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Running head: FOOD TEST LAB REPORT 1


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Aim of the lab

The main aim of carrying out this experiment was to carry out test on different types of foods to

determine if the contain sugar, protein or starch. The experiment also aimed at helping us master

different color changes that occurs when food are added to certain chemical. Lastly the study of

chemical indicators in each test was among the experimental aims.

Test for sugar

The benedict test is a test carried out to determine the presence of non-reducing sugar in

certain foods. However, a benedict test for reducing sugar is also available. A benedict solution

contains; copper (II) sulphate, sodium carbonate and sodium citrate. A non-reducing sugar is a

sugar without the aldehyde functional group.


To test for sugar either reducing or non-reducing, the food sample to be tested is first

crashed into small piece, the diluted with few drops of water. The benedict solution is then added

to the test tube while stirring. The solution is the put in a boiling water birth or heated for 2-3

minutes to observe the color changes. The chemical used in this experiment is only benedict

solution which is alkaline and distilled water.

To establish a control of the experiment, distilled water is first used instead of sample

solution provided. However, the color change is dependent on the presence of parameter under

test, in this case sugar.



Observation and conclusion made

tube content Final color

1 Water blue
2 Glucose solution Brick red
3 Onion juice orange
4 Potato juice Brick red
5 Starch suspension yellow
In the experiment tube 1 served as the control and acted as a reference point. In most

cases potatoes store sugar inform of starch due onion are vegetables which store sugar inform of

starch. Once eaten, they are broken down into glucose. The reason behind this is the storage form

of the two foods.

Chemical indicators

In an experimental setting, if the solution remains blue, this indicates that there is no

reducing sugar present. If the color changes from blue to green, the test indicates traces of non-

reducing sugar. Yellow color show relatively low amount of reducing sugar while orange

indicates moderate reducing sugar. Lastly brick red indicates presence of high amount of non-

reducing sugar in the food under test.

Test for protein

A biuret test is used for protein testing or to establish presence of peptide bond. The

reagents available in the biuret solution are; Hydrated Copper sulphate, potassium hydroxide

solution and potassium sodium tartrate. Proteins are organic compounds that are made up of

amino acid linked to a carboxyl group by peptide bonds.


The sample food to be tested is first prepared through crushing if it is in solid state. Few

drops of biuret solution is then added in the test tube and the tube covered with a parafilm. After

this the solution is shake or swirled to ensure that it mixes completely. Lastly the color changes

are observed.

To create a control, distilled water and biuret solution is prepared, this establishes a

positive control. If albumin is used instead of distilled water, a positive control is established.

The color change are the dependent variables.


Observation and conclusion made

tube content Final color

1 Distilled water blue
2 Albumin violet
3 Pepsin purple
4 starch Dark purple

The albumin solution acts as the negative control while the test tube with distilled water

function as the positive control. The control samples act as a reference point in order to check the

color changes. Enzymes are composed of organic molecules of amino and proteins. Test tube 4

gave a positive reaction indicating there is some traces of protein in starch.

Chemical indicators

If the solution remains blue, there is no protein present in the solution. If the solution

changes from blue to deep purple or violet, a significant amount of protein is present in the

solution. However, if the solution changes from blue to pink, it indicates the presence peptide.

Test for starch

Starch are organic compounds made up of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon. In an

experimental setting, iodine test is used to determine the presences of starch in certain food

samples. Under this test, iodine solution is the only chemical required and the food sample.


Preparation of the food sample depends on whether it is solid or liquid. For a solid food

test such a testing of vegetables, the skin is first peeled off while avoiding contamination. The

sample is then placed in a test tube after which few drops of iodine solution is added to the tube.

The test tube should be placed on a white tile to ensure that the color changes are visible. For a

food test for liquid foods, the food is added directly to a tube and the iodine solution added.

To create a control, distilled water is used instead of the food sample. The dependent

variable in this test is the color change which depends on the type of food added.

Observation and conclusion made

tube content Final color

1 Water orange
2 Starch suspension Black red
3 Onion juice yellow
4 Potato juice blue-black
5 Glucose solution Dark blue

During the experiment, it was observed that the color of test tube 1 containing water and

benedict changed from blue to light blue and then orange which indicated relatively low amount

of sugar presence. The starch solution changed from blue immediately when boiled to black red

indicating a very low level of sugar presence. The onion and glucose solution remained yellow

and dark blue respectively still showing low amount of sugar. On the other hand, potato solution

turned from blue to blue black or in other words, brick black indicating the highest level of

reducing sugar.

Chemical indicators

If a food sample contain starch, once iodine is added to it, the color change present is

blue-black. If there is no starch presence in the solution, the color remains orange or yellow.

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