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six Ghost stories

S. Н. Burton

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Ghost stories
S. Н. Вurtоп

Level 3

Series Editors: Andy HopНns and Jocelyn Potter

I)сагslllt l.',drtcatirrn [,ilrritcd
l rlirrllrlr11ll ( ilttc,, l lrгlllrч,
l.ssL,r ( ,]\1]() lIll, lllrglllrtl
.ttttl дssrlc i,ttcrI ( ]rlttllrltllit,s lllttltlцllrlttt tbc ц,tlrltl.
lSltN: ')
/l,i- l 4()82 ()95.1 -7
Activities 1 l_v
iir st t,llitirlrr 1ltlЫisbccJ 2()()()
|'lris ctlitirrrl рrrЫishкl Z009
Stоrу 1 Room 7 l
lL,xt ctlpvгigllt (О Рсtguiп Books LK] 2000
Activities 2 6
l'llis сt]iti<lп ctlpyright @ I)earson Educatiotr LKl 2009
Story 2 Мrs \Иооd Comes Home в
Illtlstrations by Fсrпапdо Balclб Activities 3 14

'l'lle пlоrаl rigbts оГtЬс аuthоrs baye Ьееп assertr:cl iп ассогсlапсе with
thе Copvriglrt Designs апсl Patents Act 19В8
Stоrу 3 А Ghost inп thе Gаrdеп |6
Set in l 1/l3ptA. (]аrаmопd
Activities 4 26
I'rintcd iп Сhiпа
S\хrгс70 l Stоrу 4 Roger ýИiпgаtеЪ New Саr 2в
I'rocluced Ьг tbe IiuЫishcrs br, АС Estudio l:ditoгial S. [..
Activities 5 38

А/| rigllts rtscrucd; по part tlf tllb рuЬliпtittп tпау Ьс rcproducerl, storcd iп п rctrirual sJstcпl,
or tvrbyitttrl iч ап,у.|irп or Ьу ап1 tпеаrь, еlесtrопit,, пссhапiсll, рЬоtосоруiпg,
Story 5 А Friепd оf thе Family 40
rссоrrl.iпg ог оthепа;!с, ulithout t/r prior чlrittсп perпixiorl oftha Publishcrs, Activities 6 50
l\rЫislred Ьl.Рсаrsоп Education Lttl iп asstlciatiotl witb Pcriguin Boolrs l.tti,
botb cottlpanies beirrg subsicliaries оГ I'еаrsоп l)lc Story 6 А Вirthdау Сагd fоr Mrs Rogers 52

Acknowledgements Talk аЬоut it 56

ý(/с аrс qratefitl to tbc: filllclrving Гоr perntissioll to гсрrtlduсс pbotogrаpbs:
ýиritе аьоцt it 57
I)g5(t, Irrlruc tlf а'gb<lst' Гrоm 1Ье Metroptliitan Мusсuпl оГДгt 2005 exbibitiorl
''ГЬс l'сr[Ъсt J\4triitrпi tаkеп Ьl,Еugспс-ГhiсЬаtrlt (l-rепс:lr, Ь. l825) iп Ill63, Project: 'ýИе saw а ghost!' 5в
с::rllсd'Непri Ilobirl & r Spcc:tсr'. (ЫIссtiоп (iёгrrd [.ёчу, i)агis (рriпr гigЬts опlу)
llчеrl, еГfЫt ]lrs Ьссп tnlclc ttl trасс tbc copvrigllt llоlt]сгs arrtl lvc alrtlloцisc ilt aclvallce
1Ьr апу rulirltclltiotlrl omissions. \Wc: lvottlcl Ьс 1rlcrscd ttl ilrscl 1 tltt, арргорriаtс:
асkпоwlссlgспспt iп alry stlllseqtlellt cclititltl rrl]tllis plrlllicrtitlrl.

гоr а соmрlеlе Iist ol'tlre titlcs ачаiIаыс in tlre Репgttill дсtiчс Rcadirrg scrics please rvrire to уоrtr locirl
Рсirгsоп l-onqltrarl tlfficc: or to: Рспguiп lleadeгs Маrkеtiпg Dcp:rftпlcnt, I'е;rrsсrп llducation,
litliпЬurgЬ (iatc, НаrIощ t,]ssex СМ20 2JE. Епglапсl.
Activities 1 STo RY

What's the book about?

'l Look at the picture оп the frопt сочеr of this book. Room 7
I closed mу tightly I didп:t feel aj|aid. Not thеп. Fear саmе later.
а Whеrе does this stоrу take р[асе?
No, I u-,asп't aliaid; but I шапtеd to thiпk ...
ь What is happening?
erhaps уоu dont believe in ghosts. I'm not sure that I believe in thеm. I'm
Make sentbnces that аrе trче for you.Then ехр[аiп уочr answers to апоthеr not sцrе that I saw а ghost that night. Вut if I didnt see а ghost, what did
student. I see?
I was returning frоm а business trip to thе поrth. I lived пеаr London thеп.
а l believe / dоп't believe in ghosts.
It was winter. Тhе roads wеrе covered with ice, and I had to drive slowly and
ь l have / have пеуеr seen а ghost.
саrеfullу. I was still а long way frоm hоmе whеп it got dark. Тhеп mу саr lights
с l have l have пеуеr hеаrd а ghost. began to йil. It was too dangerous to stay on thе main rоаd. I turпеd оff into а
d l know sоmеопе / don't kпоw апуопе who has seen а ghost. quiet соuпtrу road.
е lf l ечеr see а ghost, l wiLI laugh l sсrеаm. Аftеr а few kilometres I saw а rоаd sigп - Millham. Fivе miпutеs later I was
driving along а паrrоw street. Тhеrе wеrе а fеw shops with Ыight lights, and
I could see а gаrаgе at the end of thе street. I stopped thеrе and explained my
Look at these pictures of ghosts. Which is most like уоur idea of а ghost?
рrоЫеm. Тhе man looked at mу саr lights.
Tick (/)опе.



What happens first?

'l The fiгst story is called 'Room 7'. Read the words iп italics and [ook at the i.&
.''ь *.

t, ff
picture оп раgе 1.Tick (/)the best answers.

а Whеrе is Room 7, do you think?

ln а hotel. lп а schoo[ п lп а hospita[.

ls the mап in the саr

[*] going to have ап accident? : going to see а ghost? ,] а ghost?

2 What wilt Ье in Room 7, do you think? Write уоur ideas.

rllrost /qэtlst/ (п) а dead person who has returned to Earth. Some people believe that you сап
six Ghоst stories Storyl-Room7

'I'll rераir them in the mогпiпg,' hе said. 'I think I'll go up to bed поw,' I said.
'Is there а hоtеl in Millham?' I asked. 'Goodnight, then, Мr Saunders,' Kchards said. 'I hоре you'll Ье соmfогtаЫе.
'ТhеrеЪ Тhе Goat at the top оf thе stгееt,' hе said. 'ýИе dont have mапу Sleep weII!'
visitors in Millham in thе winter. Ъll Мr Ксhаrds I sent уоu. He'lI look аftеr a
уоц.' I dont know Тhе
horM long I slept. Something woke mе. It wasn't а noise.
I thanked him and took mу suitcase out оf the саr. Тhеп I walked back up Ьеdrооm was quiet, Ьut something strапgе was hаррепiпg. Тhе light on mу
the street to ТБе Goat. It was ап old building. Тhе hotel оffiсе was just inside bedside tаЫе wasnt on, but part of thе rооm was slowly becoming light. Му bed
thе frопt door. А big mап саmе thrоugh апоthсr door at thе back оf the office was in thе dаrk. I couldnt see thе сuрЬоаrd оr thе washbasin, Ьцt I соцld see thе
and smiled at mе in а friendly way. big сhаir. I could see its seat, its аrms, its legs and its tall, straight back. It was
'Мr Kchards?'I asked. shining at mе out оf thе dark.
'Yes,'he answered. 'Can I help уоu?' I closed mу eyes dghtly. I didnt fееl afraid. Not thеп. Fеаr саmе later. No, I
I explained that mу саr was at the gаrаgе. 'I need, а meal and а rооm for the wasnt afraid; Ьut I wanted to think and to shut оut that strange light.
пight,' I said.
'Тhе mеаl isni а рrоЫеm,' hе said. 'Diппеr will Ье rеаdу in ап hоur. Ьцt this
is а small hotel. ýfe've опlу got six Ьеdrооms, and thеЁе all full.'
Тhе door орепеd again, and а little wоmап wa,lked quicНy into thе rооm.
'This is mу wiГе,' Ксhаrds explained. Не tцrпеd to hеr and said, 'I was
telling оцr visitor thаt wе'rе full tonight, Liz. His саrЪ at the garage, and hе
wants dinner and а bed fоr the night.'
'ТhеrеЪ Room 7,Тоm,' she said.
'Вut we dont ... ' hе began.
'ýИе cant send him away оп а night like this,' his wife said. 'I'l1 make thе bed
in Room 7.' ,!:
ll, ,

'I'm giving you trouble, I'm аГrаid,' I said.

'ItЪ no trоuЫе, Мr ... ?'
'Sаuпdеrs,' I said. 'I m Jоhп Saunders.'
'ItЪ по trоuЫе, Мr Saunders. \X/e,dont usе Room 7 muсh. ТhеrеЪ поthiцg
wrong with it.' She gave hеr husband а look whеп she said that. Не didnt reply.
Room 7 was оп the top fооц аЬоче the оthеr bedrooms. It felt quite cold,
ьut thеrе was ап electric firе.
'It will sооп get wаrm,' I thought. Апd itЪ beautifully quiet uр hеrе. I'll sleep
well tonight.'
It wasnt а big rооm. Тhеrе was а bed, а cupboard, and а washbasin behind the
dооr. Вемееп thе washbasin and the cupboard was а big, straight-backed сhаir.
I washed, and thеп went down to dinner. I enjoyed mу meal and thеп I
went to thе Ьаr. I talked to Kchards and some оf his friends цпtil I began to fееI

washbasin /'wоJ,ЬеIsэт/ (n) а large bowl in а bathroom. You use it for washing уочr face and
Six Ghost Stories Stогуl-Rооm7

'I dreamt itl'I thоught. 'Оf coursel I drank too mцсh in thе Ьаr аftеr dinner
and I was dreaming.' {щ l_T
I decided to соuпt slowly uр to fifгу and then to ореп my eyes again.
'Fоrrу, fоrtу-опе ... ' I was соuпtiпg the пumЬеrs чеrу slowly when I hеаrd it.
.t т-
8; &1
*l #
Somebody was breathing in the rооm. This was not а dream. А thief; реrhарs? +

I opened mу eyes. Now а mап was sitting in the сhаir. Не was old, and hе hаd
white hаiь Ьut"hе was sitting up straight. Hls Ыight eyes were looНng at mе.
I tried to speak, Ьut по words саmе. I wanted to say, 'ý7hо аrе you? ýИhаt аrе
уоu doing hеrе?' Вut I couldn't, I told myself not to Ье аfrаid. Не was too old to
hurt mе.лРцt his eyes were frightening. Тhеу печеr moved.
Н. fiЁВ8ЬЬ l.h hаrrd his fiпgеr at me. Now his eyes wеrе чеrу
sad, and puddenly I wasnt afraid оf him. V/Lren hе spoke, his voice was tired.
'I пеуеr knew,' hе said. 'But уоu do.'
His hапd dropped. Suddenly, I could speak. 'ýИhаt do I know?' I asked.
'ýИhо аrе you?'йhаt ... ?' Веfоrе I could complete the question, hе and the
light - disappeared.
А voice woke mе. 'НеrеЪ а сuр оf tea, Мr Saunders. Yоur Ыеаkfаst will Ье
ready in hаlf ап hоцr.'Ксhаrds put thе tea on mу bedside table and went оut
I thought about mу strange visitor. Did I drеаm it all? I decided not to wоrrу
Мr and Mrs Richards with а mystery that thеу couldnt solve.
I hаd mу Ыeakfast. Тhеп i went into thе hotel оffiсе to рау my bill. Mrs
Ксhаrds was sitting at thе desk.
She smiled and gave mе thе bill. 'Did уоu sleep well?'
I looked uр to апswеr hеr. I saw а рiсturе оп thе wall behind hеr. Тhе white l

hаir, thе strong fасе and the Ыight eyes wеrе tеrriЫу familiar to mе. t

I pointed at the picture. 'ýИhоЪ that?' I asked. l

She looked at the picture and tцrпеd back quicНy. 'ItЪ ТЬmЪ fаthеr. Не lived
with us hеrе at Тhе Goat. Не died five уеаrs ago in thе rооm that уоu slept in
last night. ТhаtЪ whуТЬm didn't want уоu to hаче Room 7.' Yes?' I said. '\fi/hаt hаррепеd?.'
'But you ... ' I stоррф She was speaking again. 'l took tca uр Гоr him thе next пrоrпiпg,'shе said, Апсl [ liltrlrtl llirrr irl гlllrt
'Тhеrе -.r. ro-. riil}1Жfr', КоЙ 7, Mr Sаuпdеrs,'shе said. 'Опе оr i,,l,, сllаir - cold аrrd deaci. Оf cotlrse, hс was ;rrr crlcl rTlarT . His hс,:lгt jrlst [iilccl
two пеrчоцs visitors thought that the rооm was hаuпtеd. А ghost isnt good fоr ,,,1.1crrly.'
а hоtеl, so ТЬmЪ fаthеr decided to sleep thеrе. Не didnt believe in ghosts. So hе l 1lickcd trp mу case. 'Мгs ... ' I saic].
went uр to bed at his цsцаl time, but ... ' \Irc w:rsn't listerrirrg to mе. Slre srпilсс1 ancl saici,'Stl wc llсчсlг t,lisсtlчсгсtl rll.,
lllv lcl-y rlГRосlm 7. And I clon't bclicve tblrt:rnyЫlrly wilI. It's jtrst:r sillv strlг1,.'
| 1leid tbe bill, said goodbye апс1 walkcc1 quic:l<ly ci<lwll tIle stгссt ttlrvltt,cls tll,
breathe /Ьrilё/ (v) to take air into your body and let it out again ,,.rцс.'l'hе чоiсе оf ап old marr sccrnccl to fillltlw tlle. 'I llсчсг I<l,tclw" it slritl.
familiar /fо'mrljэ/ (adj) known to you because you have sееп it before ,\.rs l{tlclпr 7 haurrtcd? I пс:чсr l<псw. I]trt ytitt clrl. Vltt l<t-lc,lw tltrw, tltlll't уt,rla'
haunt /hэlпt/ (v) (of ghosts) to арреаr somewhere often

Activities z
six chost stories

Wеrе you right? Language iп use

Look back at Activity 1.2 оп page iv. Тhеп put these iп оrdеr, '1-8. 1 Look at the sentence оп the right.Then finish the
l dont know how long
.".., l|ii|,},lшl+Mфtl{i]lilIih,

sentences below. Тhеrе аге а пчmЬеr of possiЫe {

l s[ept.

aL l.
А ghost is sitting in the сhаir in his rооm. answers. "f,trliiillY!]ЁtiljвillJl]?фii4ld -,

ь[ Тhеrе is а strange tight in the rооm. а Мr Saunders'car lights stаrt failing. Не doqsn't know how fаr

с| His cai tights stop working.

Не аrгivеs at The Coat. Не doesn't know how mапу
dI Мr Sаuпdеrs doesn't te[[ Мrs Richards about his ghostly visitor.

е[ Мг Saunders goes to the Ьаr fоr а drink аftеr diппеr. не is offered а rооm. Не doesn't know how much

Мr Saunders is trave[ling on business.

gl Мrs Richards gets Room 7 rеаdу.

2 Now comp[ete each of these sentences with а word from the Ьох.
hl The Coat has оп[у опе empty rооm.
l what where why who how

What mоrе did you learn? а Mr Saunders doesn't know ..,,"....",. his tights аrеп't working.
1 Comp[ete the sentences with these паmеs.
Ь Не doesn't know ..,.,,.W.,be.r.(..., he сап spend the night.
с Не doesn't know "....",]l]r",i.:":l.""..", the strange tight in his rооm is.
iL,_,_,__,,_,,___,_,____, fаthеr mап
мr Richards мr saunders Мrs Richards Tom's ап old i
d Не has no idea "",....'r:. ,.l..'.. .. . the otd mап got into his rооm.
а doesn't want to use Room 7, е Later, he realises "..".,";..."..,,..."....,. the o[d mап was.
ь is happy for Room 7 to Ье used. f Не understands ....,",",."" Мr Richards didn't want him to sleep in
с thinks he wi[[sleep we[[ in Room 7. Room 7.
d is,sitting in the chair in Room 7.
е Ьгiпgs Мr Saunders а cup of tea in the mоrпiпg.
What's next?
f didn't be[ieve in ghosts, but поw he is опе.
'l Read the titte of the next story апd the words iп italics below it. Discuss
these questions.

2 Сirсlе the things that Мr Sачпdеrs does поt 5ау аrе in Room 7. а What does ап empty house look [ike, frоm outside?
Ь ls MrsWood iп the house, do you think?

2 Look at the pictures on pages 8 and 9. Сirсlе the best answers.

а what kind of town Ь what is the mап с How аrе the two реор[е
is this? doing in the town? оп the sofa feeting?
. dangerous . Не is оп ho[iday. . wоrriеd

. exciting . Не is writing а story . hарру

. quiet fоr а newspaper. . Ьоrеd

. Не [ives thеrе.
ll Stоrч 2 - Mrs Wood Comes Ноmе

з Mrs'Wood Comes Home
Tllere ш,еrе curtaiпs at the tuiпdошs. Тhе house didп't looh empty.
Are уоч still there, Mrs |Yood?' I thought.

f alwnys wellt tо Рогсhеstеr Гоr my holidays. ItЪ а quiet little town, full оf
l irrteгestillg old buildings, апd I was studying its history.
Iin rlot а гiсh mап and I cant stay in hоtеls, but Jack Тhоmрsоп invited mе
to stay iп his pretty little hоusе in Fоrе Street. Не and I wеrе at school tоgеthеr.
I hаd sorne very hарру times with him and his wifе, Annie, until ... цntil Mrs
\Wood саlпе hоmе.
Tbat уеаr, I went to Роrсhеstеr as usuаl. It was а fiпе spring аftеrпооп when
I аrгiчеd. liИе went fоr а walk and I took рhоtоgrарhs оf thе сhurсh. Тhаt night
аftеr sшррец we sat talking Ьу thе fireside.

"IЫl me all thе news,'I said.

|lrcl< smiled. 'Life moves чеrу slowly hеrе, Bill,' hе said. 'ýИе'че got а new
lItlr.,ttrr - Dr ýИаrrеп - iГthаt interests уоu.'
'Ilverything аЬоut Роrсhеstеr interests mе,' I said. 'Ъll me mоrе.'
'I\4гs'ý7'ооd hаs gone away,'Annie said.
'Мгs \ФИооd?' I said. 'ýИhеrе did she live?'
Дrlrrie smiled at mе. 'In thе hоusе асrоss thе street. Тhе опе with thе big tгее
rrr ll,tltrt оf thе windows. She's чеrу old. Shе didn't gо out чеrу muсh Ьесаusе sbe
, .rlr't w;rlk very well.'
'l tlГten thоught that somebody was looking оut оf ап upstairs window,' I
,,.rirl. 'l]Lrt the tree covers part оf it.'
'Мгs \Иооd spent most оf hеr time looking out оf that window.'Jircl< spol<c
.rrrliгily, and I was surprised.
'Shе was lonely,
Jack,'Annie said. 'Shе liked to watch people. Sbc warltc:tl trl
l . l r, ,tv wlrat was hаррепiпg outside.'
'Sllc was lonely because shе was rudе to people,'saicl 'Sbc was чtгу гLtсlс
l il \,()tl. l{еmеmЬеr?'
Wc agreed not to talk about tbat again" said Arrnic. 'Jr_rst ЬеГогс (]h гistlllаs,
lilll. slrc went to stay with hеr son in Аustгаliа. I always Геlt sоr:rу Гог l"rсг.'
'l li,cl sоrrу Гоr hег son"
Jack said. 'It won't Ье чеrу tricc Гог lriпl with th:rt
,,1,1 tvtllttan in his hоusе. Вut I hоре she stays witlr lrirrr Гоr счег. I dorr't wirnt hсг

l,,r, li ltt,l'c.'
l t tltrlci see thаt they wеrе Ьоth becoming апgrу. I was sшrргisеd. Br_rt I lrsl<ccl
,l ,, ,tll tllcl trew doctor, апd we didnt talk аЬоut Мrs ýИооd argain.

rш six Ghtlst storjcs Sltltt, ] Nlll Wtrrcl illttcs l|clntc

lI I went to beci qtlitс сагIу, llLtt I crltrlc]n't sleep. l was tlrirrking аЬоut Jack and '|'|lсrс wеrе curtains at the windows. Тhе hоusе
didn't look empty. Аrе уоu
Ar-rnie. \Whу wеге tllcy s<t ill)gгу ilbout Мrs Woocl? Arrrrie wirs, I thor-rght, as ,rill thсrе, Mrs \Wood?' I thоught.
апgrу as.|acl<. l}Lrt sllc w:ts tгуirlg tcl hide hеr feelings. 'l'llcn I saw thе сuгtаiп at опе оГthе uрstаirs windows mоче. Мrs ýИооd was
I gcrt trttt tlГllсtl, wcllt t() tllc winclow and lookecl асrоss thе stгeet at Мrs ,t tc lr irlg mе!
, r

\й/oclcl's httttsc.'l'hc tlrtrtlIr was sbining Ыigbdy arrd I соuld see thе Гrопt оf the I ttrгned away frоm thе window апd jumped into bed. I lay thеrе in thе dаrk
hclrtse сIсагIу.'|'hс leaves оГthе big trее moved slowly irr tbe wind. ,,r,l {clt чеrу, чеrу Гrightепеd.
Sltlwly, I gгсw саlmеr. 'Yоu wеrе wrongl' I said to mуsеlf. 'Yоu only thоught
(l1.1( ctll,tain mочеd. Тhе wind
рushеd thе leaves асrоss the window. And if Мгs
\\iltltl zT thеrе, shе сап't hurt you. Sbe's а loncly old wоmап. Yоu'rе а stгопg,
l,,,.rltlly rnarr. ý(/hаt аге you аfrаid о{? But sЬеЪ not iп Ьеf hоusе. ShеЪ in
\rlstгеliа. with hеr son.'
l [c[t better tben, but I didnt sleep Ъr а lor.g time. And in mу drеаms I was
rll,itrц to escapc Гrоm а strапgе, dark bousc. Ап old woman was watching mе.
l filt tircd and uпhарру wherr I woke uр thе next mоrпiпg. Му holiday was
,l.rr t irlg badly. l washed and dressed. l'herr I opened mу Ьеdrооm window. I
,, ,,,l< е
рhоtоgrарh оГ Мrs ýИооd'.s hоusе ЬеГоrе I went downstairs.
|lrck was alor-re in the kitcberr. 'ýИhаt's the mаttеr?' hе asked. 'Yоu look tired.'
'I didnt sleep чеrу well.'
'Дllr-rie hаd bad drеаms too,' hе said. 'Shе's stayirrg in bed, Shе was dreaming
rl,rlttt thаt old wоmап whо lived асrоss thе fоаd.'
wc didrl't talk muсь while we atc.
Дfiсг ЫеаkГаst, I said, 'ýИhу did уоu get апgrу last night wlrerr уоu wсrс
, rll,irlg аЬоut Мrs ýИооd?'
'z\rrrrie tried to belp hеr,' hе said slowly. 'She went shopping Ьr Ьег, atltl <lli.,rr
, , ,,,lit,ri Ьr hеr. Shс sat and talked to hеr. оr shе sat and listeпed to hег. 'l'llc, ,lI.1
frffiI ] ful],
r&ш{l{i] ,ш,,]
,, ( )lIlilIl
рrеfеrs to talk, not listen.'
:lШЕ. $i
l)icl you go асrоss thеrе with Arrnie?' I asked.
'No,' hе said. 'I печеr liked Ьеr. Опс day Дппiе саmе bacl., |<ltll<irrli t ir-t,tl ;ltr,l
ll l lrsked Ьеr what was wгопg. Мrs ý7ood was чегу гu.dе ttl llr,г, ltlrtl li,ililrrt,rlt,tl
|,, r ... Arrnie печеr went thеrе agairr. Shе couldn't Гсlгgсt ...'

|,r.,li's story wast-t't чеrу сlеац but I understood tllr: gcllc1,1tl ttt.,,tttittli.'|'lrt, ,l|.l
,,,,t;trl lrnew that Jack didnt like hсr. Jack is а g<ltltl, |<ilttl lrrlttr, llrrt slrt, ll:rtt,tl
l,,r,r. Sllc didn't listen to Anrrie. 'Yоu'rс irs Ьас] lls yttrlr llttsI.'1tllcl,'slr.,s|trltltt,t| :tt
l,, r '|'ll gct yoll Ьоth оut оf уоur hоusс.'
l rvllited untilJack finished spcal<ing.'I'Ilcrl I slricl, 'Мгs \r)Иtl<ltl is ll tt,гrilllс rlltl
r llll:lll1 but shе can't huгt you. Whу dt)tl't ytltl jLlst lilгgсt alltlrtt llсг?'

| lclokecl at mе. 'Y/hу didni yotr slcc1l last llighr?'

leaf /lilf/ (n) one of the small, flat, green parts of а pIant , rrrlain /'kзlltl/ (n) а piece of hanging cloth that is pulled across а window

l0 l1
Six (]hоsг SKrries \Wood Comes Home
Story 2 - Mrs

'Мгs ýИооd died in Australia on уоur first day in Роrсhеstец' hс said. 'ýИе
lrcard the news after уоu left.'
'Вut how do уоu explain ... ?' I pointed to the рhоtоgrарh.
'I can't,' hе said. 'I опlу know that ... shе саmе hоmе.'
А new fеаr саmе очеr mе. Anniel' I shouted. 'Jack, hоw is Annie? Does she
litrcrw that Мrs \Иооd саmе hоmе?'
Не looked old and ill. I thоught thаt he was going to й,1l. I put mу hand on
lris аrm and guided him to а сhаir. At last hе spoke, Ьut his voice was weak.
'Last night thеrе was а knock at оur dооц' hе said. 'Аппiе went to open it. I
wits in the kitchen, Ьut I соuld hеаr hеr voice. I shall печеr forget hеr сrу. "Мrs
\Wtlod," shе said. "Yоц'че соmе hоmе!" I rап to thе door. Annie lay thеrе
- dead.
Slre died оf fеаr.'

I didnt епjоу mу holiday. Jack and Annie were kind to mе, but at night thеу
didnt sit talking Ьу thе fireside. Тhеу stood and looked thrоugh their frопt
window at Мrs ý7ооdЪ hоцsе. And еасh night, frоm mу bedroom, I thought I
saw hеr face at hеr window. I was glad whеп mу holiday finished. Now I соuld
escape frоm Роrсhеstеr.
А few days аftеr I got hоmе, thе postman delivered mу holiday photographs.
Usually, I enjoyed looking at them. Вut this time I was afraid to ореп thе packet.
At last I opened it. Slowly, I sеаrсhеd thгоugh thе photographs. Тhеп I fоuпd
thе опе thаt I feared to see.
Тhеrе it was - thе рhоtоgrарh of Mrs \ИооdЪ house. I felt sick. Ечеrрhiпg
was сlеаr and Ыight - the garden, thе trее, thе frопt dооr. And, at an upstairs
window; an old wоmапЪ face was looНng thrоugh thе glass!
I was holding thе рhоtоgrарh whеп thе dооr оf mу flat few open. Jack rап
into thе rооm. I tried to hide thе рhоtоgrарh, Ьцt hе pulled it out оf mу hапd.
'Тhеrе shе is,' hе said. 'Тhаt ... thing ... is Мrs \food.'
'But, Jack, that's not роssiЫе. ShеЪ а long way away ...'
Не stopped mе. I shall печеr fоrgеt his words оr thе tеrriЫе look on his face
as hе spoke.

deliver /dl'lrчэ/ (v) to take something to а place

12 13
Activities З
six chost stories

Were уоч right? l.lnguage iп чsе

Look back at уочr answers to Activity 2.1 . Two of these sentences аrеп't true. l rlok at the sentence on the right. Тhеп choose l had some very happy times
Which ones? Рчt а cross (Х) next to them. .l wоrd frоm the Ьох below to complete these with him and his wife, Annie,
.,("lltences. чпti] MrsWood саmе home.
1 ll BiLtgoes to Porchester on ho[iday.
l j$9t__:9 ьеfоrе but until when
2 |*J annie and Mrs Wood аrе very good friепds.
з [*l Annie and Jack аrе upset when they ta[k about Мrs Wood. 1 аftеrпооп
ll was а fine spring .,,"..,,. l аrгiчеd in Porchester.

4 i_J Bittsleeps very well at his friends'house. 2 Мrs Wood didn't go out much ".....".. she cou[dn't walk чегу we[[.

3 The moonlight was bright, .,,. ,.. l could see hеr house с[еаr[у.
5 i_] MrsWood hated Jack when she [ived in the house opposite.

6 П ТЬе ghost of Мrs Wood is seen in Bitt's photograph.

4 l took а photograph of Mrs Wood's house ...,..., l went downstairs.

5 ]ack is а good, kind mап, ...,.,.",.... she hated him.

, What mоrе did you [еаrп? 6 Аппе was kind to Мrs Wood ....""". the o[d woman was rudе to her.

1 who says these words аftег Annie's death, реrhарs? Match the faces to the 7 Му hotiday photographs аrriчеd .....,." l got home.

What's next?
Why did shе
I Do уоч know а place whеrе something frightening happened in the past?
hote us sg muсh? Whеrе is it? What happened? Те[[ the c[ass.
-*--\Г .' Itead the tit[e of the next story and the words iп italics be[ow it.Then [ook at
*-----} the picture оп pages 'lб and 17. Tatk to апоthеr student.What do you think
T'll get hеr lr;lppens iп this story? Make notes.
husbcnd next.
MrsWood's son
]I i",\.. -

Q theт *itt аеstiу t

! рhоtоgrорh.
Jack 1r- {

Mrs Wood's ghost

Why was Мrs Wood so rчdе and unpleasant when she was alive, do you
think? Why is her ghost so tеrriЬ[е? Ta[k to other students.

Story 3 - А Ghost in thе Gаrdеп

А Ghost in thе Garden ittrtl it was just right fоr us. It was
built оf stone. It was wаrm, sunny and
orrrfЫtable. Вемееп thе frопt оf the hоusе and йе quiet village street was а
Кпосk .., kпосk ... kпосЬ, little garden. At thе back thеrе was а bigger gаrdеп, full оf fruit trees and fowers.
l'hсrс, пt thr: badrooп ttli.пcloul. Sloul, hcauy lепосks. \iИе moved into Samways in the late
spring. It was ап old house and it needed
;r lrlt оГwоrk. \il/е Ьоught tаЫеs, сhаirs, cupboards and beds. ýИе hаd to get

wоrkеd hаrd in the city all mу life. Тhеп, whеп I was sixry уеаrs old, I decided r tlгtains too. ýИе wеrе саrеful that everything looked nice. This was оur hоmе
l to stop. I wanted to live in thе соuпtrу, with а big gаrdеп whеrе I could grow !trlw, fоr thе rest оf оur lives.
flowers and vegetables. Му wife agreed. Shе was Ьоrп in thе соuпtrу and wanted 'I'hе gаrdеп was wild whеп we аrriчеd. Вцt we worked hаrd, and Ьу
the end
а quiet life. So we staгted to look for а hоцsе. rrl'August, оur garden was almost as Ьеаutifцl as our hоцsе.
ýИе travelled а long way to look at hоusеs. 'Whеп we saw а Fоr Sale sign, we ,
Опе аftеrпооп in SерtеmЬец I was wоrНпg alone in thе garden. Му wife
stoppcd. Вцt попе оf thе buildings pleased us. ýИе searched fоr mопths and wlts in thе house, making some tea. I heard hеr calling to mе thrоugh thе open
Ьесаmе чеrу tired. wittdow of thе living-room. 'Непrу,' shе called. 'ЪаЪ ready and weve got а
At last, we fоuпd the hоusе оf оцr dreams. Iп а small village, about eighty visitor. Fаthеr Barnes hаs соmе to see us.'
kilometres frоm thе сirу, we discovered Samways. Nobody was living thеrе,

six Ghost storics Stоr1,3 А (ihost ilr гIlс (iaгtlell

Fаthеr Ваrпеs was the village priest. This was his first visit to оur hоusе.
'I m glad that youve соmе,' I said.
'ItЪ а Ьеаutifцl old hоusе,' thе priest апswеrеd.'ЕчеrуЬоdу in thе village
is pleased that уоu'rе living hеrе. Yоu'rе making а wonderful difference to thе
house and gаrdеп.'
'Тhапk уоu,' I said. 'ýИhеп weve hаd tea, уоu must hаче а look at thе big
garden at the back.'
'I d like to do that,' hе answered. 'I'm very interested in gardens. But I dont
get muсh time to work in mine.'
'Yоu must Ье busy,'Joan said. 'Do уоu visit most people in the village?'
'I think the village рriеst should know ечеrуЬоdу,' hе said. 'I knew that you
and Мr Сhарmап wеrе busy. So I havent соmе to see уоц Ьеfоrе today. But I ve
noticed уоu both in сhurсh.'
ýИhilе we had tea, we talked about thе village. Fаthеr Barnes told us а lot
about its history. Joan and I Ьоth liked him. He,seemed to Ье а good, kind mап
and а good рriеst.
After we finished оцr tea, we went into thе garden. Fаthеr Ваrпеs knew quite
а lot аЬоut gardens too, and tbat pleased цs. Gаrdепеrs enjoy talНng аЬоut thеir
gardens. Тhеп we walked back towards thе hоusе.
'Do уоu know how уоur house got its strange паmе?' hе said.
'No,' said Joan. 'Do you know?'
'It was built Ьу а mап called Samways,' Fаthеr Ваrпеs said. 'In thе соuпtrу
а hоusе is often given the паmе оf its builder. Elijah Samways Ьцilt уоur house
mоrе than 200 уеаrs ago. Не was а rich mап, and hе built it for himsеlf.'
'Did hе hаче а family?' I asked.
'No,' Fаthеr Ваrпеs said. 'Нс livcd hеrс alone, withоцt wife оr сhildrеп. Не
had опе old sеrчапt - а man.'
'ýИhаt hаррепеd whеп hе died?'Joan asked.
'His hоusе was sold,' Fаthеr Barnes said. 'Nobody with his паmе has lived
hеrе since then. But now youve bought his hоusе and its паmе is still Samways.
ТhаtЪ quite nice, isnt it?'
ýИе agreed that it was. Тhеп I rеmеmЬеrеd something.
'ýИе'че got опе other big job in the garden,' I said. 'Look at this tree.'
I pointed at а big tree пеаr thе wall of thе hоusе. Its Ьrапсhеs wеrе nearly
touching оur Ьеdrооm window.
'ýИе'll hаче to сut it down,' I said. 'ItЪ too пеаr the hоusе. It will Ье
dangerous whеп thе winter winds соmе.'
priest /prilst/ (п) а religious реrsоп who works iп а church
sеrчапt /'sзlчопt/ (п) someone who works in another person's house
Ьrапсh /brolnt/ (n) опе of the parts of а tree that grow up and out from it

1в 19
il six Gbost storics Sttlry .] л (;ll(|st ill tlrt,(irrclc:rr

lll Iп thе strong wind thе Ыапсhеs looked like arms moving high above mу
lrcad. Тhеу seemed to send а message to mе, but I соuldпt rеаd their signs.
Опе day I stood оut there lопgеr thап usuа_[, and Joan called to mе frоm the
ltrluse. 'Непrу! ýИhаt аrе you doing out thеrе in the rаiп?'
'I'm coming, dear,'I answered.
Вut ЬеГоrе I rеtцrпеd to thе hоusе, I climbed цр thе trее. I cut the two
lrгlrnches that wеrе пеаr оur bedroom window. Fаthеr Ваrпеs was right, I
tlrrlшght. Тhе tree was strong and hеаlthу. Тhеrе was по need to сut it down. Вut
l filt sаfеr whеп those Ыапсhеs were shоrtеr.

Веfоrе Fаthеr Barnes could rерlу, Joan spoke. 'Оh, no, Непrу,' shе said.
'ýИе'че talked аЬоut this Ьеfоrе.' She tцrпеd to the priest. 'Ъll him that hеЪ
wrопg, Fаthеr. ItЪ а ЬеаutiГчl, hеаlthу tree. It's wrопg to сut it down.'
Тhе priest looked at thе tree fоr а long time, 'I must say that I agree with
Мrs Сhарmап,' hе told mе. 'ItЪ а Ьеацtiful tree. I dont think it's dangerous. You
can сut those top Ыапсhеs if thеу rе too long. Вut I dont think you should cut
thе trее down. It was growing hеrе Ьеfоrе Elijah Samways built thе hоusе.'
'ýИе wont do anphing in а hurrу,' I said. '\Ие'll wait uпtil winter comes.
Тhеп we'll decide.'
ýИiпtеr саmе late that уеаr. Тhе long, hоt summеr was followed Ьу а wаrm, dry 11, I

autllmn, and I didnt think about the big trее. Тhеп, in еаrlу NочеmЬеr, thе
winds began and the rain саmе. ýИе sat in оur соmfоrtаЫе living-room duriпg
thе day. ýИе rеаd books and listened to music. At night, we hаd оur evening
,l Ь
meal and went to bed еаrlу. Sometimes during thе day, I put on mу raincoat and
went into thе garden. I couldnt do апу wоrk thеrе, but I watched thе big trее. ,ll l.

20 2I
lit six Ghost stories Story 3 - А (]hоsс in the Gагdеп

I told Joan and she smiled at mе. 'I'm so glad that уоu agree, Непrу,' she
said. 'Now, take оffуоur wet coat.'
At thе end оf Novembeb the winter storms got worse. ýИе lay in bed at night
and listened to them. ýИе fell asleep at last with thе sound оf the wind in оur
ears. And whеп we were sleeping, it was in оur dreams.
On NочёmЬеr 30th - I cant forget that date - I woke uр in thе middle of
the night. Joan was sitting uр in bed.
'ýИhаtЪ the matter?' I asked. 'Cant you sleep?'
'Ssh! ... Ssh! ... Listen!'she said.
I listened, Ьut I could only hеаr the sound of the wind.
'\WhаtЪ thе matter?' I asked ber again.
"й/h.аt аrе уоц afraid of?'
'ТhеrеЪ а noise,' shс said. 'I can't hеаr it now, but it woke mе uр. Somebody
was knocking at thе window.'
'Joan, dear, dont Ье silЩ' I said. 'Yоu were dreaming. Lie down and go to sleep.'
'I'm not being silly, Непry,' shе said. 'Somebody оr ýomething is knocНng at
that window.'
I got out оf bed. 'I'l1 go down to the Htchen and make yQu а hоt drink,' I
said. 'Yоu'rе too пеrчоцs to sleep.'
Веfоrе I соцld open the Ьеdrооm dооr, she called to mе. 'I'm соmiпg too,
Непry. Dont leave mе hеrе. Listen!'
Апd this time I hеаrd it.
Knock ... knock ... knock.
Тhеrе, at the Ьеdrооm window. Slow, healy knocks. Loud епоugh to hеаr
аьочё thе sоцпd of thе wind.
- Knock... knock... knock.
] Lцrovcd towards the window. Тhеп I stopped. I was аfrаid to pull back the
с.rr,"i.ri. tr,was afraid to look thrоugh thе window.
ýИtrilе I stbod there, Joan spoke again. 'ItЪ all right, Непry' shе said. 'I know
what it is. Those long Ыапсhеs аrе knocking against thе window in thе wind.'
Вut thc Ыапсhеs wеrе too short to rеасh the window now. Веfоrе I could say
anything, shе pulled back thе сцrtаiпs. Тhеп shе sсrеаmеd; and mу hеаrt seemed
to StoP.
Тhе face оf ап old mап was looking thrоugh thе window. His long, white'
hаir was moving in the wind, and hе was holding up his hands. Не began to hit
them against thе window ... knock ,.. knock ,..
'Dear God!' I cried. 'Shut him оut!'
I pulled the curtains across the wiцdоw and put my аrm rоuпd Joan. l

God /god/ (п) the one who made Heaven and Еаrth, in some religions. Other religions have а
number of gods.
22 23
Six (]hrlst Storics Story 3 - А Ghоst iп thе Gтdеп

lll 'Неrе?' I said. 'But this isnt holy ground.'

'Соmе witb nre,' l saicl. 'We'll gо down to thе lritchen.'
Sbe put hеr hапсl it-r пriпе allcl I took Ьеr to thе dооr. 'No,' said the priest. 'Вut wc'Il make this holy grоuпd. ýИе'll pray fог Robert
'His cyes, НспгуI' shс said. 'Did уоu notice his eyes? Тhеу wеrе sad ... tеrriЫу l itгеsrеr.'

sad eycs, Неrlгу.' The рriеst got down оп his knees, and Joan and I did the same. Не рrауеd
Daylight c]1lIIc llt last.'Ihe wind was wеаkеr now and the mоrпir-rg was cold lilг Robert Fоrеstец and we prayed with him. Не prayed fоr that iппосепt mап.
l lc asked God to forgive Robert FоrеstеrЪ enemies. Тhеп hе took оГf the cross
arrc1 ЬгigЬt. Аt lline o'clock I telephoned FаtЬеr Ваrпеs. Не саmе and listened to
оtlг StOry. tlritt hе wоrе round his neck. Не planted it in thе grоuпd. Now thе ground was
Arl olcl пlап's fасе, уоu say?' hе askecl. '\Иith long, wbite hаir?' lrrlly.
'Yes" I saicl. 'He'll rest now,' said the ргiеst.
'Did hе seem апgrу?' asked FаtЬеr Barrres. 'Did lre want to Ггightеп you?' And we went back into thе quiet hоusе.
'()lr по!' |оап апswеrеd thе question Ьеfоrе I could speak. 'No, Fаthеr,
hс seerncd to Ье askirrg Гоr help. I'm sоrrу wc didrit hеlр him. ýИе wегс too
Гrigh terrecl.'
'Гhе priest spoke gently. 'Оf course
уоu wеrе аfrаid. tsшt I think thаt реrhарs
yoLL сап hеlр bim.'
'How?' I asked. 'Yоu seem to know something аЬоut thе mап, so plcase tell
tls. lГtlris tеггiЫе thing happerrs again, we won't Ье аЫе to stay iп this hоusе.'
'l tlrirrl< l сап solve thе пrуsrсrу,' hе said. 'Elijah Sапrwауs lived hеrе with
orre cllcl sefvallt. I tolcl уоu tbat, but I didnI tell уоu thе rest оf thе story. Опе
rright, thievcs killed Elijah Samways and stole all lris mопсу. Тhе thieves wеrе
печеr cattgllt.'I'he cllc1 Sсrчаllt, RоЬеrt Fогеstег, was accused оf leшirrg thеm
into tlrc lltltlsc,. "I'rrl innocent!" Ьс said. "l was aslecp all night." Rut nobcldy
believed hiIll. l lc wlrs а роог old rnirn with по family and по Ггiепds, and ... апd wэ

thеу hапgеd hilll irl rl-ris gагсlеп, fi,om а Ьrirrrсh оГtЬе big tгее. Тhсу lrangcd ап a.

iппосспt mаrr.'
'You believe tlrat Ьс wlts itltltrcctlt?' I asl<ccl. .iil

'I clo поw. I bclieve гl-rаt hс was wгtltlцlу ltccttsccl,' said thе priest. 'Не саmе to
.. : пil

уоu last night to ask Гог belp.'

'WЬу did hе соmе last rright?' I asl<cd.
'It was NочепrЬеr 30th,' said l,atlreг Rаrпсs. 'Тhеу barrged Robert Fоrеstеr
on tbat clate, 200 уеаrs ago.'
'How сап wc belp hinr?' asl<ed Joan.
'\ие rпust show birrr tbat we belicve iп his irrnocence.'
'Вut hоw са11 we tell him?' asked Joan.
'Follow mс,' said Fаthеr Barrres. Ancl Ье took tts into thе gагdеп, to thе big
trее. 'Тhry Ьчriеd Robert Fоrеstеr hеrе.'

accuse /э'kiu:z/ (v) to say that 5оmеопе has done something wrong
innocent /'rпэsэt-tt/ (adj) not а criminal
hang /hсп/ (v) to kill someone Ьу hапgiпg them from something around their neck haly /'ltэrrll/ (adj) чеrу religious
Ё}lУ /|tlýl/ (v) to speak to уоur god. You usually want to ask for he|p or to thank the god,
bury /'Ьегi/ (v) to put something under the grоuпd and сочеr it
24 25
l Activities 4 ч

It МЖ wеrе you right? Language iп чsе

The otd sеrчапt, Robert
Look back at уоur апswеrs to Activity З.4. Тhеп dгаw lines to make sentences. look at the sentence оп the right. Use the past
Fоrеstе1 was accused of
passive fоrm of the verbs to complete these
1 Непry and Joan mоче to the because something is knocking at 1antences.
[etting them into the house.
country the window.
l ,/rlur house _.. ,_. ,
2 Непrу wants to cut down because Непry cut them back.
., " (buitd) Ьу а mап called Samways.
the trее because it can't rest.
,' ,,,lmways's house (sett)after he died.
3 Joan can't sleep because it is too пеаr the house. 1 Д loný, hot summеr (fottow) Ьу а wаrm, drу autumn.
4 lt isn't the tree Ьrапсhеs because they want to grоw f[owers -t ,Д/tl (wake up) Ьу the sound of the wind.
5 Joan sсrеаms and vegetab[es.
lijah Samways..,
6 Тhе ghost of RоЬегt Fоrеstеr because thеrе is а face at the

,\rr innocent mап

is at the window window. ll
(hang) in the gаrdеп.

. ,] What mоrе did you [еаrп? tt t rrr,rl[y, he ...,.., ,.,,. . (put) to rest Ьу the рriеst.
1 What is hаррепiпg in these pictures?'s next?
l at the picture of RogerWingate's new саr оп
l rlclk
Pages 28 and 29. Не
tllinks it is а good саr at а good price.Why do you think the
рriсе is low?
lI uses а [ot of petro[ and is expensive to run.
It has Ьееп in an accident,

Ihеrе is something wrопg with it.

, ,r rrul ite уоur idea:

Ar r.
Уоu а пеryочs реrsоп? Ta[k to оthеr students and discuss these
,l,,,",l ions.

l 1l)l|аrе walking a[ong а quiet road at ni8ht.A cat sudden[y ruпs irt
frrlllt tlt
)ll. Do you sсrеаm, [augh оr not notice?

|' rltllaГeIisteningtoYouriPod.SomeonetouchesyottrshoLtlclct. I.)tlyrltt

,r ,,t геdгп? Оr do you ask what they want?
You suddenly [еаrп that а mап was kitted in уочr house. Апоthеr man was , i l )|| ,rге driving а[опе in уоur саr. Someone suddenly speaks. W}ral rlrl yclLr cltl ?
hanged in уочг gаrdеп. This happened mапу уеаrs ago. Will you stay in the
house? Wi[[ you sell the house and mоче? Ask оthеr students.

26 27
t Sкlгу 4 l{ogcr Wingatc'.s New Car

Rоgеr \Wingate's New Саr

l]ll 'I'll Ьuу it,'he said. 'I'll соmе fоr it tоmоrrоw evening whеп I leave thе
So the next evening Ье sat behind thе whееl of his big, new саr. Не drоче
А uoice spohe uery quiеtф. It taж - or it seemed to Ье

а tаоmап\ uoice. 'Тurп right here,'it said, ,,rlcГrrlly thrоugh thе city trаГfiс. \йhеп hе rеасhеd the main rоаd out оf thе
, iry, lre drоче fаstеr. Тhе саr lights lit thе dark rоаd fаr iп Гrопt оf him. Roger
( т Tow muсh?' Ье asked. Wirlgate was чеrу pleased with his new саr.
and pleased Rоgеr, Тhе car was big, but thе рriсе l{e hаd to stop at thе tгаffiс lights because thеу were rеd. Не listened happily
.t]l ть. апSwеr suгрrisеd
t,l t lle musiс оп thе саr rаdiо.
was low.
Strddenly, his hеаrtjumped. А voice spoke чеrу quietly. It was - оr it seemed
And it's опlу а уеаr old?' hе said.
'That's righi,' said the mап at the garage. 'опе уеаr old, ý7е know thе mап trlllс-аwоmапЪvоiсе.
'ý7е "llrrп right hеrе,' it said.
who owned it. sold it to him. Now wе'rе selling it fоr him, He's decided to
stop driving. ýИе'че looked аftеr it since it was пеW. It's а good саг. At this рriсе,
Iirlг а minute, Rоgег thоught that thе voice саmе frоm thе radio. Не was

i|s а uery good саr.'

,r1,1llc iп thе саr. Вut the radio was still playing music. And whеп thе voice spoke
,rli.rirl, it spoke into his еаr. It didn't соmе frоm thе radio. It seemed to соmе
Kog..iho,rght hаrd. Тhе garage mап was right, It was а good саг and the
l1,1lll thе раssепgеr seat next to him.
l! price was чеrу, чеrу good.





ffi ', ,ш ]ii

six Ghost stories Sкlг1, '] IirlчсI \X/ittgrtc's Ncrv (]rr

Ill 'ТЬrп гight hеrе,' it said again. ItоgеrЪ wiГе, Сlаrе, was чеrу pleased witb thе пеw саr. Shе tlrougbt it was

tБе voice of а уоuпg woman: а сlеац light voice. Не tцrпеd to look at ,,,,l.,h mоfе соmГоrtаЫе thап thеir old orre. '\X/e'll take mу mоtЬеr out with us
It -а.
the seat, but thе seat rмas emPty, оГсоцrsе. Тhеrе was nothing to fеаr. But Rоgеr ,, llrc weekend" she said. 'We'll take some food and go to the seaside, Тhаt will

\Иiпgаtе was аfгаid. l,, lirrr, won't it, Rоgеr?'

оthеr sounds саmе frоm behind him. Тhе drivers of the other саrs wеrе l{e didnt апswеr. Не was lool<ing at the пеw саr thгоugЬ thеir living-гoom
апgrу. Rоgеr lboked at thе trаГfiс lights. Тhеу wеrе grееп now- Не _drоче away l ]ll(low.
'Won't it Ье fцп?'shе asked again.
,Iйу, and thе саrs went past him. Тhе driчеrs shouted angrily at him.
But Rоgеr was not thinНng about thе апgrу drivers. Тhе sоцпd of that quiet Оh ... yes, оf соursе,' hе said. 'I'll enjoy thаt.'
'I can't rrnderstand
voice was ,ill i" his еаrs: 'тьrп right hеrе.' Не began to think аьоut thе rоаd уоu, Rоgеr,' shе said. '\ИhаtЪ the mаttеr? Youve just
l , ,rrql-rt tlris lovely саr and you don't seem чегу pleased.'
that went to thе right. It seemed to Ье а quiet street. Вut it wasnt thе way to his
hоusе, so hе печеr turпеd right at thе trаffiс lights.
l'rn sоrгу, Сlаrе,' hе said. 'I've got а diГficult job at thе оГfiсе and I was
, , lr lring оf tbat.'

l Ic didn't tell hеr аьоut thе voice in tbe new саr.

|' ,,iсг lefi Ьоmе еаrlу thс next пrоrпiпg. Оп his way to thе оГfiсс, Ье went to
, llis old fгierid Bill Наrреr. Bill workcd оп а пеwsрареr arrd lre wasrr't easily
l,r iscd Ьу апуrhiпg. Не listerred rсl RоgеrЪ story quietly. ТЬеп hе asked him а
, , ]

,1 i"rl ic,lt-t.

Ytltl dor-r't krrow that stгссt, then?'

No,'said Roger.
ll'чош turп rigЬt at those tгаtfiс lights, уоu'rе in а cluiet, паrrоw little street,'
l t}ill. 'l'Ьеrе аrе
а Геw trecs оп еасh side апd some nice bouses. It's called
i ,rlttlouth Road.'
l l:rvc yott Ьееп thегс, BiIl?'
( )tlcc:" at-tsweгedRill. АЬоut а yeal] ago.'
ЖЧy$ffi \',lLl do believe me?'said Roger. 'Yош believe tlrat I hеаrd that voicc?'
)i,lzbelieve that you hеаrd it,' said Bill. 'That's thе impoгtant tbirlg.'
liiiI wcnt to а сuрЬоаrсl and took оut а srnall cassette rссогс]сг. Ilt,g.rr,.,it t,,
l (l

' .l1,1,y that in уоur саr оп уоtlr wa1. lrome toniglrt,' llc slritl. ',\lvit,lr it tlrr jtlst
l, ,,l(,y()Llre;rcbthetrafficlights.SwitchitofTwhcrly()tl l,(, l)itst tlt,,tllrlli.. lir]llts.
I,,,,,,it llасktоmеtопlоггоwпlогпiпgапс]wс'll listt,rlt,l(ltt,t:lsst,llt, lll1,,t,tltcl'.
]' ,1,1ist, llot to play thе casscttc [:,сГогс ytrtr llгirlg it lllr.,lt.'
l ll ,lrl what уоu say,' said llogcl,. 'I пссtl lrcl1,, ltilI.'|'|t;tl vtlitt, lv,ls l..,lll tt,
]]l It st,crned tо hаче а lllessagc fill,rllc. I tltltl't liltrllv r,r,lrlrt tllt, lll(,ssll1,(,wils,

llrll чrrlilсс1 at hiпr. 'ltЪ all гight, lttlgсг. I lrtlrlrv уtltl'rс wtlt,t-ic,tl ,rlr.lrrt tlris. I
], l \ (,
_\,()tll, stогу. I'll hеlр yclrr iГl cirIl. Wс'гс trlc] fl,ir.lrlrls, t-сlllсtllllt,г. L]st, tll:rt
, ,t,, l,.,c<rI,cler оп thе way Ьогпс: arrcl Ыiпg it bacl< t()|ll()гг()w.'

30 31
six chost stогiсs
Stогу 4 - Roger WiпgаtеЪ New (]ar

Тhе next mоrпiпg Rоgег put thе cassette rесогdеr down оп ВillЪ desk. His face
Was White.
'Yes,' hе saicl. 'Yes. Vlu needn't ask mе. I hеаrd it. Just like last night. But did
this thing hеаr it?'He pointed at thе cassette гесоrdеr as hе spoke. 'IГit didnt,
уоu won't believe mе.'
'Sit down" BilI said. 'Let's listen to thе cassette. ýИе don't know yet whаtЪ оп
it. \йhеп we've hеаrd it, we сап trу to solve уоur mystery.'
Roger sat uпсоmfоrtаЫу on thе frопt оГhis сhаir. 'I didnt usе thе саr rаdrГо
last rright,' Ье said. 'I didnt wапt too muсh noise оп thе cassette.'
'Goodl' said Bill. 'I fоrgоt to tell уоu not to switch оп thе radio. I'm glad you
thor,rght оГthаt.'
Bill switched thе rесоrdеr оп, and thе cassette began to play. At first, thеу
hеагd only thе sounds оf thе moving сац and the rоаd цпdеr thе wheels. F
l1 'I opened thе саr window,' Rоgеr explained. 'I needed frеsh air.'
'Ssh! Ве quiet!' said Bill. 'I guessed that.'
Тhеп thеrе was less noise frоm the саr. It was ruппiпg чеrу qшietly.
'I was slowing down,' said Rоgеr. 'Тhе trаffiс lights were rеd. I knew that I
hаd to stop.'
'Quiet, Rogerl I understand whаtЪ happening.'
Roger closed his eyes and sat back iп his сhаir. Не was пеrчоus - no, hе was
аfrаid! Не was аГrаid that thеrе was по voice оп tbe cassette.'Perhaps the
гесоrdеr didn't work,' hе thоught. 'Реrhарs something went wrong and Bill
wont believe tTe. Тhеп ечегу evening I'll Ье аfrаid. I'll Ье аlrаid оf thе time
whеп thе voice will speal<. Апd опе evening whеп it speaks, I'll do it. I'll dгiче
mу саr into the mystery:rrrcl dапgег waitirrg Ьr rne in Мопmоuth Road. Оh,
God! Тhе voice must spe:rk now, оп tbe cassettc. Bill hаs to believe mе. Не hаs
to help me ... '
On thе cassette the noise оf thе саr disappeared. ТЬе саr was at tbe trаffiс
lights. Fоr а second thеrе was almost по sound.
Тhеп came the сlеаr, light voice, arrd thаt tеrriЬlе order: Тurп rig|lt
hеrе ...
'You hеаrd it!' Roger shouted. 'Bill! You believe mе! Yоu must believe mе
Bill switched off thе cassette rесоrdеr. Не turпеd to Roger and spoke чеrу
quietly. 'I hеаrd it. I believe you, Roger. ShеЪ young. I thought shе was.'
'What do уоu mеап?'
'Not now, Roger. I'll explain lаtеr. VЪеп you've finished at thе оffiсе, соmе
t,tlttttcl hеrе Гог mе. I'm going to travel back with уоu tonight!'
six Ghost storics
Stоц,4 l{ogcr Wiпgrtc:'.s New (]аr

Тhе саr left the city strееts Ьеhiпd. Rоgеr drove fаstеr. Bill sat next to him.
Nеithеr mап spoke. They wеrе пеrчоus ... waiting ...
Тhеу saw thе trаГfiс lights in frопt оf them. А grееп light shone towards
'Whаt shall l do iГthе light stays grееп?' said Rоgеr. 'I've hаd to stop at it fоr
the p:rst two nights.'
'It wo1-l't make any diffегепсе,' said Bill. 'Shе'll speak to you sоопеr iГthе
ligh stays grееп.'
'How do you know?'
'Ssh! Dont talk. Just listen. Тhеп do what sbe tells you.'
Тhеу wеrе пеаrlу at the traffic lights, and thе light was still grееп. RоgеrЪ
mоuth was dry and hе соцld hеаr thе sound of his hеаrt. Не looked quicНy at
his friепd. Bill was watching the grееп light.
Тurп right hеrе - it was thе same voice, but сIеагеr and stronger.
'Nowl' said BiIl. 'Into Мопmоuth Road. And wаtсhl'iИаtсh fоr trоuЫе!'
Roger turпеd thе wheel. Тhе big саг turпеd into the quiet little rоаd. А fеw
strееt lights Гоrmеd small lakes оГуеllоw in thе darkness. Тhе trees thrеw deep
shadows асrоss the frопts огthе houses апd оп to the rоаd.

\ giгl was standing iп the darkness, uпdеr опе оГtllс tгct,s.'|'lrt,rr tlrt. ligllts tll
llr, r;ll-Геll on hеr. ТhеУ could see lrеr сIеагlу. Shtl sh<lllc ltgltilrst tlr,. 1,1:rt,l<rr.,ss ,,l'
rl" lliцl-rt. Shе was уоuпg- twenty, rwc:rlry-fivc, рсгll;tlls. l]c.lltrtilirl llltsst,tl li,l.
l l,.lll\/ ()г а dance.
l lris is it!' Bill said. 'Ве чеrу сагсfirl, Ii<lgcг!'
I lrc giгl thrеw hеrsеlгiпtо thе г<lасl irr llrlrlt tlгthс car,. llrlgсг
1ltrllct| lrltгrl ltt
il,, ,r lrccl. Тhе саr hit the tree, thеп stо1-lрсtl.
l(,,1,,c1 jllmpgd оut оГthе саr. Не shotrtec,l irr а сгаzу voicc, 'Му (illtl, l'vt. lrit
l,, ,l |'r,t. killed hеr! Bill! Bill, whеrе аге yoLr? I-Ielp!'

Stогу 4 - l{tlgcr \fi/iIlgrtc's New Car
six Ghtlst stclгies

'Yes, Bill, please explain,' Сlаrе said. 'ItЪ been а tеrriЫе night. Yоu апd Rоgеr
wеrе lucky to escape uпhurt.'
'ýИе were.' Bill spoke чеrу slowly. 'Yes, I think she wanted to kill somebody.
l]r_rt I'm not surе that sbe wanted to kill zs. I'm not surе оf anything.'
'Ъll us. Please tell us.'
'i'll trу, Ьut it's very difhcult. This is а stоrу that I shall печеr write. Nobody
rvill believe it. I ve Ьееп in Мопmоuth Road Ьеfоrе. I told уоu that, Roger,
,lidnt I?'
'Yes,' replied Roger. 'Опсе, you said. But whу did
уоu gо thеrе?'
'I didnt wапt to tell уоu Ьеfоrе,' said Bill, 'Now, I must tell
уоu.' Не was
,ilcnt fоr а minute, thinking.
'I kпеw thаt girl" hе said, аt last.
'Yоu did?'saicl Roger. 'How? \Х/hо is shе?'
'ýИаit, please! Listen. Неr паmе is ... ' Bill stopped speaking. Тhеп hе
llaгted again. 'Неr паmе Luas Каthlееп Непsоп. She was killed in Мопmоuth
l1 lirlad. Вцt уоu didni l<ill hеь Roger. Shе was killed about а уеаr ago. Неr рiсturе
rr,:rs in thе newspapers, Му рареr hаd а big
рiсtuге оf hеr. That's how I knew hеr
'I dont rеmеmЬеr anything abotlt it.'
'I wоrk fоr а пеwsрарег, Rоgец' said Bill. 'I rеmеmЬеr these things. Kathleen
l lt,lrsоп lived with hеr Гаthеr and mоthеr in а house оп Мопmоuth Road.
t )Irc пight, she was going to а dance with hег Ьоуfriепd. shе was ready, but hе
r,,tsrr't thеrе yet. So she went into tbe stfeet to wait fоr him.' Again, hе stopped
'\X/hat happened next, Bill?' said Clare.
'Nobody сап Ье quite surе,' hе said. 'Shе stood thеrе and she waitecl. А саг
,.,t,tc down Мопmоuth Road. Sbe thоught it was hеr ЬоуfriепdЪ саг, stl sllc г,ttl
l ,ll illto thе strееt. Вцt the саr didn't stop. Тhе driчеr was а strапgег. l Ic tlitlrl'r

l.rr,,tv that she was waiting fоr somebody. Не didnt slow down. Нс cllrrltllr\. It
\\ l,, l()o late. Не hit hеr and Hlled hеr.'
Bill was Ьу his side. His voice was quiеt. 'It's all right, Rоgеr. Don't Ье afraid. 'Whzrt а
tегriЫе thing!' cried Сlаrе.
Yоu havent hurt hеr. Look! Тhе rоаd is emPty. Quiet, now. Ве quiet. It's all 'Ycs, it
was,'said Bill. 'Тhе police decided thаt it wlts all lrccirlt,rrt. Му
right.' lll \\sl)1lper sent me to Monmotttb Road. I asl<ccl lt ltlt <lГtlrlt,stitltls, llttr I t,tltlltllr't
'Вut whеrе ... whеrеъ shе gone?, said Rоgеr. 'I saw hеr, she was standing thеге
,lt,, rlrlcl'any пеw fасts. Now you krrow whу I l<lrc:w tllc girl. l'vt, ltt,vt,t, lilгgrlttt,lr
... Yоu saw hеr too ... thеп shе ... ' lr,r
I saw hег. дпd I saw what she did. But she's not hеrе now, Roger. Quiet,
litrt Bill, whу did Kathleerr Непsоп spcal< ttl r-rlc?'asl<,ccl l{rlgcI,. 'Wlry tIitl sltt,
nowl I'l1 get а taxi. Тhе garage will come fоr уоur саг. You can't drive it.' rrrr lllc to drive down Monmor-rtlr Roac,l?'

\ilttl,car was the саr that killed lrcb'said I]ilI. 'l,istclr to lllc, Ii.tlgсг. [)tlll't
'I Гееl better now.' Rоgеr рut down his empty соfГее cup. 'Please tell us what уоu
, ,, , ,lгivc thаt саr again.'
l<now Bill.'

ar з7
Activities 5
six Ghost stories

llW Wеrе you right? зl Language iп use

'we know the mап
'1 Look back at уочr апswеr to Activity 4.4.1.Тhеп tick (/) the best апswеrs be[ow., Look at the sentence оп the right.Then put the correct
who owned it.'
word from the Ьох betow in each sentence.
а where does the voice in the саr соmе frоm?

I l The radio. Гl
What does Roger's wife think of the new саг?
The аir
i.-- l
I l lt ls too big. l ] lt is comfortable.
1 Bi[[ was а mап ,,...,...,.......,, wasn't easiý surprised Ьу anything.

с What does the cassette р[ауеr rесогd? 2 '|'m afraid of thetime the voice witt speak,'said Rоgеr,

The voice ; ; Nothing. 3 'This is the р[асе the girt was kitted,' Bitt exptained.
d Who jumps out in frопt of Rоgеr's саr? 4 'This is а story l shat[ печеr write,'said Bit[.
: ] Kathleen's ghost.
5 'Yоur car was the саr kitted hеr,' Bitt totd Roger.
е Why was the саr сhеар?
; ] Because of the voice. 6 Rоgеr was а mап didn't be[ieve in ghosts.
' Because it kitted Kathleen.

2 Discuss these questions. WhаtЪ next?

а What do we know about the mап who owned the саr Ьеfоrе Roger? Look at the pictures.What do you think is going to hарреп in the next story?
ь Did the gагаgе know the history of the саr when they sotd it? Write уочr ideas.
с What wi[[ Rоgеr do with the саr now?

What mоrе did you lеаrп?

д woman was walking hеr dog оп the other side of Monmouth Road when the
accident happened. The police asked hеr some questions. write hеr answers.

poLICB: Did you kntlw K:rthlccrl \ifhat did shе do whеп she
Непsоп? saw thе саr?
woMAN: Yes, l did. l live in woMAN:
Мопmоuth Road.
poLIcE: \Иhаt was shе doing whеп PoLIcE: Did thе саr stop?
you first saw hеr? woMAN: 4

poLIcE: Did thе driчеr slow down?
POLIcE: Y/bat happened пехt? WOMAN:5
,ýиомАN: 2 Acar
poLIcE: Did you know thе driчеr?
ýиомАN: 6

Sгоlу ý
-А Fгiеlrrl оГ rlre Famil1

А Friend оГ the Family
'Mrs ]:rоЬ jsbar,'shc said. ']'hjs js ucr.y lziпd o|'.yot.t.
Iir сопrc hоrпе аglliп, .yott lепоt,t.,.'

(f kntlw y()t1 w()l1t likc it. L]ut wc can't гсГusс.'(iссilу l]гobisl-rcг;,irsscd

I.r lсггсг го hсr htlsb:rrlc1 as shc spcll<c.'I'hcy лчсrе sitting at the breal<f:rst
t:rlllc irt thсiг big, ссlrrrfЬrtаЫе kitclrerr. 'Read it, Fгссlеriс,' sl.e siricl. 'Тirеп yodll
scr: lltlw dif{icLrlt it is. Susirr-r Blakc w:rгrts Ьсr сlаugЬtсr to stay with rrs, irnd I
carl't гс,fusс.'
'I l<llcrw hcll,v rr.uсЬ
уоu lil<e Susal-t,'said hеr husb:llld.'I lil<e hеr tclo. I]ut I
cltlrl't likc hсг 1-rr-rsbarrcl. He'.s а tсггiЬlс nran. I clor-r't trust lrim. Нс tclls lics.'
'I cltln't tгust hiln, eithcr,'saicl Cccily.'Вut'lЪrспсс I]lal<c isn't cor-nirrg hсгс
t() st:l\,. l'leasc rеаd thс lcttcr, Frссlегiс, tben yodll uпс,lсгstапсl.'l'hсiг сlаughtсr,
lstlllt,], tltttst cclltle.'
liгс:сlсгiс ljгоЬishсг rсirс1 Susirn Blakc's lсttсг c:arcftrll1.. Sr.rsarl's htrsbarld,
h:lLi lr well-paicI job in Carlada, апс] thс:у nccdcc,l fhс гпопсу. Нс wirs in
(]lrlllrtllr lrlгclrtlp and she wat-ttec] tо jclill hiпT гЬеге. Rrrt Isobel lvas on11, siхгссrl,
lrtlrl slrt, wlls st;ll аг sclrool. Неr motlrer warrted lrеr to srау at scbocl] iп F,пglапd
uпгil slrc rvlrs cigbtcct-l. Cou.lcl lsobcl Iivc r,vith tЬе FrоЬisЬсrs uпtil thс:п?'l'hс
l,robislrc,r,s ,ччсI,с lllc tlrlly геаl Гl,iепсls tl-rat Susan hаd. lsobel's grапdраrепts wсrс
li all cieatl.
Frесlсгiс l;lrlllisIrt,r,p,rssccl tllc lеttег Llack to lris wile. 'I Гее1 sогrу Гоr: Susап,'
hе saicl.
'l do tocr, Iiгсtlс,riс,,' s:ritl ( ]t,cily. 'Sllc trrtlst irlirl'1.1rcrlcc stlrlll.'l'his is thе first F'rеdеriС FГОЬishеrwаs qr.liet fоr а пrinutc. Therr Ьс saicl
slowly,'I'vc trlltl ,,t,tr
gocrd job thаt llc's lllrtl li,r- r,сlrгs.' ir"cacly, I fееl sогrу fоr Su.sarr. I cl lil<e to hеlр lrcr:.'
дпd if she c{clestr't itlill llirlr, Irt"ll tltt s,ltttc,tltiIlц silly,'saicl Frеdеriс.'He'll lose 'Tberr sball I tell hег thаt Isclbel car, с,,-.?'
thе job. You can't tгust hiI1l. I lis lvilt,tltlcstl't tгrrst ]rirllI' I,гесlегiс was апgrу.,'Не Нег hLrsband looked at bis watclr. 'ItЪ late,'he said. 'I shoulcl llt,:rl
rvll1,1,., l lt,
wasn't honest with us wherl hс scllcl rrs tlris lltlLrsc.' l lt'tleсl tcl lris wife. 'Youd
like thе girl to cotlle Ьt-гс, wtltlItlrl'г r,tlrr?' Ir,,.rrli,,,l.
"Ilrаr was tei] уеаrs agcl,' Cecily sairl. lArld we've beetl чегу Ьарру lrеrе.' 'Yes, FrеdеГiС,'shе
saicl.'I hаvсп't seen Jso[=,cl fi,l, lt 1,1rlц ti,,,,,, l,,,t sl,,,\t,,l
Не smiled at lrеr. 'ýИе'r,е always Ьееп lrappy tоgегlrеr, nrlr d.,,r. And this is а ,,ricelittlegirl. ItwiIl [lCfirrltclhavelrcгwitllrls.дlltl slt.,z.,,t lii,.lI,|
,,l lIr,.
lovely hcluse. Rut'IЪrеrrсе I]lal<e гоiс,l lies about it, апс] thе;lriсе r,vas tclo high.' , r rrily.'
'Регhарs hе didrl't want to sell it,' sbe saicl. 'His ;laгetrts lived Ьеrе, Rlal<es Iiгесlегiсsmiiеd.'wгitс ttltllty, ()t,cily. lrr,itc Il(,|-l() (rllrr,,.W,,'ll lt1, 1tl ttt:tl,t,
bave livec] hеге fоr hurrdгcds оf 1.gllrr.' | , lr;rpl,y.'
'Не hаdю sell it. Не was stupid and sperrt all lris morrey. So lre lrad to sell l lc lefi tlrc kitchcrr arrd cItlsccl tIlt,titlt,l';rlit,1,1rilrr. Slr,.ll,..r1,1
lrilrr rr,.rll-
thе lrclr.tse.' r Ir)SS [(-) lris liЫагу. Не wa.s wгitill{] lt ttcr,r, llt,t,|i. l It,
lvtllItt.,l irl tlrt, liIlI,:rr\,(,\/(,|.\,
( ]ecily ptlt lrer lralrcl оп lrer lrusbancl's аflп. 'Let's stop talkirrg abottt Ъrепсе ,,,,,l,irlg.
lttlr.v, tl,.,ltг. I аgгее with yotr :rbout hinr. But wlrat shall I tell Strsatr?' lstlbel won't Ье iп tlrc way,'sIlc sаirl ttl llсгsсIl. "|'llt, lltlrtst,
is Iliц.'|'Ilt,rils
1 rrt_v сlГrсlоп-r fоr all оГ Lrs.'
tltlýt ill \ýIr, (v) to llelieve that sоmеопе is honest. They will not lie to you оr hurt you.
,i ()
six Ghost stories Stог1.5 д Friспrl огtье l_anrily

ll a
дьоut а mопth lаtец on а dаrk Dесеmьеr evening, cecily Frоьishеr waited in
thе hall аlопе. Неr husband was on his way to thе railway station to meet Isobel
ВlаkеЪ trаiп. She looked rоuпd thе hall. А warm firе was Ьurпiпg and all thе
lights wеrе on. Shе wanted the hоusе to welcome Isobel.
Тhеп shе sudd.enly felt ill. Shе could hеаr the sound of hеr hеаrt in hеr сhеst,
and hеr hеаd was hurtiпg hеr. Shе sat down in а сhаiг пеаг thе firе.
'Cecily FrоЬishеr, yoц are а silly woman!' she said to hеrsеlf. 'Yоц'rе пеrчоus
because а siхtееп-уеаr-оld girl is coming to stay with уоu. How silly! ýиhаt аrе
you hаче а loving husьапd who writes чеrу рорulаr books. yоu
уоu аfrаid oft
hаче а Ьеаutiful hоmе. Yоuге well and h"ppy.Now, rеst until Isobel аrriчеs.'
Shе fell asleep iп hеr соmfоrtаЫе сhаir Ьу the wаrm firе, and shе dreamed. In
hеr drеаm she could see herself, asleep in the сhаir. дпd shе SaW the liЫаrу dооr
ореп. Ал old woman саmе thrоugh thе dооr. she was wearing а long Ыасk dress
h., hаir was white. Shе walked slowly асrоSS thе hall to the firе, and turпеd
hеr йсе to tbe sleeping wоmап. Неr mоuth opened.
'Doni!' Cecily cried оut. 'Dont speakl Dont speak to mel I wont listen to you!'

Неr own shоut woke hеr. Shе jumped to hеr fееt. Тhе hall was еmрqF. Тhеп
* thе Гrопt door opened, and shе hеаrd а girlъ voice. 'I know thе way in. I can
walk аrоuпd this hоusе in the dаrk.'
Frеdеriс and Isobel саmе towards hеr. Не was саrrуiпg thе girlъ suitcase апd
'ТЬе trаiП was late, Cecily. ItЪ а cold, wet night. Ъkе Isobel uр to hеr гооtrl.
l'll Ыiпg hеr suitcase uр, thеп we'll hаче diппеr. I'm surе Isobel is huпgгу.'
Isobel was tall, dark and quite thin. Неr eyes wеrе Ыight and excitecl, sllc
spoke quickly, but shе wasnt пеrчоцs.
'Mrs FrоЬishеr,' shе said. 'ThiS is чеrУ kind оf
уоu. I've соmе htrtltt. ltgltill,
r ,,ц [пgцr.'

неr words were polite. cecily tгiеd to апswег thепl, Ыrt shc: li,lt
,rllсоmГоrtаЫе. Shе felt stгапgс in hеr own hоusс. \rVas tbis giгl tlrc vi.sittll.- <lг
,.,,rs shе?
[sobel looked rоuпd the hаll. 'ItЪ dif}Ъгспt,'shс sairl.'Yrltt'vc: ttlaclc chlltlges.'
\X/ell, we че-' began Cecily.
'Оf соursе, it's Гull оf light and itЪ waгttr,'saicl |sobcl. '\Ис l-tсчсг bad а firе iп
rlrt, lrall. It was too expensive. Вut
уоu'rе riсh.'
'No,' said Cecily. Shе tried to speak quietly. 'No, lsobel, we аrеп'triсh. \Wе
l,,rvc епоugh .., '
hаll /lrr:l/ (п) the аrеа inside the front door of а building. You walk through the hal/ to rеасh
rlIllt,r rooms,
42 4з

six Ghost stories Story 5 - А Friепd оf thе Fаmilу

'Lonelyl' Isobel smiled at hеr. 'I'm not lonely, Мrs FrоЬishеr. I cant Ье lonely
'тhаtъ kind оf you, mу dеаr.' cecily was pleased. 'вut you do need friепds оf
уоuг оwп age.'
'I dont need any уоцпg Гriепds. I аlrеаdу hаче all the Гriends that I need
'Тhапk you, dеац' said Cecily. 'Вцt Frеdеriс and I аrе muсh too old to Ье ... '
'Оh, I wasn't thinking оf you and busband.'
'ýИhаt do уоu mеап, Isobel?'ýИho ... ?'
тhе girl left thе rооm Ьеfоrе cecily could finish hеr question. cecily hеаrd
hеr laugh softly as she walked асrоss the hall.
Аftеr suрреr that night, Frеdеriс and Cecily FrоЬishег sat Ьу thе firе. Isobel
was uрstаirs in hеr rооm. Cecily spoke first, very quietly. Shе was afraid to speak
'Yоu doni look well, Frеdеriс,' she said. '\йЪаtЪ thе mаttеr?
'ItЪ difficult to explairr, Cecily,' he said. 'It's silly оf me, I know. Вut I baven't
been аые to writе since Isobel саmе hеrе.'
didni wait to hеаr Cecily's 'Вцt shе doesn't make а noise. I sometimes tbink thаt shеЪ too quiet.'
'\Иhiсh rооm аrе you giving mе?' Дgаiп, Isobel
'Оh по, itЪ not Isobel ... ' Не stopped. Не looked аfrаid.
'You'll sleep in the big frопt Ьеdrооm. It has а lovely view оf thе gаrdеп. I
'Ъll mе, Frеdеriс, Please tell mе.'
'I must Ье quiet and alone whеп I'm writing а book,' hе said. 'Yоu know
thought уоu'с1 like ... '
uр with гhаt. so mу liыаrу is чеrу important to mе. Itъ big and quiet and соmгоrtаые.
'Й., yor-r,' said Isobel. 'That always WaS mу rооm, Don't соmе
'1-rл,-,l. Му books аrе thеrе. I can sit at mу desk and write fог hоцrs.'
mе. I know tlrc way.'
длd she rаl1 Llp tlrc st:rirs. Frесlеriс followed slowly, with hеr suitcase in his
hапd. Cecily stood arrd watchcc] thеm,
firе. Не
\иhеп Frеdеriс rеtuгtrес] to tbc ball, lris wifе was looking into thе
саmе towards hеr and she tuгrrесi rоulld,
'I че made а grеаt mistake, Frесlеriс,' she said,
'Оh, it's too Soon to Say that,' hе said, 'Everything's Strапgе, Wе like а quiet
liГe. k'll Ье all right.'
не was trying to calm hеr, but hе was пеrчоus too,
дftеr а week, cecily Ьесаmе mоrе hореful. Реrhарs Isobel's visit wasnt

mistake. Тhе girl hеlреd with thе cooking. she joined in thе сопчеrsаtiоп at

meals. She went to bed еаrlу, and shе ofte., uрstаirs iп hеr
-.. rооm. She seemed

lrappy in hеr new liГе. h,

'ТЬ to hеr one day, Тhеу wеrе in thе
уоц must Ье lonely,' Cecily said
"Г."id 'You'll make Гriепds whеп уоu gо to уоцr new
l<itclrcn. Ltrnch was пеаrlу геаdу.
sclrtl<ll. lt's а lclnely life fоr а уоuпg giгl in this big house,'

44 45
six Ghost stories Story 5 А l]rierrcl оГ thе Farrrily

'I know, dear. Вцt поthiпg has сhапgеd. You go into thе liЬгаrу ечеrу 'Whаt do уоu want? \Х/hу аrе
уоu moving so quietly?'Fear made СесilуЪ
morning аftеr breakfast and you stay thеrе цntil luпсh,' voice апgrу.
'Y..,; h. said. And I havent written апуthiпg. оh, I've tried. But I cant think 'I always move quietly,' thе girl answered. \Иаs sbe smiling at thеm? 'Yоц like

about mу wоrk. I'm поt alone in thеrе.' thе hоusе to Ье quiet. I was thirsry. I саmе down to get а glass of water.'
'Not аlопе! .йЪаt do уоц mеап, Frеdеriс? I печеr соmе into the liЫагу whеп 'Тhеп get it and go back to
уоur rооm.'
'Yes, Mrs FrоЬishеr.'
уоu'rе Ьusу. I'm surе Isobel doesnt. Does
'No, shе hasnt been in. Вцt when I sit in mу writing сhаir, I сап hеаr а voice, А minute lаtеr, lsobel геturпеd frоm thе kitcherr. shе put thе glass down and
I think it's а woman's voice - ап old wоmапЪ voice. ShеЪ talking, but I can't hеаr stood Ьемееп thеm. 'You t-tечеr saw my grапdmоtlrеъ did you?'she said.
the wогds. Тhе rооm doesn't seem to belong to mе now. Му desk isnt mine. Му
'1didnt,' F'rеdеriс апswеrеd. Arrd I don't think my wifЪ did. \iИе didn't visit
сhаir isn't mine. Nothing in mу liЫаrу is mine.' this hоusе whеп уоu lived hеге. Yоur mоthеr came to stay with us once оr twice,
'Frеdеriсl Stopl' сriеd Cecily. 'Yоu'rе fгightening mе. Yоu necd а rеst - а Ьut we didn't соmе hеrе.'
holiday. ýИе mцst ,.. '
'му grапdmоtьеr livedЬеrе with us whеп I was а little girl. I loved hеr very
Shе stopped speaking as а shadow fеll асrоss hеr fасе. Shе looked uр. muсh. She told me:r lot оf stories аЬоцt thе hоusе. ItЪ чеrу old,
уоu know. She
Isobel was standing оп thе stairs. died hеrе. Тhеп my Гаthег lost his mопеу and you bought оur hоusе.'
'It was чеrу sad Гоr
уоu, Isobel,' said Frеdеriс, 'Ьut ... '
'Оh, dont Ье sогrу fоr me. I'm back now. Му grапdmоthеr promised mе.
"This hоusе will Ье уоurs"' she said.' Isobel smiled again. Nobody spoke fоr а
minute оr rWо. Тhеп shе said, 'Сап I use уоur liЫаrу, Мr FгоЬishеr? It was mу
grапdmоthеrЪ special rооm. Shе didnt like оthеr people to usе it. Except mе.
shе liked me to sit in tьеrе with hеr. I sat thеrе and listened to hеr stories. I'll Ье
very qшiet. I was always quiet in thеrе.'
'But .,. I don't think ... 11о ... ' Frеdеriс stopped. Не looked across at his wife.
Неr hands wеrе coverirrg hеr fасе.
'Don't trу to decide now,' said Isobel. 'Yоu сап give mе
уоur апswеr irr thс
rrrorning. I mцst go to bed now. Оh, I пеаrlу Гогgоt. Неrе's а
рhоtоgrа;lh rlГ
llry grапdmоthеr. I Ыоught it downstairs witb mе. I'm surе it will intcrcst ytlrr,
Мrs FrоЬishеr.' Isobel pushed thе рhоtоgrарh into СесilуЪ harrds. 'Lrltll. :rt it.
l)еrhарs you know thе fасе.'
Cecily looked at thе photograph. Неr Гасе went whitc atrcl lrt,t, t гу tl['li,:rl,
,,rrlg thrоugh thе quiet гооm. It was а
рiсturе оГtlrс <llcl W()lll1lll lгtlltl llct,tllr,ltltt.
l'lre FrоЬishеrs didn't sleep that nigbt.'I'hcy lay irl lllrtl t, ilr t;rlit.t
, , rices.
'Whаt сап we do, Frеdегiс?'slliсl ()ccily. 'SIlc lrttlsl
1]();lwil)/. 1ltrslrilrg rrs
,,rlt оГоur hоusе.'
'SЬеЪ not going to get me otlt.
'Вut shеЪ поt аIопе. Тhаt tеrгiЬlе tlIc| wtrtllarl is Ilсгс Irt,l1lirrg llсг. l{t,lllt.Irrl,,t,г
r, lr:rt Isobel said. Неr grаrrdmоthсг ргоr,пisссl hсг tllc h<lLt,sc. Sllr_:'Il tal<.. ir :tw;ty
lr,,11,1 ц5.'


six Ghоst stories Stогу 5 _ А Ргiепd оГthс Family

'That's impossible,' said Frederic,'It's 'Соmе in, doctor,' said thе police оffiсеr. 'No, not
уоц, Мr FrоЬishеr. ItЪ not
оur Ьоusе. ýИе Ьоught it. Апd bow can nice iп thеге.'
thе old wоmап Ье hеrе? ShеЪ dead.' Frеdеriс could hеаr thе sound огhis hеаrt while hе waitecl. And hе could
'Тhеп whу аrепt you аlопе in hеаг noises iп thе liыагу. Тhе police огfiсеr spoke. А сhаir was moved.
tbe liЫаrу? \VhоЪ in thеrе with you? dосtог said something. Тhе miпцtеs seemed iike hоцrs.
\ХЪу did I know the wоmап in that тhеп the liыаrу dооr opened again, and the doctor came оut. Не put а hапd
рhоtоgrарh?' orr Frеdеriсъ аrm апd took him to а сhаir аt the оthеr епс1 оf thе hall.
'But, Cecily... ' 'SЬеЪ dead, Мr FгоЬishег" hе said. 'ShеЪ sitting in thе big writing cbatr. Ноul
'Ssh! Listen!' old is shе?'
Тhеу hеаrd thе liЫаrу dооr open. 'sixteen, doctor. shе hаd hеr sixteerrtb Ьiгthdау just
Ьегоrе she саmе to live
Тhеп it closed. Slow footsteps crossed the with us.'
hall. Somebody - оr something - climbed 'sixteenl Тhеп wlrаtъ hаррепеd to hеr? Нег hаir is whitе,
and hеr face is the
the stairs. Тhеу hеаrd thе footsteps go fасе оf ап old woman.'
PaSt thеlr door. Тhеп
thеir Ьеdrооm door. -t hеп lsobel
Ьеdгооm dооr орепеd and closed. And in the darkness, thеу could hеаr voices.
Cecily took hеr husЬапdЪ hапd. 'Ъkе mе away tоmоrrоw, Frеdеriс. I'm
'Wc'll go tomorrow mоrпiпg, mу dеаr. But Isobel must соmе with цs. ý7е
can't lelrve hеr lrcre alone.'
\Иlrer-r it was light, Frеdеriс dressed. 'Put some things in а suitcase,' hе said.
'ýИе carr stay at thе hotel iп thе village fоr а day оr мо. I'll wake Isobel.'
ВеГоrе ()ccily was геаdу, Ье was back. 'Нurrу!' hе said. 'Leave that sцitcase.
Isobel isn't in Ьсг гооlrr.'
'Not in hег госlпl! \rХ/hсrе is shе?'
Frеdеriс hr-rrriеd lrls wiге ciownst:rirs and оut оf thе hоusе Ьегоrе hе answered.
'Тhе liЫагу dооr's lockecl. l clrn't gct in. Вuг lsоЬеlЪ ir-r thеrе. And shеЪ talking
to someone.'
Не drоче to the village and left Cecily at tlrc lrotel.
'Yоu lI Ье sаfе hеге,' hе said. ''ýИait цntil l соmе back.'
'\Иhеге аrе уоu going, Frеdеriс?'
'I'm going to get а police оffiсеr and thе doctob' hе said. 'Then I'm going L
back to ошr hоusе - if it is оur hоusе.'
Тhе police оГfiсеr looked closely at the lock оп the liЫаrу door.
'I shall hаче to Ыеаk а window and climb into thе гооm,' hе said. 'тhаt lock
is too strong to Ыеаk.'
Frеdеriс FrоЬishеr and thе doctor waited in thе hall in Гrопt оf thе liЫаrу
сi<lог.Тhеу hеаrd thе sound оf Ьгеаkiпg glass. Тhеу hеаrd the key turп, and the
tl<lог tl1,1cnecl.

4в 49
Activities 6
six chost stories

Wеrе you right? Language in чsе

1 Look back at Activity 5.4. Тhеп put а cross (rY) next to the two sentences that Look at the sentence on the right.Then use the lf she doesn't join him,
аrе not trче. verbs to complete these first conditiona[ he'll do something si[[y.
аП The B[akes owned the house that the FrоЬishеrs [ive iп.
ьп The Frobishers invite lsobe[ to live with them.
] lf we (not say) yes, Susan (not Ье abte)

сП lsobel fee[s at home as 5ооп as she аrriчеs in the house.

to go to Canada.

dп Frederic hеаrs ап o[d woman's voice when he is alone in the [iЬrагу. 2 lf lsobe[ (come)to live with us, it...,.,,...,.. .. ,. (Ье)

еП Onty lsobel and hеr grапdmоthеr used the liЫаrу when they [ived in the fun.

house. 3 lf you (get) the diппеr ready, l ...... .,. . (take)

fП Ceci[y sees the otd wоmап watking past hеr Ьеdгооm dооr. lsobe['s suitcase upstairs.
gП lsobe[ [ocks herse[f in the [iЬrаrу. 4 lf lsobe[ (make) friends at school, she
hП Frеdегiс takes Ceci[y to the hotel in the vi[[age. (not Ье) tonety.
l L]г--1
А police officer Ыеаks into the liЬrаrу from the garden.
5 lf she (stay), she (push) us out of оur
J L] lsobeI is dead in the [iЬrагу,

2 Discuss these questions.

What's next?
а What happened to lsobel in the [iЬrаrу? Look at the tit[e of the next story and the wоrds in ifalics below it. Look at the
Ь Wilt the Frobishers go back and [ive in the house? Why (not)? picture оп раgе 53. Which of these [еttеrs is the woman waiting for?
с What wi[[ the FrоЬishеrs te[[ Susan and Теrепсе Blake?

What mоrе did you ]еаrп?

What do we know about these реор[е? Match the information to the паmеs. dltnb 3
еlПь 3 Sр*м
92 CA,,*'l ,R"",d ,{r,ж tqЩi
1 Теrепсе B[ake
doesn't trust hеr husband. |"!i.lloiJc
ft,tl?""l ,(r*а
, r'/ /

(,,n9(,"a, [fl,tl,"L
2 lsobel Blake
has а we[[-paid job in Canada.
щW ь
З Frеdеriс FrоЬishеr
has two mоrе years at school
Susan Blake
[ikes а quiet [ife. r/,(" Ш',",:;,1
( /tt,t :

5 Otd Mrs B[ake )7 (1,,h ,('ll,, 1,

used the liЬrаrу as hеr specia[ rооm. r-/1,

/1r" у
6 Ceci[y FrоЬishег
writes рорu[аr books.

lr SToRY
Sгоrу б - А Вirthdау Саrd fоr Мrs Rоgеrs

А Birthday Саrd fоr Мrs Rogers , i;,


I шаlhеd slоu-,ф uр the gаrdеп path of Number 9]. I searched througb

', it;, ,].ii_li]
mу bag but I соuldп't l]:l.
fпd апу letters for that address.
_; ;.
' ,, ], ,

f picked uр mу bag of letters, left thе post оГfiсе апd started mу long ride
I thrоugh thе streets оf Hillwick. It was seven o'clock оп а sцппу summеr
mоrпiпg. Тhе Ыight mоrпiпg made me h"рру, Ьut'tЬеrе was апоthеr rеаsоп
fоr mу happiness. Му wiГе and I wеrе frоm London. Вut whеп Hillwick was
looking Гог а postman, I decided to take thе job. Now, six weeks later, we hаd
а соmГоrtаЫе little hоusе with а good gаrdеп. ýИе liked thе quiet, sleepy little
towlr, and we аIrеаdу hаd some Ггierrds. iф
I've always liked mу wоrk. I like frеsh аir and ехеrсisе. Апd people need
postmcl1 to саrrу their letters safely. Тhе business life оf the country stops if
lettcrs аrепt delivered. But I rеаllу like delivering thе private letters. People write
to tl.cir old Гriепds. Adult сhildrеп write to their parents. Boys wгitе to thе girls ,dlфвr
thсу lovc. It makes mе happy to саrrу these letters.
I was thinl<ing оГаll thоsе things as I rode mу bicycle down Gold Stгееt on
thаt Ьгight sttmmег mоrпiпg, Most of the buildings wеrе shорs and offices, and
I dе|iчсгссi lettcrs to thеm all. Му bag was mцсЬ ligbter whеп I turпеd left into
сhшгсh lloaci.
Not trrally <lГt|lс hottses in Сhr_rгсh Road had letters tbat mоrпiпg, so I soon
аrriчеd :rt tl-rc lllst lrtlrtsc,, Nul-rrlrer 92. I had thгее letters fоr that address. Whеп I Неr voice was soft, апd hсг big Ыоwп eyes watcbeci mе.
opened thе gatc t<l tllс fl-tltlt gагdеll, I hсаrd lr voice. А card ог а lеttец' shе said. 'Fгоm mу sorr iп Аmеriса. Нс lives thегсl lltlw,
'You've forgottcrr rlly lсttсг, p()stlllall.
Ьцt hе печеr Гorgets mу birthday. ItЪ mу Ьiггhdау today,
Тhе voice came fгor-rl thс glrгсlсll rlГ Ntrr-rlllcг 9l . А worn:rrr was standing in роsгmаr"r.'
'I hоре уоu'll hаче а hаррУ... ' I warrted lrеr to Ье h.рЪу. I
wrtrtctl llt,t ttl
гrопt оfthе dооr огthаt hоusс. hаче hеr lеttеr. But I knew tbat I didrr't hаче опе fог hег.
''JИаit а miпutе,' I апswегссl. 'I'll сlсliчсг tl-rcse lctters to NumЬег 92, thеп I'll 'Please look agairr, postman" shе said. А lеttеr оr сагсi Гllг
л Мгs Ilrlrilt, litlt,,,.r.s
соmе back.' оГ91, Сhuгсh Roac].'
I pushed thе letters thrоugh the letterbox оf NumЬеr 92, апd thеп I walked I looked thгor_rglr пlу bag agairl. l kIlcw tllсгс Wlls ll() ttrist:rlit..'|'llt,l.t.rv;ts
slowly uр thе garden раth of NumЬеr 91. I searched thrоugh mу bag, Ьut I lrothingfor Мгs llоgсrs, btrt I c{iclrl't WaIlt t() llral<c lrt,t.s:rcl.
couldni fiпd апу letters fоr that address. I felt апgrуwith lrсг,stlll. It Wils Wг()ll1] tll'Ilirrl tll litt.цсl ltis llttlllrt,r.'s llil.tlrtllr.y
Тhе womar-r stood waiting Гоr me with а little smile оп hеr fасе. She I couldnt tell hег th:rt. IJtrt that'.s wll;rt l tIr<lttglrt.
seemed sцге that I hаd а letter Гоr hеr. She put out hеr hапd and I could see At last, I hаd to spclrl<. 'l'lrl stlt,г1,, ffi1.5 ll..,ц.,r.'|'lrr, trt,rlrirrц llсli. l.,l.t,,,tt.
а big gold ring оп hеr fiпgеr. Неr grеу hаiг was Ыight in thе sunlight. Shе l'сгЬарs ... tоmоrгоw ... I'п-r s<lгrу ... '
was wеаriпg а dark grееп dress, and shiny sboes. I sеаrсhеd thrоugh mу bag Тhе Ьарру smile was gcltrc, ,rtlcl I sltw tcltl-s ill Irc,,s. Srrtltlcrrl1,, slt.. 1,1.1ltt.ll
aglrilt. чс:гу small and чегу old.
'l)егh:tрls itЪ а card,' she said. 'Sometimes hе sends mе а letter and sometimes
vllicc w;ls чсгу wclrl<. .llc's
'SоmеthiпgЪ hаррепеd tcl lrinl,'slrc slricl. lIсг
llt, sctlcis tlrc :r саrd.' ,,счеr Гоrgоttеп Ьеfоrе.'

six Ghost stories
Story б - А l3iгthdау Сагd Гоr Мгs Rogers

I felt Ьеttеr аftег that. It wasn't а Ьirthdау саrd frоm hеr son, оf соuгsе. Вut it
shе tцrпеd away Гrоm mе. ýиhеп I rеасhеd thе gate, I looked back. Тhе frопt
was а card, оп hеr Ьirthdау. Somebody was thinking аЬоut hеr.
dооr of NumЬеr 91 was closing.
At thе bottom оf Gold Street, I tцrпеd left into СhцrсЬ Road. А big lогrу
I delivered thе rest of thе letters and cards in mу bag and I returned to thе
was раrkеd outside опе оf thе hоцsеs. Тhе traffic wasn't moving, and I hаd to
post оffiсе. Му mоrпiпgъ work was finished and I was frее until six o'clock that
ъr,..,iпg. Тhеп I had to go to thе rаilwау station with the letters that wеrе posted
I thought аЬоцt thе dауЪ рrоЫеms while I waited. 'iИhу wasni I at hоmе
in Hillwick.
now, wогkiпg in my gагdеп? \Х/hу was I trуiпg to look аГtеr Мrs Rоgегs?
I started to ride my bicycle down sheep street, but I stopped at а little саге
And why hачеп't I seen Ьег ЬеfЪrе?' l asked mуsеlf. 'I've wоrkеd in Hillwick
fоr а сuр оf соггее. \иhаt а sad Ьirthdау fоr Мrs RоgегsI I wanted to make hеr
and deliveгed lеttегs iп Сhuгсh Road Гог six weeks now. But tьеrе hачеп't Ьееп
h"рру again. But hоw?
^ТЬ.; any letters Гоr NцmЬеr 91. I hачеп't seetr Мrs Rоgегs at Ьеr dооц оr in hеr
I had ап idea. I went to а пеWsрареr shор whеrе thеу sold birthday
gаrdеп. ItЪ stгапgе.'
cards. I сhоsе а саrd Гог Мrs Rogers.
Вцt I hаd по апswегs. Тhе trаГfiс began to mоче, and I rоdе to Мrs Rogers'
I сhоsе thе birthday card чеrу саrеГullу. It was а сору оf а picture Ьу Тirrпеr,
'НlпРу Birthday, house.
thе great Errglish painter. Inside, thеrе was а simple message:
I got оfГ rny bicycle at hеr gаrdеп gate. ý7hile I walked uр the gаrdеп раth, I
ВеlЙ th. -Ъrr"gЪ, I wrоtе, 'Fоr Мrs Rоgеrs. i hоре that I shall Ыiпg уоu а саrd
'Yоur Postman', tried to solve апоthеr рrоЫеm.''Shаll I рush thе саrd thrоugh thе letterbox and
frоm уоuг son tоIпоrrоw.'Тhеп I signed my паmе and added,
walk away?' I asked mysell 'No, thаtЪ not чегу Гriепdlу. ItЪ hег Ьirthdау. She'll
want to talk to somebody.'
So I knocked loudly on hеr dооr. I held thе саrd оut in Гrопt of mе and I
waited fоr thе dооr to ореп.
'Yоц won't get an апswеr thеrе, postman.'
Тhе voice came frоm thе next gаrdеп. А wоmап was looking at mе. She livecl
in NumЬеr 92, апd Ьеr паmе was Sраrsоп. I knew this frоm hеr letters.
'I don't цпdеrstапd ... ' I said.
'Тhаt hоusе is еmрry" shе said,
'I ve got а birthday саrd fоr Мrs Rоgеrs,' I said. 'It's hеr birthday totl:ry.'
'I know it is,' shе said. 'Оr ... l know it was.'
'ýИаs?' I asked. '\Х/hаt do you mеап?'
'NцmЬег 91 is empty. NоЬоdуЪ lived thеrе fоr а уе:lг.'
'Вцt I saw Мrs Rоgегs this mоrпiпg. Sbe was waiting filr lrrt,. Slrt, trlltl
mе аЬоцt hеr birtlrday. Shе wirs lroping Гог а сагс1 llrlrll Irсг s<llt, l lt, livt,s irr
'Не did|iче in Аmегiса.' Мгs Sparstlrl's,t,ttlt,tl l<,rt,lt,r,. 'Д ),.,,tr,,tlT,
today, Мгs Rogers was waitirlg [-ilг а lliгtlrdlry t,llrrl li,rllrr It..,t,s,,lt. l lt, rrt,vt,l, lilrlirlt
hеr birthday. Тhе саrd didn't аггiчtl, llttt llrtсl, tlrlrt tl:ry slrt, lr,r..l lt 1llttllt.,c,:rll {i,tlrrr
New Yоrk. Неr son was de:rd. Killccl ilt lt cltt, llc,c,it|t,ttt.'
'ýfhаt tеrriЫе news!' I said. Arlcl tltl lrсг lliгthtllrу!'
'It was,'said Мrs Sparson. 'Shс clieci thаt cvcnillg, rl{'lt llr,ll<crl llcal,t.'
I stood thеrе Гоr а minute. ТЬеп I pllt Мfs ll.оgсгs' Ьiгthсlау саrti ill rlry
pocket and I walked slowly to thе garderr gatc.

Ta[k about it write about it

Describe what is happening in the pictures. Тhеп чsе уоur ideas to finish the
Е Discuss which is the most frightening story iп this book.Which is the least
frightening? Why? ffi
Э What are you afraid of? Look at this tist and add two mоrе ideas.Then put the
[ist iп оrdеr from the most frightening (1) to the teast frightening (S).

, ' а loud sсrеаm behind а c[osed dооr

: а tight suddenty going on and off
1i а phone ringing, but thеrе is по опе at the оthеr end
' а frightening taugh in the night

а voice talking чеrу quiet[y in the соrпеr of а rооm

а strange [ight moving across the wa[[

Е Look at this photograph of a'ghost'.

The photograph was taken in 1863.

а How was the picture made, do you

ь Does it look rеа[? ls it frightening?
с When you imagine а ghost, is it
tike this? How is it different fгоm
this one?
Imagine what happened Ьеfоrе
this.What is going to happen next?
Те[[ the story.

}|ош rlшБl| lllt qogl,

Project'l4/e sawa ghost!' Project'I,V'е saw а ghost!|

Wоrk with two оthеr students. Yоч have gопе out fоr the day together. Where Suddenly you all see а ghost. What is it tike? Tatk about these ghosts, and
are you? Choose one of these p[aces. choose опе.

You аrе waiting fоr the last trаiп at You аrе [ooking аrоuпd ап o[d house
а station.There is nobody оп the in the country. Тhеrе was а firе at the
platform. lt is [ate, dагk and co[d. house, and parts of it аrе fal[ing down. lt moves things about and sometlmes lt саrriеs its head uпdеr its аrm.

Nobody lives thеrе now. it throws them.

r#]',' шшflшш i
#"], li,!H ff



You аrе walking in wi[d, open соuпtrу,

You аrе fo[[owing опе lonely rоаd, but
You аrе ruппiпg through а city раrk fоr
уоur evening ехеrсisе. The street lights
W^. ,,Щil,
thеrе аrе по саrs. you сап hеаr horses аrе [it. lt is wiпtеr and it has snowed. You can hеаr it but you печеr see it. You сап see thrочgh it. lt can mоvе
on the rоаd, but you can't 5ее theгn. lt Why агеп't you at home Ьу the firе? through stone wa[[s. lt can fly чр and
is getting late. down stairs.

Yоu аrе going back to уоur саr аftеr Yоur idea.

eating out in the city.Your саr is on the
top f[ооr of а four-f[oor саr раrk. Тhеrе А priest caught it in а bott[e. lt can't Yоur ideas.
аге [ots of dагk stairs. get out.

5в 59
t' Project 'VYe saw а ghost!'

You find очt thci history of уочr ghost. Decide оп anýwers to these questions.
Who was уоur ghost when it was alive?

what did it do?

Why can't it rest?

Where does it spend its time?

what does it do when it sees someone?

What do people do when they see it?

Yotrr ghost wants to leave this world. How do you help it?

Get rеаdу to ta[k about уочr ghost. Say where уоu saw it. Tatk about what it is
[ike. Describe its history. How сап it [eave this wоr[d? Which of you is going to
say what? Make notes hеrе.

Student А

Student В
врм Gandia central
Sig.: .,ix
N l}lJ|t / ,tttt,lr.,lr
Student С Тj.Г. : li ix r;host lll rlt ir,:.
Aut . : BtrI t].оп. lj . ll .
Сбd.: бВЗ249(i Rcq.: ilttl,/,|
Take tчrпs to te[[ the class about уочr ghosts. The c[ass should decide оп:
. the most frightening ghost . the most be[ievable story illill lilil ilill lilil шil
l ilш illil ilil шl
. the silliest ghost . the [east believab[e stоrу
six Ghost stories AcTlvE
S. Н. Вurtоп
Level 3
Вгitish English 1200 headwords
What is the sесгеt of Room 7? Why do the FгоЬishегs
feel so uпсоmfогtаЬlе with thеiг young visitor? Why is
Rоgег Wingate аfгаid to dгiче his new саг? And is the
old wоmап at NumЬег 9l геаllу waiting fоr а biгthday
сdгd that печеr comes? The апswегs to these questions
аге in the stoгies in this Ьооk. Will you sleep wel| аftег
you f;гish them?


Easystarts 200 headwords

Level 1 З00 hёadwords
Level 2 600 headwords .
г г
Level 4 1700 headwords

СоVеt u5tгаt оп Ьу ]оп Рrос|о ,/ www.:h;ttllloпasSoc ates,com

ISBN 978-1-4082 ,54 /


www.pengu iпrеаdегs.соm ,|шI[lшшш|шil]ш|ш||,

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