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Coaching with T-GROW Model

The particular issue or challenge that has led the client to book an appointment with you.

What is it that you want to achieve, both in this session and ultimately?
How could you state that positively? (if stated negatively)
How will you know when you have achieved it?
When do you want to have achieved it by?
How will you measure your achievement along the way?
If you can have this, right now, would you take it?

What’s happening now regarding this issue?
What specifically have you done so far towards achieving this?
What has stopped you?
How much control do you personally have over the outcome?
What’s your main concern about this goal or challenge?
What resources do you have already that can help you achieve this? E.g. skills, time, money,
energy, support,
What extra resources will you need to achieve this goal and where could you get them?
Who else may be affected by this goal?
Who else knows about your desire for this goal?
Who else could you ask for help when achieving this goal?

What are all the different ways that you could approach this issue?
What else could you do?
What if you had more time, control, money, power or energy?
What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?
If you were advising a friend, what would you say?
If you could start from scratch, what would you do?
Who do you know or know of, who is already achieving this? What do they do?
I know, you said you can’t but if you could, what do you think it would be?
I know you can’t but if you could just think of three more things you can do.

Which of your options will give you the best results?
Which option appeals to you most or feels best?
Which option would give you most satisfaction?
So, which options do you choose?
Will this option take you to your final goal?
What could arise or hinder you from starting?
What obstacles will you need to overcome on your way?
When will you start?
On the scale of 1 to 10, how certain are you that you will take this action?
What stops your certainty being 10 out of 10?
What could you do to raise your certainty to 10 out of 10?
Who needs to know what your plans are?
What support do you need and from whom?
What will you do to obtain their support, and when will they do it?
What can I do to support you?

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