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Attraction is the process or series of processes in which some (stimulants) suitable lure or
baits, light, chemicals etc. are used to attract fish or fish school to a particular area from
where they may or may not get out or escape. A number of stimuli are used for the attraction
of fish towards or outwards of the fishing gear. Thus, in broad sense, there are two types of
i. Positive or toward fishing gear attraction
ii. Negative or outward fishing gear attraction.

Fish can be attracted towards a fishing gear on the basis of their response against a number of
stimuli. The stimuli or signals, which are used for attraction of fish towards the fishing gear,
may be the following types-
Visual stimuli. e.g.Light, net color
Auditory stimuli. e.g.whistle, rattles
Chemical stimuli. e.g.protein, amino acid, vitamin etc.
Edible or inedible lures.e.g. baits
Electrical stimuli. e.g.electrofishing

Light (Visual stimuli): Use of light-

 Maybe attracted or frightened (+ve or -ve)
 As the central nervous system is controlled by optical sense organ, then any deviation
from environmental illumination will affect the movement of the fish.
 As a result, when a lamp is used inside water, fish gather around the light.
 Fish with highly developed sense organ will be more attracted than the less
developed. e.g.Notopterus in our country is attracted by light.
 In ancient time, coal, torches, fire baskets etc. were used, but now-a-day,electric lamp
is used.

Sound (auditory stimuli):

Fishes are also attracted by sound or auditory stimuli. In recent years, new equipment like
hydrophones, tape recorders etc. are used to attract the fish along a particular fishing gear.
Generally, whistle or rattling sounds are used to attract the fish. For an example, in Oceania
‘rattling’ sound (sound produced by rattle snake) is produced by suing coconut shell to attract
shark. Sound of particular wavelength attracts fishes of particular species. Hollow sound
produced by horn like instruments are used in catching of sheat fish in South- Europe.
However, in commercial fishery, the application of sound in attracting fish has not yet
Chemical stimuli (smell):
Some chemicals according to their smell and taste also attract fish. Protein, aqueous alcoholic
extract of tuna flesh, amino acids and aromatic substances are used to attract fish along a
particular fishing method.

Attraction by edible lures:

Natural bait like earthworm, eggs, larvae of ants/bees are used to the hook for the line fishing.
Certain baits like decomposed fish/snail flesh is also used in some traps to attract scavenging
fishes. Food materials are also used to attract fish toward a particular space from where they
are caught later.

Attraction by inedible lures:

Artificial baits of different shape (small fish shaped) and color (shiny colored) are used to
attract fish in line fishing, which reduces the cost and time of fishing.

Attraction of Fish by Electrical Stimuli:

Using electrical stimuli also catches fish. Direct current (DC) is used to the water to create an
electric field between the space left by anode and cathode electrodes. As soon as a fish enters
that field two thing occur:
a) If the conductivity of water is lower as in fresh water, the current would use the fish
as a better conductor and flow a great extent through it. Thus, the fish is shocked and
swim towards the anode from which they are collected by a scoop net.
b) If conductivity of water is good as in salt water, the current would then flow around
the fish.

Attraction by aquatic weeds:

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