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International Journal of Construction Education and


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Automated Tool Tracking on the Construction Site

James D. Goedert Ph.D., P.E. , E. T. Foster Ph.D., P.E., C.P.C , Jason Jewell & John

To cite this article: James D. Goedert Ph.D., P.E. , E. T. Foster Ph.D., P.E., C.P.C , Jason Jewell
& John Bartek (2009) Automated Tool Tracking on the Construction Site, International Journal of
Construction Education and Research, 5:1, 12-23, DOI: 10.1080/15578770902717535

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International Journal of Construction Education and Research, 5:12–23, 2009
Copyright # Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 1557-8771 print=1550-3984 online
DOI: 10.1080/15578770902717535

Automated Tool Tracking on the Construction Site


E. T. FOSTER, P.H.D., P.E., C.P.C
University of Nebraska Lincoln, Omaha, Nebraska

Computer Engineer, Omaha, Nebraska

Electronics Engineer, Omaha, Nebraska

Construction companies need to find a balance between the cost of lost or stolen
tools and equipment and the cost associated with tracking them. The objective of this
research was to develop a tool and=or equipment management system using a con-
struction gangbox modified with a radio frequency identification reader, antennas,
and custom communication hardware and software. The system allows users to
automatically check in or out tagged tools and=or equipment. It was laboratory
tested for functionality using 50 tools over varying read times and found to be both
accurate and reliable. The prototype costs are discussed along with potential cost
reductions and improvements. The system can be extended to include materials
and has the potential for use in industries other than construction.

Keywords identification, RFID, security, theft loss prevention, tools

Introduction and Problem Statement

Construction companies have long looked for ways to decrease expenses from lost or
pilfered tools, equipment, and material from the jobsite. Tool, equipment, and mate-
rial theft are serious problems for the construction industry. Ogershok (1999)
reports, for estimating purposes, that small tool allowances can amount to 14% of
jobsite overhead. Means (2004) sees small tool allowances ranging between 0.5%
and 2% of construction costs. On a $10 million dollar project, a 0.1% saving will
deliver $10,000 to project profits. Locked tool sheds or boxes restricting access to
necessary tools and equipment reduce productivity. Open access allows for lost
and stolen tools or equipment resulting from lack of accountability. Larger projects
often hire an employee to check tools and equipment in and out resulting in addi-
tional expense. The technology available today in radio frequency identification

Address correspondence to James D. Goedert, University of Nebraska Lincoln (Omaha

Campus) 102D PKI, Omaha, NE 68182-0571. E-mail:

Automated Tool Tracking on the Construction Site 13

(RFID) is inexpensive, compact, and easy to install. Tools equipped with tags are
easily identifiable with inexpensive readers.
The primary objective of this research was to develop an affordable, user
friendly, automated tool management system. Two sub-objectives were necessary
to accomplish the primary objective. The first sub-objective was to create a standard
construction toolbox with the ability to successfully identify the tools inside the box
each time the door is closed. The second sub-objective was to develop a user-friendly
program for monitoring and managing the system that could include multiple
storage locations.
Figure 1 shows a looped tool=equipment management system. The iBox, devel-
oped by the authors, identifies users through electronic means and identifies the tools
and other tagged items removed and replaced by the users. Each removal or replace-
ment transaction is downloaded to the microcontroller in the toolbox. The informa-
tion is then transmitted to a web server with Internet accessibility allowing managers
to determine the individual responsible for a tool or piece of equipment.
The methodology used to assess successful identification of tools within the tool-
box was to test run a series of trials at a variety of speeds to determine the most
appropriate balance between time and accuracy. The program was tested under a
number of scenarios to test accuracy of recordkeeping.

Figure 1. Intelligent toolbox operation overview.

14 J. D. Goedert et al.

There are many research projects focused on material tracking in construction using
RFID technology and global positioning systems (GPS). Jaselskis, Anderson,
Jahren, Rodriguez, and Njos (1995) described a conceptual system for use in
concrete operation, for labor and equipment coding, and material control. More
recent studies by Jaselskis and El-Misalami (2003) describe two pilot tests: one using
RFID tags for a unique material tracking system, the other using a bulk material
tracking system. This study showed a 30% decrease in time during the receiving
process for the bulk materials while showing improvements only in the downloading
time for the unique tracking system. Atkinson (2004) describes a system of tracking
each item in a shipment or container using RFID tags with electronic product code
data, a situation that is comparable to tools in a box.
Furlani and Pfeffer (2000) used barcodes to identify and track structural steel
and metallic components in real-time on a construction project. They found the
use of RFID tags on steel members to be problematic. Song, Haas, and Caldas
(2006) describe an approach that used RFID with a global positioning system to
automatically identify and track materials on the jobsites.
They used a ‘‘rover’’ device that travels around the jobsite and matches the
RFID identification with the GPS location in two dimensions at the time of the read.
Caldas, Torrent, and Haas (2006) determined that the time spent locating pipes on a
large industrial project was reduced when using GPS devices. They were able to
reduce the number of steps and the possibility of human error and increase the sche-
dule reliability. However, Bulusu, Heidemann, and Estrin (2000) suggest that GPS
may not be suitable for small devices for practical reasons including size and cost.
They used a connectivity-metric method for localization using RFID. This method
would find the centroid of beacon signals sent from node locations to determine
the approximate location of the tagged devices.
Jang and Skibniewski (2008) focused on a methodology to minimize signal pro-
pogation to improve the accuracy and reliability of location measurements. They
proposed an automated tracking system on the construction site using ZigBee, an
emerging wireless communication standard. The system uses both a radio frequency
signal and an ultrasound signal to increase the accuracy of the distance from the sen-
sor to the router. Ergan, Akinci, and Sacks (2007) developed automated approach to
material tracking in a precast concrete storage facility. They installed a reader on a
gantry crane equipped with a GPS that could record the item and location each time
a precast component was moved. Song et al. (2006) describe a material tracking pro-
cess that combines the use of RFID technology with GPS to track materials on the
construction site with some level of success with the proximity localization techni-
que. It is currently possible to find a tool within the range of a handheld reader.
A user can walk the jobsite scanning for tools until the missing tool responds to
the reader. The distance between the user and the tool will necessarily be within
the range of the reader.
Fully Integrated and Automated Technology Consortium (FIATECH) (2004)
field tested a larger portal antenna to identify pipe spools as they enter the jobsite.
They attached active, self-powered tags, to the fabricated pipe spools and attempted
to read the inventory as it passed through a portal. They found that the success rate
was greater when more time was allowed to identify the tags. They also found greater
reliability when the antenna sensitivity increased.
Automated Tool Tracking on the Construction Site 15

In a subsequent study, FIATECH (2005) tested tool tracking through a portal

system set up in a tool shed. Employees and tools were identified when passing
through an RFID portal antenna similar to the process previously described for
material tracking. An active tagging system checked tools out of a gangbox. A signal
was transmitted every minute to an RFID reader for an inventory of the tools. RFID
scanning was found to be quicker than barcode scanning. Thirty trials were
performed to find seven tools in various locations within the gangbox among other
tools to test the reliability of the system. The reader was successful in 26 of 30 trials,
lasting 2 minutes. The primary issues in these studies was interference due to metal
and placement of the tags, the ability of the system to work within the traditional
processes, and the read times. Samura and Foster (2004) note that the passive tags
have become ubiquitous in many industries such as retail and transportation due
to their low cost, high adaptability, and maintenance-free durability.

Research Methodology
The iBox described here exhibits supply management techniques described by the
authors as point source or proximity monitoring. Proximity monitoring differs from
traditional portal monitoring in that the former ‘‘takes attendance’’ of objects at a
specific location (point) while the latter reports passage of objects at a point. Proxi-
mity monitoring is able to assign a custodian to each object and thus control each
object’s chain of custody.
The research methodology includes three distinct phases. The first phase coin-
cides with the first sub-objective that was to to create a standard construction tool-
box with the ability to successfully identify the tools inside the box each time the
door is closed. The second phase coincides with the second sub-objective that was
to develop a user friendly program for monitoring and managing the system that
could include multiple storage locations. In order to be of practical importance to
the contractor, it was necessary to be able to monitor a large number of tools in a
variety of locations. The software was tested in a laboratory setting with a number
of computers in remote locations. The software and hardware were then tested
together with a variety of hardware configurations. The third phase was the func-
tionality test. The functionality test simulated the construction environment with a
number of users checking out different tools with remote user access to the informa-
tion. It was important to the user that the system be both accurate and efficient. This
funcitionality test included a series of timed experiements to determine the optimal
scan time with regard to accuracy.

Development of the Hardware

A Knaack Model 89 StorageMaster metal gangbox with model 489 interior door was
modified to accommodate a microcontroller, SanDisk (SD) card reader, keypad,
power supply, 802.11b wireless communicator, battery system, and an RFID reader.
A metal gangbox was selected to create the most difficult condition for using RFID.
Since the box is entirely enclosed in steel, it acts as a shielded enclosure. This resolved
the issue of false readings of tools outside the box but within reading distance. The
box comes standard with two shelves. A Model 489 cover door was installed to
enclose the space between the shelves thus creating a worst case scenario to overcome
within the box. The SD card reader is only activated when the door to the gangbox is
16 J. D. Goedert et al.

closed as opposed to the continuous reading required by the FIATECH (2005)

system. The SD card reader is mounted inside the toolbox and communicates via
a wireless transmission to a server that is accessible through a website developed
as part of this system.
Figure 2 is a block diagram showing the relationship between these electronic
components used to operate the tool management system. This hardware works with
custom designed software that reads the RFID tagged tool inventory each time the
exterior door is closed. The door latch was modified to allow access through a sole-
noid activated by the electronic lock, shown in the block diagram, that responds to
pre-authorized key sequences assigned to each employee. The database contained in
the microcontroller in the toolbox is updated with the employee and inventory infor-
mation each time a transaction is processed, (i.e., the door closes). The change in
inventory before opening and after closing is checked in or out to the custodian, such
as an employee, that opened the door. This information is transmitted wirelessly to a
web server that automatically updates the inventory checked in or out by the
employee. The password-protected Inventory Management Interface (IMI) is acces-
sible via the web.
Power is supplied through a standard 120 volt alternating current (AC) cord that
is switched on the outside the box. The 120 volt AC is connected to a power strip
inside the box for charging tool batteries and providing power for the 24 volt, three
amp trickle charger that charges two 12 volt 36 amp batteries connected in series. The
24 volt unregulated power is then stepped down to the voltages required by the
components. The batteries can supply the power necessary to run the toolbox for
12 hours of heavy usage.
The custom built power supply provides up to 3 amps of output at 12, 5, and
3.3 volts. The 12 volt regulator supplies power to the RFID reader, the 5 volt
regulator to the microcontroller; and the 3.3 volt regulator to the light-emitting diode

Figure 2. System block diagram.

Automated Tool Tracking on the Construction Site 17

(LED) and SD card reader. A heat sink with a cooling fan was necessary to dissipate
the heat created in the enclosed space resulting from the three voltage regulators.
An Atmel AT mega 128 microcontroller, specifically designed for this project,
was programmed using an AVR ISP programming port. It contains a clock with a
74hct573, 128k memory chip with battery backup to store data in case of power
failure. Two serial ports are used to communicate with the wireless module and
the RFID reader. The board has ports for SD board, power, relay output, and
the lock and door switch.
The interface to the SD card is through three 1.8 kX and three 3.3 kX resistors
that reduce the 5 volt signal to a 3.3 volt signal that communicates with the SD card.
Orcad was used to write the schematic layout for the SD card reader that was created
specifically for this project. The card reader was mounted to the board along with a
10 pin header. A 915 megahertz passive system with Electronic Product Code (EPC)
Gen 2 standard RFID tags was used with a reader able to multiplex up to four
antennas. The Applied Wireless Identification (AWID) MPR-3014 long distance
reader has a maximum power output of 1 watt and allows for network communica-
tions as well as serial connection. Alien Squiggle Gen 2 tags can be read up to eight
feet from the reader.
Three of the four antennas supplied with the reader were installed, with the
fourth antenna of the off-the shelf reader not being needed. Two antennas were
installed inside the top of the door to read the top shelf and tags in the main section
of the box. The third antenna was installed in the area enclosed by the two shelves
and the interior door. This area is also the space used to store the electronics inside
an enclosure to prevent damage.
A Lantronix 802.11b wireless card allows for communication over the Internet
or local network to or from a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) port. A long
distance antenna was used for the wireless card providing greater communication
The standard locking mechanism for a Knaack toolbox is a padlock that is
inserted into an opening with the key opening facing out. The position of the pad-
lock prevents the latch from moving into the disengaged position. The opening
was fitted with an insert that was fabricated to accommodate a four pound solenoid
with a one inch stroke that prevents the latch from moving into the disengaged posi-
tion. The energized solenoid allows the latch to disengage. The solenoid is energized
when a correct six digit combination is input on the 16 key indoor=outdoor electro-
nic keypad that can be programmed to respond to 1,000,000 number combinations.
Many tools are made of metal and are often flat. This was problematic if a tool
was placed in a manner that shielded the RFID tag between the tool and the bottom
of the box or shelving. It was necessary to provide a space between the tools and the
bottom of the metal shelves or the gangbox itself. This was accomplished by inserting
rubber anti-fatigue mats approximately one inch thick.

Software Development
Software was developed as part of this research project to control the hardware, to
receive communications from the toolbox, to communicate to the server, and to run
the web based user interface. A class library was created for use by the web and TCP
program for database communication. The software can accommodate any number
of iBoxes as required by the user.
18 J. D. Goedert et al.

Controlling the Hardware

The software controlling the hardware in the toolbox includes drivers for the locking
mechanism, wireless communications, memory card, and RFID reader. The soft-
ware, written in C using Code Vision AVR compiler version 1.24.8d, recognizes indi-
vidualized passcode assigned to employees through the keypad and activates the
solenoid to open the door. Once the software recognizes the door closing, it scans
the toolbox for a list of available tools. The difference in inventory between the time
the door is opened and closed is assigned to the individualized passcodes for each
custodian. This information is saved to the SD memory card and transmitted to
the server through an 802.11b wireless network and a TCP connection. A manager
can add passcodes and register any number of tools.

Communications Software
The TCP connection and wireless protocol are handled internally by the WiPortTM
web server located in the toolbox. The microcontroller communicates to this device
via an RS-232 connection. This RS-232 data is converted to TCP and sent to the IP
and port listed in the WiPortTM memory. Each transmitted inventory change is also
saved to the SD memory card to ensure that no transaction is lost during wireless
interruptions. Transactions occurring while outside the wireless range can be down-
loaded from the SD memory card to the server. The scaleable Transmission Control
Protocol (TCP) software can receive information from the multiple toolboxes or
send information to the server.
The iboxListener, written in C Sharp (C#), supports the wireless connection
from the toolbox to the server. It consists of: program application.cs that opens a
new console window and starts the program TCPServer listening; TCPServer.cs that
is responsible for listening for communication requests on the Internet Protocol (IP)
and port number specified; and the program TCPSocketListener.cs where the actual
communication to the Intelligent Toolbox occurs. The WiPortTM on the iBox trans-
lates the serial communication it receives from the microcontroller to a TCP stream
that is then sent to a specific IP and port number. The socket portion allows for mul-
tiple toolboxes to communicate with the same server. The program listens on a single
IP and port for an incoming connection. Once that is received, a new socket is
created, which is then used for future communication with that toolbox. Once the
transmission is complete, the port is available for another connection allowing
support for an almost unlimited number of toolboxes.

Web User Interface

A web user interface was selected to allow easy access with no username or password
required. It is protected from outside users gaining access to the data similar to an
intranet system with a firewall.
ITBPacketHndlr.dll is a class library created to communicate with servers from
multiple applications. This allows for one set of codes to be used as it passes and
returns packets that are used by the program iboxListener and the web site. It deci-
phers the packets, updates or retrieves data from the Structured Query Language
(SQL) server, and returns the appropriate data to the program that called it. SQL
is a computer language developed specifically for data retrieval and management.
The toolbox program PacketHndlr.cs class decrypts the packet received as an
argument. Procedures are selected to process the packet depending on the data
Automated Tool Tracking on the Construction Site 19

received. This program can also convert data from byte type used in the TCP
communication to the string, integers, and time formats for the SQL database.
The ToolBoxSql.cs program class communicates with the SQL server. It inserts
transactions into the database and retrieves the employee identification information
to send to the toolbox.

Web Application
The web site allows the user to add, delete, or modify data such as tool and employee
information in the SQL database as shown in Figure 3. It was developed with Visual
Web Developer and The SQL database was selected because of the easy
interface with Visual Web Developer and C#. Since this software supports multiple
toolboxes and users, the structural integrity of the database is very important. The
database includes tables such as BoxData, EmployeeData, ToolData, and Tool-
Transaction. Queries can sort the database by any field within these tables. The
web site Home Page gives a brief description of the toolbox and its capabilities.
Managers gain access to tool and=or employee information through a login page.
All users can see the inventory of tools as well as current locations, if the tools
are currently inside a toolbox. The Tool Location page includes fields such as tool
description, manufacturer, serial number, purchase price and date, warranty end
date, RFID tag number, and the most recent transaction. The Last Tool Transaction
view provides the current location of the tool in a toolbox or the user responsible for
the tool. Managers have access to change these fields as necessary. Queries allow
sorting of the database by any of these fields.

Figure 3. Website to modify tool data.

20 J. D. Goedert et al.

Managers are also able to add, remove, or edit employee information through
the Edit Employee Data page. The fields include employee identification, passcode;
first and last name, e-mail address, phone number, and employee hire date. Users,
other than managers, are restricted from gaining access to this information.
The Data Exhange page reads a text file using a Visual Basic procedure located
in a Windows Internet Explorer window. The manager clicks the submit button to
upload the new transactions from data stored in the SD memory card in the toolbox
to the SQL database using the ITBPacket Hndlr.dll program class. Each line is pro-
cessed and sent to the text box on the web page with a message saying ‘‘OK’’ or
‘‘Duplicate.’’ The ‘‘Duplicate’’ designation indicates that the transaction was already
in the database and, therefore, prevents repeated transaction listings.

Functionality Test
It was important to test the system to ensure practical use on the construction job-
site. The hardware was tested and modified until all tagged tools were readable. The
software was tested for reporting accuracy by simulating a large number of jobsites
with multiple toolboxes on each jobsite with a number of employees with access to
the toolboxes. It was important to the user that the system be both accurate and effi-
cient. Three variables were tested to determine the level of functionality for the iBox:
scan time, accuracy, and power load. The scan time is the time it takes to look for the
inventory. The accuracy is the number of accurate reads. The power load was tested
for reliability.
The scan time was an important consideration since a long scan time allows for
more accuracy in reading every tool. However, an employee waiting in the queue will
not be allowed access until the scan from the previous employee is complete. The
read rates of the tags were tested using different configurations and locations within
the box to depict a worst case scenario typical of an actual construction project. The
scan times were established in 5-second increments beginning with 5 seconds to a
maximum of 25 seconds to determine the best balance between the accuracy of
the scan and the wait time between employee transactions.
Fifty tools were tagged ranging from a screwdriver to power tools and including
some tools made entirely of steel such as a pipe wrench. Twenty trials were con-
ducted for the 50 tools at various read times, the results of which are presented in
Table 1. Each trial consisted of 6 scans of the inventory with different tool place-
ments for each trial resulting in a total of 120 scans at 20 different placements. An
additional 20 trials were conducted to determine the total time to read all 50 tools
as shown in the last column. The rows of the table represent the 20 trials, while
the numbers in the body of the table represent the number of tools out of 50 that
were read given the scan time represented by the columns.
A power load analysis was conducted to test the design of the power supply. The
power supply design was designed for output up to 3 amps of current at 12 volts. The
iBox requires only 2 amps at full load. A 2.5 ampere power resistor was connected to
the power supply and run for various time periods.

Managers can easily input tool and employee data into the system, and employees
can access the box through individualized codes. The reader checks the inventory
Automated Tool Tracking on the Construction Site 21

Table 1. Number of tags (out of 50) read within the scan time

Trial # 5 Sec. 10 Sec. 15 Sec. 20 Sec. 25 Sec. 100%

1 42 47 48 50 49 15
2 40 47 50 50 49 40
3 46 47 49 49 50 18
4 43 50 50 50 47 180
5 43 48 49 50 49 24
6 39 49 50 48 48 48
7 47 48 49 49 49 26
8 44 44 49 47 48 22
9 44 47 50 49 48 23
10 46 48 46 47 50 27
11 50 45 49 46 50 35
12 42 47 49 47 50 24
13 43 47 47 46 48 15
14 41 46 48 47 47 67
15 45 48 49 48 49 24
16 46 48 49 48 50 85
17 42 49 48 49 50 70
18 42 46 49 50 49 53
19 45 45 48 47 49 27
20 43 47 47 47 49 9

within 25 seconds each time the door closes and assigns the change in inventory to
the employee that opened the door. This tool management system performed well
under the simulation and should provide a practical solution for the construction
site. Inventory can be checked by the manager at the end of the day to ensure that
all tools have been returned or during the day to determine the person currently
using the tool. Training is minimal beyond the code access to the toolbox. The man-
agement software is also reasonably intuitive requiring little training.
Fifty tools were tagged and the results indicate that this system is 94% accurate
with a 10 second read and 98% accurate with a 25 second read as shown in the Func-
tionality Test section of this paper. This is a substantial improvement over the pre-
viously described FIATECH system with an 87% accuracy and a two minute read
time using more expensive active tags. Tools used in this project were tagged by
the researchers in a manner and locations to protect the tags. This creates another
level of complexity for field use. It is anticipated that manufacturers will eventually
include tags for all tools. Currently some tool manufacturers will have tags installed
on equipment by sending them to a subcontract vendor upon request. In order to be
useful in this application, all manufacturers will need to install tags that respond to
the readers installed in the toolbox or the user will need to install the tags.
Passive tags do not allow for identifying tool locations but rather simply list miss-
ing tools. Locating lost tools is not within the scope of this project; but it is certainly
within the realm of possibilities. The cost and size associated with active tags that
respond to location inquiries are prohibitive for small hand tools. In addition, active
22 J. D. Goedert et al.

tags require an energy source as opposed to passive tags that simply respond to a
signal from a reader. This technology may be more suitable for larger, more expensive
equipment; and, as technology progresses, may find applications in smaller tools.
The Ibox will work for 12 hours of heavy usage using only the batteries, but the
box must be plugged in on a regular basis. A power strip was installed in the top shelf
to be used to charge the tool batteries. The power strip becomes a benefit since many
tools are now battery operated. The batteries are checked out as an item separate
from the tool and can be charged overnight in a secure location.
The limitations of this toolbox include the cost of the box, tagging tools, the
inability to locating lost tools, the power supply. The cost of the parts for the
prototype box was approximately $6,000. Under most applications this is excessive,
considering the toolbox itself costs just under $1,000. One cost reduction measure
would be to combine the separate circuit boards into a single board and power
supply. The AWID MPR-3014 extreme durability reader with four mono-static
antennas was nearly $2000. The prototype used three of the four antennas available
with this reader to reduce the read times between transactions. The Federal Commu-
nication Commission limits the radio frequency power produced by the AWID
MPR-3014 reader to one watt. The power setting was set at 10 dB below that in
order to produce the best read results. This indicates that MPR-2010 reader with
one-half watt of power, that currently costs about $1,000 with two antennas, would
dramatically reduce the cost and still function properly. The Input=Output, power,
and multiplexer are the main differences between the two readers.

The Intelligent Toolbox (iBox) is an automated RFID tool management system that
provides real time tool inventory and tracking. The system was proven reliable with-
out regard to tag placement and metal obstructions; it integrates well into traditional
tool management processes: and the read times are much less than the active systems
previously tested. The system uses passive tags that are less expensive than the active
tags used in previous research. The price of an active tag can range from $20 to $50;
and they are relatively large making them an unrealistic choice for most tools. The
passive tags were purchased for about 25 cents each and can be installed on most
tools unobtrusively. Their low price makes the passive tags useful in identifying tools
in any range of value. In addition, the rugged passive tags are permanently mounted
and have minimal maintenance requirements.
The iBox was designed to easily integrate into the jobsite to track tools and small
equipment. The system should reducing lost or stolen tools, which will improve the
profitability on project. The cost of checking tools in and out to custodians is also a
significant expenditure that can be reduced.
There are several applications for this procedure beyond that for tools, including
some material handling such as light and plumbing fixtures or door hardware. Hard-
ware suppliers sometimes bundle the hardware for each door eliminating the need to
‘‘shake out’’ the stock, thus improving the efficiency at the jobsite. These bundles
could be tagged and stored in a jobsite trailer equipped with similar technology.
Workers removing hardware bundles would be accountable for them. This could
also be tied to the schedule assuming that hardware, light and=or plumbing fixtures
once removed from storage are soon installed.
Automated Tool Tracking on the Construction Site 23

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