Essay 5 (Life and Teaching of Jesus)

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Jesus was the greatest teacher who ever lived. He often used parables, or stories, to
teach important lessons that we can still learn from today. Jesus performs miracles all the time,
even today. Seeing many miracles and blessings the Lord has brought to us, I have come to know
the truth of the Gospel for myself.
As we continue our study this week more lessons have been added to my learnings
such as the parable of the workers in the vineyard, this parable stresses God's unmerited grace,
rather than any sense of "earning" God's favor. The parable means that even those who are
converted late in life earn equal rewards along with those converted early. This parable also
represents the fact that you can become a good person at any point in your life and you will
receive equal treatment in heaven as someone who has turned their life around very recently.
And another lesson that I have learned is the parable of the two sons, it is about a father who
tells his first son to go work in the vineyard. The son says he does not want to, but he winds up
working on it anyway. When the father tells his second son to go work on the vineyard, he tells
him he will work on it. The second son later chooses not to work on the vineyard. These parables
give us a lesson that if you are not true to your word than you’re not really a good person, this
also teaches us that God doesn't want someone who claims to be someone that they are not.
Next is about the Parable of the Wedding Feast which shows that God sent His Son into the world,
and every people who should have celebrated His coming rejected Him, bringing judgment upon
themselves. As a result, the kingdom of heaven was opened up to anyone who will set aside his
own righteousness and by faith accept the righteousness God provides in Christ. Another parable
is the parable of the unjust steward it is about a business manager who manipulates his
employer’s teaches us that every steward is not the owner of what he is entrusted with
but is responsible to someone greater and we are stewards over the ministry of God has
entrusted us with. And even brought the dead back to life in the story of Lazarus. Which shows
that God can made impossible to possible, He may be doing more than you could ever imagine.
and with the trust we gave to him God will never leave us until the last breath of our life. More
importantly, He forgave people of their sins.
Although His works were considered blasphemous behavior by the Jewish priests,
Jesus continually reminded people that His works were aligned with God’s will so that his Father
may be glorified in his Son.

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