ways that lead to successful
bership. Following the premises of Tajfet's (1978)
Social Identity Theory, CAI maintains that indi-
viduals categorize the social world into groups,
ir ;rll interactions. and derive a part of their identity and self-esteem
(called "social identity') from groups to which
i :i Convergence and Divergence
they belong. Assuming that people are motivated
; i to maintain self-esteem, they will tend to differen-

till Convergencecan be defined as a strategy whereby

individuals adapt their communicative behavior
tiate their own group from other groups, provided
they are pleased to belong to that goup.
I on one or a number of linguistic, paralinguistic, Consistent with the idea that people will try to
I ll,l and nonverbal features in such a way as to differentiate themselves linguistically from others

,ii'i become more similar to their interlocutor's be-
havior. Among the many communicative behav-
when their social identity is strong, Bourhis and
Giles (1976) designed an experiment to demon-
i ii,l
iors that may be 66dified are languages and dia-
lects, and characteristics found within la4guage
gxoups, such as speech rate, pauses, utterance
strate the use of accent diverge,gce among Welsh
people in an interethnic context. The study was
conducted in a language laboratory where people
length, phonological variants, smiling, and gaze. who placed a strong value on their national group

Although most studies have been condrrcted in the
West and in English-language settings, conver-
gence on temporal, phonological, or language-
membership and its language were learning the
Welsh language (only abowt' 260/o'of:Welslr-people
at ttrat time, as now, could speak their national
switching dimensions has been noted in many dif- tongue). During one of their weekly sessions,
! ferent languages, including Hungarian, Frisian Welsh people were asked to help in a survey
and Dutch, Hebrew Taiwanese Mandarin, Japa- concerned with second language learning tech-
.nese, Cantonese, and Thai (see sources in Giles, niques. The questions in the survey Were pre-
Coupland, & Coupland, 1991). sented to them verbally, in English, in their indi-
As suggested earlier, motives for converging vidual booths by a very English-sounding speakeq,
vary widely. Certainly, converging to a common who at one point arogantly challenged their rea-
linguistic style can improve the effectiveness of 'sons for learning what he called a "dying language
communication (Gallois, Giles, Jones, Cargile, & with a dismal future." As expected, the infor-
Ota, 1995)-the.similarity in speech styles be- mants diverged by broadesing their Welsh ac-
tween interlocutors has been associatedwith pre- cents when replying to the perceived threat to

ii,l U\J
GrLEs/NoEL si Communication Aciommodation in Intercultural Encounters 143

their et}lnic identity, compared to emotionally outlined in Figure 2 (p. 144), within a commu-
neutral questions asked earlier. Moreover, some nicative episode, each interlocutor can converge,
informanls began introducing Welsh words and diverge, or maintain, although not necessarily to
phrases into thei.r answers. One Welshwoman did the same extent as the partner. When accommo-
not reply for a while, and then was heard to conju- , dation is approximately equal for both partners,
gate a pejorative verb gently into the microphone' it is said to be symmetrical. At other times one
A phenomenon similar to divergence is main' partner may converge or diverge to the greater
tenance, i4 which a person continues in his or her or lesser extent, or fail to react (i.e., maintain), or
original speech style, in spite of the convergence behave in a contrasting mannen This is called
or divergence of the interlocutor. Maintenance is aqnnmetrical accommodation. Thus, although
often evaluated in the same way as divergence convergence and divergence are complementary
(Bourhis, 1979). concepts, they can both occur in a commtlnica-
d) tion episode and in different ways for each inter-
actant. Moreover, as complex as accommodation
Further Distinctions in Corr-rtergence
is, its complexity is amplified further when one
and Divergence: Direction, Degree,
considers how speakers interpret their own and
and Mutuality of Accomrnodation
their listeners' intentions subjectively.
The complementiiy nature of convergence and
divergence is summarized in Figure 1. Individuals Objective, Subjective, and
may speak the language of the outgroup with no Psychological Accomrnodation
trace of an accent, such that they can pass as a
member of that group, or they may affect a slight There are several levels on which accommoda-
to heavy accerrt to hint at their ingroup origins. iion phenomena can be invesiigated. The previous
Alternatively they may maintain their original discussion focuses on objective accommodation,
language but speak more slowly to help the out- that is, on actual communicative behavior, as
group member understand. Finally, they may assessed through direct observation of linguistic
completely diverge (i.e., show no convergence) by exchanges in an interaction. The examination of
using the ingroup language at the usual speed accommodation, however, is not restricted to this
used by native speakers.One might accommodate behavioral level, but includes, perhaps more in-
on one feature, such as accent, but at other times terestingly, an examination of the intentions of
on multiple features, for example, by adjusting speakers and the perceptions of listeners. These
word choice and speech rate in addition to ac- latter two levels are termed psychological and
cent. Moreover, convergence (or divergence) on subjective accommodation, respeciively. A speak-
some features of a language does not imply that er's intention is often consistent with actual be-
there will be convergence (or divergence) on all havior, but this need not always be the case. For
features. example, referring back to the example in the
Accommodation is not a one-way process. As introduction, one of the American travelers may

FrcuRE I Some IncreasingVariants of Convergenceand Dilrergence

(Source:Mapted from Giles,Bourhis, & Taylor,1977.)
Increasing Increasing
Linsuistic Dimensions Convergence Divergence

1. Outgroup language with nativelike pronunciation

2, Outgroup language with features of ingroup pronunciation
3. Ingroup language with slow speech rate
4. Ingroup language with normal speech rate
t44 Part Four: Language, Discorirse, and Intercultural Communication

1. Symmetrical convergence A- - - ? <- B

2. Asymmetrical convergence A- > - <-B
3. Convergence in the face of maintenance A --------> B
4. Convergence in the face of divergence A -----) B------)
5. Symmetrical divergence <- A B --------)
6. Asymmetrical divergence <- A B --->
7. Divergence in the face of maintenance <_- A B
8. Symmetrical maintenaace A B

FrcuRE 2 DegTee,Drection, and Mutuality of Accommoilation

(Source:Adaptedfrom Gallois and Giles [in press]')

decide to adopt a Spanish accent in order to ac- may not be consistent with the English speaker's
commodate a Spanish fellow-wanderer. This ac- intention-the Spanish speaker may see it as a
cent may not, however, tnrly represent the Span- rude joke, as mimicry of his or her imperfect
ish speaker's accent or in any way correspond English. In a similar vein, Giles and Smith (1979)
with an actual Spanish accent. Similarly, speakers varied convergence on three linguistic character-
may converge to their listener objectively, but the istics-pronunciation; speech rate, and message
intent behiad this convergence may not be to in- content-and found that convergence on any one
dicate intimacy with the listener but to exclude level was viewed positively but that convergence
the listener from the language group. For in- on all three levels was viewed negatively. Thus,
stance, Woolard (1989) reports of a language in spite of the greater similarity that objective
norm in Spain to the effect that Catalan should converger{ce implies, the listener may not inter-
only be spoken between Catalans, such that Cas- pret this behavior as actually indicating greater
tillian speakers who attempted to speak Catalan intimacy.
would Iikely receive a reply in Castjllian. br
an empirical exaimination of correspondence be- Optimal Level of Accornmodation:
tween speakers'intentions and their actual behav- Stereot5Pes and Norms
ior, Thakerar, Giles, and Cheshire (1982) exzrm-
ined student nurses in conversations with their The mismatch between objective accommodation
supervisors. Coiltrary to objective measures that on one hand, and psychologica{and subjective ac-
indicated that their behavior became less similar commodation on the other, implies that inter-
to the supervisors', the nurses maintained their actants have some notion of an optimal level of
behavior fid not change. accommodation (Giles & Srnith, 1979); that is,
Subjective accommodation refers to the lis- speakers and listeners have beliefs and expecta-
tener's interpretation of the speaker's act. Like tions that act as guidelines for what is appropriate
psychological accommodation, subjective accom- md acceptable accbmmodation behavior' T\vo
modation does not necessarily correspond with such guidelines are stereotypes regarding out-
objective behavior. Returning to the example of group members (and theirlevel of communicative
the interaction between the Spanish and English competence) and beliefs about the appropriate
speakers, the Spanish speaker may not be familiar norrns regarding language use.
enough with English to notice that the English
speaker has altered his or her language or may Stereofites Stereotypes about characteristics of
not recognize the change as a shift to a Spanish outgroup members are often associated with ex-
accent. Similarly, even if the change in behavior is pectations about how they rdll respond in a social
perceived, the Spanish speaker! interpretation encounter. Returning to the interaction between

cILES /NOEL Si Communication Accommodntion in Intetcultural Encounters 145

the American and Spanish travelers, the Ameri- in affecting patterns of language use' Adherence
ean may expect Spanish people to be emotional to norms may also moderate our impressions of
and sociable, and alter his or her behavior to be- others. Simard, Taylor, and Giles (1976) found
come similarly expressiveand outgoing' Usingthe that when attempts to converge were perceived as
stereotlpe as a guideline for communication, the a reaction to situational pressures forcing them to
American may risk offending the travel-weary converge, convergence was viewed less positively
Spaniard, who in fact sees such behavior as bois- than when it was seen as an attempt to reduce
terous and inffusive' In this scenario, the Ameri- intercultural distance between the two speakers.
can could be said to overaccommodate the A pervasive norrs is that individuals will con-
Spaniard. Other expectations regarding charac- verge to tlle language of the group with greater
teristics and behaviors of outgroups may similarly ethnolinguistic vitality, who often speak what is
affect convergence. For instance, the person who termed the standard or prestige r,ariety of a
thjnks that his or her interlocutor could not rea- language. Ethnolinguistic vitality refers to the
sonably be expected to be fluent in the speaker's power of a language group, in terms of its demo-
Ianguage may not see divergence or maintenance graphic represeniation, institutional support in
in a negative light. Irl line with this notion, areas such as government and education, and
Simard, Taylor, and (1976) found that non- social prestige (Giles, Bourhis, & Taylor, 1977).
convergence on the part of the interlocutor that Thus, all other factors being equal, it would be ex-
was tfre result of linguistic incompetence was pected that Latinos converge to English speakers
viewed less negatively than nonconvergence that in the United States, Francophones converge to
was perceived to be the result of a lack of effort. Anglophones in Canada, and'Turkish speakers
converge to German speakers in Germany. This
Norms In addition to stereotypes regarding out- straightforward hypothesis is complicated by the
group members, nofins regarding language use fact that different dialects may compete as a stan-
ian also influence the extent of convergence and dard language. To illustrate, although French re-
divergence, and the manner in which these ac- mains a prestigious language in Tunisia since
commodation phenomena are evaluated. Accord- France's attempt to colonize that country up untjl
ing to DeRidder, Schruijer, and Tripathi (1992)' the 1940s, Tunisian Arabic is widely accepted as
when two groups coexist in a societ5r for a long a marker of "real" Tunisians' Lawson-Sako and
period of time, they establish norms for how Sachdev (1996) investigated convergence, diver-
members from the two groups should interact gence, and code-switching in Tunisian pedestri-
with each other. Extending this idea to the realm ans who were randomly approached by either
of language, these norms may constrain the ex- Arab Tunisians or White Europeans who asked
tent to which one can converge or diverge. For for directions to the local post office. Half of the
instance, Bourhis (1991) for:nd that despite the pedestrians were asked for directions to the post
fact that the French-speaking population was a offrce in Tunisian Arabic and half in French. The
majority in provincial government of6ces in New researchers expected that a Tunisian confederate
Brunswick, Canada, both Anglophones and Fran- ashng for information in Tunisian Arabic would
cophones reported using English more often than receive a reply in Tunisian Arabic, and a Euro-
French when interactilg across language groups' pean would receive one in French. Although re-
Moreover, regardless of the level of English com- ipondents generally converged to the language of
petence, Francophones were more likely to con- the researcher, they were more likely to converge
verge to English, even when the English speaker if the request was presented in Tunisian Arabic'
was a subordinate employee. The same was not They were more likely to use code-switching
true of English speakers, who usually main- strategies or to diverge if addressed in French'
tained their use of English even when interacting Thus, despite the prestige of French, Tunisians
with French-speaking superiors' Thus, intergroup were likely to signal their distinctiveness from
norrns for language use overrode the importance their former colonizers.
that demographic representation could hdve had Further complexities are evident when one
146 Part Four: Language, Discourse, and rnterculturar communication

considers that different dialeck may have vary- Francophone and an Anglophone. In less inti_
ing appeal for different groups of people. For in- mate, task-oriented seftings, Anglophone inter_
stance, Al-Khatib (1995) explains that although locutors who used English were evaluated less fa-
Modern Standard Arabic may be the standard vorably than those who'used French; but in
dialect in Jordan, the urban variety of Jordanian intimate situations, the language used by the
Arabic is also highty regarded, albeit more so by Anglophone interlocutor did not affect their eval_
women than by men. In an investigation of the uations. The authors suggested that in intimate
impact of interlocutor sex on linguistic accom- situations, expectancies regarding appropriate
modation, Al-Khatib examined the use of phono- language behavior may be ,"lu*ej and
logical variants of the two dialects by speakers on flexible than in task-oriented situations.
-or" Thus, the
a phone-in radio show. As e:<pected,men were positivity of convergence may be situationally
more standardized in their linguistic behavior, bound.
and women were less standardized and more
The importance of gender in determinins ad-
herence to different linguistic styles is further il-
lustrated in a study by Willemyns, Gallois, Callan, This essay has focused on the importance that
and Pittam (in press). Undergraduates app\ring language has in intercultural relations. It sug_
for a job as a research assistant received two in- gested that language helps to categorize, symbol_
terviews, one from an interviewer who spoke ize, and give coherence to cultural groups: Be_
irl a broad Australian English accent and one cause language is often an important aspect of
from an interviewer who spoke in a cultivated ac- ethnic identity, how we use it can emphasize how
cent. Male applicants diverged from cultivated- closely we identify with the people with whom we
accented females, particularly if they identified interact, so that by converging our linguistic style
with the broad accent. As pointed out by Wille- to others', we generally wish to indicate closeness.
myns and his colleagues, *ris is consistent with bV
the premises of CAT that the stronger a person's Td {iverging in our linguistic style, we g"rr"r-
ally imply distance. Space precludes a discussion
loyalty to their language, the more he or she of many other issues addressed by CAT, such as
will emphasize distinctiveness between groups. accommodative strategies at the discourse level or
Women, however, did not charige their accenr, greater elaboration of the issues of under_ and
suggesting that they are more accommodative overaccommodation, but more extensive trear_
than men. ments can be found elsewhere (e.g., Gallois et al.,
1995; Gallois & Giles, in press; Giles & Coupland,
In addition to considering intergroup norms, 1991; Giles et al., 1991). The present discussion
situational norms may further affect the exrent does suggest, howeveq, that.satisfying commu_
and evaluation of language use: For instance, in nicative exchanges may requirl a delicate balance
the study by Willemyns et al. (in press), applicana of convergence to demonstrate willingness to
used broader accenis when t"llcing with the communicate, as well as divergence to proliote a
broad-accented interviewer than when rallring -Cargile
he-althy sense of group identity (see &
with the cultivated-accented interviewer. There Giles, 1996).
was, however, no evidence of convergence to the., We have.seen that interactants have expecta_
cultivated-accented interviewer. The authors sug- tions regarding the optimal level of convergence
gest that possibly the formal nature of the inrer- and divergence, expectations that may be based
view situation primed the appfrcants to speak on stereot5pes about outgroup members and
with as cultivated an accent as possible. Depind- nonns for intergroup interactions and situation-
ing on the formality of the situation, convergence ally acceptable behavior. Individuals, lineuistic
and divergence may be more or less positivd choices may correspond with their intentiois and
viewed. Cot6 and Cl6ment (1994) presented stu- with listeners' interpretations, but there is ofren_
dents with hypothetical interactions between a times a mismatch between these aspects of ac-
GrLEs/NoELs; communication Accommodationin Intercuhural Encounters 147

commodation. In intercultural interactions, it is style of speech: A cross-hational i4vestigation.

not difficult to imagine the potential for miscom- ' International
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munication that can result if interactants do nor guage,6, 55-72.
share common assumptions about group char- Cargile, A. C., & Giles, H. (1996). Intercultural com-
acteristics and appropriate intergroup behavior munication training: Review critique, and a new
across different sifu ations. theoretical framework. In B. R. Burleson (Ed.),
It is also important to note that CAT's utility in Communicationyenrbook, vol. 19 (pp. 385-
explaining intercultural relations extends beyond 423). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
the micrbinteractions discussed here, to more Cl6ment, R. (1996). Prologue: Social psychology and
macrolevel ones, including issues of language intergroup communicati on. lournni of Language
1"u1ning, language-mairrtenance arrd shift; and anL social Psychologt, 15, 222-229.
creolization. With its attention to intergroup com- Cl6ment, R., Gauthieq R. M., & Noels, K. A. (1993).
munication sfategies, CAI can readily be applied Choix langagiers en mfieu minoritaire: attitudes
to other intergroup settings, such as encoun- et identit6 concomitantes. Cana-dinn Journal of
ters between genders, across generations, and be- Behavioral Science, 25, 149-164.
tween people who "are physically challenged and Cot6, P., & Cl6ment, R. (1994). Language attitudes:
those who are not. However CAI is applied, the An interactive situated approach. Innguage and
perspective emphasizes that intercultural com- CommunicatioA .14, 237 -25 L
munication or communication in general is often DeRiddeq, R., Schruijea S. c. L., & Tripathi, R. C.
not so much about the exchange of referential in- (1992). Norrn violation as a precipitating factor
formation as it is about social connectedness and of negative intergroup relations. In R. DeRidder
the negotiation of social identities. & R. C. Tripathi (Eds.), Normviolation andinter-
group relations (pp. 3-3S). Oxford: Clarendon
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(pp. 12t-LZ3). Chicago: University of Chicago .DISCUSSION QI]ESTIONS_
Press. l . Drawing from your own experience, what might
Simard, L., Taylor, D: M., & Giles, H. (1976). Atki- be the implications of CAT for learning a second
bution processes and interpers'onal accommoda- language? Using the constnrcts of convergence
tion in a bilingual setLing. Ianguage and Speech, and divergence, dissll55 how well an individual
19, 374-387. might learn a second language and how often he
Smolicz, J. J. (1984). Minority languages and the or she might be inclined to use it.
core values of culture: Changing policies and 2. As pointed out in this essay, CAT can be applied
e*rnic response in Australia. Journal of Mukilin- in a variety ofintergroup contexts (e.g., intercul-
gual and Muhicultural Development, S, 23-41. tural, intergenerational, intergender, etc.). Con-
Tajfel, H. (Ed.). (1978). Differentiation between social sider how CAT might be useful in describine
RUBrN:Help! My Professor(or Doctor or Boss)Doesn'tTalkEnglish! r49

interactions between grarrdparents and their speak with the people from that country? Was
teen-aged grandchildren. How does the applica- the reaction of the other person to your language
tion of the theory in this context differ from the choice positive, neukal, or negative? How wor:Id
intercultural context-or does it? CAT explain why this reaction happened?
3. Reflect on your travels to other areas where
people do not speak your native language, How
did you decide on which language to use to


On his way to the first meeting of his Introduc- "Itb not thet. Have youlooked to see
tion to Business Accounting class.,marketing whob teaching it?"
major Greg Hanoverl was feeling that familiar Barbara motioned with her head for Greg
sickly sweet sensation in the pit of his stom- to glnnce into the room. The instructor was
ach-half anticipation and half fear-thdt aL- standing at the podium, Iooking over some
ways accornpanizdhim during thefirst week of notes, shuffiing papers until the offi.cial start
class. As he approached the clnssroom, he sqw of class period. Barbara rolled her eyes and
his friend Barbara Coleman, another iunior in rabed her eyebrows.
marlceting, hoverirtg iust outsifu ihe doorway. "Yeah, so, itb some TA. You always get
Greg and Earbara had talcen two classesto- graduate students teaching these intro
gether last year, and they woul.d.occasionally ctasses.So what?"
get together to study before an exam. "I'm sorry," Barbara said.withfinality in
"Hey," called Greg, "loolcs lil<e the dynamic her voice, "I just can't go through another
duo is back together again to figfut the Battle of kiLler class with a teacher who doesn't speak
Accounting this fall. Letb go do it, partner."
"Hey, Greg! ,\wright!" T'hen, withher
smile waning, Barbara continued, "But I
dort't know about this here accounting class.
I iust canl risk getting a ba.dgrade in it. I
English. i mean, mlith is not my best sub-
iect. So at least I need a guy who can speak
the language when heb doing problems at
the board. This summer I took stat from thb
Chinese guy. And I meanhewas smart and
need at laast a 8." everything I guess, but geezI couldn't under-
'WelL, itb a required class; you've got to stand a word he said. And arcrybody in the
take it anyway, so we'U iust bust our chops class was the sameway Some of them even
and do it. Right? I mean it may not be the went to the department chair to complain.
most exciting stuff, but we'll do okay, and re- Most peopb just stopped goingbecause they
aIIy I can see that you kindn need this stuff " could learn just as much on their own. I
even went to the tutor and everything-but
thatlady was from some damn place too
lAll names used in tlrls chapter are fictional. The inci- and it was iust as hopeless with her I mean,
dents are not. I was luclcy I even got a D in that cl"ass.So

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